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An attempt has been made to derive sea ice freeboard from Ka-band Altimeter (SARAL/AltiKa) over Arctic region for 15 March–15 April 2013 (spring) and 15 September–15 October 2013 (autumn). A waveform template matching technique is employed for classification of leads and floe pixels. The estimated sea ice freeboards were found in close agreement with “Operation IceBridge quick look” freeboards (RMSD = 0.30 m). The differences between the two freeboards were largely due to snow layer over sea ice (R = 0.8). The estimated freeboards were of the order of 0.08–0.15 m during the two seasons.  相似文献   

The AltiKa altimeter onboard SARAL is a joint CNES/ISRO mission launched in February 2013 that has the same 35 days repeat orbit of the previous European altimeters, Envisat, and ERS-1/2. SARAL/AltiKa is thus a unique opportunity to extend the repeat observations of this orbit that have been surveyed since 1991. However, the altimeter operates in Ka-band, which is higher than the previous frequencies, and offers new paths of investigation. The penetration depth is theoretically reduced from around 10 m in Ku-band to less than 1 m in Ka-band, such that the volume echo originates from the near subsurface. Second, the sharper antenna aperture leads to a narrower leading edge that reduces the impact of the ratio between surface and volume echoes of the height retrieval. Indeed, the spatial and temporal observations of AltiKa at cross-over points and along-track indicate that the impact of backscatter changes on the height decreasesfrom 0.3 m/dB for the Ku-band to only 0.05 m/dB for the Ka-band. Therefore, the height measurement is stable over time. Moreover, the volume echo in the Ka-band results from the near subsurface layer and is mostly controlled by ice grain size, unlike the Ku-band.  相似文献   

Sea ice leads play an essential role in ocean-ice-atmosphere exchange, in ocean circulation, geochemistry, and in ice dynamics. Their precise detection is crucial for altimetric estimations of sea ice thickness and volume. This study evaluates the performance of the SARAL/AltiKa (Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa) altimeter to detect leads and to monitor their spatio-temporal dynamics. We show that a pulse peakiness parameter (PP) used to detect leads by Envisat RA-2 and ERS-1,-2 altimeters is not suitable because of saturation of AltiKa return echoes over the leads. The signal saturation results in loss of 6–10% of PP data over sea ice. We propose a different parameter—maximal power of waveform—and define the threshold to discriminate the leads. Our algorithm can be applied from December until May. It detects well the leads of small and medium size from 200 m to 3–4 km. So the combination of the high-resolution altimetric estimates with low-resolution thermal infra-red or radiometric lead fraction products could enhance the capability of remote sensing to monitor sea ice fracturing.  相似文献   

An Antarctic sea ice identification algorithm on the HY-2A scatterometer(HSCAT) employs backscattering coefficient(σ0) and active polarization ratio(APR) for a preliminary sea ice identification.Then standard deviation(STD) filtering and space filtering are carried out.Finally,it is used to identify sea ice.A process uses a σ0,STD threshold and an APR as sea ice indicators.The sea ice identification results are verified using the sea ice distribution data of the ASMR2 released by the National Snow and Ice Data Center as a reference.The results show very good consistence of sea ice development trends,seasonal changes,area distribution,and sea ice edge distribution of the sea ice identification results obtained by this algorithm relative to the ASMR2 sea ice results.The accuracy of a sea ice coverage is 90.8% versus the ASMR2 sea ice results.This indicates that this algorithm is reliable.  相似文献   

张婷  张杰  王红霞  张晰  纪永刚 《海洋科学》2014,38(10):12-16
海冰边缘线是南极海冰监测的重要内容之一。本文基于ENVI RA-2(ENVISAT Radar Altimeter 2)高度计数据开展了南极海冰边缘线提取方法研究。首先根据海冰和海水后向散射系数的不同,利用其各自方差对两者进行区分,获得了冰水分界线;其次通过ENVISAT-ASAR(ENVISAT-Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar)数据和冰况图对提取的海冰边缘线的正确性进行了验证;最后简要分析了误差存在的原因。研究结果表明,高度计数据在提取大范围海冰边缘线方面具有优势。  相似文献   

Meso- or submeso-scale features of the Antarctic sea ice are investigated using the MOS-1/1b MESSR Images (spatial resolution of approximately 50 m) received at Syowa Station. Particular attention is paid to the ice bands and ice streamers in coastal polynyas. In the Antarctic Ocean, ice bands can be often seen not only at the ice edge but also in the ice interior zone throughout the year and they extend for hundreds of kilometers in the latitudinal direction. It is found that the width and spacing of ice bands tend to decrease from winter to summer. The width of ice band is about 2–6 km in August and September, and 0.1–0.7 km in December. The spacing of ice bands is about 3–10 km in August and September, and 0.1–2 km in December. In coastal polynyas, ice streamers, which are composed of new ice, are sometimes observed. In general, the row of the streamers is spaced at 0.5–2 km with a width of 0.1–1.0 km.  相似文献   

介绍了海冰观测中冰样压缩机的重要作用;阐述了冰压机各组成部分的设计原理和操作步骤;列出了表征海冰单轴抗压强度性能的部分参数和计算方法;对整机标定的方法提出了设计方案。  相似文献   

A sea ice extent retrieval algorithm over the polar area based on scatterometer data of HY-2A satellite has been established.Four parameters are used for distinguishing between sea ice and ocean with Fisher's linear discriminant analysis method.The method is used to generate polar sea ice extent maps of the Arctic and Antarctic regions of the full 2013–2014 from the scatterometer aboard HY-2A(HY-2A-SCAT) backscatter data.The time series of the ice mapped imagery shows ice edge evolution and indicates a similar seasonal change trend with total ice area from DMSP-F17 Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder(SSMIS) sea ice concentration data.For both hemispheres,the HY-2A-SCAT extent correlates very well with SSMIS 15% extent for the whole year period.Compared with Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) imagery,the HY-2A-SCAT ice extent shows good correlation with the Sentinel-1 SAR ice edge.Over some ice edge area,the difference is very evident because sea ice edges can be very dynamic and move several kilometers in a single day.  相似文献   

曹妃甸邻近海域的海冰状况与特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
曹妃甸邻近海域是渤海湾冰情严重海域之一.根据该海域的地理环境和大量的海冰卫星遥感、海冰航空监测、海冰船舶调查、岸站和海上平台等有关海冰监测资料及相邻海域的有关海冰监测资料,给出了该海域海冰的冰期、冰型和海冰时空分布变化等特征.另外,还给出了该海域一般年份和特殊年份的冰情状况.  相似文献   

ZHANG  Yunliang 《中国海洋工程》2002,16(3):273-282
The sea ice is idealized as an elastic-brittle material. When an ice sheet moves toward a structure, the dynamic in-teraction between ice and the structure is analyzed by the DDA (Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) approach, where the ice sheet and the structure are considered as assemblages of blocky masses. This has the advantages that the whole process of collision between the ice and structure can be shown visually vvith a series of pictures. Meanwhile, the dynamic response of the structure at each time step after the bumping of the ice against the structure is calculated. And with the aid of inverse analysis developed by the authors, the time history of the resultant ice force exerting on the structure is evaluated. A numerical example shows that the proposed approach is suitable to the simulation of the ice-breaking process and reasonable result of ice force acting on the structure can be obtained.  相似文献   

文章根据2005—2017年滨州市海域冬季各类海冰监测数据资料,对冰日、冰期、冰型、冰厚、浮冰密集度和结冰范围等冰情要素进行分析,总结海冰的时空分布和冰级特征,为进一步开展相关海域的海冰灾害研究和防灾减灾工作提供必要的参考。研究表明,滨州市海域的总冰期一般为60~80d,其中严重冰期约为25d,河口和浅滩等近岸海域冰情较重;冰型、冰厚和结冰范围等在不同冰期和冰级具有不同特点,对海上设施和海上活动造成不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

王坤  毕海波  黄珏 《海洋科学》2022,46(4):44-54
北极海冰作为一个巨大的淡水资源库, 每年向全球输送大量淡水资源, 从北极输出的海冰在向南输送的过程中融化, 对海洋水循环与水环境产生影响, 进而影响全球气候变化, 弗雷姆海峡作为北极海冰输出的主要通道, 对其研究显得尤为重要。为了解弗雷姆海峡海冰长期输出量, 利用美国冰雪数据中心(NSIDC)发布的海冰密集度、海冰厚度与海冰漂移速度数据, 计算得到 1979 年至 2019 年弗雷姆海峡海冰输出面积通量与 2010 至 2019 年弗雷姆海峡海冰输出体积通量, 并在此基础上分析弗雷姆海峡近 40 a 海冰输出量的变化状况以及弗雷姆海峡海冰输出的年际变化、季节变化, 并分析了影响弗雷姆海峡海冰输出量的可能原因。结果表明: 近 40 a 弗雷姆海峡年均海冰输出面积通量为 7.83×105 km2,近 10 a 弗雷姆海峡海冰年均输出体积通量为 1.34×106 km3, 从长期来看, 弗雷姆海峡海冰输出面积通量呈略微增加趋势, 弗雷姆海峡海冰输出体积通量在 2010—20...  相似文献   

利用美国冰雪中心(NSIDC)高分辨率海冰密集度等多种数据,定义了北极高密集度冰区(High concentration ice region:HCIR)海冰变化指数,在此基础上研究了1989—2017年HCIR海冰多尺度变化特征及其极端低值事件的可能形成原因。结果表明:北极HCIR海冰密集度具有显著的单峰型季节变化特征,4月密集度最高,9月密集度最低,年较差达17.70%,兼有夏季融冰期短、冬季结冰期长且持续稳定的特点。HCIR海冰存在显著的年际年代际变化,在2007年发生了年代际转折以后,海冰变化指数的年际变化幅度和频次明显加强,且在2016、2012、2007、2011、2008和2010年依次出现海冰密集度极端降低事件;2016年9月初HCIR海冰密集度达到历史最低值,接近50%。对HCIR海冰密集度极端低值事件的统计研究表明,29年间共出现874天(次)极端低值事件,约占总频次的8%;空间上海冰密集度的降低主要出现在沿HCIR边界线一带,存在巴伦支海-喀拉海北缘的斯瓦尔巴群岛-北地群岛和东西伯利亚-波弗特海两个中心区域,该空间分布与气旋式大气环流引起的北冰洋Ekman漂流的辐散分布相一致。这表明HCIR海冰密集度的极端降低与极涡的动力作用有关,同时风场对海冰的动力辐散作用还会引起HCIR开阔水域的扩大,进一步加强海冰反照率的正反馈机制,使得热力和动力作用耦合起来共同影响HCIR海冰的加速融化。  相似文献   

通过谐波分析的方法,对东亚31个冬季(1980—2010年)的气温提取年际变化分量(周期小于8a部分)进行EOF分析。结果发现:在年际变化的时间尺度上,东亚冬季气温表现为高纬模态和低纬模态2个主要模态,它们一起可以解释总方差73%的变化。进一步分析表明,在年际变化尺度上,与气温变化的高纬模态相联系的大气环流表现为显著的北极涛动(AO)负位相分布,海平面气压场上西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压北移,对流层中层东亚大槽西移,高层西风急流向西北方向移动;副热带北太平洋和阿拉斯加湾的海表面温度(SST)变化呈偶极子振荡分布,这种准两年的周期振荡对这一模态的出现有一定的预示意义。而与气温变化的低纬模态相联系的大气环流表现为类AO正位相分布,与之相关的西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压南移,对流层中层东亚大槽东移,高层的西风急流则是向东南方向移动;赤道东太平洋的SST异常可能对这一模态的形成有一定的作用,而东亚近海的SST则更多是被动地改变。此外,海冰异常变化与东亚冬季气温变化的联系主要体现在:在前夏和前秋,东西伯利亚海-波弗特海海冰异常减少(增加)对应着随后东亚冬季气温变化的高纬模态(低纬模态),而冬季东亚气温变化的高纬模态(低纬模态)又与后期春季北极东半球的海冰异常增加(减少)具有较好的相关性,此外白令海和鄂霍次克海的海冰异常变化是伴随东亚冬季气温变化产生的。  相似文献   

利用美国冰雪数据中心发布的2003—2008年高分辨率海冰密集度数据,分6个阶段对普里兹湾区域海冰季节性变化的空间分布特征进行了研究,并根据普里兹湾海区的地形和环流对这些特征的成因进行了分析。结果表明,普里兹湾海冰冻结过程和融化过程分别经历7个月和5个月,海冰融化速度最快月份是10月和11月,主要表现形式为海冰密集度的减少;海冰冻结速度4月和6月最快,海冰外缘线向北扩展。由于普里兹湾近岸达恩利角冰间湖、普里兹湾冰间湖和Barrier湾冰间湖的存在,海冰的融化呈现大洋区由北向南、近岸区由南向北的双向融化特征;而在普里兹湾口、弗拉姆浅滩和四女士浅滩均存在不易融化的冰舌,两者之间的低密集度海冰区,则对应于暖水侵入普里兹湾的通道。南极绕极流在流经凯尔盖朗海台中部时向北偏转,造成此处在盛冰期较其它经度的海冰外缘更靠北,可达57°S。南极辐散带的表层流场和上升暖流抑制海冰冻结和聚集,形成了低海冰密集度区域。  相似文献   

基于1997—2017年遥感数据的南极海冰时空变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1997—2017年美国国防气象卫星DMSP的SSM/I数据和NASA TEAM算法反演出南极整体海冰、多年冰和一年冰密集度,进而对南极海冰进行时空变化分析。从时间上看:南极整体海冰面积呈小幅增长趋势,增长率约为1.11%/a;海冰面积为周期性变化,最小值出现在每年2月,最大值出现在每年9月,年均海冰面积约为12.65×106km2;多年冰呈减少趋势,下降率约为1.15%/a,平均每年减少约0.015×106km2;一年冰处于增长趋势,增长率约为2.61%/a;整体海冰、多年冰和一年冰面积在2015—2017年大幅度减少。从空间上看:多年冰主要分布在威德尔海域和大陆边缘,稳定存在多年冰的区域约占多年冰总面积的28%;南极海冰约80%为一年冰,一年冰呈环状分布在多年冰外围,稳定存在区域约占一年冰总面积的75%。  相似文献   

Following the successful launch of the SARAL space mission in February 2013, the reliability of the innovative AltiKa altimeter has been demonstrated for deep ocean applications, where Ka-band performances are excellent. With the objective to ensure the complementarity but also the continuity with the altimeter Level-2 products provided in the open ocean, the Prototype for Expertise on AltiKa for Coastal, Hydrology and Ice (PEACHI) project has been set up as an initiative of the French space agency, CNES, to provide a data set of research-grade Level-2 parameters that might be interesting for SARAL secondary objectives on the study of coastal dynamics, inland waters, polar oceans, or continental and sea ices. Thus, the PEACHI prototype has been developed to process and accurately tune dedicated algorithms for the assessment of Ka-band parameters, from the instrument processing to geophysical corrections. As a result, the PEACHI prototype routinely provides end users with new or improved altimeter corrections for scientific applications dedicated to mesoscale monitoring but also synergistic science.  相似文献   

本文采用1900—2010年ECMWF海冰密集度、海面温度、风场和NCAR北极涛动等长序列资料,运用EOF分解、线性回归和相关分析等统计方法,分析了巴伦支海海冰年际变化特征及其与影响因子之间的关系。结果表明:巴伦支海海冰面积4月最大,9月最小,每年减少约1653km^2;面积距平正负位相交替出现,1969年后以负距平为主,冰情先重后轻;密集度逐月不同,明显降低的区域呈现“中部偏东—中部—东北部—西北部—中部偏东”转移特点,部分区域每年减少0.006以上;密集度变化的空间特征可由密集度EOF第一主模态表示,与温度的相关系数高于风场;海冰面积与AO呈负相关。我国以往单独针对巴伦支海海冰变化的研究较少,本文丰富了这方面的资料,对浮式平台开发冰区油气资源提供初步参考。  相似文献   

柯长青  李海丽  沈校熠 《海洋学报》2023,45(12):121-132
海冰区反照率会影响辐射收支平衡,对全球气候变化有着重要影响。利用遥感反演的反照率数据产品分析了1983–2022年南极及其6个海域夏季海冰区反照率的时空变化,探讨了海冰密集度、气温和大气环流与海冰区反照率的关系。结果表明,卫星反演的南极夏季海冰区反照率与实测反照率结果一致。西威德尔海海冰区多年平均反照率最高(0.61),罗斯海最低(0.45)。南极夏季海冰区反照率经历了先上升(1983–2015年)后快速下降(2015–2022年)的变化。除了别林斯高晋海–阿蒙森海海冰区反照率前后两个时段均下降外,其余5个海域和南极一样出现了变化趋势的反转。南极海冰区反照率与海冰密集度显著正相关,而与气温显著负相关。1983–2015年夏季气温降低,海冰消融减弱,海冰密集度微弱上升(0.03%/a),海冰面积平均每10年增加2.07 × 105 km2,导致反射的太阳辐射增多,反照率也微弱上升。2015–2022年夏季气温升高,海冰消融加剧,冰间水道和开阔水域增多,海冰密集度下降,海冰区吸收更多的太阳辐射,造成反射辐射减小,因而海冰区反照率快速下降。此外,南极环状模也是影响罗斯海和威德尔海海冰区反照率变化的因素之一。  相似文献   

南极海冰和陆架冰的变化特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用美国冰中心和雪冰中心提供的海冰资料和我国南极考察现场的海冰观测资料,对南极海冰的长期变化进行了研究.研究表明20世纪70年代后期是多冰期;80年代是少冰期;90年代南极海冰属于上升趋势,后期偏多,区域性变化差别大,东南极海冰偏多,西南极海冰即南极半岛两侧尤其是威德尔海区和别林斯高晋海的冰明显偏少.东南极和西南极海冰的变化趋势总是反相的.90年代后期普里兹湾的海冰明显偏多,南极大陆陆架冰外缘线总体没有明显的收缩,有崩解也有再生的自然变化现象.西南极威德尔海的龙尼冰架和罗斯海冰架东部崩解和收缩趋势明显,东南极的冰架也有崩解和收缩,但没有西南极明显.陆架冰崩解向海洋输送的冰山对全球海平面升高有一定的影响.目前南极冰盖断裂崩解形成的冰山,向海洋输入的水量可使全球海平面上升约14mm.南极海冰没有随着全球气候温暖化而明显减少,而是按照东南极和西南极反相的变化规律进行周期性的变化、调整和制约.  相似文献   

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