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新疆天山黑色岩系型矿床的地质特征及找矿方向   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
概要介绍了中国天山黑色岩系分布和黑色岩系型矿床的地质特征。中国天山黑色岩系发育,主要集中在古生代,其次为中生代,目前发现与黑色岩系有关的矿种有金、钒、铀、磷、锑。中亚天山黑色岩系中发现了穆龙套和库姆托尔世界级金矿床,中国天山是其东延部分,发现了萨瓦亚尔顿、大山口、萨恨托亥等金矿床,呈现出良好的找矿前景。穆龙套金矿和萨瓦亚尔顿金矿是黑色岩系型金矿的典型代表,中国黑色岩系型金矿与中亚黑色岩系型金矿有许多相似之处。分析认为,吉根-塔尔特库里、乌兰赛尔-大山口、乌什北山、阿克牙孜河等地是最具前景的找金矿靶区,今后应加大萨瓦亚尔顿金矿的勘查和研究力度,同时注意寻找黑色岩系中的铂、钯、铜等矿种。  相似文献   

中国南方典型富硒区土壤硒有效性调控与评价   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
多目标区域地球化学调查发现中国南方酸性土壤的硒含量普遍较高,但其生物有效性一般较低,土壤硒有效性直接关系到富硒土地资源的可利用性,而土壤酸碱度是影响土壤硒生物有效性的重要因素。本文选取福建、海南富硒红壤(pH为3.91~4.98)、富硒水稻土(pH为4.33~5.75),以生石灰、燃煤炉渣为改良剂,分别设置6个实验处理以调控土壤硒生物有效性。结果表明:添加生石灰和燃煤炉渣均能提升南方酸性土壤的pH,上升幅度在1~2个pH单位,从而有利于土壤中硒元素的活化,显著提高了土壤中硒元素的生物有效性;燃煤炉渣用量与其10倍的生石灰对提升土壤硒有效度的效果相当,而燃煤炉渣作为调控物料更为经济、实用,既可以实现炉渣的有效利用,又可以改善土壤结构、提高土壤硒有效度。  相似文献   

The stable copper isotope composition of 79 samples of primary and secondary copper minerals from hydrothermal veins in the Schwarzwald mining district, South Germany, shows a wide variation in δ65Cu ranging from −2.92 to 2.41‰. We investigated primary chalcopyrite, various kinds of fahlores and emplectite, as well as supergene native copper, malachite, azurite, cuprite, tenorite, olivenite, pseudomalachite and chrysocolla. Fresh primary Cu(I) ores have at most localities copper isotope ratios (δ65Cu values) of 0 ± 0.5‰ despite the fact that the samples come from mineralogically different types of deposits covering an area of about 100 by 50 km and that they formed during three different mineralization events spanning the last 300 Ma. Relics of the primary ores in oxidized samples (i.e., chalcopyrite relics in an iron oxide matrix with an outer malachite coating) display low isotope ratios down to −2.92‰. Secondary Cu(I) minerals such as cuprite have high δ65Cu values between 0.4 and 1.65‰, whereas secondary Cu(II) minerals such as malachite show a range of values between −1.55 and 2.41‰, but typically have values above +0.5‰. Within single samples, supergene oxidation of fresh chalcopyrite with a δ value of 0‰ causes significant fractionation on the scale of a centimetre between malachite (up to 1.49‰) and relict chalcopyrite (down to −2.92‰). The results show that—with only two notable exceptions—high-temperature hydrothermal processes did not lead to significant and correlatable variations in copper isotope ratios within a large mining district mineralized over a long period of time. Conversely, low-temperature redox processes seriously affect the copper isotope compositions of hydrothermal copper ores. While details of the redox processes are not yet understood, we interpret the range in compositions found in both primary Cu(I) and secondary Cu(II) minerals as a result of two competing controls on the isotope fractionation process: within-fluid control, i.e., the fractionation during the redox process among dissolved species, and fluid-solid control, i.e., fractionation during precipitation involving reactions between dissolved Cu species and minerals. Additionally, Rayleigh fractionation in a closed system may be responsible for some of the spread in isotope compositions. Our study indicates that copper isotope variations may be used to decipher details of natural redox processes and therefore may have some bearing on exploration, evaluation and exploitation of copper deposits. On the other hand, copper isotope analyses of single archeological artefacts or geological or biological objects cannot be easily used as reliable fingerprint for the source of copper, because the variation caused by redox processes within a single deposit is usually much larger than the inter-deposit variation.  相似文献   

湖南省寒武系黑色岩系蕴藏着丰富的钒矿资源,钒矿床产于寒武系底部富含有机质的碳、磷、硅质黑色岩系中;矿体呈层状、似层状,形态简单,产状稳定。多项测试结果表明,钒的载体岩石为黑色页岩(碳质页岩、硅质碳质页岩);钒主要呈类质同象形式赋存于伊利石晶格中;矿石类型主要为钒矿石,少数矿床中石煤钒矿石也是重要的矿石类型;钒的价态以V3+为主。钒的富集主要发生在沉积阶段,与黑色岩系的沉积过程一致;矿床形成于缺氧环境中,大部分钒被黏土质吸附,随有机质、黏土质和硅质呈胶态腐泥沉入海底;在成岩过程中,云母类黏土矿物结构发生再结晶,将原有表面吸附的钒(V3+)转化为类质同象形式进入云母晶格中取代部分铝(Al3+),形成含钒伊利石并聚集成为钒矿床。研究表明,本区黑色岩系及其有关的钒矿在沉积成岩成矿过程中都离不开生物地球化学作用,矿床成因属于在热水作用参与下沉积形成的海相化学和生物地球化学沉积矿床,矿床类型为黑色页岩型钒矿。  相似文献   

Two-to threefold inward increase of 10Be, 9Be, Cu and Ni have been found in surface layers of marine ferromanganese deposits. We interpret this phenomenon as reflecting the manner in which the Be isotopes and probably other trace metals (e.g. Cu and Ni) are incorporated. On reaching the sea floor exchangeable Be is released from its carrier phase to the pore water of the ferromanganese deposits, diffuses inward and gets fixed into the deposits. The fixation process may be related to the mineralogical reorganizations suggested by previous studies. We have modeled this concept and applied it to a Mn crust on which detailed analyses of Cu, Ni and natural decay-series nuclides, as well as Be isotopes are made. Post-depositional fixation of Th isotopes may also occur. The redistributions of Be and Th isotopes are confined to regions very close to the surface of the deposits. For all practical purposes, they will not affect growth rate determinations conventionally done using these isotopes. The “linearly” extrapolated 10Be9Be ratio to the surface from deep layers of a Mn deposit does not necessarily represent that ratio in sea water.  相似文献   

西南寒武、二叠系富硒碳质岩中硒结合态的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
使用硒的7步连续化学提取技术,对采自贵州寒武纪牛蹄塘组和湖北恩施二叠纪茅口组富硒碳质岩中的水溶态、可交换态、有机态、元素态、酸性提取态、硫化物/硒化物态和残渣态硒进行了比较研究,应用氢化物-原子荧光法测定了岩石总硒和各结合态硒。结果表明,恩施二叠纪沙地新鲜富硒碳质硅质岩和碳质页岩中的硒主要以有机结合态和硫化物/硒化物态硒为主,残渣态硒较低;遵义松林早寒武世碳质硅质岩中的硒主要以有机结合态和硫化物态硒为主,碳质页岩与镍钼矿层中则以有机结合态、残渣态和硫化物态硒为主,斑脱岩中主要以有机结合态、元素态和可交换态硒为主。根据硒结合态的这种分布特征,推测二叠纪、寒武纪富硒碳质岩中硒初始富集的生物地球化学过程略有差异:前者碳质硅质岩中主要以微生物还原为主,碳质页岩中则是微生物还原作用和生物同化吸收或吸附兼而有之;后者主要以生物同化吸收或吸附为主,微生物还原次之。  相似文献   

The metal source of gold deposits in the Jiaoxibei area, eastern China, has been investigated by many researchers, but no consensus has been reached so far. In this study, three typical gold deposits, the Xinli, Jiaojia, and Dayingezhuang deposits, were selected for trace element analysis of gold and pyrite to constrain the metal source. Pyrite from these three deposits has similar morphological and compositional characteristics, and can be divided into three types: Py1 with euhedral to subhedral textures, Py2 with subhedral to anhedral textures with micro-fractures, and Py3 with subhedral to anhedral textures and intergrowing polymetallic sulfides. Among them, Py2 and Py3 were formed in the main ore-forming stage and they are the dominant host minerals of visible gold. In these deposits, visible gold occurs mainly in micro-fractures or as inclusions in Py2 and Py3. Most of the pyrite has extremely low concentration of invisible gold, indicating that visible gold in the Jiaoxibei district is not a product of the remobilization of invisible gold from earlier pyrite. Both Py2 and Py3 are characterized by low Co concentration of <100 ppm and Co/Ni ratio of <1, which are similar to those of pyrite in sedimentary rocks. Therefore, ore-forming metals of these gold deposits in the Jiaoxibei district may originate mainly from a sediment-related metal source.  相似文献   

通过对前人所做典型萤石矿床和区域萤石矿床锶、氢氧同位素地球化学资料的综合研究,从锶、氢氧同位素地球化学特征角度分析了中国萤石矿床的物质来源和萤石矿形成时成矿流体的性质及来源.由锶同位素地球化学资料综合分析得出:以灰岩为主要围岩的沉积改造型及部分热液充填型萤石矿床成矿物质主要来源于其围岩灰岩;以火山岩、火山碎屑岩为主要围...  相似文献   

江苏土壤硒分布特征及富硒土地资源开发利用潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于江苏1∶25万多目标区域地球化学调查的土壤Se含量数据,结合相关农业地质环境调查研究资料,总结土壤中Se分布的基本特点与规律,分析江苏有限富硒土地资源的开发利用潜力与对策。结果显示:在均匀覆盖全省的24 186个表层土壤样品中,富硒土壤(Se含量≥0.4 mg/kg)占比<3%;全省土壤Se分布不均匀,耕层土壤富硒趋势相对明显,其中宜溧地区是全省富硒土壤分布最集中的地段,属于原岩风化残积型富硒土壤,当地已产出天然富硒大米与茶叶;全省富硒土壤有6个成因类型,成土母质与土壤类型差异是导致Se分布不均匀的重要因素;全省富硒土地资源开发利用潜力较大,开发过程中要做好生态富硒产业与重金属污染防治等统筹兼顾的5项规划,并尽早解决土壤-植物系统Se分布迁移的控制因素等4个技术瓶颈。  相似文献   

Widespread in more than ten provinces of southern China are the Lower Cambrian black argillaceous-arenaceous rock series consisting of black carbonaceous shales,black carbonaceousargillo-siliceous rocks,black carbonaceous silicolite and black silicolite and black carbonaceous argillaceous siltstone.The Ni,Mo,V,Cu,U,Ba,Ag,P contents of these series are usually several to tens of times higher than their average values in shales.As viewed from lithological sequence,element association and evolution,these black series can be diveided into two types.There occur a variety of deposits in the black rock series,such as phosphorite deposits,Ni-Mo-V polymetal deposits and “Stone coal“ seams.According to ore composition,texture and structure,the phosphorite deposits fall into three types,i.e.,thick-bedded,lenticular and nodular,The Ni-Mo-V polymetal deposits,V deposits and reworked sedimentary CU-U-Cd polymetal deposits in terms of their element assiciation and ore genesis.As for the stratiform deposits in the black rock series,three mineralization stages have been recognized,i.e.,the formation of phosphorite deposits,of Ni-Mo polymetal deposits and of V-Cu-U-Cd polymetal deposits as well as of “:stone coal“ seams.Evidence strongly suggests that lower organisms have played an important role in mineralization. Our studies indicate that the Lower Cambrian black argillaceous-arenaceous rock series in southern China and their associated stratiform deposits occur generally in the basal parts of a big sedimentary cycle,i.e.,the initial period of a transgression,or in the fine detrital-siliceous formation between two carbonate formatons,formed in a humid climatic zone between two arid ones.As for the environment of deposition,it is suggested that the Lower Cambrian black argillaceous-arenaceous rock series and associated stratiform deposits(excluding thick-bedded phosphorite deposits)were formed mainly in a restricted and poorly-fed sea basin of stagnant shallow water containing abundant lower or ganisms and organic matter under statically hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

土地质量地球化学调查结果显示,兴凯湖平原土壤总体上属足硒土壤,富硒土壤面积不足1%。土壤硒的分布对成土母质具有较好的继承性,新近系富锦组(N1f)发育的土壤中Se平均含量最高,平均值为0.375 mg/kg,该地层控制了研究区富硒土壤的主要分布,而石炭系北兴组凝灰岩发育的土壤中Se含量最低,平均值为0.183 mg/kg。同时,土壤Se含量还受地球化学环境、土壤类型、土壤性质等自然条件综合影响,其中白浆土的Se含量最高,暗棕壤最低;硒与土壤中Corg、N、P、TFe2O3、S、As、Cr、Cu、Hg、Pb、Cd和Ni呈显著正相关,与pH、CaO、Na2O及Zn呈显著负相关。此外,研究区土地综合质量优良,5处潜在富硒区均符合AA级绿色食品产地,且发现天然富硒水稻,开发富硒农产品的潜力巨大。  相似文献   

浙江典型富硒区硒与重金属的形态分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对浙江西部龙游地区富硒土壤中Hg、Cd、Pb、As等重金属含量的研究表明,成土母岩中与硒伴生的重金属含量较高,由于特殊的地形地貌、母岩风化物质搬运条件以及有利的土壤理化性质等,土壤中重金属大为减少。异常地段重金属形态分析结果表明:土壤中仅有Cd的全量、离子交换态、碳酸盐结合态和弱有机态较高,分别为0.6mg/kg、22.1%、26.5%、11.4%;Se全量平均为0.89 mg/kg,离子交换态、弱有机态含量分别为1.12%、26.4%,碳酸盐结合态仅为0.62%。尽管如此,区内莲子、稻米等农产品仍表现出高硒低重金属等特点,居民健康长寿,发硒含量高,从而为龙游县开发富硒农产品提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

This paper reports a geochemical study on the major and trace elements and Pb–Sr isotopes of a weathering profile developed in the Lower Cambrian black shales in central Hunan (China). Six weathering horizons were identified and sampled vertically throughout the profile. The chemical composition of the profile consists of variable concentrations of the major elements Fe2O3, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, and P2O5 and of less variable concentrations of SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, and K2O. The chemical change caused by weathering is estimated by mass-balance calculations, and the results show that the element mobility is characterised by substantial loss of SiO2, FeO, CaO, K2O, Na2O, LOI, Cr, V, Ba, Cs, Rb, Sr, U, and Th, and moderate loss of Al2O3, MgO, Fe2O3, Ni, Cu, Pb, Tl, Sn, Sc, Ge and REE (Y). The high field strength elements TiO2, Sn, Sc, U, Ga, Ge, Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta were immobile during weathering. The chemical changes and the Pb–Sr isotopic data suggest that four types of chemical reactions occurred: the oxidation of sulphide minerals (e.g., pyrite) and organic carbon (OS), the dissolution of less resistant clinochlore-Ia, calcite, and P-bearing minerals (DL), the dissolution of detrital albite and microcline (DA), and the transformation of clay (TC) minerals (e.g., muscovite and illite–smectite). These chemical reactions then led to two stages of geochemical processes, an early stage of chemical differentiation and a later stage of chemical homogenisation. The chemical differentiation dominated by the OS, DL, and DA reactions, led to the leaching of mobile elements (e.g., MgO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Sr, and REE) and the redistribution of some less mobile elements (e.g., SiO2 and Al2O3). In contrast, the chemical homogenisation, which was caused by TC reactions, led to the leaching of both mobile and less mobile elements from the system and ultimately transformed the weathered black shales into soil. Soils derived from black shales in South China might result from the above two geochemical processes.  相似文献   

南秦岭地区下寒武统黑色页岩是我国主要的富钒层位,其中千家坪大型钒矿是典型代表。矿体主要赋存在水沟口组第一岩性段的碳硅质岩石中。为了探讨钒矿的成矿物质来源和南秦岭早寒武世古海洋氧化-还原环境,本文对水沟口组第一岩性段富钒碳硅质岩和上覆的第二岩性段泥质灰岩开展了岩石地球化学研究。第一岩性段碳硅质岩比第二岩性段泥质灰岩具有更高的Y/Ho比值,说明碳硅质岩主要为海水自生沉积形成的,而泥质灰岩的物质组成主要来自陆源碎屑。Eu/Eu*与V含量不具备正相关关系,且Y/P2O5-Zr/Cr和Fe/Ti-Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)图解均显示钒矿主要是海水沉积形成的,热液作用对成矿元素的富集贡献很小。水沟口组样品Ce/Ce*均为负异常,变化范围为0.26~0.96,第一岩性段钒矿石比第二岩性段泥质灰岩具有高Mo/Sc、V/Sc、V/Cr比值,低Th/U比值的特征,反映了早寒武世早期南秦岭为氧化-还原分层的古海洋结构,而晚期古海洋则全部被氧化。  相似文献   

张岩 《地质与勘探》2023,59(4):852-871
硅质岩作为一种重要的沉积岩类型,是研究前新生代古海洋环境的重要手段,但其缺乏在氧化-还原环境方面的应用。同时硅质岩是黑色岩系的重要组成部分,拓展硅质岩在该方面的应用研究,有利于加深对黑色岩系形成机理的认识。本文综述了硅质岩的现有研究方法、黑色岩系中黑色页岩和硅质岩研究的局限性和互补性,并论述了将Mo-U等氧化-还原敏感金属多指标判别方法应用于硅质岩,用来判断氧化-还原环境和盆地局限性等方面的理论可行性。在分析扬子地块及其周缘黑色岩系及硅质岩研究现状的基础上,认为将在黑色页岩使用成熟的氧化-还原环境研究方法应用于互层的(热水沉积)硅质岩,理论上具有可行性,并在扬子地块西北缘若尔盖地区奥陶-志留纪黑色岩系中互层的黑色页岩和热水沉积硅质岩岩性组合中得到进一步验证。该方法的应用可深化对扬子地块西北缘黑色岩系沉积环境特殊性及其中U-Au-Ni-Mo-V多金属矿源层的认识。  相似文献   

海南抱板金矿铅同位素化探评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对海南抱板金矿几个切穿矿脉剖面的矿石和围岩的铅同位素组成分析。发现铅同位素组成与矿的产出具有相关关系。铅同位素的异常可能反映了成矿物质来源深度的差异,据此可进行铅同位素化探评价,提出了“正异常以深部找矿为主。负异常注意扩大横向找矿”的原则,土外山地区是地表的浅层金矿化,而二甲,北牛为深源金矿化,在土外山地区深部应可能找到对应于二甲,北牛的深源金矿化层。  相似文献   




Naore Village in the Shuang'an countryside, Ziyang County, Shaanxi Province is located in the Daba region of South Qinling Mountain. It is one of two selenosis or selenium poisoning areas in China. Crops grown in the area are enriched in selenium. The soil is derived from high-selenium, pyritic, black carbonaceous slate and volcanic tuff of the Lujiaping Formation, Early Cambrian and Late Neoproterozoic in age, which is exposed in this area. The Lujiaping Formation is more than 40-m thick. Selenium content of the volcanic tuff averages 32 mg/kg Se and the black carbonaceous slate averages 22 mg/kg Se, which represent the highest concentrations recorded among all the strata and rocks sampled in the Daba region of South Qinling Mountain. This series of selenium-enriched rocks is also found in other places in the Daba region, South Qinling Mountain, where the soil contains about 10 to 30 mg/kg Se. These zones are latent selenosis zones in the Daba region. In addition, a selenium-enriched black carbonaceous shale, of Early Cambrian age, and containing 10 to 40 mg/kg Se, occurs in several other provinces in the south of China.  相似文献   

我国南方下寒武统黑色岩系及其中的层状矿床   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
下寒武统黑色岩系广泛分布在我国云南、贵州、四川、湖南、湖北、广西、广东、江西、浙江、安徽和陕西十一个省、区,在河南、河北、山西、新疆、甘肃和江苏六个省、区也有所出露。黑色岩系中赋存有很厚的石煤层、磷块岩矿床和镍、钼、钒、铜、铀多元素金属矿床。这种矿床组合是沉积矿床的新类型,在成矿时代和形成过程方面都具有独特之处。工作过程中得到滇、黔、湘、赣、浙、陕各省有关地质队和实验室同志们大力支持和帮  相似文献   

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