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Origin of the UG2 chromitite layer, Bushveld Complex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chromitite layers are common in large mafic layered intrusions.A widely accepted hypothesis holds that the chromitites formedas a consequence of injection and mixing of a chemically relativelyprimitive magma into a chamber occupied by more evolved magma.This forces supersaturation of the mixture in chromite, whichupon crystallization accumulates on the magma chamber floorto form a nearly monomineralic layer. To evaluate this and othergenetic hypotheses to explain the chromitite layers of the BushveldComplex, we have conducted a detailed study of the silicate-richlayers immediately above and below the UG2 chromitite and anotherchromitite layer lower in the stratigraphic section, at thetop of the Lower Critical Zone. The UG2 chromitite is well knownbecause it is enriched in the platinum-group elements and extendsfor nearly the entire 400 km strike length of the eastern andwestern limbs of the Bushveld Complex. Where we have studiedthe sequence in the central sector of the eastern Bushveld,the UG2 chromitite is embedded in a massive, 25 m thick plagioclasepyroxenite consisting of 60–70 vol. % granular (cumulus)orthopyroxene with interstitial plagioclase, clinopyroxene,and accessory phases. Throughout the entire pyroxenite layerorthopyroxene exhibits no stratigraphic variations in majoror minor elements (Mg-number = 79·3–81·1).However, the 6 m of pyroxenite below the chromitite (footwallpyroxenite) is petrographically distinct from the 17 m of hangingwall pyroxenite. Among the differences are (1) phlogopite, K-feldspar,and quartz are ubiquitous and locally abundant in the footwallpyroxenite but generally absent in the hanging wall pyroxenite,and (2) plagioclase in the footwall pyroxenite is distinctlymore sodic and potassic than that in the hanging wall pyroxenite(An45–60 vs An70–75). The Lower Critical Zone chromititeis also hosted by orthopyroxenite, but in this case the rocksabove and below the chromitite are texturally and compositionallyidentical. For the UG2, we interpret the interstitial assemblageof the footwall pyroxenite to represent either interstitialmelt that formed in situ by fractional crystallization or chemicallyevolved melt that infiltrated from below. In either case, themelt was trapped in the footwall pyroxenite because the overlyingUG2 chromitite was less permeable. If this interpretation iscorrect, the footwall and hanging wall pyroxenites were essentiallyidentical when they initially formed. However, all the modelsof chromitite formation that call on mixing of magmas of differentcompositions or on other processes that result in changes inthe chemical or physical conditions attendant on the magma predictthat the rocks immediately above and below the chromitite layersshould be different. This leads us to propose that the Bushveldchromitites formed by injection of new batches of magma witha composition similar to the resident magma but carrying a suspendedload of chromite crystals. The model is supported by the commonobservation of phenocrysts, including those of chromite, inlavas and hypabyssal rocks, and by chromite abundances in lavasand peridotite sills associated with the Bushveld Complex indicatingthat geologically reasonable amounts of magma can account foreven the massive, 70 cm thick UG2 chromitite. The model requiressome crystallization to have occurred in a deeper chamber, forwhich there is ample geochemical evidence. KEY WORDS: Bushveld complex; chromite; crystal-laden magma; crustal contamination; magma mixing; UG2 chromitite  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogical investigations of chromite in the Lower and Critical Zones in the northwestern sector of the Bushveld Complex have revealed significant compositional variations with regard to modal proportions, host-rock lithology, and stratigraphic height. Superimposed on these variations are long-range systematic trends in the composition of chromite in the massive layers. These long-range trends are closely linked with the evolution of the silicate cumulates. The massive chromitite layers are divided into two types. Type 1 comprises the chromitites hosted entirely within ultramafic cumulates, while Type 2 chromitites are within cyclic units in which plagioclase cumulates occur. The types are also distinguishable by their respective contents of platinum-group elements (PGEs) and distribution patterns thereof, viz. the ratios between Ru + Os + Ir and Pt + Pd + Rh, or relative element proportions, both of which display a systematic change with height in accordance with chromite composition. The relation between silicate geochemistry, chromite composition, and PGE tenor, leads to the development of a model explaining the formation of PGE-mineralized, sulphide-poor chromitite layers in the Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex. Presented at the International Conference for Applied Mineralogy, Pretoria, September 1991  相似文献   

Summary All analysed massive chromitite layers of the Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex are enriched in PGE's over their silicate host rocks. The concentration factor has been found to increase with stratigraphic height. The PGE-distribution of the Lower Group and Middle Group chromitites shows a systematic relationship to the chromite mineralogy of the chromitites. The LG1- to LG4-chromitite layers are characterized by the dominance of the Ru-group elements (Ru, Os, Ir). The LG5- to LG7-chromitite layers contain almost equal amounts of the two PGE-groups and in the MG-chromitites the elements of the Pt-group (Pt, Pd, Rh) are the most abundant. The chromite mineralogy subdivides the chromitites in a similar way.
PGE-Verteilung in den Lower und Middle Group Chromititen des westlichen Bushveld Complexes
Zusammenfassung Alle untersuchten massiven Chromitite der Critical Zone des Bushveld Complexes sind im Hangenden ihrer silikatischen Nebengesteine an PGE's angereichert. Es stellte sich heraus, dass der Konzentrationsfaktor innerhalb der stratigraphischen Abfolge zum Hangenden hin zunimmt.Die PGE Verteilung in den Lower und Middle Group Chromititen ändert sich systematisch mit der Mineralogie der Chromite in den Chromititen. Die LG 1 bis LG 4 Chromititlagen sind durch ein Vorherrschen der Elemente der Ru-Gruppe (Ru, Os, Ir) gekennzeichnet.Die LG 5 bis LG 7 Chromititlagen enthalten beinahe die gleichen Gehalte an Elementen beider PGE-Gruppen. In den MG-Chromititen sind die Elemente der Pt Gruppe (Pt, Pd, Rh) am weitesten verbreitet. Mit Hilfe der Mineralogie der Chromite können die Chromitite auf ähnliche Weise untergliedert werden.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   

The northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex is currently a highly active area for platinum-group element (PGE) exploration. This lobe hosts the Platreef, a 10–300-m thick package of PGE-rich pyroxenites and gabbros, that crops out along the base of the lobe to the north of Mokopane (formerly Potgietersrus) and is amenable to large-scale open pit mining along some portions of its strike. An early account of the geology of the deposit was produced by Percy Wagner where he suggested that the Platreef was an equivalent PGE-rich layer to the Merensky Reef that had already been traced throughout the eastern and western lobes of the Bushveld Complex. Wagner’s opinion remains widely held and is central to current orthodoxy on the stratigraphy of the northern lobe. This correlates the Platreef and an associated cumulate sequence that includes a chromitite layer—known as the Grasvally norite-pyroxenite-anorthosite (GNPA) member—directly with the sequence between the UG2 chromitite and the Merensky Reef as it is developed in the Upper Critical Zone of the eastern and western Bushveld. Implicit in this view of the magmatic stratigraphy is that similar Critical Zone magma was present in all three lobes prior to the development of the Merensky Reef and the Platreef. However, when this assumed correlation is examined in detail, it is obvious that there are significant differences in lithologies, mineral textures and chemistries (Mg# of orthopyroxene and olivine) and the geochemistry of both rare earth elements (REE) and PGE between the two sequences. This suggests that the prevailing interpretation of the stratigraphy of the northern lobe is not correct. The “Critical Zone” of the northern lobe cannot be correlated with the Critical Zone in the rest of the complex and the simplest explanation is that the GNPA-Platreef sequence formed from a separate magma, or mixture of magmas. Chilled margins of the GNPA member match the estimated initial composition of tholeiitic (Main Zone-type) magma rather than a Critical Zone magma composition. Where the GNPA member is developed over the ultramafic Lower Zone, hybrid rocks preserve evidence for mixing between new tholeiitic magma and existing ultramafic liquid. This style of interaction and the resulting rock sequences are unique to the northern lobe. The GNPA member contains at least seven sulphide-rich horizons with elevated PGE concentrations. Some of these are hosted by pyroxenites with similar mineralogy, crystallisation sequences and Pd-rich PGE signatures to the Platreef. Chill zones are preserved in the lowest Main Zone rocks above the GNPA member and the Platreef and this suggests that both units were terminated by a new influx of Main Zone magma. This opens the possibility that the Platreef and GNPA member merge laterally into one another and that both formed in a series of mixing/quenching events involving tholeiitic and ultramafic magmas, prior to the main influx of tholeiitic magma that formed the Main Zone.  相似文献   

A new geological map of the Rustenburg Layered Suite south of the Ysterberg–Planknek fault of the northern/Potgietersrus limb of the Bushveld Complex is presented, displaying features that were not available for publication in the past and are considered contributing to the complexity of this region. The northern limb is known for the Platreef, atypical mafic lithologies in sections of the layered sequence and the unusual development of the ultramafic Lower Zone as satellite bodies or offshoots at the base of the intrusion. The outcrop and suboutcrop pattern of Lower Zone Grasvally body and its relation to the surrounding geology of Main Zone, Critical Zone, and floor rocks is described. The extent of the base metal sulfide (BMS) and platinum-group element (PGE)-mineralized cyclic unit 11 of the Drummonlea harzburgite–chromitite sub zone is shown. Only that which is considered to be the equivalents of the mafic Upper Critical Zone has thus far been traced south of Potgietersrus/Mokopane. The Platreef is traced from the farm Townlands and further northwards. The presence of Platreef proper south of Potgietersrus/Mokopane appears to be speculative. However, Merensky Reef, UG 2, and equivalent layers outcrop or were intersected to the south of the town. The Kleinmeid Syncline comprising Main Zone/Critical Zone layers and its structure is discussed. The lateral lithological transfomation of the Merensky Reef/UG 2 and equivalent layers south of the Ysterberg–Planknek fault to Platreef north of this fault is recorded. Attenuation of both the Main Zone and Upper Zone is observed from the northwest towards the town and resulted in only the lower units being developed. The lateral change of Main Zone and Upper Zone lithologies from the northwest towards the town is described. The PGE and BMS economic potential south of the town are briefly tabulated.  相似文献   

“His mind was like a soup dish—wide and shallow; ...” - Irving Stone on William Jennings Bryan
A compilation of the Sr-isotopic stratigraphy of the Bushveld Complex, shows that the evolution of the magma chamber occurred in two major stages. During the lower open-system Integration Stage (Lower, Critical and Lower Main Zone), there were numerous influxes of magma of contrasting isotopic composition with concomitant mixing, crystallisation and deposition of cumulates. Larger influxes correspond to the boundaries of the zones and sub-zones and are marked by sustained isotopic shifts, major changes in mineral assemblages and development of unconformities. During the upper, closed system Differentiation Stage (Upper Main Zone and Upper Zone), there were no major magma additions (other than that which initiated the Upper Zone), and the thick magma layers evolved by fractional crystallisation. The Lower and Lower Critical Zones are restricted to a belt that runs from Steelpoort and Burgersfort in the northeast, to Rustenburg and Northam in the west and an outlier of the Lower and Lower Critical Zone, up to the LG4 chromitite layer, in the far western extension north of Zeerust. It is only in these areas that thick harzburgite and pyroxenite layers are developed and where chromitites of the Lower Critical Zone occur. These chromitites include the economically important c. 1 m thick LG6 and MG1 layers exposed around both the Eastern and Western lobes of the Bushveld Complex. The Upper Critical Zone has a greater lateral extent than the Lower Critical Zone and overlies but also onlaps the floor-rocks to the south of the Steelpoort area . The source of the magmas also appears to have been towards the south as the MG chromitite layers degrade and thin northward whereas the LG layers are very well represented in the North and degrade southward. Sr and Os isotope data indicate that the major chromitite layers including the LG6, MG1 and UG2 originated in a similar way. Extremely abrupt and stratigraphically restricted increases in the Sr isotope ratio imply that there was massive contamination of intruding melt which “hit the roof” of the chamber and incorporated floating granophyric liquid which forced the precipitation of chromite (Kruger 1999; Kinnaird et al. 2002). Therefore, each chromitite layer represents the point at which the magma chamber expanded and eroded and deformed its floor. Nevertheless, this was achieved by in situ contamination by roof-rock melt of the intruding Critical Zone liquids that had an orthopyroxenitic to noritic lineage. The Main Zone is present in the Eastern and Western lobes of the Bushveld Complex where it overlies the Critical Zone, and onlaps the floor-rocks to the south, and the north where it is also the basal zone in the Northern lobe. The new magma first intruded the Northern lobe north of the Thabazimbi–Murchison Lineament, interacted with the floor-rocks, incorporated sulphur and precipitated the “Platreef” along the floor-rock contact before flowing south into the main chamber. This exceptionally large influx of new magma then eroded an unconformity on the Critical Zone cumulate pile, and initiated the Main Zone in the main chamber by precipitating the Merensky Reef on the unconformity. The Upper Zone magma flowed into the chamber from the southern “Bethal” lobe as well as the TML. This gigantic influx eroded the Main Zone rocks and caused very large-scale unconformable relationships, clearly evident as the “Gap” areas in the Western Bushveld Complex. The base of this influx, which is also coincident with the Pyroxenite Marker and a troctolitic layer in the Northern lobe, is the petrological and stratigraphic base of the Upper Zone. Sr-isotope data show that all the PGE rich ores (including chromitites) are related to influxes of magma, and are thus related to the expansion and filling of the magma chamber dominantly by lateral expansion; with associated transgressive disconformities onto the floor-rocks coincident with major zone changes. These positions in the stratigraphy are marked by abrupt changes in lithology and erosional features over which succeeding lithologies are draped. The outcrop patterns and the concordance of geochemical, isotopic and mineralogical stratigraphy, indicate that during crystallisation, the Bushveld Complex was a wide and shallow, lobate, sill-like sheet, and the rock-strata and mineral deposits are quasi-continuous over the whole intrusion.
F. Johan KrugerEmail:

Detailed geological mapping, core logging and petrographic analysis are supplemented with geochemical data to evaluate the petrogenesis of the Upper Group (UG1, UG2) stratiform chromitite seams in the Dwars River area, Bushveld Complex. Seven important and widespread features of UG1 and UG2 chromitite are addressed: (1) chromitite seams are dissociated from specific silicate successions and enclosed in Cr-rich silicates with a common genetic origin, (2) chromitite seams cut structures and textures in host silicates, have vein-like structures and host xenoliths, (3) chromitite seams are braided, (4) chromite grain distributions suggest flow segregation, (5) silicates in chromitite seams have modal proportions, forms and compositions different from those in binding silicate rocks, (6) PGE distributions in UG2 chromitite suggest flow segregation, and (7) chromitite seams are bound by coarse-grained silicates possibly formed through contact heating and/or de-volatization. These features are integrated into a model whereby UG chromitite seams developed from the intrusion of chromite crystal slurries. This model proposes that chromite grains first accumulated within structural traps of the Bushveld conduits, and that these accumulations were then re-mobilized with silicate melt (± sulfides and/or fluids?) to spread laterally as chromite crystal slurries within the layered ultramafic-mafic cumulates of the Bushveld Complex.  相似文献   

This article reports a study of chromitites from the LG-1 to the UG-2/3 from the Bushveld Complex. Chromite from massive chromitite follows two compositional trends on the basis of cation ratios: trend A—decreasing Mg/(Mg + Fe) with increasing Cr/(Cr + Al); trend B—decreasing Mg/(Mg + Fe) with decreasing Cr/(Cr + Al). The chromitites are divided into five stages on the basis of which trend they follow and the data of Eales et al. (Chemical Geology 88:261–278, 1990) on the behaviour of the Mg/Fe ratio of the pyroxene and whole rock Sr isotope composition of the environment in which they occur. Following Eales et al. (Chemical Geology 88:261–278, 1990), the different characteristics of the stages are attributed to the rate at which new magma entered the chamber and the effect of this on aAl2O3 and, in the case of stage 5, the appearance of cumulus plagioclase buffering the aAl2O3. The similarity of PGE profiles across the MG-3 and MG-4 chromitites that are separated laterally by up to 300 km and the variation in V in the UG-2 argue that the chromitites have largely developed in situ. Modelling using the programme MELTS shows that increase in pressure, mixing of primitive and fractionated magma, felsic contamination of primitive magma or addition of H2O do not promote crystallization of spinel before orthopyroxene (in general they hinder it) and that the Cr2O3 content of the magma was of the order of 0.25 wt.%. Less than 20% of the chromite in the magma is removed before orthopyroxene joins chromite, which implies a >13-km thickness of magma for the Critical Zone. It is suggested that the large excess of magma has escaped up marginal structures such as the Platreef. The PGE profile of chromitites depends on whether sulphide accumulated or not along with chromite. Modelling shows that contamination of Critical Zone magma with a felsic melt will induce sulphide immiscibility, although not chromite precipitation. The LG-1 to LG-4 chromitites developed without sulphide, whilst those from the LG-5 upwards had associated liquid sulphide. Much of the sulphide originally in the LG-5 and above has been destroyed as a result of reaction with the chromite.  相似文献   

The formation of anorthosites in layered intrusions has remained one of petrology's most enduring enigmas. We have studied a sequence of layered chromitite, pyroxenite, norite and anorthosite overlying the UG2 chromitite in the Upper Critical Zone of the eastern Bushveld Complex at the Smokey Hills platinum mine. Layers show very strong medium to large scale lateral continuity, but abundant small scale irregularities and transgressive relationships. Particularly notable are irregular masses and seams of anorthosite that have intrusive relationships to their host rocks. An anorthosite layer locally transgresses several 10 s of metres into its footwall, forming what is referred to as a "pothole" in the Bushveld Complex. It is proposed that the anorthosites formed from plagioclase-rich crystal mushes that originally accumulated at or near the top of the cumulate pile. The slurries were mobilised during tectonism induced by chamber subsidence, a model that bears some similarity to that generally proposed for oceanic mass flows. The anorthosite slurries locally collapsed into pull-apart structures and injected their host rocks. The final step was down-dip drainage of Fe-rich intercumulus liquid, leaving behind anorthosite adcumulates.  相似文献   

In the northern limb of the 2.06-Ga Bushveld Complex, the Platreef is a platinum group elements (PGE)-, Cu-, and Ni-mineralized zone of pyroxenite that developed at the intrusion margin. From north to south, the footwall rocks of the Platreef change from Archaean granite to dolomite, hornfels, and quartzite. Where the footwall is granite, the Sr-isotope system is more strongly perturbed than where the footwall is Sr-poor dolomite, in which samples show an approximate isochron relationship. The Nd-isotope system for samples of pyroxenite and hanging wall norite shows an approximate isochron relationship with an implied age of 2.17 ± 0.2 Ga and initial Nd-isotope ratio of 0.5095. Assuming an age of 2.06 Ga, the ɛNd values range from −6.2 to −9.6 (ave. −7.8, n = 17) and on average are slightly more negative than the Main Zone of the Bushveld. These data are consistent with local contamination of an already contaminated magma of Main Zone composition. The similarity in isotope composition between the Platreef pyroxenites and the hanging wall norites suggests a common origin. Where the country rock is dolomite, the Platreef has generally higher plagioclase and pyroxene δ 18O values, and this indicates assimilation of the immediate footwall. Throughout the Platreef, there is considerable petrographic evidence for sub-solidus interaction with fluids, and the Δ plagioclase–pyroxene values range from −2 to +6, which indicates interaction at both high and low temperatures. Whole-rock and mineral δD values suggest that the Platreef interacted with both magmatic and meteoric water, and the lack of disturbance to the Sr-isotope system suggests that fluid–rock interaction took place soon after emplacement. Where the footwall is granite, less negative δD values suggest a greater involvement of meteoric water. Consistently higher values of Δ plagioclase–pyroxene in the Platreef pyroxenites and hanging wall norites in contact with dolomite suggest prolonged interaction with CO2-rich fluid derived from decarbonation of the footwall rocks. The overprint of post crystallization fluid–rock interaction is the probable cause of the previously documented lack of correlation between PGE and sulfide content on the small scale. The Platreef in contact with dolomite is the focus of the highest PGE grades, and this suggests that dolomite contamination played a role in PGE concentration and deposition, but the exact link remains obscure. It is a possibility that the CO2 produced by decarbonation of assimilated dolomite enhanced the process of PGE scavenging by sulfide precipitation.  相似文献   

The Neoarchean (ca. 2.75 Ga) Luanga Complex, located in the Carajás Mineral Province in Brazil, is a medium-size layered intrusion consisting, from base to top, of ultramafic cumulates (Ultramafic Zone), interlayered ultramafic and mafic cumulates (Transition Zone) and mafic cumulates (Mafic Zone). Chromitite layers in the Luanga Complex occur in the upper portion of interlayered harzburgite and orthopyroxenite of the Transition Zone and associated with the lowermost norites of the Mafic Zone. The stratigraphic interval that hosts chromitites (∼150 meters thick) consists of several cyclic units interpreted as the result of successive influxes of primitive parental magma. The compositions of chromite in chromitites from the Transition Zone (Lower Group Chromitites) have distinctively higher Cr# (100Cr/(Cr + Al + Fe3+)) compared with chromite in chromitites from the Mafic Zone (Upper Group Chromitites). Chromitites hosted by noritic rocks are preceded by a thin layer of harzburgite located 15–20 cm below each chromitite layer. Lower Cr# in chromitites hosted by noritic rocks are interpreted as the result of increased Al2O3 activity caused by new magma influxes. Electron microprobe analyses on line transverses through 35 chromite crystals indicate that they are rimmed and/or extensively zoned. The composition of chromite in chromitites changes abruptly in the outer rim, becoming enriched in Fe3+ and Fe2+ at the expense of Mg, Cr, Al, thus moving toward the magnetite apex on the spinel prism. This outer rim, characterized by higher reflectance, is probably related to the metamorphic replacement of the primary mineralogy of the Luanga Complex. Zoned chromite crystals indicate an extensive exchange between divalent (Mg, Fe2+) cations and minor to none exchange between trivalent cations (Cr3+, Al3+ and Fe3+). This Mg-Fe zoning is interpreted as the result of subsolidus exchange of Fe2+ and Mg between chromite and coexisting silicates during slow cooling of the intrusion. A remarkable feature of chromitites from Luanga Complex is the occurrence of abundant silicate inclusions within chromite crystals. These inclusions show an adjacent inner rim with higher Cr# and lower Mg# (100 Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)) and Al# (100Al/(Cr + Al + Fe3+)). This compositional shift is possibly due to crystallization from a progressively more fractionated liquid trapped in the chromite crystal. Significant modification of primary cumulus composition of chromite, as indicated in our study for the Luanga Complex, is likely to be common in non-massive chromitites and the rule for disseminated chromites in mafic intrusions.  相似文献   

In the present study, we document the nature of contact-style platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization along >100 km of strike in the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex. New data from the farm Rooipoort are compared to existing data from the farms Townlands, Drenthe, and Nonnenwerth. The data indicate that the nature of the contact-style mineralization shows considerable variation along strike. In the southernmost portion of the northern Bushveld, on Rooipoort and adjoining farms, the mineralized sequence reaches a thickness of 700 m. Varied-textured gabbronorites are the most common rock type. Anorthosites and pyroxenites are less common. Chromitite stringers and xenoliths of calcsilicate and shale are largely confined to the lower part of the sequence. Layering is locally prominent and shows considerable lateral continuity. Disseminated sulfides may reach ca. 3 modal % and tend to be concentrated in chromitites and melanorites. Geochemistry indicates that the rocks can be correlated with the Upper Critical Zone. This model is supported by the fact that, in a down-dip direction, the mineralized rocks transform into the UG2-Merensky Reef interval. Between Townlands and Drenthe, the contact-mineralized sequence is thinner (up to ca. 400 m) than in the South. Chromitite stringers occur only sporadically, but ultramafic rocks (pyroxenites, serpentinites, and peridotites) are common. Xenoliths of calcsilicate, shale, and iron formation are abundant indicating significant assimilation of the floor rocks. Sulfides may locally form decimeter- to meter-sized massive lenses. PGE grades tend to be higher than elsewhere in the northern Bushveld. The compositions of the rocks show both Upper Critical Zone and Main Zone characteristics. At Nonnenwerth, the mineralized interval is up to ca. 400 m thick. It consists largely of varied-textured gabbronorites, with minor amounts of igneous ultramafic rocks and locally abundant and large xenoliths of calcsilicate. Layering is mostly weakly defined and discontinuous. Disseminated sulfides (<ca. 3 modal %) occur throughout much of the sequence. Geochemistry indicates that the rocks crystallized mainly from tholeiitic magma and thus have a Main Zone signature. The implication of our findings is that contact-style PGE mineralization in the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex cannot be correlated with specific stratigraphic units or magma types, but that it formed in response to several different processes. At all localities, the magmas were contaminated with the floor rocks. Contamination with shale led to the addition of external sulfur to the magma, whereas contamination with dolomite may have oxidized the magma and lowered its sulfur solubility. In addition to contamination, some of the magmas, notably those of Upper Critical Zone lineage present at the south-central localities, contained entrained sulfides, which precipitated during cooling and crystallization.  相似文献   

The Merensky Reef and the underlying Upper Group 2 chromitite layer, in the Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, host much of the world’s platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization. The genesis is still debated. A number of features of the Merensky Reef are not consistent with the hypotheses involving mixing of magmas. Uniform mixing between two magmas over an area of 150 by 300 km and a thickness of 3–30 km seems implausible. The Merensky Reef occurs at the interval where Main Zone magma is added, but the relative proportions of the PGE in the Merensky Reef are comparable to those of the Critical Zone magma. Mineral and isotopic evidence in certain profiles through the Merensky Unit suggest either mixing of minerals, not magmas, and in one case, the lack of any chemical evidence for the presence of the second magma. The absence of cumulus sulphides immediately above the Merensky Reef is not predicted by this model. An alternative model is proposed here that depends upon pressure changes, not chemical processes, to produce the mineralization in chromite-rich and sulphide-rich reefs. Magma was added at these levels, but did not mix. This addition caused a temporary increase in the pressure in the extant Critical Zone magma. Immiscible sulphide liquid and/or chromite formed. Sinking sulphide liquid and/or chromite scavenged PGE (as clusters, nanoparticles or platinum-group minerals) from the magma and accumulated at the floor. Rupturing of the roof resulted in a pressure decrease and a return to sulphur-undersaturation of the magma.  相似文献   

The Platreef is the main platinum group element (PGE)-bearingfacies of the northern limb of the Bushveld complex, but unlikethe Merensky Reef of the eastern and western limbs, it is indirect contact with the country rock. Mineral separate  相似文献   

A petrogenetic model for the Merensky Reef in the Rustenburg section of the Bushveld Complex has been developed based on detailed field and petrographic observations and electron microprobe data. The model maintains that the reef formed by reaction of hydrous melt and a partially molten cumulate assemblage. The model is devised to account for several key observations: (1) Although the dominant rock type in the Rusterburg sections is pegmatoidal feldspathic pyroxenite, there is a continous range of reef lithology from pyroxenite to pegmatoidal harzburgite and dunite, and small amounts of olivine are present in nearly all pegmatoids. (2) The pegmatoid is usually bounded above and below by chromitite seams and the basal chromitite separated from underlying norite by a centimeter-thick layer of anorthosite. The thicknesses of the two layers exhibit a well-defined, positive correlation. (3) Inclusion of pyroxenite identical to the hanging wall and of leuconorite identical to the footwall are present in the pegmatoid. The leuconorite inclusions are surrounded by thin anorthosite and chromitite layers in the same sequence as that at the base of the reef. (4) Chromite in seams adjacent to plagioclase-rich rocks is characterized by higher Mg/Mg+Fe and Al/R3 and lower Cr/R3 than that in seams adjacent to pyroxene-rich rocks. Similar variations in mineral compositions are observed across individual chromitite seams where the underlying and overlying rock types differ. The chromite compositional variations cannot be rationalized in terms of either fractional crystallization or reequilibration with surrounding silicates. It is proposed that the present reef was originally a melt-rich horizon in norite immediately overlain by relatively crystallized pyroxenite. Magmatic vapor generated by crystallization of intercumulus melt migrated upward through fractures in the cumulate pile below the protoreef. The melt-rich protoreef became hydrated because fractures were unable to propagate through it and because the melt itself was water-undersaturated. Hydration of the intercumulus melt was accompanied by melting, and the hydration/melting front migrated downward into the footwall and upward into the hanging wall. In the footwall melting resulted first in the dissolution of orthopyroxene and then of plagioclase. With continued hydration chromite was stabilized as melt alumina content increased. The regular variations in chromite compositions reflect the original gradients in melt composition at the hydration front. The stratigraphic sequence downward through the base of the reef or pegmatoid (melt)-chromitite-anorthosite-norite represents the sequence of stable mineral assemblages across the hydration/melting front. The sequence is shown to be consistent with knowledge gained from experiments on melting of hydrous mafic systems at crustal pressures. With cooling the hydrated mixture from partial melting of norite footwall and more mafic hanging wall crystallized in the sequence chromite-olivine-pyroxene-plagioclase, with peritectic loss of some olivine. Calculations of mass balance indicate that a significant proportion of the melt was lost from the melt-rich horizon. Variations in the development of the pegmatoid and associated lithologies and amount of modal olivine in the pegmatoids along the strike of the Merensky Reef resulted because the processes of hydration, melting and melt loss operated to varying extents.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional shapes of mafic layered intrusions have to be inferred from surface outcrops, in some cases aided by drilling and/or geophysical data. However, geophysical models are often equivocal. For the 2.06?Ga Bushveld Complex of South Africa, early geological models proposed a shape of a single, gently inward dipping lopolith. Subsequent resistivity and gravity data were interpreted to suggest that the eastern and western limbs were discrete, dipping wedge-shaped intrusions separated by ~150?km. A more recent gravity model that takes crustal flexure into account allows continuity and the reversal to the original model. Distinguishing between these possibilities is difficult from surface-based studies because the central regions of the Complex are obscured by large volumes of younger granites and sedimentary/volcanic cover rocks. Here, we describe xenoliths from the Cretaceous Palmietgat kimberlite pipe, located mid-way between the exposed western and eastern lobes of the Complex. They are chromite-bearing feldspathic pyroxenites considered equivalent to those of the typical outcropping Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex. This result provides strong support for a regionally interconnected Bushveld Complex, implying its emplacement as a single sill-like body. Confirming the continuity of the Bushveld Complex greatly expands exploration opportunities and implies that other layered mafic intrusions could have similar geometry.  相似文献   

This study of a part of the lower Critical Zone, Farm Ruighoek,Western Bushveld, is based mainly on selected drill core samplesfrom two sections approximately 1.2 miles apart. The 1300-ftsequence investigated consists of pyroxenites with two harzburgitebands and sixteen chromitite seams. Results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis that evolutionof the sequence was a cyclic process in which cumulate mineralscrystallized in a zone near the floor of accumulation undergenerally quiescent conditions. Compositional changes of cumulateminerals reflect the influence of a separate intrusion of undifferentiatedparent magma or refusion at depth of crystals formed near thetop of the magma chamber. Interstitial mineral content and plagioclasecomposition reflect changing rates of crystal accumulation.Orthopyroxene grain size and sorting coefficient reflect, inpart, the vertical distance over which crystallization occurred.Textural features and contact relations of chromitite seamsare consistent with the hypothesis that most chromite crystallizedfrom the silicate magma and accumulated during a period of littleor no crystallization of silicate minerals. It is postulatedthat this loose crystal assemblage was enriched by co-accumulationand partial in situ crystallization of chromite-rich immiscibleliquid. Textural, mineralogical, and compositional changes infootwalls and hanging walls of chromitite seams are thoughtto reflect in situ reactions.  相似文献   

Summary Unusual facies of the Merensky Reef, the UG-2 and the UG-1 chromitite layers are developed in the western sector of the eastern Bushveld Complex. Within the basal pyroxenite of the Merensky unit, mineralization can be developed at up to four levels. Some of these contain significant mineralization with an increase in the Pt/Pd ratio upward in the succession.The UG-2 chromitite layer consists of a lower, sulphide-rich layer and an upper, sulphide-poor layer. Although these two layers are separated by a pyroxenite parting in places, both contain high platinum-group element (PGE) values. Textural features such as inclusions of base metal sulphides in chromite grains, and the moulding of sintered chromite grains around sulphides, indicates that immiscible sulphide liquid separated prior to or simultaneously with chromite crystallization. The presence of platinum minerals within the sulphides of the inclusions and enclosed in all the base metal sulphides interstitial to chromite, indicates that the PGE were extracted from the magma by the sulphide liquid.Textural and compositional evidence suggests that the sulphide enrichment in the UG-1 chromitite layer is also of magmatic origin, but that these sulphides underwent remobilization at high temperatures.Magma mixing processes are considered to have produced the chromitite layers. The high sulphide content associated with the chromitite layers in the upper critical zone in this sector is ascribed to favourable compositions and proportions of the magmas involved in the mixing process.
PGE-Vererzung im westlichen Sektor des östlichen Bushveld-Komplexes
Zusammenfassung Ungewöhnliche Fazies des Merensky-Reefes sowie der UG-2 und der UG-1 Chromitite kommen im westlichen Sektor des östlichen Bushveld Komplexes vor. In den basalen Pyroxeniten der Merensky-Einheit liegt Vererzung in bis zu vier verschiedenen Niveaus vor. Einige von diesen enthalten signifikante Metallgehalte, wobei das Pt/Pd Verhältnis gegen das Hangende hin zunimmt.Der UG-2 Chromitit besteht aus einer unteren, Sulfid-reichen, und einer oberen, Sulfid-armen Lage. Obwohl diese beiden Lagen stellenweise durch eine pyroxenitische Zwischenschicht getrennt sind, enthalten beide hohe Platin-Gruppen-Elementgehalte (PGE). Texturen wie z.B. Einschlüsse von Buntmetallsulfiden in Chromitkörnern, und die Anordnung von gesinterten Chromitkörnern um Sulfide herum weisen darauf hin, daß eine unmischbare Sulfidschmelze vor oder gleichzeitig mit der Chromitkristallisation abgetrennt wurde. Das Vorkommen von Platin-Mineralen in den Sulfiden der Einschlüsse, und in allen Buntmetallsulfiden die zwischen Chromitkörnern vorkommen, zeigen, daß die PGE durch eine Sulfidschmelze aus dem Magma entfernt worden sind.Texturelle und chemische Parameter zeigen, daß die Sulfidanreicherung in den UG-1 Chromititen auch einen magmatischen Ursprung hat, jedoch waren diese Sulfide später von einer Hochtemperatur-Mobilisation betroffen.Die Chromitit-Lagen werden durch Magmen-Mischung, der hohe Sulfid-Gehalt in den Chromitit-Lagen der oberen Kritischen Zone in diesem Sektor durch günstige Zusammensetzungen und Verhältnisse der Magmen, die an diesem Mischungsprozess teilgenommen haben erklärt.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

The layered Bushveld Complex hosts a number of chromitite layers, which were found to contain significant amounts of zircon grains compared with adjacent silicate rocks. Cathodoluminescent-dark, partially metamict cores and transparent rims of composite zircon grains were analyzed for trace elements with SIMS and LA-ICPMS techniques. The cores are enriched in REE, Y, Th and U and are characterized by distinctly flatter REE patterns in contrast to those of the rims and transparent homogenous crystals. Zircon from the different stratigraphic units has specific Th/U ratios, the highest of which (1.5–4) occurs in a Merensky Reef zircon core. The Ti content of Bushveld zircon ranges from 12 to 52 ppm correlating to a crystallization temperature range of 760–930 °C. The geochemical characteristics of the first zircon generation are consistent with its high-temperature crystallization as the first major U, Th and REE acceptor from a highly-evolved residue of the high-Mg basalt magma, whereas the rims and coreless crystals have crystallized from percolating intercumulus liquid of new influx of the same magma. U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircon cores and rims does not reveal a distinguishable difference between their ages indicating the absence of inherited zircon. Concordia ages of 2,051?±?9 Ma (2σ, MSWD?=?0.1) and 2,056?±?5 Ma (2σ, MSWD?=?0.05) for zircons from the Merensky Reef and the Upper Platreef located equally near the top of the Critical Zone are in agreement with published ages for the Merensky Reef. Zircon from the deeper-seated Lower Group, Middle Group and Lower Platreef chromitites yields younger concordia ages that may reflect prolonged late-stage volatile activity.  相似文献   

铂族元素在地壳中的富集:以布什维尔德杂岩为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地幔是地壳铂族元素富集的主要源库。铂族元素迁移主要有两个途径:(1)地幔部分熔融物质侵入地壳;(2)地幔板片就位于俯冲/碰撞带。前一途径比后一途径重要得多。地幔物质进入地壳造成铂族元素富集并成为可供开采的主矿产而非副产品,这一过程可包含许多成矿作用机制:(i)基性侵入体中Ni-Cu硫化物矿浆的发育,岩浆冷却与分离结晶作用导致富含Cu,Pt,Pd的硫化物矿浆的形成;(ii)层状侵入体一定层位形成高品位的铂族元素硫化物层,伴生或不伴生铬铁岩;(iii)富铂族元素及硫化物的岩浆沿着层状侵入体的边缘就位;(iv)直至层状侵入体结晶分异作用晚期的硫化物不混溶滞后分离;(v)不发育硫化物不混溶作用的铬铁矿结晶作用;(vi)低程度硫化物浸染带中的热液作用与铂族元素富集;(vii)乌拉尔-阿拉斯加型侵入体重结晶过程中的铂族元素与铬铁矿的次生富集作用,岩体在风化过程中形成砂矿床;(viii)黑色页岩形成过程中Pt的富集。南非布什维尔德火成杂岩蕴藏世界Pt资源的75%,Pd资源的54%,Rh资源的82%,并具有(ii)、(iii)、(iv)、(v)、(vi)成矿作用的实例。在这些作用中,作用(ii)形成的现有经济储量和资源量占90%,作用(iii)占9%。Merensky矿层(占总资源量30%)是一个铂族元素富集层位,它含1~3铬铁矿薄层,在可采宽度内硫化物平均含量为1%~3%(质量分数)。硫化物一般被认为是铂族元素的主要聚集体。该矿层由两个或两个以上含硫化物的基性热岩浆上升汇聚而成。这些岩浆的汇聚造成超镁铁质堆晶岩的厚度(主要是斜方辉石岩,某些地区包括橄榄岩)变化于50cm至数米之间。开采通常集中在厚度不到1m的地带。矿层的成因至今仍存在争议,一些观点认为铂族元素来自下部上升的热液流体,另一些观点认为铂族元素来自上部岩浆的硫化物沉降作用,并形成了Merensky辉石岩。已经知道矿层上覆的辉石岩、苏长岩和斜长岩中矿物来自两种岩浆类型:一种富含MgO(12%,质量分数)和Cr,而贫Al2O3(12%);另一种含典型的粒玄岩成分。UG-2铬铁岩含有全部经济资源量的58%,由一0.6~1m厚的铬铁岩层(有时见辉石岩夹层)和上覆的1~3层由铬铁矿所构成的薄层。虽然硫化物被认为至少是某些情况下对铂族元素的富集起作用,但UG-2的硫化物含量(0.5%~1.5%)显著低于Merensky矿层。UG-2层之下共有13个铬铁岩层位,所有的都含铂族元素,虽然铂族元素总含量和(Pt+Pd)/(Ru+Ir+Os)比值远低于UG-2。UG-2内所含的辉石岩"夹层"具高的87Sr/86Sr比值,说明与顶部熔融岩石的混合促进了铬铁岩和硫化物的形成。作用(iii)的主要实例是Platreef。目前它占总资源量的9%。不过,沿该带正积极开展找矿勘探工作,这一比例将来还会提高。这一矿层的厚度比Merensky和UG-2都要大,目前开采厚度达50多米。Platreef呈带状,上部为斜方辉石岩的堆晶岩;下部为辉石岩、长石辉石岩和苏长岩,它们与页岩、铁矿层和白云岩强烈相互作用,直接形成了底盘岩石。笔者认为Platreef是不同期次岩浆作用的结果,这些作用形成了不同的单元产物,包括布什维尔德主岩浆房的UG-2和Merensky矿层。新的岩浆进入主岩浆房会造成先存岩浆移位、岩浆错动并会冲破岩浆房的壁。圆筒状、带状岩管中的超镁铁岩含极高的Pt品位,在布什维尔德杂岩的下部切穿堆晶层,被认为是热液再活化的产物。它们现在未被开采,只是构成存封的铂族元素资源,对整个杂岩体资源没有重要的贡献。  相似文献   

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