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锂- 铍等稀有金属是中国乃至世界上重要的战略性关键金属矿产,美国、澳大利亚和日本等国早已将其列为禁止出口矿产名录,其战略地位非同一般。中国锂- 铍矿产资源丰富,成矿背景优越,但地表第四纪覆盖严重,且分布不均。近年甜水海- 松潘- 甘孜造山带花岗伟晶岩型锂矿资源逐步被勘探发现,引起国内外学者广泛关注。川西石渠县扎乌龙锂矿作为该造山带中部重要的花岗伟晶岩型锂矿点,厘清该矿床锂资源聚集主控因素及其稀有金属富集规律将为甜水海- 松潘- 甘孜造山带下一步战略找矿行动提供指导和重要决策依据。本文对扎乌龙地区锂辉石钠长石伟晶岩脉、白云母钠长伟晶岩脉、电气石钠长石伟晶岩脉、卡吉亚二云母花岗岩体以及岩体边部的含电气石细晶岩、十字石黑云母片岩等进行系统采样分析,利用LA- ICP- MS独居石U- Th- Pb同位素定年技术,确定扎乌龙卡吉亚二云母花岗岩形成于晚三叠世213~211 Ma,含电气石细晶岩约形成于210 Ma,白云母钠长石伟晶岩约形成于210~200 Ma,富锂伟晶岩可能在205 Ma集中产出。结合前人年代学资料,综合分析认为扎乌龙矿区由二云母花岗岩、电气石细晶岩到白云母钠长石伟晶岩和锂辉石钠长石伟晶岩形成时代逐步年轻。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):137-152
Since 2012, some advances have been made through the resource investigation, metallogenesis research, and comprehensive utilizing of lithium deposits in China. Firstly, the progress of lithium exploration has been made in Sichuan, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Jiangxi provinces (autonomous region). Li deposits are not only found within the pegmatite rocks but also within the granitic rocks and sedimentary rocks. Secondly, the methods of geological survey, geochemical and geophysical exploration, remote sensing technology and even drilling technology have been improved, which can be delineating orebodies quickly. Thirdly, the mechanisms of Li mineralization were summarized by analyzing the relationship between the Li contents and kinds of geological phenomena. Based on practice, a new understanding of “multi-cycle, deep circulation, integration of internal and external” metallogenic mechanism or “MDIE” metallogenic mechanism for short has been put forwarded further in this paper, and the “five levels + basement” exploration model has been successfully expanded to guide the prospecting work both in the Jiajika and Keeryin pegmatite ore fields in western Sichuan Province. Besides, new progress has been made in the aspect of amblygonite deposits of granite-type and hydrothermal type in the Mufushan-Jiuling ore district, which points out a new direction for prospecting new types of lithium deposits in China.  相似文献   

河南省卢氏-栾川地区位于华北陆块南缘与秦岭造山带的衔接部位,是中国重要的钼、钨、铅、锌多金属成矿区。通过控矿地质条件与成矿环境多样性分析,将研究区铅锌矿划分为3种成因类型:岩浆热液交代型铅锌矿床、MVT型铅锌矿床和SEDEX型铅锌矿床。在此基础上,利用“成矿专属性”和“成矿多样性”相结合的找矿思路,对矿区不同类型矿床成矿进行远景评价,指出具有良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

Although the Tongling district is one of the most important Cu districts in China, exploration strategies need to be urgently updated to achieve a more predictive method for discovering hidden ore bodies. This paper presents a case study showing how new exploration strategies were developed and successfully used to discover a hidden ore body in the Fenghuangshan ore field of the Tongling district. All previously discovered ore bodies in the Fenghuangshan ore field were Cu skarn deposits located where dilational fault zones cut the contact zone of the Xingwuli granitoid complex. The features of the ores and the related magmatic rocks and hydrothermal alteration suggest that porphyry copper deposits are also likely to be present in the ore field. After assessing spatial controls on ore formation, ore-related indicators numerical simulating the coupled thermal–hydrological–mechanical processes during syn-deformation cooling of the Xingwuli Intrusion were used to choose a target area to the south of the Fenfhuangshan mine. In this target area, we have carried out an exploration program involving mapping, rock chip sampling for Cu in the fractured and altered rocks, and pesu-random triple frequency induced polarization (IP) and the controlled source audio-frequency magnetotellurics (CSAMT) surveys. Synthesis of the data obtained in this program identified a target that was subsequently drilled. This test hole demonstrated the presence of high grade Cu ores typical of both skarn and porphyry copper deposits.  相似文献   

息烽磷矿是贵州地区震旦纪陡山沱期磷矿的重要组成部分,以矿层厚、品位高、断裂构造发育、叠层石丰富而独具特色。通过对矿床地质特征及矿床地球化学特征综合研究认为,从陡山沱组底到顶气候经历温湿—干热—湿热变化,海平面对应经历了海进—海退—海进,其内的磷块岩和磷质岩是在热水沉积作用、生物作用和正常海水沉积作用等共同作用下形成于前滨—临滨环境。综合以上,反演息烽陡山沱期成矿过程,发现矿床经历了“海进—海退—海进”三阶段成矿,在陡山沱早期海进阶段形成下矿层,随后的海退阶段和海进阶段形成上矿层。空间上,2矿层之间夹白云岩,且交于靠黔中古陆一侧,当第2次海进越过第1次海进的前滨—临滨位置后,只形成上矿层,是开阳、息烽磷矿床1层矿体形成的对应部位。瓮福磷矿床有2层矿体,对应处于经历了“三阶段成矿”的前滨—临滨部位,且瓮福磷矿成矿时的位置高程明显低于息烽磷矿、息烽磷矿略低于开阳磷矿,通过岩性特征对比,与实际基本吻合。因此,在对陡山沱期的磷矿进行成矿预测和找矿勘查中,与息烽磷矿床相似的黔中及附近区域的动态前滨—临滨环境,均为磷矿床的找矿靶区,利用“三阶段成矿”形成相交的2矿层特点,可高效对已知矿床、矿化点和前滨—临滨带周围进行成矿预测。  相似文献   

云南个旧风流山矿段位于老卡岩体西侧,老厂矿田的南部,风流山Sn-Cu多金属矿段属于蚀变花岗岩型矿化,矿化发生于花岗岩内蚀变带,矿体受断裂和裂隙控制。运用格里戈良分带指数法对风流山34矿段第5勘探线剖面样品进行蚀变矿化分析和原生晕研究,探究其深部矿体赋存状况。(1)矿体原生晕分带清晰,原生晕展布形态与矿体空间分布相似。(2)由各断面的分带指数,得到矿体原生晕轴向分带序列为(由前缘至尾部):Mo-Sn-Bi-Ag-As-Cu-W-Co-F-Pb-Zn-Sb-B-U-Ta。(3)以风流山34矿段第5勘探线剖面分带指数为基础,选取(Mo×Bi×Zn)D/(U×B×Sb)D和(Mo+Bi+Zn)D/(U+B+Sb)D作为构建深部矿体定量评价模型的指标。根据比值的曲线变化规律,推测该矿段深部可能存在盲矿体。  相似文献   

根据地质和地球物理特征,中国北方大陆可区分为造山带型和裂谷型两类岩石圈,其中造山带型又可区分出分别代表古生代、中生代和新生代物质结构的造山带型岩石圈:在从空间上,自西向东分别由以天山为代表的新生代造山带型、以额济纳旗为代表的古生代造山带型、以大兴安岭为代表的燕山期造山带型和张广才岭为代表的新生代裂谷型岩石圈组成,反映了古生代形成的中亚造山带在中新生代大陆动力学过程中的分异演化,导致不同类型岩石圈形成和陆壳、岩石圈地幔物质组成、结构的不均一性,以及构成大规模成矿作用大体上以E110°为界,西部主要为晚古生代,东部主要为中生代的格局.简要讨论了不同岩石圈类型的壳幔物质、结构的地质含义,以及区域找矿方向和深部找矿空间问题.  相似文献   

通过2005年12月-2009年6月实施的全国危机矿山接替资源找矿项目,在河北省迁安铁矿床的深部取得了重大的找矿突破,钻孔见矿率达78.26%,新增铁矿资源量2.43×109 t,其中,杏山铁矿C22线XZK0610孔和XZK0618孔均见到厚大矿体,全孔累计见矿进尺厚度分别为209.04 m和169.41m.同时在XZK0610孔深915.84~970.33m处为富矿,富铁矿体进尺长度54.49 m,w(TFe)最高为59.56%,平均品位53.48%,富矿产于贫矿体中,呈层状产出,贫矿体与富矿体呈互层状,富铁矿体与贫矿层属同沉积—变质成因.  相似文献   

杨航  吴鹏  韩润生  姜龙燕  陶琴  江小均  管申进 《地质学报》2020,94(12):3726-3745
滇中老街子Pb-Ag矿床和白马苴Au(Cu)矿床位于金沙江-红河富碱斑岩成矿带中段,是楚雄盆地中与喜山期富碱斑岩体时空关系密切的两个矿化中心,二者相距仅2km,但是矿种和矿化类型均不同,金属矿物组合差异显著。两个矿化中心同空间、不同矿化类型的深部结构不清,成因联系不明,制约了姚安富碱斑岩区多金属矿床的理论认识与深部勘查。通过岩石组合、赋矿岩体组构及地球化学特征对比,总结矿化元素空间分布规律,研究认为:(1)老街子正长斑岩具斑状结构,斑晶为正长石,岩体内发育脉岩;白马苴正长斑岩具似斑状结构,斑晶为正长石和少量斜长石。岩石组合和组构特征差异反映后者形成深度较前者更深;(2)岩石地球化学特征总体一致,均明显富集大离子亲石元素(K、Rb、Ba和LREE等),相对亏损高场强元素(Ta、Nb、P和Ti等),系中酸性富碱、高钾的正长岩-石英二长岩钾玄质准铝-过铝质系列岩石组合,为同源同期岩浆演化的产物。主要差异为老街子正长斑岩稀土总量及Rb/Sr比值整体较白马苴正长斑岩高,反映其岩浆结晶分异演化程度较白马苴正长斑岩高;(3)对比老街子矿床深部三个中段矿化元素异常分布特征,显示Cu-Mo异常往深部逐渐...  相似文献   

The gold concentration areas in the northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula constituted an important gold metallogenetic region in Eastern China during the Mesozoic. The deep geological bodies’ texture characteristic is important for exploring the resources thoroughly and understanding the metallogenic process. The detailed textures were revealed using high-resolution seismic profiles through the three major ore-controlling structures-Sanshandao fault zone, Jiaojia fault zone and Zhaoping fault zone. This study aims to establish a deep structural framework of this area. Based on their formation mechanism, the fault structures developed in the area can be divided into regional and local fault structures. The structural styles are characterised by superimposing their compressional, strike-slip and extensional multi-stage activities. The crust is cut by vertical structures corresponding to a left-lateral strike-slip fault system on the surface. Nearby these structures are the arc-shape structures formed by multi-stage magma intrusions into the upper crust. Bounded by the Tancheng–Lujiang and Muping–Jimo fault zones, the current Jiaodong block, developed a series of NE-trending strike-slip fault systems, was probably formed by the assemblage of several obliquely aligned blocks. The intensive magmatism and hydrothermal activity between the blocks induced large-scale mineralisation. It provides a new angle of view for understanding the cratonic destruction and large ore-concentration formed during the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

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