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This paper discusses a model which simulates dune development resulting from aeolian saltation transport. The model was developed for application to coastal foredunes, but is also applicable to sandy deserts with transverse dunes. Sediment transport is calculated using published deterministic and empirical relationships, describing the influence of meteorological conditions, topography, sediment characteristics and vegetation. A so-called adaptation length is incorporated to calculate the development of transport equilibrium along the profile. Changes in topography are derived from the predicted transport, using the continuity equation. Vegetation height is incorporated in the model as a dynamic variable. Vegetation can be buried during transport events, which results in important changes in the sediment transport rates. The sediment transport model is dynamically linked to a second-order closure air flow model, which predicts friction velocities over the profile, influenced by topography and surface roughness. Modelling results are shown for (a) the growth and migration of bare, initially sine-shaped dunes, and (b) dune building on a partly vegetated and initially flat surface. Results show that the bare symmetrical dunes change into asymmetric shapes with a slipface on the lee side. This result could only be achieved in combination with the secondorder closure model for the calculation of air flow. The simulations with the partly vegetated surfaces reveal that the resulting dune morphology strongly depends on the value of the adaptation length parameter and on the vegetation height. The latter result implies that the dynamical interaction between aeolian activity and vegetation (reaction to burial, growth rates) is highly relevant in dune geomorphology and deserves much attention in future studies. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aeolian sand transport was studied at the Lanphere Dunes, a coastal dune complex in northern California, by comparing slipface advance rates with transport predicted based on local wind data. The slipfaces of a 2·5 m high transverse ridge and 10 m high parabolic dune were monitored over a period of three months to estimate sand discharge. The study was performed during the dry season, which has the maximum sand‐driving potential. Over the three month study period, average sand discharge was 12·5 m3 per m width per year at the transverse ridge and 8·8 m3 per m width per year at the parabolic dune. A method was developed for modelling slipfaces that are sinuous and where sediment transport rates are not constant across the width of the slipface. Field measurements were used to generate three‐dimensional representations of dune slipfaces. Periodic measurements over the course of three months were used to compute the volume of displaced sediment. Theoretical sand transport was computed from local wind data using the Bagnold model and compared with the observed transport rates. Predicted rates were substantially lower than observed rates. Wind velocities rarely exceeded the threshold velocity. Discrepancies between the observed and predicted values appear to be caused by a combination of wind data recording procedures and differences between wind velocities at the anemometer location and the site where sand transport was measured. Wind data collected by weather bureaux have been utilized in numerous studies for modelling sediment transport. Such data typically have sample intervals of one hour or greater and are often averaged prior to reporting. The effect of averaging was investigated by comparing sand transport estimates based on daily average wind velocities with those based on the original hourly observations. The daily average data were depleted of high velocity winds and sand transport estimates were accordingly much lower than those based on the hourly data. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Longitudinal dune fields characterized by nearly uniform interdune spacing are distinguished from longitudinal dune fields characterized by fairly variable interdune spacing and high frequencies of dune coalescence. The empirical and theoretical evidence indicating that the former may be due to helical air currents aligned with the dunes is reviewed. Hypotheses arguing that the latter may arise indirectly from horizontal pressure gradients or bidirectional wind regimes are discussed. Evenly spaced linear sand banks aligned with tidal currents may be shown mathematically to result from energy optimalization within two-dimensional, sand-transporting flow regimes, and a similar simple or non-rotational flow model is considered for the problem of desert longitudinal dunes. An initial complex or rotational flow analysis is undertaken to discern the likely significance of roll vortices in desert sediment transport. An ‘evolutionary timescale’ is estimated for the formation of desert longitudinal dune fields. A simple analysis is performed for the effect of regional sand mass change on longitudinal dune field ordering. Recommendations are made for future empirical and theoretical research.  相似文献   

Measurements of lee‐side airflow response from an extensive array of meteorological instruments combined with smoke and flow streamer visualization is used to examine the development and morphodynamic significance of the lee‐side separation vortex over closely spaced transverse dune ridges. A differential deflection mechanism is presented that explains the three‐dimensional pattern of lee‐side airflow structure for a variety of incident flow angles. These flow patterns produce reversed, along‐dune, and deflected surface flow vectors in the lee that are inferred to result in net ‘lateral diversion’ of sand transport over one dune wavelength for incident angles as small as 10° from crest‐transverse (i.e. 80° from the crest line). This lateral displacement increases markedly with incident flow angle when expressed as the absolute value of the total deflection in degrees. Reversed and multi‐directional flow occurs for incident angles between 90° and 50°. These results document the three‐dimensional nature of flow and sand transport over transverse dunes and provide empirical evidence for an oblique migration model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we perform an analysis of large dark dunes within Moreux Crater and Herschel Crater on Mars using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and Context Camera (CTX) data sets. These data allow us to conduct a detailed analysis of dune morphology and slip faces, concluding that the studied dune fields are influenced by topographically‐controlled complex wind directions. Our morphological analysis reveals that inside Moreux Crater in particular, the topographic setting dominates the wind flow direction, leading to the development of a sand transport pathway encircling the central peak of the crater. The dune fields in Herschel Crater are also affected by winds controlled by variable topography as suggested by the presence of complex dunes and dune fields. Our analysis indicate that the studied dune systems is not the result of paleo‐wind regimes. Furthermore, we perform thermal inertia measurements using thermal emission spectrometer (TES) data, which indicate that the studied dune fields consist of medium sand 250–500 µm in diameter. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Topographic interactions generate multidirectional and unsteady air?ow that limits the application of velocity pro?le approaches for estimating sediment transport over dunes. Results are presented from a series of wind tunnel simulations using Irwin‐type surface‐mounted pressure sensors to measure shear stress variability directly at the surface over both isolated and closely spaced sharp‐crested model dunes. Findings complement existing theories on secondary air?ow effects on stoss transport dynamics and provide new information on the in?uence of lee‐side air?ow patterns on dune morphodynamics. For all speeds investigated, turbulent unsteadiness at the dune toe indicates a greater, more variable surface shear, despite a signi?cant drop in time‐averaged measurements of streamwise shear stress at this location. This effect is believed suf?cient to inhibit sediment deposition at the toe and may be responsible for documented intermittency in sand transport in the toe region. On the stoss slope, streamline compression and ?ow acceleration cause an increase in ?ow steadiness and shear stress to a maximum at the crest that is double that at the toe of the isolated dune and 60–70 per cent greater than at ?ow reattachment on the lower stoss of closely spaced dunes. Streamwise ?ow accelerations, rather than turbulence, have greater in?uence on stress generation on the stoss and this effect increases with stoss slope distance and with incident wind speed. Reversed ?ow within the separation cell generates signi?cant surface shear (30–40 per cent of maximum values) for both spacings. This supports ?eld studies that suggest reversed ?ow is competent enough to return sediment to the dune directly or in a de?ected direction. High variability in shear at reattachment indicates impact of a turbulent shear layer that, despite low values of time‐averaged streamwise stress in this region, would inhibit sediment accumulation. Downwind of reattachment, shear stress and ?ow steadiness increase within 6 h (h = dune height) of reattachment and approach upwind values by 25 h. A distance of at least 30 h is suggested for full boundary layer recovery, which is comparable to ?uvial estimates. The Irwin sensor used in this study provides a reliable means to measure skin friction force responsible for sand transport and its robust, simple, and cost‐effective design shows promise for validating these ?ndings in natural dune settings. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On June 29, 2009, version 1 of the ASTER GDEM (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model) was made available at no cost or restrictions to users worldwide via electronic download. The ASTER GDEM provides expanded spatial coverage and better resolution than other global digital elevation models (DEMs). In this paper we demonstrate how the ASTER GDEM provides new opportunities for investigating large aeolian sand dunes in three‐dimensions. Two dune‐specific spatial analysis methods are presented to illustrate potential applications of these data for discriminating dune generations and quantifying spatial variations of sediment supply. Moreover, we review how existing and emerging fields of dune pattern analysis and simulation modeling will be able to make significant advances through application of these data, potentially leading to future progress in studies of dune morphodynamics, environmental controls, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment budget data from an 18‐month topographic survey were analysed with data from brief experiments on wind parameters, beach moisture contents, bedforms and sand mobilization in order to monitor conditions and patterns of embryo dune development over a flat 150–1000 m wide accreting upper beach. The surface conditions over the upper beach locally affect aeolian transport, but net dune development over time depends on sustained strong winds and their orientation. Incoming marine sand supplied by storms and onshore winds is reorganized by the dominant offshore to longshore winds into elongated embryo dunes over this upper beach, imprinting a regional morphology of long‐term longshore dune ridge development. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An association between salt pans or dry lake beds and distinctive crescentic lake-floor sand mounds (1–10 m high, tens to hundreds of metres wide) is commonplace in desert systems. In the Makgadikgadi Basin of northern Botswana, a debate about the formative processes of these landforms has persisted despite numerous morphometric, sedimentary and geochronological analyses, with mound landforms variously inferred to be aeolian dunes, subaqueous dunes, spring mounds or shoreline remnants. We propose a new formative mechanism which draws on the interaction between uneven moisture distribution on the pan surface and mobile aeolian sediments. We use a numerical model (ViSTA), which couples vegetation and aeolian sand transport dynamics, together with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of a mound in the Makgadikgadi Basin to investigate the feasibility of this ‘sticky mound hypothesis’. We find that under a range of modelled environmental conditions, uneven moisture distribution on the pan surface can lead to the development and stabilization of crescentic aeolian dunes, with these dunes growing upwind from the point of initial deposition, corresponding with the chronological data gained from OSL dating of a mound feature. On removal of this moisture, the modelled dunes erode and dissipate. These findings suggest that the formative mechanism of the mounds could be dependent on the interaction between differential drying of the pan surface and the competence of the aeolian sediment transport system across the pan floor.  相似文献   

Bonäsheden, Sweden's largest continuous dune field, situated in the county of Dalarna, central Sweden, has been investigated using LiDAR (light detection and ranging) remote sensing, ground penetrating radar as well as by field observations and luminescence dating. The use of LiDAR in conjunction with geographic information system (GIS) software proved to be efficient in mapping the inactive dune field and classifying the dune morphology, especially when slope raster images were used. The dunes have formed mostly by winds from the northwest (NW) and are of a transverse type. Still other dune types, such as parabolic dunes, and transverse dunes with a deviating orientation are present. Also, there seems to be different generations of dunes, suggesting a complex palaeowind environment with a change from predominantly north‐westerly winds to more westerly winds. Luminescence dating finally allows us to have an absolute chronology of the development of the Bonäsheden dune field, revealing formation of the dune field closely following the de‐glaciation of this part of Sweden (c. 10.5 ka). The well preserved transverse shape of the majority of the dunes suggests rapid stabilization by vegetation, although sand drift still seems to have been active on a noticeable scale for at least 1500 years and also, occasionally and patchy, as coversand deposition during the Late Holocene. A simple model is proposed for the dune field development of Bonäsheden based on our findings. This model is a useful addition since the majority of present day dune field models focus on the formation of parabolic dunes or large unvegetated dune fields. Our results suggest that most models cannot adequately simulate the formation of such small dune fields as that of Bonäsheden, with apparently rapidly fixated transverse dunes in a previously glaciated, now vegetated area. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new type of horizontal trap was developed for measuring the aeolian sand transport rate on a flat surface. The trap consists of an adjustable frame that is embedded level with the sand surface, into which a plastic liner is installed and filled with water to capture the blown sand. The water trap has high efficiency and does not disturb the wind field or induce upwind scour. Deployment on Padre Island, Texas, indicated that this portable and adjustable trap catches and retains all the sand blown into it, even under relatively strong wind. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results from three years of surveying and monitoring a dynamic foredune and dunefield restoration effort on Vancouver Island, Canada is presented. Complete removal of foredune vegetation occurred in three phases spaced a year apart in an effort to control invasive Ammophila spp. The collection of airborne LiDAR, orthophotographs, and bi‐monthly topographic surveys provided a means to quantify and examine sediment budgets and geomorphic responses. Three survey swaths, corresponding with each phase of vegetation removal, were established to provide detailed topographic coverage over the impacted beach, foredune, and dunefield landscape units. The swath corresponding with the first phase of removal recorded a positive sediment budget of 1·3 m3 m?2 after three years. A control swath, with data collected for a year prior and two years following removal, exhibited a distinct pulse of sediment delivery into the dunefield unit with a maximum gain of 0·03 m3 m?2 pre‐removal compared to 0·11 m3 m?2 post‐removal. Vegetation analysis zones, associated with each of the three swaths, demonstrate a range of vegetation responses due to variation in the vegetation removal and subsequent re‐invasion or removal methods employed. The first site to be cleared of vegetation, received ongoing invasive re‐growth control, and three years following removal vegetation cover dropped from 57% in 2009 to 13% in 2012 (?44%). An adjacent site was cleared of vegetation two years later (only one year of recovery) but experienced rapid Ammophila re‐invasion and percent cover changed from 61% in 2009 to 26% in 2012 (?35%). The data presented provides insights for improving the application of sediment budget monitoring in dynamic restorations and discusses the potential for detailed spatial–temporal survey data to improve our understanding of meso‐scale landscape morphodynamics following foredune disturbance. Overall, the vegetation removal treatments reduced the extent of invasive grass and increased dunefield mobility and dynamic activity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Distribution‐free statistical methods of comparative data analysis have identi?ed subtle granulometric differences attributed to the evolution of barchan form at Gurra‐Gurra waterhole. Geomorphic locations on the barchan dunes display statistically signi?cant grain‐size differences that assist in the interpretation of aeolian processes. In summer, very ?ne sands mantle the dunescape and are the fraction that most affects the parameters of sorting and skewness. The sur?cial sedimentological character is one of subtle contrasts between the processes of grain winnowing and intergranular protection. The second and third moment measures are parameters that best demonstrate the spatial granulometric differences. Dune‐forming processes at Gurra‐Gurra have produced dune sands that have a very narrow range of grain size, which, in turn, re?ects textural and mineralogical maturity, and hence an extensive transport history. The statistical techniques employed in this study can also be used for the comparison of temporal (seasonal) sedimentological change, and for the granulometric analysis and association of process for dunes of different morpho‐types. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A study of the erosion rate and the stability of sandy slopes was conducted on an eastern arm of a parabolic coastal sand dune, De Blink, central Netherlands. The contribution of rabbits to these processes was found to depend on two types of activity; the building of caves and sand mounds of up to 1·5 m2 in area; and the digging of shallow burrows, whereby amounts of sand up to 1 kg per burrow were excavated. The burrowing activity was found over the whole dune, while cave holes were dug mainly on the northern slope. The total amount of sand actually transported on the dune due to this activity is not clear yet, but their influence on the development of stepped slopes is well established.  相似文献   

The stable longitudinal dunes in the northern Simpson Desert, Australia, were observed in satellite imagery to become more active after vegetation cover was reduced by fire and drought. Subsequent rainfall events also resulted in significant vegetation regrowth and dune stabilization. These switches between more active and stable conditions have not been previously described in the largely vegetated dune fields of central Australia. The observations, made on 12 dune sites, relied on high spatial resolution satellite imagery to observe dune crest activity, and seasonal Landsat fractional cover imagery to observe vegetation cover changes. The non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) component of the fractional vegetation cover images revealed significant changes in hummock grass cover on the dunes between 1988 and 2018, with a positive relationship with the three-year cumulative rainfall, disrupted by two periods of patchy burning. Only those sites that had burnt became active, and only after vegetation cover had remained low (NPV < 16%) during the ‘Millennium Drought’. There is no threshold in vegetation cover, below which dune crests become active, but active dune features require four-years of low NPV cover (< 16%) to develop. The large rainfall event that ended the drought increased NPV cover, stabilizing the dunes. Similar hummock grass covered dunes are present across large areas of the arid zone, and are likely to respond in similar ways, given that fire and drought are common occurrences in Australia. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sedimentary architecture and genesis of residual dune ridges in a temperate climate are presented and implications for their use as archive of changes in long-term precipitation and wind climate are discussed. Residual dunes are common features of wet aeolian systems, where they form sets of shallow ridges, oriented perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction. Residual dune ridges of the study area are vegetated and typically elevate 0.6 to 2.5 m above the surrounding interdune flats. They develop on the lower stoss side of active transgressive dunes, triggered by periods of elevated groundwater table and hence colonization of the foot of the dune by rapid growing pioneer vegetation. Stabilized by plants, the growing ridge detaches from the active transgressive dune and gets abandoned within years in the course of the downwind-migration of the transgressive dune. Grain-size data suggest a main sediment supply from the transgressive dune and only minor input from other sources. Ground-penetrating radar reveals that the residual dune ridges are composed of windward-dipping as well as leeward-dipping sedimentary beds. Leeward-dipping strata reflect sediment supply from the parental dune, whereas windward-dipping beds are seen to result from sediment redistribution along the ridge and sediment supply from the adjacent swales during the ridge growth period. Multi-annual to multi-decadal variability in precipitation leads to the development of sequences composed of tens of ridges, spanning time periods of several centuries. Spacing of individual ridges in these sequences is controlled not by long-term variability in precipitation alone, but probably also reflects variable wind intensity which affects the migration rate of the parental dune. The important role of vegetation in ridge construction makes these landforms a demonstrative example of landscape development by geo-biosphere interacting processes.  相似文献   

The general absence of contemporary dune building in the Australian arid zone finds the occurrence of crescentic dune genesis and evolution at Gurra Gurra waterhole, a somewhat enigmatic event amongst prevalent inactive linear dunescapes. Crescentic dune construction is geographically restricted to areas of dominant unidirectional high windiness and minimal vegetation, parameters that are generally uncommon in arid Australia today. The influence of seasonal multidirectional winds can see dune form undergo continual transition between quasi‐equilibrium and disequilibrium. Such dynamic antithesis is depicted in seasonal mathematical comparisons of the planimetric attributes, length and width. Dimensional equilibrium is a transient feature at Gurra Gurra waterhole and not characteristic of this dunescape. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This Commentary introduces a Special Issue of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms dedicated to the memory of Stephen Coleman (1966–2012) who sadly passed away on July 23, 2012. Stephen was an incredible enthusiast for the study of bedforms and made seminal contributions to our knowledge and understanding of flow, sediment transport and bedform dynamics. Stephen presented a keynote address at MARID 3, which has led to this Special Issue (see Coleman SE, Nikora VI. 2011. Fluvial dunes: initiation, characterization, flow structure. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 : 39–57. DOI. 10.1002/esp.2096) and was always keen to discuss research, from theory to techniques to experiments. He was always generous with his time and touched many with the influence of his thoughts and intellect. Our community has lost an outstanding scientist and Stephen will be greatly missed by us all. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The complex morphodynamic interactions between nearshore, shoreface and dune systems are usually simplified by studying these zones and their associated processes in isolation. However, the established relationships between each of them suggests that an integrated approach is required to examine the genesis, evolution and adaptation of the entire morphodynamic system. The Cabopino dune system in the southern Spanish Mediterranean Sea provides a clear example of a linked morphodynamic system in which a relatively large dune system has been generated and grown through the supply of sediments from an adjacent littoral supply environment. Here, we present a conceptual model of how the nearshore has provided suitable conditions for beach and dune development. We purport that synchronization of sediment activation in the marine and aeolian sections of the system have played a major role in this microtidal setting in which temporal aspects are not only tied to storm action, but to large sedimentary features moving alongshore. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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