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High-precision satellite altimeters help in measuring the variations in sea level since the early 1990s. After a number of such successful altimetry missions such as Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2, and Envisat, SARAL/AltiKa, a high resolution altimetry mission based on the Ka frequency band that can also cover high latitudinal zones, was launched in February 2013. Even though the data set available from this recent mission is not yet suitable for climate research owing to its short duration, in this study we perform a preliminary validation of SARAL/AltiKa sea-level data. The first part of the validation is the comparison of SARAL/AltiKa and Jason-2 sea-level data between March 2013 and August 2014 in terms of temporal mean spatial pattern. Comparisons in terms of global mean sea-level time series and latitudinal band-based mean time series are also performed. The second part of the validation is the comparison of the SARAL/AltiKa sea-level based time series with several tide gauge records covering the period of our study. Finally, an analysis of the annual sea-level budget with SARAL/AltiKa data, steric sea level, and ocean mass is performed. Results of these preliminary comparisons show good agreement with other sea-level data.  相似文献   

The CNES/ISRO mission SARAL/AltiKa was successfully launched on 25 February 2013. It reached its nominal orbit on 13 March 2013. AltiKa is the first altimeter using the Ka-band frequency. This article presents the results of the calibration and validation activities perfromed on the first year of the SARAL/AltiKa mission. The main objective of the article is to assess the SARAL/AltiKa data quality and to estimate the altimeter system performance using GDR products. To achieve this goal, we present mono-mission metrics and compare them with Jason-2 over the same period. Even if these missions do not have the same ground track, precise comparisons are still possible. They allow assessing parameter discrepancies and SSH consistency between both missions in order to detect geographically correlated biases, jumps or drifts. These results show that SARAL/AltiKa data quality is excellent: ocean data coverage is greater than 99.5%, standard deviation at cross-overs is 5.4 cm. The mission therefore fulfills the requirements of high precision altimetry and can be used (in conjunction with Jason-2) to monitor the global mean sea level, ensuring the continuity of the record over ERS/Envisat historical ground track. Possible improvements and open issues are also identified, foreseeing an even better mission performance.  相似文献   

The SARAL/AltiKa project is based on a single Ka band altimeter (35.75 GHz), which is the first oceanography altimeter to operate at such a high frequency. Ka band offers reduced radar footprint in comparison to traditional Ku band altimeters and negligible ionospheric effects. In this paper we present and evaluate benefits of AltiKa altimeter applied in the study of lakes in Andean chain in South America. Water levels time series obtained with Envisat/RA-2 and SARAL/AltiKa altimeters over 17 lakes of various sizes are calculated and compared to in situ observations. SARAL/AltiKa measurements tend to be extremely well correlated with in situ measurements and offer significant improvements compared to the Envisat mission.  相似文献   

SARAL/AltiKa completed its first year in orbit in March 2014. The 1 Hz GDR-T data of the first 10 cycles of the mission are used to perform a comprehensive quality assessment by means of a global multi-mission crossover analysis. Within this approach, SARAL sea surface heights are compared with data from other current missions, mainly Jason-2 and Cryosat-2, to reveal its accuracy and consistency with the other altimeter systems. Alongside with global mean range bias and instrumental drifts, investigations on geographically correlated errors as well as on the realization of the systems origin are performed. The study proves the high quality and reliability of SARAL. The mission shows only a small range bias of about ?5 cm with respect to Jason-2 and neither significant time-tag bias nor instrumental drifts. With 1.3 cm the scatter of radial errors is in the same order of magnitude as for Cryosat-2 and Jason-1 GM and will probably further improve using an enhanced sea state bias (SSB) model. However, the wet tropospheric corrections from SARAL radiometer still show some systematic effects influencing the range bias as well as geographically correlated error patterns and the z-component of the origin. Improved inflight calibration will be necessary to overcome these effects.  相似文献   

The strong increase in altimeter measurement errors near land surfaces is a limiting factor for coastal applications. We analyze the performance of the new Ka-band SARAL/AltiKa (SRL) mission in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. SRL sea surface height (SSH) measurements are compared with those from the Jason-2 Ku-band satellite mission. The results show a significant increase in both quantity and quality of SSH data available near coastlines when using SRL data. Available edited data are 95.1% of SRL compared with 88.6% for Jason-2. Closer than 10 km to the coastline, available SRL data are still about 60% and only about 31% for Jason-2. Comparisons of the altimeter sea level variations are made with available coastal tide gauge data. The differences obtained between altimeter and tide gauge SLA time series are reduced for SRL (3.3 cm in average) compared with Jason-2 (4.2 cm in average), especially closer than 30 km to the land. It results in higher correlations (by 30%) obtained with SRL data. The coastal circulation derived from altimetry using SRL data shows an offshore meandering, which is more stable in time and with larger velocities close to the coast than that derived from Jason-2 observations.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of the 2013 Ibiza (Western Mediterranean) calibration campaign of Jason-2 and SARAL altimeters. It took place from 14 to 16 September 2013 and comprised two phases: the calibration of the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) buoys to estimate the antenna height of each of them and the absolute calibration to estimate the altimeter bias (i.e., the difference of sea level measured by radar altimetry and GNSS). The first one was achieved in the Ibiza harbor at a close vicinity of the Ibiza tide gauge and the second one was performed at ~ 40 km at the northwest of Ibiza Island at a crossover point of Jason-2 and SARAL nominal groundtracks. Five buoys were used to delineate the crossover region and their measurements interpolated at the exact location of each overflight. The overflights occurred two consecutive days: 15 and 16 September 2013 for Jason-2 and SARAL, respectively. The GNSS data were processed using precise point positioning technique. The biases found are of (?0.1 ± 0.9) and (?3.1 ± 1.5) cm for Jason-2 and SARAL, respectively.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is the validation of significant wave height (SWH) and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) obtained from the first Ka-band altimeter AltiKa onboard SARAL (Satellite for ARGOS and Altimeters). It is a collaborative mission of the Indian Space Research Organization and Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). This is done using in-situ observations from buoy and Jason-2 measurements. Validation using buoy observations are at particular locations while that using Jason-2 altimeter is an attempt towards global validation of Altika products. The results clearly indicate that the SARAL/AltiKa provide high-quality data and the errors are within a predefined range of accuracy. A parallel validation of SWH from other altimeters, which monitored ocean since last decade, like EnviSAT and Jason-2 was also performed with buoy observations. The results clearly show that the accuracy of AltiKa SWH is much better than EnviSAT and comparable to reference mission Jason-2. The accuracy is quite good for the calm sea while in the rough seas the accuracy degrades some. The inter-comparison of SARAL/AltiKa SSHA with Jason-2 indicates a fair match between them. These validation exercises demonstrate the high quality of AltiKa products, usable for practical applications.  相似文献   

Satellite altimetry has been proven as an effective technology to accurately measure water level, ice elevation, and flat land surface changes since the 1990s. To overcome limitations of pulse-limited altimetry, new altimetric missions such as Cryosat-2 and Satellite with ARgos and AltiKa (SARAL/AltiKa), have been designed to have higher along-track spatial resolution to measure more accurately inland water levels for small water bodies, and coastal sea level changes. In this study, we evaluate the performance of Cryosat-2 low-resolution (LRM) and SARin modes and SARAL/AltiKa Ka-band data on two connected lakes in central Tibetan Plateau, and in the coastal region of Taiwan. Results are compared with in situ tide gauge data in Taiwan and altimetric lake level time series from the CNES Hydroweb database. Our results show that water level change trends observed by Cryosat-2 20-Hz retracked observations, the SARAL/AltiKa 40-Hz Ice-1 retracked data, and the Hydroweb measurements are consistent with the estimated water level trend of ~0.30?m/y, during 2011–2017, and 2013–2015, for the Tibetan Migriggyangzham Co and Dorsoidong Co, respectively. For the coastal region, the performance of SARAL/AltiKa is better than that of Cryosat-2 LRM data in Taiwan. This finding demonstrates the superiority of the Ka-band over Ku-band radar altimetry.  相似文献   

SARAL uses the same orbit as ERS and Envisat and can be used to extend inland water height time series derived from these missions. This article investigates the potential of SARAL for this application over the Great Lakes and the Amazon basin. SARAL/AltiKa is the first altimeter using Ka-band that is rarely influenced by ionospheric effects but susceptible for atmospheric water. Our investigations show clear waveform disruptions for SARAL due to precipitation. It is demonstrated that the quality of water heights improved when using alternative retracker products, for example, the ice-1 product. The improvement depends on the weather and yields up to 3.8 cm for wet conditions. The advantage of the smaller footprint of SARAL is demonstrated for land-water transitions where SARAL provides better water level heights up to 6 km to the lakeshore whereas Envisat is limited to about 11 km. SARAL provides also more reliable water level heights for narrow Amazon rivers than Envisat. Furthermore, the hooking effect is decreased for SARAL. Comparing water level time series of SARAL-only, Envisat-only, and multi-mission with in-situ data demonstrates that SARAL has the potential to extend Envisat long-term time series and to decrease the RMS by about 10% for large lakes and 40% for selected rivers.  相似文献   

The geodetic Corsica site was set up in 1998 in order to perform altimeter calibration of the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) mission and subsequently, Jason-1 and OSTM/Jason-2. The scope of the site was widened in 2005 in order to undertake the calibration of the Envisat mission and most recently of SARAL/AltiKa. Here we present the first results from the latter mission using both indirect and direct calibration/validation approaches. The indirect approach utilizes a coastal tide gauge and, as a consequence, the altimeter derived sea surface height (SSH) needs to be corrected for the geoid slope. The direct approach utilizes a novel GPS-based system deployed offshore under the satellite ground track that permits a direct comparison with the altimeter derived SSH. The advantages and disadvantages of both systems (GPS-based and tide gauges) and methods (direct or indirect) will be described and discussed. Our results for O/IGD-R data show a very good consistency for these three kinds of products: their derived absolute SSH biases are consistent within 17 mm and their associated standard deviation ranges from 31 to 35 mm. The AltiKa absolute SSH bias derived from GPS-zodiac measurement using the direct method is ?54 ±10 mm based on the first 13 cycles.  相似文献   

SARAL/AltiKa has a Dual Frequency Microwave Radiometer (DFMR), and Jason-2 has an Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR). Both microwave radiometer sensors include a 23.8 GHz primary water sensing channel. The measurement consistencies between DFMR and AMR are important for establishing a consistent altimetry data set between SARAL/AltiKa and Jason-2 in order to accurately assess sea level rise in a long-term time series. This study investigates the measurement consistency in the 23.8 GHz channel between DFMR and AMR at the Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNO's) between the two satellites and also at coldest ocean brightness temperature locations. Preliminary results show that while both instruments show no significant trends over the one year since the launch of SARAL, a consistent relative bias of 2.88 K (DFMR higher than AMR) with a standard deviation of 0.98 K is observed. The relative bias at the lowest brightness temperature from the SNO method (-3.82 K) is consistent with that calculated from coldest ocean method (-3.74 K). The relative bias exhibits strong latitude (and scene temperature) dependency, changing from -3.82 K at high latitudes to -0.92 K near the equator. There also exists an asymmetry between the northern and southern hemisphere. The relative bias increases toward the lower end of brightness temperature.  相似文献   

The resolution of seamount geoid anomalies by the SARAL/AltiKa Ka-band radar altimeter is compared with the Envisat RA2 Ku-band altimeter using cross-spectral analysis of exact-repeat profiles. Noise spectra show white noise floors at root-mean-square levels around 8 mm per root-Hz for AltiKa and 19 mm per root-Hz for RA2, and are colored at wavelengths longer than a few km, with a spectral hump similar to that seen in Jason-2 data. The AltiKa noise level is lower than the RA2 noise level by more than one would expect from the ratio of their pulse repetition frequencies. Large outliers are present in data from both altimeters, always of one sign (range too long), and show little correlation with rain or other error flags. Seamount anomaly signal to noise ratios are 30 to 10 dB for AltiKa and 3 to 8 dB less for RA2, decreasing as seamount size decreases. Seamounts as small as 1.35 km tall are resolved by both instruments, with significantly better performance by AltiKa due to its lower noise level. If AltiKa can fly a geodetic mission, it will find many presently unknown seamounts.  相似文献   

刘治中  杨俊钢  张杰  崔伟 《海洋学报》2020,42(3):129-139
Jason-3卫星高度计于2016年1月17日成功发射,2016年2月12日进入预定轨道,与Jason-2高度计同轨进入编队飞行阶段,并落后Jason-2高度计约1分20秒,两者相距约560 km。2016年9月1日,Jason-2高度计变换轨道,编队飞行阶段结束,两高度计进入平行轨道,以增加卫星高度计对地观测的空间覆盖。本研究主要开展了Jason-3高度计的数据质量的评估与检验,包括Jason-3高度计数据可用性和有效性的验证,以及Jason-3高度计和校正辐射计各参数的数据质量监测。重点开展了Jason-2与Jason-3高度计各项参数的综合比较,利用Jason-2与Jason-3高度计编队飞行阶段的数据精确评估了两高度计参数的一致性,并从全球数据角度分析了Jason-3高度计获取各参数的能力以及稳定性;通过与Jason-2互交叉点比较分析评估Jason-3高度计海面高度数据质量情况,验证Jason-3高度计数据精度。结果表明,Jason-3高度计的数据质量满足高度计测高的要求,具有与Jason-1、Jason-2、T/P等高度计相同或更高的测高精度以监测全球海平面变化,此外,Jason-3有效波高参数数据质量明显优于Jason-2高度计。  相似文献   

The India-France SARAL/AltiKa mission is the first Ka-band altimetric mission dedi-cated to oceanography. The mission objectives are primarily the observation of the oceanic mesoscales but also include coastal oceanography, global and regional sea level monitoring, data assimilation, and operational oceanography. Secondary objectives include ice sheet and inland waters monitoring. One year after launch, the results widely confirm the nominal expectations in terms of accuracy, data quality and data availability in general.

Today's performances are compliant with specifications with an overall observed performance for the Sea Surface Height RMS of 3.4 cm to be compared to a 4 cm requirement. Some scientific examples are provided that illustrate some salient features of today's SARAL/AltiKa data with regard to standard altimetry: data availability, data accuracy at the mesoscales, data usefulness in costal area, over ice sheet, and for inland waters.  相似文献   

SARAL/AltiKa GDR-T are analyzed to assess the quality of the significant wave height (SWH) measurements. SARAL along-track SWH plots reveal cases of erroneous data, more or less isolated, not detected by the quality flags. The anomalies are often correlated with strong attenuation of the Ka-band backscatter coefficient, sensitive to clouds and rain. A quality test based on the 1 Hz standard deviation is proposed to detect such anomalies. From buoy comparison, it is shown that SARAL SWH is more accurate than Jason-2, particularly at low SWH, and globally does not require any correction. Results are better with open ocean than with coastal buoys. The scatter and the number of outliers are much larger for coastal buoys. SARAL is then compared with Jason-2 and Cryosat-2. The altimeter data are extracted from the global altimeter SWH Ifremer data base, including specific corrections to calibrate the various altimeters. The comparison confirms the high quality of SARAL SWH. The 1 Hz standard deviation is much less than for Jason-2 and Cryosat-2, particularly at low SWH. Furthermore, results show that the corrections applied to Jason-2 and to Cryosat-2, in the data base, are efficient, improving the global agreement between the three altimeters.  相似文献   

One amazing heritage of the current altimetry missions, Jason-2, CryoSat-2 (without mentioning their predecessors TOPEX-Poseidon, ERS, Jason-1, and EnviSat) is that DORIS using DIODE On-Board Orbit Determination software calculate orbits in real-time with accuracy. For example, accuracy has been improved to 2.7 cm RMS on board DORIS/Jason-2 compared with the final Precise Orbit Ephemerides (POE) orbit, generally known to have less than 1 cm accuracy on the radial component. Simultaneously, an efficient integrity team on-ground continually monitors the health of the DORIS system.

In February 2013, SARAL/AltiKa was launched hosting a DORIS DGXX receiver with the latest LV11 software as previously used in Jason-2 and CryoSat-2. DORIS on-board SARAL has since been permanently producing results efficiently every ten seconds without exception, including during manoeuvring phases. Spacecraft, ground-system, and users are provided with real-time information on the satellite position: the accuracy is approximately 3.0 cm RMS on the radial component, which is a major break-through for Near Real-Time (NRT) processing. These results are detailed in the paper. Future DORIS/DIODE versions will be used on-board Jason-3 and Sentinel-3.  相似文献   

Ice sheets investigation is important with regard to climate change and contribution to the sea level rise or fall. Radar altimetry in complement with laser altimetry can serve as a suitable candidate for precise monitoring of ice sheet evaluations. SARAL due to higher observation into the polar region (up to 82.5°N) can cover nearly 100% of the Greenland ice sheet. Continuous ice tracking mode retracker can provide useful information about ice surfaces, that is, determining the snow coverage, ice sheet transaction margin, and the evolution of snow depth during winter more accurately. This study present the results obtained with SARAL satellite Altika radar altimeter over the Greenland ice sheet region. The altimeter high rate waveforms products are used for utilizing the full capability of the instrument. High resolution DEM (1 km) generated using ICESAT/GLAS altimeter has been used for selecting the good quality data over the study region. Four different retrackers—Ocean, ICE-1, ICE-2, and Sea-Ice—were tested on the SARAL altimeter data set and compared with the DEM extracted ice sheet elevations. Three different data analysis—region of interest (ROI), track analysis, and cross-over analysis—were performed for in-depth analysis of the ice height changes and back scattering coefficient variability. ROI's (1° × 0.5°) were selected based on accumulation dry snow zone, percolation zone, wet snow zone, and ablation zone. Finally to observe the effect of Ka band, SARAL results has been compared with the Envisat altimeter in terms of back scatter and error in the height retrieval due to penetration problem within the ice sheet layer. The new SARAL data set confirms the potential of ice altimetry and provides a new opportunity to monitor the ice sheet surface topography evolution.  相似文献   

基于浮标数据的卫星雷达高度计海浪波高数据评价与校正   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
卫星雷达高度计是海浪有效波高(significant wave height,SWH)观测的重要手段之一,本文利用时空匹配方法对T/P、Jason-1、Envisat、Jason-2、Cryosat-2和HY-2A共6颗卫星雷达高度计SWH数据与NDBC(National Data Buoy Center,NDBC)浮标SWH数据进行对比验证,并对雷达高度计SWH数据进行校正。全部卫星雷达高度计SWH数据时间跨度为1992年9月25日到2015年9月1日,对比验证NDBC浮标共53个,包括7个大洋浮标。精度评价发现除T/P外,各卫星雷达高度计SWH的RMSE都在0.4~0.5 m之间,经过校正后,RMSE都有显著下降,下降程度最大为13.82%;对于大洋浮标,评价结果RMSE在0.20~0.28 m之间,结果明显优于全部NDBC浮标的精度评价结果;HY-2A卫星雷达高度计SWH在经过校正后数据质量与国外其他5颗卫星雷达高度计SWH数据质量差异较小。  相似文献   

A new database of ocean wave parameters has been created based on satellite altimetry observations. The basis was data from the European Space Agency project GlobWave (www.globwave.org), which was transformed to suit upcoming requirements for global wave analysis. The new database contains additional wave characteristics (altimetry wind speed estimated using different parametric models, steepness, period, and some quality control parameters). It provides up-to-date tools for mass data preprocessing. The new database makes it possible to optimize wave field diagnostics on regional and global scales. Using the Envisat and Jason-1 satellite missions as an the example, we demonstrate the specific features of using the initial GlobalWave data set and the modified database.  相似文献   

《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(3-4):147-157
On 7 December 2001, Jason-1 was successfully launched by a Boeing Delta II rocket from the Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The Jason-1 satellite will maintain the high accuracy altimeter service provided since 1992 by TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), ensuring the continuity in observing and monitoring the Ocean Dynamics (intraseasonal to interannual changes, mean sea level, tides, etc.). Despite one-fourth the mass and power, the Jason-1 system has been designed to have basically the same performance as T/P, measuring sea surface topography at a centimetric level. This new CNES/NASA mission also provides near real-time data for sea state and ocean forecast. The first two months of the Jason-1 mission have been dedicated to the assessment of the overall system. The goals of this assessment phase were: 1. To assess the behavior of the spacecraft at the platform and payload levels (Jason-1 being the first program to call on the PROTEUS versatile multimission platform for Low and Medium Earth Orbit Missions developed in partnership between Alcatel Space and CNES); 2. To verify that platform performance requirements are met with respect to Jason-1 requirements; 3. To verify that payload instruments performance requirements evaluated at instrument level are met; 4. To assess the performance of the Jason-1 Ground System. This article will display the main outputs of the assessment of the system. It will demonstrate that all the elements of the onboard and ground systems are within the specifications. Provision of data to the Jason-1 Science Working Team started at the end of March 2002. This is the goal of a six-month phase after closure of the initial assessment phase to derive the error budget of the system in terms of altimetry user products.  相似文献   

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