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Discovery Bay, a carbonate-dominated embayment in north Jamaica, has been subject to inputs for 40 years of iron-rich bauxite sediment associated with the local mining and transport of processed bauxite. As such, this site is an ideal natural laboratory to study the records and impacts of iron oxide inputs upon geochemical, diagenetic, and microbial processes in tropical carbonate sediments.Total Fe contents in sites in the bay not receiving bauxite inputs are negligible and porewater Ca2+, SO42− and Cl indicate that bacterial sulphate reduction is an important process. In contrast, surface sediments receiving bauxite inputs contain significant total Fe, from 44 μmol/g in shallow (5 m water depth) sites to 110 μmol/g in deeper (20 m water depth) sites. Up-core increases in total Fe record increased temporal inputs into the bay. Within these Fe-rich sediments porewater data shows the presence of FeII released by bacterial FeIII reduction. There is no direct evidence for significant bacterial sulphate reduction in these sediments. Iron oxides within all bauxite-impacted sediments display a high potential reducibility, from 40% to 80% of the total Fe present as dithionite-extractable FeIII. Experimental analysis of the potential susceptibility to, and rates of, bacterial FeIII reduction, utilising Discovery Bay sediment and Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 (a known FeIII-reducer) has confirmed the high bacterial reducibility of iron oxides within the sediment. Up to 75% of initial dithionite-extractable FeIII in the sediments was reduced over 15 days.The presence of iron oxides within the Discovery Bay shallow marine carbonate systems has markedly altered the chemical diagenetic processes taking place, with a shift from apparent dominance of bacterial sulphate reduction at non-impacted (Fe-poor) sites, to highly significant bacterial FeIII reduction in Fe-rich bauxite-impacted sediments. Given the perceived global increases in terrigenoclastic sediment inputs into tropical carbonate systems as a result of land-use and climate changes, coupled with the documented role that iron oxide reduction plays in nutrient and contaminant cycling in sediment systems, more research into the perturbation of early diagenesis by iron oxide inputs is required.  相似文献   

Knowledge of estuarine hydrodynamics and water quality comes mostly from studies of large estuarine systems. The processes affecting algae, nutrients, and dissolved oxygen (DO) in small and shallow subtropical estuaries are relatively less studied. This paper documents the development, calibration, and verification of a three dimensional (3D) water quality model for the St. Lucie Estuary (SLE), a small and shallow estuary located on the east coast of south Florida. The water quality model is calibrated and verified using two years of measured data. Statistical analyses indicate that the model is capable of reproducing key water quality characteristics of the estuary within an acceptable range of accuracy. The calibrated model is further applied to study hydrodynamic and eutrophication processes in the estuary. Modeling results reveal that high algae concentrations in the estuary are likely caused by excessive nutrient and algae supplies in freshwater inflows. While algal blooms may lead to reduced DO concentrations near the bottom of the waterbody, this study indicates that stratification and circulation induced by freshwater inflows may also contribute significantly to bottom water hypoxia in the estuary. It is also found that high freshwater inflows from one of the tributaries can change the circulation pattern and nutrient loading, thereby impacting water quality conditions of the entire estuary. Restoration plans for the SLE ecosystem need to consider both a reduction of nutrient loading and regulation of the freshwater discharge pattern.  相似文献   

 Shallow marine carbonate sediments near the Dry Tortugas undergo extensive biogeochemical diagenesis upon deposition, resulting in postdepositional fabric comprised of micritic aggregates of clay-sized particles, a matrix of peloidal mud, and intraparticular cementation. Freshly deposited primary skeletons, mostly Halimeda fragments, yield micritic aggregates of clay-sized particles, which then form peloidal mud fabric upon compaction. The cryptocrystalline particles produced by micritization are later replaced by high magnesian calcite. Cementation is observed in the intra-particular microenvironment. However, no inter-particular, grain-binding cement was detected throughout the gravity core samples investigated.  相似文献   

Whilst the relationship between stratigraphic development and carbonate cementation within siliciclastic succession has been documented through a number case studies, these studies have been generally restricted to observations upon individual sequences and/or limited sub-surface data. In this paper, long-term (5 million years), large-scale (>200 km) stratigraphic controls on carbonate cementation patterns are documented from the Upper Cretaceous Panther Tongue Member, Blackhawk Formation and Castlegate Sandstone exposed in the Book Cliffs in Utah and Colorado, USA. Together, these comprise eight progradational wedges of sandstones, which interfinger with the Mancos Shale, deposited within the Western Interior Seaway foreland basin. Petrographic analyses of ferroan dolomite cement bodies within these sandstone wedges show that the ferroan dolomite cements are all early, relative to burial diagenesis within the host sandstones. Stable isotope analyses indicates that a significant meteoric component was present in precipitating fluids and this is consistent with the observation that cements, are always present down-dip of sequence boundaries and/or leached whitecaps beneath coals. In addition, the lateral distribution of cement bodies increases consistently up-succession from less than 5 km in extent in the older sequences, to 30 km in extent in the youngest sequences. These changes in distribution are in response to the increased progradation and increased and more aerially extensive sequence-boundary development in younger sequences. The implications of these data are that whilst localized spatial patterns of diagenesis, and in particular carbonate cementation, are predictable and controlled by the nature and presence of individual stratal surfaces, systematic diagenetic alteration patterns are also present at the sedimentary basin scale and controlled by the nature of larger-scale stratigraphic development and basin evolution. This evolution may be driven by eustatic shifts, or through tectonic or climatic driven base-level shifts. These observations allow an improved insight into the basin-scale processes that control the macroscopic diagenetic properties of sedimentary successions and sub-surface hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the biotransformations of organic and mineral compounds of biogenic elements (P, N, and Si) and dissolved organic carbon was applied for a theoretical analysis of the recycling of nutrients in the coastal zone of the Canary water upwelling. The aim of this study was to quantitatively estimate the effect of nutrient recycling on the dynamics of the biomasses of microorganisms as a matter basis for the biological productivity of the marine environment. Model calculations were carried out for four near-shore areas off the Moroccan Sahara using the morphometric data (mean depths, water volumes, and areas) and longterm monthly mean values of the parameters of the marine environment (temperature, light intensity, water transparency, and depth of the thermocline). In the calculations, no account was taken for the flow rates across the boundaries between the areas and only indirect account for the vertical exchange was taken. At the absence of nutrient transfer, the model reproduces particular features of the dynamics of nutrient and detritus concentrations and the biomasses of microorganisms resulting from the internal recycling of organic and mineral substances only. In order to characterize the processes of the biotransformation, the internal fluxes and turnover times of organic and mineral components were estimated together with the biomasses and biological productivities of microorganisms.  相似文献   

Underwater acoustic transient signals are generated mechanically at known positions along a wharf. These signals are received by a wide aperture planar array of four underwater acoustic sensors, whose positions relative to the wharf are unknown. A method is described that enables the positions of the sensors to be estimated from accurate differential time-of-arrival measurements (with 0.1 /spl mu/s precision) as the signal wavefronts traverse the array. A comparison of the estimated positions with the nominal positions of the first three sensors, which form a 20-m-wide aperture horizontal line array, reveals a 2-cm displacement of the middle sensor from the line array axis. This slight bowing of the line array results in overranging (bias error of 3%) when the wavefront curvature method is used with the nominal collinear sensor positions to locate a static source of active sonar transmissions at a range of 59.2 m. The use of the spherical intersection method coupled with the estimated sensor positions of the line array provides an order of magnitude improvement in the range estimate (within 0.3% of the actual value). However, systematic ranging errors are observed when the sound propagation medium becomes nonstationary. Next, the differences in the arrival times of the direct path and boundary-reflected path signals at the middle sensor of the wide aperture line array are estimated using the differential phase residue of the analytic signal at the sensor output. These multipath delays are used to estimate the range and depth of the source. Although the average value of the multipath range estimates is within 0.5% of the actual value, the variance of the range estimates is 50 times larger when compared with the results of the spherical intersection and wavefront curvature methods. The multipath delay data are also processed to provide a reliable estimate of the temporal variation in the water depth enabling the tidal variation to be observed.  相似文献   

The Coal Oil Point seep field located offshore Santa Barbara, CA, consists of dozens of named seeps, including a peripheral ~200 m2 area known as Brian Seep, located in 10 m water depth. A single comprehensive survey of gas flux at Brian Seep yielded a methane release rate of ~450 moles of CH4 per day, originating from 68 persistent gas vents and 23 intermittent vents, with gas flux among persistent vents displaying a log normal frequency distribution. A subsequent series of 33 repeat surveys conducted over a period of 6 months tracked eight persistent vents, and revealed substantial temporal variability in gas venting, with flux from each individual vent varying by more than a factor of 4. During wintertime surveys sediment was largely absent from the site, and carbonate concretions were exposed at the seafloor. The presence of the carbonates was unexpected, as the thermogenic seep gas contains 6.7% CO2, which should act to dissolve carbonates. The average δ13C of the carbonates was ?29.2?±?2.8‰ VPDB, compared to a range of ?1.0 to +7.8‰ for CO2 in the seep gas, indicating that CO2 from the seep gas is quantitatively not as important as 13C-depleted bicarbonate derived from methane oxidation. Methane, with a δ13C of approximately ?43‰, is oxidized and the resulting inorganic carbon precipitates as high-magnesium calcite and other carbonate minerals. This finding is supported by 13C-depleted biomarkers typically associated with anaerobic methanotrophic archaea and their bacterial syntrophic partners in the carbonates (lipid biomarker δ13C ranged from ?84 to ?25‰). The inconsistency in δ13C between the carbonates and the seeping CO2 was resolved by discovering pockets of gas trapped near the base of the sediment column with δ13C-CO2 values ranging from ?26.9 to ?11.6‰. A mechanism of carbonate formation is proposed in which carbonates form near the sediment–bedrock interface during times of sufficient sediment coverage, in which anaerobic oxidation of methane is favored. Precipitation occurs at a sufficient distance from active venting for the molecular and isotopic composition of seep gas to be masked by the generation of carbonate alkalinity from anaerobic methane oxidation.
Processes modulating carbonate formation at Brian Seep (California) during times of high and low sediment burden  相似文献   

The performance of extractants commonly used in the determination of acid volatile sulfide minerals (e.g., ‘amorphous-FeS’, mackinawite and greigite) and pyrite has been evaluated using pure mineral phases and anoxic sediments. ‘Amorphous-FeS’ and mackinawite are quantitatively recovered by most cold acid extractions, but greigite recovery is incomplete. Harsher extractants with reducing agents are necessary for the complete recovery of greigite, but dissolution of fine-grained synthetic pyrite occurs under such conditions. A quantitative separation between greigite and pyrite is not possible using these techniques, but the use of ‘acid volatile sulfide’ and ‘pyrite’ as operational categories is adequate for most field studies.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of different components to the attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation was determined in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system based on laboratory and in situ measurements. Agreement between laboratory and in situ measurements of the attenuation coefficient (kt) was good (r2 = 0·92). For all in situ measurements (n = 100), suspended, non-chlorophyll matter accounted for an average of 72% of kt, dissolved matter accounted for 21%, suspended chlorophyll for 4%, and water for the remaining 3%.For individual determinations, suspended non-chlorophyll matter, dissolved matter, suspended chlorophyll, and water, each accounted for as much as 99%, 79%, 21%, and 18% of kt. Attenuation by suspended matter was greatest near the mouth of the northern tidal rivers and was variable over the rest of the estuarine system. Attenuation by dissolved matter was greatest in the brackish tidal rivers and decreased with increasing salinity. Attenuation due to dissolved matter was positively correlated with water color. The source of the color was basin runoff. Wavelength transmittance changed along the salinity gradient. Maximum transmittance shifted from 500 to 600 nm in gulf waters to 650 to 700 nm in colored, brackish waters. Dissolved matter was primarily responsible for the large attenuation at short wavelengths (400–500 nm).  相似文献   

 Functional group analysis was used to determine the major bioturbators in the Dry Tortugas, Florida Keys. The surface community is dominated by surface deposit feeding polychaetes and burrowing bivalves capable of mixing the top 0–4 cm of the sediment on time scales of days to weeks. Bioturbation by the Notomastus sp. and Callianassa sp. deep community effectively removes primary sedimentary structures. Their fossilized burrow structures may be geologically important in this system. Surface microtopography is controlled by stabilizing and destabilizing forces that determine the potential for surface resuspension and sediment transport in the Dry Tortugas.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in nitrogen isotopic composition (δ15N) of the NO3 pool in the water column below the pycnocline in Ise Bay, Japan were investigated to evaluate the effect of nitrification on the change in the δ15N in the water column. The δ15N of NO3 in the lower layers varied from −8.5‰ in May to +8.4‰ in July in response to the development of seasonal hypoxia and conversion from NH4 + to NO3 . The significantly 15N-depleted NO3 in May most likely arose from nitrification in the water column. The calculated apparent isotopic discrimination for water column nitrification (ɛnit = δ15Nsubstrate − δ15Nproduct) was 24.5‰, which lies within the range of previous laboratory-based estimates. Though prominent deficits of NO3 from hypoxic bottom waters due to denitrification were revealed in July, the isotopic discrimination of denitrification in the sediments was low (ɛdenit = ∼1‰). δ15NNO3 in the hypoxic lower layer mainly reflects the isotopic effect of water column nitrification, given that water column nitrification is not directly linked with sedimentary denitrification and the effect of sedimentary denitrification on the change in δ15NNO3 is relatively small.  相似文献   

Handling of heavy structures demand unusual crane capacity. Availability of such cranes may be limited in developing countries. An innovative way to construct and launch heavy concrete structures in a developing country, where crane availability is rare, to lift, transport and handle heavy structures, is discussed in this paper. Heavy caissons are used in the marine environment as breakwaters, as berthing facilities for vessels, as gravity structures to absorb energy from waves, etc. The methodology for constructing multi-caissons on-board a barge and then on-board a floating dock is the subject of this paper. The respective feasibilities are discussed.The free floating condition of the caisson and its righting arm stability are described. At first the caisson was considered as its lip wall opened to the sea. The case of lip wall closed for more buoyancy is also considered. The stability of the barge and floating docks is shown for various stages of completion of construction. After investigating many factors, a safe procedure for construction and launching thereafter is described in this paper. The problem of handling a heavy concrete structure from the view point of a naval architect is highlighted.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》1986,20(1):91-112
The behavior of carbonates in natural waters is strongly influenced by surface chemistry. Such major aspects of carbonate behavior as the retention of supersaturation in the surface ocean, persistence of metastable phases, and carbonate accumulation in sediments overlain by undersaturated waters have been attributed to processes occurring on carbonate mineral surfaces. Adsorption on carbonate minerals is often strongly influenced by epitaxial considerations and dominated by strong chemical interactions which lead to irreversible behavior. It has been demonstrated for several inorganic ions that their adsorption onto carbonate mineral surfaces can lead to new surface phases, such as apatite and rhodochrosite. A variety of organic compounds have been found to strongly adsorb on carbonate mineral surfaces. However, our understanding of the role of organic matter in natural systems is significantly complicated by the biogenic nature of most marine carbonates.  相似文献   

Closed system equilibration experiments between natural seawater and shallow water calcium carbonate-rich sediments from the Bahamas yielded steady-state calcium carbonate ion activity products (CCIAP). Results obtained from initially supersaturated and undersaturated solutions were in good agreement. Experiments conducted with the addition of a biocide and/or the destruction of sediment organic matter gave results similar to those obtained in systems where these treatments were not used. Excellent agreement was also found between CCIAP values for 8 day and more than 50 day equilibration times. Our results, therefore, meet the major criteria for at least metastable equilibrium between the solution and carbonate sediment.Fine-grained samples produced a CCIAP close to the value predicted for aragonite, which is the major carbonate phase in all samples. Coarse-grained sediments produced larger CCIAP values of up to 2.8 times that predicted for aragonite equilibrium. The CCIAP for the coarse-grained sediments is probably produced by high-Mg calcite which is a significant component of these sediments. Oolite samples were among the coarse-grained sediment samples studied. They also produced results much greater than expected for aragonite equilibrium. This brings into question their use as material for measuring aragonite solubility as has been done in the past.The CCIAP measured in the laboratory experiments are in good agreement with field observations of pore-water CCIAP values from the fine-grained sediments. Coarse-grained sediments showed greater variability, with higher CCIAP values generally occurring in the pore waters than in the laboratory experiments. Since the overlying waters were always at a higher CCIAP than the pore waters, the major factor causing this difference is believed to be the short residence time of pore waters in the coarse-grained sediments, which is the result of the high-energy hydrodynamic environments in which they reside.  相似文献   

张熠  程涛 《中国海洋工程》2016,30(4):549-564
With noticing an increasing number of failure events for offshore structures in the present days, it is now realized that modeling the marine environment especially for exceptional environmental conditions is quite important. It is recognized that a possible improvement in the traditional modeling of environmental characteristics, which are the basis for the load models for structural analysis and design, may be needed. In this paper, the seasonal and directional varying properties in modeling the ocean parameter, the wave height, are studied. The peak over threshold (POT) method is selected to model the extreme wave height by utilizing a non-stationary discrete statistical extreme model. The varying parameters are taken into account with a changing pattern to reflect the seasonal and directional dependent behavior. Both the magnitude and the occurrence rate of the extreme values are investigated. Detailed discussion on the continuity of the established model is also given. The importance of the proposed model is demonstrated in reliability analysis for a jacket structure. The sensitivity to the changing marine environment in reliability analyses is investigated.  相似文献   

卫星遥感海洋环境要素的渔场渔情分析应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
樊伟  周芳  沈建华 《海洋科学》2005,29(11):67-72
20世纪70年代初Laurs,Kemmerer,Stevenson等的试验性研究使得卫星遥感海水表层温度(SST)和海洋水色信息在渔场渔情分析中得到初步应用。由于卫星遥感所获取的各类海洋环境要素信息能够帮助渔民减少寻鱼时间,节约燃料,提高渔捞效率,因此,随着卫星遥感技术的快速发展和所获取海洋环境要素的增加,海水叶绿素、海面高度及海流信息等也迅速运用到商业捕捞中。与此同时,卫星遥感反演精度的提高也使得其在渔场渔情分析中的应用从试验研究阶段走向业务化应用。  相似文献   

A numerical model was used to predict toxic microalgal transport and dispersion in Ria de Aveiro in Portugal. A previously developed Lagrangean particle tracking model coupled to a calibrated two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of Ria de Aveiro was used. Microalgae were regarded as passive particles and the methodology used allowed the determination of their trajectories, as induced by the tidal currents predicted by the hydrodynamic model. The model assumes Ria de Aveiro as vertically homogeneous and does not take into account the vertical distribution patterns of microalgae. Simulations were carried out during extreme spring and neap tides, with microalgal released at the mouth of the lagoon at the local flood. The maximum and minimum areas affected during the occurrence of toxic microalgal blooms were estimated to evaluate the suitability of the distribution of the sampling stations included in the local monitoring program. It was found that the tidal currents greatly determine the microalgal horizontal distribution and dispersal in the lagoon. The results confirmed that the locations of water and bivalve shellfish sampling stations, postulated by INIAP/IPIMAR, in the context of the local harmful algal bloom (HAB) program, were appropriate, although some possible refinements were identified.  相似文献   

针对我国南海海域可能出现的超过百年一遇的灾害性海况,结合挪威船级社的DeepC以及ABAQUS软件,通过全系统耦合分析获得张紧式生产立管随TLP平台在灾害海况下的强迫运动,并考虑波浪、流等环境载荷的联合作用,研究TLP张紧式生产立管在灾害海况下的随机结构动力响应。根据广义极值理论对随机结果数据进行拟合后,基于相应规范进行强度分析,完成立管在灾害海洋环境下的安全性评估。  相似文献   

海洋环境观测技术研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
回顾了近年来海洋观测技术发展的基本情况和主要成果,同时指出了海洋观测技术的局限性,与数值模拟技术相结合的必要性,以及加强发展海啸、风暴潮和孤立内波等灾害性强海洋动力过程的监测技术和预警研究的迫切性。  相似文献   

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