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北京市平原区地下水资源开采现状及评价   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文分析了北京市平原区地下水资源的开采现状,探讨了水资源开发利用过程中存在的问题.在分析平原区水文地质条件的基础上,采用FEFLOW软件建立了相应的地下水数值模拟模型,基于识别后的模型进行了水资源评价.研究表明:2000~2003年研究区地下水系统均衡分别为-7.73×10 8、-6.02×10 8、-5.95×10 8和-4.38×10 8m 3,地下水系统的补给源主要是大气降水入渗补给和山前迳流补给,主要的排泄是人工开采.多年平均地下水补给资源量为22.98×108m 3.平谷和昌平地区地下水还有开采潜力,密云-怀柔-顺义(密怀顺)平原和城近郊区地下水已过量开采.山前郊县地下水水质优良,城近郊区、大兴、房山和通州部分地区地下水水质较差.文章最后分析了引起地下水污染的主要原因.  相似文献   

A number of specific factors must be considered when dealing with groundwater in urban areas. Urbanization significantly affects the natural water cycle, both in terms of quantity and quality. In particular, the main contributors to recharge and discharge clearly differ from those in natural systems. Moreover, water can affect underground structures and infrastructure characteristics of cities such as basements, public transport services (trains, underground railways, etc.), and utility conduits. As a result, urban groundwater is emerging as a distinct branch of hydrogeology. The objective of this paper is to review some of the topics that are specific to urban groundwater. These include (1) fluctuations in groundwater levels caused by changes in land and water uses; (2) pollution problems caused by point or non-point sources in urban areas; (3) characterization and quantification of the components contributing to groundwater recharge and discharge; (4) specific characteristics of groundwater flow and solute transport models in urban areas; and (5) integration of data for sustainable urban water management. Some of these issues are illustrated for the particular case of Barcelona, where a comprehensive hydrogeological study has been carried out during the last few years by both the public and the private sectors.
Resumen Se debe considerar una serie de factores específicos al tratar las aguas subterráneas en áreas urbanas. El proceso de urbanización afecta el ciclo natural del agua de manera significativa tanto en lo que se refiere a cantidad como a calidad. En particular, los contribuyentes principales a la recarga y descarga claramente difieren de aquellos aplicables a los sistemas naturales. Es más, el agua puede afectar los estructuras subterráneas de las ciudades tales como sótanos, servicios de transporte público (trenes, trenes subterráneos) y los servicios básicos. Como resultado de esto, la hidrogeologia urbana está emergiendo como una rama específica de la hidrogeología. El objectivo de este artículo es revisar algunos de los temas que son específicos al agua subterránea urbana. Estos incluyen: 1) Fluctuaciones en los niveles de agua subterránea causados por cambios en los usos de terreno y del agua; 2) Problemas de contaminación causados por fuentes puntuales o no puntuales en áreas urbanas; 3) Caracterización y cuantificación de los componentes que contribuyen a la recarga y descarga de agua subterránea; 4) Características especificas de flujo de agua subterránea y modelos de transporte de solutos en áreas urbanas; y 5) Integración de datos para el manejo sostenible de agua urbana. Algunos de estos puntos se han ilustrados para el caso particular de Barcelona en donde se ha llevado a cabo un estudio hidrogeológico amplio durante los últimos años tanto por el sector privado como el público.

Résumé Une série de facteurs spécifiques doit être considérée lorsque leau souterraine en région urbaine est étudiée. Lurbanisation affecte significativement le cycle naturel de leau, autant du point de vue quantitatif que qualitatif. Plus particulièrement, les zones de recharge et de décharge diffèrent considérablement des systèmes naturels. Leau souterraine peut affecter les structures souterraines ainsi que les infrastructures municipales telles que les sous-sols, les systèmes de transport publique (trains, métros, ...) et les conduits de service. De ce fait, lhydrogéologie en milieu urbain émerge comme une branche distincte de lhydrogéologie classique. Lobjectif de cet article est de revoir certaines notions qui sont spécifiques à létude de leau souterraine en milieu urbain. Parmi ces notions : 1) les fluctuations de la nappe phréatique causées par des changements dans lutilisation du territoire et de leau, 2) les problèmes de pollution causés par des sources ponctuelles ou diffuses en milieu urbain, 3) la caractérisation et quantification des composants qui contribuent à la recharge et décharge des aquifères, 4) les caractéristiques spécifiques des modèles découlement de leau souterraine et de transport de solutés en milieux urbain, et 5) lintégration des données pour la gestion durable de leau en milieu urbain. Certaines de ces questions sont étudiées pour le cas particulier de la ville de Barcelone où une étude hydrogéologique complète a été menée au cours des dernières années par les secteurs privé et public.

Various human activities threaten the groundwater quality and resource under urban areas, and yet residents increasingly depend on it for their livelihood. The anticipated expansion of the worlds urban population from 3 to 6 billion in the coming 50 years does not only pose a large water management threat but also provides an opportunity to conserve groundwater in a better way than up to now. The authors argue for a new way to manage urban activities in order to conserve the precious groundwater resource. The focus is on the quality of the discharged water after use in households. Restrictions on what is added to water while using it, e.g. detergents, excreta, paint residues, oils, and pharmaceuticals, are important to simplify the treatment and reuse of used water. Avoiding mixing different wastewater flows has the same positive effect. If increased volumes of wastewater can be treated and reused, the demand on the groundwater resource is reduced, as also occurs with demand management measures. Reduced discharge of polluted water to the environment from households and utilities also conserves the quality of groundwater and reduces sophisticated treatment costs.
Resumen La urbanización lleva a una demanda elevada y concentrada de agua de calidad adecuada, acompañada por el vertido de volúmenes análogamente mayores de aguas residuales. Los alimentos se importan a ciudades donde los microorganismos y nutrientes de los excrementos humanos son descargados a ríos, lagos y, también, aguas subterráneas. Más aún, gran número de los bienes de consumo son eliminados vía las tuberías de las cloacas. Las deudas medioambientales, es decir, el empobrecimiento de las condiciones medioambientales, que requerirán de aportaciones humanas y económicas para rehabilitarlas, son comunes a todas las ciudades, sobretodo en el Hemisferio Sur, donde, según la Valoración Global de Suministro de Agua y Saneamiento (OMS y UNICEF), la mayor parte de las aguas residuales urbanas no son tratadas (65% en Asia, 86% en Latinoamérica, 100% en África). La tarea pendiente consiste en proteger los recursos de aguas subterráneas para que estén disponibles de forma rápida para los habitantes urbanos también el futuro. En los próximos 50 años, se espera que la población urbana aumente de 3,000 a 6,000 millones de personas, según estimaciones de las Naciones Unidas, por lo que es imperativo dejar de contaminar las aguas subterráneas existentes bajo las nuevas áreas urbanas en construcción. En este artículo, se escudriña la calidad de las aguas subterráneas y su protección a la luz de los cambios recientemente introducidos en las políticas del agua, esto es, desde la gestión de los abastecimientos de agua a la gestión de la demanda y, eventualmente, hastaa la gestión de la reutilitzación.

Résumé Lurbanisation conduit à une demande élevée et concentrée deau de qualité adéquate, accompagnée du rejet dimportants volumes correspondants deaux usées. La nourriture est importée dans les villes tandis que les micro-organismes et les nutriments provenant des excrétas humains sont rejetés dans les rivières, les lacs et aussi les eaux souterraines. De plus, une large gamme de biens de consommation est évacuée par les égouts. Les créances environnementales, cest-à-dire lappauvrissement des conditions environnementales qui demandera des apports humains et économiques pour la réhabilitation, sont habituelles dans toutes les villes, et pas seulement dans lhémisphère sud, comme cela est indiqué dans le rapport sur lalimentation en eau et la santé publique du monde (publié par lOMS et UNICEF), établissant que la plupart des eaux résiduaires des zones urbaines reste non traitée (65% en Asie, 86% en Amérique latine et 100% en Afrique). La tâche à réaliser pour lhomme est de protéger les ressources en eau souterraine en sorte quelle reste disponible pour les habitants des villes dans le futur. Dans les prochaines 50 années, il faut sattendre à ce que la population urbaine saccroisse de 3 à 6 milliards de personnes selon les estimations des Nations Unies; aussi il est impératif de ne pas continuer à polluer les eaux souterraines sous les nouvelles zones urbaines en cours de construction. Dans cet article, nous analyserons la qualité des eaux souterraines et leur protection à la lumière des récents changements de politique de leau, cest-à-dire de la gestion de lalimentation en eau jusquà une gestion de la demande et en abordant éventuellement la période de gestion du recyclage.

Research on the carrying capacity and security of water resources is vital for its contribution to implementing sustainable development goals. The limitation of water resources is one of the most important factors that influence the sustainable utilization of resources. Studying the carrying capacity of water resources will not only facilitate monitoring and forecast of national resources and environmental carrying capacity, but also be valuable for building ecological civilization. According to the principles of evaluation system, the carrying capacity of water resources on Shandong peninsula is explored. A comprehensive evaluation model of the carrying capacity of water resources is constructed based on the carrying capacity of water resources index and the composite of water resources index. The results show that the capacity of water resources on Shandong peninsula is generally consistent with overexploitation, and that the development and utilization of water resources has reached a considerable scale under existing economic and technological conditions. The carrying capacity of water resources in this region is relatively small, and the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources is alarming. Relative countermeasures are put forward, to improve the water resources carrying capacity and to provide a basis for future sustainable development and utilization of water resources in this region.  相似文献   

挖掘吉林省水资源潜力,解决水资源紧缺问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张勃夫 《吉林地质》2001,20(3):54-57
吉林省是一个水资源紧缺的省份。随着社会经济进一步发展,人口不断增加和城市化进程加快,未来水资源的供城矛盾将日趋尖锐,供水紧缺已成为全省经济和社会发展的重要制约因素。为了充分挖掘全省水资源开发的潜力,解决水资源紧缺问题,该文按不同地区,从实际出发,有针对性地提出了现实的,应急的对策,同时也提出了许多对全省有长远战略意义和创新性的技术对策。如洪水资源的开发和修建地下水库等建议即是。  相似文献   

西辽河(内蒙古)严重缺水区地下水资源及开发利用对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西辽河(内蒙古境内)严重缺水区位于内蒙古自治区翁牛特旗—库伦旗一带。在地表水严重匮乏的干旱、半干旱地区,地下水一直是该区工业生产、城镇居民生活及农村人畜用水的主要水源,合理开发利用十分重要。通过研究地下水资源的分布特点及开发利用条件,分析地下水资源供需平衡及用水现状,提出合理开发利用地下水资源存在的主要问题及相应的对策与建议。研究表明,只有查明地下水储量,对地下水实行统一规划,统一管理,防止水污染,提倡节约用水,积极推行地表水和地下水联合调度,才能合理开发利用地下水资源。  相似文献   

Stormwater and treated sewerage effluent, previously regarded as waste, are now being reused in South Australia through the innovative aquifer storage and recharge technique. After pretreatment in wetlands, this water is stored in otherwise unused brackish aquifers for summer irrigation of parklands. Trials are underway using recycled water from the Bolivar Wastewater Treatment Plant for irrigation of market gardens. This paper presents several case studies where the aquifer storage and recharge technique has been successful, with savings in water and infrastructure costs, as well as providing environmental benefits.  相似文献   

冯金  刘科伟  郝晋伟 《地下水》2011,(1):119-122
水资源作为经济社会发展和生态环境保护的重要因素,在可持续发展中地位显著.在总结当前研究的基础上,分析咸阳市水资源分布及利用现状,提出水资源可持续利用的建议,认为在咸阳市统筹发展视角下,应加快水资源的城乡协调、部门统筹利用,以实现区域的可持续发展.  相似文献   

Based on such principles as sustainable development and ecological cycle, this paper evaluates the water resources carrying capacity (WCC) of Changchun-Jilin region using a population-economy-water resources correlation evaluation model built on the basis of WCC evaluation method as elaborated in the methodology of Functional Zoning of Population Development. Results show that the annual WCC of Changchun-Jilin region is able to support the population there, as a basic balance is struck between population and water resources. The incorporation of WCC into overall urban planning is one of the building blocks for sustainable city development with an advisable size.  相似文献   

Karst water resources and geo-ecology in typical regions of China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work is to compare the different karst water features and related water resources in South and North China. In Southern China there are over 3,358 karst ground river systems with a total discharge of about 420 × 108 m3 in the dry season. In North China, there are about 100 larger karst spring systems, each with a catchment area from 500 km2 to over 4,000 km2, and an average discharge from 1 to 13 m3/s. The basic geo-ecological features of water, soil and air quality are described for typical karst regions of China. The total quality of geo-ecology is evaluated by five important factors.  相似文献   

宿州市城西水源地是城区唯一的饮用水供水水源地,随着社会经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,城区用水需求日益变大,水资源供需矛盾越发突出,水源地供水状况已令人担忧。通过对宿州市城西水源地水文地质条件进行概化,基于水均衡法对城西水源地地下水资源量进行计算评价,计算结果显示:宿州市城西水源地地下水补给资源量为5 631.42×10~4m^3/a(15.43×10~4m^3/d),从采补平衡角度出发,确定可采资源量为15万m^3/d。在地下水开发利用过程中,需注重水源地保护,完善地下水监测网络,对城西水源地进行全面监控。为宿州市城市发展提供水安全保障。  相似文献   

A 5-year aquifer storage and recovery trial at Andrews Farm in South Australia involving the injection of more than 250 ML (250,000 m3) of fresh but turbid stormwater into a brackish limestone aquifer over 4 years and recovery of 150 ML in the fifth provided the opportunity to evaluate rates of clogging and unclogging and the potential to recover water suitable for irrigation supplies. Results reveal there is some clogging by injected sediment, but only to a relatively small degree considering the high suspended solid concentrations and moderate aquifer transmissivity. This clogging was offset by increased matrix porosity through calcite dissolution and by routine well redevelopments after each 40 ML of injection. No significant microbial clogging occurred. Breakthrough responses at three observation wells and the proportion of injectant in the recovered water were determined from chloride data. Temperature and caliper profiles clearly indicate the heterogeneous nature of the aquifer that is attributed, in part, to sand removal during the initial well development. The recovery efficiency was greater than 60%. The trial demonstrates that urban stormwater containing high and variable particulate levels, which receives only passive pre-treatment and is not disinfected, can be used to freshen a heterogeneous brackish aquifer to create a useful water resource.  相似文献   

石期河流域岩溶水系统及其水资源构成分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在深入研究石期河流域岩溶水系统含水介质结构特征、水资源形成的基础上,通过对流域岩溶水总排泄口流量动态长观资料系列的分析,选择2005年丰水期内最后一次洪峰(年内最大洪峰)后的流量衰减过程,根据该过程的数据资料建立本流域岩溶水总排泄口的流量衰减方程,并利用该流量衰减方程对流域岩溶水资源的构成进行定量分析研究.结果表明,石期河流域岩溶水系统在2005年最大洪峰状态下,可自然排泄的岩溶水资源总量为69 469.95×104 m3, 其中:流域坡面产流占3.64%,赋存于大型溶洞或管道中的溶洞-管道水占4.53%,赋存于小型管道或强岩溶化裂隙中的管道-裂隙水占74.10%,赋存于细小溶蚀裂隙中的溶隙水占17.73%.从衰减期的初始时刻起,它们各自可供消耗(可作为有效利用岩溶水资源)的时效分别为2日、8日、35日和126日以上.  相似文献   

Through system design and analysis from the aspects of entity categories, hierarchical design, attribute design, and the final function design and realization of the system, this paper develops a software application based on Arc-view platform with a view to solving the deficiencies of conventional groundwater dynamic management in managing the spatial graphics data. Using this application into the supporting automatic monitoring system of groundwater level helps to achieve the automatic analysis of attribute data, and offer a new, visual and efficient automated management tool. Moreover, the computer geospatial modeling can realize the quick query and spatial analysis of geographic information, and thus facilitating dynamic simulation and prediction of the research object. However, a multi-functional, multi-level groundwater level information management system is a complex system engineering, which requires continuous improvement of the structure, development of functions, and supplement of user models.  相似文献   

城市水资源的合理利用与可持续发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈梦熊 《地质通报》2003,22(8):551-557
自20世纪80年代以来,由于工业的高速发展,中国城市已由180座猛增至666座,城市人口和城市需水量都迅猛增长,造成城市水资源紧缺。城市发展也使污染问题日益严重,直接对水资源造成破坏,影响人体健康。地下水超量开采,引起地面沉降、岩溶塌陷、海水入侵等地质灾害,造成严重经济损失。针对以上问题,本文探讨了城市水资源紧缺的原因及其对生态的影响,提出城市水资源的合理规划、合理利用以及开源节流、保护生态环境与防止地质灾害的相关措施。  相似文献   

本文通过对珲春地区水文地质条件进行分析,计算出珲春地区的水文地质参数和地下水资源量、珲春市河谷盆地地下水天然水资源量和珲春市山丘区多年平均地下水天然水资源量计算。对珲春地区地下水水资源量和地下水水质进行评价和分析,为今后经济社会与自然的和谐发展、合理开发利用水资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

地下水的赋存和埋深是地下水资源勘察的重要内容。遥感技术具有数据获取快、综合成本低、观测尺度大等诸多优势。基于遥感的地下水资源评估技术一直受到研究人员的关注,也是遥感应用研究中的热点和难点。回顾总结了遥感技术在评估地下水赋存和埋深领域的应用与研究进展,根据不同评估技术的特点将其划分为单因子模型评估法、多因子综合模型评估法、重力卫星数据评估法3种。得出以下结论①地下水遥感评估技术经过多年发展,模型方法更加多样,精确度不断提高,可以作为传统地下水资源勘察的重要辅助手段;②遥感评估地下水赋存的研究发展迅速,但针对地下水埋深信息的评估研究进展相对缓慢;③高时空分辨率遥感技术和机器学习技术的结合运用、无人机遥感技术的应用是地下水资源遥感评估技术的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Estimating groundwater recharge in a freshwater body such as a deep lake is often a problem for hydrologists, since direct measurements are costly and difficult to implement. This study attempts to calculate the groundwater discharge in a lake using a simple water balance model, water level measurements, aerial photographs and GIS technologies. In particular, a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for the lake has been developed, which in combination with GIS (Geographical Information System) software and water level fluctuations has provided the lake's monthly water storages. Additional hydrologic elements, including land and water uses, overland flow and evapotranspiration, have been estimated and incorporated in a water balance model which after extensive analysis have provided credible monthly values for the groundwater recharge in Lake Trichonis. This particular methodology can be widely applied in catchments with similar hydrologic regimes and can provide reliable, cost-efficient estimations of groundwater recharges into water bodies.Abbreviations GIS Geographical Information Systems - DTM Digital Terrain Model  相似文献   

地下水的赋存和埋深是地下水资源勘察的重要内容。遥感技术具有数据获取快、综合成本低、观测尺度大等诸多优势。基于遥感的地下水资源评估技术一直受到研究人员的关注,也是遥感应用研究中的热点和难点。回顾总结了遥感技术在评估地下水赋存和埋深领域的应用与研究进展,根据不同评估技术的特点将其划分为单因子模型评估法、多因子综合模型评估法、重力卫星数据评估法3种。得出以下结论: ①地下水遥感评估技术经过多年发展,模型方法更加多样,精确度不断提高,可以作为传统地下水资源勘察的重要辅助手段; ②遥感评估地下水赋存的研究发展迅速,但针对地下水埋深信息的评估研究进展相对缓慢; ③高时空分辨率遥感技术和机器学习技术的结合运用、无人机遥感技术的应用是地下水资源遥感评估技术的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

中国城市水资源可持续开发战略对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市水资源开发是一项庞大的、复杂的系统工程。作者在研究中国主要城市地质环境背景和分析城市水资源开发现状与问题的基础上,有针对性地提出了一套技术、经济等城市水资源可持续开发综合战略对策,对解决当前中国城市水资源紧缺和合理开发及科学管理有重要意义。  相似文献   

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