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总计100个新的磷灰石裂变径迹数据提供了从整体上探讨晚中生代以来抬升冷却史的年代学数据。这些切过东秦岭至黄陵背斜、穿过桐柏至扬子前陆冲断带以及大别和苏鲁超高压变质岩带,南秦岭的裂变径迹年龄与扬子内的黄陵背斜相似,而北秦岭则与桐柏-大别-苏鲁相当。从北秦岭到大别,裂变径迹年龄趋于减小,但过郯庐断裂到苏鲁则略有增加。与我国西部造山带裂变径迹年龄格局相较,桐柏-大别-苏鲁带与西部各造山带显然不是处于同一挤压变形体制下。相对于超高压岩石早期快速的阶段性抬升,即岩浆活动期(~120Ma)后的抬升要和缓得多;相对于其它地质单元,扬子前陆冲断带、黄陵背斜和南秦岭在岩浆活动期后即抬升冷却到了磷灰石裂变径迹封闭温度(~110℃)对应的深度。基于裂变径迹数据和相关Ar/Ar和K-Ar数据进行的冷却史模拟结果显示:全区均表现为相似的三阶段冷却过程:(1)白垩纪早期开始快速抬升至磷灰石裂变径迹退火带的冷却阶段;(2)随后的处于部分退火带的缓慢冷却阶段;(3)上新世以来的加速抬升过程。现今的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄格局基本上受控于白垩纪的快速抬升冷却事件,但最后为晚期活动断裂所定格。  相似文献   

In the Northern Emirates, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous platform carbonates of the Musandam parautochthonous units are tectonically overlain by siliciclastic units of the Hawasina–Sumeini allochthon, which derive from the former paleo-slope domain and a more distal basinal portion of the Arabian margin of the Tethys, respectively. All these tectonic units display numerous evidences of paleo-fluid circulations, accounting for dolomitisation and recrystallisation of the rock matrix (Musandam Platform units), as well as cementation of fractures. Polymict breccias of Upper Cretaceous Ausaq Formation which underlay the sole thrust of the Hawasina–Sumeini allochthon also record episodes of hydraulic fracturing, whereas fluid inclusion data indicate precipitation at high temperature in relation to paleo-fluid flow. Petrography of thin-sections (conventional and cathodoluminescence microscopic techniques) as well as fluid inclusion and stable isotopes analyses, were combined with micro-tectonic studies. These analytical data document (1) the paragenetic sequence of diagenetic products for the Musandam Platform (which constitutes a carbonate reservoir analogue) and Sumeini units of the Dibba Zone, as well as (2) the nature of the paleo-fluids circulating along fractures and the sole thrust of the Hawasina–Sumeini allochthon. The main results of this petrographic approach are qualitative, evidencing (1) the rapid and vertical transfer of hot fluids in the vicinity of the former slope to platform transition, accounting for episodes of hydrothermal dolomitisation, as well as (2) early (i.e. pre-orogenic) and late (i.e. post-orogenic) episodes of emersion of the carbonate units, accounting for additional interactions with meteoric fluids and karstification. In order to better link these diagenetic events with the overall burial, thermal and kinematic evolution of the Arabian margin, basin modelling with Ceres2D, including fluid flow and pore-fluid pressure modelling, was subsequently performed along a regional transect (D4) located in the vicinity of the samples localities and cross-cutting the Northern Oman Mountains from Dibba in the east up to the Arabian Gulf in the west. New subsurface constraints provided by deep seismic profiles were used to constrain the architecture of the cross-section, and to test various hypotheses on the lateral and vertical connection, timing and hydrodynamic behaviour of the faults. This Ceres basin modelling also provides new quantitative estimates of the paleo-fluid pathways, of the timing and velocities of the fluid transfers and of the evolution of pore-fluid pressures. Ultimately, this integration of petrographic studies on surface samples and coupled kinematic and fluid flow basin modelling provides an updated scenario for the succession of tectonically controlled episodes of fluid rock interactions, namely dolomitisation and karstification recorded in the Mesozoic platform carbonates of the Northern Emirates.  相似文献   

库鲁克塔格隆起位于塔里木盆地北缘,广泛出露前寒武基底岩石。辛格尔村附近出露的太古宙杂岩,包括灰色片麻岩、角闪岩、片岩、混合岩和大理岩。新元古代地层出露在库鲁克塔格隆起西部的兴地、西山口、辛格尔和杀马山附近,不整合在古元古代和中元古代的片麻岩、角闪岩和片岩之上,并被早古生代的地层不整合。因此,该地区是了解塔里木盆地前寒武基底热演化史的理想地区。本研究的目的是为了探索:①塔里木基底岩石最初于何时剥露于地表?②塔里木基底剥露以后是否经历过再次埋藏和剥露?③塔里木基底岩石构造热演化过程对大陆边缘不同构造事件的响应。为了获取塔里木北缘剥露史和冷却过程信息,我们开展了裂变经迹的研究。含磷灰石的样品采自库鲁克塔格隆起的兴地断裂两侧。样品池年龄介于146.0±13.4和67.6±6.7Ma之间,平均经迹长度介于.11.79±0.14和13.89±0.27μm之间。根据样品年龄和样品所处的构造位置,样品可以分为3组。A组样品包括F2、F3、F4、F5和F8,裂变经迹表观年龄约100~110Ma,通常位于未遭断层变形的地区。B组样品包括F7、D和F10,裂变经迹表观年龄小于80Ma,构造上位于断层上盘并靠近断层。c组样品F11具有最大的裂变经迹表观年龄146.0±13.4Ma。热模拟表明,库鲁克塔格地区的隆升剥露作用可以划分为四期,分别是早侏罗世晚期(180Ma)、晚侏罗世-早白垩世(144~118Ma)、晚白垩世早期(94~82Ma)和新生代晚期(约10Ma)。裂变经迹记录的库鲁克塔格多阶段隆升作用,是对亚洲南缘多期地体碰撞增生的响应。  相似文献   

通过对鄂尔多斯盆地磷灰石裂变径迹资料深入分析与反演模拟,定性半定量地研究了该区相关岩石组合的地热演化史.结果表明,晚侏罗世晚白垩世早期(160~90 Ma)盆地具东升西降的特点,东部以约25 m/Ma的速率隆升,造成1500~2000 m的剥蚀量;晚白垩世末至始新世早期(90~23 Ma),盆地具整体隆升特点,盆地南部和西部隆升幅度达1500~2000 m,盆地东部表现为弹性回返,隆升缓慢,幅度小于500 m;中新世早期以来(23 Ma至今),全盆快速隆升,周边隆升速率达45~108 m/Ma,造成1000~2500 m的剥蚀量.对盆地内砂岩型铀矿年龄资料对比分析表明,后生铀成矿作用过程基本上都发生在盆缘相对快速隆升阶段.  相似文献   

The Paleozoic Lake District Block in northwest England has traditionally been thought of as tectonically stable since the Late Paleozoic, receiving only small thicknesses of Late Paleozoic to Mesozoic cover (although some workers have put forward different views). Apatite fission track analysis (AFTA) data from outcrop samples across the region reveal Early Tertiary paleotemperatures around 100 °C, requiring kilometre-scale Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic cover, removed during Tertiary uplift and erosion. With no evidence for elevated basal heat flow in NW England during the Early Tertiary, and no a priori justification for invoking it, earlier studies favoured an explanation involving burial by up to 3 km of overburden removed during Tertiary uplift and erosion. This conclusion was met with scepticism by many workers, and provoked a range of comments and criticisms, with a variety of alternative interpretations put forward, although these are also open to criticism. Results from the West Newton-1 hydrocarbon exploration well on the northern flank of the Lake District gave the first indication of a possibly more realistic interpretation, involving a combination of elevated heat flow and more restricted burial, but some aspects of the interpretation of these data were equivocal. More detailed sampling was therefore undertaken, in order to shed more light on the origin of the elevated Early Tertiary paleotemperatures observed across NW England. New AFTA data in outcrop samples from different elevations around Sca Fell (characterised by the highest elevations in the Lake District with the summit of Scafell Pike at 978 m asl) define an Early Tertiary paleogeothermal gradient of 61 °C/km, and require around 700 m of section removed from the summit during Tertiary uplift and erosion. These results, together with those from the West Newton-1 well, provide strong support for an interpretation involving Early Tertiary paleogeothermal gradients between 50% and 100% higher than present-day values, providing clear evidence of elevated basal heat flow during the Early Tertiary, contrary to earlier assumptions. Combined with amounts of section removed during Tertiary exhumation varying between 0.7 km (from mountain peaks) and 1.5–2 km (from coastal plains and glacial valleys near sea level) over the region, this interpretation finally provides a geologically plausible mechanism for the origin of the observed Early Tertiary paleo-thermal effects in NW England.  相似文献   

Fission-track ages in apatite are generally accepted as giving a measure of the time over which a sample has been exposed to temperatures below approximately 100° C. A compilation of the lengths of confined fission tracks in a wide variety of apatites from different geological environments has shown that the distribution of confined track lengths can provide unique thermal history information in the temperature range below about 150° C over times of the order of 106 to 109 years. The distribution of confined lengths of freshly produced induced tracks is characterised by a narrow, symmetrical distribution with a mean length of around 16.3 m and a standard deviation of the distribution of approximately 0.9 m. In volcanic and related rocks which have cooled very rapidly, and never been reheated above about 50° C, the distribution is also narrow and symmetric, but with a shorter mean of 14.5 to 15 m, and a standard deviation of the distribution of approximately 1.0 m. In granitic basement terrains which are thought never to have been significantly disturbed thermally, since their original post-emplacement cooling, the distribution becomes negatively skewed, with a mean around 12 or 13 m and a standard deviation between 1.2 and 2 m.This distribution is thought to characterise slow continuous cooling from temperatures in excess of 120° C, to ambient surface temperatures. More complex thermal histories produce correspondingly complex distributions of confined tracks. The continuous production of tracks through time, coupled with the fact that the length of each track shrinks to a value characteristic of the maximum temperature it has experienced, gives a final length distribution which directly reflects the nature of the variation of temperature with time. Most distinctive of the myriad possible forms of the final distribution are the bimodal distributions, which give clear evidence of a two-stage history, including high and low temperature phases. The study of confined length distributions therefore offers invaluable evidence on the meaning of any fission-track age, and bears the potential of providing rigorous constraints on thermal history in the temperature regime below about 150° C. The results of this study strongly suggest that any apatite fission-track age determination should be supported by a confined track length distribution.  相似文献   

Apatite fission track thermochronology from Early Palaeozoic granitoids centred around the Kosciuszko massif of the Snowy Mountains, records a denudation history that was episodic and highly variable. The form of the apatite fission track age profile assembled from vertical sections and hydroelectric tunnels traversing the mountains, together with numerical forward modelling, provide strong evidence for two episodes of accelerated denudation, commencing in Late Permian—Early Triassic (ca 270–250 Ma) and mid‐Cretaceous (ca 110–100 Ma) times, and a possible third episode in the Cenozoic. Denudation commencing in the Late Permian—Early Triassic was widespread in the eastern and central Snowy Mountains area, continued through much of the Triassic, and amounted to at least ~2.0–2.4 km. This episode was probably the geomorphic response to the Hunter‐Bowen Orogeny. Post‐Triassic denudation to the present in these areas amounted to ~2.0–2.2 km. Unambiguous evidence for mid‐Cretaceous cooling and possible later cooling is confined to a north‐south‐trending sinuous belt, up to ~15 km wide by at least 35 km long, of major reactivated Palaeozoic faults on the western side of the mountains. This zone is the most deeply exposed area of the Kosciuszko block. Denudation accompanying these later events totalled up to ~1.8–2.0 km and ~2.0–2.25 km respectively. Mid‐Cretaceous denudation marks the onset of renewed tectonic activity in the southeastern highlands following a period of relative quiescence since the Late Triassic, and establishes a temporal link with the onset of extension related to the opening of the Tasman Sea. Much of the present day relief of the mountains resulted from surface uplift which disrupted the post‐mid‐Cretaceous apatite fission track profile by variable offsets on faults.  相似文献   

The Yitong Basin is an oil-bearing basin with unique characteristics in Northeast China. On the basis of apatite fission track ages and geological relationship, the tectonic uplift history of the Yitong Basin since the Oligo-cene was discussed. Based on apatite fission track analysis of five samples from the Luxiang and Chaluhe fault de-pressions and basin modeling study, it can be concluded that since the Oligocene (36.6 Ma) in the Yitong Basin, the Chaluhe fault depression has undergone two episodes of uplift during 24.9–19.1 Ma and 6.9–4.9 Ma. And the Luxi-ang fault depression also had undergone two episodes of uplift during 30–27.8 Ma and 22.6–11.1 Ma. Moreover, the average apparent exhumation rates for the Chaluhe fault depression and Luxiang fault depression, could be calcu-lated to be 70.34 and 60.33 m/Ma since 21.8 Ma and 18.9 Ma, respectively. The results of thermochronological analysis can also be supported by the evidence from geological relationships such as geodynamics, volcanic activity, and stratigraphic division and correlation.  相似文献   

利用镜质体反射率(Ro)和磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)数据,对四川盆地东部不同地区的古地温梯度、古热流、剥蚀量进行了研究。AFT模拟结果表明,四川盆地东部在晚白垩世早期(100~80 Ma)开始抬升,抬升剥蚀过程具有一定的阶段性且不同地区存在差异:以约30 Ma为界,重庆北碚地区表现为两期冷却,先期冷却缓慢,后期冷却迅速;川东北持续的冷却过程虽有波动但冷却速率差别较小。依据重建的最高古地温剖面恢复了侏罗系顶部不整合面的剥蚀量,川东北普光地区剥蚀量在2.45~2.85km,鄂西渝东地区齐岳山复背斜北部剥蚀量较大,达3.65km,齐岳山复背斜南部剥蚀量2.67km,川东南地区剥蚀量2.05km。研究区的构造热演化表现为既存在抬升剥蚀又存在盆地冷却效应的双重作用:由三叠纪至今,研究区地温梯度和热流持续降低,地温梯度由30~38℃/km降低至20~23℃/km;热流由70~85mW/m2降低至50~55mW/m2。  相似文献   

This study uses apatite fission track (FT) analysis to constrain the exhumation history of bedrock samples collected from the Altai Mountains in northern Xinjiang, China. Samples were collected as transects across the main structures related to Palaeozoic crustal accretion events. FT results and modeling identify three stages in sample cooling history spanning the Mesozoic and Tertiary. Stage one records rapid cooling to the low temperature part of the fission track partial annealing zone circa 70 ± 10 °C. Stage two, records a period of relative stability with little if any cooling taking place between 75 and 25–20 Ma suggesting the Altai region had been reduced to an area of low relief. Support for this can be found in the adjacent Junngar Basin that received little if any sediment during this interval. Final stage cooling took place in the Miocene at an accelerated rate bringing the sampled rocks to the Earth's surface. This last stage, linked to the far field effects of the Himalayan collision, most likely generated the surface uplift and relief that define the present-day Altai Mountains.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地作为南海北部陆缘典型的裂陷沉积区,是中国最大的中生代海相残留盆地之一,其构造-热演化对南海张开时限及华南构造格局有重要指示作用。在钻孔资料限定和地质格局约束下,文中综合运用磷灰石和锆石裂变径迹对珠江口盆地内钻孔基底花岗质岩石开展了低温热年代学研究,通过径迹年龄分析和径迹长度统计,反演了该区中—新生代基底构造-热演化历史,恢复了珠江口盆地多阶段热运动和基底隆升格局。研究表明,珠江口盆地基底花岗质岩石锆石裂变径迹表观年龄分布于131.7~97.9 Ma,多小于其成岩年龄。样品磷灰石裂变径迹表观年龄多集中在79.7~61.9 Ma,径迹长度变化于11.37~13.16μm,属中等长度,磷灰石裂变径迹多为"冷却"至"混合"类型。珠江口盆地基底热史反演存在明显区域性特点,南(西)部地区抬升记录早,新生代冷却速率相对较低。珠江口盆地基底晚白垩世以来隆升幅度在6km左右,主要发生在晚白垩世、古近纪神狐运动阶段、渐新世珠琼运动Ⅱ幕及南海运动阶段(26 Ma之前)。其中,南海运动表现出东早西晚的特点。基底抬升与盆地形成、红河断裂走滑相耦合。盆地基底的热演化历史为南海的演变历程研究提供了限定条件,是太平洋板块俯冲、印度-欧亚板块碰撞及南海构造运动的综合反映。  相似文献   

中新生代库车-南天山盆山系统隆升历史的裂变径迹证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对库车河剖面中新生界砂岩中碎屑磷灰石裂变径迹分析测试,得出磷灰石样品可分为3组,分别反映库车盆地边缘或其物源区天山的剥露冷却。对测试数据分析和热史模拟表明,南天山及库车盆地在中新生代经历了3次主要隆升事件,且山盆隆升时间上具有差异性的特点。从142Ma南天山开始隆升,使天山地区从准平原化状态开始盆山分异;96~75Ma为晚白垩世开始的盆地与天山共同经历的区域性隆升;54~30Ma为天山与盆地边缘差异隆升阶段,是盆山边界处盆地基底向天山方向的阶梯式抬升所导致的。  相似文献   

Namibia's passive continental margin records a long history of tectonic activity since the Proterozoic. The orogenic belt produced during the collision of the Congo and Kalahari Cratons in the Early Proterozoic led to a zone of crustal weakness, which became the preferred location for tectonism during the Phanerozoic. The Pan-African Damara mobile belt forms this intraplate boundary in Namibia and its tectonostratigraphic zones are defined by ductile shear zones, where the most prominent is described as the Omaruru Lineament–Waterberg Thrust (OML–WT). The prominance of the continental margin escarpment is diminished in the area of the Central and Northern Zone of the Damara belt where the shear zones are located. This area has been targeted with a set of 66 outcrop samples over a 550-km-long, 60-km-broad coast-parallel transect from the top of the escarpment in the south across the Damara sector to the Kamanjab Inlier in the north. Apatite fission track age and length data from all samples reveal a regionally consistent cooling event. Thermal histories derived by forward modelling bracket this phase of accelerated cooling in the Late Cretaceous. Maximum palaeotemperatures immediately prior to the onset of cooling range from ca. 120 to ca. 60 °C with the maximum occurring directly south of the Omaruru Lineament. Because different palaeotemperatures indicate different burial depth at a given time, the amount of denudation can be estimated and used to constrain vertical displacements of the continental crust. We interpret this cooling pattern as the geomorphic response to reactivation of basement structures caused by a change in spreading geometry in the South Atlantic and South West Indian Oceans.  相似文献   

阿尔金-祁连山位于青藏高原北缘, 其新生代的隆升-剥露过程记录了高原变形和向北扩展的历史, 对探讨高原隆升动力学具有重要意义。本文采用岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹测年分析, 利用岩屑的统计特征限定阿尔金-祁连山新生代的隆升-剥露过程。磷灰石裂变径迹测试结果表明, 阿尔金-祁连山地区存在4个阶段的抬升冷却: 21.1~19.4 Ma、13.5~10.5 Ma、9.0~7.3 Ma、4.3~3.8 Ma。其中, 4.3~3.8 Ma抬升冷却事件仅体现在祁连山地区, 9.0~7.3 Ma抬升冷却事件在区内普遍存在, 且9.0~7.3 Ma隆升-剥露造就了现代阿尔金-祁连山的地貌。区域资料分析表明, 9~7 Ma(或者8~6 Ma)期间, 青藏高原北缘、东缘, 甚至整个中国西部地区发生了大规模、区域性的抬升, 中国现今"西高"的构造地貌形态可能于当时开始形成。阿尔金-祁连山地区4期抬升冷却事件与青藏高原的隆升阶段有很好的对应关系, 应该是对印度-欧亚板块碰撞的响应。  相似文献   

Southern Africa's topography is distinctive. An inland plateau of low relief and high average elevation is separated from a coastal plane of high relief and low average elevation by a steeply dipping escarpment. The origin and evolution of this topography is poorly understood because, unlike high plateaus elsewhere, its development cannot be easily linked to present day compressional plate boundary processes. Understanding the development of this regional landscape since the break-up of Gondwana is a first order step towards resolving regional epeirogenesis. We present data that quantifies the timing and extent of exhumation across the southern Cape escarpment and coastal plane, using apatite fission track analysis (AFTA) of 25 outcrop samples and 31 samples from three deep boreholes (KW1/67, SA1/66, CR1/68). Outcrop fission track (AFT) ages are Cretaceous and are significantly younger than the stratigraphic ages of their host rocks, indicating that the samples have experienced elevated paleotemperatures. Mean track lengths vary from 11.86 to 14.23 μm. The lack of Cenozoic apatite ages suggests that major cooling was over by the end Cretaceous. The results for three boreholes, situated seaward (south) of the escarpment, indicate an episode of increased denudation in the mid-late Cretaceous (100–80 Ma). An earlier episode of increased denudation (140–120 Ma) is identified from a borehole north of the escarpment. Thermal modelling indicates a history involving 2.5–3.5 km of denudation in the mid-late Cretaceous (100–80 Ma) at a rate of 175 to 125 m/Ma. The AFT data suggest that less than 1 km of overburden has been eroded regionally since the late Cretaceous (< 80 Ma) at a rate of 10 to 15 m/Ma, but do not discount the possibility of minor (in relative amplitude) episodes of uplift and river incision through the Cenozoic. The reasons for rapid denudation in these early and mid-Cretaceous episodes are less clear, but may be related to epeirogenic uplift associated with an increase in mantle buoyancy as reflected in two punctuated episodes of alkaline intrusions (e.g. kimberlites) across southern Africa and contemporaneous formation of two large mafic igneous provinces (~ 130 and 90 Ma) flanking its continental margins. Because Cenozoic denudation rates are relatively minimal, epeirogenic uplift of southern Africa and its distinct topography cannot be primarily related to Cenozoic mantle processes, consistent with the lack of any significant igneous activity across this region during that time.  相似文献   

Zircon fission track dating and track length analysis in the high‐grade part of the Asemigawa region of the Sanbagawa belt demonstrates a simple cooling history passing through the partial annealing zone at 63.2 ± 5.8 (2 σ) Ma. Combining this age with previous results of phengite and amphibole K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dating gives a cooling rate of between 6 and 13 °C Myr?1, which can be converted to a maximum exhumation rate of 0.7 mm year?1 using the known shape of the P–T path. This is an order of magnitude lower than the early part of the exhumation history. In contrast, zircon fission track analyses in the low‐grade Oboke region show that this area has undergone a complex thermal history probably related to post‐orogenic secondary reheating younger than c. 30 Ma. This event may correlate with the widespread igneous activity in south‐west Japan around 15 Ma. The age of subduction‐related metamorphism in the Oboke area is probably considerably older than the generally accepted range of 77–70 Ma.  相似文献   

怒江河砂岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹结果与流域地貌演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河流搬运沉积的河砂作为流域内地质体的平均产物,可以有效地揭示整个流域内区域性的地质体热史演化。对同一河流进行分段采样能够揭示更为详实的热史演化差异。本文对滇西境内怒江上游至下游采集了7个河砂样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹定年,主要年龄峰值依次为: 12.2 Ma和12.8 Ma, 7.7 Ma, 5.3 Ma、4.4 Ma和4.9 Ma, 7.3 Ma,总体上呈现出上游老、中游年轻、下游老的年龄格局。怒江中游河段相对年轻的流域热史经历说明中游河段较其他区域经受了构造地貌的快速演化。由于这一位置对应三江并流,而且气候作用与现代西南季风的水汽通道吻合,降雨量与上、下游流域截然不同。可以推断,气候因素导致了其快而新的构造地貌演化,促成代表年轻冷却历史信息的地质体被迅速剥露造就了怒江河道不同位置流域热史演化的差异。测得的7个样品所有年龄峰值可分为5个区段: 5.3~4.4 Ma、7.7~7.3 Ma、12.8~10.7 Ma、26.8~22.2.3 Ma、48.7~30.1 Ma,基本反映了流域范围新生代以来主要的热史演化阶段。此外,怒江不同河段河砂样品的分段性特征,证实河砂岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹分析方法在解释流域区域热史演化方面具有独特的优点。  相似文献   

The Dalat zone in southern Vietnam comprises a Cretaceous Andean-type magmatic arc with voluminous granitoids and contemporary volcanic rocks. On the basis of petrographical and mineralogical studies, the granitoids were subdivided into three suites: Dinhquan, Deoca and Cana. Rocks of the Dinhquan suite are hornblende–biotite diorites, granodiorites and minor granites. The Cana suite encompasses mainly leucocratic biotite-bearing granites with scarce hornblende. The Deoca suite is made up of granodiorites, monzogranites and granites. Geochemically, the granitoids are of subalkaline affinity, belong to the high-K, calc-alkaline series, and most of them display typical features of I-type granites. This paper presents the new Rb–Sr mineral and U–Pb zircon and titanite age data for the granitoids, which establish the ages of the plutonic suites as: the Dinhquan at ~112–100 Ma, Cana at ~96–93 Ma and Deoca at ~92–88 Ma. These ages are significantly different from earlier publications, and indicate that the earliest magmatism in the Dalat zone began at ~112 Ma ago, that is ~30–50 Ma later than previously thought. Our geochronological data are also support the continuation of an Andean-type arc running from SE China via southern Vietnam to SW Borneo.  相似文献   

广西大厂多金属矿田是世界级的特大型锡多金属矿床,是中国第二大产锡基地;笼箱盖岩体作为区内规模最大的岩体,与成矿有着密切关系。本文运用锆石裂变径迹测年方法制约多幕岩浆侵入活动时限,探讨其与成矿时空关系。研究表明,笼箱盖岩体的锆石裂变径迹年龄分布在160~70 Ma之间,并可划分为多个年龄组,分别为160~150 Ma、120~100 Ma和90~70 Ma,具有3期明显的次热历史,揭示笼箱盖岩体的形成经历了3期岩浆侵入活动。大厂多金属矿田的成矿与早白垩世(120~100 Ma)环太平洋板块俯冲影响下的岩石圈伸展期的花岗岩侵位事件相关。岩浆侵入活动不仅为成矿提供部分含锡多金属及对活化迁移成矿元素有利的挥发性气体的初始热流体,还为早期矿化的下部地层中成矿物质迁移、富集提供强大的热能和必要的物理化学条件。  相似文献   

Four K-feldspar samples from the Yidun Arc, eastern Tibetan Plateau, were analysed by the 40Ar/39Ar method with the aim of recovering information on their thermal history using multiple diffusion domain (MDD) theory. Arrhenius plots for each of the samples reveal low retentivity early in the heating experiments, a property that is attributed to their recrystallised nature. This low argon retentivity appears to violate the MDD assumption that volume diffusion is the only mechanism for argon transport within the crystals, thus the thermal histories derived from these analyses are considered suspect. Nevertheless, the age spectra themselves suggest that the majority of samples had cooled below 200 °C prior to the Eocene collision of India with Asia. Thermal history modelling from apatite fission track analyses from the same and nearby samples shows slow cooling through the apatite fission track partial annealing zone during the Cenozoic in samples from the high elevation, low relief areas of the Yidun Arc, while samples from the major Jinsha River valley show rapid cooling through the partial annealing zone beginning in the Miocene. These results suggest that significant Cenozoic denudation has been localised and that most parts of the Yidun Arc have experienced very little denudation during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

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