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本文建立了一个二维定常大气中尺度数值模式,并用该模式讨论了由下垫面粗糙分布非均匀(局地动力强迫)和温度分布非均匀(局地热力强迫)而产生的局地大气环流与大气边界层湍流的相互作用。结果指出:下垫面存在温度分布非均匀时运动方程中的湍流交换项与水平气压梯项一样可促使局地热力环境的形成,由粗糙度分布非均匀强迫产生的局地环流与由下垫面温度分布非均匀强迫产和的局地热力环流间的非线笥相互作用是通过湍流交换实现的。 相似文献
总结了水平非均匀下垫面的大气边界层研究,指出干旱区的绿洲具有明显的“冷湿岛效应”,并可形成边缘逆湿和区域环流,而植被和水域的分布则显著改变了大气边界层结构.阐述了复杂地形下垫面对局地风场和小尺度环流产生的影响、城市热岛效应的产生及特点和城市中绿地和水体的微气候效应.比较分析了不同陆面参数化方案以及边界层气候模式,提出未来在热力与动力非均匀的结合、湿地下垫面的数值模拟、城市复杂下垫面参数化以及气候模式的耦合等方面尚需进行深入的研究. 相似文献
大气边界层气象学研究综述 总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9
文中回顾了大气边界层气象学的发展历史,总结了目前大气边界层气象学的主要进展,并指出国内外在未来大气边界层气象学研究方面面临的一些主要科学问题,以及对未来大气边界层气象学的发展方向提出若干建议,同时还指出了大气边界层气象学在思想上和方法上应该注意的一些相关问题。 相似文献
黑河绿洲区不均匀下垫面大气边界层结构的大涡模拟研究 总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7
采用RAMS模式中大涡模拟的方法,加入高分辨率的植被和土壤资料,模拟了黑河(张掖地区)不均匀下垫面条件下大气边界层演变过程。分析了模拟的地表通量、边界层的平均结构和湍流二阶量,并用黑河试验的观测资料检验了模式的模拟性能。结果表明,模拟的平均结构较好地展现了不均匀下垫面条件下边界层内从稳定层结到混合层发展,夹卷层形成,底层逆温层出现,混合层过渡到残留层等的演变过程,呈现出了从初始的稳定边界层发展到对流边界层,最后又形成夜问稳定边界层的日变化规律。湍流二阶量的分析显示,在非均匀下垫面条件下边界层内湍流二阶量的垂直分布与边界层的发展相对应,白天湍流二阶量出现两个峰值,分别位于近地层和混合层顶。与观测资料和现有研究的对比表明,RAMS中陆面模块(LEAF)地表参数不能较好地反映黑河地区的植被特征,模拟的白天地表感热和潜热通量偏小,气温白天偏低、夜间偏高,相对湿度也有偏差。 相似文献
非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论及其在大气边界层数值模拟中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文将Stull提出的均匀网格下的过渡湍流理论推广到非均匀网格情形,推广的非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论满足Stull提出的对过渡矩阵系数的要求并具有清晰的物理意义。然后,将非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论应用于一维大气边界层数值模式中,对Wangara资料进行了模拟,并与均匀网格情形进行了对比。计算表明,非均匀网格的过渡湍流模式能很好地模拟Wangara大气边界层平均量与湍流量的变化;本文非均匀网格的过渡湍流理论的推广是可行的,它可能会在大气边界层数值模拟及其他方面(如:中尺度模式)得到应用。 相似文献
水、陆不均匀条件下大气边界层结构的模拟研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
应用2004年白洋淀野外观测实验资料,对白洋淀地区水、陆不均匀分布条件下的大气边界层开展了数值模拟试验,结果表明:由于下垫面的热力差异,在360多km2的白洋淀地区,地表特征分布的不均匀可以引发弱的局地环流,影响大气边界层内温度和湿度的空间分布;在500m高度以下,下垫面不均匀分布对湍流动能有明显影响.最后将模拟结果与观测资料进行了对比检验. 相似文献
南京冬季城、郊近地面湍流特征的对比分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用2006年2月17日—3月2日南京及其郊区的近地层湍流资料,分析了城、郊下垫面的无量纲化风速、温度的湍流特征,验证了Monin-obukhov(M-O)相似理论在城、郊下垫面的适用性,并与其他城市和地区的观测结果进行了比较,结果表明:在市区和郊区无量纲脉动风速标准差随稳定度的变化虽然都符合“1/3”次方律,但城、郊有一定差异,尤其在水平方向更为明显。在非中性时垂直向的变化要比水平向更符合“1/3”次方律;σT/|T*|与Z/L关系在城、郊有一定差异,在不稳定时在市区和郊区分别按“-1/3”次和“-2/3”次方规律变化,而在稳定时市区按“-2/3”次方变化,郊区无普适函数关系。在稳定和不稳定条件下,城、郊σT/|T*|都随着|Z/L|的减小而增大。 相似文献
将模式NP-89的陆面过程参数化方法应用到北京大学的三维复杂地形中尺度数值模式中, 得到了一个较理想的三维陆面过程及边界层模式, 利用这个改进的三维模式对20 km×20 km范围的山丘地形的陆面过程及边界层特征进行了数值模拟。模拟结果表明, 由于地形阻挡所造成山后的湍流较山前强, 进而造成近地面温度梯度和感热支出小, 最终造成山后的温度比山前的温度明显偏高; 而且随着山高的增加, 这种现象更加明显, 即该模式对山丘地形条件下的陆面过程和大气边界层特征具有较强的模拟能力; 模拟结果合理, 对研究过山气流形成机制、起伏地形大气边界层物理特征和污染物的扩散具有理论和应用价值。 相似文献
Large eddy simulation and study of the urban boundary layer 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
Accurate wind and turbulence information are essential to wind energy research and utilization, among which wind shear and turbulence intensity/scale have seldom been investigated. In this paper, the observational data from the100-m high wind towers in Xilinhot in Inner Mongolia(2009–10; grassland region), Huanghua in Hebei Province(2009–10; coastal flat region), and Xingzi County in Jiangxi Province(2010–11; mountain–lake region) are used to study the variations in near surface winds and turbulence characteristics related to the development of local wind energy over different underlying surfaces. The results indicate that(1) the percentage of the observed wind shear exponents exceeding 0.3 for the grassland region is 6%, while the percentage is 13% for the coastal flat region and 10%for the mountain–lake region. In other words, if the wind speed at 10 m is 10 ms–1, the percentage of the wind speed at 100 m exceeding 20 ms–1 for the grassland region is 6%, while the percentage is 13% for the coastal flat region and 10% for the mountain–lake region.(2) In terms of the turbulent intensity in the zonal, meridional, and vertical directions(I_u, I_v, and I_w, respectively), the frequencies of I_v/I_u < 0.8 in the grassland, coastal flat, and mountain–lake regions are 23%–29%, 32%–38%, and 30%–37%, respectively. Additionally, the frequencies of I_w/I_u < 0.5 in the grassland, coastal flat, and mountain–lake regions are 45%–75%, 52%–70%, and 43%–53%, respectively. The frequencies of I_v/I_u < 0.8 and Iw/I_u < 0.5 in each region mean that I_u is large and the air flow is unstable and fluctuating,which will damage the wind turbines. Therefore, these conditions do not meet the wind turbine design requirements,which must be considered separately.(3) At 50-and 70-m heights, the value of the turbulence scale parameter Λ in the grassland region is greater than that in the coastal flat region, and the latter is greater than that in the mountain–lake region. Therefore, under the same conditions, some parameters, e.g., the extreme directional change and extreme operating gust at the hub height in the grassland region, are greater than those in the coastal flat region,which are greater than those in the mountain–lake region. These results provide a reference for harnessing local wind energy resources and for the selection and design of wind turbines. 相似文献
Numerical Simulation Experiment of Land Surface Physical Processes and Local Climate Effect in Forest Underlying Surface 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
LIU Shuhu PAN Ying DENG Yi MA Mingmin JIANG Haimei LIN Hongtao JIANG Haoyu LIANG Fuming LIU Heping WANG Jianhua 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2006,20(1):72-85
Based on the basic principles of atmospheric boundary layer and plant canopy micrometeorology, a forest underlying surface land surface physical process model and a two-dimensional atmospheric boundary layer numerical model are developed and numerical simulation experiments of biosphere and physiological processes of vegetation and soil volumetric water content have been done on land surface processes with local climate effect. The numerical simulation results are in good agreement with realistic observations, which can be used to obtain reasonable simulations for diurnal variations of canopy temperature, air temperature in canopy, ground surface temperature, and temporal and spatial distributions of potential temperature and vertical wind velocity as well as relative humidity and turbulence exchange coefficient over non-homogeneous underlying surfaces. It indicates that the model developed can be used to study the interaction between land surface process and atmospheric boundary layer over various underlying surfaces and can be extended to local climate studies. This work will settle a solid foundation for coupling climate models with the biosphere. 相似文献
利用WRF-Chem模式,采用3种边界层参数化方案 (YSU, MYJ和ACM2),针对1个晴空、静稳日 (2013年8月26日20:00—27日20:00(北京时)) 进行模拟,着重分析不同边界层参数化方案对夜间残留层形成及日出前后O3浓度垂直分布形式的模拟效果,并与固城站地面及垂直同步观测资料进行对比。结果表明:3种边界层参数化方案均能够模拟出温度及风速的区域分布形式以及风温垂直结构的变化特征;相比之下,MYJ方案模拟的夜间边界层高度较YSU方案和ACM2方案明显偏高,该对比结果可能是导致近地面污染物浓度模拟差异的重要原因;在夜间稳定层结至日出后稳定状态打破的边界层结构演变过程中,采用YSU方案和ACM2方案模拟的温度和风速垂直扩线形式与观测结果更为接近;同样采用非局地闭合的YSU方案和同时考虑局地和非局地闭合的ACM2方案,对于边界层高度内O3浓度垂直分布形式的模拟效果具有明显优势。 相似文献
The steady-state, horizontally homogeneous, neutral, barotropiccase forms the foundation of our theoretical understanding of the planetary boundary layer (PBL).While simple analytical models and first-order closure models simulate atmospheric observationsof this case well, more sophisticated models, in general, do not. In this paperwe examine how well three higher-order closure models, E - - l, E - l, and LRR - l,which have been especially modified for PBL applications, perform in predicting the behaviour of thecross-isobaric angle 0, the geostrophic drag coefficient Cg, and the integral of the dissipationrate over the boundary layer, as a function of the surface Rossby number Ro. For comparison we alsoexamine the performance of three first-order closure mixing-length models, two proposed byA. K. Blackadar and one by H. H. Lettau, and the performance of the standard model forsecond-order closure and a modification of it designed to reduce the overprediction of turbulence inthe upper part of the boundary layer. 相似文献