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Summary. Spectral attenuation of coda waves has been studied in the range 2–40 Hz from local events recorded in the western Pyrenean range from 1980 to 1982. Q c was obtained using a single scattering model of S -waves for different segments of the coda. An increase of Q c with lapse time was found and attributed to a rapid increase of Q β with depth.
Three groups of events were selected from distinct focal areas. Two data sets are mainly composed of aftershocks of moderate earthquakes of magnitude 5.1 and 4.8, respectively. No moderate earthquake occurred in the third area in the few years preceding or following the selected events. Use of stations close to epicentres allowed sampling of the coda at very short lapse times and then study of small, distinct scattering volumes. Noticeable differences were found between the three studied areas and attributed to spatial rather than temporal variations.
The Q c frequency dependence was studied according to Q c= qf α. α is found to range from 0.7 to 1.1 and q from 30 to 140. These values are in agreement with those found in other tectonic areas. It is shown that scattering is the dominant attenuation process below 10Hz.  相似文献   

A large data set of amplitude measurements of minor and major arc Rayleigh waves in the period range 73–171 s is collected. By comparing these amplitudes with the amplitudes of synthetic waveforms calculated by mode summation, maps of lateral variations in the apparent attenuation structure of the Earth are constructed. An existing formalism for predicting the effects of focusing is employed to calculate amplitude perturbations for the same data set. These perturbations are used to construct 'pseudo‐attenuation' maps and these results are compared with the apparent attenuation maps calculated from the data. It is shown that variations in Rayleigh wave amplitude perturbations in the Earth are dominated by attenuation at long wavelengths (below about degree 8) and by elastic structure at shorter wavelengths. It is also shown that the linear approximation for focusing is successful at predicting Rayleigh wave amplitudes using existing phase velocity maps. These results indicate that future attempts to model the velocity structure of the Earth would be assisted by incorporating amplitude data and by jointly inverting for Q structure.  相似文献   

Wide-angle seismic velocities in heterogeneous crust   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seismic velocities measured by wide-angle surveys are commonly used to constrain material composition in the deep crust. Therefore, it is important to understand how these velocities are affected by the presence of multiscale heterogeneities. The effects may be characterised by the scale of the heterogeneity relative to the dominant seismic wavelength (λ); what is clear is that heterogeneities of all scales and strengths bias wide-angle velocities to some degree. Waveform modelling was used to investigate the apparent wide-angle P -wave velocities of different heterogeneous lower crusts. A constant composition (50 per cent felsic and 50 per cent ultramafic) was formed into a variety of 1- and 2-D heterogeneous arrangements and the resulting wide-angle seismic velocity was estimated. Elastic, 1-D models produced the largest velocity shift relative to the true average velocity of the medium (which is the velocity of an isotropic mixture of the two components). Thick (width > λ) horizontal layers, as a result of Fermat's Principle, provided the largest increase in velocity; thin (width ≪λ) vertical layers produced the largest decrease in velocity. Acoustic 2-D algorithms were shown to be inadequate for modelling the kinematics of waves in bodies with multiscale heterogeneities. Elastic, 2-D modelling found velocity shifts (both positive and negative) that were of a smaller magnitude than those produced by 1-D models. The key to the magnitude of the velocity shift appears to be the connectivity of the fast (and/or slow) components. Thus, the models with the highest apparent levels of connectivity between the fast phases, the 1-D layers, produced the highest-magnitude velocity shifts. To understand the relationship between measured seismic velocities and petrology in the deep crust it is clear that high-resolution structural information (which describes such connectivity) must be included in any modelling.  相似文献   

Lg wave Q tomography in Central America   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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