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1 Introduction M any estuarine and coastal copepods that havepreviously been classified as holoplankton m ightbestbe described as adultm eroplankton since they actuallyspend a portion oftheir life cycle in the seabed as rest-ing eggs [review ed by G rice and M arcus (1981) andM arcus (1996)]. R esting eggs can be extrem ely abun-dant (106 m ) in bays and estuaries especially w here -2w aterdepths are less than 20 m (M arcus,1989).Theyare likely to profoundly influence the dynam ics ofpel…  相似文献   

UV radiation is known to affect aquatic primary producers and their grazers. However, little has been documented on its effects on zooplankton grazing. In this study, the authors investigated the effects of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400-700 nm), ultraviolet-A (UV-A, 320-400 nm) and ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) radiation on grazing, mortality and lipids oxidation of the copepod Acartia pacifica collected from the Xiamen Bay. After 30 min of the exposures, the copepod was fed in darkness with the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum at two cell concentrations (2.5 × 10 4 and 2.5 × 10 5 cells/ml). At the low cell concentration, the individuals pre-exposed to PAR (218.0 W/m 2 )+UV-A (48.2 W/m 2 ) or PAR+UV-A+UV-B (2.1 W/m 2 ) showed suppressed clearance and grazing activities compared with those receiving PAR alone, by 22.7% and 17.1% for clearance and by 22.6% and 5.5% for grazing rates, respectively. However, the suppression on clearance and grazing became indistinctive at the high food concentration. Exposures to UV-A and UV-B led to increased lipid oxidation and higher mortality, furthermore, the mortality linearly increased with enhanced oxidation of lipid.  相似文献   

1Introduction Benthic -pelagic coupling refers to the two -way exchange or flux of matter between benthic andpelagic environments in aquatic systems. Most stud-ies have focused on the deposition of non-living or-ganic matter to the seabed, resuspension an…  相似文献   

The seasonal size structure and spatial abundance distributions of Euphausia pacifica populations were investigated in the central part of southern Yellow Sea from August 2009 to May 2010.The abundance and biomass of E.pacifica were higher in spring and summer,and lower in autumn and winter.The mean abundance and biomass(calculated by carbon)were 74.94 ind./m~3 and 8.23 mg/m~3,respectively.Females with total length(TL)ranging between 10 and 19 mm in summer had a substantial contribution to the population biomass,whereas larvae of TL of 3–7 mm in spring were the main contributor to the population abundance.The sex ratio(female:male)showed a female bias in four seasons.Its value peaked in summer,and then decreased in autumn,spring,and winter successively.Cohort analysis revealed that the length-frequency distribution of E.pacifica could be characterized as one group with large animals(mean TL12 mm)accompanied by one or two subgroups of small individuals(mean TL7 mm).Regarding the spatial distribution,juveniles and adults of E.pacifica tend to concentrate in relatively deep water with low temperature(~11℃)and high salinity(32),whereas its larvae showed more abundance in inshore water with rich chlorophyll a,low salinity(32),and warm temperature(11℃),especially in summer and autumn.Associations changed seasonally between stage-specific abundance and environmental factors.  相似文献   

Information on life cycle strategies and reproductive parameters of Metridia pacifica is scarce, despite its importance in the zooplankton of the subarctic Pacific. In many regions it occurs in high abundance, but reproductive rates, when reported, are usually low. This discrepancy was studied in Dabob Bay, Washington, USA, in the context of an investigation of the effect of diatom blooms on the reproductive success of copepod grazers.In situ egg production rates of M. pacifica were measured in spring and mid-summer with standard methods (multi-wells) and a new incubation chamber (spawning towers) that separates the spawning female from its eggs and allows the eggs to develop undisturbed. Many females did not produce eggs, possibly due to a high fraction of immature individuals. Egg production rates were variable, but clutch sizes were higher in spawning towers, and estimates of female egg cannibalism revealed that females consume many eggs shortly after their release. Thus, a separation of females and eggs is mandatory for accurate measurements of M. pacifica egg production rates. The maximum clutch sizes recorded in our study were comparable to measurements for other calanoids. However, unviable eggs were a large fraction of those spawned, independent of incubation method, especially in late winter and early spring. In order to assess whether the diatom effect may be responsible for low viability of embryos and nauplii, we also measured in situ grazing. Adult females were omnivorous, but they ingested some diatoms that rank among the strongest anti-mitotic toxin producers known so far. Although M. pacifica’s vertical migration behavior suggests opportunistic feeding on abundant food during their short stay in the phytoplankton-rich surface, they often ignored the food items that contributed most to microplankton carbon concentrations. Thus, their feeding strategy remains ambiguous. Due to severe reproductive failure early in the season, recruitment was impaired in spring, while the population increased, reaching high abundance in mid-summer when reproductive output was low. While advection and interannual variability in bloom conditions might compensate for the losses described here, the paradox of high Metridia abundance versus low reproductive success still requires further investigation, and methodological constraints need to be ruled out in future studies.  相似文献   

从发病死亡的养殖太平洋双色鳗鲡(Anguilla bicolor pacifica)肝脏中分离到一株优势菌AMSH1,为研究其种属、毒力及中药敏感性,结合BIOLOG微生物鉴定系统和16S r DNA序列分析对该菌株进行鉴定,并通过人工回归感染试验确定其致病性。此外,还研究了10味中药单用、10种双联用和4种三联用对该菌株的体外抑菌作用。结果显示该菌株为类志贺邻单胞菌(Plesiomonas shigelloides)。经人工腹腔注射感染健康太平洋双色鳗鲡,证实该菌具有致病性,半致死量LD50为3.2×105CFU/g。药敏试验结果表明,10味中药均有较好的抑菌效果,其中五倍子(Galla chinensis)、丁香(Eugenia caryophllata)和生地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis)的效果最好,7种双联用复方和1种三联用复方均具有协同抑菌作用。本次引起太平洋双色鳗鲡发病的病原为类志贺邻单胞菌,该菌对太平洋双色鳗鲡的致病性及其中药药敏的研究属首次报道。建议选用含五倍子的中药双联用复方或三联用复方进行防治,皆绿色环保。  相似文献   

为了确定斑点鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)发眼卵孵化的适宜温度、盐度条件,作者通过设置不同的孵化温度和盐度,研究了温度、盐度对斑点鳟发眼卵孵化的影响。结果表明,发眼卵孵化的适宜温度范围为8~16℃,孵化率都在(73.33±2.04)%以上,最适温度为10℃,孵化率达(87.77±1.23)%。温度高于24℃时发眼卵不能孵化。温度在6~22℃内,斑点鳟发眼卵孵化时间与温度成负相关关系。斑点鳟胚胎发育的平均积温值为343℃?d。发眼卵孵化的适宜盐度范围为0~15,孵化率都在(85.33±1.92)%以上,最适盐度为0,孵化率达(97±1.13)%。盐度高于15时的孵化率为0。盐度在0~15内,发眼卵孵化时间与盐度成正相关关系。  相似文献   

The copepod Acartia tonsa appeared in Europe in the first half of the 20th century and colonized progressively European seas and estuaries, possibly transferred from North Atlantic Coast of America. It had been reported in the polyhaline area of the Gironde estuary for a long time but was first recorded in the oligo-mesohaline area in 1983. Its abundance has been increasing significantly. High abundances of A. tonsa were reported since 1999, supplanting the abundances of its autochthonous congeneric species, Acartia bifilosa. This colonization was characterized by analyzing the mean seasonal variability: (1) for three 5-year periods corresponding to three different steps of A. tonsa appearance (1978–1982, A. tonsa was absent; 1988–1992, low abundances of the species; and 1999–2003, high abundances of A. tonsa) in the oligo-mesohaline area and (2) for three stations distributed along the salinity gradient during the recent period. The aim of this work was to define if this colonization was due to natural or anthropogenic forcing and to evaluate its possible impact on autochthonous zooplanktonic community.Both natural and anthropogenic forcings seem to explain the colonization of Acartia tonsa in the oligo-mesohaline area of the Gironde estuary. First records (1983–1988) could be due to marine water inputs caused by high values of the North Atlantic Oscillation index. The global warming which caused the increase of the summer warm period, the marinisation of the system and the local decrease of the turbidity should have been the key factors favoring the establishment of the species. Anthropogenic forcings as the establishment of the nuclear power plant which locally causes warmer conditions are also important factors explaining the differences of seasonal cycle observed between oligo-mesohaline area and other stations: the seasonal pattern of A. tonsa in the oligo-mesohaline area was indeed characterized by an autumnal peak of abundances which has been observed in other stations and in many North European estuaries, and by a second spring peak that had only been observed in Southern estuaries.The introduction of Acartia tonsa in the Gironde estuary significantly changed the seasonal pattern of autochthonous copepods, by limiting their seasonal abundances without affecting their long-term population stability. Finally, the successful colonization of A. tonsa had led to the spread of the seasonal zooplanktonic production which could have had an impact on fish and shrimp productions.  相似文献   

中型浮游动物因摄食微型浮游动物,释放了微型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食压力,这种营养级联效应会增加浮游植物丰度和降低中型浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食率,从而弱化浮游生物网营养传递过程中的下行控制作用。本研究在实验室模拟了食物链中肋骨条藻-裸甲藻-双毛纺锤水蚤的营养传递过程,发现在中肋骨条藻低生物量时,双毛纺锤水蚤偏好于选择摄食裸甲藻;高生物量时,双毛纺锤水蚤偏好选择摄食中肋骨条藻。营养传递过程中存在正的级联效应(0.018~0.12 d–1),级联效应的大小与裸甲藻的摄食率和双毛纺锤水蚤对裸甲藻的摄食选择指数呈现显著的正相关关系。双毛纺锤水蚤对中肋骨条藻的直接摄食死亡率大于营养级联效应,从而导致中肋骨条藻生物量的降低。因此,营养级联效应对中型浮游动物摄食浮游植物的影响要弱于中型浮游动物的直接摄食作用。  相似文献   

以卤虫(Artemia parthenogenetica)无节幼体作为试验材料,研究蛋氨酸或裂壶藻(Schizochytrium sp.)强化对卤虫体内游离氨基酸(FAA)含量的影响。试验分为4组,分别为蛋氨酸(Met)组、裂壶藻组、蛋氨酸加裂壶藻组以及对照组,试验进行16 h,每4 h取样1次。结果显示:试验结束时,蛋氨酸组的卤虫体内游离Met含量显著高于裂壶藻组(P<0.05)。除对照组的丝氨酸(Ser)、谷氨酸(Glu)、甘氨酸(Gly)含量显著高于蛋氨酸+裂壶藻组外(P<0.05),其他所有的必需氨基酸及非必需氨基酸含量在16h时都没有显著差异。试验过程中FAA水平随时间的变化趋势为:对照组和蛋氨酸组基本上呈现先减少再升高的趋势,且16 h和0 h的含量差别不大;裂壶藻组和蛋氨酸加裂壶藻组的卤虫,其体内FAA含量基本上呈下降趋势,或小幅升高后下降,16 h时的含量大多低于0 h时。试验结果表明:给卤虫无节幼体强化Met可以提高其体内Met含量,对其他种类的FAA影响不大。  相似文献   

根据2013~2015年在台山市广海湾海域(21°52'~21°56'N,112°46'~112°53'E)进行逐月调查的资料,分析了该水域康氏小公鱼(Stolephorus commersonii)鱼卵在一年中出现的时间、数量变动特征以及期间的海水温盐特征,并讨论了康氏小公鱼产卵期与水温变化的关系.结果表明,广海湾康氏小公鱼的产卵期开始于每年3月左右,结束时间在各年份不同,一般在9~11月之间.康氏小公鱼鱼卵在一年中分多个批次出现,一般可出现2~4个批次,其中第一批次为产卵盛期,数量高峰大约出现在4月前后.鱼卵出现期间平均水温的范围为19.8~31.3℃,平均盐度范围为7.66~33.65,从出现频次上看,其所在环境以高温低盐为主.康氏小公鱼产卵所需的最低温度在20℃左右,在产卵期开始前,海水温度何时升至此温度,决定了一年中康氏小公鱼鱼卵最早出现的时间.对比不同纬度的海域,康氏小公鱼产卵期的开始时间随纬度的升高而向后推迟.  相似文献   

采用酶学分析的方法,以淡水组为对照,进行了盐度变化对花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)[体质量(10.70±0.92)g]和太平洋双色鳗鲡(A. bicolor pacifica)幼鳗[体质量(12.11±0.79)g]鳃丝及肾脏Na+/K+-ATP酶活力影响的研究。结果表明,经不同的盐度(5、10、18)处理,各处理组的花鳗鲡和太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗鳃丝Na+/K+-ATP酶活力均呈现先降低后升高最后再降低并趋于稳定的趋势。前者24h时达到最低值,48h时盐度10处理组上升至与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05),而盐度18处理组显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。后者6h时达到最低值,12h时盐度5和18处理组达到最高值,24h时盐度10处理组达到最高值。盐度变化对花鳗鲡和太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗肾脏Na+/K+-ATP酶活力影响不明显。太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗鳃丝Na+/K+-ATP酶酶活提升速度及提升幅度均强于花鳗鲡幼鳗,故认为在盐度范围0—18时,太平洋双色鳗鲡幼鳗比花鳗鲡幼鳗对盐度变化具有更强的适应能力。  相似文献   

促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素结合蛋白(CRH-BP)是一种糖基化蛋白,与促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)具有很高的亲和力,对CRH诱导的脑垂体促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)的释放起到抑制作用。本研究采用RT-PCR与RACE基因克隆方法首次获得太平洋真宽水蚤(Eurytemora pacifica)CRH-BP基因全长cDNA序列(GenBank登录号:MF289345)1950bp,其中ORF区1245bp编码415个氨基酸,5′非编码区841bp,3′非编码区294bp,理论分子量/等电点为45.816/5.87。生物学序列分析结果表明,太平洋真宽水蚤CRH-BP氨基酸序列与桡足类中近亲真宽水蚤同源性最高;具有6个蛋白修饰位点及蛋白家族标签序列,具有明显的跨膜结构域及信号肽。实时荧光定量PCR分析结果表明,太平洋真宽水蚤CRH-BP基因在盐度、温度及pH环境胁迫中的mRNA表达量均具有一定的时间梯度表达性与浓度梯度表达性特征。本文通过对太平洋真宽水蚤CRH-BP基因结构及不同环境因子刺激下的表达特点的研究为探究桡足类在环境应激、生殖生理及免疫调控等方面奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

通过传统形态学数据和框架结构数据相结合,应用方差、聚类、判别和主成分等4种多元分析方法,分析了太平洋双色鳗鲡与日本鳗鲡、美洲鳗鲡和花鳗鲡的形态差异。结果表明:(1)太平洋双色鳗鲡背鳍前端与臀鳍前端之间的垂线距离占全长的1.4%,属短鳍型鳗鲡。(2)太平洋双色鳗鲡与其它3种鳗鲡形态差异显著。在可数性状中,太平洋双色鳗鲡的总脊椎骨数显著小于日本鳗鲡,显著大于美洲鳗鲡和花鳗鲡,背鳍前脊椎骨数显著大于其它3种鳗鲡;在可量性状中,太平洋双色鳗鲡的吻长显著小于美洲鳗鲡和花鳗鲡,显著大于日本鳗鲡;在框架结构性状中,太平洋双色鳗鲡有6项性状与其它3种鳗鲡差异显著。(3)太平洋双色鳗鲡的背鳍起点与其它3种鳗鲡相比最靠后,背鳍起点在鳗鲡分类研究中可作为重要的框架结构定位点。本研究可为太平洋双色鳗鲡的合理引进和种质保护提供资料。  相似文献   

铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD)是一种广泛存在于生物体中最主要的抗氧化酶之一,在抵御过多活性氧簇对机体毒害的过程中起重要作用。本研究以太洋真宽水蚤为研究对象,采用RT-PCR与RACE方法克隆得到太平洋真宽水蚤Cu/Zn SOD基因全长c DNA序列。Cu/Zn SOD(Gen Bank登录号:MF289343)基因序列全长837bp,其中完全开放阅读框为456bp编码152个氨基酸,5′非编码区长297bp,3′非编码区长84bp,分子量约为15.050k Da,理论等电点为5.73。序列比较表明,太平洋真宽水蚤Cu/Zn SOD c DNA的氨基酸序列与其他甲壳动物的一致性较高;存在8个蛋白翻译后修饰位点及蛋白家族标签序列,无跨膜结构域与信号肽。在重金属铬与镍胁迫下,通过实时荧光定量PCR对太平洋真宽水蚤Cu/Zn SOD m RNA体内表达特点分析显示,其表达量均呈现先升后降趋势,在暴露12小时后表达量达到峰值;铬胁迫下的表达量略高于镍;联合胁迫下呈现出拮抗作用。本研究结果将有利于深入探讨桡足类Cu/Zn SOD基因的结构与功能,为进一步研究抗氧化分子机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

黄海太平洋磷虾的幼体分布及发育途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶振铖  李超伦  孙松 《海洋与湖沼》2013,44(5):1153-1161
通过镜检分析网采样品和现场培养实验相结合的方法, 研究了2006年4月份黄海太平洋磷虾的幼体分布、早期幼体发育和幼体发育途径。结果表明, 4月份是南黄海太平洋磷虾繁殖发育的高峰期, 幼体在种群组成结构中占绝对优势, 占种群总数量的90.85%, 其中原状幼体和状幼体占种群比例分别是51.9%和26.9%。相关性分析结果表明, 太平洋磷虾不同幼体发育期丰度存在显著的正相关关系; 卵丰度分布跟叶绿素a浓度有显著的正相关关系; 原状幼体和状幼体丰度分布跟叶绿素a浓度、海水温度等环境因子没有显著相关关系。在南黄海, 太平洋磷虾的幼体发育主要遵循以下途径: 卵→无节幼体→后期无节幼体→原状幼体→状幼体F1(0′7, 1′7)→状幼体F2(1′4″7, 3′1″7)→状幼体F3(5″7)→状幼体F4(5″5)→状幼体F5(5″3)→状幼体F6(5″1)。太平洋磷虾在15℃下的幼体发育速度明显快于4℃。15℃下幼体发育到C1期只需5.6天, 而4℃下则需要16.1天。  相似文献   

东海鲐鱼(Scomber japonicus)是我国近海重要经济鱼种,年际资源量波动较大,物理环境对其资源量的丰歉影响很大。本文运用基于个体的东海鲐鱼生长初期生态模型,模拟1978-2013年东海鲐鱼资源补充量。模拟发现,物理环境的变化确实能导致东海鲐鱼资源补充量的年际差异,并且在90年代后出现了较大的波动,资源补充量最多的2002年(1.8×109尾)与最少的1996年(6.5×108尾)相差1.15×109尾。产卵后的15~30 d,即4月份鱼卵仔鱼所处的海洋物理环境对东海鲐鱼最终的资源补充量起到重要作用,4月底鱼卵仔鱼的存活量基本上决定了东海鲐鱼最终的资源补充量的多寡。4月份的水温是影响鲐鱼资源补充量的物理因素之一,4月份水温高有利于提高鲐鱼的资源补充量,相反,水温偏低不利于鲐鱼的资源补充量。4月份的台湾暖流的流速也是影响鲐鱼资源补充量的另外一个物理因素,4月份台湾暖流的势力强对东海鲐鱼最终资源补充量是有利的,相反,流速小对补充量较不利。4月份台湾暖流的水温、流速决定最终东海鲐鱼资源补充量。  相似文献   

韩现芹  李健  李吉涛 《海洋科学》2010,34(12):19-25
研究甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)和连翘(Forsythia suspensa)对牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)肝细胞色素P4503A(CYP3A)活性的影响。将牙鲆随机分为3组,即对照组、甘草组和连翘组,对照组每日口灌0.9%的生理盐水,试验组每日1次口灌甘草30 mg/kg和连翘100 mg/kg,连续口灌6 d,第7天时,采用直接测定法和间接测定法(探针药物)进行CYP3A酶活性的测定。结果显示:在肝微粒体水平上,甘草和连翘均可明显提高红霉素-N-脱甲基酶活性,分别提高了1.79倍、4.87倍。与对照组相比,甘草组和连翘组氨苯砜的半衰期分别降低了4.51%(P0.05)和36.8%(P0.01);药时曲线下面积分别减小了8.28%(P0.05)和32.3%(P0.01);总清除率分别增加了5.63%(P0.05)和99.3%(P0.01)。说明连翘对牙鲆CYP3A的活性具有极显著诱导作用,甘草诱导作用不显著。提示其他药物与连翘合用时,其有效性和安全性可能会受到影响。  相似文献   

刀鲚、凤鲚和湖鲚矢耳石的形态学比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
选取凤鲚(Coilia mystus)、湖鲚(Coilia nasus taihuensis)以及采自崇明、黄海和瓯江口3个水域的刀鲚(Coilia hasps)的矢耳石为对象,描述了这些鱼类耳石的形态特征,并进一步使用基于12组形态数据的框架测量进行了种间和种内比较和判别分析.结果表明耳石形态的差异种间较种内更为明显...  相似文献   

The decomposition rates of Phragmites australis and Fucus vesiculosus were experimentally determined in an estuarine system using the leaf-bag technique. The study was conducted in fifteen sites arranged in five areas, extending from freshwater, outside the tidal range, to the marine environment, near the mouth of the estuary. The leaf-bags (5 mm mesh), were set up with 3.0 g of dried substrate, submerged in the experimental sites at day 0 and collected at days 3, 7, 15, 30 and 60, to follow biomass loss. The biomass loss through the leaching phase (day 3) was about 16% for Phragmites australis and 33% for Fucus vesiculosus and was independent of salinity for both substrates. The difference in the remaining biomass between the two species increased with time and the decomposition rates differed along the salinity gradient. For F. vesiculosus, the decomposition rate was highest near the mouth of the estuary, corresponding to the preferential distribution area of the algae, and decreased towards freshwater. For Phragmites australis, the fastest decay was observed in the mid estuary, where Phragmites australis occurs naturally, confirming previous studies. The decomposition rates measured at different time intervals (0–15, 0–30 and 0–60 days) were always higher for the algae and decreased with time for both species. These results indicate that the use of decomposition rates as a measure of ecosystem integrity or quality status in transitional waters will not be straightforward and must take into account, among others, the test species, the study area positioning along the estuarine gradient, and the time interval for the calculation of the decomposition rate.  相似文献   

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