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We investigate the cosmological dynamics of a four-dimensional Friedmann–Robertson–Walker homogenous and isotropic universe from Gauss–Bonnet higher-order curvature corrections, together with nonminimal coupling and with an infrared effective action of gravity based on a second-order gauge formulation for the Lorentz group. We study the evolution of the universe in such a model, identifying its key properties. Many new interesting features are revealed and discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

We discuss in this letter a new cosmological model including both a non-linear derivative interaction and a Gauss–Bonnet invariant. The first interaction term appears in the theory with the Galilean shift symmetry, whereas the second term is motivated from string theory and plays a crucial role in Chern–Simons gravitational theories as well as in the renormalization of quantum field theories in curved spacetime. It is shown that the presence of both the cubic interaction and the Gauss–Bonnet invariant term supply amazingly prosperous cosmological phenomenologies, which are explored in some detail.  相似文献   

Recent models of Titan's interior predict that the satellite contains an ocean of water and ammonia under an icy layer. Direct evidence for the presence of an ocean can be provided on the Cassini mission only by radio science determination of Titan Love number k2. Simulations that use the five flybys T11, T22 T33, T45, and T68 (the latter two belonging to the extended mission) lead to the result that in the elastic case, where the Love number is real, k2 will be determined with a one-sigma accuracy of 0.1. In the viscoelastic case, where k2 is complex, the real and imaginary parts of k2 will be determined with one sigma accuracies of 0.138 and 0.115, respectively. Ocean and oceanless models that include a viscoelastic rheology are built. In the viscoelastic case, there is a 93% probability to correctly predict the presence or absence of an ocean; this probability improves to 97% in the elastic case.  相似文献   

Numerical solutions for the expansion motion equation in the equatiorial plane of a rotating early type Be star are presented. Decreasing terminal velocities are obtained as lower values of the radiative parameter are used.  相似文献   

Recently Hor̆ava has proposed a non-relativistic renormalisable gravity theory with higher spatial derivatives in four dimensions which reduces to Einstein’s gravity at large distances with a non-vanishing cosmological constant but with improved UV behaviour. In this paper, we have considered the Friedman-Lema?tre-Robertson-Walker cosmological model in Hor̆ava gravity and the emergent scenario for all values of the spatial curvature k (=0,±1) has been studied. As a result, there are constraints on the parameters involved.  相似文献   

Recently, some papers in the literature have shown that, from a bimetric theory of gravity, it is possible to produce massive gravitational waves which generate a longitudinal component in a particular polarization of the wave. After a review of previous works, in this paper the longitudinal response function of interferometers for this particular polarization of the wave is computed in two different gauges, showing the gauge invariance, and in its full frequency dependence, with specific application to the Virgo and LIGO interferometers.  相似文献   

New physics beyond the standard model of particles might cause deviation from the inverse-square law of gravity. In many theoretical models of modified gravity, it is parameterized by the Yukawa correction to the Newtonian gravitational force in terms of two parameters α and λ. Here α is a dimensionless strength parameter and A is a length scale. Using the supplementary advances in perihelia provided by INPOP10a and EPM2011 ephemerides, we obtain new upper limits on the deviation from the inverse-square law when the uncertainty of the Sun's quadrupole moment is taken into account. We find that INPOP10a yields the upper limits as α =- 3.1× 10-11 and λ= 0.15 au, and EPM2011 gives α = 5.2 × 10-11 and λ=- 0.21 au. In both of them, α is at least 10 times less than the previous results.  相似文献   

The large-scale ( approximately 100 kpc) environments of Seyfert galaxies are not significantly different from those of non-Seyfert galaxies. In the context of the interaction model of the formation of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), it has thus been proposed that AGNs form via "minor mergers" of large disk galaxies with smaller companions. We test this hypothesis by comparing the nuclear spectra of 105 bright nearby galaxies with measurements of their R- or r-band morphological asymmetries at three successive radii. We find no significant differences between these asymmetries among the 13 Seyfert galaxies in the sample and galaxies having other nuclear spectral types (absorption, H ii region-like, LINER), nor is there strong qualitative evidence that such mergers have occurred among any of the Seyfert galaxies or LINERs. Thus, either any minor mergers began greater, similar1 Gyr ago and are essentially complete, or they did not occur at all, and AGNs form independently of any type of interaction. Support for the latter interpretation is provided by the growing evidence that supermassive black holes exist in the cores of most elliptical and early-type spiral galaxies, which in turn suggests that nuclear activity represents a normal phase in the evolution of the bulges of massive galaxies. Galaxy mergers may increase the luminosity of Seyfert nuclei to the level of QSOs, which could explain why the latter objects appear to be found in rich environments and in interacting systems.  相似文献   

We investigate the cosmological dynamics of a four-dimensional Friedmann–Robertson–Walker homogenous and isotropic universe from Gauss–Bonnet higher-order curvature corrections, together with nonminimal coupling and with an infrared effective action of gravity based on a second-order gauge formulation for the Lorentz group. We study the evolution of the universe in such a model, identifying its key properties. Many new interesting features are revealed and discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

Here we consider our universe as homogeneous spherically symmetric FRW model and analyze the thermodynamics of this model of the universe in scalar-tensor theory. Assuming the first law of thermodynamics validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics (GSLT) at the event horizon is examined in both the cases when the universe is filled with perfect fluid and the holographic dark energy.  相似文献   

The selection criteria for the project of a new radio telescope in Egyptare described. The telescope will have a diameter of 32 m and will belocated in Abu Simbel (Upper Egypt). One major task of the telescope isthe participation in VLBI network operation.  相似文献   

The mysterious ‘dark energy’ needed to explain the current observations, poses a serious confrontation between fundamental physics and cosmology. The present crisis may be an outcome of the (so far untested) prediction of the general theory of relativity that the pressure of the matter source also gravitates. In this view, a theoretical analysis reveals some surprising inconsistencies and paradoxes faced by the energy-stress tensor (in the presence of pressure) which is used to model the matter content of the universe, including dark energy.   相似文献   

One of the most amazing phenomena in astronomy, during the last twenty years, have been cosmic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The duration of these events vary from a few milliseconds to hundreds of seconds. We have never been able to identify the source of these bursts in other wavelengths. These objects have also never been seen in-rays after the initial bursts although there is some very weak statistical evidence that some of the bursts will repeat (Quashnock and Lamb 1993). The standard explanation for these bursts has been that they are somehow related to neutron stars in our own Galaxy. The latest results from the Burst and Transient Source Experiment aboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (Fishmanet al. 1994) show clearly that there is no excess concentration of these events (743 bursts) in the Galactic plane. After this, a more promising explanation is that the bursts are related to the Galactic halo or that the origin is extragalactic. In this letter we show that it is very probable that the origin of these events is the QSOs and that the radiation comes from the same synchrotron source as in the other observed wavelengths.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of inertia is modeled by a new process, which semi-discretely changes the metrical scale of spacetime. This process explains inertia as a curved spacetime phenomenon, since all accelerating trajectories take place on geodesics of general relativity. By this approach inertial reference frames are Minkowskian manifolds imbedded in a five-dimensional space. It would imply a revised interpretation of special relativity, which preserves a universal temporal reference. If acceleration curves spacetime, it would also imply the existence of an energy-momentum tensor with net energy, which under certain conditions could become negative.  相似文献   

The study of old open clusters outside the solar circle can bring constraints on formation scenarios of the outer disc. In particular, accretion of dwarf galaxies has been proposed as a likely mechanism in the area. We use BVI photometry for determining fundamental parameters of the faint open cluster ESO 92-SC05. Colour–magnitude diagrams are compared with Padova isochrones, in order to derive age, reddening and distance. We derive a reddening   E ( B − V ) = 0.17  , and an old age of ∼6.0 Gyr. It is one of the rare open clusters known to be older than 5 Gyr. A metallicity of   Z ∼ 0.004  or  [M/H]∼−0.7  is found. The rather low metallicity suggests that this cluster might be the result of an accretion episode of a dwarf galaxy.  相似文献   

Edward Anders 《Icarus》1975,24(3):363-371
The place of origin of stony meteorites can be determined from their trapped solar-wind gases. “Gas-rich” meteorites have only 10?3?10?4 the solar noble gas content and ?10?2?10?4 the surface exposure age of lunar soils. These differences suggest that the gas implantation took place between 1 and 8 AU from the Sun, in a region where the cratering rate was 102?103 times higher than at 1 AU. Both characteristics point to the asteroid belt. The predicted Ne20 content a gas-rich meteorite formed at 2.5 AU is 1.2 × 10?5 cc STP g?1, compared to an observed mean for H-chondrites of 0.5 × 10?5 cc STP g?1. The observed prevalence of gas-rich meteorites (40–100% among carbonaceous chondrites, 2–33% among other classes) requires that the parent body remained long enough in the asteroid belt to develop a substantial regolith. This condition can be met by asteroids (~ 10% of mass converted to regolith.in 4.5 × 109 yr), but not by short period comets (~0.04% converted in 107 yr). It appears that a cometary origin can be ruled out for all stony meteorite clases that have gas-rich members. This includes carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

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