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Ballast fouling is created by the breakdown of aggregates or outside contamination by coal dust from coal trains, or from soil intrusion beneath rail track. Due to ballast fouling, the conditions of rail track can be deteriorated considerably depending on the type of fouling material and the degree of fouling. So far there is no comprehensive guideline available to identify the critical degree of fouling for different types of fouling materials. This paper presents the identification of degree of fouling and types of fouling using non-destructive testing, namely seismic surface-wave and ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey. To understand this, a model rail track with different degree of fouling has been constructed in Civil engineering laboratory, University of Wollongong, Australia. Shear wave velocity obtained from seismic survey has been employed to identify the degree of fouling and types of fouling material. It is found that shear wave velocity of fouled ballast increases initially, reaches optimum fouling point (OFP), and decreases when the fouling increases. The degree of fouling corresponding after which the shear wave velocity of fouled ballast will be smaller than that of clean ballast is called the critical fouling point (CFP). Ground penetrating radar with four different ground coupled antennas (500 MHz, 800 MHz, 1.6 GHz and 2.3 GHz) was also used to identify the ballast fouling condition. It is found that the 800 MHz ground coupled antenna gives a better signal in assessing the ballast fouling condition. Seismic survey is relatively slow when compared to GPR survey however it gives quantifiable results. In contrast, GPR survey is faster and better in estimating the depth of fouling.  相似文献   

Previous studies of ground ice using moveout type ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys indicate that the dielectric permittivity can constrain the type of ground ice present in the subsurface. Due to the high-loss nature of the active layer over permafrost targets, however, the signal strength of GPR signals is often insufficient to resolve the basal boundary required for determining the dielectric permittivity of an underlying unit. We apply a non-conventional antenna orientation and post-processing method to determine the dielectric permittivity of the unit underlying the lowest resolvable boundary. We conduct moveout surveys using a 450 MHz GPR with collinear parallel oriented antennas on two adjacent ground ice formations in the region of Thomas Lee Inlet, Devon Island, Nunavut. We exploit the Brewster angle to calculate the approximate dielectric permittivity of ground ice formations below the active layer. The results agree within 1 dielectric unit with on-ice permittivity measurements made during a complementary study of the site.  相似文献   

Shallow carbonates are of utmost importance as potential sources of groundwater in karstified semi-arid terrains. Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) is being increasingly used as a prominent mapping tool in such environments. However, its potential in exploring and identifying shallow water-saturated zones (WSZs) in carbonates is constrained by the geoelectrical properties of carbonate soils as a function of moisture content. We report results of a case study that includes laboratory geoelectrical characterization and their comparison to in situ GPR attenuation measurements performed on Cretaceous Edwards Formation rudist mounds in central Texas, which we hypothesize as analogs for water-bearing formations in semi-arid karstified carbonate terrains. Dielectric measurements on field-collected rock samples carried out in the laboratory under controlled conditions of moisture saturation suggest that real and imaginary parts of dielectric constants of rocks with higher porosity and/or permeability have steeper dependence on pore moisture content; they produce better dielectric contrasts but allow shallower penetration. Our analyses suggest that within carbonates, dielectric contrasts improve with decrease in sounding frequency and/or increase in moisture content; and the relationship between dielectric permittivity and moisture content may be represented by 3rd order polynomial equations. GPR surveys using a wide-band 400 MHz antenna reveal subsurface mound morphologies with heights of ~ 1–2 m and basal diameters of ~ 8–10 m resembling outcrop analogs. Each mound appears to be composed of smaller amalgamated lithounits that seem geoelectrically similar. Amplitudes decays of the backscattered radar signal correlate to moisture distribution. Measuring the differences in signal attenuation allows differentiation between saturated and non-saturated zones. Velocity analyses of GPR profiles enable estimation of moisture distribution in the vicinity of the mounds. Optimal delineation and production of high-resolution GPR data up to a depth of ~ 10 m were observed for a sounding frequency of ~ 250 MHz with moisture content of ~ 5% by weight. Below this moisture level, the dielectric contrast is insufficient to uniquely identify water-saturated zones from the surrounding geoelectrical context, and above it, the radar signal is substantially attenuated leading to a total inefficiency of the method.  相似文献   

Corrosion associated with reinforcing bars is the most significant contributor to bridge deficiencies. The corrosion is usually caused by moisture and chloride ion exposure. The reinforcing bars are attacked by corrosion and yield expansive corrosion products. These oxidation products occupy a larger volume than the original intact steel and internal expansive stresses lead to cracking and debonding. There are some conventional inspection methods for the detection of the reinforcing bar's corrosion but they can be invasive and destructive, often laborious, and lane closure is required and it is difficult or unreliable for any quantification of corrosion. For these reasons, bridge engineers always prefer more to use the ground penetrating radar (GPR) technique. In this work a novel numerical approach for three dimensional tracking and mapping of cracks in the bridge is proposed. The work starts from some interesting results based on the use of the 3D imaging technique in order to improve the potentiality of the GPR to detect voids, cracks or buried objects. The numerical approach has been tested on data acquired on a bridge by using a pulse GPR system specifically designed for bridge deck and pavement inspection. The equipment integrates two arrays of Ultra Wide Band ground coupled antennas, having a main working frequency of 2 GHz. The two arrays are using antennas arranged with a different polarization. The cracks, associated often to moisture increase and higher values of the dielectric constant, produce a not negligible increase of the signal amplitude. Following this, the algorithm, organized in preprocessing, processing and postprocessing stages, analyzes the signal by comparing the value of the amplitude all over the domain of the radar scan.  相似文献   

In this paper, seismic behavior of gas supply networks is investigated by constructing a 24 m×24 m buried network and conducting an artificial earthquake test by detonating TNT explosives. The pipe network consists of typical welded steel pipes used in gas supply networks. Ground motion is produced by detonating 30 kg of TNT explosives buried 5 m below ground surface and 15 m away from the network. The test preparations are presented, including site selection, network layout, ground motion generation, and arrangements of different sensors. The measured ground acceleration, strain, and acceleration of welded steel pipes, and pipe–soil relative slippage are discussed. The deformation patterns of welded steel pipes are also analyzed and explained, including axial and bending deformations, systematic network characteristics, deformation relationship between ground and pipes, and dynamic response of buried pipes.  相似文献   

We analyze the properties of the scattering matrix associated with the incident and scattered electric fields used in GPR. The elements of the scattering matrix provide information produced by different polarizations of the incident wave field. Rotationally invariant quantities such as trace, determinant and Frobenius norm lead to images that combine the information contained in the four elements of the scattering matrix in a mathematically simple and sound manner. The invariant quantities remove the directional properties implicit in the dipolar field used in GPR allowing the application of standard processing techniques designed for scalar fields, such as those used in seismic data processing. We illustrate the non-directional properties of the invariants using a 3D simulation of the wavefield produced by a point scatterer. The estimation of the azimuth angle of elongated targets is also explored using rotation transformations that maximize alternatively the co-polarized or the cross-polarized responses. The angle estimation is essentially an unstable process, particularly if low amplitudes or noisy data are involved. We apply the Frobenius norm 6S6F as a criterion for selection of the best amplitudes to use for a more stable and significant angle estimation. The performance of our formulation was tested with synthetic data produced by a 3D model of an air-filled metal pipe buried in a homogeneous halfspace. The images resulting from the invariants show a clear diffraction hyperbola suitable for a scalar wavefield migration, while the azimuth of the pipe is neatly resolved for amplitudes selected with 6S6F  0.4. A field experiment conducted above an aqueduct pipe illustrates the proposed methods with real data. The images obtained from the invariants are better than those from the individual elements of the scattering matrix. The azimuth estimated using our formulation is in agreement with the probable orientation of the aqueduct. Finally, a field experiment above a buried air-filled barrel shows that combining the information in the way proposed in this work may lead to an improved image of the subsurface target, the cost to pay is the lost of directional information contained in the scattering matrix. In general, we claim that the methods proposed in this work can be useful to analyze the information acquired by multicomponent GPR surveys using standard scalar wavefield algorithms.  相似文献   

The distribution of small fractures and water content of the Fourcade glacier on King George Island, Antarctica, was investigated in November 2006 and December 2007 by two ground-based (470-and 490-m-long profiles) and one helicopter-borne (470-m-long profile) ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys using 50-, 100-, and 500-MHz antennas. Radar images in the pre-migrated GPR sections are characterized by a smooth ice surface and irregular bed topography, numerous diffraction hyperbolas in the ice and at the g...  相似文献   

Within the road pavement acceptance tests, destructive as well as non-destructive tests of individual road layers are performed to verify the standard requirements. The article describes a method for providing quick, effective and sufficiently accurate measurements of both dowel and tie bar positions in concrete pavements, using a two-channel ground penetrating radar (GPR). Measurements were carried out in laboratory and in-situ conditions. A special hand cart for field measurements, set for the testing requirements, was designed. It was verified that following the correct measuring and assessment method, it is possible to reach accuracy of determining the in-built rebar up to 1 cm in vertical direction and up to 1.5 cm per 11.5 m of measured length in horizontal direction. In the in-situ tests, GPR identification of possible anomalies due to the phase of concrete pavement laying was presented. In the conclusion, a measurement report is mentioned. The standard requirements for the position of dowels and tie bars cover maximum possible deviation of the rebar position from the project documentation in vertical and horizontal direction, maximum deflection of rebar ends to each other, and maximum translation of rebar in the direction of its longitudinal axis.  相似文献   

In this work we report a GPR study across a tectonic discontinuity in Central Italy. The surveyed area is located in the Castelluccio depression, a tectonic basin in the Central Apennines, close to the western border of the Mt. Vettore. Its West flank is characterised by a set of W-dipping normal faults, considered active and capable of generating strong earthquakes (Mw = 6.5, Galli et al., 2008). A secondary fault strand, already studied with paleo-seismological analysis (Galadini and Galli, 2003), has been observed in the Quaternary deposits of the Prate Pala alluvial fan. We first defined the survey site using the data available in literature and referring to topographic and geological maps, evaluating also additional methodologies, such as orthophoto interpretation, geomorphologic analysis and integrating all the information in a GIS environment. In addition, we made extensive use of GPR modelling, reproducing the geometric characteristics of the inferred fault area and interpreting the synthetic profiles to recognise local geophysical indications of faulting on the radargrams. Finally, we performed a GPR survey employing antennas with different frequencies, to record both 2D Common Offset profiles and Common Mid Point (CMP) gathers for a more accurate velocity estimation of the investigated deposits. In this paper we focus on the evaluation of the most appropriated processing techniques and on data interpretation. Moreover we compare real and synthetic data, which allow us to better highlight some characteristic geophysical signatures of a shallow fault zone.  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a time-dependent geophysical technique for measuring the thickness of second lining, which is one of the most important tunnel quality targets. As the wave transmits from air (or the second lining) to the second lining (or the first lining), the Fresnel reflective coefficient is negative, i.e., the phase of reflective wave is reverse to the incident. In the one dimension time-waveform diagram (A-Scan) of GPR, the lining layers are located on the inflexions which are decided by Fresnel reflection coefficients and the attenuation coefficients of electromagnetic wave in the transmission medium. By towing the antenna over the tunnel surface, two dimension scanning data (B-Scan) is constituted by multiple A-Scan channels, where the grey scale is applied to the amplitude values. In the process of exploration, the lining interfaces are separately plotted by connecting each maximum peak point or second maximum peak point of A-Scan. In the Long Hai Tunnel, the artificial recognition provides 15 sampling values on the exploration line from D9 + 015.195 to D9 + 065.195. However, the automatic recognition can provide more information, such as average thicknesses, standard errors of lining thickness and the qualification rates of lining thickness, etc.  相似文献   

In rough geologic media such as alluvial gravels, glacial tills, talus or colluvium, the grain sizes may span the range of GPR in situ wavelengths. Here we experimentally and numerically modeled the scattering loss from both rough-surface and subsurface dielectric scatterers. The combination of the selected radar frequency and the dimension of the scatterers placed the scattering within the Mie regime. We compared the GPR signal amplitude and waveform reflected from the metal sheet on the bottom of a large box filled with boulders with the numerically computed response from a discrete random medium (DRM) model. The DRM consists of a collection of densely packed ellipsoids. The size and orientation of the ellipsoids are randomized; the size has a Gaussian distribution similar to the physical experiment. The dielectric permittivity of the ellipsoids is constant and their electric conductivity is negligible. The starting in situ dominant pulse wavelength at 900 MHz was about 17 cm, as was about the average rock dimension. Experimentally, the 900-MHz radar pulse underwent most dispersion within the first in situ wavelength of depth, and then, at 500–700 MHz dominant frequency, the pulses underwent a near inverse range dependency loss rate, as if the media were a pure dielectric. The numerical model agrees well with the experimental data. Both experimental and numerical results support a significant scattering loss in Mie regime. Besides the scattering attenuation loss, velocity dispersion has also been observed from both observation and simulation. However, the scattering attenuation and dispersion cannot be fit by the Kramers–Kronig relation that is commonly found in intrinsic attenuation and worth further theoretical investigations.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the efficiency and complementarity of a light package of geophysical techniques to study the structure of karst Unsaturated Zone (UZ) in typical Mediterranean environment where soil cover is thin or absent. Both selected techniques, 2D Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), are widely used in environmental studies and their application is accessible for a lot of scientists/engineers. However, GPR or ERT alone is not able to provide an enhanced characterization of geological features in karst media. In the present study, GPR results supply a near surface high resolution imaging and thus can provide relevant geological information such as stratifications and fractures. Despite the quality of the results GPR's investigation depth remains limited to around 12 m. Apparent and inverted resistivity provided by ERT surveys shows strong lateral and vertical variations. These variations can inform about general geological structuring and feature orientation. ERT is able to prospect down to 40 m but it's a low resolution integrative technique. In the study area the investigated limestone is a commonly electrical resistive formation (more than 2000 Ω.m). However deeper than 5–7 m, the ERT profiles reveal several zones of moderate resistivity (around 900 Ω.m). In these zones a stratification change corresponding to slanted bedding is clearly identified by GPR results. The combination of both GPR and ERT results can allow a well-established geological interpretation. These moderate resistivity zones with slanted beddings can explain the presence of a perennial water flow point 35 m below the surface of the studied site within the underground gallery of the Low-Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB).  相似文献   

In November 2004, a major magnetic storm occurred, a lengthy portion of which was recorded by the Upper Atmospheric Radar Chain. On the 9th and 10th, the Jicamarca Radar detected the highest magnitude penetrating electric fields (±3 mV/m) and vertical drifts (±120 m/s) ever seen at this premiere facility. These large and variable drifts were highly correlated with the interplanetary magnetic and electric fields and created a double F layer on the dayside and unusual TEC behavior throughout the low-latitude zone. These solar wind-induced drifts both suppressed and generated irregularities at the magnetic equator at different times. Large-scale thermospheric disturbances were generated by high-latitude heating and tracked through the middle- to low-latitude zones where both parallel and perpendicular plasma drifts created major ionospheric changes. The auroral oval was located at a magnetic L shell of about three for many hours.  相似文献   

Where they are preserved, landforms that have been truncated and offset by past fault movements provide potentially valuable quantitative data that can be used to estimate slip rates. At such locations, it is important to investigate the fault zone in sufficient detail to understand how displacements are accommodated on individual fault strands. At a site along a northern section of the Alpine fault zone on the South Island of New Zealand, surface mapping of a series of faulted river terraces and channels has revealed a complicated and poorly understood paleoearthquake history. We have acquired high-resolution 2- and 3-D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data over a large area (~ 500 × 500 m) of the terraces to map along-strike changes in shallow (<20 m) fault zone morphology. By identifying distinct reflection patterns within the topographically migrated 3-D GPR volumes and extrapolating them to the longer and more widely spaced GPR profiles, we determined the subsurface extent of two main structural/depositional facies that were juxtaposed by three left-stepping en-echelon fault strands. Two regions of warped strata are interpreted to result from transpressive folding between the overlapping strands, where displacement is transferred from one fault to the next. We suggest that diffuse deformation between the overlapping fault tips results in anomalously low estimates for horizontal and vertical fault displacements of some geomorphic features.  相似文献   

The Geodynamic Observatory Moxa, located in Thuringia/Germany, is dedicated to studies of temporal deformations of the earth's crust and of variations of the gravity field. One of the essential issues with respect to these investigations is the reduction of the hydrological impact on the data of the gravimeters, strainmeters and tiltmeters. In order to optimise the reductions, we investigated the changes in the hydrological conditions in the woody mountain slope above the observatory with time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), and analysed the strain and tilt measurements for prominent signatures of pore pressure induced subsurface deformations.Here we present the results for two profiles – parallel and perpendicular to the slope – measured with ERT during 33 campaigns between June 2007 and April 2010. Resistivity changes and variations of apparent soil moisture, inferred from ERT sections, were found to primarily occur in the first two metres of the subsurface. These variations can be related to subsurface flow in the upper two metres induced by precipitation events and snowmelts. Trees close to the profiles only show a minimum impact on the resistivity and soil moisture changes.Furthermore, systematic hydrologically induced deformations can be observed in hodographs of strain and tilt measurements for large precipitation events (> 80 mm) and snowmelts. In the strain data a short-term (< 3 days) dilatational signal is found with an amplitude of 20 nstrain to 60 nstrain and a long-term (> 7 days) compressional signal between 40 nstrain and 180 nstrain. The preferential N–S direction of long-term deformational signals (> 1 week) is also observed in the tilt data. The direction of tilt changes (25 nrad–120 nrad) is nearly parallel to the drainage direction of the nearby Silberleite creek indicating variations of pore pressure gradients during hydrological events.The results of these hydrological studies at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa can be used for removing the time dependent hydrological signal in strain and tilt data and, thus, better correction algorithms for hydrological impacts can be developed to enhance the value of the data for geodynamic studies.  相似文献   

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) experiments were conducted on a Quaternary sedimentary (made up of gravel, sand and loess) site to image the structures and tectonic features. Two sets of antennae, 50 and 100 MHz, have been tested in a water saturated alluvial deposits (mostly sand and gravel). The 100 MHz antennae provided adequate penetration depth and allowed better lateral continuity and resolution of the subsurface targets than the 50 MHz antennae. Results show that most of GPR data are contaminated by strong diffraction hyperbolae caused by above-ground objects near the survey line. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the diffractions through air and not to confuse them with the reflections from underground geologic features. Despite the air diffraction problem, the GPR data allow us to prospect subsurface sedimentary and tectonic structures. Water table, channels and meander bars are observed on GPR data. Most of these observations are correlated with borehole and trench data.  相似文献   

The persistent droughts, dry spells, and chronic food insecurity in semi-arid areas necessitate the introduction of more robust rainwater harvesting and soil water management technologies. The study reported here was conducted to assess the influence of dead level contours and infiltration pits on in-field soil water dynamics over two growing seasons. A transect consisting of six access tubes, spaced at 5 m interval, was established across each dead level contour with or without an infiltration pit before the onset of the rains. Two access tubes were installed upslope of the contour while four tubes were installed on the downslope side. Dead level contours with infiltration pits captured more rainwater than dead level contours only resulting in more lateral soil water movement. Significant lateral soil water movement was detected at 3 m downslope following rainfall events of 60–70 mm/day. The 0.2–0.6 m soil layer benefited more from the lateral soil water movement at all the farms. Our results suggest that dead level contours have to be constructed at 3–8 m spacing for crops to benefit from the captured rainwater. It is probably worth exploring strip cropping of food and fodder crops on the downslope of the dead level contours and infiltration pits using the current design of these between-field structures. With the advent of in situ rainwater harvesting techniques included in some conservation agriculture practices it will benefit smallholder cropping systems in semi-arid areas if these between-field structures are promoted concurrently with other sustainable land management systems such as conservation agriculture.  相似文献   

In order to improve the reliability of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method in identifying subsurface sinkholes and karst cavities, laboratory investigations have been performed. The main objective of this work was to examine the relationship between horizontal/vertical voids dimensions and wavelengths of various antennas, and the corresponding GPR responses. Emphasis was given to the investigation of the factors that cause the appearance of reverberation phenomena in the signal pattern.The tests were conducted in 5 m × 10 m area by 2-m-deep trench filled with homogenous, dry sand. The voids models (empty fiberglass cylinders in diameters of 0.6 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m and 2.4 m, with various heights) were buried vertically with their tops at depths of between 0.7 and 1.5 m. Investigations were performed for the various model conditions by towing 500, 300 and 100 MHz antennas along a pre-established grid, for the various model conditions.The GPR data collected using the 500 MHz bistatic antenna above the 1.0-m- and the 1.5-m-diameter cylinders, and using the 300 MHz bistatic antenna above the 1.5-m-diameter cylinder, confirmed the presence of a reverberation phenomenon, i.e. a strong convex signal pattern, containing a series of high amplitude extending oscillations with reduced frequency.Based on past practical GPR experience of void detection and presently obtained experimental data, two rules of thumbs may be adopted for the prediction of the appearance of resonant radar pictures:
1. The void diameter larger than the wavelength in air of the antenna used.
2. The vertical size of the empty void not significantly smaller than its horizontal dimension.
The strong reverberations generated by the inner surface of the void targets were found to approximate standing waves generated in cylindrical waveguides and waveguide resonators. The theoretical, experimental and practical results obtained concur.  相似文献   

This paper describes a field test to verify a newly discovered phenomenon of microwave emission due to rock fracture in a volcano. The field test was carried out on Miyake Island, 150 km south of Tokyo. The main objective of the test was to investigate the applicability of the phenomenon to the study of geophysics, volcanology, and seismology by extending observations of this phenomenological occurrence from the laboratory to the natural field.We installed measuring systems for 300 MHz, 2 GHz, and 18 GHz-bands on the mountain top and mountain foot in order to discriminate local events from regional and global events. The systems include deliberate data subsystems that store slowly sampled data in the long term, and fast sampled data when triggered. We successfully obtained data from January to February 2008. During this period, characteristic microwave pulses were intermittently detected at 300 MHz. Two photographs taken before and after this period revealed that a considerably large-scale collapse occurred on the crater cliff. Moreover, seismograms obtained by nearby observatories strongly suggest that the crater subsidence occurred simultaneously with microwave signals on the same day during the observation period.For confirmation of the microwave emission caused by rock fracture, these microwave signals must be clearly discriminated from noise, interferences, and other disturbances. We carefully discriminated the microwave data taken at the mountaintop and foot, checked the lightning strike data around the island, and consequently concluded that these microwave signals could not be attributed to lightning. Artificial interferences were discriminated by the nature of their waveforms. Thus, we inferred that the signals detected at 300 MHz were due to rock fractures during cliff collapses. This result may provide a useful new tool for geoscientists and for the mitigation of natural hazards.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new configuration of seismic isolation foundation containing several concrete layers and some rubber blocks is proposed. The concrete layers and the rubber blocks are placed periodically to form a periodic foundation. To study the isolation ability of this new configuration of periodic foundation, an equivalent analytical model is established. For practical applications, two very useful formulas are obtained. Using these formulas, the low bound frequency and the width of the first attenuation zone can be directly approximated without the calculation of dispersion structure. This new configuration of seismic isolation foundation enjoys the first attenuation zone between 2.15 Hz and 15.01 Hz, which means that the components of seismic waves with frequencies from 2.15 Hz to 15.01 Hz cannot propagate upward in the foundation. To illustrate the efficiency of this seismic isolation foundation, the seismic responses of a 6-story frame with three different foundations are simulated. Numerical simulations show that the seismic responses of the structure with the periodic foundation are greatly attenuated as compared with those of the structure with no isolation base or with traditional rubber bearings.  相似文献   

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