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In the absence of many gauging stations in the major and mighty river systems, there is a need for satellite-based observations to estimate temporal variations in the river water storage and associated water management. In this study, SARAL/AltiKa application for setting up hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) and river flow simulations over Tapi River India has been discussed. Waveform data of 40 Hz from Ka band altimeter has been used for water levels retrieval in the Tapi river. SARAL/AltiKa retrieved water levels were converted to discharge in the upstream location (track-926) using the rating curve available for the nearby gauging site and using linear spatial interpolation technique. Steady state simulations were done for various flow conditions in the upstream. Validation of river flow model was done in the downstream location (track-367) by comparing simulated and altimeter retrieved water levels (RMSE 0.67 m). Validated model was used to develop rating curve between water levels and simulated discharge for the downstream location which enables to monitor discharge variations from satellite platform in the absence of in situ observations. It has been demonstrated that SARAL/AltiKa data has potential for river flow monitoring and modeling which will feed for flood disaster forecasting, management and planning.  相似文献   

Radar altimetry has demonstrated strong capabilities for the monitoring of water levels of lakes, rivers and wetlands over the last 20 years. The Indo-French SARAL/AltiKa mission, launched in February 2013, is the first satellite radar altimetry mission to carry onboard a Ka-band sensor. We propose here to evaluate the potential of this new instrument for land hydrology through comparisons with other altimetry-derived stages and discharges in the Ganges-Brahmaputra and Irrawaddy river basins using its first year of data. Due to the lack of concomitant in situ measurements for the current period, Jason-2 data, previously evaluated against in situ gauge records, were used as reference. Comparisons between Jason-2 and SARAL-derived water levels and discharges, and Jason-2 and Envisat (which flew the same orbit as SARAL from 2002 to 2010)-derived ones, was performed. Time-series of only one year of SARAL-derived water levels and discharges present better performances (lower RMSE and higher R, generally greater than 0.95) than the ones derived from Envisat when compared with Jason-2.  相似文献   

This work presents the first calibration results for the SARAL/AltiKa altimetric mission using the Gavdos permanent calibration facilities. The results cover one year of altimetric observations from April 2013 to March 2014 and include 11 calibration values for the altimeter bias. The reference ascending orbit No. 571 of SARAL/AltiKa has been used for this altimeter assessment. This satellite pass is coming from south and nears Gavdos, where it finally passes through its west coastal tip, only 6 km off the main calibration location. The selected calibration regions in the south sea of Gavdos range from about 8 km to 20 km south off the point of closest approach. Several reference surfaces have been chosen for this altimeter evaluation based on gravimetric, but detailed regional geoid, as well as combination of it with other altimetric models.

Based on these observations and the gravimetric geoid model, the altimeter bias for the SARAL/AltiKa is determined as mean value of ?46mm ±10mm, and a median of ?42 mm ±10 mm, using GDR-T data at 40 Hz rate. A preliminary cross-over analysis of the sea surface heights at a location south of Gavdos showed that SARAL/AltiKa measure less than Jason-2 by 4.6 cm. These bias values are consistent with those provided by Corsica, Harvest, and Karavatti Cal/Val sites. The wet troposphere and the ionosphere delay values of satellite altimetric measurements are also compared against in-situ observations (?5 mm difference in wet troposphere and almost the same for the ionosphere) determined by a local array of permanent GNSS receivers, and meteorological sensors.  相似文献   

We present an initial assessment of SARAL/AltiKa data in the coastal band. The study focuses on the Ibiza Channel where the north-south water exchanges play a key role in controlling the circulation variability in the western Mediterranean. In this area, the track 16 of SARAL/AltiKa intercepts the domain covered by a coastal high-frequency (HF) radar system, which provides surface currents with a range up to 60 km. We evaluate the performance of the SARAL/AltiKa Ssalto/Duacs delayed-time along-track products compared to the HF radar surface velocity fields. SARAL/AltiKa data are retrieved at a distance of only 7 km from the coast, putting in evidence the emerging capabilities of the new altimeter. The derived velocities resolved the general features of the seasonal mesoscale variability with reasonable agreement with HF radar fields (significant correlations of 0.54). However, some discrepancies appear, which might be caused by instrumental hardware radar errors, ageostrophic velocities as well as inaccurate corrections and editing in the altimeter data. Root mean square (rms) differences between the estimated SARAL/AltiKa and the HF radar velocities are about 13 cm/s. These results are consistent with recent studies in other parts of the ocean applying similar approaches to Topex/Poseidon and Jason-1 missions and using coastal altimeter corrections.  相似文献   

Assimilation of satellite-derived surface datasets has been explored in the study. Three types of surface data, namely sea level anomaly, sea surface temperature and sea surface salinity, have been used in various data assimilation experiments. The emphasis has been on the extra benefit arising out of the additional sea level assimilation and hence there are two parallel runs, in one of which sea level assimilation has been withheld. The model used is a state-of-the art ocean general circulation model (OGCM) and the assimilation method is the widely used singular evolutive extended Kalman filter (SEEK). Evaluation of the assimilation skill has been carried out by comparing the simulated depth of the 20°C isotherm with the same quantity measured by buoys and Argo floats. Simulated subsurface temperature and salinity profiles have also been compared with the same profiles measured by Argo floats. Finally, surface currents in the assimilation runs have been compared with currents measured by several off-equatorial buoys. Addition of sea level has been found to substantially improve the quality of simulation. An important feature that has been effectively simulated by the addition of sea level in the assimilation scheme is the near-surface temperature inversion (2-3°C) in the northern Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

In the present study, behavior of the SARAL/AltiKa (Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa) waveforms over Maithon Reservoir (~65 km2 of surface area), Jharkhand, India, has been studied. The estimated water level has been compared with the in situ measurements at hydro-gauging station at the dam site. The problem of minimization of errors in the water level retrieval from AltiKa measurements has been resolved by improvement of the retracking method. A real retracking gate detection algorithm based on statistical analysis harnessing various physical parameters of the waveform has been developed, which has been applied to SARAL/AltiKa waveforms over the Maithon reservoir. Comparing the in-situ measurements with altimetry data (from cycle 1, 19 March 2013 to cycle 12, 8 April 2014) showed that it is crucial to improve the retracking method. Results showed accuracy of water level monitoring increased by nearly 76% by the newly developed waveform retracking algorithm over non-retracked water level. We also compared this new method with the existing ice-1 algorithm and found that with the new method there is improvement of ~27% over ice-1 retracked water level. The correlation coefficient values and root mean square values without retracking, with ice-1 algorithm and with newly developed retracking algorithm were 0.87, 0.91, and 0.95, and 8.12 cm, 2.08 cm, and 1.42 cm, respectively. This shows the proposed retracker performed better than ice-1. The retracking procedure helped in outliers' identification and substitution and with waveform fitting and waveform parameter extraction. This algorithm should have good performance capability for retrieving water level over inland water bodies like Maithon reservoir.  相似文献   

塔东北地区白垩系辫状河沉积特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据沉积构造、沉积层序特征及测井剖面对比分析,对塔东北地区白垩系的沉积相进行了研究,认为该地区为辫状河沉积,明确了辫状河沉积相的时空展布和变化规律.研究表明,白垩系沉积时期,古水流由塔东北地区的北部隆起和南部高地向中间低洼地区汇集,在整个地区广泛分布辫状河道、河间砂坝及漫滩沉积微相, 储集层主要为辫状河道和河间砂坝砂砾岩和中粗砂岩.沉积构造主要有各种层理构造和侵蚀构造.储集层常见单一河道层序、河道-砂坝复合体及多层楼式河道沉积层序.  相似文献   

SARAL/AltiKa has a Dual Frequency Microwave Radiometer (DFMR), and Jason-2 has an Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR). Both microwave radiometer sensors include a 23.8 GHz primary water sensing channel. The measurement consistencies between DFMR and AMR are important for establishing a consistent altimetry data set between SARAL/AltiKa and Jason-2 in order to accurately assess sea level rise in a long-term time series. This study investigates the measurement consistency in the 23.8 GHz channel between DFMR and AMR at the Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNO's) between the two satellites and also at coldest ocean brightness temperature locations. Preliminary results show that while both instruments show no significant trends over the one year since the launch of SARAL, a consistent relative bias of 2.88 K (DFMR higher than AMR) with a standard deviation of 0.98 K is observed. The relative bias at the lowest brightness temperature from the SNO method (-3.82 K) is consistent with that calculated from coldest ocean method (-3.74 K). The relative bias exhibits strong latitude (and scene temperature) dependency, changing from -3.82 K at high latitudes to -0.92 K near the equator. There also exists an asymmetry between the northern and southern hemisphere. The relative bias increases toward the lower end of brightness temperature.  相似文献   

中国近海海平面变化区域相关分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由测高卫星升、降弧段海面高交叉点约束方法,用TOPEX/POSEIDON测高数据计算了黄海、东海、南海海域的海平面变化;分析了三个海区海平面变化的相关性;在频域内讨论了它们之间的相干性;分析了海水面积随纬度带的变化对不同纬度分布的海区海平面变化量的影响。  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry data are facing big challenges near the coasts. These challenges arise due to the fundamental difficulties of correction and land contamination in the foot print, which result in rejection of these data near the coast. Several studies have been carried out to extend these data towards the coast. Over the Red Sea, altimetry data consist of gaps, which extend to about 30–50 km from the coast. Two methods are used for processing and extending Jason-2 satellite altimetry sea level anomalies (SLAs) towards the Red Sea coast; Fourier Series Model (FSM), and the polynomial sum of sine model (SSM). FSM model technique uses Fourier series and statistical analysis reflects strong relationship with both the observation and AVISO data, with strong and positive correlation. The second prediction technique, SSM model, depends on the polynomial sum of sine, and does not reflect any relationship with the observations and AVISO data close to the coast and the correlation coefficient (CC) is weak and negative. The FSM model output results in SLA data significantly better and more accurate than the SSM model output.  相似文献   

Forecasts of water levels in the St. Lawrence River on the east coast of Canada have been issued every working day since 1997 using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model (One-D) for periods extending up to 30 days. In order to assess the performance of these forecasts, a comparison between the model forecasts and the observations of the water levels during 2005 was done at 12 stations of the SINECO network located between Montreal and Quebec City. The statistical analysis shows that mean errors are small compared to the water level fluctuations. Confidence intervals of the forecasted values for all stations are evaluated.  相似文献   

High-precision satellite altimeters help in measuring the variations in sea level since the early 1990s. After a number of such successful altimetry missions such as Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2, and Envisat, SARAL/AltiKa, a high resolution altimetry mission based on the Ka frequency band that can also cover high latitudinal zones, was launched in February 2013. Even though the data set available from this recent mission is not yet suitable for climate research owing to its short duration, in this study we perform a preliminary validation of SARAL/AltiKa sea-level data. The first part of the validation is the comparison of SARAL/AltiKa and Jason-2 sea-level data between March 2013 and August 2014 in terms of temporal mean spatial pattern. Comparisons in terms of global mean sea-level time series and latitudinal band-based mean time series are also performed. The second part of the validation is the comparison of the SARAL/AltiKa sea-level based time series with several tide gauge records covering the period of our study. Finally, an analysis of the annual sea-level budget with SARAL/AltiKa data, steric sea level, and ocean mass is performed. Results of these preliminary comparisons show good agreement with other sea-level data.  相似文献   

Accessible high-quality observation datasets and proper modeling process are critically required to accurately predict sea level rise in coastal areas. This study focuses on developing and validating a combined least squares-neural network approach applicable to the short-term prediction of sea level variations in the Yellow Sea, where the periodic terms and linear trend of sea level change are fitted and extrapolated using the least squares model, while the prediction of the residual terms is performed by several different types of artificial neural networks. The input and output data used are the sea level anomalies (SLA) time series in the Yellow Sea from 1993 to 2016 derived from ERS-1/2, Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1/2, and Envisat satellite altimetry missions. Tests of different neural network architectures and learning algorithms are performed to assess their applicability for predicting the residuals of SLA time series. Different neural networks satisfactorily provide reliable results and the root mean square errors of the predictions from the proposed combined approach are less than 2?cm and correlation coefficients between the observed and predicted SLA are up to 0.87. Results prove the reliability of the combined least squares-neural network approach on the short-term prediction of sea level variability close to the coast.  相似文献   

采用经验正交分解(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)分析方法对印尼贯穿流出流海域卫星测高海面高度异常资料进行了分析,分析结果显示研究海域海面高度异常存在多时间尺度变化特征。1993—2013年期间,研究海域海面高度异常场存在明显的升高趋势,其升高速率为0.6 cm/a;研究海域海面高度异常存在显著的年际变化,其与Niño3.4指数的相关系数超前滞后相关最大可达0.65,且厄尔尼诺年偏高,拉尼娜年偏低;海面高度异常年周期变化显著海域主要受印尼贯穿流、印度洋南赤道流和Eastern Gyral Current(EGC)季节变化的影响,半年周期变化则对应于爪哇沿岸流与南赤道流共同作用下形成的涡旋的半年周期变化;另外,研究海域海面高度异常还存在显著的季节内变化特征。  相似文献   

Sea level changes in the Baltic Sea are dominated by internal, short-term variations that are mostly caused by the ephemeral nature of atmospheric conditions over the Baltic area. Tides are small and their influence decreases from western parts of the Baltic Sea to the Baltic Proper. Superimposed to the large short-term sea level changes (up to few decimeters from day to day) are seasonal and interannual variations (centimeters to decimeters). This study focuses on the comparison of sea surface heights obtained from observations and from a high resolution oceanographic model of the Baltic Sea. From this comparison, the accuracy of the modeled sea surface variations is evaluated, which is a necessary precondition for the further use of the oceanographic model in geodetic applications. The model reproduces all observed Baltic sea level variations very reliably with an accuracy of 5 to 9 cm (rms) for short-term variations (up to 2 months) and 8 cm (rms) for long-term variations (>2 months). An additional improvement of the model can be attained by including long-period sea level variations of the North Sea. The model performs well also in the case of extreme sea level events, as is shown for a major storm surge that occurred at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea in November 1995.  相似文献   

河道体系是侵蚀和沉积物搬运的重要通道,控制了大陆边缘源汇体系中砂体总体的输送和分布格局,并可有效指示古代构造活动、物源供给、气候变迁和海平面变化等丰富地质信息。研究基于高分辨率的三维地震、钻测井资料,结合层序划分方法和地震沉积学综合分析手段,揭示了南海北部珠一坳陷早—中中新世古珠江分流河道体系的类型和展布特征,并且以典型层序为例精细揭示了海平面变化控制下河道类型由辫状向曲流的转换。同时,在研究区地震剖面上识别到多处异常下切现象,经研究可解释为辫状河道内的汇流冲刷,其典型特征为:① 下切深度局部增大;② 平面近似圆形或椭圆形;③ 内部为砂质充填。虽然汇流冲刷结构在地震剖面特征上与“传统”意义的下切谷极易混淆,但在沉积特征和成因上存在较大差别,因此,对它的识别有助于避免层序界面的错误判别,并且其后期充填的河道砂体具有局限分布的特点,易于在后期海侵泥岩的覆盖下形成潜在的岩性圈闭新类型。  相似文献   

以粤港澳大湾区中山市及其邻近水域河网水体为试验区, 同步采集现场光谱及水质数据, 研究受测水体的高光谱反射率特征, 并分析非光学活性参数中化学需氧量(CODCr)、总磷(TP)浓度与高光谱反射率的相关性。结果显示, 各河流水体光谱反射率主要受悬浮颗粒物和叶绿素a的影响; 在500~680nm波段范围内, 水体光谱反射率大小与CODCr、TP浓度呈负相关关系; 与单波段相比, 特定波段的反射率比值与CODCr、TP浓度值的相关性较高, 与CODCr、TP浓度值相关性最高的反射率比值波段组合分别为R675/R794R690/R815。选择上述波段组合建立的水质反演模型具有良好的估算精度, 模型估算平均相对误差分别为27.2%、32.1%, 表明高光谱技术在珠江口河网水体非光学活性参数CODCr、TP浓度反演上具有较大的应用潜景。  相似文献   

A new grid data set for the southwestern part of the Okhotsk Sea was compiled by using all the available hydrographic data from the Japan Oceanographic Data Center, World Ocean Atlas 1994 and the other additional data sources with the resolution of about 10 km. We examine the seasonal variations of areas and volumes of Soya Warm Current Water (SWCW) and East Sakhalin Current Water (ESCW) and show that the exchanges of these water masses drastically occur in April and November. The peculiar variation of sea level in this region is also related with the water mass exchange. Sea level at the Hokkaido coast of the Okhotsk Sea reaches its minimum in April about two months later than in the case of ordinary mid-latitude ocean, and its maximum in December besides the summer peak. The winter peak of sea level in December is caused by the advent of fresh and cold ESCW which is accumulated at the subsurface layers (20–150 m) through the Ekman convergence by the prevailing northerly wind. Sea level minimum in April is caused by the release of the convergence and the recovery of dense SWCW that is saline and much colder than that in summer.  相似文献   

基于T/P 和Jason-1 高度计数据的渤黄东海潮汐信息提取   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
仲昌维  杨俊钢 《海洋科学》2013,37(10):78-85
对19 a 的TOPEX/POSEIDON(以下称T/P)和Jason-1 卫星高度计测高数据进行调和分析, 得到渤黄东海海域的8 个主要分潮(M2、S2、N2、K2、K1、O1、P1 和Q1)。提出一种将两类卫星高度计数据统一的方法, 消除了因两类卫星高度计校正算法等不同所导致的相互之间的偏差。变轨后的T/P与Jason-1 卫星加密了高度计对潮汐观测的空间分布。通过对交叉点处升轨与降轨的潮汐调和分析结果进行比较, 检验调和分析方法及高度计数据的可靠性; 将基于高度计数据的调和分析结果与验潮站资料进行比较, 以检验其正确性。4 个主要分潮(M2、S2、K1、O1)振幅之差的均方根介于1.0~1.8 cm, 迟角之差的均方根介于4.1°~7.8°。与已有研究结果相比, 调和分析结果的精确性有所提高。在此基础上, 综合变轨前后两类高度计测高数据的调和分析结果, 给出并分析了渤黄东海4 个主要分潮的同潮图。  相似文献   

From 1998 to 2003, we observed large fluctuations in the abundance and distribution of four pelagic predatory (piscivorous) fishes off northern Oregon and southern Washington, USA. Fluctuations in predatory fish species composition and abundance were strongly linked to the date of the spring transition and to ocean temperatures. Predatory fishes, forage fishes, and juvenile salmonids had distinct spatial distributions, with predators distributed primarily offshore and forage fish and salmonids onshore, but this varied depending on ocean conditions. We suggest that predatory and forage fish distributions respond to ocean temperatures, predator/prey interactions, and possibly turbidity. A shift in ocean conditions in 1999 decreased overall predator fish abundance in the Columbia River plume, particularly for Pacific hake. Marine survival of juvenile salmon started to increase in 1999, and forage fish densities increased in 2000, lagging by one year.  相似文献   

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