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分析了本世纪发生的21次火山喷发个例与齐齐哈尔市温度变化的关系,得出很有意义的结果,火山喷发后,当地夏季降温最明显,其影响滞后10个月以上;降温幅度与火山喷发的强度和距离呈正相关,火山喷发后,生长季积温减少,易出现氏温冷害。  相似文献   

近40年中国高空温度变化的初步分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了了解高空气温的长期变化趋势,利用中国28个高空探空站1961—2000年间地面至高空10hPa的温度资料进行了统计分析,结果表明:从地面到高空200hPa最冷在1月,最热在7月;但是在最冷的100hPa层以上,其气温年变化位相相反,即1月最热,8月最冷;50hPa层以上温度的年变化不大。近40余年来,年平均气温变化趋势自地面至700hPa,绝大部分地区温度上升,尤其是地面增温最为显著,而西南地区有降温趋势;对流层上层至50hPa的平流层的温度在降低,尤其是50hPa降温最为显著。北半球的较强火山喷发对中国32°N以南的低纬与32°N以北的中高纬地区高空温度的影响不同。火山喷发后,低纬地区平流层第1~26个月温度均有不同程度增温,其中在第7~8个月增温最明显;在对流层以下,第6~11个月、第16~27个月出现2次明显降温时段,第1次降温最明显。中高纬地区平流层在第1~16个月、第20~29个月出现2段增温,第1段增温时间跨度长、强度大,第17~19个月出现了降温。在对流层以下第2~5个月、第14~18个月、第21~30个月出现3次明显降温时段,第3次降温持续时间长,整体降温强度较大。  相似文献   

平流层气溶胶的辐射强迫及其气候响应的水平二维分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用比较先进的辐射模式计算了平流层气溶胶的辐射强迫,并对之进行了参数化。结果发现平流层气溶胶的辐射强迫的水平分布不仅与其本身的水平变化有关,而且与下垫面的反照率有很大的关系。利用近期开发的二维能量平衡模式模拟了皮纳图博火山气溶胶对地面平衡温度的影响,结果表明:皮纳图博火山至喷发后1年半左右降温达最大,至喷发后第5年降温已很小。  相似文献   

近50年火山喷发和太阳活动对我国气候影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
贾朋群  石广玉 《高原气象》2001,20(3):225-233
利用特征向量分析与时序叠加分析和谱分析相结合的方法,分析了近50a来我国地面气温和降水场中火山喷发和太阳活动的气候信号,强烈的火山喷发导致全国大部分地区降温,喷发1a多以后降温最明显,并能持续约半年。除这个主信号以外,青藏高原、东南沿海和东北地区都可能出现较为复杂的温度变化,温度变化与太阳活动之间的联系更多地反映在二者的振荡关系上。在降水场中的火山信号较弱,表现为火山喷发后的秋冬季节南方地区降水偏多。在青藏高原积雪和深层地温的变化中,没有发现火山和太阳活动信号。  相似文献   

每次火山喷发都会导致降温,全球性降温0.05℃,地区性降温0.2℃,并且会持续到第二年,其后逐渐平息。但是,除此以外,数年后仍存有影响。这并不就是直接的阳伞效应,而是由于气候系统中有自我调节机制,此机制因火山喷发而受刺激,引起变动,从而持续发生影响。另外,在火山活动的变动中,有70年左右的周期性,在气温长周期变动中也有这种反映。  相似文献   

火山喷发和太阳活动对我国温度影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用特征向量分析、时序叠加分析和谱分析相结合的方法,给出了近50年来我国地面气温场中较为清晰的火山喷发和太阳活动信号。强烈的火山喷发导致全国大部分地区降温,降温最明显的时段是喷发1年多以后,并能持续约半年。除这个主信号以外,青藏高原、东南沿海和东北地区都可能出现较为复杂的温度变化。温度变化与太阳活动之间的联系更多地反映在二者的振荡关系上。  相似文献   

本文的数值实验结果表明:火山喷发主要造成全球性降温,火山所在的纬度和喷发的季节都可以对喷发后全球温度变化的形式产生影响。需要特别注意的是,火山喷发,尤其是北半球高纬春夏季节的喷发,能产生很强的冷夏作用,可能会对全球天气、气候的变化产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

火山活动对气候的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
李靖  张德二 《气象科技》2005,33(3):193-198
重大的火山喷发对气候的影响表现为地面温度降低,由于火山喷发存在季节、纬度和强度的差异,因此喷发物的空间分布特征不同,对辐射的影响也不同,降温出现的时间和降温的幅度不一致。中高纬喷发的火山主要影响发生喷发的半球,而中低纬的喷发可影响到全球,且影响时间较长;不同季节的火山喷发后,高纬度的温度响应较低纬明显,夏季的温度响应较冬季明显。有关火山活动对降水的影响目前已有了一些研究,但由于降水序列中火山信号较弱,同时还有ENSO等其他因子的影响,客观地分辨出火山的影响较复杂,目前尚无一致结论。  相似文献   

利用Mauna Loa和南极站点月均观测大气CO_2和δ~(13)C资料分析了大气CO_2浓度的年际变化特征,发现大气CO_2浓度年际变化与ENSO呈正相关而与火山喷发指数呈负相关。大规模火山喷发能够降低强ENSO对大气CO_2浓度的年际变化的影响,不仅与喷发强度有关,还与持续作用时间有关。ENSO与火山喷发共同影响大气CO_2浓度年际变化,而分析期间内的El Chichon和Pinatubo喷发后大气CO_2和δ~(13)C年际变化的差异则受ENSO和火山喷发的强度以及两者的相对起始时间的影响。δ~(13)C分析结合Keeling Plot计算表明,ENSO对大气CO_2浓度年际变化的影响主要通过影响陆地生态系统生产量的变化,而火山喷发对其影响则通过因温度降低和海洋施肥效应所引起的海洋吸收增加。  相似文献   

1992年全球平均温度比皮纳图博火山喷发前一年期间下降了0.3℃,使之成为70年代以来最凉的年份之一。气象学家把全球温度下降归咎于1991年6月皮纳图博火山的喷发。在1992年的头几个月内,气温急剧下  相似文献   

Several catalogs of explosive volcanic eruptions are reviewed and their limitations assessed. A new, homogeneous set of high quality gridded temperature data for continental regions of the northern hemisphere is then examined in relation to the timing of major explosive eruptions. Several of the largest eruptions are associated with significant drops in summer and fall temperatures, whereas pronounced negative anomalies in winter and spring temperatures are generally unrelated to volcanic activity. The effect of explosive eruptions on temperature decreases latitudinally away from the location of the eruption. High latitude eruptions have the greatest impact on high and mid latitudes; low latitude eruptions mainly influence low and mid latitudes. Temperature depressions following major eruptions are very abrupt but short-lived (1 to 3 months) decreasing in magnitude over the course of the subsequent 1 to 3 years. Generally any signal is indistinguishable from noise after 12 months but a small recurrent drop in temperature is evident about 12 to 24 months after the initial anomaly. Considering all known eruptions which injected material into the stratosphere over the last 100 years (except the 5 largest eruptions) a significant temperature depression is observed over the continents only in the month immediately following the eruption. There is no evidence that large eruptions over the last 100 years have had a significant effect on low frequency temperature changes.  相似文献   

1980年夏季我国天气气候反常和St.Helens火山爆发的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐群 《气象学报》1986,44(4):426-432
1980年5月18日St.Helens火山大爆发,大量火山灰喷入平流层,围绕北半球中纬度带飘浮。在30°N以北我国东部各站晴空直接辐射量(S)从6月上旬开始异常偏低,夏季S达到近二十余年来的最低值,夏季中纬度S的经向梯度异常增大;相应地,西太平洋副高及北侧的季风雨带在7—8月异常偏南,形成了我国严重的北旱南涝以及江淮冷夏等反常天气气候。本文现就此作物理分析。  相似文献   

Characteristics of anomalous precipitation events during the past five centuries in North China (NC) and the middle-lower Yangtze River Valley (MLYRV) were investigated using the data network of dryness/wetness index (DWI) over eastern China. The high occurrence frequency of anomalous precipitation events mainly occurred at periods of high solar forcing, active volcanic eruption, and large anthropogenic forcing (the twentieth century). Coherence and dipole were the two dominant modes in spatial patterns of anomalous precipitation events. Coherent floods dominated the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, whereas coherent droughts occurred frequently in the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. The dipole patterns of anomalous precipitation events were the most frequent in the twentieth century. NC experienced more floods in the cold periods than warm periods. Both NC and the MLYRV experienced far fewer droughts and more floods in the warm eighteenth century when natural climate forcing dominated, and more droughts in the twentieth century when anthropogenic forcing dominated. Coherent drought was the only spatial pattern of precipitation significantly associated with explosive low-latitude volcanic eruptions. The increased coherent droughts and dipole patterns in the twentieth century support the findings of previous modeling studies that the tropospheric aerosols and human-induced land cover changes play important roles in the changes of summer rainfall over eastern China. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper is a contribution to the AMIP-CMIP Diagnostic Sub-project on General Circulation Model Simulation of the East Asian Climate, coordinated by W.-C. Wang.  相似文献   

The 1815 eruption of the Tambora volcano led to the “Year without a Summer” and caused serious crop failure and famines in 1816 across Europe and North America. However, few reports are available on Tambora’s influence in China despite the region’s susceptibility to monsoonal volcanic perturbation. This study presents a systemic analysis of the climatic and related social responses to the Tambora perturbation in China, by using two independent lines of proxy records and projecting the responses on top of the impacts averaged over all tropical eruptions of the past millennium. Both the tree ring and Chinese documentary proxies show that Tambora induced a cold excursion, which caused severe frost damage, snow and ice accumulations that are uncommonly seen in southern China. Cold temperature tends to cause drought by suppressing evaporation and monsoonal circulation—a hydroclimate response that is evident in the tree-ring-based Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas but largely missing in a multiproxy precipitation reconstruction. Historical records of drought, flood, frost, and famine also show fairly mild responses outside southern China, which may be partially due to the insensitivity of documentary records to the Tambora-induced perturbation, or the cold background climate set up by the low solar insolation of the coincident Dalton Minimum and a preceding unknown eruption in 1809. The results presented here provide new insights into the spatial extent and characteristics of the Tambora perturbation, by providing a systematic evaluation of the climatic aftermath in China in parallel to that in Europe and North America. They also argue for the integral use of multiple proxies from different regions of the world to gain a better understanding of the climatic impacts for individual volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

An undersea volcano at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai (HTHH) near the South Pacific island nation of Tonga, erupted violently on 15 January 2022. Potential climate impact of the HTHH volcanic eruption is of great concern to the public; here, we intend to size up the impact of the HTHH eruption from a historical perspective. The influence of historical volcanic eruptions on the global climate are firstly reviewed, which are thought to have contributed to decreased surface temperature, increased stratospheric temperature, suppressed global water cycle, weakened monsoon circulation and El Ni?o-like sea surface temperature. Our understanding of the impacts of past volcanic eruptions on global-scale climate provides potential implication to evaluate the impact of the HTHH eruption. Based on historical simulations, we estimate that the current HTHH eruption with an intensity of 0.4 Tg SO2 injection will decrease the global mean surface temperature by only 0.004°C in the first year after eruption, which is within the amplitude of internal variability at the interannual time scale and thus not strong enough to have significant impacts on the global climate.  相似文献   

The study analyzes the recently summarized data on surface air temperature in the east of North America, in Western and Eastern Europe, and in India before and after the Tambora volcano eruption occurred in Indonesia in 1815. The well-known fact is proved that no cooling occurred after the Tambora eruption in the east of Europe and in India. It is found that the insignificant (at the decadal timescale) cooling was observed in all analyzed regions: it started earlier than the Tambora eruption and than the stronger eruption of another volcano in 1809. The paper demonstrates that it is impossible to reveal cause-effect relations between the general cooling and the eruption of the above volcanoes based on the available data on surface air temperature. Cold snaps that follow the later volcanic eruptions were identified by meteorologists using the data of the whole network of meteorological observations established in the second half of the 19th century. However, these cold snaps cannot be detected using data on surface air temperature only.  相似文献   

我国东部地区NDVI与气温、降水的关系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用东部地区的1982—2001年归一化植被指数(NDVI)资料以及131个标准气象台站的气温、降水资料,用相关分析、奇异值分析(SVD)方法研究了该地区的植被与气温、降水的相互作用,得到以下几点认识:NDVI的最大值滞后于气温最高值的时间尺度在一个月左右。前期气温与后期NDVI的相关系数在春夏为负值,在秋冬却以正值为主。前期植被与后期气温的相关系数以负值为主。NDVI最大值滞后于降水最大值的时间尺度在两个月左右,同期NDVI与降水的相关系数为负值,而无论降水超前于NDVI或者NDVI超前于降水的时间尺度大于1个月时,二者的相关系数转为正值。由SVD方法得到东部地区7月份的NDVI与8月份的气温、降水有较好的相关关系。河南西南部及东北部区域NDVI与大部分地区的气温为正相关;长江流域NDVI与32 °N以南地区的降水有较好的负相关。因此,前期植被的变化特征可以作为后期气温、降水的预报的一种参考因子。  相似文献   

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