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According to recent research, one of the most promising strategies for intraurban job growth lies promoting localized clusters that produce goods and services which are primarily sold within a single city, metropolitan area, or urban region. However, in order to design urban policies to create or reinforce local clusters, the first challenge is to measure in a reliable way the clustering tendencies of different kinds of economic units in intraurban space. The aim is to compare the similarities and differences in results obtained from two methods designed to measure global clustering tendencies (the planar and network K-functions) in terms of characterization, scale, and intensity of intraurban localization patterns for tertiary economic units in a Latin American metropolis. It is concluded that the network K-function is a more appropriate method for measuring agglomeration patterns, scale, and intensity at the intra-urban level.  相似文献   

利用第五次人口普查数据,运用生态因子分析方法,通过对广东省韶关市典型案例分析,对我国山区资源型大城市的社会区分类、特征与影响因素进行了研究。发现具有这种规模、功能和区位特征城市的社会区可划分为7类,其中5类社会区及其在城市中的空间分布与北京、上海、广州等综合性特大中心城市具有相似之处;而另2类则反映出山区资源型城市的不同特征。影响这类城市社会区形成的因素主要有4个方面,其中科技文化水平和建设时序两个因素与综合性特大中心城市相似;但就业结构对山区资源型城市的影响比中心城市的影响要大得多,年龄结构、性别比结构、人口迁入迁出比重等人口和家庭特征因素在这类城市中具有突出的影响。  相似文献   

Urban hierarchies are closely related to economic growth, urban planning and sustainable urban development. Due to the limited availability of reliable statistical data at fine scales, most existing studies on urban hierarchy characterization failed to capture the detailed urban spatial structure information. Previous studies have demonstrated that night time light data are correlated with many urban socio-economic indicators and hence can be used to characterize urban hierarchies. This paper presents a novel method for studying urban hierarchies from night time light data. Night time light data were first conceptualized as continuous mathematical surfaces, termed night time light surfaces. From the morphology of these surfaces the corresponding surface networks were derived. Hereafter, a night time light intensity (NTLI) graph was defined to describe the morphology of the surface network. Then, structural similarity between the night time light surfaces of any two different cities was calculated via a threshold-based maximum common induced graph searching algorithm. Finally, urban hierarchies were defined on the basis of the structural similarities between different cities. Using the 2015 annual NPP-VIIRS night time light data, the urban hierarchies of 32 major cities in China were successfully examined. The results are highly consistent with the reference urban hierarchies.  相似文献   

随着文化创意产业在世界范围内的崛起,城市文化职能和全球文化城市成为城市网络研究的新兴视角。借助“大麦网”数据,基于空间分析和岭回归方法,揭示基于文化演出消费活动的中国城市网络空间结构与影响因素,对现有城市网络研究形成补充。研究表明:①文化巡回演出的城市网络呈现出中国城市网络中常见的“菱形结构”,但是向二、三线城市渗透的趋势较为明显,体现了不同级别城市本地文化生产能力的差异以及文化演出边际收益递增的特点;②中西部省会城市在城市网络中的影响力表现出明显的上升,而东部沿海地区核心城市的影响力则出现一定程度的下降,反映出中国不同地区演出市场发育程度以及区域中心城市在对外文化联系中地位的差异;③不同类型文化演出在空间分布和网络结构上同样存在较为明显的差异,反映出其市场结构和盈利模式的差异以及城市地方文化消费特征的影响;④文化教育发展水平、地方政府投入、城市总体经济发展和消费水平以及对外开放程度是影响中国文化演出消费城市网络空间格局的重要因素,反映出文化演出消费的独特性。  相似文献   

Cycling plays an important role in low-carbon transitions. Around the globe, cities are constructing bicycle infrastructure. The city of Copenhagen has a bicycle-friendly infrastructure celebrated for its fine-meshed network. This study documents the spatio-temporal development of Copenhagen’s bicycle infrastructure and explores how the development corresponds to other processes of urban transformation. The study builds on historical maps of bicycle infrastructure that are digitised into geographical information, which allows for a comprehensive analysis of the formation of the network. In search for identifying drivers, the study analyses the city’s spatial growth pattern, migration pattern, development of road network and changes in the transport culture. Analyses reveal that the bicycle infrastructure expanded at a relatively constant pace during distinct periods of urban transformation, including periods when the city suffered from spatial, economic and demographic decline, and dominance of car traffic. By discussing reasons and demands for constructing bicycle infrastructure, the study identifies four distinct periods in which bicycle infrastructure was constructed to enhance comfort and safety (first cycling city); the flow for cars (car city); urban liveability for soft transport (liveable city); and, finally, to improve the flow for cyclists as part a strategic re-design of urban space (liveable cycling city).  相似文献   

Tree-ring series have been used to reconstruct 50 years of rockfall behavior on a slope near Saas Balen (Swiss Alps). A total of 796 cores and 141 cross sections from 191 severely injured conifer trees (Larix decidua Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus cembra L.), combined with a series of aerial photographs, were used to investigate the evolution of the forest stand so as (i) to reconstruct past rockfall rates; (ii) to analyze the spatial behavior of maximum bounce heights; and (iii) to analyze the spatial comportment of rockfall activity over the last five decades.Tree-ring analysis permitted the reconstruction of the age distribution at the study site; results were in perfect agreement with the afforestation process shown in the aerial photographs. The oldest are located in the lower, central part of the study site; the youngest individuals at its uppermost lateral boundaries. Reconstructed rockfall rates reveal strong interannual variations and single event years with increased activity, namely in 1960/1961 and 1995. Spatial analysis of the maximum bounce heights indicate highest values at the lateral boundaries and lowest heights in the lower central part of the forest stand, where a big boulder seems to shield trees growing below it. The spatial analysis of past rockfall activity shows high active zones at the uppermost north-facing boundaries of the forest and least active zones in the lowermost central part of the studied stand. The high rockfall activity at the slope is expressed by a mean rockfall rate of > 1 event m− 1 y− 1.  相似文献   

Social Network Analysis offers powerful tools to analyze the structure of relationships between a set of people. However, the addition of spatial information poses new challenges, as nodes are embedded simultaneously in network space and Euclidean space. While nearby nodes may not form social ties, ties may exist at a distance, a configuration ill-suited for traditional spatial metrics that assume adjacent objects are related. As such, there are relatively few metrics to describe these nuanced situations. We advance the burgeoning field of spatial social network analysis by introducing a set of new metrics. Specifically, we introduce the spatial social network schema, tuning parameter and the flattening ratio, each of which leverages the notion of ‘distance’ to augment insights obtained by relying on topology alone. These methods are used to answer the questions: What is the social and spatial structure of the network? Who are the key individuals at different spatial scales? We use two synthetic networks with properties mimicking the ones reported in the literature as validation datasets and a case study of employer–employee network. The methods characterize the employer–employee as spatially loose with predominantly local connections and identify key individuals responsible for keeping the network connected at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

基于城市功能格局的西安市文化产业空间集聚研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对以往文化产业区位特征研究中缺乏与城市功能格局有机联系的问题,以中国西部重要的文化产业集聚中心西安市为案例,采用土地利用区位商、标准差椭圆、热点分析和叠加分析等方法,分析其文化产业的空间集聚特征及与城市功能格局的耦合关系。结果表明,2016年西安市的文化产业布局具有较强的“空间+功能”依附性特征,其空间集聚以城市发展主轴为方向线,集中在以一类工业和科教功能为主、开发较为成熟的城市综合功能区。传统商贸业、物流业等要素集散枢纽对文化产业的空间集聚影响较为显著。面向生活服务的文化休闲娱乐服务业的空间分布相对均衡,而面向生产服务的文化创意和设计服务业则表现出较强的产业关联导向和环境氛围导向特征。  相似文献   

基于功能区的行政区划调整研究——以绍兴城市群为例   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
顾朝林  王颖  邵园  顾江 《地理学报》2015,70(8):1187-1201
本文构建了基于功能区的行政区划调整研究框架。首先,运用功能区思想,以大城市地区的街道或乡镇为空间单元,采集相关的自然、历史、文化、产业、客流和信息流数据,进行要素功能区的分析,准确获取不同层次相互依赖的功能空间单元,使城市在空间上充分适应和支撑多变的社会经济环境,为城市的多样性提供充分的弹性空间依据。其次,在城市基层单元的要素功能区的基础上,进一步采用因子分析和聚类分析方法,进行城市功能区的划分,可以为行政区划调整提供基于城市功能区有机的空间组织科学依据。在上述行政区划调整研究框架的基础上,以绍兴市为例进行了案例研究,结果表明,绍兴市域内自然、文化功能区清晰,块状经济特征明显,基层区之间的经济、文化、通勤和信息联系已经突破现在的市县行政区边界,按照综合功能区的思想进行行政区划调整。总体上说,基于功能区的行政区划调整,对大城市地区或城市群地区,保证其物质环境和社会空间的快速和谐发展,有效利用资源,具有重要的科学意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

文化产业作为知识经济时代的新兴产业、朝阳产业,在经济增长、满足就业、城市文化建设等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。聚集现象是经济产业研究的重要发现。本研究通过标准距离与L函数相结合的方法和核密度制图法对基于文化企业位置信息的点模式空间分布格局做定量和定性分析。认为福州文化产业的分布总体呈现聚集态势,具有较为明显的中心—外围的圈层结构,不同产业部门的发育阶段、聚集程度和形态特征有明显差别,资源、市场、政策条件的优势下,福州市文化产业具有良好的发展前景,但产业集聚的优势并未充分发挥,文化产业的空间布局亟待进一步优化。  相似文献   

基于财富500强中国企业网络的城市网络空间联系特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
基于2015年世界财富500强中的102家中国企业数据,根据企业组织特征构建了反映企业—城市间关联的折衷网络模型,借助网络分析等多种方法分析了中国地级城市间和典型城市群之间的网络联系。研究发现:① 城市网络总体连通性较差、向心集中性强,发育不够完备;城市网络连接具有明显的行政中心指向、沿海指向和资源指向;网络节点城市对外经济依赖度高,网络结构扁平特征明显。城市群网络存在权力分散、地位分化和外部联系依赖特征。② 城市网络中省域、城市群和俱乐部边界效应明显,区域内外的中心城市规模和数量对省域行政区经济、城市群经济和俱乐部经济的发展产生影响。③ 城市在多尺度网络中的功能分化明显,大城市和区域型中心城市比中小城市拥有更加完备和均衡的功能体系。沿海三大城市群的辐射带动作用明显,其他城市群的优势功能有待突出。④ 城市(群)跨尺度区域功能互动效应显著,城市(群)的自我经济集聚能力与城市(群)的对外辐射带动功能之间存在密切的正向关系。研究为城市网络模型拓展及理解中国城市网络空间联系特征提供了支撑。  相似文献   

The discovery of spatial clusters formed by proximal spatial units with similar non-spatial attribute values plays an important role in spatial data analysis. Although several spatial contiguity-constrained clustering methods are currently available, almost all of them discover clusters in a geographical dataset, even though the dataset has no natural clustering structure. Statistically evaluating the significance of the degree of homogeneity within a single spatial cluster is difficult. To overcome this limitation, this study develops a permutation test approach Specifically, the homogeneity of a spatial cluster is measured based on the local variance and cluster member permutation, and two-stage permutation tests are developed to determine the significance of the degree of homogeneity within each spatial cluster. The proposed permutation tests can be integrated into the existing spatial clustering algorithms to detect homogeneous spatial clusters. The proposed tests are compared with four existing tests (i.e., Park’s test, the contiguity-constrained nonparametric analysis of variance (COCOPAN) method, spatial scan statistic, and q-statistic) using two simulated and two meteorological datasets. The comparison shows that the proposed two-stage permutation tests are more effective to identify homogeneous spatial clusters and to determine homogeneous clustering structures in practical applications.  相似文献   

This article examines the microgeography of diplomacy, particularly its localized embodiment in a corps diplomatique and international governmental organizations. Drawing on the case of The Hague, we map embassies and consider the locations of organizations engaged with interstate and transnational relations. The article raises questions about diplomatic form and function, whereby urban, economic, and political geographies intersect around issues of diplomacy, representation, and security. Our case study has implications for the study of other diplomatic centers and poses research questions about diplomacy as a spatial practice pertaining to diplomatic buildings, diplomatic clusters, para-diplomacy, and securitization.  相似文献   

李双成  赵志强  高阳  王仰麟 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1243-1252
由于人口的快速增加和经济要素的大量聚集,城市是下垫面性质改变最为显著的区域。本文应用定量递归分析技术对1999~2006年逐旬的1km SPOT-VEGETATION NDVI数据进行分析,以期揭示NDVI时间系列的非线性动态特征及其空间格局。研究结果表明,深圳市的NDVI时间系列的RQA特征值居于随机系列和确定性系列之间,属于含有随机成分的确定性系列。不同覆被类型下NDVI系列的特性不同,林地区的NDVI系列规则性最高,农地区次之,建设用地区最差,表明人类活动作为一种噪声对于NDVI系列性质的扰动。用二阶Rényi熵作为NDVI系列的可预测性指标,其空间格局表现为海拔高、坡度大、林地分布集中的西北和东南部可预测性高,而海拔相对低、建设用地相对集中的中南部地区可预测性低。  相似文献   


Regionalization attempts to group units into a few subsets to partition the entire area. The results represent the underlying spatial structure and facilitate decision-making. Massive amounts of trajectories produced in the urban space provide a new opportunity for regionalization from human mobility. This paper proposes and applies a novel regionalization method to cluster similar areal units and visualize the spatial structure by considering all trajectories in an area into a word embedding model. In this model, nodes in a trajectory are regarded as words in a sentence, and nodes can be clustered in the feature space. The result depicts the underlying socio-economic structure at multiple spatial scales. To our knowledge, this is the first regionalization method from trajectories with natural language processing technology. A case study of mobile phone trajectory data in Beijing is used to validate our method, and then we evaluate its performance by predicting the next location of an individual’s trajectory. The case study indicates that the method is fast, flexible and scalable to large trajectory datasets, and moreover, represents the structure of trajectory more effectively.  相似文献   

Levels of spatial segregation in Western European cities are persistent over space and time. To demonstrate the degree or appearance of spatial segregation, most studies on urban residential patterns still rely on fixed spatial units, aspatial measures and single scales. However, a spatial or temporal comparison of patterns and levels of segregation based on such units or metrics is not without problems. To that end, this paper takes an explicit geographic approach and considers individualized neighborhoods using EquiPop-software, allowing various scales. Using the k-nearest neighbors for all individuals increases international comparability and facilitates interpretation, so far often hampered in segregation research. This multiscalar, multigroup comparative approach on ethnic urban geographies – using Belgium as a case study – provides an empirical illustration of a valuable method and tool applicable in segregation research, thereby furthering the comprehension of the increasingly diverse urban geographies and building on emerging work in the US, Europe and beyond.  相似文献   

基于扩展强度指数、等扇分析法、核密度分析及空间句法等方法,运用1998年、2008年、2018年3个时期的文化产业企业地理数据、夜间灯光数据及城市道路网轴线模型分析西安市核心区文化产业空间成长与城市空间形态演变的特征,探究二者空间关系与作用机制.结果表明:①西安市核心区文化产业沿"东北-西南"走向扩展,其空间集聚格局逐...  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):144-164
This paper gathers potent visual images of one city, Los Angeles (L.A.), by examining three contemporary films— L.A. Story (1991), Boyz N the Hood (1991), and Grand Canyon (1991). It argues that popular culture, and in particular popular film, is an integral part of the portrayal of the cultural landscape. This paper primarily uses the assorted visual images of the urban landscape in considering how this one city has been recently depicted. The three films reveal a city shaped by rapid changes in urban America, depicting Los Angeles as an urban area composed of a fragmented landscape divided into many geographies: L.A. as a realm of simulations and void of consequences; L.A. as a city under siege, a place of epidemic violence and fear; L.A. as a place obsessed with security and control; L.A. as an increasingly ambiguous and chaotic place. Far from concluding that cities have become so fragmented that they are ageographic, these films reveal various geographies that are rooted in economic, political, and cultural contexts. Attention to the “restlessness” of cities and the postmodern focus on the instability and chaotic nature of urban experience actually challenge geographers to uncover the multitude of geographies of place. Interpreting the many geographies of Los Angeles shows that film can reveal a uniquely visual catalog of human experience of place, supplementing the ways in which we decipher place image and representation. This paper suggests that film is one way by which previously marginalized groups, such as blacks, can disseminate ideas from the margins and provide alternative experiencesof place. Geographers should add film to the cache of qualitative data that constructs an urban experience through images and representation, widening the discussion of what is place  相似文献   

Several theories (e.g., routine activities, strain and social disorganization theories) suggest that there are effects of income inequality and concentrated disadvantage on crime. This study follows primarily the long line of social disorganization theorizing to explain the intraurban variation of homicide rates in Chicago. In addition to poverty, income inequality adds stress to individuals when they compare their situation to those around them. A localized income inequality (LII) index is implemented in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to measure the inequality between contiguous areas. Defining inequality in a localized context is important because geographic proximity permits close contacts between residents and thus reinforces the awareness of relative deprivation. This inequality index adds a new dimension to concentrated disadvantage in urban areas. The study shows that the new concentrated disadvantage measure is a strong predictor of homicide rates across three areal units of analysis in Chicago, i.e., census tracts, community areas and neighborhood clusters.  相似文献   

吴健生  刘浩  彭建  马琳 《地理学报》2014,69(6):759-770
完善的城市体系可以不断优化各个城市的时空资源并强化区域城市的集聚效应,切实推动区域可持续发展与城市综合效益最大化。受惠于城市因素流与城市作用潜力的显著相关关系,节点体系研究可以准确测度城市体系内部各个城市之间的相互作用关系,又避免了功能体系研究所需矢量数据的难以获取与测算庞杂,而DMSP/OLS夜间灯光遥感数据可以综合地定量测度城市地区人类活动的广度与强度。基于夜间灯光指数的引力模型定量测度中国341个城市之间的相互作用关系,并通过二阶段聚类法综合分析其城市体系等级结构与空间格局。中国节点城市被划分为7 大国家节点城市(包括北京、天津、上海、广州、重庆、哈尔滨与沈阳)、26 个区域节点城市与107 个省域节点城市,而中国城市体系则被划分为2 个国家城市体系(北方城市体系与南方城市体系)、8 个区域城市体系(华北城市体系、东北城市体系、西北城市体系、黄河中游城市体系与华东城市体系、华南城市体系、西南城市体系、长江中游城市体系) 与31 个省域城市体系。城市体系的地域范围是相对的、局部的,没有明确的识别界线,不过通过对基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据的中国城市体系等级结构与空间格局与顾朝林实证研究的分析结果进行进一步的综合比对评估,总体而言,基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据对城市体系的等级结构与空间格局进行实证研究是可信的和可行的。  相似文献   

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