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彩色宝石品质分级标准对彩色宝石市场的形成与发展具有重要意义。彩色宝石品种的多样性和品质影响要素的复杂性,加上不同国家、地区或民族对彩色宝石颜色的偏好不同,在国际市场上要建立一个统一的彩色宝石品质分级评估体系困难重重。通过比较各彩色宝石聚集地(如美国、泰国、中国香港与大陆等)现有的彩色宝石品质分级评估体系,探讨了不同体系对其颜色、净度、切工分级的思想与方法。结果显示,目前国际上不同彩色宝石分级体系在颜色分级术语上强调的要素有一定的差异,对净度分级在思路上有明显的不同,对切工分级则在思路及技术操作上均存在明显差异。因此,要建立统一的国际彩色宝石品质分级体系尚需时日。最后提出,中国可以尝试以宝石的净度和透明度分级为先导,结合颜色、净度与切工分级设计新的彩色宝石二级递进制(时尚首饰级和宝石级)品质评估分级体系。  相似文献   

彩色钻石是一种极端珍稀的矿产与宝石财富.本文较全面论述了中国已经发现的主要彩钻产地及矿体的简要地质特征,从原生矿和砂矿角度,分别论述了山东、辽宁、湖南、贵州等地的彩钻矿体地质特点,并总结了中国彩钻的主要特点:含量极低,晶体完整度不一,多含有包裹体,晶体蚀象发育,透明度高,以山东彩钻为代表的中国彩钻的颗粒度相对较大,可做高端宝石应用.本文还指出,中国彩钻的价值从根本上还没有得到发掘,市场价值从根本上尚未得到体现.  相似文献   

本文介绍了彩色钻石的概念,论述了其特点、分类。据彩钻的色度深浅将彩色(以红、绿、蓝、紫、粉为例)详细分为15级:微、弱、浅、浅淡、淡、淡中、深淡、中、中彩、彩、浓彩、浓、深、极深、暗,简化后分8级:弱、浅、淡、中、彩、浓、深、暗。关于彩色钻石的明亮度详细划分为8级:很暗、暗、较暗、较明、明亮、亮、亮彩、阳亮。简化为4级:暗、较明、明亮、阳亮。颜色色种的稀有度分级有:顶端稀有色种的红色系,极度稀有色种的绿色系、橙色系、紫色系,稀有色种的蓝色系、粉色系,较稀有色种的棕色系、黑色,少见色种的灰色系、褐色系,较少见色种的黄色系。文中对彩钻大小的粒度也进行了界定,并对彩钻的致色因素做了探讨,分作岩浆期致色、岩浆期后致色、未知的复杂因素致色等。指出了彩钻所包含的研究领域。  相似文献   

针对我国制定的珍珠分级国家标准,仅对影响珍珠品质各因素做了等级划分,并未给出首饰级珍珠的总品质等级的确定方法和标准,造成分级标准与国际上报价体系不接轨,使其在市场上无法广泛应用等问题,系统总结国际流行的各大珍珠分级标准和报价体系,通过对比分析我国国标存在的问题,提出我国养殖珍珠分级和报价的改进方法。即借鉴美国GIA或RichardH.Cartier的珍珠总品质分级方法,在原国家分级标准上根据各品质因素对总品质影响权重计算珍珠总品质等级(1~10级);并推行对应珍珠总质量等级的报价体系,呼吁国家权威机构定期发布珍珠价格信息,以规范珍珠市场,为珍珠评估提供依据。  相似文献   

金刚石呈色机制初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金刚石按颜色一般可分为正常颜色系列和彩色金刚石系列。前者为无色到淡黄或褐色系列,色调越淡越佳,纯净无色的为上乘品[1]。彩色金刚石为具清晰、特征色调的金刚石,以淡蓝色、蓝色为上品,粉红色更珍贵,艳红色为最珍稀者。与无色金刚石相比,彩色金刚石的产量甚微。其产出原因主要是杂质和缺陷综合作用的结果[2],如普遍认为氮是引起黄色,而硼则使钻石显蓝色。我们在研究中又发现氢是钻石中极其重要的第三种杂质,可能使钻石呈现灰色,也可能是几乎所有的钻石都带有或多或少的其他色调的原因(另文论述)。在地幔中形成的金刚石…  相似文献   

颜色是钻石4C评估中的一个重要指标,也是决定钻石档次和价格的一个重要依据。作者结合实践体会对颜色分级条件进行了分析,并提出了注意要点。  相似文献   

在对广东南海平洲、广州花都国际翡翠展销会等翡翠原料集散地大量现场考察的基础上,选取了具有黄色色调、白色和灰黑色皮壳的翡翠原石样品,经肉眼和偏光显微镜观察、X射线粉末衍射和电子探针测试,研究了不同颜色系列翡翠原石皮壳的矿物组成和化学成分特征。结果表明,不同颜色翡翠皮壳的主要矿物均为硬玉,次要矿物则有所不同。黄色皮壳含高岭石、三水铝石、软锰矿和赤铁矿等,白色皮壳含高岭石和水钙铝榴石,黑色皮壳则含高岭石和绿泥石类矿物。与内部玉石成分相比,皮壳中的主要化学成分硼(Na2O)和w(SiO2)有所降低,而w(CaO)和w(MgO)及Fe的质量分数则相对增加;黄色皮壳翡翠中Fe的质量分数越高,则皮壳的黄色色调越深,但皮壳的化学成分受环境影响较大,难以用于判断其内部玉石质量。仅初步总结了翡翠皮壳矿物组成与其内部玉石质量的关系。  相似文献   

翡翠绿色的定量评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前对翡翠颜色的定名多以所见实物或多年沿袭下来的俗称以形象描绘。对翡翠颜色的评价则是以“柔和悦目”和“引人喜爱”为标准。本文在前人研究的基础上,以色度学理论为基础,以PhotoShop软件为工具,对翡翠绿色定量划分与评定进行初步探讨。1 色度学及PhotoSthop的颜色理论色度学[1]是研究颜色和评价颜色的一门学科。一般选用红、绿、蓝三色作为原色,三原色按不同比例配合成各种颜色。颜色给人的感觉,可因人的主观因素或光源的不同色调叠加而发生变化。但就颜色本身而论,其特征决定于色调(H)、饱和度(S…  相似文献   

绿松石的品质分级及定量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿松石属于中档宝石,传统的绿松石定性分级方案比较粗略,对绿松石的颜色的分级采用的是肉眼分级。笔者采用Gem Dialogue颜色分级标准对14粒绿松石戒面进行了颜色评价.并以颜色、铁线、质地、切工为评价因子对样品进行了定量化分级。在与市场价格的对比中发现。采用定量化分级标准所得出的绿松石样品的质量指数符合市场调查所反映的绿松石样品的价格的变化趋势。绿松石常呈集合体出现,且结晶程度不一,颗粒大小不等,颜色、致密度、透明度常不一致,因此文中采用的量化分级必须建立在分类细化的基础上。  相似文献   

古玉评估一直是珠宝评估界棘手的问题。确定古玉的市场价格主要采用市场比较法,拍卖市场的古玉成交价是古玉评估的主要资料来源。收集了近几年40多家拍卖公司的古玉璧拍卖成交价和估价。通过分析不同时期、不同材质与工艺的古玉璧的拍卖成交价与估价,得出年代、形制、工艺、材质等因素对其价格的影响,为古玉璧的估价提供思路。  相似文献   

金刚石产地来源的确定是国际性难题,其中由于砂矿金刚石可能存在搬运过程的混合,其产地来源的确定更加具有争议性。巴西金刚石绝大部分来源于砂矿,从成矿地质背景、形貌和颜色、内部结构、矿物包裹体、微量元素、C同位素组成分布等六个要素总结分析了巴西金刚石研究的相关成果,为国际砂矿来源金刚石产地辨识提供参考。研究结果显示,巴西大部分矿区金刚石的特征与世界范围其它矿区的相似,以橄榄岩型为主,难以相互区分。但其中Juina地区和Machado河产地的金刚石具有独特的氮含量(无氮的Ⅱ型为主)和聚集状态,内部结构、矿物包裹体组合及温压环境特征均显示出深部地幔来源的特点,和巴西其它产地具有一定的区分度。与世界范围不同产地砂矿来源金刚石的基本特征对比显示,不同国家具体地区砂矿金刚石在上述不同要素的组合上存在一定的差异性,但总体上要借助现有资料进行产地来源的准确判断还非常困难,需要进行更深入细致的工作。  相似文献   

The carat is the unit of weight for diamonds and other gemstones. It corresponds to the average weight of the seeds of a leguminous tree. What kind of tree is this? We have studied the samples from Ethiopia. Egypt, Cyprus and the United States. The tree is neither “Kuara” nor “Locust” (Robina pseudoacacia Linn.), but rather Carob (Ceratonia Siliqua). In Ethiopia, as called by local inhabitants, “Kuara” is a species of Erythrina—E. brucei rather thanE. abyssinica. As might be expected, using the seeds as a means of weighing an extremely valuable commodity is not very scientific. Before 1907, at various times and in various countries, there were at least twenty-three standards for the carat ranging from 187.00 mg to 215.990 mg. The metric carat equal to 200 mg was proposed in Paris in 1907. It was adopted in the United States on July 1, 1913 and now is the world-accepted standard. But in reality, the standard of the carat is still confused with respect to its usage throughout the world. This is why the author reiterates that the standard of the carat should be integrated with the metric system.  相似文献   

The Venetia kimberlites in the Northern Province of South Africa sampled diamonds from the lithosphere underlying the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt. Given the general correlation of diamond-bearing kimberlites with old stable cratons, this tectonic setting is somewhat anomalous and, therefore, it is desirable to characterise the diamonds in terms of their infrared characteristics. A suite of diamonds of known paragenesis from the Venetia mine spans a large range of nitrogen concentrations from less than the detection limit to 1,355 ppm. Diamond nitrogen contents are, on average, higher in the eclogitic diamond population relative to the websteritic and peridotitic diamonds. Nitrogen aggregation states are variable, ranging from almost pure type IaA diamond (poorly aggregated nitrogen) to pure type IaB diamond (highly aggregated nitrogen). On a nitrogen aggregation diagram two distinct groups can be identified based on nitrogen content and nitrogen aggregation state. These are a minor population of diamonds with nitrogen contents generally higher than 500 ppm and nitrogen aggregation states of less than 40% IaB, and another, dominant population that is characterised by higher and more variable nitrogen aggregation. The unusually aggregated nature of the majority of the diamonds analysed is unique to Venetia relative to other intrusives on the Kaapvaal-Kalahari craton, but is similar to aggregation states observed for diamonds from other craton margin or adjacent mobile belt settings such as the Argyle lamproite and the George Creek kimberlite. This could be a consequence of diamond mantle residence at mantle temperatures higher than the norm for other kimberlites from the interior of cratons. Deformation of the mantle, associated with dynamic processes such as orogenesis or subduction, might also be responsible for accelerating the rate of nitrogen aggregation in these diamonds. Low numbers of diamonds with degradation of platelets at the Venetia kimberlite, relative to diamonds from the Argyle lamproite, indicate that deformation was at a significantly lower level. The comparatively low value of diamonds from Argyle (at approximately US8/carat) as opposed to Venetia (US8/carat) as opposed to Venetia (US90/carat) is in large part because of the very high abundance of brown diamonds at Argyle. Therefore, it is apparent that deformational history of the mantle in which the diamonds were resident prior to or during sampling by the host may have an important role to play in the profitability of a primary diamond deposit. The apparently consistent association of diamonds with unusually aggregated nitrogen with kimberlites, or lamproites intruded into craton margin or mobile belt settings suggests that it may be possible to recognise such contributory sources in alluvial diamond deposits, through the study of the infrared characteristics of the diamonds. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00410-002-0385-2  相似文献   

俄罗斯的金刚石及其产业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年,俄罗斯毛坯金刚石的产量约占世界总产量的25%,并以强劲的增长势头不断改变着世界金刚石市场的供应格局。对近10年发表的有关俄罗斯金刚石的英文文献进行了编译整理,对雅库特、阿尔汉格尔斯克和乌拉尔产出金刚石的宝石矿物学特征进行了比较分析,结果显示,三个产区的金刚石在颜色、形貌、微量杂质元素、发光性、包裹体等方面有一定的差异,这些差异是否可以作为俄罗斯不同金刚石产地来源的标型特征还有待进一步验证。结合俄罗斯近5年来在世界金刚石市场上的表现,简要分析了俄罗斯金刚石对国际市场的影响及金刚石产业发展的情况。有关信息对了解世界金刚石供求关系及国际金伯利进程框架下金刚石产地来源的研究有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

以碳酸盐为碳源生成金刚石的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本世纪五十年代初,在金属触媒物质的参与下,由石墨得到金刚石的成功,标志着人工合成超硬材料及高温高压技术两方面的巨大突破。三十年来的科学研究和生产实践推动着这一领域不断地向纵深发展,并提出了建立在不同理论基础上的金刚石生成方法,如爆破法、晶种法、气相生长法、常压高温法、薄膜推移法等等。  相似文献   

Diamonds: time capsules from the Siberian Mantle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diamonds are thought to be “time capsules” from the Earth's mantle. However, by themselves, consisting of nearly pure carbon, diamonds provide little geochemical information about their conditions of formation and the nature of their mantle hosts. This obstacle to studying the origin of diamonds and their hosts can be overcome by using two main approaches that focus on studying: (1) the rocks that contain diamonds, i.e., diamondiferous xenoliths; and (2) mineral inclusions within the diamonds, the time capsule's little treasures, if you will. Diamondiferous xenoliths, their diamonds, and mineral inclusions within the diamonds are the subject of this review, focusing on studies of samples from the Yakutian kimberlites in the Siberian Platform.Studies of diamondiferous eclogite xenoliths significantly enhance our understanding of the complex petrogenesis of this important group of rocks and their diamonds. Such studies involve various geochemical and petrological investigations of these eclogites, including major and trace-element, radiogenic as well as stable isotopic analyses of whole rocks and minerals. The results from these studies have clearly established that the Group A-C eclogites originate from subduction of ancient oceanic crust. This theory is probably applicable worldwide.Within the last several years, our research group at Tennessee has undertaken the systematic dissection (pull apart) of diamondiferous eclogites from Siberia, consisting of the following steps: (1) high-resolution computed X-ray tomography of the xenoliths to produce 3D images that relate the minerals of the xenoliths to their diamonds; (2) detailed dissection of the entire xenolith to reveal the diamonds inside, followed by characterization of the setting of the diamonds within their enclosing minerals; and (3) extraction of diamonds from the xenolith for further investigation of the diamonds and their inclusions. In this last step, it is important that the nature and relative positions of the diamond inclusions are carefully noted in order to maximize the number of inclusions that can be exposed simultaneously on one polished surface. In this modus operandi, cathodoluminescence imaging, plus FTIR/N aggregation and C/N isotopic analyses are performed on polished diamond surfaces to reveal their internal growth zones and the spatial relationship of the mineral inclusions to these zones.Knowledge gained by such detailed, albeit work-intensive, studies continues to add immensely to the constantly evolving models of the origin of diamonds and their host rocks in the Earth's mantle, as well as to lithospheric stability models in cratonic areas. Multiple lines of evidence indicate the ultimate crustal origin for the majority of mantle eclogites. Similar pieces of evidence, particularly from δ13C in P-type diamonds and δ18O in peridotitic garnets lead to the suggestion that at least some of the mantle peridotites, including diamondiferous ones, as well as inclusions in P-type diamonds, may have had a crustal protolith as well.  相似文献   

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