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为践行海洋命运共同体理念和加快推动海洋强国建设,文章从深海海洋能开发的战略意义和价值出发,综述深海温差能开发的研究现状和应用前景,进而提出深海温差能的全球开发构想和开发路径。研究结果表明:深海海洋能开发在应对全球气候变化、捍卫国家能源安全、加快进入氢能源时代、支撑深海矿产资源开发以及推动构建海洋命运共同体方面均具有重要...  相似文献   

2013年我国首次向全世界提出人类命运共同体理念,在全球范围内积极倡导人类命运共同体的构建。东北亚共同体是人类命运共同体的组成部分,是中国打造周边命运共同体的重要助力,同时为辽宁海洋经济的发展带来了机遇和挑战。文章通过分析辽宁海洋经济发展现状,梳理辽宁海洋经济发展的相关法律和政策,发现辽宁海洋经济要实现高质量发展还存在海洋经济供给侧结构性改革、海洋环境综合治理、海洋经济协同发展合作等方面的法律和政策缺失,应当加强海洋经济供给侧结构性改革的立法和政策保障,加快海洋经济协同发展合作和海洋环境综合治理的区域性法律与政策的制定,促进东北亚海洋经济协同发展,共同打造东北亚命运共同体。  相似文献   

青岛市是我国重要的海洋科技创新基地和海洋战略性新兴产业基地。在分析青岛市海洋战略性新兴产业发展现状的基础上,针对存在的问题,指出应当抓住海洋强国战略向纵深推进的有利时机,围绕深海大洋开发主题,加大对海洋新资源、新空间开发技术创新及产业化的支持力度,巩固和扩大现有海洋产业优势,着力培育新的海洋经济增长点,并提出了加强重点科技项目引进、扶持深海产业、建立离岸海洋开发示范区、健全海洋要素市场等政策建议。  相似文献   

21世纪是"海洋的世纪",发展海洋事业已成为全世界的一种广泛共识。党的十九大提出了"坚持陆海统筹,加快建设海洋强国"的重大战略部署,海上合作是"一带一路"建设聚焦的重点领域之一。在新的形势下,通过全面总结我国海洋科技进展,系统分析"一带一路"国家海洋科技合作重点领域情况,我国应在已有良好合作的基础上,更进一步推进双边海洋科技合作伙伴关系,建立海洋领域联合研究中心,结合重点方向,积极开展联合科学研究和技术应用,实现技术装备和数据产品的共享,促进海洋经济发展,加强海洋技术的转移转化,开展人员交流培训和合作研究,互学互鉴、互利共赢,提升我国海洋科技的创新力和国际影响力,加快构建海洋命运共同体,为推动人类命运共同体作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

孙松  孙晓霞 《海洋与湖沼》2017,48(6):1127-1131
本文重点介绍海洋专项的科学意义、聚焦的关键问题、研究区域的选择、总体研究思路、实施方案与预期成果。海洋专项面向国家重大战略需求和国际海洋科技前沿,以西太平洋及其邻近海域海洋系统为主要研究对象,从"海洋系统"的视角开展综合性协同调查与研究,在西太暖池对东亚及我国气候的影响机制、邻近大洋影响下的近海生态系统演变规律、西太平洋深海环境和资源分布特征等领域开展系统研究,同时进行我国深海研究探测装备的研发与应用,为提升我国深海大洋理论研究水平,为我国海洋环境信息保障、战略性资源开发、海洋综合管理、防灾减灾、海上丝绸之路建设提供科学依据,为建设"海洋强国"提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

21世纪海上丝绸之路是我国在新时期构建全方位对外开放新格局的重大举措。促进海洋产业结构升级、实现海洋经济提质增效、开展海上综合保障能力是海上丝绸之路建设的重点方向。海洋经济活动与海上综合保障都需要海洋科技的基础支撑,21世纪海上丝绸之路建设对海洋科技领域提出了新命题。文章围绕科技创新政策伙伴关系、推进海洋经济和产业发展、培育创新品牌等方面,深入分析发挥海洋科技领域在21世纪海上丝绸之路建设中支撑作用的思路和途径。  相似文献   

21世纪海上丝绸之路是我国在新时期构建全方位对外开放新格局的重大举措。促进海洋产业结构升级、实现海洋经济提质增效、开展海上综合保障能力是海上丝绸之路建设的重点方向。海洋经济活动与海上综合保障都需要海洋科技的基础支撑,21世纪海上丝绸之路建设对海洋科技领域提出了新命题。文章围绕科技创新政策伙伴关系、推进海洋经济和产业发展、培育创新品牌等方面,深入分析发挥海洋科技领域在21世纪海上丝绸之路建设中支撑作用的思路和途径。  相似文献   

中葡海洋合作是构建人类命运共同体和海洋共同体的重要实践。为了更好地推动中葡两国的合作,文章以中葡双方海洋科技合作为视角,分析了两国间开展合作的优势及合作现状,并提出了建立中葡海洋科技交流机制性平台、推动建立中葡联合海洋研究中心、积极推进中葡海洋科技项目务实合作等建议,期望对今后中葡海洋领域深入合作提供参考。  相似文献   

随着国家战略利益的拓展,国家对全球海洋环境预报保障的需求日益凸显。近年来,国家海洋环境预报中心研发并建立我国首个涵盖全球大洋的"全球海洋数值预报系统",该预报系统由MOM4全球海洋环流模式及三维变分同化系统组成。该系统的建立,实现了全球范围海洋环流预报业务全覆盖,为我国探索深海大洋环境的迫切需求提供有力保障,明显提升了我国海洋环境预报能力,体现了我国海洋数值预报技术的发展和进步。该系统的历史回报试验和业务化试运行结果表明其对全球海洋环境要素具有较好的预报能力,其预测结果已经在实际业务中得到了应用,在"雪龙号"极地遇险脱困、马航MH370失联飞机搜救等重大事件的预报保障任务中发挥了重要作用,为我国实施海洋强国战略,推进实施"21世纪海上丝绸之路"的战略构想,应对海上突发事件、维护国家海洋权益等各个方面提供有力的科技支撑和保障,并成为我国全球海洋预报业务的重要参考依据。  相似文献   

"丝绸之路"的内涵在全球竞争新格局下已然发生变化,竞相成为主要大国博弈的战略高地。中国倡导构建21世纪海上丝绸之路,面临着海上霸权、地缘政治、战略平衡和利益创造等方面的挑战,需要以海洋强国战略为统领,有所为有所不为,从海洋文化建设、法规体系、深海科技和强大海军等方面人手,寻求海上丝绸之路经略之道。  相似文献   

The motion of a point vortex along a rectilinear boundary with a circle cavity, which models the coastline of a bay, and associated fluid particle advection are studied within a model of barotropic inviscid fluid. Using an analytical expression for the complex potential through which the velocity field is determined, we show that fluid particles start moving irregularly when the vortex is passing the cavity due to the nonstationarity of the velocity field generated by the vortex. Some of the fluid particles which were initially inside the vortex atmosphere leave it due to the irregularity and remain within the cavity vicinity. Depending on the initial position of the vortex and a parameter that determines the cavity size, the fraction of these fluid particles can differ significantly from fluid particles initially uniformly distributed within the vortex atmosphere. The escape of fluid particles from the vortex atmosphere is shown to be most efficient in the case of a relatively closed cavity under the condition that the initial vortex atmosphere area should be significantly smaller than the cavity area.  相似文献   

By a model bay with a mouth and a narrow, an experiment on long period waves is carried out to discuss the behavior of the tsunamis and storm surges. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the characteristics of the current velocities associated with the long period waves incoming through the mouth in terms of Ursell's parameter.  相似文献   

Didenkulova  I. I.  Pelinovsky  E. N. 《Oceanology》2019,59(4):478-481
Oceanology - Abstract—The nonlinear problem of run-up of a long wave on a plane beach in presence of a tide is solved within nonlinear shallow water theory using the Carrier–Greenspan...  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the vibrations of a thin plate resting on a fluid-layer subjected to a moving point force. The frequency is assumed to be low and the fluid is deep. Both the fluid and the point force are always in contact with the plate. Hankel Transform and complex integration techniques are used to calculate the lateral displacements withrespect to a moving coordinate system and a coordinate transformation is used to achieve the results with respect to a fixed point. Numerical results are discussed with respect to the velocity of the moving force, its direction of movement and the fluid depth.  相似文献   

A method is suggested for simulating axisymmetric laminar or turbulent flows formed during the motion of a vortex-ring bunch of given geometry and circulation toward a plane screen. Earlier, similar problems were simulated with the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flows. Turbulent flows have remained unconsidered until now. When a vortex ring approaches the screen, the secondary nonstationary flow is induced near the screen’s surface and this secondary flow causes the formation of the radial boundary layer (provided that air viscosity is taken into account). First, the medium spreads out from the critical point at the screen’s center with the negative pressure gradient along the radial coordinate and then detaches in the region of the positive pressure gradient. This radial wall flow and the corresponding boundary layer are considered in the quasi-stationary approximation. When the boundary layer detaches at successive instances, the flow is replenished with the radially moving secondary vortex rings whose circulations have the sign opposite to that of the circulation of the primary vortex ring. It is the interaction of the primary and secondary vortices that governs process dynamics, which differs substantially from that in the case when the formation of secondary vortices is disregarded. The suggested method is based on the method of discrete vortices (a perfect liquid) and the boundary-layer (laminar or turbulent) theory. During the development of the flow under investigation, the nonstationary ascending flow in the direction perpendicular to the screen’s plane is formed and then this flow decays and dissipates. Simulations for large Reynolds numbers corresponding to the formation of the turbulent boundary layer show that the velocity of ascending vortices in the plane of the initial vortex bunch is less than one-tenth of the initial velocity of the descending vortex ring. The boundary layer is introduced into calculations with the sole goal of determining the parameters of the secondary vortex rings formed during boundary-layer detachments. The interaction of the primary and secondary vortices is then considered within the framework of a perfect medium. Simulations for large Reynolds numbers corresponding to the formation of the turbulent boundary layer on the screen were correlated with the available data obtained in laboratory experiments for small Reynolds numbers. Qualitative agreement between the simulations and experiments is fairly satisfactory. The simulation for one combination of the circulation and vortex-ring geometry takes at most 10–15 min with the use of an average PC.  相似文献   

S. H. Rhee  S. -E. Kim  H. Ahn  J. Oh  H. Kim 《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(16):2117-2136
A jet-controlled high-lift hydrofoil with a flap is investigated using both experimental and computational methods. Experiments were carried out in a cavitation tunnel to measure forces and moment acting on the hydrofoil, and surface pressure distribution. The measured data show the feasibility of such a device for marine applications. Computational studies have also been carried out in parallel with the measurements. The computational results are analyzed in terms of global and local quantities using available experimental data. The present computational results compare well with the well-known experimental data for circulation control flows. The results for flow around a hydrofoil with a blown flap further validate the concept behind the proposed device. The results of the study demonstrate the applicability of the technology to the design of practical control surfaces.  相似文献   

K. I. Matveev   《Ocean Engineering》2002,29(10):1283-1293
Experimental results of hydrofoil singing on a full-scale passenger ship are reported. It is proposed that hydrodynamic generation of a tone is caused by self-excited oscillation of a foil trailing edge. The natural frequency of the vibrating structure as well as the frequency of the external force are estimated. A lift-oscillator model is applied for modeling purposes. One effective method of eliminating the hydrofoil singing is discussed.  相似文献   

During maneuvering, towed array beamforming degrades if a straight array is assumed. This is especially true for high-resolution adaptive beamforming. It is experimentally demonstrated that adaptive beamforming is feasible on a turning array, provided that array shape is estimated. The array shape can be inferred solely from the coordinates of the tow vessel's Global Positioning System (GPS) without any instrumentation in the array. Based on estimated array shape from the GPS, both the conventional beamformer and the white noise constrained (WNC) adaptive beamformer are shown to track the source well during a turn. When calculating the weight vector in the WNC approach, a matrix inversion of the cross-spectral density matrix is involved. This matrix inversion can be stabilized by averaging the cross-spectral density matrix over neighboring frequencies. The proposed algorithms have been tested on real data with the tow-vessel making 45/spl deg/ turns with a 500-m curvature radius. While turning, the improvement in performance over the assumption of a straight array geometry was up to 5 dB for the conventional beamformer and considerably larger for the WNC adaptive beamformer.  相似文献   

Linear stability of a barotropic jet on a sloping bottom with and without a side boundary is examined. When a sloping bottom and a side boundary are absent, a symmetric jet generally has two unstable modes: a symmetric mode and an antisymmetric mode. In the presence of a sloping bottom or a side boundary, they are modified and lose their symmetry.The presence of a side boundary does not produce substantial change in the stability characteristics, except that it stabilizes the flow to some degree. In the presence of a sloping bottom, the following features are noted; 1) when the direction of the jet is opposite to the propagation direction of topographic Rossby waves, the change of a preferred mode occurs at a certain slope, 2) when the direction of the jet is opposite to 1), with a side boundary, the dispersion relations change from unstable mode type to shelf wave type at a certain slope, accompanied by kissing.  相似文献   

Von Kármán first proposed a method of calculating the force on a vertically impacting wedge in 1929. Starting with Wagner (1931, 1932), quite a number of authors have suggested “improvements” to the theory. One purpose of this present note in to suggest that many of the proposed changes are actually incorrect and that the original theory is superior to most of its successors. The other purpose is to suggest a way in which the rigor of the Von Kármán theory can be improved and how the maximum pressure away from the keel can be calculated. Where comparison is possible, both the keel pressure and the maximum pressure predictions agree well with measurements by Chuang (1966).  相似文献   

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