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Mesoscale features in the eastward extension of the Kuroshio were investigated using assimilation of TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) data into a three-layer quasi-geostrophic model. The T/P data exhibited an elongated state of the southern recirculation gyre in 1993–95 and 1997, between whose two periods the gyre had a contracted state in 1995–96. A few stationary eddies were located in the southern gyre during the contracted state. The baroclinic instability, which was indicated by the phase shift from the uppermost-to the lowest-layer anomalies toward the downstream side, was evident near the Kuroshio Extension (KE) path. Since the instability never appeared in the artificial model without bottom topography, the topographic barrier for the eastward flow in the lowest layer was a necessary condition for the instability. The instability synchronized with the transition in the western region of the KE axis from the elongated to the contracted states. This evolution was interpreted as if the baroclinic instability played some part in the KE states and was a trigger for the transition from the elongated to the contracted states.  相似文献   

邱云  胡建宇 《海洋科学》2006,30(6):59-65
利用1992年10月~2002年7月的TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)卫星高度计月平均格点数据分析了热带大西洋(15°S~25°N,5°~50°W)海面高度距平的低频变化。由热带大西洋大约10 a海面高度距平变化的标准差分析得到:在赤道附近海区(2°~5°N,25°~45°W)、非洲沿岸海区(11°~16°N,16°~18°W)海面高度波动剧烈。对海面高度距平进行经验正交函数(EOF)分析,得到EOF的3个模态分别占有方差比例为51.5%,13.2%和7.9%。第一模态揭示的是热带辐合带(ITCZ)的季节性迁移导致海面高度距平沿着ITCZ平均位置经向倾斜的1 a周期变化,第一模态还显示了太阳辐射的季节差异引起南北两个海盆海面高度的整体升降。第二模态描述了中心分别位于(3°N,40°W)和(7°N,45°W)附近两个涡漩的变化。第三模态表征的是几内亚海湾上升流和赤道北部下降流在6~7月强度达到最大。对EOF时间系数曲线的经验模态分解(EMD),结果表明热带大西洋低频变化包含的成分主要有:0.5,1,2,4和6 a。其中1 a周期是热带大西洋海面高度变化最主要的周期成分,0.5 a周期和2 a周期也是热带大西洋海面高度变化的重要形式;而4 a和6 a周期所占的比例较小。另外EMD方法还分解出1997~1998年太平洋El Nino事件对热带大西洋海面高度的影响。  相似文献   

Observational studies of the Pacific basin since the 1950s have demonstrated that a decrease (increase) in tropical Pacific sea surface temperatures (SSTs) is significantly correlated with a spin-up (slow-down) of the Pacific Subtropical Cells (STCs). STCs are shallow wind-driven overturning circulations that provide a pathway by which extratropical atmospheric variability can impact the equatorial Pacific thermocline and, through upwelling in the eastern equatorial Pacific, tropical Pacific SSTs. Recent studies have shown that this observed relationship between SSTs and STCs is absent in coupled climate model simulations of the late 19th–20th centuries. In this paper we investigate what causes this relationship to breakdown and to what extent this limits the models’ ability to simulate observed climate change in the equatorial Pacific since the late 19th century. To provide insight into these questions we first show that the NCAR Community Climate System Model’s simulation of observed climate change since the 1970s has a robust signal in the equatorial Pacific that bears a close resemblance to observations. Strikingly, absent is a robust signal in the equatorial thermocline. Our results suggest that the coupled model may be reproducing the observed local ocean response to changes in forcing but inadequately reproducing the remote STC-forcing of the tropical Pacific due to the underestimate of extratropical winds that force these ocean circulations. These conclusions are found to be valid in five different coupled climate model simulations of the late 19th–20th centuries (CCSM3, GISS EH, GFDL CM2.1, CSIRO-Mk3, and HadCM3).  相似文献   

An enhanced version of the spatial ecosystem and population dynamics model SEAPODYM is presented to describe spatial dynamics of tuna and tuna-like species in the Pacific Ocean at monthly resolution over 1° grid-boxes. The simulations are driven by a bio-physical environment predicted from a coupled ocean physical–biogeochemical model. This new version of SEAPODYM includes expanded definitions of habitat indices, movements, and natural mortality based on empirical evidences. A thermal habitat of tuna species is derived from an individual heat budget model. The feeding habitat is computed according to the accessibility of tuna predator cohorts to different vertically migrating and non-migrating micronekton (mid-trophic) functional groups. The spawning habitat is based on temperature and the coincidence of spawning fish with presence or absence of predators and food for larvae. The successful larval recruitment is linked to spawning stock biomass. Larvae drift with currents, while immature and adult tuna can move of their own volition, in addition to being advected by currents. A food requirement index is computed to adjust locally the natural mortality of cohorts based on food demand and accessibility to available forage components. Together these mechanisms induce bottom-up and top-down effects, and intra- (i.e. between cohorts) and inter-species interactions. The model is now fully operational for running multi-species, multi-fisheries simulations, and the structure of the model allows a validation from multiple data sources. An application with two tuna species showing different biological characteristics, skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and bigeye (Thunnus obesus), is presented to illustrate the capacity of the model to capture many important features of spatial dynamics of these two different tuna species in the Pacific Ocean. The actual validation is presented in a companion paper describing the approach to have a rigorous mathematical parameter optimization [Senina, I., Sibert, J., Lehodey, P., 2008. Parameter estimation for basin-scale ecosystem-linked population models of large pelagic predators: application to skipjack tuna. Progress in Oceanography]. Once this evaluation and parameterization is complete, it may be possible to use the model for management of tuna stocks in the context of climate and ecosystem variability, and to investigate potential changes due to anthropogenic activities including global warming and fisheries pressures and management scenarios.  相似文献   

西太平洋海区浮游植物的分布受气候变化影响,在不同时空尺度上呈现不同的变化。本研究旨在通过对历史文献及数据资料分析,建立气候变化响应概念模型来探讨Chl-a、海水表面温度(SST)及营养盐如何响应长期气候变化。分析了西太平洋不同区域Chl-a与气候变化相关因子SST及海水营养盐(硝酸盐)的相关性,对模型参数进行选择及验证,来探讨该海区Chl-a是如何响应长期气候变化。结果表明,K2站位Chl-a浓度与SST、硝酸盐浓度呈显著正相关关系,与该海区存在上升流有关;而S1、XT站位均呈现负相关关系,可能与海水水温升高导致层化加剧、营养输入减少有关。本研究为进一步完善和优化西太平洋海区的浮游植物的气候变化响应模型奠定基础。  相似文献   

A simple relationship has been developed between the wall coordinate y+ and Kolmogorov's length scale using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data for a steady boundary layer. This relationship is then utilized to modify two popular versions of low Reynolds number k–ε model. The modified models are used to analyse a transitional oscillatory boundary layer. A detailed comparison has been made by virtue of velocity profile, turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds stress and wall shear stress with the available DNS data. It is observed that the low Reynolds number models used in the present study can predict the boundary layer properties in an excellent manner.  相似文献   

A coding error in the s-Coordinate Primitive Equation Model (SPEM) has led to misleading statements about the behaviour of the Mellor–Yamada level 2 parameterization of vertical mixing. It has been claimed that the scheme removes static instability only very slowly and preserves statically unstable stratifications for an unrealistic long time. This note corrects this statement by demonstrating that the Mellor–Yamada mixing scheme, if implemented correctly, tends to overestimate rather than underestimate vertical mixing in seasonally ice-covered seas. Similar to other mixing schemes with the same behaviour, this leads to spurious open ocean deep convection, an unrealistic homogenization of the water column, and a significant reduction of sea ice volume.  相似文献   

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