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Regional metamorphism is not the effect of granitic intrusions, but is part of a much greater phenomenon. The wider context to be considered must include the zones of closely assembled basic dykes, the mobilisation and migration of ions, the secondary intrusions as well as the migmatic and magmatic phenomena. The difference between the so-called ?theory“ of largescale magmatic differentiation and the more prudent hypothesis of migmatic and magmatic evolution within structurally limited spaces is exposed and the possibility of a synthesis of the antinomies based on tectonical methods is shown.  相似文献   

Long-lived subduction complexes, such as the Franciscan Complex of California, include tectonic contacts that represent exhumed megathrust horizons that collectively accommodated thousands of kilometres of slip. The chaotic nature of mélanges in subduction complexes has spawned proposals that these mélanges form as a result of megathrust displacement. Detailed field and petrographic relationships, however, show that most Franciscan mélanges with exotic blocks formed by submarine landsliding. Field relationships at El Cerrito Quarry in the eastern San Francisco Bay area suggest that subduction slip may have been accommodated between the blueschist facies metagreywacke of the Angel Island nappe above and the prehnite-pumpellyite facies metagreywacke of the Alcatraz nappe below. Although a 100–200 m-thick mélange zone separates the nappes, this mélange is a variably deformed, prehnite-pumpellyite facies sedimentary breccia and conglomerate deposited on the underlying coherent sandstone, so the mélange is part of the lower nappe. A 20–30 m-thick fault zone between the top of the mélange, and the base of the Angel Island nappe displays an inverted metamorphic gradient with jadeite-glaucophane-lawsonite above lawsonite-albite assemblages. This zone has a strong seaward (SW)-vergent shear fabric and hosts ultracataclasite and pseudotachylite. These relationships suggest that significant subduction megathrust displacement at depths of 15–30 km was accommodated within the 20–30 m-thick fault zone. Field studies elsewhere in the Franciscan Complex suggest similar localization of megathrust slip, with some examples lacking mélanges. The narrow megathrust zone at El Cerrito Quarry, its uniform sense-of-shear, and the localization of slip along the contact of, rather than within a mélange, contrast sharply with the predictions of numerical models for subduction channels.  相似文献   

Arabian Journal of Geosciences - Mapping in the areas, which are near the collision zone, needs extensive and exact studies and tools because of the variety of rocks and complex structures....  相似文献   

]The activities of 18 radionuclides in 4 samples from the Saint-Séverin meteorite have been measured after chemical separation. The results show that the DI sample from the D piece has been less irradiated than the samples B2, B3 and B4 from the B piece. This is based on activities of isotopes produced both by spallation as 26Al, 53Mn, 54Mn, 55Fe, 57Co and by thermal neutron capture as 59Ni and 60Co.Comparison of experimental values to calculated production rates suggests that the D piece was connected to the main body of the meteorite by a small surface, and that the DI sample in this piece was opposite to the main body of the meteorite.  相似文献   


La zone métamorphique qui jalonne la faille nord-pyrénéenne est caractérisée à la fois par son étroitesse et par les hautes températures atteintes à faible profondeur.

Les données géologiques sont assez nombreuses et précises, tant sur la zone métamorphique elle-même que sur le contexte régional pour contraindre une modélisation du transfert thermique dans le cadre de l’amincissement crustal, très important au Crétacé Moyen. On s’aperçoit alors que les modèles de transfert par conduction, appliqués à un amincissement homogène et hétérogène, ne peuvent pas rendre compte d’une anomalie aussi chaude et étroite.

On conclut au rôle essentiel joué par le transfert par circulation de fluides chauds, en s’appuyant sur les données de terrain. On discute les paramètres significatifs du problème et l’on est amené à proposer un fonctionnement thermique discontinu le long du couloir de faille qui reste pendant plus de 15 Ma une zone d’instabilité mécanique majeure à l’échelle de la zone frontière Ibérie/Europe.  相似文献   


Les transferts de matière par les fluides se marquent dans les roches métamorphiques par des différenciations chimiques et minéralogiques. Une approche quantitative des relations entre transferts de matière et déformation passe par l’étude de ces différenciations dans des structures présentant soit un gradient continu de l’intensité de la déformation, soit des sites structuraux distincts. Dans ces structures, la roche initiale est souvent préservée dans des zones protégées. Des bilans de matière, par comparaison de cette analyse initiale avec les différentes roches déformées sont effectuées. Une référence chimique, minéralogique ou volumique est choisie dans des diagrammes où sont reportés les gains ou les pertes des constituants de la roche pour les différentes valeurs possibles de son changement de volume. Les quantités de matière transférée et les variations de volume sont alors lues directement dans les diagrammes ou calculées par des relations générales. Dans des diagrammes de variation chimique, ces résultats sont reportés pour chaque roche transformée, en fonction d’un paramètre de différenciation : intensité de la déformation, de la transfonnation chimique ou minéralogique, position dans la structure de déformation. Suivant les cas, ces diagrammes donnent l’évolution de la mobilité des éléments au cours de la déformation ou de la différenciation chimique, les gradients de changement de volume ou les variations de masse dans la structure de déformation étudiée. Des exemples d’un bilan minéralogique et volumique entre flancs et charnière d’un pli, d’un bilan chimique dans une zone de cisaillement et de l’écriture d’une réaction métamorphique sont présentés. Les différentes étapes d’une approche quantitative des relations entre transfert de matière et déformation sont récapitulés.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic to Mesozoic accretionary complexes of southwest Japan include various types of mélange. Most mélanges are polygenetic in origin, being sedimentary or diapiric mélanges that were overprinted by tectonic deformation during subduction. Sedimentary mélanges, without a tectonic overprint, are present in the Permian accretionary complexes of the Akiyoshi and Kurosegawa belts and in the Early Cretaceous accretionary complex of the Chichibu Belt. These mélanges are characterized by dominant basalt and limestone clasts, within a mudstone matrix. The basalt and limestone clasts within the sedimentary mélanges were derived from ancient seamounts. Subduction of a seamount results in deformation of the pre-existing accretionary wedge, and it is difficult to incorporate a seamount into an accretionary wedge; therefore, preservation of seamount fragments requires a special tectonic setting. Oceanic plateau accretion might play an important role in interrupting the processes of subduction and accretion during the formation of accretionary complexes. Especially the Mikabu oceanic plateau might have caused the cessation of accretion during the Early Cretaceous. The subduction and accretion of volcanic arcs and oceanic plateaux helps to preserve sedimentary mélanges from tectonic overprinting by preventing further subduction.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2002,334(16):1185-1191
A detailed analysis of metamorphic complexes outcropping in the Muteh area in central Iran leads to establish the regional stratigraphical column, and to propose a Palaeozoic age for the metamorphic protolith that mainly consists of volcano-sedimentary units. 40K40Ar ages for minerals suggest the Mesozoic age of the metamorphic amphiboles and the Palaeocene ones for a late or even post metamorphic bimodal magmatism. To cite this article: N. Rachidnejad-Omran et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1185–1191.  相似文献   

In the central and eastern part of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Upper Permian evaporitic rocks form a tectonic mélange whose distribution is restricted largely to the topmost thrust unit (Juvavicum). Mudrock and dolostone samples associated with the evaporites in ten major outcrops (mostly mines) were examined in order to constrain the paleothermal conditions of the mélange. Measurements of illite "crystallinity" reveal a regionally variable pattern of metamorphic grade ranging from diagenesis to the high anchizone and possibly epizone. Most samples contained very little organic matter and vitrinite particles were rare. Samples containing vitrinite show consistent minimum reflectance values of ~1.3–1.7% Ro, whereas maximum reflectance values are more variable (up to 4.9%). The former data constrain the minimum burial temperatures to ~160–180°C. The observed variability in illite "crystallinity" and organic maturity both between and within individual outcrops is consistent with the mélange architecture of this unit and is in good agreement with the regional thermal pattern recognized in Middle to Upper Triassic carbonate formations within the Juvavicum by conodont color alteration studies. Mélange formation and heating of the evaporites is suggested to be linked to the Upper Jurassic closure of the Meliata-Hallstatt Ocean and subsequent thrusting of obducted terranes (Juvavicum) into the depositional realm of the Northern Calcareous Alps.  相似文献   

The petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the Mesozoic ophiolitic mélanges in the western section of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone (YZSZ) remain controversial. In this paper, we present the results of whole-rock geochemical and SrNd isotope analyses, zircon UPb ages and in situ LuHf isotopic data obtained from mafic rocks of the northern and southern sub-belts of the western YZSZ Mesozoic ophiolitic mélanges to help us understand these controversial issues. Diabases and dolerites from the northern sub-belt and gabbros from the southern sub-belt exhibit variable fore-arc basalt (FAB)-like geochemical compositions and have zircon UPb ages of ∼126.4–120.3 Ma. In addition, gabbro-diabases from the northern sub-belt have boninite series affinities and yield a zircon UPb age of ∼125.7 Ma. These results, along with previous studies on the YZSZ Mesozoic ophiolitic mélanges and the Gangdese arc, reveal that the western YZSZ Mesozoic ophiolites were likely generated over multiple stages in the epicontinental Gangdese fore-arc basin as the Yarlung Zangbo Neo-Tethyan Ocean subducted northward in front of the Lhasa terrane. The Early Cretaceous FAB-like and boninite series mafic rocks were formed by the reinitiation of subduction, which was followed by a retreat of the subduction zone and the creation of the fore-arc basin and strong hyperextension, accompanied by asthenosphere upwelling at ∼130–120 Ma. During this process, the upwelling asthenosphere underwent decompressional melting with limited penetration of slab-derived fluids and gave rise to the N-MORB (normal mid-ocean ridge basalt)-like basaltic magmas that intruded the overlying, previously generated depleted mantle as FAB-like gabbro, diabase and dolerite sills or dykes. Then, boninitic magmas represented by boninitic gabbro-diabases were generated by remelting the extremely depleted residual mantle source, which was metasomatized by a small amount of slab-derived fluids, following previous extractions of FAB-like magma.  相似文献   

Emerald deposits of Colombia are confined to lower Cretaceous shales of the Eastern Cordillera. The tectonic pattern of the deposits is related to deep reverse and large regional fault systems. Hydrofracturing is the main factor controlling emerald mineralization. It permitted to the hydrothermal solutions to permeate through fractures but also along stratification planes forming in this case stratabound mineralizations. Emerald occurs in calcite veins, veinlets, pockets and brecciated zones associated mainly with pyrite, quartz, parisite, codazzite and fluorite. Emerald mineralization belongs to an epigenetic hydrothermal process. The alternance of arenite-shale formations in the Cretaceous probably played an important role in the accumulation of solutions and in the propagation of the hydrothermal channels. The origin of emerald involves chemical elements mobilized by the fluids in the Cr-V-Fe-Al-Si-bearing black shales. The source of beryllium remains a problem and is discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The ophiolitic mélange in the uppermost tectonic unit of the Cretan nappe pile contains crystalline slices which consist of a low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphic sequence and synmetamorphic intrusions, ranging in composition from diorite to granite. The plutonic rocks conform to two different igneous suites, dominated by diorites in eastern, and granites in central Crete, displaying I-type and A-type characters, respectively. Some of the granites from central Crete are classified as transitional I/S-type. They are closely associated with migmatitic paragneisses. Based on major and trace element, REE, Sr- and Nd-isotope geochemistry, the mafic members of both suites are derived from a depleted mantle source. The higher concentrations of P and Ti in the mafic members of the igneous suite in central Crete and the deviant trend of the whole suite may be explained by a different mantle source or a lower degree of partial melting. In both suites, magmatic evolution was governed by fractional crystallization of amphibole/clinopyroxene, plagioclase and minor phases. In addition, mixing or mingling of compositionally different magmas is indicated for the intrusive suite of eastern Crete whereas in central Crete the magma composition was at least partially modified through assimilation of (meta)pelites. The geochemical results suggest that the plutonic rocks formed in a supra-subduction zone setting. However, a formation during continental lithospheric extension cannot be ruled out. Published and new Rb–Sr and K–Ar dates on amphiboles and biotites from intrusive rocks and their metamorphic country rocks show that the peak of the low-P/high-T metamorphism and the intrusion of the two igneous suites testify to the same thermal event of Late Cretaceous age. A similar Late Cretaceous association of metamorphic and plutonic rocks has been described from the uppermost tectonic unit in the Attic–Cycladic Crystalline Complex. Together with the Cretan occurrences, they form a small sector radiating SSW along a distance of 300 km, across the general trend of the tectonic zones in the Hellenic orogen. This N–S alignment is regarded as a primary feature which may delineate the frontier zone between the Hellenides and the Taurides. The real paleogeographic position and geodynamic significance of the Late Cretaceous low-pressure/high-temperature belt, however, remains enigmatic. Received: 1 June 1999 / Accepted: 2 February 2000  相似文献   

U–Pb zircon geochronology, Sr–Nd isotope and bulk-rock geochemistry have been applied to meta-igneous and meta-sedimentary rocks from high-pressure metamorphic mélanges exposed on the Cycladic islands of Tinos, Syros and Andros. Ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb zircon dating of 7 samples representing meta-igneous blocks (Tinos), a blackwall zone (Tinos) and chlorite–talc schists from block-matrix contacts (Syros and Tinos) yielded Cretaceous ages of c. 80 Ma. Many of the criteria commonly used to distinguish between magmatic or metamorphic zircon genesis (internal structure, Th/U ratio, REE characteristics, Ti-in zircon thermometry, enclosed mineral phases) do not provide unambiguous constraints for the mode of formation. However, a magmatic origin for Cretaceous zircon of meta-gabbros and eclogites is considered likely. Supporting evidence for a previously suggested metamorphic origin for c. 80 Ma zircon in eclogite has not been found. Zircon of the same age occurring in chlorite–talc schists is presumably related to non-magmatic processes. Well-defined Cretaceous age groups clustering at c. 79 Ma also occur in the detrital zircon populations of 2 quartz mica schists representing the mélange matrix on Tinos, and suggest a much later time for sediment accumulation than previously assumed. The importance of c. 57 Ma zircon ages remains unclear, but may record either HP metamorphic processes or a post-57 Ma depositional age. The youngest age group in a third quartz mica schist from Tinos, collected outside the main mélange occurrences, clusters at c. 226–238 Ma. In all clastic metasediments from Tinos, most data points plot along the concordia between c. 300 and 900 Ma; single data points indicate concordant ages of c. 2.5 Ga, 2.3 Ga and 1 Ga, respectively. The youngest 206Pb/238U age group that has been recognized in a felsic paragneiss from Andros indicates an age of 163.1 ± 3.9 Ma, and mostly represents overgrowths around zircon with ages in the range from ~ 272 to ~ 289 Ma. Single data points of other inherited cores provided 206Pb/238U ages of c. 630 and c. 930 Ma. Meta-gabbros from Tinos show a large compositional variability and were found at 4 locations, each with distinct compositional characteristics, suggesting different crystallization histories, different sources and/or significant post-magmatic disturbance. The geochemistry of mélange blocks and the identical U–Pb zircon ages suggest that the block-matrix associations on Tinos and Syros can be grouped together. On a broader regional scale, there seem to be similarities between some meta-igneous rocks from Tinos and Evvia. Field relationships indicate that the mélanges occurring in southern Andros and northern Tinos can be correlated, but supporting geochemical and/or geochronological evidence for this interpretation could not be established. Previously published Jurassic ages for mafic and felsic mélange blocks from Andros suggest a genetic relationship to the ophiolite occurrences exposed in the larger Balkan region. A similar regional correlation is also considered likely for the Cretaceous meta-gabbros from Tinos and Syros, but cannot be documented with certainty.  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - We examine ultramafic and olivine-rich troctolite blocks of the East Taiwan Ophiolite (ETO) in the Lichi Mélange. Although ultramafic rocks are extensively...  相似文献   

Zildat Ophiolitic Mélange (ZOM) of the Indus Suture Zone, Himalaya, represents tectonic blocks of the fragmented oceanic metasediments and ophiolite remnants. The ZOM is sandwiched between the Zildat fault adjacent to a gneissic dome known as Tso Morari Crystalline (TMC) and thin sliver of an ophiolite called as the Nidar Ophiolitic Complex. The ZOM contain chaotic low-density lithologies of metamorphosed oceanic sediments and hydrated mantle rocks, in which carbonates are present as mega-clasts ranging from 100 meters to few centimeters in size. In this work, calcite microstructures, fluid inclusion petrography and stable isotope analyses of carbonates were carried out to envisage the emplacement history of the ZOM. Calcite microstructure varies with decreasing temperature and increasing intensity of deformation. Intense shearing is seen at the marginal part of the mélange near Zildat fault. These observations are consistent with the mélange as a tectonically dismembered block, formed at a plate boundary in convergent setup. The δ18O and δ13C isotope values of carbonates show bimodal nature from deeper (interior) to the shallower (marginal, near the Zildat fault) part of the mélange. Carbonate blocks from deeper part of the mélange reflect marine isotopic signature with limited fluid–rock interaction, which later on provide a mixing zone of oceanic metasediments and/or hydrated ultramafic rocks. Carbonates at shallower depths of the mélange show dominance of syn-deformation hydrous fluids, and this has later been modified by metamorphism of the adjacent TMC gneisses. Above observations reveal that the mélange was emplaced over the subducting Indian plate and later on synchronously deformed with the TMC gneissic dome.  相似文献   

The Peramora Mélange is part of an accretionary complex between the South Portuguese Zone (a fragment of Laurussia) and the Ossa Morena Zone (para-autochthonous Gondwana) and is an expression of the Pangean suture zone in southwestern Iberia. The suture zone is characterized by fault-bounded units of metasedimentary rocks, mélanges, and mafic complexes. Detailed geologic mapping of the Peramora Mélange reveals a complex pattern of imbricated schists and mafic block-in-matrix mélanges. Geochemical signatures of the Pulo do Lobo schist (PDL) are consistent with derivation from both mafic and continental sources. The mafic block-in-matrix mélange displays normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (NMORB) geochemical signature, juvenile Sm–Nd isotopic compositions, and a range of zircon ages similar to those observed in the PDL, suggesting a sedimentary component. Taken together, these data suggest a complex tectonic history characterized by erosion of a NMORB source, mélange formation, and imbrication during underplating occurring during the final stages of continent–continent collision.  相似文献   

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