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吴德金  陈玲 《天文学报》2023,64(3):24-29
现代科学表明宇宙中99%以上的可观测物质都处于等离子体状态,从小尺度的微观粒子动力学集体过程与能量转换机制到大尺度的宇宙等离子天体结构状态与爆发活动现象,都是等离子天体物理学的研究课题.从宇宙演化历史、大尺度结构形成以及爆发活动现象等方面,系统地论述了等离子天体物理学在现代天文学发展以及现代等离子体宇宙观形成中的重要作用.同时,结合空间卫星科学探测研究及其对现代天文学的巨大影响,进一步阐述了地球磁层和日球层等空间等离子体实地探测研究在等离子天体物理学研究中所扮演的“天然实验室”的独特作用.  相似文献   

Astronomy is a very interesting subject for undergraduate students studying physics. In this paper, we report astronomy education for undergraduate students in the Physics Department of Guangzhou University, and how we are teaching astronomy to the students. Astrophysics has been rapidly developing since 1994, when the center for astrophysics was founded. Now, astrophysics has become a key subject in Guangdong Province, and the Astronomy Science and Technology Research Laboratory one of the key laboratories of the Department of Education of the Guangdong Province. Many undergraduate students, working under the tutorship of faculty members completed their thesis at the Center for Astrophysics in Guangzhou.  相似文献   

The recent advances of comctary physics are outlined.  相似文献   

There are many space plasma physics problems that are both majorand unsolved, there are other problems for which the categorization of solved or unsolved depends on one's point of view, and there are still other problems that are well understood but unsolved in the sense that quantitative predictions cannot be made although the basic physics is known. The following discussion will, of necessity, be limited and selective. The nature of the Alfvénic turbulence in the solar wind remains a major unsolved mystery: Why is the power spectrum of this anisotropic, compressible, magnetofluid often Kolmogoroff-like, with a power spectral index close to the -5/3 value characteristic of normal fluids? What is the three-dimensional symmetry of the turbulence? Are the magnetic fields quasi-two-dimensional and stochastic, or have they been highly refracted by small velocity shears? What is the origin of the -1 slope of the energy containing scales? What is the relationship between the turbulent fields and the diffusion coefficients for energetic particle transport parallel and perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field? A general problem in turbulence research is the relationship between the fluid approximation and the kinetic physics that describes the dissipation and damping of fluctuations. There is still much to learn about solar flares, coronal mass ejections and magnetospheric substorms. Another major puzzle is how to quantitatively describe the interaction of the solar wind with the interstellar medium; a problem probably not amenable to solution using fluid equations.  相似文献   

The available observational date and cosmological models indicate the possible existence of supercivilizations with ages of technological development 6-8 gigayears larger than on the Earth. The probability of their detection is probably conne with observations at wavelengths from 3 mcm to 3 mm, and also with the solution of the hidden mass problem and searches for multiconnection of the Universe.  相似文献   

Chaos appears in various problems of Relativity and Cosmology. Here we discuss (a) the Mixmaster Universe model, and (b) the motions around two fixed black holes. (a) The Mixmaster equations have a general solution (i.e. a solution depending on 6 arbitrary constants) of Painlevé type, but there is a second general solution which is not Painlevé. Thus the system does not pass the Painlevé test, and cannot be integrable. The Mixmaster model is not ergodic and does not have any periodic orbits. This is due to the fact that the sum of the three variables of the system (α + β + γ) has only one maximum for τ = τm and decreases continuously for larger and for smaller τ. The various Kasner periods increase exponentially for large τ. Thus the Lyapunov Characteristic Number (LCN) is zero. The "finite time LCN" is positive for finite τ and tends to zero when τ → ∞. Chaos is introduced mainly near the maximum of (α + β + γ). No appreciable chaos is introduced at the successive Kasner periods, or eras. We conclude that in the Belinskii-Khalatnikov time, τ, the Mixmaster model has the basic characteristics of a chaotic scattering problem. (b) In the case of two fixed black holes M1 and M2 the orbits of photons are separated into three types: orbits falling into M1 (type I), or M2 (type II), or escaping to infinity (type III). Chaos appears because between any two orbits of different types there are orbits of the third type. This is a typical chaotic scattering problem. The various types of orbits are separated by orbits asymptotic to 3 simple unstable orbits. In the case of particles of nonzero rest mass we have intervals where some periodic orbits are stable. Near such orbits we have order. The transition from order to chaos is made through an infinite sequence of period doubling bifurcations. The bifurcation ratio is the same as in classical conservative systems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Energetic ions from the solar wind, local pick-up ions or magnetospheric plasma ions impact the atmospheres and surfaces of a number of solar system bodies. These energetic incident ions deposit energy in the gas or solid. This can lead to the ejection of atoms and molecules, a process referred to as sputtering. In this paper we first describe the physics and chemistry of atmospheric and surface sputtering. We then apply this to the production of a thin atmosphere on Europa by magnetospheric ion bombardment of Europa's surface and show that Europa loses more Na atoms than it receives from the Jupiter magnetosphere. The loss of atmosphere from Mars in earlier epochs by pick-up ion sputtering of that atmosphere is also calculated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Antarctica provides a unique environment for astronomers to practice their trade. The cold, dry and stable air found above the high Antarctic plateau, as well as the pure ice below, offers new opportunities for the conduct of observational astronomy across both the photon and the particle spectrum. The summits of the Antarctic plateau provide the best seeing conditions, the darkest skies and the most transparent atmosphere of any earth-based observing site. Astronomical activities are now underway at four plateau sites: the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Concordia Station at Dome C, Kunlun Station at Dome A and Fuji Station at Dome F, in addition to long duration ballooning from the coastal station of McMurdo, at stations run by the USA, France/Italy, China, Japan and the USA, respectively. The astronomy conducted from Antarctica includes optical, infrared, terahertz and sub-millimetre astronomy, measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies, solar astronomy, as well as high energy astrophysics involving the measurement of cosmic rays, gamma rays and neutrinos. Antarctica is also the richest source of meteorites on our planet. An extensive range of site testing measurements have been made over the high plateau sites. In this article, we summarise the facets of Antarctica that are driving developments in astronomy there, and review the results of the site testing experiments undertaken to quantify those characteristics of the Antarctic plateau relevant for astronomical observation. We also outline the historical development of the astronomy on the continent, and then review the principal scientific results to have emerged over the past three decades of activity in the discipline. These range from determination of the dominant frequencies of the 5 min solar oscillation in 1979 to the highest angular scale measurements yet made of the power spectrum of the CMBR anisotropies in 2010. They span through infrared views of the galactic ecology in star formation complexes in 1999, the first clear demonstration that the Universe was flat in 2000, the first detection of polarization in the CMBR in 2002, the mapping of the warm molecular gas across the ~ 300 pc extent of the Central Molecular Zone of our Galaxy in 2003, the measurement of cosmic neutrinos in 2005, and imaging of the thermal Sunyaev Zel’dovich effect in galaxy clusters in 2008. This review also discusses how science is conducted in Antarctica, and in particular the difficulties, as well as the advantages, faced by astronomers seeking to bring their experiments there. It also reviews some of the political issues that will be encountered, both at national and international level. Finally, the review discusses where Antarctic astronomy may be heading in the coming decade, in particular plans for infrared and terahertz astronomy, including the new facilities being considered for these wavebands at the high plateau stations.  相似文献   

The astronomical investigations in the present Tadjikistan (USSR) are carried out by the Institute of Astrophysics of the Academy of Sciences of Tadjik SSR. The main scientific fields of investigation are meteors, comets, and variable stars. The Institute has two observational stations: the Gissar observatory with photographic and radar meteor patrols, a 70 cm telescope, a 40 cm Zeiss astrograph, etc., and the Sanglok observatory with the Ritchey-Chrétien 1 m telescope.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

The research activity in Japanese astronomy is described, taking into account the social and historical background. A trend in the last two decades is shown by the numbers of papers in 13 branches of astronomy. Major research facilities and international collaboration programs are summerized. Future programs under consideration are briefly discussed.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research in theoretical cosmology in South Africa, providing an overview of the work that has been done and the groups involved in that work.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(11):645-657
The major thrust of present day scientific cosmology is that of examining the effect of local physical laws on the large-scale structure of the cosmos. However there has also from the earliest times been a counter theme: the study of the way that global properties of the universe can influence its local properties. The purpose of the present paper is to revisit this topic.  相似文献   

This contribution presents the cosmological models with extra dimensions that have been recently elaborated, which assume that ordinary matter is confined on a surface, called brane, embedded in a higher dimensional spacetime. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Assuming a large collecting area, a good angular resolution and a large field of view expected for the Japanese National Large Telescope (JNLT), we demonstrate that JNLT will provide a useful means of studying cosmological objects of interest. Among them I discuss how cosmological parameters and evolutionary effects can be obtained from redshift-magnitude relations, galaxy counts, distant supernovae, quasar properties, and large-scale structures. An advantage of near infrared observations is emphasized.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

Fred Hoyle famously drew attention to the significance of apparent coincidences in the energy levels of the carbon and oxygen nucleus. This paper addresses the possible implications of other coincidences in cosmology. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss some implications of iron whiskers condensing in supernova ejecta and being expelled into interstellar and intergalactic space. The supposition that the universal microwave background is a relic from an early hot state of the Universe is shown to be not as secure as is commonly supposed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Shortly the vacuum component of the Universe from the geometry point of view and from the point of view of the standard model of physics of elementary particles is discussed. Some arguments are given to the calculated value of the cosmological constant (Zel’dovich’s approximation). A new component of space vacuum (the gravitational vacuum condensate) is involved the production of which has fixed time in our Universe. Also the phenomenon of vacuum selforganization must be included in physical consideration of the Universe evolution.  相似文献   

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