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Sea ice leads play an essential role in ocean-ice-atmosphere exchange, in ocean circulation, geochemistry, and in ice dynamics. Their precise detection is crucial for altimetric estimations of sea ice thickness and volume. This study evaluates the performance of the SARAL/AltiKa (Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa) altimeter to detect leads and to monitor their spatio-temporal dynamics. We show that a pulse peakiness parameter (PP) used to detect leads by Envisat RA-2 and ERS-1,-2 altimeters is not suitable because of saturation of AltiKa return echoes over the leads. The signal saturation results in loss of 6–10% of PP data over sea ice. We propose a different parameter—maximal power of waveform—and define the threshold to discriminate the leads. Our algorithm can be applied from December until May. It detects well the leads of small and medium size from 200 m to 3–4 km. So the combination of the high-resolution altimetric estimates with low-resolution thermal infra-red or radiometric lead fraction products could enhance the capability of remote sensing to monitor sea ice fracturing.  相似文献   

Following the successful launch of the SARAL space mission in February 2013, the reliability of the innovative AltiKa altimeter has been demonstrated for deep ocean applications, where Ka-band performances are excellent. With the objective to ensure the complementarity but also the continuity with the altimeter Level-2 products provided in the open ocean, the Prototype for Expertise on AltiKa for Coastal, Hydrology and Ice (PEACHI) project has been set up as an initiative of the French space agency, CNES, to provide a data set of research-grade Level-2 parameters that might be interesting for SARAL secondary objectives on the study of coastal dynamics, inland waters, polar oceans, or continental and sea ices. Thus, the PEACHI prototype has been developed to process and accurately tune dedicated algorithms for the assessment of Ka-band parameters, from the instrument processing to geophysical corrections. As a result, the PEACHI prototype routinely provides end users with new or improved altimeter corrections for scientific applications dedicated to mesoscale monitoring but also synergistic science.  相似文献   

The AltiKa altimeter onboard SARAL is a joint CNES/ISRO mission launched in February 2013 that has the same 35 days repeat orbit of the previous European altimeters, Envisat, and ERS-1/2. SARAL/AltiKa is thus a unique opportunity to extend the repeat observations of this orbit that have been surveyed since 1991. However, the altimeter operates in Ka-band, which is higher than the previous frequencies, and offers new paths of investigation. The penetration depth is theoretically reduced from around 10 m in Ku-band to less than 1 m in Ka-band, such that the volume echo originates from the near subsurface. Second, the sharper antenna aperture leads to a narrower leading edge that reduces the impact of the ratio between surface and volume echoes of the height retrieval. Indeed, the spatial and temporal observations of AltiKa at cross-over points and along-track indicate that the impact of backscatter changes on the height decreasesfrom 0.3 m/dB for the Ku-band to only 0.05 m/dB for the Ka-band. Therefore, the height measurement is stable over time. Moreover, the volume echo in the Ka-band results from the near subsurface layer and is mostly controlled by ice grain size, unlike the Ku-band.  相似文献   

The significant wave height and wind speed derived for the period 1993–2010 from altimeter data sets over the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Indian Ocean categorized as six zones has been analyzed. The average variation of both significant wave height and wind speed is found to be almost stable for the period of study. The study reveals that the average wind speed increases by about 6cm/sec/year during monsoon and post monsoon in the southern Indian Ocean. The distribution of wind and waves was studied in the context of seasonal variations. In addition, the average inter-annual and intra-annual variations along with the statistical parameters such as standard deviation, and root mean square wave height for the six zones are also reported in this paper.  相似文献   

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