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新疆西南天山皮羌盆地是一个新生代火山构造盆地。盆地内出露4个古火山颈和大量岩墙,部分岩墙与火山颈相连。运用岩相学、岩石地球化学测试分析法研究皮羌盆地内火山岩,研究表明,火山岩具原生岩浆性质,及碱玄岩、碧玄岩和玄武岩岩石组合特征。火山岩产于板内造山带环境,为幔源部分熔融产物,无明显结晶分异。结合托云盆地新生代火山岩岩石地球化学探讨西南天山岩浆触发机制,认为岩石圈局部拆沉作用是触发本区岩浆活动主要机制。  相似文献   

LATE CENOZOIC TECTONICS ALONG THE NORTHWESTERN MARGIN OF THE TARIM BASIN: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE TARIM BASIN AND THE SOUTHERN TIAN SHAN, WEST CHINAgrants 4 98340 50and 4 9732 0 90fromtheNSFofChina;;andproject96 913 0 7 0 1fromtheMinistryofSci enceandTechnology ,China…  相似文献   

Meso-Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic processes in the Tian Shan orogenic belt have significant effect on the sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in the intramontane basins and those adjacent to the orogen. The Sawafuqi uranium deposit, which is located in the South Tian Shan orogenic belt, is investigated to reveal the relationships between uranium mineralization and orogenies. Recent exploration results show that the Sawafuqi uranium deposit has tabular, stratiform, quasi-stratiform, and lens-like orebodies and various geological characteristics different from typical interlayer oxidation zone sandstone-hosted uranium deposits. Systematic studies of ore samples from the Sawafuqi uranium deposit using a variety of techniques, including thin section observation, α-track radiograph, electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope, suggest that uranium mineralization is closely related to pyrite and organic matter. Mineralization-related alterations in the host rocks are mainly silicification and argillation including kaolinite, illite(and illite-smectite mixed layer) and chlorite. Tree stages of mineralization were identified in the Sawafuqi uranium deposit:(i) uranium-bearing detritus and synsedimentary initial pre-enrichment;(ii) interlayer oxidization zone uranium mineralization; and(iii) vein-type uranium mineralization. The synsedimentary uranium pre-enrichment represents an early uranium enrichment in the Sawafuqi uranium deposit, and interlayer oxidation zone uranium mineralization formed the main orebodies, which are superimposed by the vein-type uranium mineralization. Combining the results of this study with previous studies on the Meso-Cenozoic orogenies of South Tian Shan, it is proposed that the synsedimentary uranium pre-enrichment of the Sawafuqi uranium deposit was caused by Triassic Tian Shan uplift, and the interlayer oxidation zone uranium mineralization occurred during the Eocence-Oligocene period, when tectonism was relatively quiet, whereas the vein-type uranium mineralization took place in relation to the strong orogeny of South Tian Shan since Miocene.  相似文献   

天山是印度与欧亚板块碰撞过程中,欧亚大陆内重新复活的一条重要的造山带,其拓展过程一直备受关注.南天山西部山前新生代晚期巨厚的砾岩层为构造变形和磁性地层研究带来了困难,限制了该地区新生代晚期造山带拓展过程的研究.本文选取南天山西部山前乌鲁克恰提剖面,对新生代晚期的阿图什组和西域组地层进行详细的描述、测量,并对砾石出露点进行砾石统计.结果显示南天山西部山前乌鲁克恰提地区新生代晚期阿图什组存在3期沉积旋回,第一旋回由冲积扇远端、河流相变为该旋回上部的冲积扇扇中沉积环境.砾石统计结果显示由该旋回中部至上部砾石磨圆度变差、大粒径砾石增多.第二旋回沉积环境以较为平静的湖相及少许河流相开始,变为该旋回上部的冲积扇环境.砾石统计结果也显示出与第一旋回相似的变化特征,即由该旋回中部至上部砾石磨圆度变差、大粒径砾石增多.第三旋回下部为冲积扇远端、冲积扇扇中环境,上部变为扇根环境.砾石统计显示该旋回下部至上部,火成岩和变质岩等不稳定成分增多,磨圆度则呈现棱角状砾石显著增多的趋势,砾石粒径也明显增大.西域组则延续第三旋回的趋势,表现为山前快速堆积砾石沉积,砾石磨圆、分选呈显著变差趋势,粒径持续变大.从阿图什组第一旋回至西域组,砾石的磨圆度呈现变差的趋势,而粒径则表现为明显的增大趋势,这表明晚新生代(5.6Ma以来),褶皱冲断带不断向盆地拓展,物源区距离沉积区越来越近.这些结果表明南天山西部山前新生代晚期(5.6Ma以来)存在3期构造活动,为南天山山前晚新生代的多期拓展提供了证据.  相似文献   

目前对天山地区,特别是天山南缘中生代盆山格局认识尚存分歧。本文着眼于侏罗纪-白垩纪这一盆山演化关键阶段,利用碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年法对西南天山前陆盆地康苏剖面中侏罗统杨叶组、下白垩统克孜勒苏群沉积开展物源分析。发现中侏罗统杨叶组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布于369~2687 Ma间,基本分布在369~404 Ma(约占4%)、418~501 Ma(约占19%)和544~2687 Ma(约占77%)3个范围;下白垩统克孜勒苏群碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄分布于243~2820 Ma间,集中于253~414 Ma(约占35%)、423~489 Ma(约占27%)和668~2820 Ma(约占37%)3个范围。中侏罗统碎屑锆石年龄分布范围广,各年龄组分均较突显,反映中侏罗世西南天山前缘流域体系宽广,天山内各主要源区均得到沟通,物源范围广阔。下白垩统克孜勒苏群锆石年龄分布明显集中,反映早白垩世西南天山前缘源区范围有所缩小。西南天山前缘与库车前陆盆地的物源构成在中侏罗世存在一定差异,而在早白垩世呈现相似特征。包括西南天山前陆盆地在内的天山南缘或于早白垩世经历一期小规模构造反转,导致山-盆构造分异与抬升-剥蚀增强。  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure dating of boulders and erratics provides new constraints for a glacial chronology in the source area of the Urumqi River, Tian Shan, China. 10Be exposure ages of 15.0 ± 1.3–17.1 ± 1.5 ka from the Upper Wangfeng (UWF) moraines agree well with their previous relative age assignments to marine isotope stage (MIS) 2, but are younger than published AMS 14C and electron spin resonance (ESR) ages (from 22.8 ± 0.6 to 37.4 ka). This difference may result from variations in techniques, or could reflect the impact of surface erosion and sediment/snow cover on surface exposure dating. 10Be ages from the Lower Wangfeng (LWF) moraines (18.7 ± 1.8 and 16.2 ± 1.5 ka) are indistinguishable from the UWF exposure ages, but are significantly younger than previously reported thermoluminescence (TL) and ESR ages (37.7 ± 2.6–184.7 ± 18 ka). Either these two groups were formed during the same period (MIS 2) and there are problems with TL and ESR ages, or the moraines were of very different ages and the similar exposure ages result from different degrees of degradation. Erratics on rock steps and a drumlin along >8 km of the main glacial valley above the UWF have internally consistent and slightly decreasing 10Be exposure ages indicating glacier retreat >2.5 m a?1 after MIS 2 and before middle or late Holocene glacier re‐advances. This retreat rate is similar to rates observed from modern glaciers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ASTER多光谱遥感数据目前可以用于岩石矿物资源信息的识别和提取。本研究尝试利用ASTER可见光近红外(VNIR)和短波红外(SWIR)的多光谱遥感数据提取干旱地区的岩石与矿物信息。基于新疆天山西南缘柯坪隆起东部不同地层单元岩石的化学组成和矿物成份以及VNIR-SWIR谱域光谱吸收特征的分析,我们采用相关吸收波段深度(RBD)和波段比值(BR)方法对研究区的多光谱遥感数据进行图像处理,有效区分和识别了白云岩、石灰岩、砂岩以及阿克苏群的蓝片岩—绿片岩和砂质片岩。白云岩的CO_3~(2-)吸收谱带中心波长位于2.32μm,与灰岩的CO_3~(2-)吸收谱带中心波长位置2.35μm相比,具有向短波长方向移动的特点,据此可以利用RBD7、RBD8分别有效的识别白云岩和灰岩;长英质岩石显示Al-OH和Fe~(3+)VNIR-SWIR吸收特征,而基性-超基性岩石显示Fe~(2+)和Fe、Mg-OH特征,利用不同的铁价态和次要矿物可以区分它们:ASTER band2/band1代表了含Fe~(3+)矿物分布信息、ASTER band5/band4代表了含Fe~(2+)矿物分布信息、RBD6可以估计Al-OH矿物的丰度;砂质/泥质片岩含较多的多硅白云母、绿泥石、黑硬绿泥石以及风化后表面覆盖的其它粘土矿物,在2.21μm(band6)存在有特征的吸收谱带,并且在1.65μm(band 4)具有较高的反射率,而蓝片/绿片岩在2.21μm(band 6)反射率较高,不具有明显特征吸收谱带,同时其在1.65μm(band 4)反射率较低,因此蓝片/绿片岩ASTER band4/band6比值低。应用ASTER band4/band6波段比值可以有效的区分开砂质/泥质片岩与蓝片岩/绿片岩。  相似文献   

The easternmost Tian Shan lies in eastern Xinjiang, Central Asia. The South Barkol basin fault(SBF) in the northern part of the easternmost Tian Shan is a major tectonic structure in this orogenic region. The late Quaternary activity, paleoseismology, and deformation characteristics of the fault provide important clues for understanding the tectonic process of the eastern Tian Shan orogen and implementing seismic mitigation. Through interpretation of high-resolution satellite images, unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, and detailed geological and geomorphic investigations, we suggest that the fault exhibits clear left-lateral slip along its western segment. Paleoseismic trenches dug near Xiongkuer reveal evidence of six large paleoearthquakes. The four latest paleoearthquakes were dated: the oldest event occurred at 4663 BC–3839 BC. Data on the horizontal offsets along the probable 1842 Barkol earthquake coseismic rupture suggest clear multiple relationships between cumulative offsets and possible ~4 m of coseismic left-lateral slip per event. From the cumulative offsets and 14 C sample ages, we suggest an average Holocene left-lateral slip rate of 2.4–2.8 mm/a on the SBF, accounting for ~80% of lateral deformation within the entire eastern Tian Shan fault system. This result is comparable with the shortening rate of 2–4 mm/a in the whole eastern Tian Shan, indicating an equal role of strike-slip tectonics and compressional tectonics in this orogen, and that the SBF may accommodate substantial lateral tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

樊春  王二七  王刚  王世锋 《地质科学》2008,43(3):417-433
龙门山断裂带位于青藏高原东缘,构成了青藏高原和四川盆地的重要构造边界。近年来的研究表明:在新生代晚期,除了存在逆冲推覆之外,龙门山的中段和南段还发生了明显的右行走滑活动。对龙门山北段的青川断裂进行的系统研究发现:断裂具有明显的右行走滑特征,沿断裂发育大量不同规模的水系位错,其中嘉陵江水系位错规模最大,据此可确定青川断裂的最大位移量为17km。进一步的野外工作证实断裂的走滑位移在尾端发生构造变换,位于断裂南西端的轿子顶穹隆是叠加构造,吸收了青川断裂的部分位移量;位于断裂北东端的汉中盆地则是处于伸展应力环境下的断陷盆地,吸收了其大部分位移量。  相似文献   

A combined paleomagnetic and geochronological study is reported of Paleogene basalt lavas and an intercalated red bed succession, comprising a minimum of 14 basalt flows and 10 red bed horizons in the Tuoyun Basin of the southwest Tian Shan Range, China. Two basalt matrix samples yield 40Ar / 39Ar isochron ages of 58.5 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.9) and 60.4 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 1.7). These compare well with a previously published K–Ar dilution age of 61.7 ± 2.3 Ma for comparable Paleogene basalts and confirm that the younger pulse of magmatism in this basin is represented by both intrusive and extrusive activity. Demagnetization and component analysis identify a stable characteristic remanence (ChRM) with predominantly reversed polarity following removal of secondary remanence by peak demagnetization steps below 250–350 °C or 5 mT. Rock magnetic analysis identifies pseudo-single domain magnetite or titanomagnetite as carriers. The stable ChRM passes a fold test; it was probably acquired at the time of lava emplacement. Results from the bulk of the collection imply that paleomagnetic data from the upper and lower ( 115 Ma) basalt series in the Tuoyun Basin are not distinguishable at the 95% significance level and indicate that this tectonic domain remained essentially stationary with respect to the Earth's spin axis for 50 Ma prior to onset of the India/Asia collision in early Eocene times. It is therefore probable that no paleomagnetically detectable crustal shortening occurred in the southwest Tian Shan prior to collision. Paleomagnetic data sets from the Tuoyun Basin also show that little or no paleolatitude difference is present between the Tian Shan and the reference latitude of Eurasia at 60 Ma. This supports previous evidence suggesting that central Asian blocks in the vicinity of the Tian Shan are unlikely to have experienced appreciable northward convergence relative to Eurasia since onset of the India/Asia collision and initiation of the Himalaya.  相似文献   

高永伟 《地质与勘探》2015,51(5):805-815
新疆卡特巴阿苏金矿床是近年来在西天山地区新发现的一个大型金矿床。该矿床大地构造位置处于塔里木板块和哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块结合部位的那拉提构造-岩浆岩带,其金矿体主要赋存于蚀变二长花岗岩内。为了确定金矿化的形成时代,对该矿床主成矿阶段与金矿化密切相关的蚀变绢云母开展了40Ar-39Ar同位素定年测试。绢云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄为(268.56±1.8)Ma,正等时线年龄为(268.38±2.2)Ma,反等时线年龄为(268.52±2.2 Ma),三者在误差范围内一致,测试结果可信,可代表卡特巴阿苏金矿化的形成年龄,这也是首次对该矿床成矿年龄的精确限定。对比中亚造山带典型金矿床,卡特巴阿苏金矿床是西天山二叠纪后碰撞构造环境下岩浆流体活动的产物,矿床成因属与中温岩浆热液有关的构造蚀变岩型矿床。  相似文献   

中国与世界主要含油气区大地构造比较分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
任纪舜  邓平  肖藜薇  牛宝贵  王军 《地质学报》2006,80(10):1491-1500
中国与世界主要含油气区比较,区别十分明显。世界主要为海相,特别是中新生代海相含油气层系,一般经历了单旋回的演化过程;中国主要为中新生代陆相含油气层系,经历了多旋回的演化过程。世界主要含油气区,大多位于南(冈瓦纳)、北(劳亚)大陆的本部或被动边缘,大陆被大洋环绕,形成洋环陆的古构造-古地理景观,各时代海相沉积发育良好,构造动力体系单一,地质结构比较简单,含油气层系保存条件比较优越。而中国所在的东亚大陆,则属南(冈瓦纳)、北(劳亚)两个巨型大陆之间的转换构造域,它是由众多微陆和造山带组合而成的复合大陆,古构造-古地理环境为洋含陆,即微陆散布在浩瀚的海洋之中;古亚洲洋、特提斯-古太平洋、大西洋/印度洋-太平洋三大动力体系的叠加、复合,使东亚成为全球构造最复杂的地区。因此,在中国,只有在构造上相对稳定,又被中新生代沉积覆盖的塔里木、四川、鄂尔多斯等多旋回叠合盆地,海相油气层系才得以保存,在海相地层直接暴露地表的地区,至今尚未发现具有工业价值的油气藏。  相似文献   

近年来迅速发展的低温热年代学已极大改善了人们对地壳内(1~6 km)隆升和剥蚀过程的认识.然而在实际工作中,样品的采集除了受到气候、地理环境等恶劣条件的制约以外,在对低温热年代学数据进行解释或以此计算造山带的隆升剥露速率时,使用的一些有关近地表热结构的假定条件通常是不科学的,如将易受地表起伏影响的地热等温线形态考虑成水...  相似文献   

In the Western Alps, some recent scarps were previously interpreted as surface ruptures of tectonic reverse and normal faults that agree with microseismicity and GPS measurements. Our analysis shows that in fact there are hundreds of recent scarps, up to 30 m high and 2.1 km long, with only pure normal motions. They share the same characteristics as typical sackung scarps. The scarps are mainly uphill facing, parallel to the ridge crests and the contour lines. They are relatively short (less than 2.1 km) with respect to tectonic fault ruptures, and organized in swarms. They cut screes and relict rock glaciers with a slow (commonly 1 mm/year) average slip rate. In the Aiguilles Grives massif these sackung scarps clearly express the gravitational toppling of sub-vertical bedding planes in hard rocks. In contrast, the Belledonne Outer Crystalline Massif exhibits scarps that stem from the gravitational reactivation of conjugate tectonic faults. The recent faults extend to about 1600 m beneath the Rognier ridge crest, but are always above the valley floor. The main scarp swarm is 9.2 km long and constitutes the largest sackung ever described in the Western Alps. 10Be dating of a scarp and offset surfaces shows that > 4 m slip may have occurred rapidly (in less than 3800 years) sometimes between the end of the glaciation and 8800 ± 1900 years ago. This dating, together with the location of some faults far from the deep glacial valleys, suggests that sagging might have been triggered by strong earthquakes during a post-glacial period of probably enhanced seismicity. The Belledonne and Synclinal Median faults (just beneath the Rognier sackung) could have been the sources of this seismicity.  相似文献   

大陆克拉通早期构造演化历史探讨:以华北为例   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
大陆早期构造演化的研究一直是大陆地质学研究的焦点问题.在华北克拉通基底构造1∶200万编图研究基础上, 本文开展基底断裂边界、构造样式及后期叠加关系的研究, 借鉴比较大地构造理论, 对华北克拉通基底重新进行了构造区划.结合标志性构造单元及其时代、同位素年龄数据库的综合研究, 提出华北早期构造格局演化及其重大构造热事件.华北克拉通基底主要由大面积的新太古代TTG杂岩及表壳岩系组成, 新太古代涉及活动陆缘环境的大规模陆壳增生及不同微陆块的碰撞聚合过程, 造成新太古代末期陆壳迅速增生和克拉通化.古元古代初期开始伸展裂解和早期盖层发育阶段, 古元古代晚期发生微陆块碰撞缝合, 形成超级克拉通, 并在克拉通西北边缘发生强烈改造作用.1.84Ga前后, 华北克拉通经历最强烈的一次伸展裂解过程, 从超级克拉通裂解, 开始了独立的构造演化, 在伸展构造背景下, 克拉通基底被强烈隆升冷却, 经历风化剥蚀, 发育沉积盖层.以上构造格局及其构造热事件提供了早期超级大陆再造研究的构造制约条件.   相似文献   

The Helan Shan and Zhuozi Shan of the NW Ordos basin, China, contain thick (up to 4 km) sequences of nonmarine Triassic strata. These rocks represent a major intraplate sedimentary basin, the paleogeography, tectonic setting and provenance of which are poorly understood and controversial. Studies of the sedimentary geology of the basin, supported by new palinspastic reconstruction of younger deformation, demonstrate that the basin filled from three sides by fluvial, lacustrine-deltaic and alluvial fan depositional systems. The basin forms a westward-thickening wedge that reaches its maximum thickness along the western margin of the Helan Shan and thins to a relatively constant 600–800 m east of the Zhuozi Shan. The stratigraphy of the basin is strongly asymmetric; alluvial fan strata are restricted to the extreme western margin of the basin and interfinger with axial fluvial deposits low in the section and deep lacustrine facies high in the section. Much of the eastern part of the basin is dominated by west-flowing meandering river and deltaic systems. Large structures of Triassic age have not been identified in the Helan Shan or Zhuozi Shan, but small Triassic normal faults have been documented in the western and central Helan Shan. These characteristics most strongly support an extensional origin for the Triassic basin in NW Ordos. The basin is interpreted to have been a north-trending half graben, bound along its western margin by an east-dipping normal fault, presently concealed beneath Quaternary cover west of the Helan Shan. The eastern margin, now found in the Zhuozi Shan, has simple ramp-margin geometry. Driving mechanisms for this extension are not obvious due to limited documentation of Triassic structure throughout the region, but probably relate to far-field stresses from the Qinling or Jinsha active margins interacting with the stable Ordos block.  相似文献   

王猛  刘焰  何延波  魏东 《地质科学》2008,43(3):603-622
利用GTOPO30和SRTM3数字高程(DEM)数据,提取了喜马拉雅山脉(造山带)的数字高程模型并对其进行了地质地貌的初步分析。从SRTM3数字高程数据提取出坡度数据,初步分析了喜马拉雅山脉坡度和高程的特征。数字高程和坡度图清楚地展现了喜马拉雅大型断裂带(构造边界)的空间分布特征。分析了中国气象局下属的西藏、青海、四川和云南4省区气象观测台站55年来的年平均降水量观测数据、喜马拉雅山脉南坡的年平均降水量数据、喜马拉雅DEM和裂变径迹数据,发现喜马拉雅山脉从东至西,年平均降水量逐渐减少,地形起伏逐渐变小,而高程渐次升高,与此同时剥蚀速率降低;从北至南,年平均降水量逐渐增加,地形起伏增大,高程快速降低,而剥蚀速率则急剧升高。这充分说明了喜马拉雅年平均降水量大的地区,地表剥蚀作用相对较强,年平均降水量小的地区,地表剥蚀作用则较弱,即:在喜马拉雅地区,长周期的地表剥蚀过程(可长达数个百万年时间尺度)和短周期(仅仅50年)的降水量观测是耦合的。  相似文献   

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