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A new methodology for precise geoid determination with finest local details based on ellipsoidal approximation is presented. This methodology is formulated through the “fixed-free two-boundary value problem” based on the observable of the type modulus of gravity intensity, gravity acceleration and gravity potential at the GPS positioned stations, with support of the known geoid's potential value, W0.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionDifferentgeoidsolutionswerecarriedoutforE gyptusingheterogeneousdataanddifferentmethodologies (El_Tokhey ,1 993) .ThemaingoalofthispaperistodetermineamostaccuratenewgeoidforEgypttakingadvantageofanewupdatedgravitydatabase,theinformationgivenby…  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to improve the geoid by GPS/leveling data in Egypt. Comparisons of the gravimetric geoid with GPS/leveling data have been performed. On the basis of a gravimetric geoid fitted to GPS/leveling by the least square method, a smoothed geoid was obtained. A high-resolution geoid in Egypt was computed with a 2.5′×2.5′ grid by combining the data set of 2600 original point gravity values, 20″×30″ resolution Digital Terrain Model (DTM) grid and the spherical harmonic model EGM96. The method of computation involved the strict evaluation of the Stokes integral with 1D-FFT. The standard deviation of the difference between the gravimetric and the GPS/leveling geoid heights is ±0.47 m. The standard deviation after fitting of the gravimetric geoid to the GPS/leveling points is better than ±13 cm. In the future we will try to improve our geoid results in Egypt by increasing the density of gravimetric coverage.  相似文献   

区域性大地水准面的确定   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
精确求定区域性大地水准面是大地测量学的一项重要科学目标 ,也是一项极具实用价值的工程项目。本文以某地区为例 ,描述区域性大地水准面确定的基本方法、一般过程和步骤  相似文献   

介绍目前常用的3种椭球变换方法并分析其特点,归纳E1-E6区域椭球元素及大地坐标变动量的公式.利用实测数据对多点法确定的E5椭球和定向定位调整法确定的E6椭球进行比较,结果表明:E6椭球面与投影面更加密切吻合,优于E5椭球.  相似文献   

张琼  胡亚明  苏贝  李兆华 《测绘科学》2011,36(4):56-57,82
本文综述了EGM2008模型的发展情况,并以此模型为基础构建了哈尔滨市区域似大地水准面模型,接着对所建立的模型进行了实证分析,经过计算后,得到结论认为利用EGM2008构建的区域似大地水准面模型能够用于厘米级GNSS正常高测量.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation is to study some FFT problems related to the application of FFT to gravity field convolution integrals. And the others, such as the effect of spectral leakage, edge effects, cyclic convolution and effect of padding, are also discussed. A numerical test for these problems is made. A large area of Western China selected for the test is located between 30°N~36°N and 96°E~102°E and includes 1 858 gravity observations on land. The results show that the removal of the bias in the residual gravity anomalies is important to avoid spectral leakage. One hundred percent zero padding is highly recommended for further research of the geoid to remove cyclic convolution errors and edge effects. 1-D FFT is recommended for precise local geoid determination because it does not use kernel approximation.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionInthemid_1 980s,thefastFouriertransformation(FFT)begantofindwidespreaduseingeoiddeter minationbecauseofitsefficientevaluationofcon volutionintegrals,whencomparedtoclassicalnu mericalintegration .Formanyyears,theplanar,2_DFFThadbeenused (Schwarz ,1 …  相似文献   

似大地水准面的精化与高程异常的求解是同一个概念,为提高似大地水准面精化的精度,采用格网+神经网络方法,借助神经网络BP方法,建立高程异常与坐标之间的函数关系;用训练好的神经网络模型和固定间隔的格网,建立格网模型;在已建好的格网模型中,内插出给定点的高程异常值。结合江苏省C级GPS水准网进行试验,拟合效果有明显的改进,克服了目前研究中存在的问题。  相似文献   

针对RTK三维水深测量技术中GPS大地高需拟合成正(常)高的问题,该文在常规七参数转换法的基础上提出一种基于CGCS2000框架的单椭球七参数转换方法,有效弥补了二次曲面法在外推拟合GPS高程时精度衰减的不足。该文重点阐述了单椭球七参数转换法的构造原理、流程及其特点,最后通过椒江出海口水下地形测量项目实例证明:该文算法在拟合精度的内插方面不低于经典的二次曲面法;外推方面,在椒江口向东海外推超过20km时,仍能保证厘米级的拟合精度,且相比二次曲面法精度高出一个数量级。  相似文献   

论述了大地水准面精化的方法、原理以及大连市似大地水准面的确定。  相似文献   

1990年8月至9月间,武汉测绘科技大学和黑龙江省测绘局合作,圆满完成了国家高精度GPS空间定位网的东北地区一个环的GPS测量试验工作。该项试验取得了预期的效果。表明了国家高精度GPS空间定位网初步设计的技术目标的可行性,并为该网的组织实施和作业调度提供了经检。通过试验,为发展完善了观测技术方案和外业数据检检方法,及全网的布测实施提供了必要的依据。  相似文献   

雷伟伟  张锋 《测绘工程》2011,20(1):33-36
建立高精度、高分辨率的区域似大地水准面模型是GPS高程测量在实际应用中必须解决的首要问题,分别介绍BP神经网络、曲面拟合的模型及算法,并基于焦作市GPS测量数据,通过MATLAB编程计算和分类实验,验证几种算法的有效性与可靠性,结果证明神经网络算法要优于其它算法,最后给出有益的结论.  相似文献   

我国精化大地水准面工作中若干问题的讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对我国正进行的精化大地水准面工作中若干问题作了讨论,包括:1)推估内插(或拟合)模型;2)利用莫霍面起伏资料代替均衡假说;3)GPS水准布网的优化设计;4)利用GPS水准及重力资料精化大地水准面的精度估计。  相似文献   

GPS技术已经非常成熟,但是GPS高程属于大地高系统,而我国实际水准数据采用的是正常高系统。导致GPS高程不能直接运用,降低了GPS数据的利用效率。本文应用区域椭球的定位定向拟合方法,通过对椭球的定向进行调整,以消除椭球面相对于投影面的倾斜异常,并应用软件实现该转换。经在某工程应用中对比,得出区域椭球法具有可观的应用前景。  相似文献   

GPS水准采用移去恢复技术拟合大地水准面方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精化大地水准面是现代重力场和大地测量学工作的重要任务之一。探讨了利用已知水准点上的高程异常拟合区域大地水准面模型时,首先移去EGM96模型计算得到的部分,然后基于移动曲面和多面函数方法分别对剩余高程异常进行拟合,在内插点上再利用EGM96模型把移去的部分恢复,得到该点的高程异常。通过对某局部地区水准点的计算表明,引入EGM96模型的拟合高程异常的精度有所改进,对于大范围地区,这种方法有望能更好地提高大地水准面的拟合精度。  相似文献   

 The latest gravimetric geoid model for Japan, JGEOID2000, was successfully combined with the nationwide net of GPS at benchmarks, yielding a new hybrid geoid model for Japan, GSIGEO2000. The least-squares collocation (LSC) method was applied as an interpolation for fitting JGEOID2000 to the GPS/leveling geoid undulations. The GPS/leveling geoid undulation data were reanalyzed in advance, in terms of three-dimensional positions from GPS and orthometric heights from leveling. The new hybrid geoid model is, therefore, compatible with the new Japanese geodetic reference frame. GSIGEO2000 was evaluated internally and independently and the precision was estimated at 4 cm throughout nearly the whole region. Received: 15 October 2001 / Accepted: 27 March 2002 Acknowledgments. Messrs. Toshio Kunimi and Tadashi Saito at the Third Geodetic Division of the Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) mainly carried out the computations of most of the updated leveled heights. With regard to the reanalysis of GPS data, the discussions with Messrs. Yuki Hatanaka and Shoichi Matsumura of GSI were of great help in building the analysis strategy. Messrs. Kazuyuki Tanaka and Hiromi Shigematsu collaborated in the preparatory stages of GPS data computation. The authors' thanks are extended to these colleagues. Some plots were made by GMT software (Wessel and Smith 1991). Correspondence to: Y. Kuroishi  相似文献   

张建辉  金继业 《测绘科学》2013,38(3):16-17,30
目前,世界上还有许多国家的海洋边界没得到确定,由此引起的国家间海上争端事件不断。因此,开展海洋划界技术和方法研究,科学精确地确定两国间海洋边界显得十分必要。本文阐述了基于墨卡托投影的海图进行海上划界方法的不足,研究了利用高斯平均引数大地主题解算计算点到大地线的球面距离模型,最后设计了基于地球椭球面模型的等比例海上划界算法,并基于ArcGIS Engine实现划界功能。  相似文献   

李祖锋 《测绘工程》2016,25(12):1-4
短程精密测距精度一般优于GNSS测量精度,工程中常用GNSS测量与精密测距方法联合建立高精度工程测量控制网,对两者所存在的尺度差异,常采用尺度比进行统一,其关键是尺度比的合理选择。文中参照精密测距边长确定的实测尺度比相对于理论尺度比的残差,建立空间分布与尺度残差线性关系,对尺度差异进行估计并确定合理的尺度比,再在投影层面将尺度比等价转换成参考椭球参数进行数据归算,从而实现GNSS与精密测距成果的高度融合,得到高精度工程测量控制网的可靠成果。  相似文献   

测量平差模型中的参数通常存在一些不确定的附加信息或先验信息,充分利用它们可以对部分参数进行约束,从而保证参数解的唯一性和稳定性。本文利用椭球集合描述不确定性,建立了一个新的带有椭球不确定性的平差模型。以两个椭球交集的外接椭球的特征矩阵的迹最小平差准则,分析了不确定度的传播规律,给出了带有椭球不确定性的平差方法。最后,通过算例验证了算法的有效性,说明了平差解与带权混合估计的关系。  相似文献   

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