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A thermohaline front is located at the southeastern entrance of the Yellow Sea in winter, and it is generated by the intrusion of warm saline water into the Yellow Sea caused by a strong northerly wind. Recently, a westward transversal current traveling away from the west coast of Korea toward the open sea area along the front was reported. The westward transversal current is dominant in the surface layer during the temperature inversion period. The formation and structure of this current are examined using a numerical vertical ocean-slice model. When two different water masses meet, a front is formed and adjusted geostrophically. In this frontal zone, a horizontal pressure gradient flow by the vertically inclined isopycnal occurs under the thermal wind process in a baroclinic effect, and the cold fresh coastal water moves westward along the front in the upper layer. The barotropic effect across the front and the bottom friction effect strengthen the westward component of the velocity. The velocity of the bottom layer decreases remarkably in the increase of the bottom drag coefficient. This means that the bottom friction with the strong background tidal current causes a reduction in the current in the bottom layer.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the Navy' s Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set(MOODS), consisting of 116019 temperature and 9617 salinity profiles, during 1968- 1984 to investigate the temporal and spatial variabilities of South China Sea thermohaline structures and circulation. For temperature, profiles were binned into 204 monthly data sets from 1968 to 1984 (17 years). For salinity, profiles were binned into 12 climatological monthly data sets due to the data paucity. A two-scale optimal interpolation method was used to establish a three-dimensional monthly-varying gridded data set from MOODS, covering the area of 5°-25°N and 105° - 125°E and the depth from the surface to 400 m. After the gridded data set had been established, both composite analysis and the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis (for temperature only) were used to identify the major thermohaline fratures including annual mean, monthly anomalies, and interannual thermal variabilities. The inverted monthly circulation pattern  相似文献   

Studies have been performed on a transect along 130°30′ E from the Lena River delta (71°60′ N) to the continental slope and adjacent deepwater area (78°22′ N) of the Laptev Sea in September 2015. The structure of phytoplankton communities has distinct latitudinal zoning. The southern part of the shelf (southward of 73°10′ N), the most desalinated by riverine discharge, houses a phytoplankton community with a biomass of 175–840 mg/m2, domination of freshwater Aulacoseira diatoms, and significant contribution of green algae (both in abundance and biomass). The northern border for the distribution range of the southern complex of phytoplankton species lies between the 8 and 18 psu isohalines (~73°10′ N). The continental slope and deepwater areas of the Laptev Sea (north of 77°30′ N), with a salinity of >27 psu in the upper mixed layer, are populated by the community prevalently composed of Chaetoceros and Rhizosolenia diatoms, very abundant in the Arctic, and dinoflagellates. The phytoplankton number in this area fall in the range of 430–1100 × 106 cell/m2, and the biomass, in the range of 3600 mg/m2. A moderate desalinating impact of the Lena River discharge is observed in the outer shelf area between 73°20′ and 77°30′ N; the salinity in the upper mixed layer is 18–24 psu. The phytocenosis in this area has a mosaic spatial structure with between-station variation in the shares of different alga groups in the community, cell number of 117–1200 × 106 cells/m2, and a biomass of 1600–3600 mg/m2. As is shown, local inflow of “fresh” nutrients to the euphotic layer in the fall season leads to mass growth of diatoms.  相似文献   

The study of diatoms and benthic foraminifers from the southeastern shelf of the Laptev Sea shows that their most diverse and abundant recent assemblages populate the peripheral underwater part of the Lena River delta representing the marginal filter of the sea. This area is characterized by an intense interaction between the fresh waters of the Siberian rivers and the basin seawater, the Atlantic one included. Local Late Holocene (~last 2300 years) environments reflect the main regional and global paleoclimatic changes, the Medieval Warm Period (~600–1100 years B.P.) and the Little Ice Age (~100–600 years B.P.) inclusive. In addition, the composition and distribution of planktonic foraminifers implies a strong influence of the Atlantic water during the Holocene optimum ~5100–6200 years B.P.  相似文献   

The study of the Laptev Sea was a part of a comprehensive program for investigating Arctic seas during the cruise 63 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. On a transect along 130° E (September 8–14, 2015) from the estuary area of the Lena River on the traverse of the city of Tiksi to the continental slope (over 700 km), water samples were taken to study the hydrochemical structure of waters and the influence of the Lena River flow. From the obtained data, it was found that the effect of fresh water on the sea surface layer was very high and can be traced to a great distance from the river delta. An unconservative distribution of some hydrochemical parameters in the mixing zone was recorded. The concentration of nutrients in the surface layer, and a high turbidity can serve as limiting factors in the development of the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

A spatial and temporal variation in physiochemical parameters in the southeastern Yellow Sea(YS) is investigated in the spring and summer of 2009 to 2011.Nutrient show a strong negative relationship with chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentration in spring,and the subsurface chlorophyll a maxima(SCM) layer was associated with the nitracline in summer.In summer,the SCM was usually found within or above the pycnocline and at the depths of shoals from the open sea to the coastal sea due to tidal and/or topographical fronts in the southernmost study area.High Chl a concentrations were found in the central southern YS,where the YS cold water layer expanded under the pycnocline and encountered water masses during spring and summer.After a typhoon in the summer of 2011,Chl a concentration increased,especially in the central southern YS,where cold waters occurred below the pycnocline.The results suggest that the development of thermohaline fronts may play an important role in the growth and accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in the upper layer of the southeastern YS during spring and summer.  相似文献   

The Laptev Sea is a high-Arctic epicontinental sea north of Siberia (Russia) that is one of the least understood regions of the world’s ocean. It is characterized by a shallow and broad shelf plateau, high influx of river water, sediments and nutrients during summer, long-lasting sea-ice cover from October to May, and the formation of a narrow flaw-lead polynya off the fast-ice edge during winter.Here, we describe results of a German–Russian research project (1993-present), presenting the distribution patterns and dynamics of its marine flora and fauna, as well as pathways and processes of coupling between sea-ice, water-column and sea-floor biota.Three ecological zones are distinguished along a combined east–west and Lena-impact gradient, differing in the composition of pelagic and benthic communities. In general, high Chl a concentrations in the sediments indicate a tight coupling between sympagic and pelagic primary production and nutrient supply to the benthos throughout the entire Laptev Sea. However, there were pronounced regional differences between the ecological zones in magnitude of primary production and trophic dynamics. Primary production during the ice-free summer was highest in the estuarine zone most strongly influenced by the Lena River (210 mg C m−2 day−1). The western and northeastern Laptev Sea yielded 55 and 95 mg C m−2 day−1, respectively. Moreover, the zones differed in the partitioning of carbon flux between zooplankton and benthic food webs. In the Lena zone zooplankton carbon demand was about 31 mg C m−2 day−1 whereas in the western zone it was 21 mg C m−2 day−1 and in the eastern zone 4 mg C m−2 day−1. Total benthic carbon demand was 32 mg C m−2 day−1 for the Lena zone, 56 mg C m−2 day−1 in the western zone and 100 mg C m−2 day−1 in the northeastern zone.A carbon budget constructed for the Laptev Sea indicates that (1) a high proportion of primary production is channelled through the benthic trophic web, bypassing the pelagic trophic web, and (2) autochthonous primary production in the northeastern and western Laptev Sea might not be sufficient to fuel both pelagic and benthic secondary production and, hence, input of allochthonous organic carbon is required to balance the overall carbon demand.  相似文献   

The hydrochemical features of Ob Inlet in the open-water time were characterized using the data of the surveys during two seasons of different water content. The inlet was subdivided into the “riverine,” “marine,” and intermediate areas being different in the factors determining their hydrochemical regime. The processes occurring in each of the distinguished areas were considered in detail. Special attention was paid to the hydrochemical features in the mixing area of the fresh and saline waters (the frontal zone) within the periods of the maximum and minimum biological activity in the aquatic area of Ob Inlet.  相似文献   

Based on vector-algebraic analysis of random processes, we study the statistical structure of the synoptic variability of currents measured by an ADCP in the upper mixed layer in the central part of the continental slope of the Laptev Sea in 2006–2007. The results of statistical analysis show that in some cases the synoptic currents in the surface layer of the sea are signs of wind drift currents. This is indicated by the high correlation between the tangential friction of wind and currents, as well as the reversal of the depth of current vectors and the major axes of the ellipses of the mean-square deviation of the Ekman spiral. Due to the large variability of wind flows and stratification of water masses, the penetration depth of these currents is small and varies from 6 to 30 m, with pronounced seasonal variation. In deeper layers, no relationship between the currents and anemobaric forces is traced. It is concluded that the fluctuations of synoptic scale currents in the area of the continental slope of the Laptev Sea represent a superposition of Ekman drift currents and movements associated with free baroclinic Kelvin waves. These currents are the dominant contributor in the upper 30-m layer of the ocean, while waves play a key role in deeper waters.  相似文献   

Sampling was conducted along the quasi meridional transect at 130° E from the Lena River estuary to northern deep-sea regions of the Laptev Sea in September 2015. The latitudinal zonality and the impact of river runoff are manifested in the temperature and salinity distribution, concentration of particulate organic matter, and the structure of plankton communities. The differences in the chl a concentration and primary production along the transect are insignificant. The feeding rate of mesozooplankton herbivores was assessed by a fluorescence technique. The total consumption of phytoplankton biomass and primary production are estimated based on the feeding rate, abundance of zooplankton species, and their diel migrations. The daily grazing impact of zooplankton on phytoplankton biomass increases from 2% on the inner shelf to 3% on the mid-shelf, 5% on the outer shelf, and 10% in the deep-sea part of the basin. The consumption of primary production also increases: 1, 4.5, 5.7, and 13.9%, respectively. In the fall, the consumption of phytoplankton does not compensate the energy demands for respiration. The latitudinal zonality of the Laptev Sea appears not only in the hydrophysical water parameters and the structure of plankton communities, but also in their functional characteristics.  相似文献   

南海中尺度涡温盐结构的季节特征及形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用最新的涡旋数据集和ARMOR3D数据,研究了南海中尺度涡温盐结构的季节特征及形成机制。合成分析的结果表明,在冬季,涡旋引起温度异常的水平分布在50米以浅表现为类似偶极型分布,而在50m以深则趋向于中心对称分布;在夏季,温度异常的水平分布均表现为中心对称的特征。涡旋引起盐度异常的水平分布也具有类似的季节特征,但是偶极型中的不对称性相对较弱。在垂向上,涡旋所致的温度异常表现为单层结构,而盐度异常则为三层结构。进一步的分析表明,涡旋所致温盐异常的垂向分布特征与背景温盐的垂向分层有关;而在50m以浅,温盐异常的水平分布的不对称特征主要由背景温盐场的水平平流所致。  相似文献   

Characteristic features of the water structure and dynamics in the East China Sea, which is the zone of the formation of the Kuroshio Current, are studied from a database of mean multiannual hydrological and meteorological characteristics gathered for more than a half-century period and the data of expeditionary observations in this region. Characteristic distinctions between the waters in different regions of the current zone are shown. It was found that the formation of the structure of the water in the current zone is affected by the variability of the water exchange via the straits of the Ryukyu Islands and by the supply of the shelf waters against the background of the climatic variability.  相似文献   

The mineral composition of the heavy fraction in surface sediments of the Laptev and East Siberian seas has been analyzed. The multivariate statistics methods were used to define the main heavy mineral assemblages with outlining regional differences in their compositions and principal factors responsible for the formation of sediment mineral affinity in the study areas. It is shown that the distribution of the determined heavy mineral assemblages is controlled by the geostructural positions of sedimentation basins.  相似文献   

Kosolapova  N. G.  Kosolapov  D. B.  Kopylov  A. I.  Romanenko  A. V. 《Oceanology》2019,59(6):881-892
Oceanology - For the first time, the species composition of heterotrophic nanoflagellates, their quantitative characteristics, and abundance and biomass of their main food objects—bacteria...  相似文献   

研究海水温盐结构的反射地震方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在物理海洋学的研究中,利用CTD(Conductivity, Temperature and Depth sensors)测量方法研究海水温盐结构存在着获取数据时间长、数据横向精度低的缺点,而利用反射地震记录可以获得剖面上连续的水体温盐结构,弥补了传统方法的不足.反射地震方法研究海水温盐结构是个新的交叉学科方法,称为"地震海洋学".由于海水水体的物性变化比地层物性变化小得多,造成海水水体的反射地震资料信噪比很低,各类干扰强烈,因而海水水体的反射地震资料处理也和常规地震资料处理方法有所不同.它处理的重点是振幅补偿,叠前去噪以及叠后处理.笔者通过对"十五"973项目在南海东北部采集的一条高分辨率多道反射地震测线的海水水体部分的地震数据进行处理,压制了强线性干扰波,获得了水体反射图像.地震叠加速度分析获取的3个CDP (Common Depth Point)的垂向速度从1540 m·s-1单调减小到1478 m·s-1,与CTD测量得到的速度变化趋势一致.  相似文献   

The paper considers the concentrations and functional characteristics of viruses, bacteria, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates determined for the first time in the Laptev Sea in August-September, 2014. The abundance of bacteria, viruses, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates varied from 110.1 × 103 to 828.4 × 103 cells/mL, from 384.2 × 103 to 2932.8 × 103 particles/mL, and from 108 to 651 cells/mL, respectively. The daily bacterioplankton production varied from 4.2 × 103 to 381.7 × 103 cells/mL, with an average of 117.6 × 103 cells/mL. Electron transmission microscopy has for the first time shown that the frequency of visibly infected bacterial cells varied from 0.2 to 2.0% (0.8% on average) of NB. The average virus-induced mortality of bacteria was 6.3% of bacterioplankton production, with variations ranging from 1.4 to 16.9%. Grazing on bacteria by heterotrophic nanoflagellates contributed more to bacteria mortality than virus-induced bacterial lysis. By grazing on bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates consumed large quantities of viruses located on the surface and inside bacterial cells.  相似文献   

The seasonal circulation in the southeastern Huanghai Sea has been studied with hydrographic data,which were observed in February and June 1994 and bimonthly during 1970-1990,and numerical model results.Horiwntal distributions of temperature and salinity in 1994 are quite different due to strong tidal mixing so that we need a analysis to see the real distributions of water masses.The mixing ratio analysis with the data of 1970-1990 shows the connection of the waters in the west coasts of Kotea Peninsula with warm and saline waters from the south in summer,which means northward inflows along the west coasts of Korea Peninsula in summer.With this flow,the seasonal circulations,which are deduced from the seasonal change of water mass distributions in the lower layer,are warm inflows in winter and mld outflows in summer in the central Huanghai Sea,and cold outflows in winter and warm inflows in summer along the west coasts of Korea Peninsula.The seasonally changed inflows might be the Huanghai Sea Warm Current.The monsoon winds can drive such circulations.However,summer monsoon winds are weak and irregular.As one of other possible dynamics,the variation of Kuroshio transport is numerically studied with allowing sea level fluctuations.Although it should be studied more,it possibly drives the summer circulations.The real circulations seem to be driven by both of them.  相似文献   

New data from surveys of gas-bearing mud areas in the Gdansk Deep (southeastern Baltic Sea) were collected during four research cruises in 2009–2011. These revealed the presence of seven large pockmarks apart from the three already known, and enabled significant improvement of the existing digital map of gassy mud distribution. Based on geochemical sediment analyses, calculated diffusive methane fluxes from the upper (0–5?cm) seabed layer into near-bottom waters were highest—3.3?mmol/(m2?day)—in pockmark mud, contrasting strongly with the minimum value of 0.004?mmol/(m2?day) observed in typical, background mud. However, fluxes of less than 0.1?mmol/(m2?day) were observed in all sediment types, including pockmarks. In a newer attempt to roughly estimate budgets at a more regional scale, diffusive methane venting amounts to 280?×?106?mmol/day for southeastern Baltic Sea muddy sediments. Elongated pockforms in the southern Gotland Deep, known since the end of the 1980s as pockmarks, had methane concentrations that were similar to those of gassy mud from the Gdansk Basin, and there was no geo-acoustic evidence of considerably increased gas levels.  相似文献   

南海中尺度涡温盐异常三维结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于1994-2015年海面高度异常数据,采用winding-angle中尺度涡旋探测算法识别出南海范围内共5 899个反气旋涡(AE)和3 792个气旋涡(CE),结合世界海洋数据集(WOD13)及中国科学院南海海洋研究所(SCSIO)温盐观测数据集,采用基于变分法的客观插值方法,合成了南海及南海各区域中尺度涡的温盐异常三维结构。结果表明,本文采取的插值方式能有效地获得涡旋三维结构,垂向尺度上也与前人研究结果较为一致。在平均状态下,南海AE温盐异常强度明显大于CE,AE正位温异常主体结构深度约440 m,而CE仅在320 m以浅维持涡旋结构;两者最大位温异常均出现在次表层约80 m上下,AE达2.02℃,CE达-1.60℃。盐度异常影响深度约150 m,最大盐度异常出现在50 m深附近,AE达-0.24,CE达0.28,同时由于涡旋在不单调变化的背景盐度场中引起海水下沉(上升),AE盐度异常结构呈"上负下正"而CE呈"上正下负"式结构。南海各区域合成涡旋的温、盐异常的影响程度并不完全相同,可能与各区域涡旋的生成机制及背景温盐场有关。  相似文献   

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