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《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1313-1339

The nature, magmatic evolution, and geodynamic setting of both inner and outer Makran ophiolites, in SE Iran, are enigmatic. Here, we report mineral chemistry, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope composition of mantle peridotites and igneous rocks from the Eastern Makran Ophiolite (EMO) to assess the origin and tectono-magmatic evolution of the Makran oceanic realm. The EMO includes mantle peridotites (both harzburgites and impregnated lherzolites), isotropic gabbros, diabase dikes, and basaltic to andesitic pillow and massive lava flows. The Late Cretaceous pelagic limestones are found as covers of lava flows and/or interlayers between them. All ophiolite components are somehow sheared and fragmented, probably in Cenozoic time, during the emplacement of ophiolite. This event has produced a considerable extent of tectonic melange. Tectonic slices of trachy-basaltic lavas with oceanic island basalt (OIB)-like signature seal the tectonic melange. Our new geochemical data indicate a magmatic evolution from fore-arc basalt (FAB) to island-arc tholeiite (IAT)-like signatures for the Late Cretaceous EMO lavas. EMO extrusive rocks have high εNd(t) (+8 to +8.9) and isotopically are similar to the Oman lavas. This isotopic signature indicates a depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle source for the genesis of these rocks, except isotopic gabbros containing lower εNd(t) (+5.1 to +5.7) and thus show higher contribution of subducted slab components in their mantle source. High 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotopic ratios for the EMO igneous rocks also suggest considerable involvement of slab-derived components into the mantle source of these rocks. The variable geochemical signatures of the EMO lavas are mostly similar to Zagros and Oman ophiolite magmatic rocks, although the Pb isotopic composition shows similarity to the isotopic characteristic of inner Zagros ophiolite belt. This study postulates that the EMO formed during the early stages of Neo-Tethyan subduction initiation beneath the Lut block in a proto-forearc basin. We suggest subduction initiation caused asthenospheric upwelling and thereafter melting to generate the MORB-like melts. This event left the harzburgitic residues and the MORB-like melts interacted with the surrounding peridotites to generate the impregnated lherzolites, which are quite abundant in the EMO. Therefore, these lherzolites formed due to the refertilization of mantle rocks through porous flows of MORB-like melts. The inception of subduction caused mantle wedge to be enriched slightly by the slab components. Melting of these metasomatized mantle generated isotropic gabbros and basaltic to andesitic lavas with FAB-like signature. At the later stage, higher contribution of the slab-derived components into the overlying mantle wedge causes formation of diabase dikes with supra-subduction zone – or IAT-like signatures. Trachy-basalts were probably the result of late-stage magmatism fed by the melts originated from an OIB source asthenospheric mantle due to slab break-off. This occurred after emplacement of EMO and the formation of tectonic melange.  相似文献   

秦岭加里东晚期-华力西早期复式前陆盆地   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
南秦岭西段的志留纪-早泥盆世及中秦岭北缘的志留纪-早石炭世的沉积特征表明,两区均存在有早期理里石相和晚期磨拉石相,构成完整的前陆盆地充填序列,并由冲断造山 -前渊-前隆3部分构成完整的前陆盆地体系,南秦岭前陆盆地是扬子北缘裂陷盆地闭合的产物,形成于430Ma,结束于390Ma,历时40Ma,属板内前陆盆地,中秦岭前陆盆地位于扬子北缘的边缘,是秦岭洋闭合后的产物,形成于440Ma,结束于323Ma,历时107Ma,属周缘前陆盆地,北秦岭二郎坪弧后陆盆地的上限是320Ma,是在另里东晚期-华力西早期于陆-弧-陆碰撞的背景下形成3种类型的前陆盆地,它们组成了秦岭复式前陆盆地,总历程达120Ma。  相似文献   

 The Late Cretaceous to Early Miocene strata of the Carpathian foreland basin in southern Moravia (Czech Republic) are represented by a variety of facies which reflects the evolution of the foreland depositional system. However, because of the intensive deformation and tectonic displacement and the lack of diagnostic fossils the stratigraphic correlation and paleogeographic interpretation of these strata are difficult and often controversial. In order to better correlate and to integrate them into a broader Alpine–Carpathian foreland depositional system, these discontinuous and fragmentary strata have been related to four major tectonic and depositional events: (a) formation of the Carpathian foreland basin in Late Cretaceous which followed the subduction of Tethys and subsequent deformation of the Inner Alps-Carpathians; (b) Middle to Late Eocene transgression over the European foreland and the Carpathian fold belt accompanied by deepening of the foreland basin and deposition of organic-rich Menilitic Formation; (c) Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (Egerian) uplifting and deformation of inner zones of the Carpathian flysch belt and deposition of Krosno-type flysch in the foreland basin; and (d) Early Miocene (Eggenburgian) marine transgression and formation of late orogenic and postorogenic molasse-type foreland basin in the foreland. These four principal events and corresponding depositional sequences are recognized throughout the region and can be used as a framework for regional correlation within the Alpine–Carpathian foreland basin. Received: 18 August 1998 / Accepted: 9 June 1999  相似文献   

Pindos foreland basin in west Peloponnesus (Tritea, Hrisovitsi and Finikounda sub‐basins) during Late Eocene to Early Oligocene was an underfilled foreland basin. The basin's geometry was affected by the presence of internal thrusting and transfer faults, causing changes in depth and width. Due to internal thrusting, the foreland basin changed through time from a uniform to non‐uniform configuration, whereas transfer faults have an intensive impact on depositional environments within the basin. Internal thrusting (Gavrovo, internal and middle Ionian thrusts) activated synchronously with the major Pindos Thrust, creating intrabasinal highs that influenced palaeocurrent directions. The transfer faults cross‐cut the intrabasinal highs and produced low relief areas that act as pathways for sediment distribution. The sediments are thicker and sandstone‐rich on the downthrown sides of the transfer faults. In these areas, sandstone reservoirs could be produced. Such tectonically active areas constitute promise for oil and gas reservoirs and traps.  相似文献   

The influence of palaeodrainage characteristics, palaeogeography and tectonic setting are rarely considered as controls on stratigraphic organization in palaeovalley or incised valley systems. This study is an examination of the influence of source region vs. downstream base level controls on the sedimentary architecture of a set of bedrock-confined palaeovalleys developed along the distal margin of the Alpine foreland basin in south-eastern France. Three distinct facies associations are observed within the palaeovalley fills. Fluvial facies association A is mainly dominated by poorly sorted, highly disorganized, clast-to-matrix-supported cobble-to-boulder conglomerates that are interpreted as streamflood deposits. Facies association B comprises mainly yellow siltstones and is interpreted as recording deposition in an estuarine basin environment. Estuarine marine facies association C comprises interstratified estuarine siltstones and clean, well-sorted washover sandstones. The sedimentary characteristics of the valley fill successions are related to the proximity of depositional sites to sediment source areas. Palaeovalleys located proximal to structurally controlled basement palaeohighs are entirely dominated by coarse fluvial streamflood deposits. In contrast, distal palaeovalley segments, which are located several kilometres downstream, contain successions showing upward transition from coarse fluvial facies into estuarine central basin fines, and finally into estuarine-marginal marine facies. Facies distributions suggest that the fluvial deposits form wedge-shaped, downstream-thinning sediment bodies, whereas the estuarine deposits form an upstream-thinning wedge. The vertical stacking of fluvial to estuarine to marginal marine depositional environments records the fluvial aggradation and subsequent transgression of relatively small bedrock-confined river valleys, which drained a rugged, upland terrain. Facies geometries suggest that a fluvial sediment wedge initially prograded downvalley, in response to high bed load sediment yields. Subsequently, palaeovalleys became drowned during the passage of a marine transgression, with the establishment of estuarine conditions. Initial fluvial aggradation and subsequent marine flooding of the palaeovalleys is a consequence of the interaction of high local rates of sediment supply and relative sea-level rise driven by flexural subsidence of the basin.  相似文献   

In the northwestern part of Euboea Island and the neighbouring part of the mainland in eastern central Greece, many hot springs exist. We collected and analysed the newly formed material around the hot springs. The samples were studied at the lab with X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). In all cases the studied materials were thermogenic travertine presenting many different lithotypes. The studied travertine deposits consist mainly of aragonite and calcite, but in some cases, as the main mineral phase, an amorphous hydrous ferric oxyhydroxide, probably ferrihydrite (creating a laminated iron-rich travertine deposit), was identified. The lithotypes that were identified were of great variety (spicular, shrubs, etc). Some of them (pisoliths, rafts and foam rock types) are quite rare and one of them (framework type) is described for the first time. Morphological data and field observations suggest possible inorganic and organic controls on carbonate precipitation. Similar lithotypes have been recorded at Mammoth hot springs, Yellowstone National Park in USA and at Rapolano Terme, Italy.  相似文献   

位于东秦岭造山带核部的五里川盆地内的红层为一套具磨拉石建造特点的粗碎屑红色岩系.根据其中所含的恐龙蛋化石和同位素年龄资料以及少量孢粉、盆地发展演化史等综合分析,红层时代归属晚自垩世早期或中-早期较为合适.按照"中国地层指南"的规定,建议该红层使用朱阳关组一名,停止使用马家村组、高沟组及三湾、桑坪、黄沙三组等名.  相似文献   

Plants and soils from central Euboea, were analyzed for Cr(totai), Cr(VI), Ni, Mn, Fe and Zn. The range of metal concentrations in soils is typical to those developed on Fe-Ni laterites and ultramafic rocks. Their bioavailability was expressed in terms of concentrations extractable with EDTA and 1 M HNO3, with EDTA having a limited effect on metal recovery. Cr(VI) concentrations in soils evaluated by alkaline digestion solution were lower than phytotoxic levels. Chromium and Ni — and occasionally Zn — in the majority of plants were near or above toxicity levels. Cr(VI) concentrations in plants were extremely low compared to total chromium concentrations. Cr(total) in ground waters ranged from <1 μg.L?1 to 130 μg.L?1, with almost all chromium present as Cr(VI). With the exception of Cr(total) and in some cases Zn, all elements were below regulatory limits for drinking water. On the basis of Ca, Mg, Cr(total) and Si ground waters were classified into three groups: Group(I) with Cr concentrations less than 1 μg.L?1 from a karstic aquifer; Group(II) with average concentrations of 24 μg.L?1 of Cr and relatively high Si associated with ophiolites; and Group(III) with Cr concentrations of up to 130 μg.L?1, likely due to anthropogenic activity. Group(III) is comparable to ground waters from Assopos basin, characterized by high Cr(VI) concentrations, probably due to industrial actrivities.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地是近年研究的热点区域.以鄂尔多斯盆地东部上古生界在燕山运动主幕期间 (晚侏罗世-早白垩世) 的应力场量化研究为目标,以期为应力场数值模拟及储层裂缝预测提供边界条件.通过盆地边界同构造期构造形迹应力反演和地层剥蚀量恢复结果探讨了晚侏罗世-早白垩世三轴应力状态及水平最大主应力方向;基于泥岩压实曲线及Newberry力学模型计算了附加构造应力及垂直地应力,进而获得了研究区上古生界在晚侏罗世-早白垩世的三轴主应力大小及差应力值.研究结果显示,研究区在燕山运动主幕期间最大主应力近水平,方向为SEE98°,中间主应力近竖直,最小主应力为NWW方向;上古生界储层 (平均恢复埋深为4 600 m) 在燕山运动主幕的三轴主应力大小分别为93.2~101.3 MPa、65.8~67.2 MPa、53.1~53.6 MPa,差应力为40.1~48.0 MPa.研究结果为区域构造应力场数值模拟、储层裂缝预测及裂缝型油气藏有利区优选等油气勘探工作提供了必要的基础.   相似文献   

罗辉 《地学前缘》2005,12(2):45-50
在土耳其北部Sinop盆地Kayadibi剖面上发育了一套以红色灰岩及红色硅质岩为特征的,被称之为Kapanboˇgazi组的远洋或半远洋环境下的海相红色沉积。其中的硅质岩里产丰富且保存完好的放射虫化石。其放射虫组合以Crucella cachensis, Alievum superbum?, Patellula verteoensis, Patellula ecliptica, Dictyo mitra multicostata, Pseudodictyomitra pseudomacrocephala, Halesium triacanthum, Pessagnobrachia fabia nii, Pseudoaulophacus putahensis 和Paronaella communis 等属种同时出现为特征,可以与北美、西特提斯及俄罗斯等地建立的Alievum superbum 放射虫带对比,时代为土仑期。  相似文献   

Maastrichtian and Lower Tertiary strata of the Eureka Sound Formation are widespread in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and include major resources of lignite, subbituminous and high-volatile bituminous coal. The level of organic maturity of the strata for the most part reflects pre-orogenic (pre-Late Eocene-Miocene) depths of burial and thus helps define Early Tertiary depositional patterns. In the Remus Basin, in the eastern Canadian Archipelago, over 90 seams of coal occur ranging in rank from lignite (0.15% R0 max) to high-volatile bituminous (0.70% R0 max). The maturity values at the base of the Eureka Sound Formation, in conjunction with measured maturation gradients, indicate a maximum paleothickness of 4500 m and outline a basin with well defined eastern, western and southern margins. On the bases of numerical modeling, the maturation gradients are interpreted to reflect paleogeothermal gradients up to 55°C/km in the eastern part of the basin and of about 20°C/km in the western part.Elsewhere in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago the level of organic maturity of the Eureka Sound Formation varies from 0.15% R0 max to 0.70% R0 max. Maturation gradients measured from Meighen Island in the Strand Fiord Basin and from Melville Island in the southern part of the West Sverdrup Basin are about 0.10 log R0 max/km, and when compared to numerical models suggest paleogeothermal gradients on the order of 15°C/km. At Meighen Island the paleodepth of burial of the Eureka Sound Formation may have been up to 6000 m. As a first approximation, the Melville Island gradient is considered representative of West Sverdrup and Banks Basin. Using this gradients, a paleodepth of burial of 3000 m is calculated for central West Sverdrup Basin and 4000 m for the southern part. In Banks Basin the paleodepth of burial is estimated to be on the order of 4000 m. Maturity values obtained from the Lake Hazen and Judge Dally Basins, Eclipse Trough and Somerset, Devon and Cornwallis Islands and at Bache Peninsula on eastern Ellesmere Island cannot be readily interpreted in terms of paleodepth of burial. No measured sections are thick or complete enough to establish maturation gradients, and the Tertiary history of these areas is only poorly known.The low paleogeothernal gradients calculated from Meighen Island, Melville Island and from the western part of the Remus Basin (15–20°C/km) are considered to reflect low heat flow or rapid Tertiary sedimentation and uplift such that an equilibrium geothermal gradient may never have existed. The higher maturation gradients and interpreted paleogeothermal gradients in the eastern Remus Basin are considered to be the product of higher heat flow on eastern Ellesmere Island.Anomalously high levels of maturity obtained along the Stolz Fault and adjacent Strand Fiord on Axel Heiberg Island are attributed to the thermal effects of evaporite diapirs.  相似文献   

Several selected seismic lines are used to show and compare the modes of Late-Cretaceous–Early Tertiary inversion within the North German and Polish basins. These seismic data illustrate an important difference in the allocation of major zones of basement (thick-skinned) deformation and maximum uplift within both basins. The most important inversion-related uplift of the Polish Basin was localised in its axial part, the Mid-Polish Trough, whereas the basement in the axial part of the North German Basin remained virtually flat. The latter was uplifted along the SW and to a smaller degree the NE margins of the North German Basin, presently defined by the Elbe Fault System and the Grimmen High, respectively. The different location of the basement inversion and uplift within the North German and Polish basins is interpreted to reflect the position of major zones of crustal weakness represented by the WNW-ESE trending Elbe Fault System and by the NW-SE striking Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone, the latter underlying the Mid-Polish Trough. Therefore, the inversion of the Polish and North German basins demonstrates the significance of an inherited basement structure regardless of its relationship to the position of the basin axis. The inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough was connected with the reactivation of normal basement fault zones responsible for its Permo-Mesozoic subsidence. These faults zones, inverted as reverse faults, facilitated the uplift of the Mid-Polish Trough in the order of 1–3 km. In contrast, inversion of the North German Basin rarely re-used structures active during its subsidence. Basement inversion and uplift, in the range of 3–4 km, was focused at the Elbe Fault System which has remained quiescent in the Triassic and Jurassic but reproduced the direction of an earlier Variscan structural grain. In contrast, N-S oriented Mesozoic grabens and troughs in the central part of the North German Basin avoided significant inversion as they were oriented parallel to the direction of the inferred Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary compression. The comparison of the North German and Polish basins shows that inversion structures can follow an earlier subsidence pattern only under a favourable orientation of the stress field. A thick Zechstein salt layer in the central parts of the North German Basin and the Mid-Polish Trough caused mechanical decoupling between the sub-salt basement and the supra-salt sedimentary cover. Resultant thin-skinned inversion was manifested by the formation of various structures developed entirely in the supra-salt Mesozoic–Cenozoic succession. The Zechstein salt provided a mechanical buffer accommodating compressional stress and responding to the inversion through salt mobilisation and redistribution. Only in parts of the NGB and MPT characterised by either thin or missing Zechstein evaporites, thick-skinned inversion directly controlled inversion-related deformations of the sedimentary cover. Inversion of the Permo-Mesozoic fill within the Mid-Polish Trough was achieved by a regional elevation above uplifted basement blocks. Conversely, in the North German Basin, horizontal stress must have been transferred into the salt cover across the basin from its SW margin towards the basins centre. This must be the case since compressional deformations are concentrated mostly above the salt and no significant inversion-related basement faults are seismically detected apart from the basin margins. This strain decoupling in the interior of the North German Basin was enhanced by the presence of the Elbe Fault System which allowed strain localization in the basin floor due to its orientation perpendicular to the inferred Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary far-field compression.  相似文献   

The Late Cretaceous Brezová and Myjava Groups of the Western Carpathians in Slovakia and formations of the Gosau Group of the Northern Calcareous Alps in Lower Austria comprise similar successions of alluvial/shallow marine deposits overlain by deep water hemipelagic sediments and turbidites. In both areas the heavy mineral spectra of Late Cretaceous sediments contain significant amounts of detrital chrome spinel. In the Early Tertiary the amount of garnet increases. Cluster analysis and correspondence analysis of Coniacian/Santonian and Campanian/Early Maastrichtian heavy mineral data indicate strong similarities between the Gosau deposits of the Lunz Nappe of the north-eastern part of the Northern Calcareous Alps and the Brezova Group of the Western Carpathians. Similar source areas and a similar palaeogeographical position at the northern active margin of the Adriatic/Austroalpine plate are therefore suggested for the two tectonic units.Basin subsidence mechanisms within the Late Cretaceous of the Northern Calcareous Alps are correlated with the Western Carpathians. Subsidence during the Campanian-Maastrichtian is interpreted as a consequence of subduction tectonic erosion along the active northern margin of the Adriatic/Austroalpine plate. Analogous facies and heavy mineral associations from deep water sandstones of the Manin Unit and the Klape Unit indicate accretion of parts of the Pieniny Klippen Belt during the Late Cretaceous along the Adriatic/Austroalpine margin.  相似文献   

New 40Ar/39Ar ages of igneous rocks clarify the nature, timing and rates of movement of the oceanic Pacific, Phoenix, Farallon and Hikurangi plates against Gondwana and Zealandia in the Late Cretaceous. With some qualifications, cessation of spreading at the Osbourn Trough is dated c. 79 Ma, i.e. 30–20 m.y. later than 110–100 Ma Hikurangi Plateau-Gondwana collision. Oceanic crust of pre-84 Ma is confirmed to be present at the eastern end of the Chatham Rise, and a 99–78 Ma intraplate lava province erupted across juxtaposed Zealandia, Hikurangi Plateau and oceanic crust. We propose a new regional tectonic model in which a mechanically jammed Hikurangi Plateau resulted in the dynamic propagation of small, kinematically misaligned short-length 110–84 Ma spreading centres and long-offset fracture zones. It is only from c. 84 Ma that geometrically stable spreading became localized at what is now the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, as Zealandia started to split from Gondwana.  相似文献   

Edipsos area, situated in northern Euboea, has been well known since ancient times for the existence of thermal springs. In order to assess the hydrogeochemical conditions, thermal and cold water samples were collected and analyzed by ICP method for major and trace elements. The results revealed the direct impact of seawater, a process which is strongly related to the major tectonic structures of the area. Seawater impact was confirmed by the Cl/Br and Na/Cl ionic ratios, as well as from statistical processing and graphical interpretation of the analytical results, which classified the sampled waters into three groups (two for cold waters and one for the thermal ones). Trace element ranges for thermal waters are: As (44–84 ppb), Pb (23–154 ppb), Ag (1–2 ppb), Mn (31–680 ppb), Cu (61–97 ppb), Cs (66–244 ppb), Se (0–76 ppb), Li (732–3269 ppb), Fe (0–1126 ppb), Sr (14000–34100 ppb), B (4300–9600 ppb). Compared with the chemical composition of other thermal springs from the Hellenic Volcanic Arc, Edipsos thermal waters are enriched in Ca2+, Na+, Cl?, SO4 2?, Li, B and K+, reflecting the influence from seawater. Cold waters are free of heavy metals compared with other natural waters and are characterized by good quality based on the major element chemistry. Finally, several geothermometers were applied in order to assess the reservoir temperatures, but none of them appear to be applicable, mainly due to the impact of seawater on the initial hydrogeochemistry of the geothermal fluids.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》1991,35(1):103-115
Detailed morpho- and lithostratigraphic investigations, allied with radiometric dating, in the Voidomatis basin, Epirus, northwest Greece, have identified four Quaternary terraced alluvial fills that range from middle Pleistocene to historic in age. Major-periods of alluviation during the late Quaternary were associated with valley glaciation (ca. 26,000–20,000 yr B.P.) and subsequent deglaciation (ca. 20,000–15,000 yr B.P.) in the Pindus Mountains during Late Würmian times, and more recently linked to overgrazing sometime before the 11th century AD. The late Quaternary alluvial stratigraphy of the Voidomatis River is more complex than the “Older Fill” and “Younger Fill” model outlined previously, and it is suggested that these terms should no longer form the basis for defining alluvial stratigraphic units in the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   

胶东诸城晚白垩世恐龙骨骼化石地球化学及埋藏学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶东诸城发育了世界罕见的晚白垩世中晚期恐龙化石集群埋藏点,主要分布在诸城市东南的库沟、恐龙涧、西见屯和臧家庄。本文通过薄片鉴定、电子探针、常量、微量和稀土元素分析等方法技术,系统研究了诸城恐龙骨骼化石微观特征与地球化学特征,分析了恐龙骨骼埋藏成岩过程,厘定4个化石集群埋藏层的相对层位关系和骨骼沉积物来源方向,探讨了恐龙死亡的可能原因。研究表明,研究区恐龙骨骼化石主要矿物成分为磷灰石和方解石,也零星含有Fe、Mn、BaSO4及SiO2等矿物成分;骨骼化石和围岩主量、微量与稀土元素分析显示,CaO、P2O5、F、REE、Y、Sr和Ba、U高值且远高于围岩,其中CaO、P2O5、F、Sr和Ba的高值是由于原始骨骼组成中这些元素背景含量高,而REE、Y及U的异常高值是成岩过程中吸附作用所致;骨骼中Rb、Th、Nb、SiO2、Al2O3、TiO2、Zr、Hf含量低于围岩是由于它们属于亲沉积碎屑元素,都来自母岩的风化产物;骨骼化石中稀土元素表现为轻稀土富集型,稀土配分模式与上地壳相似,并具有Eu轻微正异常和Ce负异常特点;研究认为,骨骼与围岩较高的Sr、Ba含量及稀土元素异常系源于干旱气候与氧化环境的浅埋藏成岩作用;依据不同化石点骨骼中磷灰石矿物与方解石矿物组成的对比、骨骼与围岩主量元素分子风化率指数及REE、HREE、LREE与(La/Yb)N、(Ce/Yb)N和(La/Sm)N、δEu、δCe等参数的对比,研究区4个集群埋藏的恐龙化石层相对层位关系由下至上分别厘定为库沟、西见屯、恐龙涧与臧家庄;骨骼围岩沉积物源主要来自下伏青山群火山岩与莱阳群沉积岩的剥蚀产物;研究区上白垩统红土崖组下部不到100m厚的地层中恐龙化石异地集群埋藏层的多次出现表明,集群埋藏不是一个简单孤立事件,恐龙的死亡也可能受制于干旱气候的影响,特别是环境背景的Sr和Ba等元素有可能是环境毒素;干旱缺水、缺少食物、有毒元素散布可以导致恐龙集群死亡;骨骼在季节性洪水或阵发性泥石流的作用下由诸城西北向东南搬运和堆积。  相似文献   

The early Cretaceous structure of NE China was a result of slab‐rollback‐driven extensional tectonics, characteristic of Western Pacific‐type continental margins. Oblique docking of a microcontinent along the Asian active margin in the early Late Cretaceous induced a compressional stress regime that brought about an Andean‐type continental margin development. Partitioning of contractional–transpressional strain across NE China produced a retroarc foreland basin system, comprising, from east to west, an orogenic wedge, a foredeep (Songliao basin), a forebulge (Great Xing'an Range) and a back‐bulge depozone (Hailar and Erlian basins). A sub‐circular lacustrine depozone in the pre‐existing Songliao basin evolved into a NNE‐trending depocentre near the forebulge and acquired a westward flowing fluvial–deltaic drainage system during the Campanian. Development of this retroarc foreland basin system signals a significant tectonic switch from a Western Pacific‐type to an Andean‐type continental margin evolution in the geological history of East Asia.  相似文献   

在西藏1∶25万喀纳幅、日土县幅地质调查图成果的基础上,重建了班公湖-怒江结合带西段3个地层区的侏罗纪-早白垩世沉积地层序列,对地层纵向、横向序列变化和沉积环境进行对比分析,指出在侏罗纪-早白垩世时,班公湖-怒江中特提斯洋盆沉积与其南、北两侧大陆边缘沉积有明显差异;中特提斯海洋盆地演化经历了早-中侏罗世深海-半深海沉积、晚侏罗世-早白垩世残余海(洋)盆地沉积和晚白垩世残余海盆消亡等3个阶段。  相似文献   

莺歌海—琼东南盆地自晚第三纪海侵以来 ,可划分出 3个二级层序和 1 3个三级层序 ,利用生物化石 (主要为浮游有孔虫 )基准面确定层序的界面年龄值 ,自上而下分别为 1 .9Ma、2 .2Ma、 2 .8Ma、 3 .4 Ma、 5.1 Ma、 6.0 Ma、 1 0 .2 Ma、 1 2 .6Ma、 1 5.2 Ma、 1 9.6Ma、 2 1 .0 Ma、2 3 .7Ma、 2 5.5Ma、 3 0 Ma。通过各层序沉积期的环境演变 ,探讨了海平面变化的周期性 ,并与同时代的全球海平面旋回作了对比。本区最高海平面时期为早上新世 ,即相当于浮游有孔虫N1 9带至 N2 1 带下部 ,其次为中中新世早期 ,相当于浮游有孔虫 N9至 N1 2 带。  相似文献   

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