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We present several energetic charged particle microsignatures of two Lagrange moons, Telesto and Helene, measured by the MIMI/LEMMS instrument. These small moons absorb charged particles but their effects are usually obscured by Tethys and Dione, the two larger saturnian satellites that occupy the same orbits. The scales and structures of these microsignatures are consistent with standard models for electron absorption from asteroid-sized moons in Saturn's radiation belts. In the context of these observations, we also examine the possibility that the 3 km Satellite Methone is responsible for two electron microsignatures detected by Cassini close to this moon's orbit. We infer that a previously undetected arc of material exists at Methone's orbit (R/2006 S5), we speculate how such a structure could form and what its physical characteristics and location could be. The origin of this arc could be linked to a possible presence of a faint ring produced by micrometeoroid impacts on Methone's surface, to E-ring dust clump formation at that distance or to temporary dust clouds produced by enceladian activity that spiral inwards under the effect of non-gravitational forces.  相似文献   

We present Cassini data revealing that protons between a few keV and about 100 keV energy are not stably trapped in Saturn's inner magnetosphere. Instead these ions are present only for relatively short times following injections. Injected protons are lost principally because the neutral gas cloud converts these particles to energetic neutral atoms via charge exchange. At higher energies, in the MeV to GeV range, protons are stably trapped between the orbits of the principal moons because the proton cross-section for charge exchange is very small at such energies. These protons likely result from cosmic ray albedo neutron decay (CRAND) and are lost principally to interactions with satellite surfaces and ring particles during magnetospheric radial diffusion. A main result of this work is to show that the dominant energetic proton loss and source processes are a function of proton energy. Surface sputtering by keV ions is revisited based on the reduced ion intensities observed. Relatively speaking, MeV ion and electron weathering is most important closer to Saturn, e.g. at Janus and Mimas, whereas keV ion weathering is most important farther out, at Dione and Rhea.  相似文献   

Results of a search for occultations of stars in the SAO catalogue by Saturn’s outer magnetosphere during 1989-1990 are presented. A total of nine events are predicted to occur during this period. The most favourable event will be the occultation of 28 Sgr (SAO 187255) during July 2–3, 1989. Occultations of SAO 187036, SAO 188348 and SAO 188120 occur near opposition and therefore can be observed over a wide longitude range  相似文献   

The Cassini spacecraft made a single flyby each of Saturn's icy moons Tethys and Rhea in late 2005. The magnetic field observations from these flybys provide unique portraits of the magnetic properties of these moons. These are the first observations of interactions of these inert moons with the sub-magnetosonic plasma of Saturn's magnetosphere. Because the upstream field and plasma conditions are extremely stable, we are able to observe the interaction in great detail. One of the major findings of this study is that the region of plasma depletion is greatly elongated along the field direction in a sub-magnetosonic interaction. Based on the consideration of field aligned velocities of thermal ions, we show that overlapping particle shadow wings form downstream of an inert moon such that in each of the particle shadow wings, particles of specific field aligned velocities are depleted. Other major findings of this study are: (1) Tethys and Rhea are devoid of any internal magnetic field; (2) No induction generated field was observed, as expected because of the extremely weak primary inducing (time varying) field; (3) There is no appreciable mass-loading of Saturn's magnetosphere from Tethys and Rhea; (4) We predict that wave particles interactions would be generated that smooth out the phase space holes created by the moon/plasma interaction. These waves serve to isotropize the plasma distribution function.  相似文献   

New global maps of the five inner midsize icy saturnian satellites, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea, have been constructed in three colors (UV, Green and near-IR) at resolutions of 1 km/pixel. The maps reveal prominent global patterns common to several of these satellites but also three major color features unique to specific satellites or satellite subgroups. The most common features among the group are first-order global asymmetries in color properties. This pattern, expressed on Tethys, Dione and Rhea, takes the form of a ∼1.4-1.8 times enhancement in redness (expressed as IR/UV ratio) of the surface at the center of the trailing hemisphere of motion, and a similar though significantly weaker IR/UV enhancement at the center of the leading hemisphere. The peak in redness on the trailing hemisphere also corresponds to a known decrease in albedo. These double hemispheric asymmetries are attributable to plasma and E-ring grain bombardment on the trailing and leading hemispheres, respectively, for the outer three satellites Tethys, Dione and Rhea, whereas as E-ring bombardment may be focused on the trailing hemisphere of Mimas due to its orbital location interior to Enceladus. The maps also reveal three major deviations from these basic global patterns. We observe the previously known dark bluish leading hemisphere equatorial band on Tethys but have also discovered a similar band on Mimas. Similar in shape, both features match the surface patterns expected for irradiation of the surface by incident MeV electrons that drift in a direction opposite to the plasma flow. The global asymmetry on Enceladus is offset ∼40° to the west compared to the other satellites. We do not consider Enceladus in detail here, but the global distribution of bluish material can be shown to match the deposition pattern predicted for plume fallback onto the surface (Kempf, S., Beckmann, U., Schmidt, S. [2010]. Icarus 206, 446-457. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.09.016). E-ring deposition on Enceladus thus appears to mask or prevent the formation of the lenses and hemispheric asymmetries we see on the other satellites. Finally, we observe a chain of discrete bluish splotches along the equator of Rhea. Unlike the equatorial bands of Tethys and Mimas, these splotches form a very narrow great circle ?10-km wide (north-to-south) and appear to be related to surface disruption, exposing fresh, bluish ice on older crater rims. This feature is unique to Rhea and may have formed by impact onto its surface of orbiting material.  相似文献   

We describe the astrometry and dynamics of Anthe (S/2007 S 4), a new satellite of Saturn discovered in images obtained using the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) of the Cassini spacecraft. Included are details of 63 observations, of which 28 were obtained with Cassini's narrow-angle camera (NAC) and 35 using its wide-angle camera (WAC), covering an observation time-span of approximately 3 years. We estimate the diameter of Anthe to be ∼1.8 km. Orbit modeling based on a numerical integration of the full equations of motion fitted to the observations show that Anthe is in a first-order 11:10 mean motion resonance with Mimas. Two resonant arguments are librating: ?1=11λ−10λ? and ?2=11λ−10λ?Ω+Ω, where λ, ? and Ω refer to the mean longitude, longitude of pericenter and longitude of ascending node of Mimas and Anthe, with the primed quantities corresponding to Anthe. These resonances cause periodic variations in the orbital elements. The semi-major axis varies by ±26 km over a 913-day period. Anthe is also close to a second-order eccentricity-type mean motion resonant relationship of the form 77:75 with Methone. Since Methone is also in a first-order resonance with Mimas [Spitale, J.N., Jacobson, R.A., Porco, C.C., Owen, W.M., 2006. Astron. J. 132, 692-710], an additional indirect perturbation exists between Methone and Anthe via Mimas. Neither effect is detectable in the orbit fitting and the short-term dynamical evolution of Anthe is dominated by the Mimas-Anthe resonances alone. The expected modulation effect from the Mimas-Tethys 4:2 inclination resonance is also insignificant over this time period. By including Cassini ISS observations of Mimas in the numerical integration fit, we estimate the GM of Mimas to be , consistent with Jacobson et al. [Jacobson, R.A., Spitale, J., Porco, C.C., Owen, W.M., 2006. Astron. J. 132, 711-713].  相似文献   

Brightness measurements made during 1963-1965 and 1991-2009 are used in constructing models of the brightness of the Saturn system in the Johnson B, V, R and I system. The models cover nearly the full range of phase angles and ring opening angles visible from the Earth and are believed to be accurate to 0.03-0.05 magnitudes. A U-filter model is also selected which covers ring opening angles of between 4° and 14°. The model is the first such one that treats the light from the rings as a function of the saturnicentric latitude from the Earth and Sun in a way that is consistent with observations and theoretical considerations. Six conclusions of this work are: (1) the Saturn system brightens as the solar phase angle decreases, (2) the Saturn system has an opposition surge, (3) the opposition surge increases as the ring opening angle increases, (4) the solar phase angle coefficient increases as the ring opening angle increases, (5) the B-V, V-R and R-I color indexes change by up to 0.2 magnitudes as Saturn orbits the Sun and (6) the V-filter model in this report is a better fit to the 1963-2009 data than the one proposed by Harris (Harris, D.L. [1961]. In: Kuiper, G.P., Middlehurst, B.M. (Eds), Planets and Satellites. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, IL, pp. 272-342].  相似文献   

Cassini VIMS has obtained spatially resolved imaging spectroscopy data on numerous satellites of Saturn. A very close fly-by of Dione provided key information for solving the riddle of the origin of the dark material in the Saturn system. The Dione VIMS data show a pattern of bombardment of fine, sub-0.5-μm diameter particles impacting the satellite from the trailing side direction. Multiple lines of evidence point to an external origin for the dark material on Dione, including the global spatial pattern of dark material, local patterns including crater and cliff walls shielding implantation on slopes facing away from the trailing side, exposing clean ice, and slopes facing the trailing direction which show higher abundances of dark material. Multiple spectral features of the dark material match those seen on Phoebe, Iapetus, Hyperion, Epimetheus and the F-ring, implying the material has a common composition throughout the Saturn system. However, the exact composition of the dark material remains a mystery, except that bound water and, tentatively, ammonia are detected, and there is evidence both for and against cyanide compounds. Exact identification of composition requires additional laboratory work. A blue scattering peak with a strong UV-visible absorption is observed in spectra of all satellites which contain dark material, and the cause is Rayleigh scattering, again pointing to a common origin. The Rayleigh scattering effect is confirmed with laboratory experiments using ice and 0.2-μm diameter carbon grains when the carbon abundance is less than about 2% by weight. Rayleigh scattering in solids is also confirmed in naturally occurring terrestrial rocks, and in previously published reflectance studies. The spatial pattern, Rayleigh scattering effect, and spectral properties argue that the dark material is only a thin coating on Dione's surface, and by extension is only a thin coating on Phoebe, Hyperion, and Iapetus, although the dark material abundance appears higher on Iapetus, and may be locally thick. As previously concluded for Phoebe, the dark material appears to be external to the Saturn system and may be cometary in origin. We also report a possible detection of material around Dione which may indicate Dione is active and contributes material to the E-ring, but this observation must be confirmed.  相似文献   

The distributions of long-period comets with respect to the minimum distance Δ between their orbits and the orbit of Saturn or Jupiter, constructed by Konopleva using data up to 1972, exhibit a sharp peak at Δ<0.5 au for the Saturnian family, while being fairly monotonic for Jupiter. Hence, in view of the appreciable eccentricity of Saturn's orbit and the rotation of its perihelion longitude with a period of 47 kyr, the conclusion was drawn by Drobyshevski that the objects belonging to this peak are young (10 kyr).
Similar distributions constructed using more recent data show less pronounced differences between one another. Analysis of the distributions for various epochs shows that the initially noted difference is due to observational selection, being inherent to brighter comets. Since on average the cometary activity fades with age, the conclusion that the Saturnian family comets, forming the peak at Δ<0.5 au, are young is all the more substantiated. The question concerning the origin of these comets, which in all likelihood were ejected over a period of a decade from deep inside the Saturnian sphere of influence , is still open. The only self-consistent hypothesis that we see now is that of their appearance as a result of an explosion of the electrolysed ice envelope of Titan. We encourage the development of other explanations.  相似文献   

A one-armed spiral bending wave in Saturn's rings excited by Titan's −1:0 inner vertical resonance is one of the most prominent oscillatory features observed by Voyager 1 . We study detailed dynamics of the particles inside the ring, and show that one of the main causes of the complete dissipation of the bending wave within a distance of ∼85 km from the resonance site could be as a result of the presence of a strong shear caused by radial velocity variation along the vertical direction. Assuming this to be the only source, Voyager data would suggest that if the surface density of matter is around 0.45 g cm−2 and the amplitude of the bending wave is around 1200 m, then the upper limit of total vertical thickness of the C ring near this resonance is around 40 m.  相似文献   

We present the first models of Jupiter and Saturn to couple their evolution to both a radiative-atmosphere grid and to high-pressure phase diagrams of hydrogen with helium and other admixtures. We find that prior calculated phase diagrams in which Saturn's interior reaches a region of predicted helium immiscibility do not allow enough energy release to prolong Saturn's cooling to its known age and effective temperature. We explore modifications to published phase diagrams that would lead to greater energy release, and propose a modified H-He phase diagram that is physically reasonable, leads to the correct extension of Saturn's cooling, and predicts an atmospheric helium mass fraction Yatmos=0.185, in agreement with recent estimates. We also explore the possibility of internal separation of elements heavier than helium, and find that, alternatively, such separation could prolong Saturn's cooling to its known age and effective temperature under a realistic phase diagram and heavy element abundance (in which case Saturn's Yatmos would be solar but heavier elements would be depleted). In none of these scenarios does Jupiter's interior evolve to any region of helium or heavy-element immiscibility: Jupiter evolves homogeneously to the present day. We discuss the implications of our calculations for Saturn's primordial core mass.  相似文献   

Tommy Grav  James Bauer 《Icarus》2007,191(1):267-285
We have performed broadband color photometry of the twelve brightest irregular satellites of Saturn with the goal of understanding their surface composition, as well as their physical relationship. We find that the satellites have a wide variety of different surface colors, from the negative spectral slopes of the two retrograde satellites S IX Phoebe (S=−2.5±0.4) and S XXV Mundilfari (S=−5.0±1.9) to the fairly red slope of S XXII Ijiraq (S=19.5±0.9). We further find that there exist a correlation between dynamical families and spectral slope, with the prograde clusters, the Gallic and Inuit, showing tight clustering in colors among most of their members. The retrograde objects are dynamically and physically more dispersed, but some internal structure is apparent.  相似文献   

On January 23, 2006, the Cassini/RPWS (Radio and Plasma Wave Science) instrument detected a massive outbreak of SEDs (Saturn Electrostatic Discharges). The following SED storm lasted for about one month and consisted of 71 consecutive episodes. It exceeded all other previous SED observations by Cassini as well as by the Voyagers with regard to number and rate of detected events. At the same time astronomers at the Earth as well as Cassini/ISS (Imaging Science Subsystem) detected a distinctive bright atmospheric cloud feature at a latitude of 35° South, strongly confirming the current interpretation of SEDs being the radio signatures of lightning flashes in Saturn's atmosphere. In this paper we will analyze the main physical properties of this SED storm and of a single small SED storm from 2005. The giant SED storm of 2006 had maximum burst rates of 1 SED every 2 s, its episodes lasted for 5.5 h on average, and the episode's periodicity of about 10.66 h exactly matched the period of the ISS observed cloud feature. Using the low frequency cutoff of SED episodes we determined an ionospheric electron density around 104 cm−3 for the dawn side of Saturn.  相似文献   

Saturn's diffuse E ring is the largest ring of the Solar System and extends from about (Saturn radius RS=60,330 km) to at least encompassing the icy moons Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, and Rhea. After Cassini's insertion into her saturnian orbit in July 2004, the spacecraft performed a number of equatorial as well as steep traversals through the E ring inside the orbit of the icy moon Dione. Here, we report about dust impact data we obtained during 2 shallow and 6 steep crossings of the orbit of the dominant ring source—the ice moon Enceladus. Based on impact data of grains exceeding 0.9 μm we conclude that Enceladus feeds a torus populated by grains of at least this size along its orbit. The vertical ring structure at agrees well with a Gaussian with a full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of ∼4200 km. We show that the FWHM at is due to three-body interactions of dust grains ejected by Enceladus' recently discovered ice volcanoes with the moon during their first orbit. We find that particles with initial speeds between 225 and 235 m s−1 relative to the moon's surface dominate the vertical distribution of dust. Particles with initial velocities exceeding the moon's escape speed of 207 m s−1 but slower than 225 m s−1 re-collide with Enceladus and do not contribute to the ring particle population. We find the peak number density to range between 16×10−2 m−3 and 21×10−2 m−3 for grains larger 0.9 μm, and 2.1×10−2 m−3 and 7.6×10−2 m−3 for grains larger than 1.6 μm. Our data imply that the densest point is displaced outwards by at least with respect of the Enceladus orbit. This finding provides direct evidence for plume particles dragged outwards by the ambient plasma. The differential size distribution for grains >0.9 μm is described best by a power law with slopes between 4 and 5. We also obtained dust data during ring plane crossings in the vicinity of the orbits of Mimas and Tethys. The vertical distribution of grains >0.8 μm at Mimas orbit is also well described by Gaussian with a FWHM of ∼5400 km and displaced southwards by ∼1200 km with respect to the geometrical equator. The vertical distribution of ring particles in the vicinity of Tethys, however, does not match a Gaussian. We use the FWHM values obtained from the vertical crossings to establish a 2-dimensional model for the ring particle distribution which matches our observations during vertical and equatorial traversals through the E ring.  相似文献   

Gravity results are available from radio Doppler data acquired by the Deep Space Network during the encounter of the Cassini spacecraft with Enceladus in February 2005. We report the mass of Enceladus to be (1.0798±0.0016)×1020 kg, which implies a density of . For a core made of hydrated silicates with a density of 2500 kg m−3 the core radius is ∼190 km and the quadrupole moment C22∼1.4×10−3. If Enceladus is in hydrostatic equilibrium, the larger than previously anticipated density implies that the recently proposed secondary spin-orbit resonance cannot be present. Therefore, the source of endogenic activity of Enceladus remains unexplained.  相似文献   

The image-processing techniques used by Peng et al. are further improved to measure precisely the positions of Saturn and its satellites. 495 CCD images taken with the 1-m telescope at the Yunnan Observatory during the years 2002–2004 are processed with these techniques. These measured pixel positions are compared to their theoretical positions computed with the ephemerides of TASS1.7 for the satellites and JPL DE405 for Saturn itself. Analysis of the data for the intersatellite positions among four bright Saturnian satellites (S3–S6) and for Saturn–satellite (i.e. Saturn–Titan) positions shows that these measured positions have the same dispersions, i.e. about 0.05 and 0.06 arcsec in right ascension and declination, respectively. However, for the fainter satellites, Enceladus and Mimas, poorer residuals up to 0.1 and 0.2 arcsec, respectively, in both directions are found mainly due to their small separations from the primary planet and short exposure time in order to obtain useful images of Saturn.  相似文献   

Pre-Cassini images of Saturn's small icy moon Enceladus provided the first indication that this satellite has undergone extensive resurfacing and tectonism. Data returned by the Cassini spacecraft have proven Enceladus to be one of the most geologically dynamic bodies in the Solar System. Given that the diameter of Enceladus is only about 500 km, this is a surprising discovery and has made Enceladus an object of much interest. Determining Enceladus' interior structure is key to understanding its current activity. Here we use the mean density of Enceladus (as determined by the Cassini mission to Saturn), Cassini observations of endogenic activity on Enceladus, and numerical simulations of Enceladus' thermal evolution to infer that this satellite is most likely a differentiated body with a large rock-metal core of radius about 150 to 170 km surrounded by a liquid water-ice shell. With a silicate mass fraction of 50% or more, long-term radiogenic heating alone might melt most of the ice in a homogeneous Enceladus after about 500 Myr assuming an initial accretion temperature of about 200 K, no subsolidus convection of the ice, and either a surface temperature higher than at present or a porous, insulating surface. Short-lived radioactivity, e.g., the decay of 26Al, would melt all of the ice and differentiate Enceladus within a few million years of accretion assuming formation of Enceladus at a propitious time prior to the decay of 26Al. Long-lived radioactivity facilitates tidal heating as a source of energy for differentiation by warming the ice in Enceladus so that tidal deformation can become effective. This could explain the difference between Enceladus and Mimas. Mimas, with only a small rock fraction, has experienced relatively little long-term radiogenic heating; it has remained cold and stiff and less susceptible to tidal heating despite its proximity to Saturn and larger eccentricity than Enceladus. It is shown that the shape of Enceladus is not that of a body in hydrostatic equilibrium at its present orbital location and rotation rate. The present shape could be an equilibrium shape corresponding to a time when Enceladus was closer to Saturn and spinning more rapidly, or more likely, to a time when Enceladus was spinning more rapidly at its present orbital location. A liquid water layer on Enceladus is a possible source for the plume in the south polar region assuming the survivability of such a layer to the present. These results could place Enceladus in a category similar to the large satellites of Jupiter, with the core having a rock-metal composition similar to Io, and with a deep overlying ice shell similar to Europa and Ganymede. Indeed, the moment of inertia factor of a differentiated Enceladus, C/MR2, could be as small as that of Ganymede, about 0.31.  相似文献   

Gravity field and interior of Rhea from Cassini data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cassini spacecraft encountered Rhea on November 26, 2005. Analysis of the Doppler data acquired at and around closest approach yields the mass of Rhea and the quadrupole moments of its gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. We obtained which corresponds to a density of . Our results for J2 and C22 are (7.947±0.892)×10−4 and (2.3526±0.0476)×10−4, respectively. These values are consistent with hydrostatic equilibrium. From the value of C22, we infer the non-dimensional moment of inertia C/MR2=0.3721±0.0036. Our models of Rhea's interior based on the gravity data favor an almost undifferentiated satellite. A discontinuity between a core and a mantle is possible but not required by the data. Models with a constant silicate mass fraction throughout the body cannot account for the determined quadrupole coefficients. The data exclude fully differentiated models in which the core would be composed of unhydrated silicates and the mantle would be composed of pure ice. If the mantle contains 10% in mass of silicates, the core extends to 630 km in radius and has a silicate mass fraction of 40%. A continuous model in which the silicates are more concentrated toward the center of the body than in the outer layers is allowed by the gravity data but excluded by thermal evolution considerations. The one model that fits the gravity data and is self-consistent when energy transport and ice melting are qualitatively considered is an “almost undifferentiated” Rhea, in which a very large uniform core is surrounded by a relatively thin ice shell containing no rock at all.  相似文献   

We present a detailed analysis of the H+3 intensity and velocity profiles crossing Saturn's auroral/polar region, as described by Stallard et al. [Stallard, T., Miller, S., Melin, H., Lystrup, M., Dougherty, M., Achilleos, N., 2007. Icarus 189, 1-13], with a view to understanding the magnetospheric processes with which they are connected. The data are not consistent with the theory that Saturn's main auroral oval is associated with corotation enforcement currents in the middle magnetosphere. This implies that the main auroral oval can be associated with the open-closed field line boundary [Cowley, S.W.H., Bunce, E.J., O'Rourke, J.M., 2004. J. Geophys. Res. 109. A05212]; a third model, by Sittler et al. [Sittler, E.C., Blanc, M.F., Richardson, J.D., 2006. J. Geophys. Res. 111. A06208] associates the main oval with centrifugal instabilities in the outer magnetosphere, but does not make predictions about ionospheric plasma flows with which we can compare our data. We do, however, tentatively identify emission at latitudes lower than the main auroral oval which may be associated with the corotation enforcement currents in the middle magnetosphere. We also find that at latitudes higher than the main auroral oval there is often a region of the ionosphere that is in rigid corotation with the planet. We suggest that this region corresponds to field lines embedded in the centre of the magnetotail which are shielded from the solar wind such that their rotation is controlled only by the neutral atmosphere.  相似文献   

The radial optical depth profile of the Encke ringlet obtained by the occultation experiment of the Voyager photopolarimeter (PPS data) is explained to be caused by the gravitational action of the recently discovered stallite 1981 S13 and a second smaller moonlet orbiting near one of its either libration points — L4 or L5. To this aim the results of previous and new numerical particle simulations as well as an extension of the scattering theory concerning a single moonlet to a pair of satellites have been used leading to a triple-peaked ringlet near the orbits of the moonlets. The width and the shape of that ringlet and its separate peaks depend on the mass ratio of both moonlets and on their orbital eccentricites. The best resemblance between the PPS data and the theoretical profile is obtained if the mass ratio of the either moonlets takes M2/M1981S13 ≈ (0.8 … 3.0) × 10−2 and the eccentricities hold: e1981S13 < h1981S13; e2h2 (the values h are the Hill scales of either moonlets defined by h1981S13/2 ≈ (M1981S13/2/3Mh)1/3, Mh = Saturn mass). Furthermore, our results yield a size of 1981 S13 of < 15 km in diameter.  相似文献   

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