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Reflection full waveform inversion can update subsurface velocity structure of the deeper part, but tends to get stuck in the local minima associated with the waveform misfit function. These local minima cause cycle skipping if the initial background velocity model is far from the true model. Since conventional reflection full waveform inversion using two‐way wave equation in time domain is computationally expensive and consumes a large amount of memory, we implement a correlation‐based reflection waveform inversion using one‐way wave equations to retrieve the background velocity. In this method, one‐way wave equations are used for the seismic wave forward modelling, migration/de‐migration and the gradient computation of objective function in frequency domain. Compared with the method using two‐way wave equation, the proposed method benefits from the lower computational cost of one‐way wave equations without significant accuracy reduction in the cases without steep dips. It also largely reduces the memory requirement by an order of magnitude than implementation using two‐way wave equation both for two‐ and three‐dimensional situations. Through numerical analysis, we also find that one‐way wave equations can better construct the low wavenumber reflection wavepath without producing high‐amplitude short‐wavelength components near the image points in the reflection full waveform inversion gradient. Synthetic test and real data application show that the proposed method efficiently updates the background velocity model.  相似文献   

Full‐waveform inversion is re‐emerging as a powerful data‐fitting procedure for quantitative seismic imaging of the subsurface from wide‐azimuth seismic data. This method is suitable to build high‐resolution velocity models provided that the targeted area is sampled by both diving waves and reflected waves. However, the conventional formulation of full‐waveform inversion prevents the reconstruction of the small wavenumber components of the velocity model when the subsurface is sampled by reflected waves only. This typically occurs as the depth becomes significant with respect to the length of the receiver array. This study first aims to highlight the limits of the conventional form of full‐waveform inversion when applied to seismic reflection data, through a simple canonical example of seismic imaging and to propose a new inversion workflow that overcomes these limitations. The governing idea is to decompose the subsurface model as a background part, which we seek to update and a singular part that corresponds to some prior knowledge of the reflectivity. Forcing this scale uncoupling in the full‐waveform inversion formalism brings out the transmitted wavepaths that connect the sources and receivers to the reflectors in the sensitivity kernel of the full‐waveform inversion, which is otherwise dominated by the migration impulse responses formed by the correlation of the downgoing direct wavefields coming from the shot and receiver positions. This transmission regime makes full‐waveform inversion amenable to the update of the long‐to‐intermediate wavelengths of the background model from the wide scattering‐angle information. However, we show that this prior knowledge of the reflectivity does not prevent the use of a suitable misfit measurement based on cross‐correlation, to avoid cycle‐skipping issues as well as a suitable inversion domain as the pseudo‐depth domain that allows us to preserve the invariant property of the zero‐offset time. This latter feature is useful to avoid updating the reflectivity information at each non‐linear iteration of the full‐waveform inversion, hence considerably reducing the computational cost of the entire workflow. Prior information of the reflectivity in the full‐waveform inversion formalism, a robust misfit function that prevents cycle‐skipping issues and a suitable inversion domain that preserves the seismic invariant are the three key ingredients that should ensure well‐posedness and computational efficiency of full‐waveform inversion algorithms for seismic reflection data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is the comparison of P‐wave velocity and velocity anisotropy, measured at different scales under laboratory and field conditions. A shallow seismic refraction survey with shot/receiver spacing of up to 10 m was carried out on a flat outcrop of lhertzolite in the southern part of the Balmuccia massif. Oriented rock samples were also obtained from the locality. The particular advantage of the laboratory method used is the possibility of measuring velocity in any direction under controlled conditions. Laboratory tests were made on spherical peridotite samples, 50 mm in diameter, by ultrasonic velocity measurements in 132 directions (meridian and parallel networks) under confining stress ranging from atmospheric to 400 MPa. The mean P‐wave velocity of the field and laboratory data differed by between 20–30%. In addition, P‐wave velocity anisotropy of 25% was detected in the field data. Whereas the anisotropy in the laboratory samples in the same orientation as the field surveys was less than 2%. This observed scaling factor is related to the different sampling sizes and the difference in frequencies of applied elastic waves. With an ultrasonic wavelength of 10 mm, laboratory samples represent a continuum. The field velocities and velocity anisotropy reflect the presence of cracks, which the laboratory rock samples do not contain. Three sub‐vertical fracture sets with differing strikes were observed in the field outcrop. Estimates of fracture stiffness from the velocity anisotropy data are consistent with other published values. These results highlight the difficulty of using laboratory velocity estimates to interpret field data.  相似文献   

Quantitative interpretation of time‐lapse seismic data requires knowledge of the relationship between elastic wave velocities and fluid saturation. This relationship is not unique but depends on the spatial distribution of the fluid in the pore‐space of the rock. In turn, the fluid distribution depends on the injection rate. To study this dependency, forced imbibition experiments with variable injection rates have been performed on an air‐dry limestone sample. Water was injected into a cylindrical sample and was monitored by X‐Ray Computed Tomography and ultrasonic time‐of‐flight measurements across the sample. The measurements show that the P‐wave velocity decreases well before the saturation front approaches the ultrasonic raypath. This decrease is followed by an increase as the saturation front crosses the raypath. The observed patterns of the acoustic response and water saturation as functions of the injection rate are consistent with previous observations on sandstone. The results confirm that the injection rate has significant influence on fluid distribution and the corresponding acoustic response. The complexity of the acoustic response —‐ that is not monotonic with changes in saturation, and which at the same saturation varies between hydrostatic conditions and states of dynamic fluid flow – may have implications for the interpretation of time‐lapse seismic responses.  相似文献   

模拟退火方法在三维速度模型地震波走时反演中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
采用块状建模以及三角形拼接的界面描述方式,并通过立方体速度网格线性插值获得块体内部的速度分布。正演过程中采用逐段迭代射线追踪方法计算三维复杂地质模型中的射线走时,并采用模拟退火方法进行了三维模型中的地震波走时反演研究。模型测试结果表明,使用的射线追踪和走时反演算法有效。  相似文献   

We develop a two‐dimensional full waveform inversion approach for the simultaneous determination of S‐wave velocity and density models from SH ‐ and Love‐wave data. We illustrate the advantages of the SH/Love full waveform inversion with a simple synthetic example and demonstrate the method's applicability to a near‐surface dataset, recorded in the village ?achtice in Northwestern Slovakia. Goal of the survey was to map remains of historical building foundations in a highly heterogeneous subsurface. The seismic survey comprises two parallel SH‐profiles with maximum offsets of 24 m and covers a frequency range from 5 Hz to 80 Hz with high signal‐to‐noise ratio well suited for full waveform inversion. Using the Wiechert–Herglotz method, we determined a one‐dimensional gradient velocity model as a starting model for full waveform inversion. The two‐dimensional waveform inversion approach uses the global correlation norm as objective function in combination with a sequential inversion of low‐pass filtered field data. This mitigates the non‐linearity of the multi‐parameter inverse problem. Test computations show that the influence of visco‐elastic effects on the waveform inversion result is rather small. Further tests using a mono‐parameter shear modulus inversion reveal that the inversion of the density model has no significant impact on the final data fit. The final full waveform inversion S‐wave velocity and density models show a prominent low‐velocity weathering layer. Below this layer, the subsurface is highly heterogeneous. Minimum anomaly sizes correspond to approximately half of the dominant Love‐wavelength. The results demonstrate the ability of two‐dimensional SH waveform inversion to image shallow small‐scale soil structure. However, they do not show any evidence of foundation walls.  相似文献   

The tau‐p inversion algorithm is widely employed to generate starting models with many computer programs that implement refraction tomography. However, this algorithm can frequently fail to detect even major lateral variations in seismic velocities, such as a 50 m wide shear zone, which is the subject of this study. By contrast, the shear zone is successfully defined with the inversion algorithms of the generalized reciprocal method. The shear zone is confirmed with a 2D analysis of the head wave amplitudes, a spectral analysis of the refraction convolution section and with numerous closely spaced orthogonal seismic profiles recorded for a later 3D refraction investigation. Further improvements in resolution, which facilitate the recognition of additional zones with moderate reductions in seismic velocity, are achieved with a novel application of the Hilbert transform to the refractor velocity analysis algorithm. However, the improved resolution also requires the use of a lower average vertical seismic velocity, which accommodates a velocity reversal in the weathering. The lower seismic velocity is derived with the generalized reciprocal method, whereas most refraction tomography programs assume vertical velocity gradients as the default. Although all of the tomograms are consistent with the traveltime data, the resolution of each tomogram is comparable only with that of the starting model. Therefore, it is essential to employ inversion algorithms that can generate detailed starting models, where detailed lateral resolution is the objective. Non‐uniqueness can often be readily resolved with head wave amplitudes, attribute processing of the refraction convolution section and additional seismic traverses, prior to the acquisition of any borehole data. It is concluded that, unless specific measures are taken to address non‐uniqueness, the production of a single refraction tomogram that fits the traveltime data to sufficient accuracy does not necessarily demonstrate that the result is either correct, or even the most probable.  相似文献   

Recently, mode converted shear waves (C‐waves) have been shown to enable overpressure prediction in media where primary wave acquisition is inhibited by gas and fluid effects – C‐wave moveout is analysed and a long standing relationship between differential stress and primary‐wave (P‐wave) velocity is modified and employed. Though pore‐pressure prediction based on C‐waves is supported by empirical evidence from laboratory and field experiments, a theoretical justification has yet to be developed. In this research note, we provide a supporting algebra for the original relationship between pore pressure and C‐wave velocity.  相似文献   

Borehole seismic addresses the need for high‐resolution images and elastic parameters of the subsurface. Full‐waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data is a promising technology with the potential to recover quantitative information about elastic properties of the medium. Full‐waveform inversion has the capability to process the entire wavefield and to address the wave propagation effects contained in the borehole data—multi‐component measurements; anisotropic effects; compressional and shear waves; and transmitted, converted, and reflected waves and multiples. Full‐waveform inversion, therefore, has the potential to provide a more accurate result compared with conventional processing methods. We present a feasibility study with results of the application of high‐frequency (up to 60 Hz) anisotropic elastic full‐waveform inversion to a walkaway vertical seismic profile data from the Arabian Gulf. Full‐waveform inversion has reproduced the majority of the wave events and recovered a geologically plausible layered model with physically meaningful values of the medium.  相似文献   

Time‐lapse refraction can provide complementary seismic solutions for monitoring subtle subsurface changes that are challenging for conventional P‐wave reflection methods. The utilization of refraction time lapse has lagged behind in the past partly due to the lack of robust techniques that allow extracting easy‐to‐interpret reservoir information. However, with the recent emergence of the full‐waveform inversion technique as a more standard tool, we find it to be a promising platform for incorporating head waves and diving waves into the time‐lapse framework. Here we investigate the sensitivity of 2D acoustic, time‐domain, full‐waveform inversion for monitoring a shallow, weak velocity change (?30 m/s, or ?1.6%). The sensitivity tests are designed to address questions related to the feasibility and accuracy of full‐waveform inversion results for monitoring the field case of an underground gas blowout that occurred in the North Sea. The blowout caused the gas to migrate both vertically and horizontally into several shallow sand layers. Some of the shallow gas anomalies were not clearly detected by conventional 4D reflection methods (i.e., time shifts and amplitude difference) due to low 4D signal‐to‐noise ratio and weak velocity change. On the other hand, full‐waveform inversion sensitivity analysis showed that it is possible to detect the weak velocity change with the non‐optimal seismic input. Detectability was qualitative with variable degrees of accuracy depending on different inversion parameters. We inverted, the real 2D seismic data from the North Sea with a greater emphasis on refracted and diving waves’ energy (i.e., most of the reflected energy was removed for the shallow zone of interest after removing traces with offset less than 300 m). The full‐waveform inversion results provided more superior detectability compared with the conventional 4D stacked reflection difference method for a weak shallow gas anomaly (320 m deep).  相似文献   

Velocity model building and impedance inversion generally suffer from a lack of intermediate wavenumber content in seismic data. Intermediate wavenumbers may be retrieved directly from seismic data sets if enough low frequencies are recorded. Over the past years, improvements in acquisition have allowed us to obtain seismic data with a broader frequency spectrum. To illustrate the benefits of broadband acquisition, notably the recording of low frequencies, we discuss the inversion of land seismic data acquired in Inner Mongolia, China. This data set contains frequencies from 1.5–80 Hz. We show that the velocity estimate based on an acoustic full‐waveform inversion approach is superior to one obtained from reflection traveltime inversion because after full‐waveform inversion the background velocity conforms to geology. We also illustrate the added value of low frequencies in an impedance estimate.  相似文献   

We study the stability of source mechanisms inverted from data acquired at surface and near‐surface monitoring arrays. The study is focused on P‐wave data acquired on vertical components, as this is the most common type of acquisition. We apply ray modelling on three models: a fully homogeneous isotropic model, a laterally homogeneous isotropic model and a laterally homogeneous anisotropic model to simulate three commonly used models in inversion. We use geometries of real arrays, one consisting in surface receivers and one consisting in ‘buried’ geophones at the near‐surface. Stability was tested for two of the frequently observed source mechanisms: strike‐slip and dip‐slip and was evaluated by comparing the parameters of correct and inverted mechanisms. We assume these double‐couple source mechanisms and use quantitatively the inversion allowing non‐double‐couple components to measure stability of the inversion. To test the robustness we inverted synthetic amplitudes computed for a laterally homogeneous isotropic model and contaminated with noise using a fully homogeneous model in the inversion. Analogously amplitudes computed in a laterally homogeneous anisotropic model were inverted in all three models. We show that a star‐like surface acquisition array provides very stable inversion up to a very high level of noise in data. Furthermore, we reveal that strike‐slip inversion is more stable than dip‐slip inversion for the receiver geometries considered here. We show that noise and an incorrect velocity model may result in narrow bands of source mechanisms in Hudson's plots.  相似文献   

基于Love波相速度反演南北地震带地壳上地幔结构   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
收集了南北地震带区域地震台网中292个地震台站2008年1月至2011年3月期间的地震波形数据,由频时分析方法提取了Love波相速度频散曲线,经过反演得到了研究区内的Love波相速度分布.根据Love波纯路径频散,采用线性反演方法对0.25°×0.25°的网格点进行了一维S波速度结构反演,利用线性插值获取了南北地震带地区的三维S波速度结构.结果显示了松潘-甘孜地体和川滇菱形块体地区的下地壳具有明显的S波低速层分布,该异常分布特征支持解释青藏高原隆升及其地壳物质运移的下地壳流模型.在100至120 km深度上,川滇菱形块体西北部呈现较强的S波高速异常,这可能是印度岩石圈板块沿喜马拉雅东构造结下插至该区域所致,该区域下地壳的低速软弱物质与上地幔的高速强硬物质形成了鲜明对比,暗示了地壳和上地幔可能具有不同的构造运动和变形方式,这为该区域的壳幔动力学解耦提供了条件.  相似文献   

高速屏蔽层下广角地震波场分析及成像方法   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
在高速玄武岩屏蔽区进行勘探存在一定困难,本文以我国南 方典型靶区为例,提出了解决问题的方法. 首先从理论上探讨了广角地震信号存在的条件以 及在应用过程中所面临的问题. 利用正演理论模型分析了广角地震信号的运动学特征以及噪 声对广角反射的影响. 利用物理模型对广角地震的动力学特征、波场特征及动校拉伸现象进 行了分析. 在上述基础上,对广角地震数据作了精细处理,完成了玄武岩下的地震成像.  相似文献   

The non‐linear analysis of single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) systems provides the essential background information for both strength‐based design and displacement‐based evaluation/design methodologies through the development of the inelastic response spectra. The recursive solution procedure called the piecewise exact method, which is efficiently used for the response analysis of linear SDOF systems, is re‐formulated in this paper in a unified format to analyse the non‐linear SDOF systems with multi‐linear hysteresis models. The unified formulation is also capable of handling the P‐delta effect, which generally involves the negative post‐yield stiffness of the hysteresis loops. The attractiveness of the method lies in the fact that it provides the exact solution when the loading time history is composed of piecewise linear segments, a condition that is perfectly satisfied for the earthquake excitation. Based on simple recursive relationships given for positive, negative and zero effective stiffnesses, the unified form of the piecewise exact method proves to be an extremely powerful and probably the best tool for the SDOF inelastic time‐history and response spectrum analysis including the P‐delta effect. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the implementation of the method. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

南北地震带岩石圈S波速度结构面波层析成像   总被引:13,自引:8,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用天然地震面波记录和层析成像方法,研究了南北地震带及邻近区域的岩石圈S波速度结构和各向异性特征.结果表明南北地震带的东边界不但是地壳厚度剧变带,也是地壳速度的显著分界.其西侧中下地壳的S波速度显著低于东侧,强震大多发生在低速区内部和边界.青藏高原东缘中下地壳速度显著低于正常大陆地壳,在松潘甘孜地块和川滇地块西部大约25~45 km深度存在壳内低速层;这些低速特征与高原主体的低速区相连,有利于下地壳物质的侧向流动.地壳的各向异性图像与下地壳流动模式相符,即下地壳物质绕喜马拉雅东构造结运动,东向的运动遇到扬子坚硬地壳阻挡而变为向南和向北东的运动.面波层析成像结果支持青藏高原地壳运动的下地壳流动模型.南北地震带的岩石圈厚度与其东侧的扬子和鄂尔多斯地块相似但速度较低.川滇西部地块上地幔顶部(莫霍面至88 km左右)异常低速;松潘甘孜地块上地幔盖层中有低速夹层(约90~130 km深度).岩石圈上地幔的速度分布图像与地壳显著不同,在高原主体与川滇之间存在北北东向高速带,可能会阻挡地幔物质的东向运动.上地幔各向异性较弱且与地壳的分布图像显然不同.因此青藏高原岩石圈地幔的构造运动具有与地壳不同的模式,软弱的下地壳提供了壳幔运动解耦的条件.  相似文献   

Time‐lapse seismic analysis is utilized in CO2 geosequestration to verify the CO2 containment within a reservoir. A major risk associated with geosequestration is a possible leakage of CO2 from the storage formation into overlaying formations. To mitigate this risk, the deployment of carbon capture and storage projects requires fast and reliable detection of relatively small volumes of CO2 outside the storage formation. To do this, it is necessary to predict typical seepage scenarios and improve subsurface seepage detection methods. In this work we present a technique for CO2 monitoring based on the detection of diffracted waves in time‐lapse seismic data. In the case of CO2 seepage, the migrating plume might form small secondary accumulations that would produce diffracted, rather than reflected waves. From time‐lapse data analysis, we are able to separate the diffracted waves from the predominant reflections in order to image the small CO2 plumes. To explore possibilities to detect relatively small amounts of CO2, we performed synthetic time‐lapse seismic modelling based on the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) Otway project data. The detection method is based on defining the CO2 location by measuring the coherency of the signal along diffraction offset‐traveltime curves. The technique is applied to a time‐lapse stacked section using a stacking velocity to construct offset‐traveltime curves. Given the amount of noise found in the surface seismic data, the predicted minimum detectable amount of CO2 is 1000–2000 tonnes. This method was also applied to real data obtained from a time‐lapse seismic physical model. The use of diffractions rather than reflections for monitoring small amounts of CO2 can enhance the capability of subsurface monitoring in CO2 geosequestration projects.  相似文献   

Migration velocity analysis aims at determining the background velocity model. Classical artefacts, such as migration smiles, are observed on subsurface offset common image gathers, due to spatial and frequency data limitations. We analyse their impact on the differential semblance functional and on its gradient with respect to the model. In particular, the differential semblance functional is not necessarily minimum at the expected value. Tapers are classically applied on common image gathers to partly reduce these artefacts. Here, we first observe that the migrated image can be defined as the first gradient of an objective function formulated in the data‐domain. For an automatic and more robust formulation, we introduce a weight in the original data‐domain objective function. The weight is determined such that the Hessian resembles a Dirac function. In that way, we extend quantitative migration to the subsurface‐offset domain. This is an automatic way to compensate for illumination. We analyse the modified scheme on a very simple 2D case and on a more complex velocity model to show how migration velocity analysis becomes more robust.  相似文献   

对昆明地震台数字地震仪记录的2010年2月27日智利Ms8.8地震的震相进行分析,与格尔木、高台、呼和浩特、成都、银川、兰州、西妥等7个地震台记录进行对比,提出智利地震的记录特征、分析难点,并将JB表中Pdif波走时曲线的截止距离从150°延伸到177.8°。  相似文献   

Zheng‐yi Feng 《水文研究》2012,26(9):1342-1351
The catastrophic Xiaolin landslide occurred on 9 August 2009, after Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan. This landslide formed a dam that subsequently breached, burying and flooding the village of Xiaolin. Seismic signals were induced by the landslide and dam breaching and recorded at the Jiaxian broadband seismic station in Taiwan. The time‐frequency spectra for the data from this station were analysed to extract the seismic characteristics of the landslide and to deduce the timing of processes associated with the landslide dam‐break flooding. The duration of the river blockage, the time of the dam breach, the duration of the surge wave and the mean speed of the surge wave were estimated, and the hydrological implications of the flood behaviour were interpreted. The spectral characteristics of the different stream discharges were also studied. Stream water level/discharge is closely related to the frequency of the seismic signals. The broadband stations are particularly useful for flood monitoring due to their ability to continuously record measurements and their high sensitivity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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