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A study was made on samples from one core collected immediately after the December 2004 Asian tsunami to know the geochemical nature of the offshore tsunami sediments. The core sample was analyzed for sediment grain size, CaCO3, organic carbon (OC) and major elements (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, MnO). The results indicate that the core sample can be divided into two parts: (1) upper 0–25 cm, interpreted to be deposited after tsunami (AT), and (2) lower 25–45 cm, interpreted as before tsunami (BT) as evidenced by the sandy nature AT with fluctuating CaCO3 contents. The AT part is devoid of OC suggesting that the sediment could have been transported to deeper regions along with the finer particles. Major elements such as SiO2, TiO2, CaO indicate high values than the other elements in AT part than in the BT part. The BT part contains Al rich alluvium mud associated with finer mud and organic particles. An analysis of the correlation matrix indicates the possible source of elements and transport of heavy minerals in the AT part than the BT part. The overall results suggest that the sediments could possibly have two different origins.  相似文献   

The 2004 earthquake left several traces of coseismic land deformation and tsunami deposits, both on the islands along the plate boundary and distant shores of the Indian Ocean rim countries. Researchers are now exploring these sites to develop a chronology of past events. Where the coastal regions are also inundated by storm surges, there is an additional challenge to discriminate between the deposits formed by these two processes. Paleo-tsunami research relies largely on finding deposits where preservation potential is high and storm surge origin can be excluded. During the past decade of our work along the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the east coast of India, we have observed that the 2004 tsunami deposits are best preserved in lagoons, inland streams and also on elevated terraces. Chronological evidence for older events obtained from such sites is better correlated with those from Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, reiterating their usefulness in tsunami geology studies.  相似文献   

The 26 December 2004-tsunami has deposited sediments in the Pichavaram mangrove ecosystem, east coast of India. Ten surface and three core sediment samples were collected within 30 days of the event and analyzed for nutrients. Water samples were also analyzed to see the impact of tsunami on the geochemical behavior of nutrients. An increase in the concentration of various nutrients namely nitrate and phosphate was observed. The geochemistry of the mangrove forest was observed to be influenced by a number of factors like rapid increase of aquaculture farms, agricultural practices and the anthropogenic discharge from the nearby-inhabited areas. Further the sediment column was disturbed due to energetic tsunami waves, which has caused a sheer increase in the dissolved oxygen in water. As a result, the change in the redox potential has resulted in change in the nutrients absorbed/associated with the sediments. In addition, role of retreating water after tsunami on the nutrient geochemistry was also evaluated.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2002,182(2-4):483-502
Detailed petrological, mineralogical, geochemical and radiogenic (U, Sr, Nd) and stable isotope (C, O, S) studies have been carried out on the Quaternary phosphorites of the continental margin off Chennai, southeast coast of India. These phosphorites are formed as a result of trapping and binding of sediments by microbial mats and are similar to phosphate stratiform stromatolites. Detrital and biogenic constituents enclosed in the phosphorites controlled the major and minor element composition. Except for Sr and U, the concentrations of most of the trace metals are lower than those in average shale and phosphorite. Middle rare earth element (MREE)-enriched patterns are the characteristic feature. The U–Th dating method indicates that the ages of the phosphorites are beyond 300,000 years. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the phosphorites are higher than that of present-day seawater and εNd values are more negative than those of seawater of the Atlantic Ocean. Carbon isotope ratios are within the range expected for the oxic/suboxic zone but sulfur isotope ratios indicate suboxic conditions during phosphorite formation. These results imply that the benthic microbial mats thrived on the shallow shelf during the Quaternary low sea level conditions. Periodic or episodic sedimentation onto the mats led to their death. The bacteria associated with decaying microbial mats utilised phosphorus supplied by continental sources and rapidly precipitated phosphate. The availability of a high percentage of phosphorus in seawater seems to be an important controlling factor for the formation of phosphate stromatolites. The composition of these phosphorites differs from the modern phosphorites in upwelling regions, but are similar to Cambrian apatite stromatolites. These phosphorites provide evidence that the replicates of ancient phosphate stromatolites do exist in the Quaternary.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted for the Thailand Khao Lak coast using a forward numerical model to understand uncertainties associated with interpreting tsunami deposits and relating them to their tsunami sources. We examined possible effects of the characteristics of tsunami source, multiple waves, sediment supply and local land usages. Numerical results showed that tsunami-deposit extent and thickness could be indicative of the slip value in the source earthquake near the surveyed coastal locations, provided that the sediment supply is unlimited and all the deposits are well preserved. Deposit thickness was found to be largely controlled by the local topography and could be easily modified by backwash flows or subsequent tsunami flows. Between deposit extent and deposit thickness, using deposit extent to interpret the characteristics of a tsunami source is preferable. The changing of land usages between two tsunami events could be another important factor that can significantly alter deposit thickness. There is a need to develop inversion models based on tsunami heights and/or run-up data for studying paleotsunamis.  相似文献   

We describe here a sequence of soft sediment deformation (SSD) structures at Dive Agar beach near Srivardhan in the west coast of India. The ~120-cm-thick sediment package is represented by a basal undeformed sand (layer A) sharply cut by ~30-cm-thick intermixed beach sand and terrigenous sand (layer B1) followed by complex load structures and convolutions (8?C15?cm) within a coarse sandy layer (B2). The layer B2 is scoured by terrigenous sand (layer C1) which is capped with a silty mud layer (C2). The entire sequence (B2?CC1?CC2) is intruded by sand dykes originating from the lower layer B1. This sediment package is further overlain by a heavy mineral reach marine sand (layer D) with liquefactions long axes inclined southward as a result of forceful long-shore drift. The profile ends up with coarse-grained, poorly sorted sand including angular clasts of terrigenous outwash deposits indicating return of distal inundations. Intense deformation (liquefaction) is restricted to the heavy mineral-rich marine and the intermixed sands (layers B2 and D), whereas the terrigenous sand layers show scoured bases with oscillatory and pebbly tops. The presence of complex load structures injecting into the underlying layers, the top-truncated sand dykes, macro-thrust faults, scouring, and inclusion of coral fragments can explain it as a record of tsunami in the west coast. Occurrence of un-decayed consumer plastic material within the deformed layers suggests it as one of the most recent tsunami events (i.e., 2004 IOT), the only reported event after 1945 in the west coast. Alternative marine and terrigenous sands are characteristic of tsunami run-up and backwash deposits, while the dimensions of SSDs may be related to the <2?m magnitude (height) of the 2004 IOT at Dive Agar.  相似文献   

Offshore sediment characteristics of the 2004 tsunami were identified from a shallow core collected from the Chennai Coast, India. The depositional sequence clearly distinguishes four different processes: mixed facies (post-tsunami): 0–8 cm; tsunami return flow facies (TRFF): 8–20 cm; tsunami landward flow facies: 20–44 cm; and pre-tsunami facies: 44–64 cm, which all took place during and after the tsunami event. The coarse-grained nature and higher carbonate in the TRFF indicate that considerable sediment load was transported from the beach/land area to the offshore region during the return flow of tsunami waves. The relatively greater abundance of benthic foraminiferal species in the core sample suggests that the taxa were transported from deeper regions of the inner shelf regions of Bay of Bengal region. The depositional characteristics in this region can be utilized for future comparative studies from this region as well as in other offshore regions affected by tsunamis with sequence-based studies on local topography.  相似文献   

The tsunami of 26th December 2004 severely affected Yemen’s Socotra Island with a death at a distance of 4,600 km from the epicenter of the Magnitude 9.0 earthquake. Yemen allowed a detailed assessment of the far-field impact of a tsunami in the main propagation direction. The UNESCO mission surveyed 12 impacted towns on the north and south shores covering from the east to the west tip of Socotra. The international team members were on the ground in Yemen from 11 to 19 October 2006. The team measured tsunami run-up heights and inundation distances based on the location of watermarks on buildings and eyewitness accounts. Maximum run-up heights were typically on the order of 2–6 m. Each measurement was located by means of global positioning systems (GPS) and photographed. Numerous eyewitness interviews were recorded on video. The tsunami impact on Socotra is compared with other locations along the shores of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

The December 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake and the tsunami that followed killed over 300,000 people. In this paper, we analyze and discuss the geologic causes for this earthquake, the mechanisms that generated it, and follow up with a discussion on ways to prevent this type of disaster in the future.  相似文献   

Four short core samples were collected from the creek, estuarine regions of southeast (SE) coast of India affected by the 2004 Asian Tsunami. The study is aimed to signify the importance of ostracoda species in identifying major natural events (e.g. Tsunamis) in the coastal regions. The presence of many marine ostracoda species in the beach areas and the comparative studies with earlier reports from SE coast indicate that these species were brought by the high-energy tsunami waves. The depositional feature of ostracoda species in the beach and estuarine region also infers on the nature and force of tsunami waves in a particular region. The results clearly support that microfossils can be used to identify the major natural events close to coastal regions.  相似文献   

The tsunami sediments deposited after the December 2004 tsunami were sampled immediately in the coastal environment of Tamil Nadu State on the southeast coast of India. Fifty-four sediment samples were collected and 14 representative samples were selected to identify the level of metal contamination in tsunami sediments. The results indicate that the sediments are mainly of fine to medium-grained sand and contain significantly high contents of dissolved salts in sediments (Na+, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2, Cl) in water-soluble fraction due to seawater deposition and evaporation. Correlation of acid leachable trace metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn) indicate that Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides might play an important role in controlling their association between them. Enrichment of trace metals is observed in all the locations with reference to the background samples. High values of trace metals in the southern part of the study area are due to the large-scale industries along the coast, and they are probably anthropogenic in nature and of marine origin, which could cause serious environmental problems.  相似文献   

A coupled hydrostatic and morph-dynamic model COMCOT-SED was used to investigate the morphological change in Lhok Nga bay during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, and the coupled model predicted the thickness of tsunami deposits in agreement with the measured ones. The relationship between the characteristics of tsunami deposit and flow hydrodynamics was discussed in details. Phenomena such as landward thinning in deposit thickness, landward fining in grain size, and fining upwards in grain size are commonly used to identify tsunami deposits and were examined in this case study. We also discussed the effects of sediment supplies and the constraints that can be put on the earthquake parameters using the information derived from tsunami deposits. This study shows that the model presented in this paper is capable of simulating extreme tsunami events (tsunami wave height ~30?m) in a large domain and that forward models of tsunami sediment transport can be a promising tool to help tsunami geologists understand tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami deposited a sheet of sand with surficial bedforms at the Andaman coast of Thailand. Here we show the recognition of bedforms and the key internal sedimentary structures as criteria of the tsunami supercritical flow condition. The presence of well‐preserved capping bedforms implied a dominant tsunami inflow. Sets of internal sedimentary structures including parallel lamination, seaward and landward inclined‐laminations, and downstream dipping laminae indicated antidune structures that were generated by a supercritical flow current in a depositional stage during the inflow. A set of seaward dipping cross‐laminations containing sand with mud drape on the surface of one depositional layer are a unique indication of an outflow structure. A majority of deposits show normal grading, but in some areas, localized reverse grading was also observed. The recognition of these capping bedforms and determination of the internal sedimentary structures provides new key criteria to help derive a better understanding of tsunami flow conditions.  相似文献   

The Indian Ocean tsunami flooded the coastal zone of the Andaman Sea and left tsunami deposits with a thickness of a few millimetres to tens of centimetres over a roughly one-kilometre-wide tsunami inundation zone. The preservation potential and the post-depositional changes of the onshore tsunami deposits in the coastal plain setting, under conditions of a tropical climate with high seasonal rainfall, were assessed by reinvestigating trenches located along 13 shore-perpendicular transects; the trenches were documented shortly after the tsunami and after 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. The tsunami deposits were found preserved after 4 years at only half of the studied sites. In about 30% of the sites, the tsunami deposits were not preserved due to human activity; in a further 20% of the sites, the thin tsunami deposits were eroded or not recognised due to new soil formation. The most significant changes took place during the first rainy season when the relief of the tsunami deposits was levelled; moderate sediment redeposition took place, and fine surface sediments were washed away, which frequently left a residual layer of coarse sand and gravel. The fast recovery of new plant cover stabilised the tsunami deposits and protected them against further remobilisation during the subsequent years. After five rainy seasons, tsunami deposits with a thickness of at least a few centimetres were relatively well preserved; however, their internal structures were often significantly blurred by roots and animal bioturbation. Moreover, soil formation within the deposits caused alterations, and in the case of thin layers, it was not possible to recognise them anymore. Tsunami boulders were only slightly weathered but not moved. Among the various factors influencing the preservation potential, the thickness of the original tsunami deposits is the most important. A comparison between the first post-tsunami survey and the preserved record suggests that tsunamis with a run-up smaller than three metres are not likely to be preserved; for larger tsunamis, only about 50% of their inundation area is likely to be presented by the preserved extent of the tsunami deposits. Any modelling of paleotsunamis from their deposits must take into account post-depositional changes.  相似文献   

On December 26, 2004 a great earthquake (M W 9.3) occurred off the western coast of Sumatra triggering a series of tsunami waves that propagated across the Indian Ocean causing damage and life loss in 12 countries. This paper summarizes the observations of lifeline performance, building damage and its distribution, and the social and economic impact of the tsunami made by the Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) in Thailand and Sri Lanka. EEFIT operates under the umbrella of the UK’s Institution of Structural Engineers. It is observed that good engineering practice can reduce economic losses, but additional measures are required to reduce risk to life.  相似文献   

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami had a significant impact on the Tamil Nadu coast in India. In this paper, a range of field survey data collected by different survey teams available in literature have been analyzed and compiled to serve as a basis for validation of numerical tsunami simulations. The individual field surveys reveal a significant scatter in the run-up data between the different teams, which point out that the uncertainty in these data must be taken into account when using them for validation. The inundation of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami is simulated for the coastlines of Chennai and Nagapattinam based on high-resolution topography. Different spatially uniform Manning friction as well as heterogeneous friction maps is used. Overall, the simulation results showed a good agreement with the field observations, but there are also some observed spatial variability in the goodness of the fit between the data and simulations. In some areas, clear discrepancies are found. The results obtained using detailed land use maps including spatially variable friction are not significantly more accurate than those employing spatially constant values. For most areas, parameters indicating relatively low friction provided best match with the observations. This may also suggest that the inundation is often strongly governed by local variations in topography.  相似文献   

Distinct assemblages of Recent deep-sea benthonic foraminifera from the southeast Indian Ocean have been shown to be associated with Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Indian Bottom Water (IBW). The AABW assemblage is divided into two groups. One is dominated by Epistominella umbonifera and is associated with AABW having temperatures between ?0.2° and 0.4°C. The second group is dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa and is associated with AABW having temperatures between 0.6° and 0.8°C. The IBW assemblage is marked by the strong dominance of Uvigerina spp. and Epistominella exigua. The faunal-water-mass relationships have been used to infer the history of bottom-water circulation over the last 500,000 yr in this region using faunal data from four Eltanin cores. One core was taken from the Southeast Indian Ridge in association with IBW, and three were taken from the flank of the ridge associated with AABW flowing within a western boundary contour current in the South Australian Basin. Little faunal variation exists in the core beneath IBW (E48-22), indicating that IBW was present on the Southeast Indian Ridge during the last 300,000 yr. A record of the intensity of AABW circulation during the last 500,000 yr is inferred from the benthonic foraminiferal data in the three cores located within the western boundary contour current. Marked oscillations in the relative proportions of AABW and IBW faunal assemblages are found in one core, E48-03. The faunal variations are inferred to have resulted from variation in intensity of AABW circulation between 500,000 and 195,000 yr B.P. In E48-03, the AABW assemblage was present most of the time between 500,000 and 195,000 yr B.P., with low intensity of AABW circulation occurring primarily during the equivalent of stages 8 and 7 (t = 305,000 to 195,000 yr B.P.). The intensity of AABW circulation varied, with a maximum occurring during the equivalent of stage 11 (t = 420,000 yr B.P.). Two additional cores, E45-27 and E45–74, show relatively constant intensity of AABW circulation from 195,000 yr B.P. to the present. The intensity of AABW circulation at the present appears to be intermediate between a maximum during the equivalent of stage 11 (t = 420,000 yr B.P.) and the minimum during the equivalent of stage 8 (t = 275,000 yr B.P.). AABW production has occurred during both glacial and interglacial episodes. Bottom-water productivity has been suggested to play an important role in glacial/interglacial oscillations during the late Quaternary (Weyl, 1968; Newell, 1974). In this study, the relationship between bottom-water circulation and climatic fluctuations appears to be more complex than had been previously suggested, since a simple relationship between Quaternary bottom-water circulation and paleoclimatic fluctuations is not shown.  相似文献   

西南印度洋中脊(SWIR)平均扩张速率约为14 mm/yr,是全球洋中脊系统的重要组成端元,因其具有慢速-超慢速扩张特征,引起全球科学家的广泛关注。基于前人对SWIR的综合研究成果,从构造和岩浆作用两个角度出发,系统地回顾了SWIR的形成和演化历史,探讨了岩浆的分布特征和地幔不均一性成因。SWIR的形成始于冈瓦纳大陆的裂解,中段洋脊区域(26~42°E)是印度洋最早开启的窗口,历经多次洋脊跃迁和扩展作用形成了斜向扩张展布,多分段的构造格局。地幔热点在冈瓦纳大陆裂解过程中扮演了关键角色,并对SWIR的洋底地貌和岩浆作用具有显著影响,其中Bouvet和 Marion热点在SWIR的西段和中段岩浆均留下了地球化学印迹。SWIR西段岩浆除却Bouvet热点影响之外表现出与大西洋-太平洋型玄武岩相似的同位素地球化学特征。在SWIR中段,39~41°E附近的岩浆具有显著的DUPAL异常特征,与冈瓦纳大陆的初始形成、裂解紧密相关。受俯冲改造的中—新元古代的造山带岩石圈地幔拆沉是造成SWIR中段地幔不均一性的重要根源。在SWIR东段,46~52°E区域内的局部岩浆组成异常,推测具有大陆地壳物质混染的成因。而在Melville转换断层以东,洋脊形成时间最晚,玄武岩的地幔源区受到了富集组分的交代作用,其同位素组成与相邻的中印度洋中脊(CIR)和东南印度洋中脊(SEIR)地幔源区具有亲缘性。  相似文献   

The large tsunami, which was generated by an earthquake on 26 December 2004, affected most of the countries around the Indian Ocean. A total of 48 tsunamigenic surface sediments and nine core samples have been collected from various coastal geomorphological features such as beaches, estuaries/creeks and mangrove areas in the Andaman Islands. These samples were analysed for textural analysis and geochemical studies to evaluate effects of the tsunami on sediment contamination. The studied sediments, deposited by the 26 December 2004 tsunami in Andaman group of islands, belong to poorly sorted, coarse to medium sands. Generally the concentration of heavy metals in the tsunamigenic surface sediments is mainly in the order of Cu > Mn > Fe > Zn > Pb during the post-tsunami (2005) and Cu > Fe > Mn > Zn > Pb during the post-monsoon (2008). The analysed core samples show that tsunami sediments have been preserved at certain depths from the sampling locations and indicate that they were derived from shallow littoral to neritic depths. The approximate width of deposits deposited by the 26 December 2004 Tsunami in Diglipur and Mayabandar areas (North Andaman) is ~10 cm, in Rangat and Baratang (Middle Andaman) the thickness of the deposits is ~15 cm. In Chidiyatapu, Junglighat, Rutland Islands and Havelock Island (South Andaman) the thickness of the deposits is ~30, ~8, ~25 and ~5 cm, respectively, and in Hut Bay (Little Andaman) the thickness of the deposits is about ~15 cm.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the field measurements and numerical modelling carried out to develop a high-resolution tsunami inundation map, as a case study, for the city of Trincomalee on the east coast of Sri Lanka, which was devastated by the 2004 tsunami. We employ the deterministic approach together with numerical simulations based on the probable worst-case scenario to derive the inundation map. Linear and non-linear versions of shallow-water equations have been utilized to simulate tsunami propagation and onshore inundation, respectively. The field data considered in the present paper comprise the extent of inundation, the tsunami heights and the arrival times whilst the model results include the spatial distribution of the flow depth, the peak current speeds and the momentum flux. The computed extent of onshore inundation reproduces the observed overall pattern of inundation in most areas barring the south-eastern part of the city. Further, the model simulations suggest maximum flow depths up to about 2 m in most areas of the city whilst patches of flow depths exceeding 2 m can be seen in a narrow strip along the coastline. The computed current speeds also exceed 3 m/s at some locations adjacent to the shoreline.  相似文献   

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