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An accelerometer array at Pacoima Dam with three locations along the base and abutments recorded ground motion from a magnitude 4.3 earthquake on 13 January 2001. These records present an opportunity to study spatial nonuniformity for the motion in a canyon. Topographic amplification is characterized by ratios of response spectral displacement between locations, and seismic wave travel times are studied using cross‐correlation functions to obtain delays. Results of the analysis of the 2001 earthquake records are used to generate ground motion for the 1994 Northridge earthquake to replace records that were not able to be fully digitized. The ground motion generated for the Northridge earthquake is used as input to a finite element model of Pacoima Dam. The response of the model is consistent with observations of Pacoima Dam after the Northridge earthquake. Comparison of the response due to nonuniform input with the response due to uniform input demonstrates the importance of accounting for spatial nonuniformity because of the significance that the pseudostatic component has for the response to nonuniform input. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The available substructure method and computer program for earthquake response analysis of arch dams, including the effects of dam–water–foundation rock interaction and recognizing the semi‐unbounded size of the foundation rock and fluid domains, are extended to consider spatial variations in ground motions around the canyon. The response of Mauvoisin Dam in Switzerland to spatially varying ground motion recorded during a small earthquake is analyzed to illustrate the results from this analysis procedure. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Various components including wave scattering, wave passage, and site amplification effects cause the ground motion to vary spatially. The spatially varying ground motion can significantly influence the dynamic response of longitudinal structures such as bridges and tunnels. While its effect on bridges has been extensively studied, there is a lack of study on its effect on underground tunnels. This paper develops a new procedure for simulating the tunnel response under spatially varying ground motion. The procedure utilizes the longitudinal displacement profile, which is developed from spatially variable ground motion time histories. The longitudinal displacement profile is used to perform a series of pseudo-static three-dimensional finite-element analyses. Results of the analyses show that the spatially variable ground motion causes longitudinal bending of the tunnel and can induce substantial axial stress on the tunnel lining. The effect can be significant at boundaries at which the properties of the ground change in the longitudinal direction.  相似文献   

This paper carries out a parametrical study of the pounding phenomenon associated with the seismic response of multi‐span simply supported bridges with base isolation devices. In particular, the analyses focus on the causal relationship between pounding and the properties of a spatially varying earthquake ground motion. In order to include the effect of the torsional component of pounding forces on the seismic response of the whole structure, a three‐dimensional (3D) finite element model has been defined and 3D non‐linear time‐history analyses have been performed. A parametrical study on the size of the gaps between adjacent bridge decks has highlighted that the pounding effects are amplified when the spatially varying ground motion time histories at each support are considered. Because of a spatially varying input, the pounding forces can assume values 3–4 times larger than those derived by a conventional seismic analysis with uniform input or with spatial input but considering ground motion wave passage effect only. The numerical results show that in order to achieve an acceptably safe structural performance during seismic events, a correct design of the isolation devices should take into account the relative displacements calculated by means of a non‐linear time‐history analysis with multi‐support excitation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effects of two important factors on earthquake response of high arch dams are considered and combined into one program. These factors are: effects of radiation damping of the infinite canyon and local non-linearity of the contraction joint opening between the dam monoliths. For modeling of rock canyon, the discrete parameters are obtained based on a curve fitting, thus allowing the nonlinear dam system to be solved in the time domain. The earthquake uniform free-field input at the dam-canyon interface is used. An engineering example is given to demonstrate the significant effects of the radiation damping on the structure response.  相似文献   

An approximate procedure for seismic analysis of concrete arch dams which is based on the smeared crack method is described. Features include construction sequence modelling, water and foundation interaction, crack formation, opening and closing of joints and cracks, frictional sliding, presence of shear keys, action of internal water pressure, and a reliable solution algorithm. Complete solutions can be obtained in an hour on a fast workstation computer, allowing parameter studies to be run. Results suggest that an arch dam can suffer significant cracking during strong ground shaking and still remain stable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the dynamic theory for saturated porous media by Biot (Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1956; 28 : 168–178), a numerical model is presented to analyse the reflection behaviours of reservoir sediment and compared with those from the visco‐elastic model. It is concluded that the two models give very similar results of reflection coefficient α within the frequency range of interest. Then, using the two models, the change of the reflection coefficients α with various sedimentation parameters and excitation frequencies are studied in detail. The results are further used in the analysis of response functions of hydro‐dynamic pressures on, and structural displacements of the Xiang Hong Dian arch dam, for which some results from a field vibration test are available. It appears that effects of water compressibility with sediment reflection on hydro‐dynamic pressures and structural response are not significant for this specific case. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文将随机振动的虚拟激励法与拱坝-地基动力相互作用FE-BE-IBE时域模型结合,发展了一个可以考虑多维随机地震动作用下的拱坝动力响应计算模型,并用Monte Garlo方法对模型进行了验证,计算结果表明,地震动分量的相关性对结构的动力响应存在一定影响,合理考虑地震动各方向分量的相关性可以更好地计算实际地震作用下的拱坝动力响应。  相似文献   

There are several alternatives to evaluate seismic damage‐cracking behavior of concrete arch dams, among which damage theory is the most popular. A more recent option introduced for this purpose is plastic–damage (PD) approach. In this study, a special finite element program coded in 3‐D space is developed on the basis of a well‐established PD model successfully applied to gravity dams in 2‐D plane stress state. The model originally proposed by Lee and Fenves in 1998 relies on isotropic damaged elasticity in combination with isotropic tensile and compressive plasticity to capture inelastic behaviors of concrete in cyclic or dynamic loadings. The present implementation is based on the rate‐dependent version of the model, including large crack opening/closing possibilities. Moreover, with utilizing the Hilber–Hughes–Taylor time integration scheme, an incremental–iterative solution strategy is detailed for the coupled dam–reservoir equations while the damage–dependent damping stress is included. The program is initially validated, and then, it is employed for the main analyses of the Koyna gravity dam in a 3‐D modeling as well as a typical concrete arch dam. The former is a major verification for the further examination on the arch dam. The application of the PD model to an arch dam is more challenging because the governing stress condition is multiaxial, causing shear damage to become more important than uniaxial states dominated in gravity dams. In fact, the softening and strength loss in compression for the damaged regions under multiaxial cyclic loadings affect its seismic safety. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

产生地震动空间效应的主要原因是地质构造的变化会极大地改变复杂场地条件下到达不同观测点的地震波,因此地震波振幅和相位发生明显变化。本文利用有限元和边界元耦合的方法,通过建立雷克子波入射时的非线性响应模型求解复杂场地条件下的波动积分方程,进行复杂近地表构造中地震波场数值模拟,旨在分析复杂场地条件下入射方向不同的地震波的动力响应规律。研究结果显示近地表会极大地改变地震波传播特征,导致地震波传播趋向不一致性的因素是由于复杂场地条件重建了地震波的传播路径,尤其须指出的是非一致性地表位移响应源于软土层中低频子波的传播。在地震响应分析中导致系统不同动力响应的其他原因是主频和地震波速度结构的改变,同时地震波入射角度的改变会引起到达观测点的时间滞后,地表位移响应随着入射角度的增大而增加,地震动的空间效应随着入射角度的减小而愈趋明显。  相似文献   

龚浩  张洪豪  徐略勤    张令 《世界地震工程》2022,38(3):117-126
为了揭示近断层地震作用下上承式钢筋混凝土拱桥的动力响应特点,以西南山区某上承式拱桥为背景,用OpenSEES平台建立了全桥非线性动力分析模型,探讨了近断层地震动的输入方式、脉冲效应和竖向地震动等三个关键因素对桥梁动力响应的影响规律。研究结果表明:地震输入方式对拱圈地震响应的影响较小,但对拱上立柱地震响应的影响很大,尤其是拱顶附近的短立柱,在抗震分析中,建议偏安全地采用三向地震输入方式;脉冲效应对拱桥地震响应的影响非常大,会导致拱圈、拱上立柱和桥面板地震响应大幅增加,桥面板残余平面转角甚至增大6倍以上;竖向地震动对拱圈轴力和面内弯矩、拱上立柱纵向弯矩和剪力的影响很大,拱顶处的面内弯矩放大倍数最大可达2.95,总体来说,采用规范所建议的方法考虑竖向地震是偏保守的。  相似文献   

Earthquake safety assessment of concrete arch and gravity dams   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on research studies currently being carried out at Dalian University of Technology, some important aspects for the earthquake safety assessment of concrete dams are reviewed and discussed. First, the rate-dependent behavior of concrete subjected to earthquake loading is examined, emphasizing the properties of concrete under cyclic and biaxial loading conditions. Second, a modified four-parameter Hsieh-Ting-Chen viscoplastic consistency model is developed to simulate the rate-dependent behavior of concrete. The earthquake response of a 278m high arch dam is analyzed, and the results show that the strain-rate effects become noticeable in the inelastic range. Third, a more accurate non-smooth Newton algorithm for the solution of three-dimensional frictional contact problems is developed to study the joint opening effects of arch dams during strong earthquakes. Such effects on two nearly 300m high arch dams have been studied. It was found that the canyon shape has great influence on the magnitude and distribution of the joint opening along the dam axis. Fourth, the scaled boundary finite element method presented by Song and Wolf is employed to study the dam-reservoir-foundation interaction effects of concrete dams. Particular emphases were placed on the variation of foundation stiffness and the anisotropic behavior of the foundation material on the dynamic response of concrete dams. Finally, nonlinear modeling of concrete to study the damage evolution of concrete dams during strong earthquakes is discussed. An elastic-damage mechanics approach for damage prediction of concrete gravity dams is described as an example. These findings are helpful in understanding the dynamic behavior of concrete dams and promoting the improvement of seismic safety assessment methods.  相似文献   

The important effects of bottom sediments on the seismic response of arch dams are studied in this paper. To do so, a three‐dimensional boundary element model is used. It includes the water reservoir as a compressible fluid, the dam and unbounded foundation rock as viscoelastic solids, and the bottom sediment as a two‐phase poroelastic domain with dynamic behaviour described by Biot's equations. Dynamic interaction among all those regions, local topography and travelling wave effects are taken into account. The results obtained show the important influence of sediment compressibility and permeability on the seismic response. The former is associated with a general change of the system response whereas the permeability has a significant influence on damping at resonance peaks. The analysis is carried out in the frequency domain considering time harmonic excitation due to P and S plane waves. The time‐domain results obtained by using the Fourier transform for a given earthquake accelerogram are also shown. The possibility of using simplified models to represent the bottom sediment effects is discussed in the paper. Two alternative models for porous sediment are tested. Simplified models are shown to be able to reproduce the effects of porous sediments except for very high permeability values. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

有缝拱坝-地基系统非线性地震波动反应分析方法   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
拱坝坝体中缝界面在地震作用下的开、合模拟对拱坝地震反应有重要影响。目前在拱坝地震反应分析中应用的一些模型,如Fenves模型、Dowling的三参数模型,存在对缝界面的接触状态模拟精度不高的问题,这对于准确评价工程上关心的缝界面最大张开率是不足的。此外,坝基中存在的断层、节理、裂隙待软弱夹层的非线性力学特性和无限地基能量辐射作用对拱坝地震反应也有重要影响。在拱坝地震反应分析中同时考虑这三种影响因素  相似文献   

The effects of incoherency and wave-passage on the nonlinear responses of concrete arch dams are investigated in this study. A double curvature arch dam is selected as a numerical example. The reservoir is modeled as a compressible material and the foundation is modeled as a massless medium. Ground motion time-histories are artificially generated using the Monte Carlo simulation approach. Four different finite element models (FEM) are considered: uniform excitation; incoherence effect; wave passage effect; and both incoherence and wave passage effects. It was revealed that modeling multiple-supports excitation could have a significant impact on the structural response of the dam by inducing a pseudo-static effect. Also, it was concluded that the coherency effect overshadows the wave passage effect and the results obtained from non-uniform excitation of FEM, including the wave passage effect, is close to the results of the FEM when it is uniformly excited.  相似文献   

拱坝横缝影响及有效抗震措施的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大量研究结果和某些拱坝的地震震害表明,横缝对拱坝的地震响应有很大的影响。通过采用非光滑方程组方法以及考虑碰撞时刻动量、动能守恒来模拟横缝所引起的动接触问题,同时为了提高计算效率,采用隐-显式积分方法对坝-基系统的动力平衡方程进行求解。针对在拱坝中上部配筋这一抗震措施,也作了探讨。通过对小湾拱坝的分析,为高拱坝工程抗震措施的选择提供技术依据。  相似文献   

地震动输入是大跨度桥梁地震反应分析的重要一环。从明确大跨度拱桥的临界跨度入手,探讨了大跨度拱桥地震动输入模式中的行波效应、三向输入及其地震动选取问题。基于某大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥,建立了有限元分析模型,考查了行波效应及三向地震动输入对拱关键截面内力、减隔震支座位移及粘滞阻尼器冲程的影响。结果表明:给出的大跨度拱桥临界跨度确定方法合理,行波效应对拱顶轴力有重要影响,不考虑三向地震动同时作用会明显低估大跨度拱桥的地震反应。确定大跨度拱桥地震动输入模式时需考虑行波效应与三向地震动同时输入。  相似文献   

Pounding between adjacent bridge structures with insufficient separation distance has been identified as one of the primary causes of damage in many major earthquakes. It takes place because the closing relative movement is larger than the structural gap provided between the structures. This relative structural response is controlled not only by the dynamic properties of the participating structures but also by the characteristics of the ground excitations. The consequence of the spatial variation of ground motions has been studied by researchers; however, most of these studies were performed numerically. The objective of the present research is to experimentally evaluate the influence of spatial variation of ground motions on the pounding behaviour of three adjacent bridge segments. The investigation is performed using three shake tables. The input spatially varying ground excitations are simulated based on the New Zealand design spectra for soft soil, shallow soil and strong rock using an empirical coherency loss function. Results confirm that the spatially nonniform ground motions increase the relative displacement of adjacent bridge girders and pounding forces. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The South Iceland Lowland is an active seismic zone. In May 2008 a magnitude 6.3 (Mw) earthquake struck the area. The 370-m-long base-isolated Oseyrar Bridge situated close to the epicentre was hit by strong ground motion. Concrete stoppers at the top of all piers were badly smashed and all four wing walls of the abutments were severely damaged. The study showed that it is possible with numerical models to back-calculate the observed damage based on recorded ground motion in the area. The recorded loads were larger than prescribed by Eurocode 8 for the site even though the magnitude and location of the earthquake was as expected. The main reason was a near-fault pulse which is not covered in the code. The pulse dominated the bridge response and is therefore important to consider. Finally, an improved design is presented that could have prevented the damage.  相似文献   

A practical model for the power spectrum of spatially variant ground motion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper puts forward a model for the power spectrum of spatially variant ground motion. As compared with the other existing models, this model has two features: (1) It is the average result of multiple models and multiple earthquakes rather than the model proposed on the basis of the record of an earthquake given by a certain station array. (2) It has taken into account the variation of self-power spectral parameters from point to point.  相似文献   

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