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Hydrological models are often used for studying the hydrological effects of climate change; however, the stability of model performance and parameter values under changing climate conditions has seldom been evaluated and compared. In this study, three widely-used rainfall–runoff models, namely the SimHYD model, the HBV model and the Xin’anjiang model, are evaluated on two catchments subject to changing climate conditions. Evaluation is carried out with respect to the stability in their performance and parameter values in different calibration periods. The results show that (a) stability of model performance and parameter values depends on model structure as well as the climate of catchments, and the models with higher performance scores are more stable in changing conditions; (b) all the tested models perform better on a humid catchment than on an arid catchment; (c) parameter values are also more stable on a humid catchment than on an arid catchment; and (d) the differences in stability among models are somewhat larger in terms of model efficiency than in model parameter values.  相似文献   

Parameter sensitivity of the Distributed Hydrology‐Soil‐Vegetation Model (DHSVM) was studied in two contrasting environments: (1) Pang Khum Experimental Watershed (PKEW) in tropical northern Thailand; and (2) Cedar River basin (CRB) in Washington State of the temperate US Pacific Northwest. The analysis shows that for both basins, the most sensitive soil parameters were porosity, lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity, and the exponential decrease rate of lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity with soil depth. The most sensitive vegetation parameters were leaf area index, vegetation height, vapour pressure deficit, minimum stomatal resistance (for both grassland and forest scenarios), hemisphere fractional coverage, overstory fractional coverage, and trunk space (for the forest scenario only). Parameter sensitivity was basin‐specific, with the humid, temperate CRB being more influenced by vegetation parameters, while tropical PKEW was more influenced by soil properties. Increases and decreases in parameter values resulted in opposite and unequal changes in bias and root mean square error (RMSE), indicating the non‐linearity of physical process represented in the hydrological model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Xinanjiang model, which is a conceptual rainfall‐runoff model and has been successfully and widely applied in humid and semi‐humid regions in China, is coupled by the physically based kinematic wave method based on a digital drainage network. The kinematic wave Xinanjiang model (KWXAJ) uses topography and land use data to simulate runoff and overland flow routing. For the modelling, the catchment is subdivided into numerous hillslopes and consists of a raster grid of flow vectors that define the water flow directions. The Xinanjiang model simulates the runoff yield in each grid cell, and the kinematic wave approach is then applied to a ranked raster network. The grid‐based rainfall‐runoff model was applied to simulate basin‐scale water discharge from an 805‐km2 catchment of the Huaihe River, China. Rainfall and discharge records were available for the years 1984, 1985, 1987, 1998 and 1999. Eight flood events were used to calibrate the model's parameters and three other flood events were used to validate the grid‐based rainfall‐runoff model. A Manning's roughness via a linear flood depth relationship was suggested in this paper for improving flood forecasting. The calibration and validation results show that this model works well. A sensitivity analysis was further performed to evaluate the variation of topography (hillslopes) and land use parameters on catchment discharge. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a Geographic Information System (GIS)‐based distributed rainfall‐runoff model for simulating surface flows in small to large watersheds during isolated storm events. The model takes into account the amount of interception storage to be filled using a modified Merriam ( 1960 ) approach before estimating infiltration by the Smith and Parlange ( 1978 ) method. The mechanics of overland and channel flow are modelled by the kinematic wave approximation of the Saint Venant equations which are then numerically solved by the weighted four‐point implicit finite difference method. In this modelling the watershed was discretized into overland planes and channels using the algorithms proposed by Garbrecht and Martz ( 1999 ). The model code was first validated by comparing the model output with an analytical solution for a hypothetical plane. Then the model was tested in a medium‐sized semi‐forested watershed of Pathri Rao located in the Shivalik ranges of the Garhwal Himalayas, India. Initially, a local sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the parameters to which the model outputs like runoff volume, peak flow and time to peak flow are sensitive. Before going for model validation, calibration was performed using the Ordered‐Physics‐based Parameter Adjustment (OPPA) method. The proposed Physically Based Distributed (PBD) model was then evaluated both at the watershed outlet as well as at the internal gauging station, making this study a first of its kind in Indian watersheds. The results of performance evaluation indicate that the model has simulated the runoff hydrographs reasonably well within the watershed as well as at the watershed outlet with the same set of calibrated parameters. The model also simulates, realistically, the temporal variation of the spatial distribution of runoff over the watershed and the same has been illustrated graphically. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Guoqiang Wang  Zongxue Xu 《水文研究》2011,25(16):2506-2517
A grid‐based distributed hydrological model, PDTank model, is used to simulate hydrological processes in the upper Tone River catchment. The Tone River catchment often suffers from heavy rainfall events during the typhoon seasons. The reservoirs located in the catchment play an important role in flood regulation. Through the coupling of the PDTank model and a reservoir module that combines the storage function and operation function, the PDTank model is used for flood forecasting in this study. By comparing the hydrographs simulated using gauging and radar rainfall data, it is found that the spatial variability of rainfall is an important factor for flood simulation and the accuracy of the hydrographs simulated using radar rainfall data is slightly improved. The simulation of the typhoon flood event numbered No. 9 shows that the reservoirs in the catchment attenuate the peak flood discharge by 423·3 m3/s and validates the potential applicability of the distributed hydrological model on the assessment of function of reservoirs for flood control during typhoon seasons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snow and frozen soil prevail in cold regions worldwide, and the integration of these processes is crucial in hydrological models. In this study, a combined model was developed by fully coupling a simultaneous heat and water model with a geomorphologically based distributed hydrological model. The combined model simulates vertical and lateral water transfer as well as vertical heat fluxes and is capable of representing the effects of frozen soil and snowmelt on hydrological processes in cold regions. This model was evaluated by using in situ observations in the Binggou watershed, an experimental watershed for cold region hydrology of the Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research Project. Results showed that the model was able to predict soil freezing and thawing, unfrozen soil water content, and snow depth reasonably well. The simulated hydrograph was in good agreement with the in situ observation. The Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of daily discharge was 0.744 for the entire simulation period, 0.472 from April to June, and 0.711 from June to November. This model can improve our understanding of hydrological processes in cold regions and assess the impacts of global warming on hydrological cycles and water resources. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Assessing water resources is an important issue, especially in the context of climatic changes. Although numerous hydrological models exist, new approaches are still under investigation. In this context, we propose a modelling approach based on the physical principle of least action. We present new hypotheses to develop the model further, to widen its application. The improved version of the model MODHYPMA was applied on 20 sub-catchments in Africa and the USA. Its performance was compared with two well-known lumped conceptual models, GR4J and HBV. The model could be successfully calibrated and validated. In calibration, GR4J performed better, while other models had similar performance. In validation, MODHYPMA and GR4J performed similarly and better than HBV. The parameter λ has medium sensitivity while parameters λ and TX have low sensitivity. The parameter uncertainty for MODHYPMA, analysed using the GLUE methodology, was higher during high flows but with good p and r factors.

EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

This paper attempts to extend the physical arguments underlying the distributed TOPMODEL concepts in an application to the strongly seasonal contributing area responses in two adjacent small mediterranean catchments in the Prades region of Catalonia, Spain. A perceptual model of hydrological response in these catchments is used to suggest possible modifications of the model in a hypothesis testing framework, including an attempt to modify the topographic index approach to reflect the expansion of the effective area of subsurface flow during the wetting-up sequence. It is found that slight improvements in modelling efficiency are possible but that different model parameter distributions are appropriate for different parts of the record. The model was much more successful for the catchment producing the higher runoff volumes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

D.A. Hughes  R. Gray 《水文科学杂志》2017,62(15):2427-2439
The focus of this study is on bias correcting semi-distributed rainfall inputs into a hydrological model applied in the Okavango River basin in southern Africa, where there are very few local observations and heavy reliance is placed on global rainfall datasets. While the hydrological model, before rainfall bias correction, is able to represent the broad characteristics of the sub-basin streamflow responses, as demonstrated by good agreement between observed and simulated flow duration curves, there are many years where the annual volumes are over- or underestimated. The long records of observed flow at downstream stations are successfully used to bias correct the rainfall inputs to the upstream sub-basins using an analysis of their individual contributions to downstream flow and their annual rainfall–runoff response ratios. The results show improved simulations for the relatively shorter observation periods at the upstream gauging stations.  相似文献   


A hybrid hydrologic model (Distributed-Clark), which is a lumped conceptual and distributed feature model, was developed based on the combined concept of Clark’s unit hydrograph and its spatial decomposition methods, incorporating refined spatially variable flow dynamics to implement hydrological simulation for spatially distributed rainfall–runoff flow. In Distributed-Clark, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number method is utilized to estimate spatially distributed runoff depth and a set of separated unit hydrographs is used for runoff routing to obtain a direct runoff flow hydrograph. Case studies (four watersheds in the central part of the USA) using spatially distributed (Thiessen polygon-based) rainfall data of storm events were used to evaluate the model performance. Results demonstrate relatively good fit to observed streamflow, with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (ENS) of 0.84 and coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.86, as well as a better fit in comparison with outputs of spatially averaged rainfall data simulations for two models including HEC-HMS.  相似文献   

Investigating the performance that can be achieved with different hydrological models across catchments with varying characteristics is a requirement for identifying an adequate model for any catchment, gauged or ungauged, just based on information about its climate and catchment properties. As parameter uncertainty increases with the number of model parameters, it is important not only to identify a model achieving good results but also to aim at the simplest model still able to provide acceptable results. The main objective of this study is to identify the climate and catchment properties determining the minimal required complexity of a hydrological model. As previous studies indicate that the required model complexity varies with the temporal scale, the study considers the performance at the daily, monthly, and annual timescales. In agreement with previous studies, the results show that catchments located in arid areas tend to be more difficult to model. They therefore require more complex models for achieving an acceptable performance. For determining which other factors influence model performance, an analysis was carried out for four catchment groups (snowy, arid, and eastern and western catchments). The results show that the baseflow and aridity indices are the most consistent predictors of model performance across catchment groups and timescales. Both properties are negatively correlated with model performance. Other relevant predictors are the fraction of snow in the annual precipitation (negative correlation with model performance), soil depth (negative correlation with model performance), and some other soil properties. It was observed that the sign of the correlation between the catchment characteristics and model performance varies between clusters in some cases, stressing the difficulties encountered in large sample analyses. Regarding the impact of the timescale, the study confirmed previous results indicating that more complex models are needed for shorter timescales.  相似文献   

To facilitate precise and cost-effective watershed management, a simple yet spatially and temporally distributed hydrological model (DHM-WM) was developed. The DHM-WM is based on the Mishra-Singh version of the curve number method, with several modifications: The spatial distribution of soil moisture was considered in moisture updating; the travel time of surface runoff was calculated on a grid cell basis for routing; a simple tile flow module was included as an option. The DHM-WM was tested on a tile-drained agricultural watershed in Indiana, USA. The model with the tile flow module performed well in the study area, providing a balanced water budget and reasonable flow partitioning. The daily coefficient of determination and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient were 0.58 and 0.56, for the calibration period, and 0.63 and 0.62 for the validation period. The DHM-WM also provides detailed information about the source areas of flow components, the travel time and pathways of surface runoff.
EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITOR F.-J. Chang  相似文献   

V. P. Singh 《水文研究》1995,9(7):783-796
Error equations for the kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations with lateral inflow neglected in the momentum equation are derived under simplified conditions for space-independent flows. These equations specify error as a function of time in the flow hydrograph. The kinematic wave, diffusion wave and dynamic wave solutions are parameterized through a dimensionless parameter γ which is dependent on the initial conditions. This parameter reflects the effect of initial flow depth, channel-bed slope, lateral inflow, infiltration and channel roughness when the initial condition is non-vanishing; it reflects the effect of bed slope, channel roughness and acceleration due to gravity when the initial condition is vanishing. The error equations are found to be the Riccati equation. The structure of the error equations in the case when the momentum equation neglects lateral inflow is different from that when the lateral inflow is included.  相似文献   

Quantifying the impact of landscape on hydrological variables is essential for the sustainable development of water resources. Understanding how landscape changes influence hydrological variables will greatly enhance the understanding of hydrological processes. Important vegetation parameters are considered in this study by using remote sensing data and VIC-CAS model to analyse the impact of landscape changes on hydrology in upper reaches of the Shule River Basin (URSLB). The results show there are differences in the runoff generation of landscape both in space and time. With increasing altitude, the runoff yields increased, with approximately 79.9% of the total runoff generated in the high mountains (4200–5900 m), and mainly consumed in the mid-low mountain region. Glacier landscape produced the largest runoff yields (24.9% of the total runoff), followed by low-coverage grassland (LG; 22.5%), alpine cold desert (AL; 19.6%), mid-coverage grassland (MG; 15.6%), bare land (12.5%), high-coverage grassland (HG; 4.5%) and shrubbery (0.4%). The relative capacity of runoff generation by landscapes, from high to low, was the glaciers, AL, LG, HG, MG, shrubbery and bare land. Furthermore, changes in landscapes cause hydrological variables changes, including evapotranspiration, runoff and baseflow. The study revealed that HG, MG, and bare land have a positive impact on evapotranspiration and a negative impact on runoff and baseflow, whereas AL and LG have a positive impact on runoff and baseflow and a negative impact on evapotranspiration. In contrast, glaciers have a positive impact on runoff. After the simulation in four vegetation scenarios, we concluded that the runoff regulation ability of grassland is greater than that of bare land. The grassland landscape is essential since it reduced the flood peak and conserved the soil and water.  相似文献   

Integrating stable isotope tracers into rainfall‐runoff models allows investigation of water partitioning and direct estimation of travel times and water ages. Tracer data have valuable information content that can be used to constrain models and, in integration with hydrometric observations, test the conceptualization of catchment processes in model structure and parameterization. There is great potential in using tracer‐aided modelling in snow‐influenced catchments to improve understanding of these catchments' dynamics and sensitivity to environmental change. We used the spatially distributed tracer‐aided rainfall‐runoff (STARR) model to simulate the interactions between water storage, flux, and isotope dynamics in a snow‐influenced, long‐term monitored catchment in Ontario, Canada. Multiple realizations of the model were achieved using a combination of single and multiple objectives as calibration targets. Although good simulations of hydrometric targets such as discharge and snow water equivalent could be achieved by local calibration alone, adequate capture of the stream isotope dynamics was predicated on the inclusion of isotope data in the calibration. Parameter sensitivity was highest, and most local, for single calibration targets. With multiple calibration targets, key sensitive parameters were still identifiable in snow and runoff generation routines. Water ages derived from flux tracking subroutines in the model indicated a catchment where runoff is dominated by younger waters, particularly during spring snowmelt. However, resulting water ages were most sensitive to the partitioning of runoff sources from soil and groundwater sources, which was most realistically achieved when isotopes were included in the calibration. Given the paucity of studies where hydrological models explicitly incorporate tracers in snow‐influenced regions, this study using STARR is an important contribution to satisfactorily simulating snowpack dynamics and runoff generation processes, while simultaneously capturing stable isotope variability in snow‐influenced catchments.  相似文献   

Distributed watershed models are beneficial tools for the assessment of management practices on runoff and water‐induced erosion. This paper evaluates, by application to an experimental watershed, two promising distributed watershed‐scale sediment models in detail: the Kinematic Runoff and Erosion (KINEROS‐2) model and the Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) model. The physics behind each model are to some extent similar, though they have different watershed conceptualizations. KINEROS‐2 was calibrated using three rainfall events and validated over four separate rainfall events. Parameters estimated by this calibration process were adapted to GSSHA. With these parameters, GSSHA generated larger and retarded flow hydrographs. A 30% reduction in both plane and channel roughness in GSSHA along with the assumption of Green‐Ampt conductivity KG‐A = Ks, where Ks is the saturated conductivity, resulted in almost identical hydrographs. Sediment parameters not common in both models were calibrated independently of KINEROS‐2. A comparative discussion of simulation results is presented. Even though GSSHA's flow component slightly overperformed KINEROS‐2, the latter outperformed GSSHA in simulations for sediment transport. In spite of the fact that KINEROS‐2 is not geared toward continuous‐time simulations, simulations performed with both models over a 1 month period generated comparable results. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse how the performance and calibration of a distributed event‐based soil erosion model at the hillslope scale is affected by different simplifications on the parameterizations used to compute the production of suspended sediment by rainfall and runoff. Six modelling scenarios of different complexity are used to evaluate the temporal variability of the sedimentograph at the outlet of a 60 m long cultivated hillslope. The six scenarios are calibrated within the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation framework in order to account for parameter uncertainty, and their performance is evaluated against experimental data registered during five storm events. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency, percent bias and coverage performance ratios show that the sedimentary response of the hillslope in terms of mass flux of eroded soil can be efficiently captured by a model structure including only two soil erodibility parameters, which control the rainfall and runoff production of suspended sediment. Increasing the number of parameters makes the calibration process more complex without increasing in a noticeable manner the predictive capability of the model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, uncertainty in model input data (precipitation) and parameters is propagated through a physically based, spatially distributed hydrological model based on the MIKE SHE code. Precipitation uncertainty is accounted for using an ensemble of daily rainfall fields that incorporate four different sources of uncertainty, whereas parameter uncertainty is considered using Latin hypercube sampling. Model predictive uncertainty is assessed for multiple simulated hydrological variables (discharge, groundwater head, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture). Utilizing an extensive set of observational data, effective observational uncertainties for each hydrological variable are assessed. Considering not only model predictive uncertainty but also effective observational uncertainty leads to a notable increase in the number of instances, for which model simulation and observations are in good agreement (e.g., 47% vs. 91% for discharge and 0% vs. 98% for soil moisture). Effective observational uncertainty is in several cases larger than model predictive uncertainty. We conclude that the use of precipitation uncertainty with a realistic spatio‐temporal correlation structure, analyses of multiple variables with different spatial support, and the consideration of observational uncertainty are crucial for adequately evaluating the performance of physically based, spatially distributed hydrological models.  相似文献   

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