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After the landfall of Cyclone Sidr along the southwestern coast of Bangladesh on November 15, 2007, emergency and public health personnel within and beyond Bangladesh anticipated a massive outbreak of water-borne and other diseases in most affected areas. Fortunately, such an outbreak did not occur. The objectives of this paper are to examine the extent and pattern of illnesses experienced by Cyclone Sidr survivors in the aftermath of its landfall and to investigate household and individual-level factors associated with such illnesses. Based on face-to-face interviews conducted among 277 randomly selected Sidr survivors living in the four most severely impacted coastal districts, this study found that the post-cyclone incidence of water-borne, respiratory, and other diseases was not unusually high. Only 52 persons suffered Sidr-related illnesses, and their illnesses were significantly associated with household income, and gender and age of the Sidr survivors. A major outbreak of such diseases was largely avoided because of the proper distribution of food and safe drinking water, as well as the timely implementation of health care intervention measures. This important finding will aid relevant authorities in successfully responding to outbreaks of diseases following a future extreme event in Bangladesh and perhaps elsewhere.  相似文献   

In recent years the frequency of abnormal floods in Bangladesh has increased substantially, causing serious damage to lives and property. The most crucial questions that need to be addressed are: what really causes the havoc-creating floods and is there any solution to the problem? The heavy monsoon downpour and synchronization of flood-peaks of the major rivers are generally considered to be the main causes of the floods. Some underlying factors also deserve serious consideration as possible contributors to the recent floods: change in the base level of the rivers due to local sea level rise and subsidence, inadequate sediment accumulation on flood plains, a possible increase in the watershed area due to seismic and neotectonic activities in the region, river bed aggradation due to siltation and damming of rivers, soil erosion due to unwise tilling practices, deforestation in the upstream region, and excessive development and population growth. Without regional cooperation among the co-riparian nations any major interbasin flood control activity is considered to be almost impossible. However, among other proposals in this paper, extensive annual dredging of the rivers, channels and creeks, and reoccupation of the abandoned channels in Bangladesh through re-excavations could still increase the water carrying capacity of the rivers. Land elevations could be increased if the dredged or excavated materials are dispersed on the flood plains, which would in turn reduce the severity of floods.  相似文献   

Cyclone Sidr, a Category 4 storm, struck the southwestern coast of Bangladesh on November 15, 2007, causing 3,406 deaths, 2.51 million acres of crop damage, and aggregated damage of US$1.7 billion. It significantly damaged household food availability and increased post-cyclone nutritional insecurity. This study assesses the nutritional status of household and explores influences of various socioeconomic variables on nutritional security. More specifically, it explores the impact of the cyclone on short-term nutritional status of women of reproductive age and children under 5?years. For this study, 331 households living in three villages devastated by Cyclone Sidr were selected. The nutritional status of women of reproductive age was measured based on body mass index, and that of children aged 6?C59?months was measured based on weight-for-height (wasting), height-for-age (stunting), and weight-for-age (underweight). This study found that the nutritional status, along with other household characteristics, of the study groups was not remarkably different across the three selected villages. Findings of this study further suggest that the nutritional security situation was not much changed in the post-cyclone period compared with the pre-cyclone period primarily because of rapid and effective distribution of essential food items among cyclone survivors by the government of Bangladesh along with donor and other organizations. However, nutritional insecurity was more prevalent in the island village relative to inland and coastline villages. Similarly, fishermen were found to be the most vulnerable to nutritional insecurity in the post-cyclone period. Several recommendations are made to improve food aid distribution in the aftermath of a cyclone.  相似文献   

Coping with floods in the city of Dresden,Germany   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
During August 2002 and again in March 2005 as well as in April 2006 the city of Dresden was hit by floods. The flood in 2002 was an extreme event, only comparable to flooding in 1862 and 1890 in Dresden. The flood discharge in 2006 was the second highest discharge since 1940 at the Dresden gauge although its return period was only about 15 years. This special situation enables a comparison of the preparedness of authorities and households in the flood endangered city of Dresden in 2002 after a long period of relatively low flood discharges and in 2005/2006 just a few years after a severe flood event. Before August 2002, the flood risk awareness and flood preparedness of authorities and households in Dresden was low. The inundation channels and the Elbe riverbed had not been maintained well. Just 13% of the households had undertaken building precautionary measures. The severe flood situation as well as the low flood preparedness led to tremendous damage, e.g., losses to residential buildings amounted to 304 million €. After 2002, the municipal authorities in Dresden developed a new flood management concept and many households were motivated to undertake precautionary measures. Building precautionary measures had been actually undertaken by 67% of the households before the floods in 2005 and 2006. Flood damage was significantly lower, due to the less severe flood situations and the much better preparedness. It is an important challenge for the future to keep preparedness at a high level also without recurrent flood experiences.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of non-DRR NGOs’ programs focusing on their contribution to the uplift livelihood of the disaster-affected coastal communities....  相似文献   


Poverty is the most important metric for determining the nature and sense of wellbeing in a given area. Most economists consider poverty to be an economic criterion for assessing many aspects of human development as well as overall social development; yet, society is multi-faceted in its many forms. To address this pressing societal issue, the current study used the Multidimensional poverty index (MPI). To analyse urban poverty among slum communities, the researchers used the Global MPI of the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative and UNDP (following Alkire and Foster) techniques. Researchers attempted to create a Multidimensional poverty index (MPI) for impoverished households in Purulia's designated slums in this study. In the second phase, the multidimensional poverty of Purulia's urban poor households was assessed based on (a) location, (b) social groupings, and (c) length of stay. Finally, researchers have attempted to identify the factors that contribute to multidimensional poverty. Two indicators, the Head Count Ratio (H) and Intensity of Poverty, have been offered to better explain the nature of MPI (A). Based on slum population density and areal density, eight urban slum areas with 320 households has been taken from 8 selected slums based on Yamane’s methodology from Purulia Municipality's wards. A structured questionnaire, an oral history interview, and a focus group discussion were used as primary data sources, with secondary data acquired from several officially published sources. The study displays a decomposed multidimensional poverty picture in terms of overall condition, socioeconomic groups, and household age, with a quantitative methodology that is transparent. When the locations have been considered, a qualitative approach has been used to determine that the slums closest to the railway track are the most multidimensionally disadvantaged of the eight slums. Furthermore, the schedule caste population has been found to be more deprived across many socioeconomic groups, with Scheduled tribe (ST) households being the most deprived in terms of health on one hand (applied quantitative methodology) and multi-nominal regression (applied qualitative methodology) indicating a mix mode approach. This form of analysis, which combines quantitative and qualitative approaches, can aid stakeholders and policymakers in developing specific poverty-reduction policies at the regional level.


This study investigates the disaster-induced population displacement scenario at individual household level in Bangladesh. ‘Population displacement’ is seen here as an alternative adaptation option to natural hazard for the survivors after cyclone Aila. The changes both in origin and destination community due to population displacement are described here on the basis of social ‘inclusion’ and ‘exclusion’ concept. The field survey was conducted during March–July 2010, and a sample of 280 respondents from 12 villages in southwest coastal Bangladesh was interviewed. Findings show that at the end of emergency aid, male members of the family started moving towards nearer cities to find an income. Based on the income and asset distribution at the community level, this study developed a societal cluster of displacement and demonstrates the societal changes because of cyclone-induced population displacement.  相似文献   

Hutton  David  Haque  C. Emdad 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(3):405-421
The purpose of this research was to identify social, culturaland psychological aspects of riverbank erosion-induced displacement in the flood plainsof Bangladesh. Although considerable research has examined the social and economicimpacts of riverine hazards in Bangladesh, there has been a general neglect of associatedpsychosocial implications. The specific objectives of the study were to: (1) assess hazardawareness in relation to riverbank erosion, (2) determine the magnitude of psychologicaldistress associated with displacement, and (3) identify patterns of psychosocial copingand adaptation common to displaced persons in Bangladesh. Although displacees were foundto have a significantly higher level of distress than non-displacees, this was relatedprimarily to socioeconomic deprivation rather than to displacement per se. The findingsof this study showed that the constant threat of riverbank erosion has contributed to asubstantial disaster subculture in the riverine zones of Bangladesh. The commonly hypothesized factorssuch as loss of land and frequency and duration of displacement were notsignificantly associated with distress levels.The need to integrate into hazard analysis and mitigation studiesa social, cultural and psychological context is recommended. In Bangladesh, the poor copewith hardship and problems by relying on religion, which in turn significantlyinfluences how they perceive and interpret natural calamities. It is argued that the capacityof people to respond to environmental threats is a function of not only the physicalforces which affect them, but of indigenous social and cultural belief systems which influencehow people interpret and organize their activities. Hazard analysis and mitigation wouldbe most effective when it takes into account psychological and socio-cultural aspects ofdisasters, due to the fact that psychological distress impacts the capacity of people toachieve livelihoods, but also important social and psychological processes determine the waypeople perceive and adapt to natural hazards.  相似文献   

In many megacities of the global south, the combination of rapid population growth and high pressure on space for housing, results in urban growth taking place in areas particularly prone to natural hazards. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is no exception to this rule. Many marginal settlements or slums are located on low-lying land at high risk of flooding. This paper analyzes the vulnerability of slum dwellers in Dhaka and highlights the major factors behind their sensitivity to floods and their ability to adapt to the related changes. The empirical findings presented are based on a questionnaire survey covering 625 households in five slum areas of Dhaka. Our data suggests that social capital plays an important role with regard to the ability of slum dwellers to find ways to live with the floods. Regardless of how strongly people are affected, mutual help and support are dominant features in times of crises. While poorly educated and resourced slum dwellers are highly vulnerable to external shocks, they still show a surprising capacity to cope with natural calamities.  相似文献   

Jordan is an Islamic state with planning based on Islamic principles. The execution of plans, though, has been constrained by geopolitical realities. In the last decade Jordan has moved from strictly sectoral planning to a strongly focused system of regional planning in order to achieve more growth in less developed regions. The prospects for these regions and the country as a whole will turn on the success of the peace process in the region.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to explore indigenous coping strategies and identify underlying demographic, socio-economic and other relevant variables that influence the adoption of coping strategies in three distinct cyclone-prone coastal villages of Bangladesh. The study finds that cyclones and induced surges are a recurrent phenomenon in coastal Bangladesh; hence people are used to adjusting their lifestyle and adopting their own coping strategies intelligently. Adoption of a particular set of coping strategies depends not only on the magnitude, intensity and potential impacts of the cyclone and induced surge, but also age, gender, social class, dissemination of early warning information, locational exposure, external assistance, social protection and informal risk sharing mechanisms within the community. Indigenous cyclone disaster prevention and mitigation strategies significantly minimize the vulnerability of the people. Under extreme situations, when such disasters surpass the shock-bearing capacity of the victims, informal risk sharing mechanisms through social bonding and social safety-nets become vital for short-term survival and long-term livelihood security. Therefore, proper monitoring and understanding of local indigenous coping strategies are essential in order to target the most vulnerable groups exposed to disasters. Additionally, proper dissemination of early warning and government and non-government partnerships for relief and rehabilitation activities should be prioritized to ensure pro-poor disaster management activities. The study also recommends effective monitoring of the impact of aid to ensure corrective measures to avoid the development of relief dependency by disaster victims.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Understanding household disaster risk perception is crucial to formulate and apply disaster risk reduction strategies. Using survey data from 300 households from three highly...  相似文献   

Social vulnerability to floods: a case study of Huaihe River Basin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Since ancient times, floods occurred frequently in Huaihe River with significant casualties and economic losses. In developing measures for disaster prevention or emergency response for disaster relief, the study of social vulnerability to floods in Huaihe River Basin should be strengthened. Based on the latest socioeconomic data, the index system of social vulnerability to floods was constructed from three dimensions: population, economy, and flood prevention. Sensitive indexes were identified from the original indexes by principal component analysis, and the social vulnerability index for floods was calculated for Huaihe River Basin. The results described the characteristics of the spatial distribution. It also demonstrated that vulnerability manifests itself as a regional phenomenon, with significant changes from city to city across the Huaihe River Basin. Understanding the impacts of changes in vulnerability was crucial in developing measures to prevent floods.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to explore the indigenous coping strategies of cyclone-affected coastal people, especially in southwestern part of Bangladesh. This study has been conducted by using qualitative methods, i.e., case study, key informants interviews and focus group discussion were adopted to get the vivid and comprehensive panorama of coping strategies of cyclone-affected coastal people. The paper examines that coastal people envisaged with frequent and severe natural hazards throughout the years which severely affect their everyday life. The findings indicate that in order to cope with the hazards, coastal people change their housing structure, search new jobs, migrate elsewhere, rear alternative livestock, borrow money, take relief and so on. The findings also indicate that local people can perceive and predict about the imminent hazards by observing different indicators and take initiative for disaster prevention, mitigation and adaptation from their existing traditional knowledge and practices. There has not been conducted much empirical research on indigenous coping strategies of coastal people in natural hazards, so policy maker can get a comprehensive view about this context and implement it to national policy for comprehensive disaster management and adaptation.  相似文献   

IFKIS-Hydro is an information and warning system for hydrological hazards in small- and medium-scale catchments. The system collects data such as weather forecasts, precipitation measurements, water level gauges, discharge simulations and local observations of event-specific phenomena. In addition, IFKIS-Hydro incorporates a web-based information platform, which serves as a central hub for the submission and overview of data. Special emphasis is given to local information. This is accomplished particularly by human observers. In medium-scale catchments, discharge forecast models have an increasing importance in providing valuable information. IFKIS-Hydro was developed in several test regions in Switzerland and the first results of its application are available now. The system is constantly extended to additional regions and may become the standard for warning systems in smaller catchments in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Nuclear power development is a controversial issue in the post-Fukushima era. Outlining the effective risk communication strategies is very important. This study attempts to examine the determinants of information-seeking intentions in the context of nuclear power risks. Guided by risk information-seeking models, such as the risk information seeking and processing, this study developed a conceptual model to explore this issue. A survey of the residents (N = 487) near the Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant significantly validated the hypothesized causal relations. Perceived knowledge about nuclear power is important in predicting the perceived risk, information need, and information-seeking intentions. The information need and channel beliefs are significant predictors of information-seeking intentions. Moreover, results also suggest the mediating role of information need in the information-seeking process. However, information-seeking intentions are indirectly, rather than directly, stimulated by perceived risk. Implications and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Binary coefficients: A theoretical and empirical study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Binary coefficients can be assigned to several categories on the basis of algebraic and conceptual properties. The phi coefficient of association is related algebraically to the chi-square statistic for 2-by-2 contingency tables, and use of this coefficient in cluster analysis permits the objective, nonarbitrary partitioning of objects among groups on the basis of previously selected levels of significant, positive association. Similarity, matching, and distance coefficients possess neither conceptual nor operational statistical meaning for many geological data sets. The weighted pair group method and flexible clustering strategy may give an overly conservative partitioning of objects among groups. Clustering by the unweighted pair group method, using the phi coefficient, is recommended for the analysis of biostratigraphic and paleoecologic presence—absence data.  相似文献   

Coping with Complexity: Adaptive Governance in Desert Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Governance in Aboriginal settlements in desert Australia is changing at an unprecedented rate. Aboriginal leaders and community managers describe the change as bewildering, with ever-revolving agents and agencies and increasing quantities of administration. Governments are preoccupied with finding linear ‘solutions’ to new conceptualisations of the ‘problem’ and packaging these for top-down implementation. However, governance in practice involves multi-dimensional interactions of a complex system, which are difficult to predict, let alone to control for outcomes. Through the lens of complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory, this paper argues that there is potential to improve governance as an adaptive system through three principles that enhance local feedback: (1) application of the subsidiarity principle to different levels in the governance system would realise a better match between decentralised functions and local capacity; (2) connectivity would improve information flows and relationships between agents in the system, as a necessary precursor for informed decision-making; and (3) accountability, when taken beyond simplistic notions of financial reporting, would identify power relationships across the system and indicate where agents may exercise greater influence in the system. Consideration of these principles will help promote a shift from the perspective that assumes the system to be linear and manageable from the top-down to a perspective that embraces the notion of adaptive governance as a means of recognising the capacity of agents to influence the system that they inhabit.  相似文献   

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