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The northern Lau back-arc basin (NLB) lavas display a diverse geochemical nature caused by complex geological processes in this region. Independent component (IC) analysis was applied to investigate the nature of mantle sources in the NLB, based on a compiled geochemical data set from the NLB, central-southern Lau Basin (C-SLB), Pacific and Indian Ocean ridges, and Samoan islands. We identified three ICs in the five-dimensional space of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios, which can account for 96.5% of the isotopic variance. The correlations between the ICs and the incompatible trace elements ratios were further used to examine the origin of these ICs. The first IC (IC1) separates Samoan islands (IC1 < ?1) from the other groups, and shows negative correlation with (La/Sm)N ratios. The second IC (IC2) discriminates mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from Pacific (IC2 > 0) and Indian (IC2 < 0) Ocean ridges as well as the C-SLB (IC2 > 0) and NLB (IC2 < 0) lavas. IC2 correlates positively with Ba/Th ratios. The third IC (IC3) distinguishes MORBs (IC3 > 0) and back-arc basin lavas (IC3 < 0), and displays a negative correlation with Th/Nb values. On a regional scale in the NLB, there is a broad increase in IC1, IC2, and IC3 from the north to the south. Only IC3 presents obvious decrease from the west to the east, i.e. with decreasing distance from the arc. The geochemical nature and the statistical properties of these ICs suggest that IC1 is related to an enriched mantle component most likely from the nearby Samoan plume, and the IC2 corresponds to a fluid-rich component from the subducting Pacific slab. The IC3 may represent partial melt of recycled subducted sediment or recycled continental crustal materials. The geographic distribution of three ICs supports that the relatively recent mixing of Samoan plume materials with the subduction-metasomatized back-arc mantle may be responsible for the observed geochemical diversity in NLB lavas.  相似文献   

Ryuichi Shinjo  Yuzo Kato   《Lithos》2000,54(3-4):117-137
The magmatism at the axial zone of the middle Okinawa Trough, a young continental back-arc basin, comprises a bimodal basaltic–rhyolitic suite, accompanied by minor intermediate rocks. We report major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic data for the intermediate to silicic suites, to provide constraints on their petrogenesis. The rhyolites, recovered as lava and pumice, fall into three geochemical groups (type 1, 2, and 3 rhyolites). Type 1 rhyolites have 87Sr/86Sr (0.7040–0.7042) and 143Nd/144Nd (0.5128–0.5129) identical to those of associated basalts, and are characterized by highly fractionated REE patterns. Petrogenesis of type 1 rhyolites is explicable in terms of fractional crystallization of the associated basalt. In contrast, type 2 rhyolites and andesite have slightly higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.7044–0.7047) but similar 143Nd/144Nd (0.5128) compared to those of the basalts. The compositions of type 2 rhyolite and andesite can be explained by assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) processes of the basalt magma; quantitative analysis suggests assimilation/fractional crystallization (Ma/Mc) ratios of ≤0.05. Hybrid andesite generated by mixing of evolved basalt and type 1 rhyolite is also present. We emphasize that mechanical extension in this part of the Okinawa Trough involves gabbroic lower crust that resulted from fractionation of mantle-derived basaltic magmas. Type 3 rhyolite occurs only as pumice, which makes its derivation questionable. This rhyolite has major and trace element compositions and Sr–Nd isotopic ratios, which suggests that it may be derived from volcanic activity on the southern Ryukyu volcanic front, and arrived in the Okinawa Trough by drifting on the Kuroshio Current.  相似文献   

作为大洋典型地貌特征的海山,其邻近的海洋生境并不被人熟知。依据2014年冬季对热带西太平洋Y3海山及其邻近海域的综合调查,首次探讨了该海山区海水中营养盐的分布特征及其与生态环境的耦合关系。结果表明Y3海山区是典型的热带寡营养海域。在50~125 m的深度,温跃层和高盐区双重作用对底部高浓度营养盐向上输送的阻碍,是导致真光层上部营养盐浓度较低的重要原因;同时,浮游植物和异养细菌的消耗也加剧了该区域营养盐的缺乏。Y3海山突出的地形地貌对营养盐的分布产生重要的影响,海山对流经的海流产生阻碍,形成上升流,使底部高浓度的营养盐突破温跃层和高盐区的阻碍向上输送,从而使海山周围营养盐的平均浓度高于远离海山的海域。相关性分析显示,Y3海山区真光层中营养盐浓度与温度、盐度、叶绿素a浓度和异养细菌丰度分别呈负相关、正相关、负相关(除NO2-N外)和负相关关系。海山区特殊的营养盐分布及其与生态环境的耦合是其成为一种独特的大洋生态系统的重要因素。  相似文献   

This work supports a growing body of evidence that the Ashe Metamorphic Suite (AMS) of the eastern Blue Ridge province in North Carolina has an ensimatic origin and is part of a subduction‐related accretionary mélange, marking the Taconic suture between the North American craton and the Inner Piedmont. In a palinspastic reconstruction, the thrust fault at the base of the AMS appears to have intercepted the greatest depths (i.e. highest‐P metamorphic rocks) beneath parts of the AMS now exposed adjacent to the Grandfather Mountain window. The greatest volume of mafic rock is found in these same areas. We suggest that the nascent, subduction‐related, basal thrust fault was deflected downward by an obstacle in the form of an isolated, mafic volcanic edifice on the oceanic crust–a sea mount. Pelitic and mafic rocks dominate the AMS. North of the Grandfather Mountain window, retrograded eclogite occurs in the amphibolite near the base of the AMS. Textures and mineralogy indicate that an original eclogite assemblage was subjected to the following sequence of parageneses: (a) Eclogite(I) facies: omphacite+garnet+quartz, (b) Eclogite(II) facies: omphacite+garnet+epidote+quartz, (c) Symplectic (diopside+plagioclase)+garnet+epidote+quartz, (d) Amphibolite facies: (diopside+plagioclase)+garnet+epidote+hornblende+quartz, (e) Amphibolite facies: plagioclase+garnet+epidote+hornblende+quartz. P–T conditions, estimated from geothermobarometry applied to relevant mineral compositions, are c.720 °C and c.16 kbar for (b) eclogite(II) facies; c.655 °C and c.8.5 kbar for (e) amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

An extinct hydrothermal barite-silica chimney from the Franklin Seamount of the Woodlark Basin, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, was investigated for mineral distribution and geochemical composition. Six layers on either side of the orifice of a chimney show significant disparity in color, mineral assemblage and major element composition. Electron microscope(SEM) images reveal that the peripheral wall of the chimney is composed of colloform silica, suggesting that incipient precipitation of silica-saturated hydrothermal fluid initiated the development of the chimney wall. Intermediate layers, between the exterior wall and the inner fluid-orifice, dominate with barite and sulfides. Low Sr-to-Ba ratios(SrO/BaO = 0.015–0.017) indicate restricted fluid-seawater mixing, which causes relatively high-temperature formation of the intermediate layers. Whereas the innermost layer bordering the chimney orifice is characterized by more silica and a higher Sr-to-Ba ratio(SrO/BaO = 0.023), could have formed due to a paragenetic shift from a high-temperature active phase to a cooler waning stage of formation. A paragenetic shift is also probably responsible for the change in mineral formation mechanism that resulted in the textural variation of barite and colloform silica developed during different growth phases of this barite-silica chimney.  相似文献   

位于中国东部苏鲁造山带北侧的胶莱盆地发育早白垩世莱阳组,厚约2000m,为一套陆相碎屑沉积,包括砾岩、砂岩和页岩,以及少量泥灰岩、白云岩和凝灰岩。它可以分为4个岩性段,每个段大致形成一个向上变细的旋回。砾岩砾石成分主要为花岗片麻岩、黑云斜长片麻岩、混合花岗岩和大理岩,其次是黑云片岩、灰岩和沉积碎屑岩、火山岩和花岗岩等。莱阳组砂岩主要由岩屑长石砂岩以及岩屑砂岩组成,具有低的成分成熟度,Q/(F+L)平均为0.42(0.19~0.84)。石英主要由单晶石英组成,长石包括斜长石、微斜长石等,岩屑主要为火山岩和变质岩,其次为沉积岩。6个砂岩地球化学样品分析表明,砂岩的SiO2、Al2O3、TiO2、Fe2O3^T;、MnO、MgO、CaO、Na2O、K2O的平均含量分别为70.53%、13.10%、0.41%、3.09%、0.06%、1.23%、1.69%、3.38%和3.38%,类似于晚元古代造山带砂岩成分。莱阳组砂岩稀土元素分析表明,La含量为38.4&#215;10^-6(28.0&#215;10^-6-50.5&#215;10^-6),Ce含量为69.3&#215;10^-6(58.1&#215;10^-6~81.3&#215;10^-6),稀土总量为134&#215;10^-6~197&#215;10^-6,轻稀土明显富集,La/Yb为20.18(11.91~25.98),(La/Yb)。为13.60(8.03~17.52),有中等到弱的Eu负异常(δEu=0.58-0.88),Ce为弱的负异常(δCe=0.78~0.97)。Ce含量、稀土总量和Eu异常揭示源区岩石形成时的构造背景主要为大陆岛弧。砾石统计揭示,莱阳组物源区的剥蚀序列按时间顺序应该是花岗片麻岩、黑云斜长片麻岩-大理岩-脉石英、灰岩和碎屑岩-正长岩。砂岩点统计、F1-F2判别图、La—Th-Sc和Th—Sc—Zr/10判别图揭示,莱阳组砂岩主要源区属于大陆弧的长英质火成岩区,少许来自再循环造山带。砂岩Zr/Y比值揭示莱阳组砂岩与分布在山东荣成地区具有大陆弧构造背景的片麻岩具有亲缘性。这表明山东胶菜盆地莱阳组砂岩源区主要来自苏鲁造山带,其次有少许来自扬子陆块。造山带周缘盆地的陆源沉积物中,砂岩的碎屑组分以及地球化学特征具有源区构造背景的继承性,反映的是源岩形成的构造环境。  相似文献   

本文对主要取自于西太平洋我国调查区内不同海山、不同水深、不同产状的13个磷酸盐样品进行了常量、微量和稀土元素测定,以探讨与大洋富钴结壳密切伴生的磷酸盐的常、微量和稀土元素地球化学的特征。分析结果表明,调查区磷酸盐中主要氧化物的平均值与赤道太平洋的相近,暗示两者可能有相似的形成环境和形成机制。磷酸盐中微量元素Sr、Ba、Co、Cu、Ni及U丰度分别变化于862×10~(-6)~2181×10~(-6)、29×10~(-6)~3429×10~(-6)、6.3×10~(-6)~115×10~(-6)、23×10~(-6)~263×10~(-6)、12×10~(-6)~825×10~(-6)及4×10~(-6)~11×10~(-6),丰度多数低于泥质岩平均值,其CaO/P_2O_5、F/CO_2、Sr/P_2O_5值及常量、微量元素间的相关关系,清晰地显示了磷酸盐的种类、成分与结构、形成的地质背景和元素的主要组合特征。磷酸盐的稀土丰度为136.50×10~(-6)~853.70×10~(-6);Ce~*变化于0.01~0.18之间;(Ce/Yb)_N值变化于0.01~0.21之间。研究证实,不同产状磷酸盐的稀土元素配分模式基本一致,曲线相互平行,基本不呈现交叉现象,均呈Ce强烈亏损,轻、重稀土分馏程度大及重稀土富集的型式。调查区、赤道太平洋、中太平洋磷酸盐的稀土元素丰度、Ce~*、Ce/Yb值以及它们与海水稀土元素配分模式相似的特征,也进一步显  相似文献   

Abstract The hydrothermal metamorphism of a sequence of Pliocene-aged seamount extrusive and volcanoclastic rocks on La Palma includes a relatively complete low-P-T facies series encompassing the zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, and greenschist facies. The observed mineral zonations imply metamorphic gradients of 200–300° C km-1. The transition from smectite to chlorite in the La Palma seamount series is characterized by discontinuous steps between discrete smectite, corrensite and chlorite, which occur ubiquitously as vesicles and, to a much lesser extent, vein in-fillings. Trioctahedral smectites [(Mg/(Fe + Mg) = 0.4–0.75] occur with palagonite and Na-Ca zeolites such as analcime and a thompsonite/natrolite solid solution. Corrensite [(Mg/(Fe + Mg) = 0.5–0.65] first appears at stratigraphic depths closely corresponding to the disappearance of analcime and first appearance of pumpellyite. Discrete chlorite [(Mg/(Fe + Mg) = 0.4–0.6] becomes the dominant layer silicate mineral coincident with the appearance of epidote and andraditic garnet. Within the stratigraphic section there is some overlap in the distribution of the three discrete layer silicate phases, although random interstratifications of these phases have not been observed. Although smectite occurs as both low- and high-charge forms, the La Palma corrensite is a compositionally restricted, 1:1 mixture of low-charge, trioctahedral smectite and chlorite. Electron microprobe analyses of coarse-grained corrensite yield structural formulae close to ideal values based on 50 negative charge recalculations. Calcium (average 0.20 cations/formula unit) is the dominant interlayer cation, with lesser Mg, K and Na. The absence of randomly interlayered chlorite/smectite in the La Palma seamount series may reflect high, time-integrated fluid fluxes through the seamount sequence. This is consistent with the ubiquity of high-variance metamorphic mineral assemblages and the general absence of relict igneous minerals in these samples.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地在埋深超过8000 m、油藏经历200℃以上高温改造仍然发现液态烃类流体稳定存在,目前勘探工作正在面向深层-超深层拓展,塔里木盆地海相原油具有的高热稳定性来自其较好的保存条件。本文总结了近年来塔里木盆地海相油藏研究进展,结合宏观地质背景演化,主要从微观过程入手探讨塔里木盆地海相油藏热稳定性的地球化学特征。认为宏观上塔里木盆地目前的低地温梯度有利于油藏的稳定保存;而油藏储层中普遍缺乏氧化性矿物,石膏类等含硫矿物也贫乏,使得油藏储层中的烃-水-岩相互作用(包括热化学硫酸盐还原反应)发生的程度有限;同时,塔里木盆地海相油藏中地层水广泛发育、分布复杂,这对油藏中的液态烃类,特别是大分子烃类的热裂解具有抑制作用,从而有利于油藏的稳定保存。有必要进一步开展针对塔里木盆地海相原油热稳定性的微观地球化学特征探讨,特别是烃-水-岩相互作用中有利于原油烃类流体稳定保存的物理化学机理分析,研究成果将有助于深化塔里木盆地深层-超深层油气藏的勘探研究工作。  相似文献   

The molecular compositions and stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of natural gas from the Xinchang gas field in the Sichuan Basin were investigated to determine the genetic types. The natural gas is mainly composed of methane (88.99%–98.01%), and the dryness coefficient varies between 0.908 and 0.997. The gas generally displays positive alkane carbon and hydrogen isotopic series. The geochemical characteristics and gas-source correlation indicate that the gases stored in the 5~(th) member of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation are coal-type gases which are derived from source rocks in the stratum itself. The gases reservoired in the 4~(th) member of the Xujiahe Formation and Jurassic strata in the Xinchang gas field are also coal-type gases that are derived from source rocks in the 3~(rd) and 4~(th) members of the Xujiahe Formation. The gases reservoired in the 2~(nd) member of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation are mainly coal-type gases with small amounts of oil-type gas that is derived from source rocks in the stratum itself. This is accompanied by a small amount of contribution brought by source rocks in the Upper Triassic Ma'antang and Xiaotangzi formations. The gases reservoired in the 4~(th) member of the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation are oil-type gases and are believed to be derived from the secondary cracking of oil which is most likely to be generated from the Upper Permian source rocks.  相似文献   

甲玛铜多金属矿是西藏冈底斯成矿带中东段勘查程度最高、成矿元素与矿体类型复杂的超大型斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床。前人在控岩-控矿构造、矿床地质、地球化学、矿床模型等方面已经完成了大量的研究工作,但对于矿床成矿机制研究方面尚存不足,特别是流体、成矿物质的来源方面欠缺系统的研究工作和对资料的全面梳理。文章在大量阅研和总结前人研究资料的基础上,以矿区16号勘探线作为典型剖面开展了氧同位素填图,同时对硫同位素进行了必要的样品补充采集。通过综合研究,有证据表明甲玛矿区深部隐伏斑岩体存在岩浆流体的出溶,在此基础上,氢、氧同位素组成表明矿化由早到晚演化过程中,流体由岩浆水向大气降水增加方向演化;同时,氧同位素填图以及流体包裹体平面均一温度分布确定成矿流体源位于矿区zk1616~zk3216一带。此外,S、Si同位素组成均表明了矿区成矿物质主要来源于成矿岩浆岩,而铅同位素的研究进一步说明成矿物质主要来源于冈底斯后碰撞环境下因地壳减薄、地幔上涌导致的壳幔混合作用。文章依据地球化学的研究成果,探讨矿床流体、成矿物质的来源,为甲玛矿床成因、成矿机制研究夯实基础。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地浅层天然气多种成因地球化学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
浅层天然气是当前国内外天然气勘探和基础研究的一个热点,在准噶尔盆地是油气勘探的一个重要新领域,但研究程度较低.为给区域勘探和成藏研究提供信息,并为国内外同类研究对比参考,主要以盆地腹部地区为例,着重从地球化学角度,包括系统的天然气组分、烷烃系列碳同位素组成、轻烃等,结合与天然气共生凝析油和储层沥青的研究,揭示了浅层天然气具有多种成因.研究区浅层天然气主要分布在陆梁、滴西、滴北和白家海4个地区.其中,陆梁地区浅层天然气成因为原油次生生物降解气,典型地球化学特征是气组分很干,几乎全为甲烷组成,甲烷碳同位素特别轻(–55‰~–45‰).滴西地区浅层天然气以石炭系来源煤型气为主,兼有二叠系来源煤型气和油型气,典型特征是乙烷碳同位素值变化大(–30.67‰~–22.20‰).滴北地区浅层天然气为石炭系来源煤型气,典型特征是乙烷碳同位素重(–24.54‰~–23.72‰).白家海地区浅层天然气为二叠系来源高成熟煤型气,典型特征是干燥系数大(0.97),甲烷碳同位素重(–30.15‰~–29.45‰),乙烷碳同位素较重(–25.83‰~–25.81‰).因此,研究区浅层天然气具有多种成因,主要包括来自不同烃源的原油次生生物降解气、油型气和煤型气,这预示着成藏的复杂性,需在下一步的勘探中给予充分重视  相似文献   

安徽庐枞中生代富钾火山岩成因的地球化学制约   总被引:74,自引:7,他引:74  
庐枞中生代火山岩产于下扬子断裂坳陷带的继承式火山盆地中,主要为一套以粗面玄武岩-玄武粗安岩-安粗岩-粗面岩为主体的偏碱质中基性岩石组合。化学成分上具有富碱、富钾、富轻稀土及大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Th、Pb)和贫高场强元素(如Nb、Ti)等特点。在郯庐断裂中南段及其邻近地区的中生代火山岩中,庐枞盆地火山岩的特征最接近钾玄岩系火山岩。这套火山岩具有较高的ISr值(0.70570-0.70653)及偏低的εNd(t)值(-5.01~-9.96)。火山岩产出地质背景的全面分析及元素-同位素的综合示踪,排除了岩浆上升过程中存在强烈的地壳物质的混染,富钾火山岩的岩浆源区应为受俯冲板片析出流体交代作用所形成的富集地幔(EMI),岩石主要起源于富集型地幔的部分熔融。  相似文献   

吴浩  林兆旭  姜子崎  王崇浩  郑鑫  仰睿 《地质通报》2022,41(10):1728-1739
狮泉河-纳木错混杂带的构造属性和演化时限一直存在较大的争议,其研究对认识青藏高原早期形成与演化具有重要的意义。对西藏中仓蛇绿混杂岩中发育的玄武岩端元进行了系统的岩石学、地质年代学和地球化学研究,以揭示其形成时代、岩石成因及构造意义。中仓玄武岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素年龄为115.7±2.0 Ma,与区域上辉长岩的形成时代一致。玄武岩整体具有相对平坦的球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分曲线,与洋中脊玄武岩相似,且显示Th的富集和Nb、Ta的亏损。研究认为,中仓玄武岩起源于受俯冲沉积物改造的尖晶石橄榄岩地幔部分熔融,形成于弧后扩张脊环境。结合区域上同时期辉长岩的研究结果,认为狮泉河-纳木错混杂带是中生代弧后洋盆消亡的残迹,是班公湖-怒江洋南向俯冲,引发弧后拉张的产物。  相似文献   

南天山额尔宾山中部出露的盲起苏侵入岩主要由花岗闪长岩组成,前人认为是泥盆纪产物,对其中锆石进行SHRIMP定年,获得侵入岩形成年龄296.9±5.4Ma和304.2±11.6Ma。其岩石学具有偏铝和过铝同碰撞花岗岩的特征,结合该带二叠纪后造山花岗岩及其它方面的区域资料,从而提出南天山古生代洋盆的闭合时限为晚石炭世。  相似文献   

从微量元素地球化学和包裹体地球化学角度系统对比分析了准噶尔盆地红车断裂带地区(主断裂及其上下盘)的含油气流体活动特点,结果表明,断裂在构造活动期是油气流体运移的良好通道,断裂上下盘中聚集的油气经由主断裂运移进入,且上盘优先接受充注,油气在断裂带中的运聚主要包括两个期次,每一期次又包括了多个幕,并可能具有幕式活动特征。  相似文献   

对采自羌塘盆地角木日地区的二叠系碳酸盐岩,包括下二叠统展金组白云岩和中二叠统龙格组灰岩进行了元素地球 化学分析,并讨论了其对古沉积环境的指示意义。结果表明,样品Y/Ho比值平均为45.14,Gd表现为轻微Gd正异常,符合 海相灰岩特征;SiO2和Al2O3的平均含量较低,反映研究区陆源物质的侵入较为有限。碳酸盐岩中ΣREE含量较低,稀土元 素分异程度整体较弱,轻稀土元素相对重稀土元素呈轻微富集特征,Ce,Eu均具有明显负异常,结合V/Cr,V/(V+Ni),Sr/ Ba及Sr/Ca等微量元素含量及比值特征认为,研究区早-中二叠世沉积期海水总体呈氧化环境。纵向上龙格组顶部表现出氧 化性增强、盐度增大的趋势,推测可能与当时水体变浅有关,与早二叠世晚期研究区构造应力由拉张向挤压的变化有密切 关系。  相似文献   

根据威宁草海赵家院子沉积柱主量元素和微量元素特征以及14C测年分析,探讨了草海地区泥炭沉积速率,晚更新世—全新世古气候演变和沉积物物源环境。元素地球化学测试结果表明,Li、Sc、V、Cr、Ni、Ga、Rb、Sr、Sn、Cs、Ba、Zr、Th、U等14种微量元素在沉积柱上含量变化整体呈现一致性。14C测年显示,赵家院子剖面沉积柱下部泥炭层的年龄大约为33.74±1.79—23.29±0.10kaBP之间,各层的沉积速率自下而上分别是:下部泥炭层148.4mm/ka,上部黑色古土壤层24.3mm/ka,顶部堆积层22.4mm/ka,沉积柱沉积速率由下而上逐渐降低。元素对比值以及多元素之和比值Sr/Ba、Rb/Sr、(CaO+K2O+Na2O)/Al2O3、(Fe2O3+Al2O3)/(MgO+CaO)和CaO/MgO等气候指标显示,从42.37±1.27kaBP到15.6±0.1kaBP时间段内,研究区古气候经历了由温暖较湿润→温暖湿润→温凉干燥→温暖较湿润→温凉湿润的演化。沉积物物源经历了较强烈的化学风化,下部泥炭层风化程度小于上部沉积物的风化程度。  相似文献   

The Honggang member of the early Paleogene Buxin Formation is the main source rock in the Sanshui Basin, characterized by organic-rich black shales with the cyclic recurrence of organic- poor sediments. The geochemical characteristics of the Honggang member have been documented to determine the organic matter types and depositional environments in this paper. The organic matter of the black shales mainly consists of a mixture of land plant-derived and phytoplankton-derived organic matter. Total organic carbon content (TOC)–sulfur–iron (Fe) relationships suggest that the organic- rich black shales were deposited under dysoxic-to-euxinic water conditions. The time that iron minerals remained in contact with H2S in anoxic waters possibly influenced the formation of syngenetic pyrite, and organic carbon controlled the formation of diagenetic pyrite. Organic-poor intervals usually show pyrite sulfur enrichment and higher degree of pyritization values relative to low organic carbon contents. This resulted from HS– diffusing downward from overlying organic-rich sediments and formed Fe sulfides through reactions with sufficient Fe. Trace elements generally exhibit low concentrations and little TOC dependence, suggesting some degree of depletion in these elements in the early Paleogene sediments of the Sanshui Basin. This probably resulted from cyclic recurrences of oxic benthic conditions, which promoted the remobilization of trace elements and caused the low concentration of trace elements.  相似文献   

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