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The Fontana Lapilli deposit was erupted in the late Pleistocene from a vent, or multiple vents, located near Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) and is the product of one of the largest basaltic Plinian eruptions studied so far. This eruption evolved from an initial sequence of fluctuating fountain-like events and moderately explosive pulses to a sustained Plinian episode depositing fall beds of highly vesicular basaltic-andesite scoria (SiO2 > 53 wt%). Samples show unimodal grain size distribution and a moderate sorting that are uniform in time. The juvenile component predominates (> 96 wt%) and consists of vesicular clasts with both sub-angular and fluidal, elongated shapes. We obtain a maximum plume height of 32 km and an associated mass eruption rate of 1.4 × 108 kg s−1 for the Plinian phase. Estimates of erupted volume are strongly sensitive to the technique used for the calculation and to the distribution of field data. Our best estimate for the erupted volume of the majority of the climactic Plinian phase is between 2.9 and 3.8 km3 and was obtained by applying a power-law fitting technique with different integration limits. The estimated eruption duration varies between 4 and 6 h. Marine-core data confirm that the tephra thinning is better fitted by a power-law than by an exponential trend.  相似文献   

The Masaya Caldera Complex has been the site of three highly explosive basaltic eruptions within the last six thousand years. A Plinian eruption ca. 2 ka ago formed the widespread deposits of the Masaya Triple Layer. We distinguish two facies within the Masaya Triple Layer from each other: La Concepción facies to the south and Managua facies to the northwest. These two facies were previously treated as two separated deposits (La Concepción Tephra and the Masaya Triple Layer of Pérez and Freundt, 2006) because of their distinct regional distribution and internal architectures. However, chemical compositions of bulk rock, matrix and inclusion glasses and mineral phases demonstrate that they are the product of a single basaltic magma batch. Additionally, a marker bed containing fluidal-shaped vesicular lapilli allowed us to make a plausible correlation between the two facies, also supported by consistent lateral changes in lithologic structure and composition, thickness and grain size.We distinguish 10 main subunits of the Masaya Triple Layer (I to X), with bulk volumes ranging between 0.02 and 0.22 km3, adding up to 0.86 km3 (0.4 km3 DRE) for the entire deposit. Distal deposits identified in two cores drilled offshore Nicaragua, at a distance of ~ 170 km from the Masaya Caldera Complex, increase the total tephra volume to 3.4 km3 or ~ 1.8 km3 DRE of erupted basaltic magma.Isopleth data of five major fallout subunits indicate mass discharges of 106 to 108 kg/s and eruption columns of 21 to 32 km height, affected by wind speeds of < 2 m/s to ~ 20 m/s which increased during the course of the multi-episodic eruption. Magmatic Plinian events alternated with phreatoplinian eruptions and phreatomagmatic explosions generating surges that typically preceded breaks in activity. While single eruptive episodes lasted for few hours, the entire eruption probable lasted weeks to months. This is indicated by changes in atmospheric conditions and ash-layer surfaces that had become modified during the breaks in activity. The Masaya Triple Layer has allowed to reconstruct in detail how a basaltic Plinian eruption develops in terms of duration, episodicity, and variable access of external water to the conduit, with implications for volcanic hazard assessment.  相似文献   

The 1886 Plinian eruption of Tarawera, New Zealand, is a unique basaltic fissure-fed eruption with exceptionally well preserved fall deposits to within 200 meters of the source vents. These proximal deposits form a series of spatter/cinder half-cones along the northeastern 8-km-long segment of the 1886 fissure. Here we examine these deposits using grain size and clast componentry techniques. We contrast the products of the phreatomagmatic (phases I and III) and Plinian (Phase II) stages of the eruption and examine deposit variability as a function of contrasting eruptive intensity within the climactic phase (II) of the eruption. The opening phreatomagmatic phase I of the eruption involved gas-rich magma interacting with water and fragmenting at least 300 meters below the surface. The deposits of the climactic phase that followed have relatively uniform grain size but marked contrasts in the relative abundance of juvenile and wall rock (lithic) clasts. Deposits linked to vents associated with the high Plinian plume are more uniform than those characterized by a weaker cone-forming eruption style. During the third, and closing, phase of the eruption, magma withdrawal accompanied the onset of decoupling of the exsolved gas phase, leading to fragmentation at increasingly greater depths and significant wall rock collapse into the erupting vents. Variability in eruptive style during phase II along the fissure appears to be a function of shallow seated controls, in particular the variable extent of incorporation of lithic wall rock into the erupting jet, as a consequence of vent wall collapse. Widely dispersed beds centralized around Plinian sources along the fissure have very low lithic content; cone-forming beds at other craters that contain very high lithic contents. This incorporation led to a significant reduction of the velocity and stability of the jet at these latter steep-walled craters, and induced episodicity in the form of vent-clearing explosions. The result is a large reduction of the physical and thermal ability of these vents to contribute to a stable high eruptive plume. Instead large volumes of ejecta were sedimented prematurely from shallow heights at rates an order of magnitude greater than for historical Strombolian, Hawaiian and subPlinian eruptions. This study illustrates that sustained powerful Plinian eruptions can be accompanied by heterogeneities and instabilities of the eruptive jet. At Tarawera, the record of complex proximal transport and deposition processes in the eruptive jet cannot be inferred from the eruption products at distances greater than 400 m from the eruptive fissure. We suggest that study of ultraproximal deposits, as seen at Mt Tarawera, provides the only opportunity to document the complex, dynamic behavior of the jet region of Plinian eruptions.  相似文献   

Impact of large-scale explosive eruptions largely depends on the dynamics of transport, dispersal and deposition of ash by the convective system. In fully convective eruptive columns, ejected gases and particles emitted at the vent are vertically injected into the atmosphere by a narrow, buoyant column and then dispersed by atmosphere dynamics on a regional scale. In fully collapsing explosive eruptions, ash partly generated by secondary fragmentation is carried and dispersed by broad co-ignimbrite columns ascending above pyroclastic currents. In this paper, we investigate the transport and dispersion dynamics of ash and lapillis during a transitional plinian eruption in which both plinian and co-ignimbrite columns coexisted and interacted. The 800 BP eruptive cycle of Quilotoa volcano (Ecuador) produced a well-exposed tephra sequence. Our study shows that the sequence was accumulated by a variety of eruptive dynamics, ranging from early small phreatic explosions, to sustained magmatic plinian eruptions, to late phreatomagmatic explosive pulses. The eruptive style of the main 800 BP plinian eruption (U1) progressively evolved from an early fully convective column (plinian fall bed), to a late fully collapsing fountain (dense density currents) passing through an intermediate transitional eruptive phase (fall + syn-plinian dilute density currents). In the transitional U1 regime, height of the convective plinian column and volume and runout of the contemporaneous pyroclastic density currents generated by partial collapses were inversely correlated. The convective system originated from merging of co-plinian and co-surge contributions. This hybrid column dispersed a bimodal lapilli and ash-fall bed whose grain size markedly differs from that of classic fall deposits accumulated by fully convective plinian columns. Sedimentological analysis suggests that ash dispersion during transitional eruptions is affected by early aggregation of dry particle clusters.  相似文献   

The 2002–03 flank eruption of Etna was characterized by two months of explosive activity that produced copious ash fallout, constituting a major source of hazard and damage over all eastern Sicily. Most of the tephra were erupted from vents at 2750 and 2800 m elevation on the S flank of the volcano, where different eruptive styles alternated. The dominant style of explosive activity consisted of discrete to pulsing magma jets mounted by wide ash plumes, which we refer to as ash-rich jets and plumes. Similarly, ash-rich explosive activity was also briefly observed during the 2001 flank eruption of Etna, but is otherwise fairly uncommon in the recent history of Etna. Here, we describe the features of the 2002–03 explosive activity and compare it with the 2001 eruption in order to characterize ash-rich jets and plumes and their transition with other eruptive styles, including Strombolian and ash explosions, mainly through chemical, componentry and morphology investigations of erupted ash. Past models explain the transition between different styles of basaltic explosive activity only in terms of flow conditions of gas and liquid. Our findings suggest that the abundant presence of a solid phase (microlites) may also control vent degassing and consequent magma fragmentation and eruptive style. In fact, in contrast with the Strombolian or Hawaiian microlite-poor, fluidal, sideromelane clasts, ash-rich jets and plumes produce crystal-rich tachylite clasts with evidence of brittle fragmentation, suggesting that high groundmass crystallinity of the very top part of the magma column may reduce bubble movement while increasing fragmentation efficiency.  相似文献   

During a 52-day eruption in 1256 A.D., 0.5 km3 of alkali-olivine basalt was extruded from a 2.25-km-long fissure at the north end of the Harrat Rahat lava field, Saudi Arabia. The eruption produced 6 scoria cones and a lava flow 23 km long that approached the ancient and holy city of Madinah to within 8 km. Three chemical types of basalt are defined by data point clusters on variation diagrams, i.e. the low-K, high-K, and hybrid types. All three erupted simultaneously. Their distribution is delineated in both scoria cones and lava flow units from detailed mapping and a petrochemical study of 135 samples. Six flow units, defined by distinct flow fronts, represent extrusive pulses. The high-K type erupted during all six pulses, the low-K type during the first three, and the hybrid type during the first two.Three mineral assemblages occur out of equilibrium in all three chemical types.Assemblage 1 contains resorbed olivine and clinopyroxene megacrysts and ultramafic microxenoliths (Fo90 + Cr spinel + Cr endiopside) which fractionated within the spinel zone of the mantle.Assemblage 2 contains resorbed plagioclase megacrysts (An60) with olivine inclusions (Fo78) which fractionated in the crust.Assemblage 3 contains microphenocrysts of plagioclase and olivine in a groundmass of the same minerals with late-crystallizing titansalite and titanomagnetite; assemblage 3 crystallized at the surface and/or in the upper crust. Each assemblage represents a distinct range in PTX environment, suggesting that their coexistence in each chemical type may be a function of magma mixing. Such a process is confirmed by variable ratios of incompatible element pairs in a range of analyses.All three chemical types are products of mixing. Some of the hybrid types may have developed from surface mixing of the low-K and high-K lavas; however, the occurrence of all three types at the vent system suggests that subsurface mixing was the dominant process. We suggest that the Madinah flow was extruded from a heterogeneous magma chamber containing vertically stacked sections equivalent to the six eruptive pulses. This chamber may have developed contemporaneously with magma mixing when a crustal reservoir containing a magma in equilibrium with assemblage 2 was invaded by a more primitive magma containing cognate microxenoliths and megacrysts of assemblage 1.  相似文献   

The AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius is certainly one of the most investigated explosive eruptions in the world. This makes it particularly suitable for the application of numerical models since we can be quite confident about input data, and the model predictions can be compared with field-based reconstruction of the eruption dynamics. Magma ascent along the volcanic conduit and the dispersal of pyroclasts in the atmosphere were simulated. The conduit and atmospheric domain were coupled through the flow conditions computed at the conduit exit. We simulated two different peak phases of the eruption which correspond to the emplacement of the white and gray magma types that produced Plinian fallout deposits with interlayered pyroclastic flow units during the gray phase. The input data, independently constrained and representative of each of the two eruptive phases, consist of liquid magma composition, crystal and water content, mass flow rate, and pressure–temperature–depth of the magma at the conduit entrance. A parametric study was performed on the less constrained variables such as microlite content of magma, pressure at the conduit entrance, and particle size representative of the eruptive mixture. Numerical results are substantially consistent with the reconstructed eruptive dynamics. In particular, the white eruption phase is found to lead to a fully buoyant eruption plume in all cases investigated, whereas the gray phase shows a more transitional character, i.e. the simultaneous production of a buoyant convective plume and pyroclastic surges, with a significant influence of the microlite content of magma in determining the partition of pyroclast mass between convective plumes and pyroclastic flows.  相似文献   

We investigated the dynamics of explosive activity at Mt. Etna between 31 August and 15 December 2006 by combining vesicle studies in the erupted products with measurements of the gas composition at the active, summit crater. The analysed scoria clasts present large, connected vesicles with complex shapes and smaller, isolated, spherical vesicles, the content of which increases in scoriae from the most explosive events. Gas geochemistry reports CO2/SO2 and SO2/HCl ratios supporting a deep-derived gas phase for fire-fountain activity. By integrating results from scoria vesiculation and gas analysis we find that the highest energy episodes of Mt. Etna activity in 2006 were driven by a previously accumulated CO2-rich gas phase but we highlight the lesser role of syn-eruptive vesicle nucleation driven by water exsolution during ascent. We conclude that syn-eruptive vesiculation is a common process in Etnean magmas that may promote a deeper conduit magma fragmentation and increase ash formation.  相似文献   

The pyroclastic deposits of many basaltic volcanic centres show abrupt transitions between contrasting eruptive styles, e.g., Hawaiian versus Strombolian, or `dry' magmatic versus `wet' phreatomagmatic. These transitions are controlled dominantly by variations in degassing patterns, magma ascent rates and degrees of interaction with external water. We use Crater Hill, a 29 ka explosive/effusive monogenetic centre in the Auckland volcanic field, New Zealand, as a case study of the transitions between these end-member eruptive styles. The Crater Hill eruption took place from at least 4 vents spaced along a NNE-trending, 600-m-long fissure that is contained entirely within a tuff ring generated during the earliest eruption phases. Early explosive phases at Crater Hill were characterised by eruption from multiple unstable and short-lived vents; later, dominantly extrusive, volcanism took place from a more stable point source. Most of the Crater Hill pyroclastic deposits were formed in 3 phreatomagmatic (P) and 4 `dry' magmatic (M) episodes, forming in turn the outer tuff ring and maar crater (P1, M1, P2) and scoria cone 1 (M2–M4). This activity was followed by formation of a lava shield and scoria cone 2. Purely `wet' activity is represented by the bulk of P1 and P2, and purely `dry' activity by much of M2–M4. However, M1 and parts of M2 and M4 show evidence for simultaneous eruptions of differing style from adjacent vents and rapid variations in the extent and timing of magma:water interaction at each vent. The nature of the wall-rock lithics, and these rapid variations in inferred water/magma ratios imply interaction was occurring mostly at depths of ≤80 m, and the vesicularity patterns in juvenile clasts from these and the P beds imply that rapid degassing occurred at these shallow levels. We suggest that abrupt transitions between eruptive styles, in time and space, at Crater Hill were linked to changes in the local magma supply rate and patterns and vigour of degassing during the final metres of ascent.  相似文献   

The 1886 eruption of Tarawera, New Zealand, was unusual for a Plinian eruption because it involved entirely basaltic magma, originated in a 17-km-long fissure, and produced extremely overthickened proximal deposits with a complex geometry. This study focuses on an 8-km-long segment cutting across Mount Tarawera where over 50 point-source vents were active during the 5.5-h eruption. A detailed characterization of the proximal deposits is developed and used to interpret the range of styles and intensities of the vents, including changes with time. We identify the four vents that contributed most heavily to the Plinian fall and evaluate the extent to which current volcanic plume models are compatible with the depositional patterns at Tarawera. Three proximal units are mapped that have phreatomagmatic, magmatic, and phreatomagmatic characteristics, respectively. Within the magmatic proximal unit, beds of like character are grouped into packages and delineated on scaled cross sections. Package dispersal is quantified by measuring the linear thickness half-distance (t1/2) in the planes of the fissure walls. Most packages have localized dispersals (low t1/2), indicating that Strombolian-style activity dominated most vents. The more widely dispersed packages (high t1/2) reflect contributions from additional transport regimes that were more vigorous but still contributed considerable material to the proximal region. We conclude that the geometry of the observed proximal deposits requires three modes of fall transport: (1) fallout from the upper portions of the Plinian plumes produced principally by vents in four craters; (2) sedimentation from the margins of the lower portions of the Plinian plumes including the jets and possibly the lower convective regions; and (3) ejection by weak Strombolian-style explosions from vents that did not contribute significant volumes of particles to the high plume. We suggest that the curvature of the velocity profile across the jet region of each plume (1–4 km height) was important, and that the lower velocity at the margins allowed proximal deposition of a large volume of material with a wide grain-size range.  相似文献   

In explosive volcanic eruptions, vesicular magma droplets, produced by fragmentation, are propelled into the atmosphere where they are chilled to form pumices. The thermal history of droplets and the permeability of their internal bubble networks determine how much they are deformed in the eruption jet, and hence what information pumices record about the state of the magma at fragmentation. We study these aspects of the `Minoan' plinian eruption of Santorini Volcano by quantifying the rate of oxidation reactions that took place when air entered the hot magma fragments. In our experiments white Minoan pumices were heated for minutes to hours between 600 and 850°C, either in air, or in an atmosphere with an oxygen fugacity at the Ni–NiO buffer. Pumices were unchanged by heating at Ni–NiO. Those heated in air often became pink to dark pink, depending on heating time, and their Curie temperatures, as determined by magnetic susceptibility measurements, increased. We use oxidation rates deduced from these experiments, in conjunction with calculations of the rate of conductive cooling and of the rate at which air can enter a pumice, to constrain the conditions experienced by pumices during the eruption. Natural Minoan pumices less than about 5 cm in radius are white, whereas larger ones often have white rims and pink interiors with Curie temperatures higher than those of white material. We infer that small pumices were cooled before being oxidized, and that oxidation of the interiors of large clasts mostly took place during flight, at temperatures within a few tens of degrees of magmatic values. White rims of large pumices, despite being permeable, were cooled before oxidation could occur. Permeability developed in the liquid state, but did not develop early enough, with respect to cooling, or was not large enough to allow extreme oxidation. We give measurements of pumice permeabilities that should be close to magmatic values.  相似文献   

Textural characterization of pumice clasts from explosive volcanic eruptions provides constraints on magmatic processes through the quantification of crystal and vesicle content, size, shape, vesicle wall thickness and the degree of interconnectivity. The Plinian fallout deposit directly underlying the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption represents a suitable case to investigate pumice products with different textural characteristics and to link the findings to processes accompanying conduit magma ascent to the crater. The deposit consists of a lower (LFU) and upper (UFU) pumice lapilli bed generated by the sub-steady eruption of trachytic magma with <5 vol%. crystals and a peak discharge rate of 3.2×10 8 kg/s. Density measurements were performed on samples collected from different stratigraphic intervals at the Voscone-type outcrop, and their textural characteristics were investigated at different magnifications through image analysis techniques. According to clast densities, morphologies and vesicle textures pumice clasts were classified into microvesicular (heterogeneous vesicles), tube (elongated/deformed vesicles) and expanded (coalesced/inflated vesicles).The combination of density data and textural investigations allowed us to characterize both representative areas and textural extremes of pumice products. Bulk vesicularity spans a broad interval varying from 0.46 to >0.90, with vesicle number density ranging from 10 7–10 8 cm -3. The degree of vesicle coalescence is high for all pumice types, with interconnected vesicles generally representing more than 90% of the bulk vesicle population. The results show a high degree of heterogeneous textures among pumice clasts from both phases of the eruption and within each eruption phase, the different pumice types and also within each single pumice type fragment. The origin of pumice clasts with different textural characteristics is ascribed to the development of conduit regions marked by different rheological behavior. The conclusions of this study are that vesicle deformation, degree of coalescence and intense shear at the conduit walls play a major role on the degassing process, hence affecting the entire conduit dynamics.  相似文献   

Plinian/ignimbrite activity stopped briefly and abruptly 16 and 45 h after commencement of the 1912 Novarupta eruption defining three episodes of explosive volcanism before finally giving way after 60 h to effusion of lava domes. We focus here on the processes leading to the termination of the second and third of these three episodes. Early erupted pumice from both episodes show a very similar range in bulk vesicularity, but the modal values markedly decrease and the vesicularity range widens toward the end of Episode III. Clasts erupted at the end of each episode represent textural extremes; at the end of Episode II, clasts have very thin glass walls and a predominance of large bubbles, whereas at the end of Episode III, clasts have thick interstices and more small bubbles. Quantitatively, all clasts have very similar vesicle size distributions which show a division in the bubble population at 30 μm vesicle diameter and cumulative number densities ranging from 107–109 cm–3. Patterns seen in histograms of volume fraction and the trends in the vesicle size data can be explained by coalescence signatures superimposed on an interval of prolonged nucleation and free growth of bubbles. Compared to experimental data for bubble growth in silicic melts, the high 1912 number densities suggest homogeneous nucleation was a significant if not dominant mechanism of bubble nucleation in the dacitic magma. The most distinct clast populations occurred toward the end of Plinian activity preceding effusive dome growth. Distributions skewed toward small sizes, thick walls, and teardrop vesicle shapes are indicative of bubble wall collapse marking maturation of the melt and onset of processes of outgassing. The data suggest that the superficially similar pauses in the 1912 eruption which marked the ends of episodes II and III had very different causes. Through Episode III, the trend in vesicle size data reflects a progressive shift in the degassing process from rapid magma ascent and coupled gas exsolution to slower ascent with partial open-system outgassing as a precursor to effusive dome growth. No such trend is visible in the Episode II clast assemblages; we suggest that external changes involving failure of the conduit/vent walls are more likely to have effected the break in explosive activity at 45 h.  相似文献   

The youngest dacitic Plinian eruption in west-central Nicaragua, forming the 18 km3 Chiltepe Tephra (CT), occurred about nineteen hundred years ago at Apoyeque stratovolcano, which dominates the Chiltepe volcanic complex 15 km north of the capital Managua, where the CT is 2 m thick. We have traced the CT from its proximal facies at the crater rim, through the medial facies in the lowlands around Apoyeque, and to the distal facies up to 550 km offshore in the Pacific. While medial and distal facies consist of widespread Plinian fall deposits, the proximal facies reveals the complexity of this eruption, which we divide into four phases (I–IV). Interaction of rising magma with a pre-existing crater lake generated the phreatomagmatic opening phase I of the eruption, which produced ash fall with accretionary lapilli. Phase II marked a rapid change to persistent magmatic activity that yielded several large Plinian eruptions, declining through a period of unstable eruption conditions, followed by a short hiatus. Phase III began with unstable conditions, probably as a result of eastward migration and widening of the vent, leading to a second period of Plinian eruptions with three major events reaching magma discharge rates five times larger than those of phase II. Phase III again declined through unstable eruption conditions before magmatic activity terminated. Numerous explosions in the shallow hydrothermal system during the final phase IV resulted in the formation of a phreatic tuff ring on the rim of Apoyeque crater. The white, highly-vesicular, dacitic CT pumice contains plagioclase (An45–68), orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and minor hornblende, apatite and titanomagnetite phenocrysts. A very subordinate fraction of gray pumice has the highest crystal content, the least evolved bulk-rock, but the most evolved matrix-glass composition. The CT dacite has two unusual compositional features: (1) all white dacite has the same melt (matrix-glass) composition such that variations in bulk-rock compositions (64–68 wt% SiO2) simply reflect different phenocryst contents of 10–35%, interpreted as the result of gradual phenocryst settling in the magma chamber. (2) Abundant olivine crystals with a bimodal distribution in Mg# (modes at Mg# = 0.75 and Mg# = 0.8) are dispersed throughout the erupted dacite. These are clearly out of equilibrium with the dacitic melt and are interpreted as xenocrysts derived from the basaltic Nejapa-Miraflores volcanic lineament that intersects the Chiltepe volcanic complex and was contemporaneously active. Thermobarometric estimates place the dacitic CT magma reservoir in the upper crust (<250 MPa), with a temperature of about 890°C and about 5 wt% water dissolved in the melt. Comparing water and chlorine contents with respective solubility models suggests that volatile degassing began in the magma reservoir and triggered the CT eruption. From the vertical compositional variation pattern of the CT we deduce that the conduit tapped the magma chamber not at the top but from the side, at some deeper level, and that subsequent magma withdrawal was governed by both variations in discharge rate and possible upward migration and/or widening of the conduit entrance.  相似文献   

Three simple models of the behaviour of a series of basaltic eruptions have been tested against the eruptive history of Nyamuragira. The data set contains the repose periods and the volumes of lava emitted in 22 eruptions since 1901. Model 1 is fully stochastic and eruptions of any volume with random repose intervals are possible. Models 2 and 3 are constrained by deterministic limits on the maximum capacity of the magma reservoir and on the lowest drainage level of the reservoir respectively. The method of testing these models involves (1) seeking change points in the time series to determine regimes of uniform magma supply rate, and (2) applying linear regression to these regimes, which for models 2 and 3 are the determinsstic limits to those models. Two change points in the time series for Nyamuragira, in 1958 and 1980, were determined using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov technique. The latter change involved an increase in the magma supply rate by a factor of 2.5, from 0.55 to 1.37 m3s-1. Model 2 provides the best fit to the behavior of Nyamuragira with the ratio of variation explained by the model to total variation. R2, being greater than 0.9 for all three regimes. This fit can be interpreted to mean that there is a determinstic limit to the elastic strength of the magma reservoir 4–8 km below the summit of the volcano.  相似文献   

We use a simple model of the formation, growth, coalescence and migration of veins of basaltic melt generated by partial melting in chondritic asteroids to deduce the sizes of, and pressures within, the fluid-filled dikes reaching the surfaces of such bodies. The gas contents ( 1000 ppm of mainly CO and N2) of the asteroids were high enough that bubbles of free gas trapped in the melt veins gave the basaltic melts significant buoyancy; expansion of these gases as a dike opened to the vacuum at the surface led to fragmentation of the melts into liquid droplets which were transported upwards by the accelerating gases to the surface. The sizes of these droplets and, hence, of the pyroclastic glass beads into which they cooled, are calculated to lie in the range 30 μm to 4 mm; this range is essentially independent of the size or gas content of the asteroid parent and only weakly dependent on the internal pressure of the erupting fluid. The fate of the pyroclasts, however, does depend on all of these factors. At very low internal pressures, significant separation of the gas and liquid in a rising dike may take place and not all of the liquid will be expelled from the dike when it opens to the surface. For relatively large ( 100 km radius) asteroids with relatively low ( 300 ppm) gas contents, the larger clasts are too heavy to be lifted from the level at which magma fragmentation takes place by the gas flow and so would also remain behind to form basaltic veins. The apparent absence of basaltic veins in meteorites then implies both that internal pressures in near-surface dikes were generally greater than 0.3 MPa and that low gas contents were not common. Finally, as long as pyroclasts are lofted from the magma fragmentation level, they will be accelerated to at least 90% of the final gas speed. If this speed exceeds the escape speed from the asteroid (as happens readily for high gas contents and small asteroids), the pyroclasts will be expelled into space and lost from the meteorite record. Otherwise (low gas contents or large asteroids), they will eventually fall back to be incorporated into the surface regolith, modifying the chemical and physical properties of meteorites subsequently derived from it.  相似文献   

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