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The Baiyun submarine slide complex (BSSC) along the Pearl River Canyon of the northern South China Sea has been imaged by multibeam bathymetry and 2D/3D seismic data. By means of maximum likelihood classification with slope aspect and gradient as inputs, the BSSC is subdivided into four domains, denoted as slide area I, II, III and IV. Slide area I is surrounded by cliffs on three sides and has been intensely reshaped by turbidity currents generated by other kinds of mass movement outside the area; slide area II incorporates a shield volcano with a diameter of approximately 10 km and unconfined slides possibly resulting from the toe collapse of inter-canyon ridges; slide area III is dominated by repeated slides that mainly originated from cliffs constituting the eastern boundary of the BSSC; slide area IV is distinguished by a conical seamount with a diameter of 6.5 km and a height of 375 m, and two slides probably having a common source that are separated from each other by a suite of residual strata. The BSSC is interpreted to be composed of numerous slide events, which occurred in the period from 10.5 to 5.5 Ma BP. Six specific factors may have contributed to the development of the BSSC, i.e., gas hydrate dissociation, gas-bearing sediments, submarine volcanic activity, seismicity, sedimentation rate and seafloor geomorphology. A 2D conceptual geological model combining these factors is proposed as a plausible mechanism explaining the formation of the BSSC. However, the BSSC may also have been affected by the Dongsha event (10 Ma BP) as an overriding factor.  相似文献   

Abdul Hayir   《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(18):2329-2342
In this study, the motion of a submarine block slide, with variable velocities, and its effects on the near-field tsunami amplitudes are investigated. The numerical results show that the amplitudes generated by the slide are almost the same as those created by its average velocity when , where is average velocity of the slide and is the long period tsunami velocity in ocean of constant depth h. In contrast, the kinematic model of the slide must take into account time variations in the moving velocity, if , especially when .  相似文献   

The 1,500-km2 Gela slide and associated debris flow deposits cover most of the Gela foredeep basin (Sicily channel). The head of the slide follows the tip of the arcuate Gela nappe. A basin-wide detachment surface extends from the extensional slide head to a distal, contractional zone. The slide may be the result of a gravitational collapse which affected the sediments overlaying a remarkable decollement horizon. Mass movement processes resulted in the mobilization of a sedimentary sequence already deposited within the foredeep basin.  相似文献   

In April 1994, coherent acoustic transmissions were propagated across the entire Arctic basin for the first time. This experiment, known as the Transarctic Acoustic Propagation Experiment (TAP), was designed to determine the feasibility of using these signals to monitor changes in Arctic Ocean temperature and changes in sea ice thickness and concentration. CW and maximal length sequences (MLS) were transmitted from the source camp located north of the Svalbard Archipelago 1000 km to a vertical line array in the Lincoln Sea and 2600 km to a two-dimensional horizontal array and a vertical array in the Beaufort Sea. TAP demonstrated that the 19.6-Hz 195-dB (251-W) signals propagated with both sufficiently low loss and high phase stability to support the coherent pulse compression processing of the MLS and the phase detection of the CW signals. These yield time delay measurements an order of magnitude better than what is required to detect the estimated 80-ms/year changes in travel time caused by interannual and longer term changes in Arctic Ocean temperature. The TAP data provided propagation loss measurements to compare with the models to be used for correlating modal scattering losses with sea ice properties for ice monitoring. The travel times measured in TAP indicated a warming of the Atlantic layer in the Arctic of close to 0.4°C, which has been confirmed by direct measurement from icebreakers and submarines, demonstrating the utility of acoustic thermometry in the Arctic. The unique advantages of acoustic thermometry in the Arctic and the importance of climate monitoring in the Arctic are discussed. A four-year program, Arctic Climate Observations using Underwater Sound is underway to carry out the first installations of sources and receivers in the Arctic Ocean  相似文献   

Ananiev  R. A.  Dmitrevsky  N. N.  Roslyakov  A. G.  Chernykh  D. V.  Moroz  E. A.  Zarayskaya  Y. A.  Semiletov  I. P. 《Oceanology》2022,62(1):127-132
Oceanology - The emission of natural gas from the seafloor to the surface in shelf areas of the Arctic seas is of increasing interest among researchers. Recently, various types of acoustic...  相似文献   

研究极地深海声传播特征具有重要的经济、军事价值,战略意义重大。基于KRAKENC分层弹性介质简振波模型对极地深海冰盖条件下的声传播特征进行数值模拟,得出极地海域向上折射环境和较小深度声源,是形成声道现象必要条件;冰盖的散射作用导致声传播衰减强烈,且深度越大的水层受冰盖影响越小,受海底边界影响越大;声源深度越小,受冰盖影响越大。  相似文献   


A relatively large submarine slide (slump block) and apparent unstable surficial sediments undergoing creep have been delineated in bathymetric and seismic reflection profiles along the U.S. Atlantic continental margin northeast of Wilmington Canyon. A downslope core transect was made over selected areas to assess the geotechnical properties of the sediments associated with the slide. Sediments are predominantly silty clays and clayey silts rich in illite, with lesser quantities of feldspar, kaolinite, chlorite, quartz, and smectite minerals. Surficial sediments (cored up to 12 m) upslope from the slump block reveal typical variations in the mass physical properties with core depth. Shear strength and wet unit weight show a steady increase with depth below the mudline commensurate with a decrease in water content. In contrast, surficial sediments downslope overlying the slump block generally have low shear strength and relatively high variability in other mass physical properties with core depth. Chemical evidence of slumping (as defined by the sulfate ion content) is not apparent in the pore waters collected from the upper 10 m of sediment. No important relationships are obvious among the physical and chemical properties, specifically the carbonates or complex solids of iron and manganese oxides or hydroxides. Sediment failure in the form of a major submarine slide appears to have been a significant deformational process during the geological past (late Pleistocene). Creep and associated deformational features recorded in the surficial sediments are presumably a result of recent geological processes.  相似文献   

Numerous dolomite concretions have been discovered in marls of the Eocene Sobrarbe deltaic complex as part of the Ainsa Basin (Spain). This paper presents the first analyses of the shapes, the spatial relationships, the mineralogical, chemical and isotopic compositions of these concretions.The concretions are located above a major fossil submarine slide scar. They are mainly perpendicular to the sedimentary layers. Four distinct shapes of concretions have been distinguished: horizontal flat, sub-vertical cylindrical or cylindrical-complex and stocky. Three main mineral phases are associated with most of the concretions: calcite, celestite and barite. Concretion shapes and mineral occurrences are organized vertically in the marls from bottom to top: (i) at the bottom, flat shapes with septarian cracks filled by calcite and celestite, (ii) in the middle and at the top, cylindrical and cylindrical-complex concretions associated with prismatic barite, calcite and celestite filling conduits related to bioturbations, and (iii) at the top, cylindrical and cylindrical-complex concretions associated with calcite and celestite filling conduits related to bioturbations, and stocky shape concretions.We postulate that concretions have formed by dolomite cementation of the surrounding marls during early diagenesis in the zone of methanogenesis. The high sedimentation rate of the infilling seems to be a factor controlling the mineralogical composition of the concretions. Brown calcite precipitated in voids and fractures of the concretions. Celestite precipitated during burial, completing the filling of voids and fractures. Barite precipitated before celestite, but its time of precipitation relative to brown calcite remains unknown.  相似文献   

作者利用浅地层剖面资料研究了天津近海海域存在的主要海底地质灾害.研究发现:浅层气、埋藏三角洲前缘、水下潮流沙脊、陡坎、沙波等地质灾害发育.浅层气主要分布在研究区北部海域的近岸附近,南部海域远离海岸浅层气逐渐增多;埋藏三角洲前缘分布区北至涧河口,南至南港工业区东部海域;水下沙脊分布于北部海域5 m~7 m水深的近岸带,地...  相似文献   

The intensity of the processes of organic matter (OM) destruction in the deep-water part of the Arctic Basin is considered in terms of the activities of hydrolytic enzymes (alkaline phosphatase and proteases) and of redox enzymes of the electron transport system (ETS). High concentrations of mineral phosphorus are shown to cause low phosphatase activity (0.000–0.005 μM P/l h). The average time of the phosphate recycling amounted to about 240 h. The ranges of the total and specific activity of protease are 0.000–0.192 mg of azocasein/(l h) and 0.00–3.57 mg of azocasein/h mg of protein, respectively. It is found that the microplankton production of exo- and endopeptidase in the Arctic Basin is controlled by the concentration of nitrates in the water. The values of the total and the specific activities of the ETS enzymes vary within 0.27–8.96 μl O2/(l h) and 8.4–583 μl O2/mg of protein h, respectively. It is shown that the maximum values of the total activities of the hydrolytic and redox enzymes are characteristic for the photic layer. The vertical fluxes of organic carbon from the photic layer, being calculated by the activity of the ETS enzymes, amounted to 220–600 g of Corg/year m2. The presence of ice intensifies the redox processes by factors of 2–15.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2006,225(1-4):265-278
The first seismic reflection data from the shallowest part of the submarine Lomonosov Ridge north of Arctic Canada and North Greenland comprise two parallel single channel lines (62 and 25 km long, offset 580 m) acquired from a 10 day camp on drifting sea ice. The top of southern Lomonosov Ridge is bevelled (550 m water depth) and only thin sediments (< 50 ms) cover acoustic basement. We suggest erosion of a former sediment drape over the ridge crest was either by a grounded marine ice sheet extending north from Ellesmere Island and/or deep draft icebergs. More than 1 km of sediments are present at the western entrance to the deep passage between southern Lomonosov Ridge and the Lincoln Sea continental margin. Here, the uppermost part (+ 0.3 s thick) of the section reflects increased sediment input during the Plio–Pleistocene. The underlying 0.7 s thick succession onlaps the slope of a subsiding Lomonosov Ridge. An unconformity at the base of the sedimentary section caps a series of NW–SE grabens and mark the end of tectonic extension and block faulting of an acoustic basement represented by older margin sediments possibly followed by minor block movements in a compressional regime. The unconformity may relate to termination of Late Cretaceous deformation between Lomonosov Ridge and Alpha Ridge or be equivalent to the Hauterivian break-up unconformity associated with the opening of the Amerasia Basin. A flexure in the stratigraphic succession above the unconformity is most likely related to differential compaction, although intraplate earthquakes do occur in the area.  相似文献   

The submarine Hinlopen Slide, located along the Arctic Ocean margin, is one of the largest known mass movements on Earth. The slide scar has several unusual morphometric characteristics, including headwalls up to 1,500 m high and spectacularly large, steep-sided rafted megablocks. The slide processes and continental margin properties that produced these features are not well known. A new high-resolution TOBI (towed ocean bottom instrument) side-scan sonar dataset reveals information about the detailed seafloor morphology and, therefore, slide dynamics during the final stages of sliding. First, the headwall area was efficiently and almost completely evacuated of slide debris, which is unusual for large submarine slides. Second, features relating to the propagation of extension to the shelf behind the headwall are absent, suggesting “strong” cohesive shelf material here or that a very stable shelf configuration was reached, possibly defined by NE-SW-trending faults. Third, there is little evidence for the translation of shelf material, again uncommon for submarine slides. Taken together with the occurrence of massive megablocks in the slide debris, Hinlopen Slide is distinct because of the juxtaposition of apparently “stronger” shelf material that has remained intact (headwalls, megablocks), and “weaker” shelf material that disaggregated fully during slope failure. Nevertheless, there is sonograph evidence of variable post-slide disintegration of the megablocks. Contrary to previous interpretations, this suggests that the blocks comprise sedimentary lithologies that are prone to failure, a key aspect awaiting confirmation.  相似文献   

Approximately 12,000 km2 of acoustic backscatter imagery (sidescan) data and swath bathymetry data were collected jointly by Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy, the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), Hawaii Mapping Research Group (HMRG) and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) in 1995. Preliminary analysis of these data have revealed a large network of canyons with well-developed fan deposits and slumps which were not previously mapped. Also identified is a 1400 km2 area occupied by more than 300 circular, low-backscatter features ca. 50–1000 m in diameter which are interpreted to be pockmarks or mounds created by escaping methane gas, methane-rich porewater and mud.Indirect evidence for the probable existence of methane gas hydrate include the five following observations: (1) Core samples in the region contain high levels of organic carbon (>7%), degassing cracks caused by gas expansion, and emit a strong H2S odor. (2) Extensive canyon formation and slumping may have occurred as the result of the destabilization of sediments due to gas accumulation. (3) Several of the high backscatter objects occur at the crest of a bathymetric high under which gas could be accumulating and periodically releasing in a manner similar to that documented on the Vestnesa Ridge in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. (4) Pockmark-like features have been identified in 3.5 kHz records on the northern edge of the Ulleung Basin. (5) Drill core samples from the morphologically similar Yamato Basin, which is adjacent to the Ulleung Basin, have positively identified methane and numerous gas voids in unconsolidated sediments. No bottom simulating reflector (BSR) has been identified in seismic reflection profiles collected across the slope in Ulleung Basin.  相似文献   

东沙海域是南海北部一个重要的天然气水合物成藏区, 其陆坡广泛发育滑塌构造。文章对采自东沙陆坡中部973-4柱样和下部平坦区973-5柱样开展了沉积学粒度、底栖有孔虫种属特征和稳定同位素等的综合分析。研究结果表明: 两个柱样中底栖有孔虫的δ13C在末次冰期均出现明显负偏现象, 同时δ18O增高, 指示该时期东沙海域存在持续的天然气水合物分解事件; 末次冰消期以来, δ13C负偏现象逐渐消失, δ18O值降低, 可能是由于海平面上升阻止了天然气水合物分解。973-4柱样仅在末次盛冰期对应层位440~600cm段存在明显的滑塌沉积, 且该层段对应的特征底栖有孔虫Uvigerina spp.和Bulimina spp.的数量突增, 推测该区的海底滑塌可能是由于末次盛冰期海平面大幅度下降引起天然气水合物大量分解诱发所致; 973-5柱样同样记录到了海底滑塌现象, 但其滑塌沉积晚于973-4柱样的滑塌时间, 且其规模较小。  相似文献   

The free motions in waves of submerged vehicles with a spherical hull from but different metacentric heights are sought. The problem is analysed by considering the submerged vehicle as a neutrally buoyant sphere. The solutions to two independent problems, namely the radiation problem and the diffraction problem, are required. Nondimensional parameters known as the added mass, damping and diffraction coefficients for neutrally buoyant spheres are derived and computed values of these coefficients are presented in tabulated form. The responses of surge, heave and pitch are explicitly expressed by these coefficients and the metacentric height of the submarine. A spherical submarine is practically motionless relative to the particle movement of waves except at the vicinity of reasonant frequency, which is governed by the value of metacentric height.  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2002,4(3-4):221-248
Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the generation and propagation of the semidiurnal internal tide in a submarine canyon with dimensions similar to those of the Monterey Canyon are carried out using a primitive equation model. Forcing with just sea level at the offshore boundary in an initially horizontally homogeneous ocean with realistic vertical stratification, internal tides are generated at the canyon foot and rim, and along portions of the canyon floor. The results compare favorably with observations, both indicating enhancement of energy along the canyon floor propagating at an angle consistent with linear internal wave theory. Due to the earth's rotation, internal tide energy is distributed asymmetrically in the cross-canyon direction, favoring the southern side. The effect of canyon floor slope is explored, with the finding that small changes in the slope result in large changes in the amount and distribution of the internal tide energy. Canyons whose floors are subcritical with respect to the semidiurnal frequency along their entire length have very little baroclinic energy, whereas canyons that are near-critical along much of their length, such as the Monterey Canyon, develop strong internal tides that propagate shoreward. Canyons that are near-critical at their mouths but supercritical further inshore generate the most internal tidal energy overall, although little of it makes it onto the continental shelf shoreward of the canyon head. The effects of internal tides within the canyons can be seen outside the canyons as well. Water is transported from depth onto the adjacent continental shelf along the canyon rims. This tidal pumping can be responsible for alongshore internal tide propagation and tidal-period surface currents with relatively small horizontal scales of variability.  相似文献   

We present field evidence from the Middle Eocene deep-marine Ainsa Basin, Spanish Pyrenees, to show channel-like features likely created by erosive subaqueous debris flows. Evidence from this basin suggests that the most erosive subaqueous debris-flows may create megascours removing up to ∼35 m thickness of sandy submarine-fan deposits from base-of-slope and lower-slope settings. This study suggests that individual debris flows may have been more erosive than turbidity currents, an observation that is opposed to many previous studies from the Ainsa Basin and other ancient deep-water clastic systems. In the Ainsa Basin, many of the debris flows deposited pebbly mudstones immediately above the basal erosion surfaces into which gouging flow-parallel grooves and pebble scours left isolated pebbles embedded in the immediately underlying sandstones. In one particularly well-exposed case, the sandstones immediately below the eroding debris flow were incorporated into it and preserved as sheared, disaggregated, brecciated, and partially liquefied sandstone beds within the pebbly mudstone. Our study suggests that erosion by large-volume debris flows in base-of-slope settings can be at least as important, if not more so, than turbidity currents in producing submarine megascours (probably chutes that, in cross section, superficially resemble submarine channels). This has important implications for understanding the erosivity of debris flows versus turbidity currents in modern and ancient environments, and it has significant implications for hydrocarbon reservoir continuity and heterogeneity, including the origin and recognition of mudstone-filled chutes or channels.  相似文献   

The first high resolution multichannel seismic data from the Mendeleev and Alpha Ridges in the Arctic Ocean have been used to investigate the depositional history, and compare acoustic stratigraphies of the three main sub-marine ridges (Mendeleev, Alpha and Lomonosov) in the polar ocean. Acoustic basement on the Mendeleev Ridge is covered by a ~0.6–0.8 s thick sediment drape over highs and up to 1.8 s within grabens. A pronounced angular discordance at 0.18–0.23 s below the seafloor along the middle to upper slopes divides the succession into an upper, undisturbed, uniformly thick, hemipelagic drape (Unit M1) and a partially truncated lower unit (Unit M2) characterized by strong reflection bands. Unit M2 is thicker in intra-ridge grabens and includes three sub-units with abundant debris flows in the uppermost subunit (M2a). The discordance between Units M1 and M2 most likely relates to instability along the middle to upper slopes and mass wasting, triggered by tectonic activity. The scars were further smoothed by bottom current erosion. We observe comparable acoustic stratigraphy and discordant relationships on the investigated northwestern part of Alpha Ridge. Similarly, on the central Lomonosov Ridge, Paleocene and younger sediments sampled by scientific drilling include an uppermost ~0.2 s thick drape overlying, highly reflective deposits with an angular unconformity confined to the upper slope on both sides of the ridge. Sediment instability on the three main ridges was most likely generated by a brief phase of tectonic activity (~14.5–22 Ma), coinciding with enhanced bottom circulation. These events are coeval with the initial opening of the Fram Strait. The age of the oldest sediments above acoustic basement on the Mendeleev- and west-central Alpha Ridges is estimated to be 70–75 Ma.  相似文献   

A small Holocene fan is forming where Queen Inlet, a hanging valley, enters West Arm fjord, Glacier Bay, Alaska. Queen fan formed in the last 80 years following retreat of the Little Ice Age glacier that filled Glacier Bay about 200 yr BP. It was built mainly by a turbidite system originating from Carroll Glacier delta, as the delta formed in the early 1900s at the head of Queen Inlet. The Late Holocene Queen fan is comparable to large Pleistocene fans that formed in the Gulf of Alaska and differs from trough-mouth fans formed by cooler climate glacier systems. Received: 7 January 1999 / Revision received: 3 June 1999  相似文献   

The seismic stratigraphy, evolution and depositional framework of a sheared-passive margin, the Durban Basin, of South East Africa are described. Based on single-channel 2D seismic reflection data, six seismic units (A-F) are revealed, separated by major sequence boundaries. These are compared to well logs associated with the seismic data set. Internal seismic reflector geometries and sedimentology suggest a range of depositional regimes from syn-rift to upper slope and outer shelf. Nearshore and continental facies are not preserved, with episodic shelf and slope sedimentation related to periods of tectonic-induced base level fall. The sedimentary architecture shows a change from a structurally defined shelf (shearing phase), to shallow ramp and then terminal passive margin sedimentary shelf settings. Sedimentation occurred predominantly during normal regressive conditions with the basin dominated by the progradation of a constructional submarine delta (Tugela Cone) during sea-level lowstands (LST). The earlier phases of sedimentation are tectonic-controlled, however later stages appear to be linked to global eustatic changes.  相似文献   

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