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杨庆媛  毕国华  陈展图  曾黎  杨人豪 《地理学报》2018,73(11):2250-2266
实行耕地轮作休耕不仅是促进耕地休养生息、加快生态文明建设的重要任务,也是提高农业供给体系质量、实现农业与社会经济可持续发展的重要途径。本文从喀斯特生态脆弱区的人地关系特点出发,围绕休耕的目标导向及约束条件,厘定休耕地空间配置的逻辑内涵,在此基础上以国家休耕试点县——贵州省晴隆县为例,综合运用VSD脆弱性评估框架、灰色预测模型GM(1, 1)和GIS空间分析等方法,通过休耕地初判、休耕地修正、休耕地优选三个步骤实现休耕地的分区布局,据此探讨喀斯特生态脆弱区休耕地空间配置的实现路径与技术方法。结果表明:① 晴隆县耕地生态系统脆弱性较强,全县70%以上的耕地非常脆弱甚至极度脆弱,急需优化耕地利用方式,促进耕地生态修复。② 以粮食安全约束下的耕地保有量作为休耕规模的约束条件,依据耕地生态系统脆弱性由大到小进行筛选,得出晴隆县2015-2020年可休耕耕地规模共计13540.05 hm2,占全县耕地面积的37.18%。③ 根据休耕规模、耕地质量、地形地貌、交通区位、社会经济发展水平等方面的差异,晴隆县休耕地可按“三级五类”进行分区布局,具体布局休耕项目时要因地制宜,制定差异化的休耕模式及休耕组织方式。④ 休耕地的空间配置是一个“对象”和“规模”双重约束下的休耕地块优选问题,在此过程中,休耕对象诊断是基础,规模预测是约束,休耕项目布局是最终落脚点。  相似文献   

The karst critical zone is an essential component of the carbon (C) pool, constituting the global C cycle. It is referred to as one of the “residual land sink” that remains largely indeterminate. Karst area (2.2×107 km2) comprises 15% of the world’s land area, and karst area comprises 3.44×106 km2 of area in China. Due to the complexity of karst structure and its considerable heterogeneity, C sequestration rate estimations contain large inaccuracies, especially in relation to the different methods used in calculations. Therefore, we reevaluated rock weathering-related C sink estimations in China (approximately 4.74 Tg C yr–1), which we calibrated from previous studies. Additionally, we stipulated that more comprehensive research on rock-soil-biology-atmosphere continuum C migration is essential to better understand C conversion mechanisms based on uncertainty analyses of C sink estimations. Moreover, we stressed that a collective confirmation of chemical methods and simulated models through a combined research effort could at least partially eliminate such uncertainty. Furthermore, integrated C cycling research need a long-term observation of the carbon flux of multi-interfaces. The enhanced capacity of ecosystem C and soil C pools remains an effective way of increasing C sink. Karst ecosystem health and security is crucial to human social development, accordingly, it is critical that we understand thresholds or potential C sink capacities in karst critical zones now and in the future.  相似文献   

The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Programme (CARP) was introduced in the Philippines in 1988 to facilitate a more equitable distribution of land and heighten agrarian efficiencies. The programme has faced considerable obstacles on the island of Negros, where sugar barons have tried to manipulate the new land laws to retain ownership of their large estates. This paper outlines the response of peasant communities on Negros who, with national scale nongovernmental organizations, have coalesced a social movement in a vision of fair and equitable land reform. Building on recent work by social movement theorists, we focus upon the production of the collective identity that binds geographically isolated communities into a coherent and recognized grouping. Particular attention is given to the promulgation of oppositional histories and narratives through farmer association networks which provide peasants with the means to nurture alternative environmental imaginaries and inspire resistance actions. While the strengths of such identities in resisting more powerful development actors are evident, questions are raised about the longevity of such identities, their role post-land reform and their potential to contribute to more fundamental postdevelopment challenges to imposed development norms and processes.  相似文献   

Although transportation and outdoor recreation are well‐recognized aspects of national parks, few studies have explored these aspects from the perspective of human geography as a means of analyzing historical landscape change. This paper offers an innovative synthesis of methods for studying cultural landscape change over time through a case study of the historical geography of transportation, tourism, and outdoor recreation along the Howard Eaton Trail (HET) in Yellowstone National Park. We conducted research through a field course that combined repeat photography, archival research, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and traditional field methods. Results indicate that a combination of repeat photography and other methods can create an effective means of evaluating cultural landscape change; even short field courses provide opportunities for students and faculty to conduct collaborative research that provides powerful, multidimensional, situated‐learning experiences; and repeat photography creates datasets that may benefit future research and teaching.  相似文献   

The outsourcing and offshoring of services to developing countries has created new opportunities for economic development for countries in the global South. This paper looks at the scope for agency of local institutional actors in the investment attraction of business process outsourcing companies. Drawing on empirical work from the Philippines, an analysis of the process of integrating lower‐tier cities into global service production networks is presented. Specifically, the roles of local institutional actors in facilitating FDI attraction and strategically coupling local assets with the needs of multinational service corporations are discussed. Two contrasting cases, the cities of Baguio and Bacolod, show that considerable scope for intervention rests with local institutional actors. The findings have implications for policymaking and research concerned with the newest phase of outsourcing and offshoring in developing countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines rural livelihoods and the prospects for participatory conservation through a case study of Qwaqwa National Park (QNP) in South Africa. The park was established in 1992 in the context of South Africa's transition to democracy, growing ecotourism in the country and global movements towards conservation involving and benefiting local people. The paper argues that the protracted conflict between park residents and management led to new patterns of livelihood activities and household formation, and resulted in material and social differentiation amongst park households. The goals of park management, with a commitment to nature conservation and ecotourism, were at odds with the livelihood practices of park residents. Conflicts arose over stocking levels, overgrazing, wood-cutting and deforestation and over the use of other natural resources, including water and medicinal plants. The park was the site of a Rand Water project that employed many residents. Residents found themselves between a rock and a hard place as they resisted attempts by the management to reduce stocking levels and yet relied on management to gain access to sources of paid employment.  相似文献   

石漠化是中国西南喀斯特地区面临的重要环境问题之一,其演化过程和驱动机制分析一直是相关研究领域的难点和热点,尤其是人类活动的影响分析方面仍有待于进一步研究。论文选择贵州石漠化极其严重的关岭县为研究区,利用2010年SPOT5/ALOS数据、2015年的高分一号/资源三号数据等,结合地面调查、采用目视解译的方法获得了2010—2015年石漠化分布、演化过程及驱动因素等信息;在系统分析石漠化的空间分布及演化过程的基础上,着重分析土地利用类型、社会经济水平及石漠化治理工程等人类活动因素对贵州石漠化演化的影响。研究结果表明:① 关岭县石漠化土地占有很大比重(2015年占总土地面积的45%以上)且以中度石漠化为主;② 石漠化总体上得到明显改善,石漠化土地面积逐年减少,尤其是重度石漠化和极重度石漠化土地明显减少,但仍有部分石漠化土地的状况在恶化。③ 人类活动对石漠程度和演化过程具有重要的影响,首先,土地利用类型尤其是灌木林、旱地和有林地对石漠化演化起着重要的作用;其次,人口密度较大和GDP较高的地区,石漠化程度也较高且石漠化恢复治理的效果越不明显;另外,关岭县的各类石漠化治理工程取得了显著的成果,约1/3的处于稳定和得到改善的石漠化土地是通过治理工程来实现的。本文查明了土地利用类型、人口及石漠化治理工程与石漠化演化的关系,研究结果可为石漠化治理与生态恢复工作提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

西南岩溶山地乡村景观格局与石漠化调控展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西南岩溶山地乡村景观格局石漠化过程的生态认识落后于生态治理措施。面对国家需求,优化乡村景观格 局对石漠化发生过程的调控,未来优先研究领域:⑴识别岩溶山地乡村景观格局的转换、渐变和基本不变的层次 性,测算不同尺度下乡村景观类型及其空间组合的贡献;⑵认识不同类型乡村景观空间分布的生态学意义及其对 区域石漠化整体程度的影响,找出不同乡村景观演化格局下的石漠化效应;⑶厘定岩溶山地高强度人类活动及其 所诱导的乡村景观格局演化对石漠化的作用效应,构建乡村景观石漠化的成因框架;⑷探讨乡村景观格局制约下 有利于石漠化土地恢复的格局优化模拟,丰富人们对岩溶山地乡村石漠化发生过程的理解和认识。  相似文献   

Construction of access tracks in national parks and other reserves in the south-west of Western Australia is an essential feature of park management. However, their construction was often carried out with little or no appreciation of soil and slope characteristics and potential erodibility, or the effect of slope and stream sedimentation on terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna. This paper reports on the findings of a study carried out in Kalamunda National Park, a small reserve in the Darling Ranges east of Perth. Tracks were surveyed and the extent of erosion and sedimentation measured. Erosion-indicating and erosion-influencing variables were measured. Track alignment angle (to the contour) and track gradient were the two site variables most significantly correlated with measures of erosion severity. The most important upslope (on-track) factor was track length, and the most important upslope (off-track) factor was the abundance of granite outcrops. Seasonal conditions were important, particularly in relation to soils with relatively high clay contents. When wet, these soils were more likely to suffer from surface drainage problems and increased runoff, associated with decreased cohesion. On the other hand, the more common sand-textured soils are generally more erodible when wet. Several management measures are recommended. These fall into three categories: those relating to track closure or realignment (to avoid the most erosion-susceptible sites); those relating to actual track design and maintenance, or site management; and those relating to modification of visitor behaviour .  相似文献   

Taking the typical karst agricultural region, Xiaojiang watershed in Luxi of Yunnan Province as a research unit, utilizing the groundwater quality data in 1982 and 2004, the aerial photos in 1982 and TM images in 2004, supported by the GIS, we probe into the law and the reason of its space-time change of the groundwater quality over the past 22 years in the paper. The results show: (1) There were obvious temporal and spatial changes of groundwater quality during the past 22 years. (2) Concentrations of,SO42-,NO3-,NO2-,Cl-,and the pH value, total hardness, total alkalinity increased significantly, in which NH4+,NO3-, and NO2- of groundwater exceeded the drinking water standards as a result of non-point pollution caused by the expansion of cultivated land and mass use of the fertilizer and pesticide. (3) Oppositely, Ca2+ and HCO3- showed an obvious decline trend due to forest reduction and degradation and stony desertification. Meantime, there was a dynamic relation between the groundwater quality change and the land use change.  相似文献   

张平究  潘根兴 《地理研究》2010,29(2):223-234
为了探讨植被恢复对喀斯特土壤生化特性的影响,对云南石林景区植被恢复演替下土壤养分、微生物群落结构及活性进行了比较研究。结果表明,相对于裸露地,植被恢复显著地提高了土壤养分、微生物量碳、微生物活性、微生物商、细菌种丰富度及基因多样性;相对于对照原始林,植被恢复演替下土壤总有机碳、总氮、微生物量碳、基础呼吸和诱导呼吸的恢复程度分别为32%~83%、36%~70%、54%~89%、58%~82%和35%~51%;对照林与植被恢复演替下土壤细菌群落结构之间的相似性遵循如下趋势:裸露地(稀)草地灌丛。总体上,自然恢复方式(草地和灌丛)提高土壤质量效果优于人工恢复方式(柏树林);从裸露地到稀草地恢复过程中,土壤质量提高尤为迅速,为退化喀斯特土壤生态系统进一步恢复改善了条件。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Ecological environment such as water, soil, etc. are very fragile in the karst area because of the special geological background. With the fast increase of the population and rapid social and economic development in karst area, contradictio…  相似文献   

陈星  张捷  张宏磊 《地理科学进展》2017,36(11):1391-1401
随着旅游业的发展,旅游情境下的主客交往方式愈发多元和复杂。现阶段旅游地主客交往的研究较多关注当地居民,而从游客视角深入研究旅游动机、主客交往意愿和旅游体验的相互影响机制较少。本文选取世界自然遗产地三清山为案例地,以实地问卷调查数据为基础,从主客交往意愿角度切入,构建了观光型旅游地游客视角的MCE(动机—交往意愿—体验质量)模型,并运用多群组的结构方程模型进行恒等性检验。结果表明:①三清山游客的旅游动机可以划分为体验生活、刺激/冒险、放松/逃避和社交/求知4种类型,主客交往意愿则划分为适度交往和密切交往2种维度;②体验生活、放松/逃避和社交/求知动机对适度交往意愿存在显著影响,刺激/冒险、放松/逃避动机和社交/求知动机对密切交往意愿存在显著影响;③密切交往意愿比适度交往意愿更能影响游客的旅游体验质量;④分别对三清山男女样本进行多群组分析,因素恒等性检验显示模型具有跨样本的稳定性。  相似文献   

美国国家公园系统保护区规模的变化特征及其原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国国家公园系统的保护区其规模具有随保护区类型、建设时间和地区分布的不同而变化的特征。自然保护思想和保护区建设中土地的可获得性是形成上述特征的主要因素。其中自然保护思想对保护区规模大小有指导作用,而土地的可获得性则直接影响保护区面积。  相似文献   

桂西北喀斯特山区人口分布特征及其与自然因素的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择第六次全国人口普查的最小行政单位——乡(镇)为基本单元,利用Lorenz曲线和空间相关分析方法分析桂西北喀斯特山区乡(镇)级尺度下的人口空间分布特征,运用地理探测器方法探测自然因素单独和叠加作用后对区域人口空间分布的影响强度。结果表明: 乡(镇)级研究尺度下的人口空间分布具有不均衡性特征,呈现一般显著正相关和一定的聚集性; 各自然因素空间分布对人口分布的影响呈现显著差异,研究区西北和中南部没有喀斯特分布的乡镇,人口密度随有利于人类居住因素的增加而增加,但平均人口密度仅79人/km 2。东部和南部有喀斯特分布的乡镇,人口密度与自然因素空间分布并非简单的增减关系,其随喀斯特分布面积的变化呈现起伏波动。 地理探测器的因子探测结果显示对人口空间分布的影响强度最大的为海拔高度,交互探测结果显示,任意两个自然因素叠加交互作用后的影响强度呈现非线性增强和双因子增强。可见,桂西北喀斯特山区与其他地区类似,海拔高度是影响人口空间分布的最主要因素之一,但喀斯特山区的河网密度及特有的地质地貌等因素对其人口的空间分布具有较强的催化作用,与其他因素叠加交互作用可进一步加强对人口分布的影响。  相似文献   

三峡库区腹地山区农业景观格局动态变化与转型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄孟勤  李阳兵  冉彩虹  李明珍 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2749-2764
山区农业景观格局动态分析有利于厘清农业景观发展的动态轨迹与方向,对农地用途的合理规划和管理有重要意义。本文提出了山区农业景观格局转型理论框架,并在三峡库区草堂溪流域进行了实证研究,从整体—微观的角度解析2000—2018年期间,以坡耕地、撂荒地和果园为代表的农业景观格局转型特征。研究发现:① 果园沿河谷的扩张和撂荒地在较高海拔处的扩张明显压缩了坡耕地的空间,这导致区域景观多样性的整体增强,而在局部地形上的差异明显,斑块破碎但聚集度增强;② 研究区农户耕种范围内的农业景观格局转型主要表现为耕—果转换型、综合型、部分撂荒型和撂荒型4种模式,各模式揭示了山区农业景观格局的不同发展阶段;③ 在以社会经济因素为主的驱动下,三峡库区山区的农业景观格局转型具有双向性,表现为以传统均衡分布的纯粮种植景观向河谷生态经济双赢的经果林景观和较高海拔的撂荒地转变。研究结果揭示了近年来中国山区农业景观格局演变的独特性,对库区山区农村土地利用和农业生态系统的深入认识以及库区乡村发展和生态环境的改善均有启示意义。  相似文献   

Analyzing the agricultural landscape patterns in mountainous areas is critical to clarify the dynamic changes and development direction of agricultural landscapes. This also plays a significant role in the rational planning and management of agricultural land. A theoretical framework for agricultural landscape pattern transitions in mountainous areas is proposed to fill the gap of current research with an empirical study in the Caotangxi Watershed, Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA), China. The transition characteristics of agricultural landscape patterns from 2000 to 2018 as represented by sloping farmland, abandoned land, and orchards are analyzed from a holistic-local perspective. The results indicate that the orchards expanded along river valleys, and abandoned land expanded at high elevations, which led to reduced sloping farmland. This phenomenon gives regional landscape differences at the holistic and local levels. Namely, it enhances the region’s holistic landscape diversity but causes fragmentation and aggregation of landscape patches in local areas. The agricultural landscape pattern transitions within the farming range in the study area are manifested primarily in four modes: sloping farmland-orchard conversion type (FOCT), comprehensive conversion type (CCT), partially abandoned type (PAT), and wholly abandoned type (WAT). Each transition mode reveals different development stages of the mountainous agricultural landscape patterns. In general, the agricultural landscape pattern transition is driven by socioeconomic factors in mountainous areas of the TGRA and is bidirectional. This attribute is expressed as the transition from the traditional grain-planting landscape with an even distribution to the eco-economic win-win orchard in valleys and transitions from sloping farmland to abandoned land in high-elevation areas. Overall, the results of this study reveal the uniqueness of agricultural landscape pattern evolutions in China’s mountainous areas in recent decades, which has enlightened the in-depth understandings of rural land use and agricultural ecosystems in mountainous areas of the TGRA, as well as improvements in rural developments and ecological environments.  相似文献   

The past, present, and future contributions of science in the St Elias Mountains, and its relationship with regional development, resource management, and traditional ecological knowledge is examined. Science has evolved from an early foundation of exploration, through stages of resource inventories and surveys, to deductive scientific research and, more recently, a promising reconnection with traditional knowledge. Directly and indirectly, events such as the Klondike Gold Rush, construction of the Alaska Highway, creation of the Arctic Institute of North America's Kluane Lake Research Station, and establishment of protected areas have helped foster scientific activities in the region. In turn, this scientific perspective has influenced regional development by providing detailed information that has been utilized, to varying degrees, in resource use, planning, and decisionmaking. Over the past decade, management of the region has become less sectoral and more cooperative in nature, due partly to the implementation of co-management agreements, regional land use planning, and settlement of first nations' land claims. Incorporating both science and traditional knowledge into this process through collaborative endeavours such as long-term ecological monitoring, adaptive management, and information integration will contribute to ecosystem-based management of the St Elias and ensure that both perspectives play an integral role in sustainable development of the region.  相似文献   

陈世栋  袁奇峰 《地理科学》2015,35(7):852-859
在城市区域化下,基本农田保护区(农保)成为都市区生态保育的重要空间载体及划定城市增长边界依据。以广州市白云区为例,以镇和行政村为基本空间单元,研究了1997年以来基本农田保护区空间演变过程,并构建指标体系,建立不同产权主体农保转用的数理模型,揭示农保政策对不同主体管制的差异及其影响因素。研究发现:① 广州都市边缘区农保被大量转用,并以转为集体建设用地为主;② 农保政策对不同主体的空间管制效果差异较大,可分为管制有效型、集体转用失效型、国有转用失效型三种类型;③ 国有转用主要位于镇区周边,是城镇化所需代价,集体转用主要分布于靠近城市中心而远离镇区的村庄;④ 区位及村庄对非农经济收入的追求是农地集体转用的主要原因,而社会变迁因素影响并不显著。总之,基本农田制度对政府的管制有效,对集体则失效,说明了对基本农田的保护不仅需要划定刚性的物理边界,还需协调集体产权所有者的利益。  相似文献   

The cartography of land covers was used to study fertility and soil evolution in a mountainous Mediterranean area during the anthropocene period ( Crutzen P J 2002 Geology of mankind Nature 415 23). The aim was to determine changes in fertility as agricultural lands were abandoned in the 14 000 hectare area that constitutes Sant Llorenç del Munt Natural Park in a pre-coastal Catalan mountain range (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula). The analysis of land covers using vegetation maps, orthorectified images and aerial photography has allowed us to differentiate six vegetation groups: holm-oak wood, pine grove, oak wood, scrub, active agricultural fields and abandoned agricultural fields. The anthropic covers over the past 100 years were subdivided into five categories: active fields and those abandoned over four time periods. Study variables include field shape (concave, convex, flat), orientation (north, south) and slope (ranging from 12º to 24º). The parameters used for the physical-chemical soil analysis included organic material, phosphorous and potassium; fertility was classified based on groups, types and classes. The results indicate that even when the visual appearance of certain landscapes is similar, the edaphic characteristics may be very different. Changes induced by human disturbance share this phenomenon. Therefore, land management should be considered globally, taking into account vegetation, soils and water as interdependent factors, since it is their interaction that produces landscape and most affects its evolution over time.  相似文献   

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