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周嘉欣  杨锴  邵炜栋 《地球物理学报》2021,64(11):4134-4149



The conventional velocity scan can be computationally expensive for large‐scale seismic data sets, particularly when the presence of anisotropy requires multiparameter scanning. We introduce a fast algorithm for 3D azimuthally anisotropic velocity scan by generalizing the previously proposed 2D butterfly algorithm for hyperbolic Radon transforms. To compute semblance in a two‐parameter residual moveout domain, the numerical complexity of our algorithm is roughly as opposed to of the straightforward velocity scan, with N being the representative of the number of points in a particular dimension of either data space or parameter space. Synthetic and field data examples demonstrate the superior efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Anisotropy in subsurface geological models is primarily caused by two factors: sedimentation in shale/sand layers and fractures. The sedimentation factor is mainly modelled by vertical transverse isotropy (VTI), whereas the fractures are modelled by a horizontal transversely isotropic medium (HTI). In this paper we study hyperbolic and non‐hyperbolic normal reflection moveout for a package of HTI/VTI layers, considering arbitrary azimuthal orientation of the symmetry axis at each HTI layer. We consider a local 1D medium, whose properties change vertically, with flat interfaces between the layers. In this case, the horizontal slowness is preserved; thus, the azimuth of the phase velocity is the same for all layers of the package. In general, however, the azimuth of the ray velocity differs from the azimuth of the phase velocity. The ray azimuth depends on the layer properties and may be different for each layer. In this case, the use of the Dix equation requires projection of the moveout velocity of each layer on the phase plane. We derive an accurate equation for hyperbolic and high‐order terms of the normal moveout, relating the traveltime to the surface offset, or alternatively, to the subsurface reflection angle. We relate the azimuth of the surface offset to its magnitude (or to the reflection angle), considering short and long offsets. We compare the derived approximations with analytical ray tracing.  相似文献   

垂直地震剖面法可以通过认识反射和透射过程,深入了解地震波传播特性,又可以改善地表地震资料关于构造、地层和岩性的解释.本文是在基于垂直地震剖面的基本原理基础上,采用高阶交错网格有限差分数值求解二维弹性波方程,然后对常见的层状介质和岩溶介质模型分别进行模拟,根据模型合成了相关的垂直地震剖面记录,期间采用的是完全匹配层法吸收...  相似文献   

作为一种基于节点的计算方法,无网格法具有构造高阶导数方便,自适应分析便利的优点,特别适合复杂地质构造的数值模拟.本文针对实际地球物理勘探中存在的起伏地形和各向异性的地电结构,提出用无网格法来模拟大地电磁响应,采用复合二次径向基函数构造了形函数,推导了大地电磁无网格法等价线性方程组,研究了系数矩阵的压缩存储方法以及大型稀疏复线性方程组快速求解算法,实现了起伏地形下各向异性的2D大地电磁高精度数值模拟.基于层状模型验证了算法的正确性,计算结果表明:无论是TM模式还是TE模式,计算相对误差均小于1%;通过对地垒和地堑模型的模拟,得出了起伏地形对视电阻率和相位的影响规律;对起伏地形下含有不同各向异性系数异常体的模型进行了数值模拟,为开展复杂地质结构的电磁场特征研究以及地形校正奠定了理论基础.随着计算科学的快速发展,无网格法必将成为新的高精度电磁场数值模拟方法.  相似文献   

It is recognised that exchange of fluid between fractures and the rock matrix can have a strong impact on a rock's anisotropic elastic properties. A recent theoretical advance considers the effect of the scale length of the fractures. We show that under certain circumstances, this model can be simplified. The simplified model matches laboratory data. A prediction of the model is that frequency-dependent effects are important for fluid substitution in the anisotropic case.  相似文献   

A high-resolution P-wave seismic reflection survey was conducted in the area of Lambro Park within the city of Milan (northern Italy). Several high permeability channel sequences were identified and the stratigraphy of the infill was accurately mapped. The seismic signature imaged a previously undefined unit and also established the lateral correlation of some depositional units within the three major aquifer groups along the survey line. The complexity of the acoustic framework and the reduced depth of the source location limited effective elastic-wave generation. The geological setting also caused propagation of strong coherent noise patterns. Further interference, observed in the recorded data, was due to the traffic noise from the nearby highway. The attenuation of the undesired events required the design of specific filters and their multistep implementation. The results of forward modelling based on borehole information and of noise tests were crucial factors in the design of the processing parameters and in the stratigraphic interpretation of the final stacked section.  相似文献   

Seismoelectric coupling coefficients are difficult to predict theoretically because they depend on a large numbers of rock properties, including porosity, permeability, tortuosity, etc. The dependence of the coupling coefficient on rock properties such as permeability requires experimental data. In this study, we carry out a set of laboratory measurements to determine the dependence of seismoelectric coupling coefficient on permeability. We use both an artificial porous “sandstone” sample, with cracks, built using quartz‐sand and Berea sandstone samples. The artificial sample is a cube with 39% porosity. Its permeability levels are anisotropic: 14.7 D, 13.8 D, and 8.3 D in the x‐, y‐, and z‐directions, respectively. Seismoelectric measurements are performed in a water tank in the frequency range of 20 kHz–90 kHz. A piezoelectric P‐wave source is used to generate an acoustic wave that propagates through the sample from the three different (x, y, and z) directions. The amplitudes of the seismoelectric signal induced by the acoustic waves vary with the direction. The highest signal is in the direction of the highest permeability, and the lowest signal is in the direction of the lowest permeability. Since the porosity of the sample is constant, the results directly show the dependence of seismoelectric coefficients on permeability. Seismoelectric measurements with natural rocks are performed using Berea sandstone 500 and 100 samples. Because the Berea samples are nearly isotropic in permeability, the amplitudes of the seismoelectric signals induced in the different directions are the same within the measurement error. Because the permeability of Berea 500 is higher than that of Berea 100, the amplitude of the seismoelectric signals induced in Berea 500 is higher than those in Berea 100. To determine the relative contributions of porosity and permeability on seismoelectric conversion, we carried out an analysis, using Pride (1994) formulation and Kozeny–Carman relationship; the normalized amplitudes of seismoelectric coupling coefficients in three directions are calculated and compared with the experimental results. The results show that the seismoelectric conversion is related to permeability in the frequency range of measurements. This is an encouraging result since it opens the possibility of determining the permeability of a formation from seismoelectric measurements.  相似文献   

We use residual moveouts measured along continuous full azimuth reflection angle gathers, in order to obtain effective horizontal transversely isotropic model parameters. The angle gathers are generated through a special angle domain imaging system, for a wide range of reflection angles and full range of phase velocity azimuths. The estimation of the effective model parameters is performed in two stages. First, the background horizontal transversely isotropic (HTI)/vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) layered model is used, along with the values of reflection angles, for converting the measured residual moveouts (or traveltime errors) into azimuthally dependent normal moveout (NMO) velocities. Then we apply a digital Fourier transform to convert the NMO velocities into azimuthal wavenumber domain, in order to obtain the effective HTI model parameters: vertical time, vertical compression velocity, Thomsen parameter delta and the azimuth of the medium axis of symmetry. The method also provides a reliability criterion of the HTI assumption. The criterion shows whether the medium possesses the HTI type of symmetry, or whether the azimuthal dependence of the residual traveltime indicates to a more complex azimuthal anisotropy. The effective model used in this approach is defined for a 1D structure with a set of HTI, VTI and isotropic layers (with at least one HTI layer). We describe and analyse the reduction of a multi‐layer structure into an equivalent effective HTI model. The equivalent model yields the same NMO velocity and the same offset azimuth on the Earth's surface as the original layered structure, for any azimuth of the phase velocity. The effective model approximates the kinematics of an HTI/VTI layered structure using only a few parameters. Under the hyperbolic approximation, the proposed effective model is exact.  相似文献   

To better understand (and correct for) the factors affecting the estimation of attenuation (Q), we simulate subsurface wave propagation with the Weyl/Sommerfeld integral. The complete spherical wavefield emanating from a P‐wave point source surrounded by a homogeneous, isotropic and attenuative medium is thus computed. In a resulting synthetic vertical seismic profile, we observe near‐field and far‐field responses and a 90° phase rotation between them. Depth dependence of the magnitude spectra in these two depth regions is distinctly different. The logarithm of the magnitude spectra shows a linear dependence on frequency in the far‐field but not in those depth regions where the near‐field becomes significant. Near‐field effects are one possible explanation for large positive and even negative Q‐factors in the shallow section that may be estimated from real vertical seismic profile data when applying the spectral ratio method. We outline a near‐field compensation technique that can reduce errors in the resultant Q estimates.  相似文献   

We have developed a straightforward and ray based methodology to estimate both the maximum offset and reflection imaging radius for multi‐layered velocity models, which can be used for a 2D/3D VSP survey design. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that the presence of a high‐velocity layer above a target zone significantly reduces the maximum offset and reflection imaging radius. Our numerical examples also show that including in a migration VSP data acquired beyond a recommended maximum offset, radically degrades the quality of the final VSP image. In addition, unlike the conventional straight‐line based approximation that often produces an incorrect large reflection imaging radius, our methodology predicts the VSP imaging radius with more accuracy than does the conventional approximation.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional elastic full waveform inversion was applied to two lines extracted from a spiral three-dimensional vertical seismic profile data acquired in an oilfield offshore, Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. The lines were selected to be parallel and perpendicular to the plane defined by the deviated borehole. The purpose of the inversion was to derive high-resolution elastic properties of the subsurface. After pre-processing, the data were band-pass filtered with a minimum frequency of 3.5 Hz and a maximum frequency of 30 Hz. A sequential inversion approach was used to mitigate non-linearity. The pre-processing of the data consisted in the removal of bad traces, followed by amplitude and phase corrections. High-resolution P- and S-wave velocity models that show good correlations with the available sonic logs were obtained. The results of the inversion suggest that the oilfield consists of a stack of layers with varying lithology, porosity and possibly fluid content.  相似文献   

Due to the complicated geophysical character of tight gas sands in the Sulige gasfield of China, conventional surface seismic has faced great challenges in reservoir delineation. In order to improve this situation, a large‐scale 3D‐3C vertical seismic profiling (VSP) survey (more than 15 000 shots) was conducted simultaneously with 3D‐3C surface seismic data acquisition in this area in 2005. This paper presents a case study on the delineation of tight gas sands by use of multi‐component 3D VSP technology. Two imaging volumes (PP compressional wave; PSv converted wave) were generated with 3D‐3C VSP data processing. By comparison, the dominant frequencies of the 3D VSP images were 10–15 Hz higher than that of surface seismic images. Delineation of the tight gas sands is achieved by using the multi‐component information in the VSP data leading to reduce uncertainties in data interpretation. We performed a routine data interpretation on these images and developed a new attribute titled ‘Centroid Frequency Ratio of PSv and PP Waves’ for indication of the tight gas sands. The results demonstrated that the new attribute was sensitive to this type of reservoir. By combining geologic, drilling and log data, a comprehensive evaluation based on the 3D VSP data was conducted and a new well location for drilling was proposed. The major results in this paper tell us that successful application of 3D‐3C VSP technologies are only accomplished through a synthesis of many disciplines. We need detailed analysis to evaluate each step in planning, acquisition, processing and interpretation to achieve our objectives. High resolution, successful processing of multi‐component information, combination of PP and PSv volumes to extract useful attributes, receiver depth information and offset/ azimuth‐dependent anisotropy in the 3D VSP data are the major accomplishments derived from our attention to detail in the above steps.  相似文献   


裂缝广泛分布于各类储层岩石中, 并且会显著提高储层的渗流能力.因此, 裂缝的评价和表征对于提高油气产能具有重要意义.由于裂缝与背景介质之间的波致流会显著影响地震波的频散和衰减特性, 所以地震勘探是评价裂缝性储层的有效手段.裂缝地震定量表征的前提是要基于含裂缝岩石中波致流对频散和衰减的影响建立含裂缝岩石物理特性与地震性质的关系.然而, 目前相关的理论研究大部分基于各向同性背景这一假设, 难以有效应用于常见的各向异性储层.本文针对背景为各向异性的含裂缝岩石提出了频散和衰减的计算方法.该方法首先将含裂缝岩石中的各向异性背景介质等效为层状背景介质; 然后, 通过分析不同频率下层状含裂缝岩石中的流体压力分布, 理论计算了两个特定的中间频率并求解得到两个中间频率下的弹性参数; 进一步, 以计算得到的两个特定中间频率以及高低频极限下的弹性参数为基础, 应用数值方法求解得到弛豫函数中的未知参数, 最终实现了背景为各向异性含裂缝岩石中频散和衰减的理论模拟.通过将理论预测结果与实验测量和数值模拟结果进行对比, 验证了该方法在背景为各向异性含不同分布裂缝岩石中的有效性.本文提出的方法考虑了常见的各向异性背景对含裂缝岩石频散和衰减的影响, 因而在裂缝性储层的地震勘探中具有广泛的应用前景.


罗鸣  裴建新  徐震寰 《地球物理学报》2017,60(12):4901-4915



Most numerical schemes applied to solve the advection–diffusion equation are affected by numerical diffusion. Moreover, unphysical results, such as oscillations and negative concentrations, may emerge when an anisotropic dispersion tensor is used, which induces even more severe errors in the solution of multispecies reactive transport. To cope with this long standing problem we propose a modified version of the standard Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method based on a Moving-Least-Squares-Weighted-Essentially-Non-Oscillatory (MLS-WENO) reconstruction of concentrations. This scheme formulation (called MWSPH) approximates the diffusive fluxes with a Rusanov-type Riemann solver based on high order WENO scheme. We compare the standard SPH with the MWSPH for different a few test cases, considering both homogeneous and heterogeneous flow fields and different anisotropic ratios of the dispersion tensor. We show that, MWSPH is stable and accurate and that it reduces the occurrence of negative concentrations compared to standard SPH. When negative concentrations are observed, their absolute values are several orders of magnitude smaller compared to standard SPH. In addition, MWSPH limits spurious oscillations in the numerical solution more effectively than classical SPH. Convergence analysis shows that MWSPH is computationally more demanding than SPH, but with the payoff a more accurate solution, which in addition is less sensitive to particles position. The latter property simplifies the time consuming and often user dependent procedure to define the initial dislocation of the particles.  相似文献   


本文以非结构化网格剖分为基础,推导了电导率呈任意各向异性条件下的海洋可控源电磁法二次场磁矢量位、标量位所满足的有限元方程.将不完全LU分解预条件因子(ILU)与Induced dimension reduction(IDR(s))迭代算法相结合对有限元方程进行求解.之后,采用加权移动最小二乘法对二次场矢量位、标量位进行求导得到相应的电磁场各分量.最后,开展了两个地电模型的电磁场计算与分析.结果表明:本文所提出的电导率呈任意各向异性条件下的海洋可控源电磁法三维正演算法正确;不完全LU分解预处理的IDR(s)算法计算效率明显优于常用的ILU-QMR、ILU-BICGSTAB算法;算法具有良好的通用性,可用于陆地电磁、航空电磁、井中电磁等地球物理勘探方法在电导率任意各向异性方面的研究.


Scattering of incident plane harmonic pseudo P‐, SH‐, and SV‐waves by a two‐dimensional basin of arbitrary shape is investigated by using an indirect boundary integral equation approach. The basin and surrounding half‐space are assumed to be generally anisotropic, homogeneous, linearly elastic solids. No material symmetries are assumed. The unknown scattered waves are expressed as linear combinations of full‐space time‐harmonic two‐dimensional Green functions. Using the Radon transform, the Green functions are obtained in the form of finite integrals over a unit circle. An algorithm for the accurate and efficient numerical evaluation of the Green functions is discussed. A detailed convergence and parametric analysis of the problem is presented. Excellent agreement is obtained with isotropic results available in the literature. Steady‐state surface ground motion is presented for semi‐circular basins with generally anisotropic material properties. The results show that surface motion strongly depends upon the material properties of the basin as well as the angle of incidence and frequency of the incident wave. Significant mode conversion can be observed for general triclinic materials which are not present in isotropic models. Comparison with an isotropic basin response demonstrates that anisotropy is very important for assessing the nature of surface motion atop basins. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction Ready and Renkin (1971) were the first to make the research on anisotropy problems in magnetotellurics (MT). The progress in the research is not evident because it is more complex and difficult than isotropic problems. Now, the one-dimensional (1D) anisotropy problems in MT have been well solved, while for the two-dimensional (2D) cases, the numerical solutions have only been obtained for some particular conditions (Ready and Renkin, 1975). As to the three-dimensional (3D) ani…  相似文献   

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