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Ferreira  A. M.  Coelho  C.  Narra  P. 《Natural Hazards》2021,105(1):1069-1107
Natural Hazards - Worldwide coastal zones present serious erosion problems that cause loss of territory. This phenomenon exposes people and goods to the threat, being necessary to carry out a...  相似文献   

Mountain erosion mapping is one of the important aspects for monitoring environmental degradation. Global climate change coupled with human activities is eroding the mountain regions of the world at an alarming rate. The various types of erosion can be classified as water erosion, aeolian erosion, glaciered erosion, gravity erosion and man-made erosion. Tectonic activity also plays a major role towards mountain erosion. Soil erosion along with debris flow and rock falling not only causes loss of human life and property, but also affects the climatic condition of the mountain regions. Mountain erosion mitigation and protection methods include wire mesh fencing with inclusion of brush layers and brush mats on fascines, constructing check dams and slope benches and application of bioengineering works such as plantation and vegetation growth. This study consists of the global scenario with some of the state-of-the-art methods for mitigation and mappings of mountain erosion. The erosion in mountainous regions can be controlled with the help of suitable vegetation and plant growth, with installation of special bioengineered materials. However, public awareness is also considered as an important factor. Moreover, it is found that mapping the rate of erosion greatly helps to make proper action plan against the erosion process.  相似文献   

Landslide hazards and mitigation measures at Gangtok, Sikkim Himalaya   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Landslides and other mass movements are serious geo-environmental hazards in the Himalayas. Massive landslides killing tens of thousands of people with catastrophic damages have occurred in the Eastern Himalayan State of Sikkim, which shares common borders with Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan. This paper describes the investigations carried out on recent landslides in Gangtok, Sikkim, India, with emphasis on the triggering mechanisms that have contributed to the release and creep of natural slopes in the region. It is believed that the intense rainfall in the region not only contributes to rapid erosion and weathering of the rock mass, but also increases the groundwater level that leads to reduction in the stability of natural slopes. A landslide instrumentation programme that includes placement of settlement pillars and piezometers is underway to predict the behaviour of landslides in the area.  相似文献   

The downstream effects of flood risk mitigation measures and the necessity to develop flood risk management strategies that are effective on a basin scale call for a flood risk assessment methodology that can be applied at the scale of a large river. We present an example of a rapid flood risk assessment methodology for the Elbe River. A 1D hydraulic routing model is extended by including the effect of planned (regulated and unregulated) and unintended retention (dike breaches) on the peak water levels. We further add an inundation model for dike breaches due to dike overtopping and a macroscale economic approach to assess the flood damage. The flexible approach to model the effects of measures by means of volume storage functions allows for rapid assessment of combinations of retention measures of various proposed dimensions and at multiple locations. The method allows for the comparison of the flood risk at the scale of the main river trajectory, which has not been possible for the Elbe River to date. The model is applied to a series of exemplary flood risk mitigation measures to show the downstream effects and the additive effects of combinations of measures on the flood risk along the river. We further demonstrate the increase in the downstream flood risk resulting from unilateral decisions to increase the dike height at upstream locations. As expected, the results underline the potential effectiveness of increased retention along the river. The effects of controlled retention at the most upstream possible location and largest possible extent generate the most pronounced reduction of average annual damage. As expected, the effect of uncontrolled retention with dike relocations is significantly lower.  相似文献   

H. Jesse Walker 《GeoJournal》1992,26(4):511-520
The coast was among the first of the earth’s environments to be subjected to human modification; modification that was both direct and indirect, as it is today. During the last 4.000 to 5.000 years, human impacts on the coast were at what was basically a stable sea level. Because many of the modifications were made to protect against unusual events such as typhoons and tsunami, humans developed a variety of techniques for protecting shorelines. Recent calculations that a rapid sea level rise (in response to greenhouse warming) is imminent, has prompted concerned efforts at meeting the socio-economic impacts that are likely to occur. These impacts, rather than being localized and temporary as has been true in the recent past, are likely to be universal and long-lasting. This thought, penned by Blaise Pascal, was accompanied by an artistic interpretation by Corita Kent inNewsweek, June 14,1976, p. 87.  相似文献   

Riverine sediment load, a reflection of basin erosion and sediment yield, is influenced by both climatic and human factors. Complex interaction between various factors within a basin dampens and counteracts the forces that drive sediment variations. The gross human impact index and the index estimation method have both been proposed to reflect the impacts of human activities on soil erosion and sediment yield. Sediment load and daily rainfall data from 1955 to 2010 in the upper Yangtze basin, and in the Wu, Jialing, Min and Jinsha subbasins, were collected to assess the human versus climatic impacts on sediment yield. From 1955 to 2010, the average annual runoff in the study area was 428.2 billion m3, and the average annual suspended sediment load was approximately 0.43 billion t. There was a critical point in 1984, 1985, 1991, 1993 and 1999 when the sediment load decreased in the Wu, Jialing, upper Yangtze, Min and Jinsha river, respectively. The annual regional rainfall erosivities in the upper Yangtze basin in most years ranged between 2,500 and 3,500 MJ mm hm?2 h?1 year?1 and fluctuated around 3,000 MJ mm hm?2 h?1 year?1 with a small coefficient of variation of 0.11. In the Jinsha subbasin, the index indicated that increasing rainfall erosivity could not account for the reduction in riverine sediment load and that anthropogenic erosion-control measures played a key role. The index values for the Min, Jialing and Wu subbasins ranged from 76 to 97 % and for the upper Yangtze basin is 95 %, demonstrating the joint effects of precipitation and human activities in all basins, with erosion-controlling measures playing a major role in sediment load reduction.  相似文献   

M. Fuchs   《Quaternary Research》2007,67(3):349-356
Soil erosion is a natural geomorphological process, which can be triggered by both natural (climate, tectonics, or both) and anthropogenic (e.g., agriculture) perturbation of the ecosystem. Evidence has accrued that the Holocene climate experienced large fluctuations in amplitude and suggestions of human impact on the ecosystem provided by the Neolithic revolution dating back to the early Holocene have been made. The question of whether man or climate was the dominant factor responsible for Holocene soil erosion remains unresolved. To resolve the reasons for Holocene sediment redistribution, high-resolution chronometric data on sediments derived from colluvial and alluvial archives from southern Greece were obtained and combined with available archaeological and paleoclimatic data from the eastern Mediterranean. These data show a significant correlation between sedimentation rates and settlement history. Climatic fluctuations are only weakly correlated with sedimentation history. The results show high sedimentation rates during the Early Neolithic (7th millennium BC) in southern Greece, suggesting that Holocene soil erosion was triggered by human activity and then amplified by enhanced precipitation. This would explain the high sedimentation rates during the Early Neolithic in connection with enhanced precipitation in the eastern Mediterranean, which continued until the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   

Environmental assessments are conducted prior to mineral development at proposed mining operations. Among the objectives of these assessments is prediction of solute release from mine wastes projected to be generated by the proposed mining and associated operations. This paper provides guidance to those engaged in these assessments and, in more detail, provides insights on solid-phase characterization and application of kinetic test results for predicting solute release from waste rock. The logic guiding the process is consistent with general model construction practices and recent publications. Baseline conditions at the proposed site are determined and a detailed operational plan is developed and imposed upon the site. Block modeling of the mine geology is conducted to identify the mineral assemblages present, their masses and compositional variations. This information is used to select samples, representative of waste rock to be generated, that will be analyzed and tested to describe characteristics influencing waste rock drainage quality. The characterization results are used to select samples for laboratory dissolution testing (kinetic tests). These tests provide empirical data on dissolution of the various mineral assemblages present as waste rock. The data generated are used, in conjunction with environmental conditions, the proposed method of mine waste storage, and scientific and technical principles, to estimate solute release rates for the operational scale waste rock.Common concerns regarding waste rock are generation of acidic drainage and release of heavy metals and sulfate. Key solid phases in the assessments are those that dissolve to release acid and sulfate (iron sulfides, soluble iron sulfates, hydrated iron-sulfate minerals, minerals of the alunite–jarosite group), those that dissolve to neutralize acid (calcium and magnesium carbonates, silicate minerals), and those that release trace metals (trace metal sulfides, hydrated trace metal-sulfate minerals). Conventional mineralogic, petrographic, and geochemical analyses generally can be used to determine the quantities of these minerals present and to describe characteristics that influence their dissolution. A key solid-phase characteristic is the mineral surface area exposed for reaction, which is influenced by mode of occurrence (included, interstitial, liberated) and the extent of mineral surface coating. Short-term dissolution tests can estimate the extent of hydrated sulfate minerals present. Longer term dissolution tests are necessary to describe the dependence of drainage pH and solute release rates on solid-phase variation. The extensive data compiled from baseline pre-development definition, the operational plan, solid-phase characterization, and dissolution testing are ultimately synthesized by means of a modeling exercise requiring considerable technical and scientific expertise. The predicted rates (model outputs) are expressed as probability distributions to allow assessment of risk. This exercise must be technically defensible and transparent so that regulators can confidently assess the results and evaluate the operational plan proposed. Technical and non-technical challenges involved in implementing such programs are identified to benefit management planning for both industry and government.  相似文献   

The Indian subcontinent is characterized by various tectonic units viz., Himalayan collision zone in North, Indo-Burmese arc in north-east, failed rift zones in its interior in Peninsular Indian shield and Andaman Sumatra trench in south-east Indian Territory. During the last about 100 years, the country has witnessed four great and several major earthquakes. Soon after the occurrence of the first great earthquake, the Shillong earthquake (M w: 8.1) in 1897, efforts were started to assess the seismic hazard in the country. The first such attempt was made by Geological Survey of India in 1898 and since then considerable progress has been made. The current seismic zonation map prepared and published by Bureau of Indian Standards, broadly places seismic risk in different parts of the country in four major zones. However, this map is not sufficient for the assessment of area-specific seismic risks, necessitating detailed seismic zoning, that is, microzonation for earthquake disaster mitigation and management. Recently, seismic microzonation studies are being introduced in India, and the first level seismic microzonation has already been completed for selected urban centres including, Jabalpur, Guwahati, Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Dehradun, etc. The maps prepared for these cities are being further refined on larger scales as per the requirements, and a plan has also been firmed up for taking up microzonation of 30 selected cities, which lie in seismic zones V and IV and have a population density of half a million. The paper highlights the efforts made in India so far towards seismic hazard assessment as well as the future road map for such studies.  相似文献   

Even advanced technological societies are vulnerable to natural disasters, such as the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, and financial disasters, such as the 2008 collapse of the US housing and financial markets. Both resulted from unrecognized or underappreciated weaknesses in hazard assessment and mitigation policies. These policies relied on models that proved inadequate for reasons including inaccurate conceptualization of the problem, use of a too-short historic record, and neglect of interconnections. Japanese hazard models did not consider the possibility of multiple fault segments failing together, causing a much larger earthquake than anticipated, and neglected historical data for much larger tsunamis than planned for. Mitigation planning underestimated the vulnerability of nuclear power plants, due to a belief in nuclear safety. The US economic models did not consider the hazard that would result if many homeowners could not pay their mortgages, and assumed, based on a short history, that housing prices would keep rising faster than interest rates. They did not anticipate the vulnerability of the financial system to a drop in housing prices, due to belief that markets functioned best without government regulation. Preventing both types of disasters from recurring involves balancing the costs and benefits of mitigation policies. A crucial aspect of this balancing is that the benefits must be estimated using models with significant uncertainties to infer the probabilities of the future events, as we illustrate using a simple model for tsunami mitigation. Improving hazard models is important because overestimating or underestimating the hazard leads to too much or too little mitigation. Thus, although one type of disaster has natural causes and the other has economic causes, comparison provides insights for improving hazard assessment and mitigation policies. Instead of viewing such disasters as unpredictable and unavoidable “black swan” events, they are better viewed as “gray swans” that—although novel and outside recent experience—can be better foreseen and mitigated.  相似文献   

碎石土滑坡由于内部含有大量的碎块石,容易形成架空结构,使其内部拥有独特的渗流系统。不同结构的碎石土形成的渗流通道不同,导致滑坡体的失稳情形也各不相同,因此,针对性的防治措施也难于制定。福建省安溪县岩山角落滑坡具有多元结构碎石土滑坡的特征。在对碎石土滑坡进行物探、钻探、水位监测等多重手段整体勘测的基础上,利用SketchUp软件进行建模分析,获取了多元结构碎石土滑坡渗流系统与滑坡物质结构在空间上的关系,并对两类渗流系统的变形敏感性和降雨敏感性进行对比。结果显示,粗石状碎石土区域以集中渗流为主,假斑状碎石土区域以管网状渗流为主,前者对降雨的敏感性较后者高,而受渗流通道的整体强度和渗流稳定性的影响,前者对于滑坡变形的敏感性要低于后者。基于上述分析,确定采用抗滑桩和排水盲沟等工程措施进行治理,根据地下水监测数据和现场验证,治理效果良好,可供其他类似滑坡防治工程提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination occurs in groundwater of Bangladesh mainly from the alluvial and deltaic sediments. Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh was first detected more than a decade ago and the ’shallow tubewells’ were reported as the main source of arsenic contaminated water. From the nutritional and metabolic points of view, arsenic is likely to adversely affect human health and nutrition. Up to now, several studies have been carried out on this context; however, inadequate knowledge on arsenic sources, mobilization and transport still remains as a constraint due to lack of data, information and technological advances. Thus, a review study has been undertaken on the sources of arsenic, its causes, mobilization, transport, effects on human health, arsenic test procedures and removal methods, in the context of groundwater contamination in Bangladesh, and finally sustainable remedial measures of arsenic have been proposed. This study suggests that laboratory facilities for testing of arsenic and effects of enhanced groundwater pumping, phosphate fertilizer etc., need to be updated, expanded and studied. This review work is significant to further knowledge improvement, as the topic is general and worldwide. It can be concluded that the integration of the proposed remedial measures with the national geographic information system interface database relating to arsenic for analysis, production of hazard maps, and dissemination on television show for the planners, engineers, managers, field supervisors and affected people, can reach at the sustainable solution for mitigating arsenic and associated problems successfully in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

 Impacts on nearshore sedimentation arising from potential sea level change of the magnitude predicted in Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change scenarios associated with global warming are reviewed. For sandy duned coasts, the obvious sedimentation impacts include potential erosion of coastal dunes with implied deposition of the eroded material in the nearshore, possible deepening of embayments, and flooding of wetlands. For the sandy coasts a number of two-dimensional models are available for predicting shoreline change, but there are significant difficulties in applying Bruun-type models for dune erosion and assessment of sediment redistribution over the inner shelf, and for predicting the amount of shoreline retreat for a given rate of sea level rise. If the beach profile contains excessive sand relative to its equilibrium profile, sensu Dean (1991), then shoreline retreat may not occur upon sea level rise. From the evidence of Kiel Bay, at least in these semi-enclosed basin types, it is during major transgressions that maximum deposition in adjacent basins occurs, due to the sea eroding weakly consolidated and weathered surface regolith. But at the same time climatic patterns were re-adjusting and probably contributed to maximum deposition in adjacent shelf and basins below wave base. Received: 16 June 1995 / Accepted: 29 January 1996  相似文献   

The Solomon Sea region is an area of intense tectonic activity characterized by structural complexity, a high level of seismicity and volcanism, and rapid evolution of plate boundaries. There is little accretion in the eastern New Britain Trench. Accretion gradually increases westward with thick accretion in the western New Britain Trench and in the Trobriand Subduction System. The thick accretion in the western part of the New Britain Trench may be a result of collision from the north of Finisterre-Huon block with New Guinea mainland. The present boundary of the collision is along the Ram-Markham fault. Deformation structures and present day seismicity suggest that the northern block is under compression.

Accretion has occurred in the sediment filled trenches in the Solomon Sea. The scale of the accretionary wedge depends on the amount of trench-fill sediment available. It is unlikely that there is no sediment supply to the eastern part of the New Britain Trench where no accretion is observed and subduction erosion may be occurring. There are two possible mechanisms for subduction erosion of sediment; either a rapid rate of subduction relative to the supply of sediment inhibiting sediment accumulation in the trench; or horizontal tensional force superimposed on both the forearc and backarc regions of the arc. Seafloor spreading in both the Manus and Woodlark basins is fan-like with nearby poles in the western margins of the basins. This may be a reflection of a horizontally compressional field in the western part and a tensional field in the eastern part of the Solomon Sea. Therefore it is possible to conclude that the consumption of sediment in the eastern New Britain Trench is related to the horizontal tensional field superimposed on both the forearc and backarc regions of the subduction system.

Imbricated thrust and overthrust faults in the western New Britain Trench and Trobriand Trough are not linear over long distance, but form wavy patterns in blocks with unit distance of approximately 10 km.  相似文献   

Computer-based landscape evolution models offer the ability to evaluate landscape stability over the short (annual), medium (decades to hundreds of years) and long-term (thousands of years). Modeling has advantages in that design ideas can be tested, different surface material properties can be evaluated and risk analysis carried out. Landscape evolution models allow landscape surface change through time. These models also offer the advantage that the landscape can be evaluated visually as it develops through time, which is not possible with other types of models. Landscape evolution models can be used for not only soil loss assessment (i.e. tonnes/hectare/year), but also to evaluate the method of soil loss (i.e. rill or interrill erosion). This study examines a range of waste rock dump designs for the Minera Alumbrera Ltd. copper mine, Argentina. An erosion assessment using the SIBERIA erosion model over a 1000-year simulation period demonstrates waste rock dump designs using a conventional stepped design of backsloping benches and caps with angle of repose slopes provide the lowest average erosion rates and depths of incision than do other designs. Caution should be applied in interpreting these results as the SIBERIA erosion model is sensitive to parameter input and in this case was calibrated and run using a generic set of parameters that are not site specific. Nevertheless, the results provide a guide as to the strengths and weaknesses of different rehabilitation designs and demonstrate the insights that modeling studies can provide.  相似文献   

 Since the commencement of mining at the Himmetoğlu coal mine, northwest Turkey, serious stability problems have led to interruptions in mining and some environmental effects. A geotechnical investigation was initiated in 1997 and the significant factors that influence the stability have been defined. This paper outlines the results of the field and laboratory studies associated with the causes and mechanism of the slope instabilities and their environmental impacts. The possible remedial measures to improve the stability and to minimize the environmental problems are also described. Back-analyses and data from long-term monitoring indicate that the failures occur along two or three planar surfaces by combination of faults and localized strata steepening adjacent to the faults. The stability is sensitive to changes in length of the lower part of the basal sliding surface and shear strength of the bedding surfaces in the overburden. Suitable remedial measures include slope flattening (i.e. staged bench stripping), proper drainage and spreading of a rock blanket on the pit floor to increase spoil pile stability. Received: 18 April 2000 · Accepted: 15 August 2000  相似文献   

水土保持措施对流域泥沙输移比的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
以黄土高原无定河流域为例研究了水土保持措施对流域泥沙输移比的影响。水土保持措施极大地改变了流域泥沙的侵蚀、输移和堆积过程,因而改变了流域的泥沙收支关系。在天然状况下,无定河流域的泥沙输移比接近10。20世纪60年代后流域内大规模地展开水土保持工作以来,泥沙输移比急剧下降为0.2~0.4。泥沙输移比的变化,主要是由于流域内人为沉积汇的形成所致。这种人为沉积汇表现为水库、淤地坝的拦沙作用,导致了泥沙输移比大幅度减小。在目前状况下,人工沉积汇的拦沙作用相当于坡面措施减蚀作用的2 4~6.3倍,表明坡面治理措施的有效性尚有待提高,并亟待在生态环境建设中予以加强。  相似文献   

Laguna de Bay is the largest lake in the Philippines bordering metropolitan Manila, the nation's capital and the industrial hub of the country. As a multiple-use resource the lake is of prime importance for its fisheries, as a transport route and as a water source for the cooling of industrial plants and for irrigation. The lake is also envisaged to supply the domestic water needs of the basin in the year 2000. With rapid urbanization, industrial development and deforestation of its watershed, Laguna de Bay has been stressed with sedimentation, overexploitation of its fisheries and pollution. Various management strategies have been adopted by government to address such human impacts. Among the major programs are the installation of a hydraulic control structure, implementation of a zoning and management plan and the formulation of a master plan. There is need for an integrated approach for the management of the Laguna de Bay basin for its sustainable development.  相似文献   

为查明川藏铁路卡子拉山隧道进口规划建设区地质灾害特征,评价其在川藏铁路建设和运营期间可能遭受的地质灾害风险,采用高精度遥感、机载LiDAR、工程地质勘查等“空-天-地”一体化技术对该隧道进口规划区开展调查研究。结果表明:川藏铁路卡子拉山隧道进口规划区内发育有1#、2#滑坡和俄洛堆不稳定斜坡;1#滑坡规模约32.48×106 m3,2#滑坡规模约10.15×106 m3,均为已发生的特大型岩质滑坡;俄洛堆不稳定斜坡位于2处滑坡中部,规模约35.80×104 m3,下部为强风化岩体,上部为碎石土结构,为中型复合型结构斜坡。评价认为:川藏铁路卡子拉山隧道进口选线从2处滑坡体中部山脊穿过,2处滑坡对铁路选线未构成地质安全风险,但隧道进口穿过的俄洛堆不稳定斜坡存在潜在地质安全风险;1#、2#滑坡体在天然工况下处于稳定状态,俄洛堆不稳定斜坡在天然和地震工况下处于稳定状态,在暴雨工况下处于欠稳定状态。为规避工程建设扰动诱发潜在的滑坡风险,建议将卡子拉山隧道选线进口向东南侧平移,通过边坡开挖的合理设计、施工期间的实时监测及运营期间的针对性治理等措施,从源头上对潜在滑坡风险进行防控,以保证工程建设及运营安全。研究结果可为川藏铁路选线提供科学的地质依据。  相似文献   

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