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Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

We use large-eddy simulation (LES) to study the turbulent pressure field in atmospheric boundary layers with free convection, forced convection, and stable stratification. We use the Poisson equation for pressure to represent the pressure field as the sum of mean-shear, turbulence–turbulence, subfilter-scale, Coriolis, and buoyancy contributions. We isolate these contributions and study them separately. We find that in the energy-containing range in the free-convection case the turbulence–turbulence pressure dominates over the entire boundary layer. That part dominates also up to midlayer in the forced-convection case; above that the mean-shear pressure dominates. In the stable case the mean-shear pressure dominates over the entire boundary layer.We find evidence of an inertial subrange in the pressure spectrum in the free and forced-convection cases; it is dominated by the turbulence–turbulence pressure and has a three-dimensional spectral constant of about 4.0. This agrees well with quasi-Gaussian predictions but is a factor of 2 less than recent results from direct numerical simulations at moderate Reynolds numbers. Measurements of the inertial subrange pressure spectral constant at high Reynolds numbers, which might now be possible, would be most useful.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of large-eddy simulation (LES) to the representation of subgrid-scale (SGS) processes is explored for the case of the convective boundary layer (CBL) developing over surfaces with varying degrees of spatial heterogeneity. Three representations of SGS processes are explored: the traditional constant Smagorinsky–Lilly model and two other dynamic models with Lagrangian averaging approaches to calculate the Smagorinsky coefficient (C S ) and SGS Prandtl number (Pr). With initial data based roughly on the observed meteorology, simulations of daytime CBL growth are performed over surfaces with characteristics (i.e. fluxes and roughness) ranging from homogeneous, to striped heterogeneity, to a realistic representation of heterogeneity as derived from a recent field study. In both idealized tests and the realistic case, SGS sensitivities are mostly manifest near the surface and entrainment zone. However, unlike simulations over complex domains or under neutral or stable conditions, these differences for the CBL simulation, where large eddies dominate, are not significant enough to distinguish the performance of the different SGS models, irrespective of surface heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Momentum and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets across a forest edge have been investigated using large-eddy simulation (LES). Edge effects are observed in the rapid variation of a number of budget terms across this vegetation transition. The enhanced drag force at the forest edge is largely balanced by the pressure gradient force and by streamwise advection of upstream momentum, while vertical turbulent diffusion is relatively insignificant. For variance and TKE budgets, the most important processes at the forest edge are production due to the convergence (or divergence) of the mean flow, streamwise advection, pressure diffusion and enhanced dissipation by canopy drag. Turbulent diffusion, pressure redistribution and vertical shear production, which are characteristic processes in homogeneous canopy flow, are less important at the forest transition. We demonstrate that, in the equilibrated canopy flow, a substantial amount of TKE produced in the streamwise direction by the vertical shear of the mean flow is redistributed in the vertical direction by pressure fluctuations. This redistribution process occurs in the upper canopy layers. Part of the TKE in the vertical velocity component is transferred by turbulent and pressure diffusion to the lower canopy levels, where pressure redistribution takes place again and feeds TKE back to the streamwise direction. In this TKE cycle, the primary source terms are vertical shear production for streamwise velocity variance and pressure redistribution for vertical velocity variance. The evolution of these primary source terms downwind of the forest edge largely controls the adjustment rates of velocity variances.  相似文献   

The statistics of turbulent flow across a forest edge have been examined using large-eddy simulation, and results compared with field and wind-tunnel observations. The moorland-to-forest transition is characterized by flow deceleration in the streamwise direction, upward distortion of the mean flow, formation of a high pressure zone immediately in front of the edge, suppression of the standard deviations and covariance of velocity components, and enhancement of velocity skewnesses. For the selected forest density, it is observed that the maximum distortion angle is about 8 degrees from the horizontal. Instead of approaching a downwind equilibrium state in a monotonic manner, turbulence (standard deviations and covariances of velocity components) and mean streamwise velocity undershoot in the transition zone behind the edge. Evolution of flow statistics clearly reveals the growth of an internal boundary layer, and the establishment of an equilibrium layer downwind of the edge. It is evident that lower-order moments generally adjust more quickly over the new rough surface than do higher-order moments. We also show that the streamwise velocity standard deviation at canopy height starts its recovery over the rough surface sooner than does the vertical velocity standard deviation, but completes full adjustment later than the latter. Despite the limited domain size upstream of the edge, large-eddy simulation has successfully reproduced turbulent statistics in good agreement with field and wind-tunnel measurements.  相似文献   

Effects of stratocumulus clouds on the dispersion of contaminants are studied in the nocturnal atmospheric boundary layer. The study is based on a large-eddy simulation (LES) model with a bulk parametrization of clouds. Computations include Lagrangian calculations of atmospheric dispersion of a passive tracer released from point sources at various heights above the ground. The results obtained show that the vertical diffusion is non-Gaussian and depends on the location of a source in the boundary layer.  相似文献   

The turbulence field obtained using a large-eddy simulation model is used to simulate particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer with both forward-in-time and backward-in-time modes. A Lagrangian stochastic model is used to treat subgrid-scale turbulence. Results of forward dispersion match both laboratory experiments and previous numerical studies for different release heights in the convective boundary layer. Results obtained from backward dispersion show obvious asymmetry when directly compared to results from forward dispersion. However, a direct comparison of forward and backward dispersion has no apparent physical meaning and might be misleading. Results of backward dispersion can be interpreted as three-dimensional or generalized concentration footprints, which indicate that sources in the entire boundary layer, not only sources at the surface, may influence a concentration measurement at a point. Footprints at four source heights in the convective boundary layer corresponding to four receptors are derived using forward and backward dispersion methods. The agreement among footprints derived with forward and backward methods illustrates the equivalence between both approaches. The paper shows explicitly that Lagrangian simulations can yield identical footprints using forward and backward methods in horizontally homogeneous turbulence.  相似文献   

A variable vertical mesh spacing for large-eddy simulation (LES) models in a convective boundary layer (CBL) is proposed. The argument is based on the fact that in the vertical direction the turbulence near the surface in a CBL is inhomogeneous and therefore the subfilter-scale effects depend on the relative location between the spectral peak of the vertical velocity and the filter cut-off wavelength. From the physical point of view, this lack of homogeneity makes the vertical mesh spacing the principal length scale and, as a consequence, the LES filter cut-off wavenumber is expressed in terms of this characteristic length scale. Assuming that the inertial subrange initial frequency is equal to the LES filter cut-off frequency and employing fitting expressions that describe the observed convective turbulent energy one-dimensional spectra, it is feasible to derive a relation to calculate the variable vertical mesh spacing. The incorporation of this variable vertical grid within a LES model shows that both the mean quantities (and their gradients) and the turbulent statistics quantities are well described near to the ground level, where the LES predictions are known to be a challenging task.  相似文献   

Large-Eddy Simulation Of The Stably Stratified Planetary Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
In this work, we study the characteristics of a stably stratifiedatmospheric boundary layer using large-eddy simulation (LES).In order to simulate the stable planetary boundary layer, wedeveloped a modified version of the two-part subgrid-scalemodel of Sullivan et al. This improved version of themodel is used to simulate a highly cooled yet fairly windy stableboundary layer with a surface heat flux of(W)o = -0.05 m K s-1and a geostrophic wind speed of Ug = 15 m s-1.Flow visualization and evaluation of the turbulencestatistics from this case reveal the development ofa continuously turbulent boundary layer with small-scalestructures. The stability of the boundary layercoupled with the presence of a strong capping inversionresults in the development of a dominant gravity wave atthe top of the stable boundary layer that appears to be relatedto the most unstable wave predicted by the Taylor–Goldsteinequation. As a result of the decay of turbulence aloft,a strong-low level jet forms above the boundary layer.The time dependent behaviour of the jet is compared with Blackadar'sinertial oscillation analysis.  相似文献   

Lagrangian stochastic models are well-suited for modeling dispersion in the stable boundary layer, especially in complex terrain. This note briefly describes the formulations and application of a Lagrangian stochastic model to predict dispersion of tracers released within nocturnal drainage flows.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations of the neutrally stratified flow over the Askervein Hill were performed, to improve the knowledge of the flow obtained from field measurements and numerical simulations with Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods. A Lagrangian dynamic subgrid model was used but, to avoid the underdissipative character near the ground, it was merged with a damped Smagorinsky model. Simulations of a flat boundary-layer flow with this subgrid model showed that the turbulent vertical motions and shear stress were better resolved using grids with a stream to spanwise aspect ratio Δx / Δy = 2 than with an aspect ratio Δx / Δy = 1. Regarding the flow over the Askervein Hill, it was found that large-eddy simulations provide an acceptable solution for the mean-velocity field and better predictions of the turbulent kinetic energy in the upstream side of the hill than the model. However, as with the model, grid convergence was not achieved in the lee side and the size of the zone with reversed flow increased with the grid refinement. Nevertheless, the existence of the intermittent separation predicted with unsteady RANS in part one of this work seems unquestionable, due to the deceleration of the flow. In our opinion, a better modelling of the decelerating boundary layer in the lee side is required to improve the results obtained using equilibrium assumptions and achieve grid convergence.  相似文献   

中尺度数值模拟中的边界层多尺度湍流参数化方案   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
该文在多尺度湍流理论的研究成果基础上, 将边界层湍流风谱与平均量的梯度相联系, 建立了边界层多尺度湍流参数化子模式, 之后放入MM5模式中进行了个例模拟研究, 并与MM5模式附带的M RF边界层参数化、Blackadar高分辨率边界层参数化的模拟结果进行比较和分析。结果表明, 多尺度湍流理论能够反映出实际大气边界层中热量垂直输送的规律, 将其用于中尺度数值预报模式的边界层物理过程参数化是可行的; 多尺度湍流参数化在地表层和边界层内各个层次上都着重考虑含能量最大的涡的作用以及水平热力不均匀性的影响, 因此在地形和下垫面比较复杂的区域, 对中尺度天气系统的模拟有进一步发展的前景。  相似文献   

The near-surface flow of a well-resolved large-eddy simulation of the neutrally-stratified planetary boundary layer is used to explore the relationships between coherent structures and the vertical momentum flux. The near-surface flow is characterized by transient streaks, which are alternating bands of relatively higher and lower speed flow that form parallel to the mean shear direction in the lower part of the boundary layer. Although individual streaks are transient, the overall flow is in a quasi-equilibrium state in which the streaks form, grow, decay and regenerate over lifetimes on the order of tens of minutes. Coupled with the streaky flow is an overturning circulation with alternating bands of updrafts and downdrafts approximately centered on the streaks. The surface stress is dominated by upward ejections of slower moving near-surface air and downward sweeps of higher speed air from higher in the boundary layer. Conditional sampling of the ejection and sweep events shows that they are compact, coherent structures and are intimately related to the streaks: ejections (sweeps) preferentially form in the updrafts (downdrafts) of the three-dimensional streak flow. Hence, consistent with other recent studies, we propose that the streak motion plays an important role in the maintenance of the surface stress by establishing the preferential conditions for the ejections and sweeps that dominate the surface stress. The velocity fluctuation spectra in the model near the surface have a k −1 spectral slope over an intermediate range of wavenumbers. This behaviour is consistent with recent theoretical predictions that attempt to evaluate the effects of organized flow, such as near-surface streaks, on the variance spectra.  相似文献   

Convection in a quasi-steady, cloud-free, shear-free atmospheric boundary layer is investigated based on a large-eddy simulation model. The performed tests indicate that the characteristic (peak) values of statistical moments at the top of the mixed layer are proportional to the interfacial scales (from gradients of scalars in the interfacial layer). Based on this finding a parameterization is proposed for profiles of scalar variances. The parameterization employs two, semi-empirical similarity functions Fm(z/zi) andFi(z/zi), multiplied by a combination of the mixed-layer scales and the interfacial scales.  相似文献   

黑河绿洲区不均匀下垫面大气边界层结构的大涡模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
姜金华  胡非  角媛梅 《高原气象》2005,24(6):857-864
采用RAMS模式中大涡模拟的方法,加入高分辨率的植被和土壤资料,模拟了黑河(张掖地区)不均匀下垫面条件下大气边界层演变过程。分析了模拟的地表通量、边界层的平均结构和湍流二阶量,并用黑河试验的观测资料检验了模式的模拟性能。结果表明,模拟的平均结构较好地展现了不均匀下垫面条件下边界层内从稳定层结到混合层发展,夹卷层形成,底层逆温层出现,混合层过渡到残留层等的演变过程,呈现出了从初始的稳定边界层发展到对流边界层,最后又形成夜问稳定边界层的日变化规律。湍流二阶量的分析显示,在非均匀下垫面条件下边界层内湍流二阶量的垂直分布与边界层的发展相对应,白天湍流二阶量出现两个峰值,分别位于近地层和混合层顶。与观测资料和现有研究的对比表明,RAMS中陆面模块(LEAF)地表参数不能较好地反映黑河地区的植被特征,模拟的白天地表感热和潜热通量偏小,气温白天偏低、夜间偏高,相对湿度也有偏差。  相似文献   

A family of wall models is proposed that exhibits moresatisfactory performance than previousmodels for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of the turbulentboundary layer over a rough surface.The time and horizontally averaged statistics such asmean vertical profiles of windvelocity, Reynolds stress, turbulent intensities, turbulentkinetic energy and alsospectra are compared with wind-tunnel experimental data.The purpose of the present study is to obtain simulatedturbulent flows that are comparable with wind-tunnelmeasurements for use as the wind environment for thenumerical prediction by LES of source dispersion in theneutral atmospheric boundary layer.  相似文献   

A large-eddy simulation (LES) model has been used to study a nocturnalstratocumulus-topped marine atmospheric boundary layer. The main objectivesof our study have been first to investigate the statistical significance of LES-derived data products. Second, to test the sensitivity of our LES results with respect to the representation of subgrid-scale mixing and microphysical processes, and third to evaluate and to quantify the parametric uncertainty arising from the incomplete knowledge of the environmental parameters that are required to specify the initial and boundary conditions of a particular case study. Model simulations were compared with observations obtained in solid stratocumulus during the third flight of the first 'Lagrangian' experiment of the Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX). Based on these simulations the following conclusions could be drawn. Resolution(50 × 50 × 25 m3) and domain size (3.2 × 3.2 × 1.5 km3) of the LES calculations were adequate from a numerical point of view to represent the essential features of the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer. However, the ensemble runs performed in our study to investigate the statistical significance of LES-derived data products demonstrate that the area-time averaging procedure for the second-order moments produces only a low degree of statistical reliability in the model results. This illustratesthe necessity of having LES model results that are not only of adequate resolution but also of sufficiently large domain. The impact of different subgrid schemes was small, but the primary effects of drizzle were found to influence the boundary-layer structure in a climatologically significant way. The parametric uncertainty analysis revealed that the largest contribution to the variance of the LES-derived data products is due to theuncertainties in the cloud-top jump of total water mixing ratio and the net radiative forcing. The differences between the model and measurements for most of the simulated quantities were within the modelling uncertainties, but the calculated precipitation rate was found to differ significantly from that derived in the observations.  相似文献   

Well-developed low speed and high temperature streaks in association with the alignment of convection cells are observed in a large-eddy-simulation (LES) generated strongly sheared convective boundary-layer flow, which is driven by a geostrophic wind speed of 15 m s-1 and a surface kinematic heat flux of 0.05 K m s-1. Vortices that drive streaky structures are identified through an eigenvalue method (lambda;2method) near the surface. These vortices are highly elongated along the quasi-streamwise direction alternating sign of the x-component of vorticity (x). By conditional sampling of fully developed vortices, a statistically significant coherent structure is educed. The educed vortex is elongated to the streamwise direction with the elevation angle of about 17° above the horizontal surface. However, the horizontal tilting is not clearly demonstrated in the present simulation. Fluctuation fields in the domain of the educed vortex show the existence of a low speed and high temperature streak as a direct consequence of momentum and heat transport by vortical motions. The strong ejection(upward transport of low momentum or high temperature)occurring at the higher level than that of the strong sweep (downward transport of high momentum and low temperature) can be explained from the spatial distribution of the fluctuationfields of velocity and temperature. The contribution of ejection to the Reynolds stress at z/h1 = 0.18 is about 75%, which is slightly greater than that (70% at z/h1 = 0.173) for the neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer. Ejection is also found to be dominant for the turbulent heat flux.  相似文献   

The impact of spatially non-uniform emissions on the turbulence dispersion of passive tracers in the convective boundary layer is studied by means of large-eddy simulation. We explicitly calculated the different terms of the budget equations for the concentrations, fluxes and variances, and used sub-domain averaging where each sub-domain is the typical size of a large-scale model grid cell. We found that the concentration profiles in the sub-domain where the emission takes place are lightly affected by the size of the emission release. This effect becomes more relevant in the downwind sub-domain. Although sub-domain averaged fluxes are not affected by the emission source size, concentration variances are dramatically increased when the emission shrinks. This increase originates from the mixing of highly concentrated air parcels with those of low concentrations. We also found that the concentration variance at the surface is driven neither by the position of the emission source nor the strength of the shear forcing but solely by the emission variance.  相似文献   

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