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We study the relations between luminosity and chemical-abundance profiles of spiral galaxies, using detailed models for the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of galactic discs. The models are 'calibrated' on the Milky Way disc and are successfully extended to other discs with the help of simple 'scaling' relations, obtained in the framework of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. We find that our models exhibit oxygen abundance gradients that increase in absolute value with decreasing disc luminosity (when expressed in dex kpc−1) and are independent of disc luminosity (when expressed in dex scalelength−1), both in agreement with observations. We notice an important strong correlation between abundance gradient and disc scalelength. These results support the idea of 'homologous evolution' of galactic discs.  相似文献   

We explore the implications for the high-redshift universe of 'state-of-the-art' models for the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of spiral galaxies. The models are based on simple 'scaling relations' for discs, obtained in the framework of cold dark matter models for galaxy formation, and were 'calibrated' so as to reproduce the properties of the Milky Way and of nearby discs (at redshift z ∼0) . In this paper, we compare the predictions of our 'hybrid' approach to galaxy evolution to observations at moderate and high redshift. We find that the models are in fairly good agreement with observations up to z ∼1 , while some problems appear at higher redshift (provided there is no selection bias in the data); these discrepancies may suggest that galaxy mergers (not considered in this work) played a non-negligible role at z >1 . We also predict the existence of a 'universal' correlation between abundance gradients and disc scalelengths, independent of redshift.  相似文献   

We study the star formation history of normal spirals by using a large and homogeneous data sample of local galaxies. For our analysis we utilize detailed models of chemical and spectrophotometric galactic evolution, calibrated on the Milky Way disc. We find that star formation efficiency is independent of galactic mass, while massive discs have, on average, lower gas fractions and are redder than their low-mass counterparts; put together, these findings convincingly suggest that massive spirals are older than low-mass ones. We evaluate the effective ages of the galaxies of our sample and we find that massive spirals must be several Gyr older than low-mass ones. We also show that these galaxies (having rotational velocities in the 80–400 km s−1 range) cannot have suffered extensive mass losses, i.e. they cannot have lost during their lifetime an amount of mass much larger than their current content of gas+stars.  相似文献   

The effects of late gas accretion episodes and subsequent merger-induced starbursts on the photochemical evolution of elliptical galaxies are studied and compared to the picture of galaxy formation occurring at high redshift with a unique and intense starburst modulated by a very short infall, as suggested by Pipino and Matteucci in Paper I. By means of the comparison with the colour–magnitude relations (CMRs) and the  [〈Mg/Fe〉 V ]–σ  relation observed in ellipticals, we conclude that either bursts involving a gas mass comparable to the mass already transformed into stars during the first episode of star formation (SF) and occurring at any redshift, or bursts occurring at low redshift (i.e. z ≤ 0.2) and with a large range of accreted mass, are ruled out. These models fail in matching the above relations even if the initial infalling hypothesis is relaxed, and the galaxies form either by means of more complicated SF histories or by means of the classical monolithic model. On the other hand, galaxies accreting a small amount of gas at high redshift (i.e. z ≥ 3) produce a spread in the model results, with respect to the best model of Paper I, which is consistent with the observational scatter of the CMRs, although there is only marginal agreement with the  [〈Mg/Fe〉 V ]–σ  relation. Therefore, only small perturbations to the standard scenario seem to be allowed. We stress that the strongest constraints to galaxy-formation mechanisms are represented by the chemical abundances, whereas the colours can be reproduced under several different hypotheses.  相似文献   

We have constructed a family of simple models for spiral galaxy evolution to allow us to investigate observational trends in star formation history with galaxy parameters. The models are used to generate broad-band colours from which ages and metallicities are derived in the same way as the data. We generate a grid of model galaxies and select only those that lie in regions of parameter space covered by the sample. The data are consistent with the proposition that the star formation history of a region within a galaxy depends primarily on the local surface density of the gas but that one or two additional ingredients are required to explain the observational data fully. The observed age gradients appear steeper than those produced by the density dependent star formation law, indicating that the star formation law or infall history must vary with galactocentric radius. Furthermore, the metallicity–magnitude and age–magnitude correlations are not reproduced by a local density dependence alone. These correlations require one or both of the following: (i) a combination of mass dependent infall and metal enriched outflow, or (ii) a mass dependent galaxy formation epoch. Distinguishing these possibilities on the basis of current data is extremely difficult.  相似文献   

We present a statistical analysis of the largest X-ray survey of nearby spiral galaxies in which diffuse emission has been separated from discrete source contributions. Regression and rank-order correlation analyses are used to compare X-ray properties, such as total, source and diffuse luminosities and diffuse emission temperature, with a variety of physical and multiwavelength properties, such as galaxy mass, type and activity, and optical and infrared luminosity.
The results are discussed in terms of the way in which hot gas and discrete X-ray sources scale with the mass and activity of galaxies, and with the star formation rate. We find that the X-ray properties of starburst galaxies are dependent primarily on their star-forming activity, whilst for more quiescent galaxies, galaxy mass is the more important parameter. One of the most intriguing results is the tight linear scaling between far-infrared and diffuse X-ray luminosity across the sample, even though the hot gas changes from a hydrostatic corona to a free wind across the activity range sampled here.  相似文献   

We have used a large sample of low-inclination spiral galaxies with radially resolved optical and near-infrared photometry to investigate trends in star formation history with radius as a function of galaxy structural parameters. A maximum-likelihood method was used to match all the available photometry of our sample to the colours predicted by stellar population synthesis models. The use of simplistic star formation histories, uncertainties in the stellar population models and considering the importance of dust all compromise the absolute ages and metallicities derived in this work; however, our conclusions are robust in a relative sense. We find that most spiral galaxies have stellar population gradients, in the sense that their inner regions are older and more metal rich than their outer regions. Our main conclusion is that the surface density of a galaxy drives its star formation history, perhaps through a local density dependence in the star formation law. The mass of a galaxy is a less important parameter; the age of a galaxy is relatively unaffected by its mass; however, the metallicity of galaxies depends on both surface density and mass. This suggests that galaxy‐mass-dependent feedback is an important process in the chemical evolution of galaxies. In addition, there is significant cosmic scatter suggesting that mass and density may not be the only parameters affecting the star formation history of a galaxy.  相似文献   

We present 3D hydrodynamical simulations of ram-pressure stripping of a disc galaxy orbiting in a galaxy cluster. In this paper, we focus on the properties of the galaxies' tails of stripped gas. The galactic wakes show a flaring width, where the flaring angle depends on the gas disc's cross-section with respect to the galaxy's direction of motion. The velocity in the wakes shows a significant turbulent component of a few     . The stripped gas is deposited in the cluster rather locally, i.e. within     from where it was stripped. We demonstrate that the most important quantity governing the tail density, length and gas mass distribution along the orbit is the galaxy's mass-loss per orbital length. This in turn depends on the ram pressure as well as the galaxy's orbital velocity.
For a sensitivity limit of     in projected gas density, we find typical tail lengths of     . Such long tails are seen even at large distances (0.5 to     ) from the cluster centre. At this sensitivity limit, the tails show little flaring, but a width similar to the gas disc's size.
Morphologically, we find good agreement with the H  i tails observed in the Virgo cluster by Chung et al. 2007 . However, the observed tails show a much smaller velocity width than predicted from the simulation. The few known X-ray and Hα tails are generally much narrower and much straighter than the tails in our simulations. Thus, additional physics like a viscous intracluster medium (ICM), the influence of cooling and tidal effects may be needed to explain the details of the observations.
We discuss the hydrodynamical drag as a heat source for the ICM but conclude that it is not likely to play an important role, especially not in stopping cooling flows.  相似文献   

We present a generalization of the multiphase chemical evolution model (CEM) applied to a wide set of theoretical galaxies with different masses and evolutionary rates. This generalized set of models has been computed using the so-called universal rotation curve from Persic, Salucci & Steel to calculate the radial mass distribution of 44 theoretical protogalaxies. This distribution is a fundamental input which, besides its own effect on the galaxy evolution, defines the characteristic collapse time-scale or gas infall rate on to the disc. We have adopted 10 sets of values, between 0 and 1, for the molecular cloud and star formation efficiencies, as corresponding to their probability nature, for each one of the radial distributions of total mass. Thus, we have constructed a biparametric grid of models, depending on those efficiency sets and on the rotation velocity, whose results are valid in principle for any spiral or irregular galaxy. The model results provide the time-evolution of different regions of the disc and the halo along galactocentric distance, measured by the gas (atomic and molecular) and stellar masses, the star formation rate (SFR) and chemical abundances of 14 elements, for a total of 440 models. This grid may be used to estimate the evolution of a given galaxy for which only present time information, such as radial distributions of elemental abundances, gas densities and/or star formation, which are the usual observational constraints of chemical evolution models (CEMs), is available.  相似文献   

We have imaged a sample of 45 face-on spiral galaxies in the K band, to determine the morphology of the old stellar population, which dominates the mass in the disc. The K -band images of the spiral galaxies have been used to calculate different characteristics of the underlying density perturbation such as arm strengths, profiles and cross-sections, and spiral pitch angles. Contrary to expectations, no correlation was found between arm pitch angle and Hubble type, and combined with previous results this leads us to conclude that the morphology of the old stellar population bears little resemblance to the optical morphology used to classify galaxies. The arm properties of our galaxies seem inconsistent with predictions from the simplest density wave theories, and some observations, such as variations in pitch angle within galaxies, seem hard to reconcile even with more complex modal theories. Bars have no detectable effect on arm strengths for the present sample. We have also obtained B -band images of three of the galaxies. For these galaxies we have measured arm cross-sections and strengths, to investigate the effects of disc density perturbations on star formation in spiral discs. We find that B -band arms lead K -band arms and are narrower than K -band arms, apparently supporting predictions made by the large-scale shock scenario, although the effects of dust on B -band images may contribute towards these results.  相似文献   

Photometry and long-slit spectroscopy are presented for a sample of six galaxies with a low surface-brightness stellar disc and a bulge. The characterizing parameters of the bulge and disc components were derived by means of a two-dimensional photometric decomposition of the images of the sample galaxies. Their surface-brightness distribution was assumed to be the sum of the contribution of a Sérsic bulge and an exponential disc, with each component being described by elliptical and concentric isophotes of constant ellipticity and position angle. The stellar and ionized-gas kinematics were measured along the major and minor axes in half of the sample galaxies, whereas the other half was observed only along two diagonal axes. Spectra along two diagonal axes were obtained also for one of the objects with major and minor axis spectra. The kinematic measurements extend in the disc region out to a surface-brightness level  μ R ≈ 24  mag arcsec−2, reaching in all cases the flat part of the rotation curve. The stellar kinematics turns out to be more regular and symmetric than the ionized-gas kinematics, which often shows the presence of non-circular, off-plane and non-ordered motions. This raises the question about the reliability of the use of the ionized gas as the tracer of the circular velocity in the modelling of the mass distribution, in particular in the central regions of low surface-brightness galaxies.  相似文献   

We compared measurements of 126 501 spiral galaxies to test whether the photometry of galaxies that rotate clockwise is different from the photometry of galaxies that rotate counterclockwise for the purpose of testing whether there is a link between photometry and spin direction of galaxies. The rotation directionality of the galaxies was determined by converting the galaxy image to its radial intensity plot, and then the galaxies in each 30° RA sector were separated into clockwise and counterclockwise rotating galaxies. The mean and standard deviation of SDSS DR7 photometric attributes of clockwise and counterclockwise rotating galaxies were then compared. The results show no significant difference between galaxies that rotate clockwise and galaxies that rotate counterclockwise. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Galaxy colours are determined for two samples of 6C and 3CR radio sources at z ∼ 1, differing by a factor of ∼6 in radio power. Corrections are made for emission-line contamination and the presence of any nuclear point source, and the data analysed as a function of both redshift and the radio source properties. The galaxy colours are remarkably similar for the two populations, and the ultraviolet excess evolves with radio source size similarly in both samples, despite the fact that the alignment effect is more extensive for the more powerful 3CR radio galaxies. These results seem to suggest that the alignment effect at these redshifts does not scale strongly with radio power, and is instead more closely dependent on galaxy mass (which is statistically comparable for the two samples). However, it is likely that the presence of relatively young (≲several times 108-yr-old) stellar populations has considerably contaminated the K -band flux of these systems, particularly in the case of the more powerful 3CR sources, which are ∼0.5 mag more luminous than the predictions of passive evolution models at z ∼ 1. The higher luminosity of the 3CR alignment effect is balanced by emission at longer wavelengths, thereby leading to comparable colours for the two samples.  相似文献   

We describe an smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model for chemical enrichment and radiative cooling in cosmological simulations of structure formation. This model includes: (i) the delayed gas restitution from stars by means of a probabilistic approach designed to reduce the statistical noise and, hence, to allow for the study of the inner chemical structure of objects with moderately high numbers of particles; (ii) the full dependence of metal production on the detailed chemical composition of stellar particles by using, for the first time in SPH codes, the   Q ij   matrix formalism that relates each nucleosynthetic product to its sources and (iii) the full dependence of radiative cooling on the detailed chemical composition of gas particles, achieved through a fast algorithm using a new metallicity parameter ζ( T ) that gives the weight of each element on the total cooling function. The resolution effects and the results obtained from this SPH chemical model have been tested by comparing its predictions in different problems with known theoretical solutions. We also present some preliminary results on the chemical properties of elliptical galaxies found in self-consistent cosmological simulations. Such simulations show that the above ζ-cooling method is important to prevent an overestimation of the metallicity-dependent cooling rate, whereas the   Q ij   formalism is important to prevent a significant underestimation of the [α/Fe] ratio in simulated galaxy-like objects.  相似文献   

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