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《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(9):1377-1389
This study investigated P and As sediment remobilisation in Lake Yangebup, a shallow lake with an overlying floc layer that covers the consolidated sediment. This floc is frequently resuspended into the water column, a process that was postulated to produce high P and As lakewater concentrations. Rate investigations using deionised water showed that P and As remobilisation reached steady state after 20 h in the consolidated sediment and within 1 h for the floc. Floc resuspension in lakewater showed no net release of either P and As, indicating that the floc was in constant equilibrium with the water column. A protocol to distinguish between desorption and dissolution was applied to both sediments and the response of remobilisation to varying slurry density and As addition measured. For the consolidated sediment, the concentration of Fe(II), P and As were unaffected above a slurry density ∼30 g L−1 and added arsenate (10–100 μg L−1) did not significantly change As and P remobilisation. It is shown that these results do not fit an adsorption/desorption equilibrium formulation for P and As remobilisation. Instead, the evidence suggests that the solubility of a thin, non-stoichiometric FePxFeAsy oxyhydroxide surface coating determined the remobilisation process. Data scatter lead to some uncertainty in the floc results but suggest that dissolved P is controlled by dissolution, while dissolved As is controlled by adsorption/desorption. The results conclusively show that P and As remobilisation was lower from the floc than from the consolidated sediment and that the removal of the floc would not lower P and As lakewater concentrations. Implications of these results for the management of As in Lake Yangebup are outlined.  相似文献   

During estuarine mixing, dissolved metals come into the particulate phase due to the flocculation processes. Such processes are biologically vital. In the present study, controlling mechanisms of elemental flocculation during estuarine mixing in northern and southern estuaries of Iran in relation to the various physical and chemical parameters of waters have been compared. Except for zinc and lead, for other studied elements in Minab River, water flocculate at higher rates in comparison with the rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea. Redox potential might have negative effect on flocculation process in Minab Estuary. Contrary to rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, in Minab River elemental flocculation is governed by dissolved organic carbon and it shows a non-liner and conservative behavior during estuarine mixing which implies that dissolved organic carbon originates from terrigenous source. The results also shows that maximum removal of elements occurs in lower salinities (1.5 to 5.8 ‰) for the rivers in North of Iran and 3.3 to 11.4 ‰ for Minab River in South of Iran. Flocculation of studied metal in different rivers results in reduction of overall metal pollution load by various percentages. The initial metal contents on river water and mean discharge of river might lead to higher flocculation rates.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) desorption characteristics may be altered due to the biosolids decomposition during the incubation period. In our previous work we studied the phosphorus release kinetics in biosolids-amended calcareous soils with no prior incubation. The objectives of this work were (1) to assess the phosphorus desorption behavior in soils as influenced by biosolids after 5 months of incubation and (2) to evaluate the influences of six levels of the biosolids on phosphorus availability and salinity of soil. The results showed that the biosolids addition significantly increased the soil available P and salinity. The P availability and salinity of the soils increased as level of the biosolids application increased. However, there was no significant difference between some application rates for some soils. The results indicated that the incubation can affect the factors controlling the P release rate. Also, the results showed that the soil organic matter negatively affected the P desorption rate in the biosolids-treated soils.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of river damming on dissolved inorganic carbon in the Jialing River, a total of 40 water samples, including inflow, outflow, and stratified water in four cascade reservoirs (Tingzikou, Xinzheng, Dongxiguan, Caojie) were collected in January and July, 2016. The major cations, anions, and δ13CDIC values were analyzed. It was found that the dissolved compositions are dominated by carbonate weathering, while sulfuric acids may play a relatively important role during carbonate weathering and increasing DIC concentration. Different reservoirs had variable characteristics of water physiochemical stratification. The DIC concentrations of reservoir water were lower in summer than those in winter due to the dilute effects and intensive aquatic photosynthesis, as well as imported tributaries. The δ13CDIC values in Tingzikou Reservoir were higher during summer than those in winter, which indicated that intensive photosynthesis increased the δ13CDIC values in residual water, but a similar trend was not obvious in other reservoirs. Except for in Xinzheng Reservoir, the δ13CDIC values in inflow and outflow reservoir water were lower than those in the surface water of stratified sampling in summer. For stratified sampling, it could be found that, in summer, the Tingzikou Reservoir δ13CDIC values significantly decreased with water depth due to the anaerobic breakdown of organic matter. The significant correlation (p < 0.01 or 0.05) between the DIC concentrations, the δ13CDIC values and anthropogenic species (Na++K+, Cl, \({\text{SO}}_{4}^{2 - }\)and \({\text{NO}}_{3}^{ - }\)) showed that the isotope composition of DIC can be a useful tracer of contaminants. In total, Tingzikou Reservoir showed lacustrine features, Xinzheng Reservoir and Dongxiguan Reservoir had “transitional” features, and Caojie Reservoir had a total of “fluvial” features. Generally, cascade reservoirs in the Jialing River exhibited natural river features rather than typical lake features due to characteristics of reservoir water in physiochemical stratification, spatiotemporal variations of DIC concentrations and isotopic compositions. It is evident that the dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics of natural rivers had been partly remolded by dam building.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effects of region and three regional dominated mangrove species (Avicennia marina, Aegiceras corniculatum and Kandelia candel) on the distribution of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. Measurement of the inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus and enzymatic activities was carried out in soils covered by three mangrove species in the Quanzhou Bay estuarine wetlands, a typical coastal wetland in China. Species with a higher biomass in upstream and midstream absorb more nitrogen from soils, and the retention of the available phosphorus in the soils of different regions causes the regional variation of phosphorus. In areas dominated by A. marina, nitrate nitrogen is lower while available phosphorus is higher. Meanwhile, nitrate nitrogen and available phosphorus are higher in the soils covered by K. candel. Moreover, all three species affect the elemental and enzymic stoichiometry. The mangrove species influences the diversity of the elemental and enzymic stoichiometric relationship through differential microenvironments, which induce the biodiversity of wetland ecosystems. Thus, this study may facilitate a better understanding of the transformation ability of mangroves to nitrogen and phosphorus and will therefore be beneficial for providing a basis for the ecological restoration of estuarine wetlands.  相似文献   

本研究利用SMT法和七步连续提取法对桂林市会仙岩溶湿地中典型土地利用方式(水稻田、果园、荒地)的土壤以及河流底泥中磷的赋存形态进行研究。结果表明:岩溶土壤总磷含量大小为底泥>果园>水稻田>荒地;底泥中Ex-P和Fe-P所占比例较大;荒地土壤中Or-P和Res-P为主要磷形态;水稻田和果园土壤中Fe-P所占比例较高。人为干扰明显的果园表层土壤有较大的磷淋溶风险;荒地土壤中磷的生物可利用性低,体现了其缓冲固持湿地水体中磷的生态功能。大量可溶性磷经淋溶迁移富集于底泥中,是河流富营养化的风险源。七步法表现出在提取多种复杂结合态磷上的优势,对岩溶土壤中Ca-P的提取更充分有效,更适用于研究岩溶土壤不同形态的磷分布特征。  相似文献   

Phosphate reactions and retention in the soil are of paramount importance from the perspective of plant nutrition and fertilizer use efficiency. The objective of this work was to study the kinetics of phosphorus (P) desorption in different soils of Hamadan in fertilized and unfertilized soils. Soils were fertilized with 200 mg P kg−1. Fertilized and unfertilized soils were incubated at 25 ± 1°C for 6 months. After that, release of P was studied by successive extraction with 0.5 M NaHCO3 over a period of 1,752 h. The results showed that phosphorus desorption from the fertilized and unfertilized soils began with a fast initial reaction, followed by a slow secondary reaction. The amount of P released after 1,752 h in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 457 to 762.4 and 309.6 to 586.7 mg kg−1, respectively. The kinetics of cumulative P release was evaluated using the five kinetic equations. Phosphorus desorption kinetics were best described by parabolic diffusion law, first order, and power function equations. Rate constants of these equations were higher in fertilized than unfertilized soils. Results from this study indicate that release rate of P plays a significant role in supplying available P and released P in runoff.  相似文献   

The terrestrial biogenic Si (BSi) pool in the soil-plant system is ubiquitous and substantial, likely impacting the land-ocean transfer of dissolved Si (DSi). Here, we consider the mechanisms controlling DSi in forest soil in a temperate granitic ecosystem that would differ from previous works mostly focused on tropical environments. This study aims at tracing the source of DSi in forest floor leachates and in soil solutions under various tree species at homogeneous soil and climate conditions, using stable Si isotopes and Ge/Si ratios. Relative to granitic bedrock, clays minerals were enriched in 28Si and had high Ge/Si ratios, while BSi from phytoliths was also enriched in 28Si, but had a low Ge/Si ratio. Such a contrast is useful to infer the relative contribution of silicate weathering and BSi dissolution in the shallow soil on the release of DSi in forest floor leachate solutions. The δ30Si values in forest floor leachates (−1.38‰ to −2.05‰) are the lightest ever found in natural waters, and Ge/Si ratios are higher in forest floor leachates relative to soil solution. These results suggest dissolution of 28Si and Ge-enriched secondary clay minerals incorporated by bioturbation in organic-rich horizons in combination with an isotopic fractionation releasing preferentially light Si isotopes during this dissolution process. Ge/Si ratios in soil solutions are governed by incongruent weathering of primary minerals and neoformation of secondary clays minerals. Tree species influence Si-isotopic compositions and Ge/Si ratios in forest floor leachates through differing incorporation of minerals in organic horizons by bioturbation and, to a lesser extent, through differing Si recycling.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) speciation and fractionation are useful tools for assessing P mobility and potential transfer to water bodies. The current study aims to evaluate drinking water treatment residual nanoparticles (nWTRs) effects on P species in biosolids-amended soils using sequential chemical fractionation and mineral equilibrium model. Three different soil types were selected (El-Bostan, Kafr El-Dawar, Borg Al-Arab), amended with biosolids (3%), and different rates of nWTRs were applied. The P fractionation results revealed that addition of nWTRs to biosolids-amended El-Bostan soil increased the immobile aluminum phosphates from 27.30 to 88.90, 92.20, and 94.93% at 0.10, 0.20, and 0.30% application rate, respectively. Similar trend was noticed in Kafr El-Dawar soil. In Borg Al-Arab soil, nWTRs significantly (p < 0.05) increased aluminum phosphate to only 71.73% at the highest application rate (0.30%) due to its high content of calcium carbonate (35.70%). Similarly, phosphorous speciation analysis revealed that application of nWTRs significantly increased the proportions of immobile phosphate form (P sorbed to Al hydroxide) and amorphous sodium aluminum phosphate. Thus, water degradation via eutrophication can be minimized by applying nWTRs to biosolids-amended soils.  相似文献   

The phosphorus (P) resources worldwide are limited, and the prices of commercial P fertilizer continue to increase. Therefore, the use of P containing wastes is important for P recycling in agriculture. The P fractionation methods have been widely applied to characterize the effect of land use practice on soil P dynamics. Information about effect of organic manures on available P and inorganic P (Pi) fractions in calcareous soils of Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari province is limited. The objectives of this research were to study the effect of municipal compost (MC) on available P and Pi forms in five calcareous soils. Municipal compost was applied at the rates of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% (w/w). Samples were incubated at 25?±?1°C and 20% moisture content for 150?days. At the end of incubation, available P in MC-treated soils was extracted by Olsen, AB-DTPA and 0.01?M CaCl2 methods. Also, phosphorus was fractionated chemically into labile P (LP), non-occluded P(NP), re-adsorbed P (RP), occluded P (OP), calcium phosphates (CaP) and residual P. The results showed that there was a linear increase in soil available P with MC application. There was a significant positive relationship between Olsen-P, AB-DTPA-P and 0.01?M CaCl2-P, and MC additions with slopes ranged from 0.471 to 0.583, 0.032 to 0.106, and 0.033 to 0.081, respectively. The increase in soil test P (STP) from MC additions was not related to the initial STP of the soils. A sharp increase in LP, NP and CaP and decrease in residual P concentration occurred in all soils with MC application. It can be concluded that MC applied to calcareous soils may enhance P nutrition of plants. Furthermore, applied P partitioning into the relatively available forms means the potential erosion losses of P to streams and other bodies of water.  相似文献   

范美彤  葛璐  谭红兵  陈维 《地质论评》2020,66(6):1637-1648
碳是陆地生态系统中最重要的生命元素,能够在各个圈层之间相互转换和运移。碳循环作为地球各圈层相互连接的纽带,被认为是地表系统最重要的元素地球化学循环。碳在水体中主要以溶解性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,简称DOC)和溶解性无机碳(dissolved inorganic carbon,简称DIC)形式存在。内陆水体(包括河水、地下水、湖水和水库等)尽管只占陆地表面1%,但它们在碳循环过程中发挥了重要作用。其DIC浓度(CDIC)和DIC同位素组成(δ13CDIC)可以为碳循环研究提供线索,因此成为近年来国际研究的热点之一。本文系统总结了全球内陆水体DIC同位素的研究进展。DIC同位素具有广泛的地质应用,不同碳源具有独特的同位素特征。因此,DIC同位素被用于定性和定量地示踪碳源,指示碳循环过程以及确定河水补给端元。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the factors affecting nitrate removal via microbial denitrification in agricultural soils, and particularly on the quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon. To assess the relationship among dissolved organic carbon, nitrate and low molecular weight organic acids (acetate and formate), grids of ceramic suction cups were established in the four most representative soil types of the lower Po River floodplain, cropped with maize. Results highlighted a direct relation between acetate and dissolved organic carbon in all sites. The best fit was obtained in soils were the main source of organic carbon was the maize residues. By comparing dissolved organic carbon and acetate versus nitrate concentration revealed that acetate can be used as a better proxy for denitrification in the field with respect to dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   

The forest ecosystem in the Maolan karst forest, southwest China is the only concentrated, intact, and relatively stable karst forest ecosystem which has survived in the area at the same latitude in the world, and is a valuable karst forest plant resource as well. Groundwater samples from Maolan karst forest were collected from wells and springs during summer; and concentrations of major ions and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) isotopic compositions were measured. The pH values range from 7.2 to 8.3 results from the dissolution of carbonate, HCO3 is the dominant species of DIC in groundwater. Calcium and HCO3 , followed by Mg2+ and SO4 2− dominate the chemical composition of major ions in the groundwaters. Groundwater samples have δ13C values in the range from −8.1‰ to −16.6‰, which are lower than that of the other karst city groundwaters in the southwest China. Combining δ13CDIC ratios with measurements of HCO3 and pH clearly distinguishes the principal processes underlying the geochemical evolution of groundwater in Carboniferous carbonate aquifers, where processes can be both degradation of organic matters in the soil and the carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

以重庆市南川区不同农业活动强度下的3个表层岩溶泉为例,通过分析泉点水化学变化特征来估算不同泉点的DIC损失量(△DIC)和探讨农业活动对岩溶碳汇的影响。研究结果表明:柏树湾泉水温变幅较小,电导率、pH值相对兰花沟泉、后沟泉较低。由于农业活动的影响,兰花沟泉、后沟泉Ca2+ 浓度偏高,而HCO3-浓度偏低。NO3-、SO42-浓度也因农业活动干扰,表现出后沟泉、兰花沟泉远大于柏树湾泉。随农业活动强度的增加,△DIC也逐渐增大,表现为:柏树湾泉(1.64 mmol/L)<兰花沟泉(4.28 mmol/L)<后沟泉(4.36 mmol/L)。△DIC与(SO42-+NO3-)呈正相关,表明农业活动越强烈,DIC损失量越大,岩溶碳汇的损失也随之增大。   相似文献   

桂林漓江水体溶解无机碳迁移与水生光合碳固定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章程  肖琼 《中国岩溶》2021,40(4):555-564
河流溶解无机碳含量昼夜变化主要受碳酸盐反向沉积、水生光合利用和脱气作用控制,被水生光合利用的溶解无机碳是岩溶碳汇的组成部分,脱气作用比例的大小是影响碳汇稳定性的决定因素。本文以漓江中游省里—冠岩之间15 km长河段为研究对象,开展昼夜高分辨率水化学自动化监测与高频取样,分析水生植物光合作用利用HCO3-1及相关钙沉降过程。结果表明,监测河段水生光合利用的无机碳转化通量为859 kgC?d-1,单位流程光合作用溶解无机碳转化量和钙沉降量分别为2.06 t?(d?km)-1和0.78 t?(d?km)-1。光合作用与钙沉降消耗DIC约占总转化量的70 %,以光合有机碳和CaCO3形式储存于河床,成为岩溶碳汇组成部分。无机碳转化量约占输入DIC总量的6.0 %(其中1.7%以CO2形式返回大气),说明夏季低水位期间强烈的水生植物光合利用溶解无机碳,可有效遏制白天水气界面CO2脱气过程发生,低脱气比例证实漓江水体的溶解无机碳还是比较稳定的。  相似文献   

Sewage sludge contains large amount of water-soluble phosphorus, which is prone to runoff loss when sewage sludge is land applied. Phosphorus export from sewage sludge is an important cause for water eutrophication. Immobilization of phosphorus before sewage sludge land application seems necessary. In this study, three amendments including red mud (RM), lime and mixture of RM and lime were employed to immobilize phosphorus in fresh sewage sludge. It was found that phosphorus was effectively controlled by RM, lime and mixture of RM and lime. Sequential chemical extraction results indicate that the RM amendment transformed H2O-P in the sewage sludge into the NaOH-P, while the lime amendment transformed H2O-P in the sewage sludge into the HCl-P. Such transformations in phosphorus fractions would have little influence on phosphorus availability but would retard and reduce potential phosphorus loss following sewage sludge was land applied.  相似文献   

We determined the speciation of Zn in 49 field soils differing widely in pH (4.1–7.7) and total Zn content (251–30,090 mg/kg) by using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. All soils had been contaminated since several decades by inputs of aqueous Zn with runoff-water from galvanized power line towers. Pedogenic Zn species identified by EXAFS spectroscopy included Zn in hydroxy-interlayered minerals (Zn-HIM), Zn-rich phyllosilicates, Zn-layered double hydroxide (Zn-LDH), hydrozincite, and octahedrally and tetrahedrally coordinated sorbed or complexed Zn. Zn-HIM was only observed in (mostly acidic) soils containing less than 2000 mg/kg of Zn, reflecting the high affinity but limited sorption capacity of HIM. Zn-bearing precipitates, such as Zn-LDH and Zn-rich trioctahedral phyllosilicates, became more dominant with increasing pH and increasing total Zn content relative to available adsorption sites. Zn-LDH was the most abundant Zn-precipitate and was detected in soils with pH > 5.2. Zn-rich phyllosilicates were detected even at lower soil pH, but were generally less abundant than Zn-LDH. Hydrozincite was only identified in two calcareous soils with extremely high Zn contents. In addition to Zn-LDH, large amounts of Zn in highly contaminated soils were mainly accumulated as sorbed/complexed Zn in tetrahedral coordination. Soils grouped according to their Zn speciation inferred from EXAFS spectroscopy mainly differed with respect to soil pH and total Zn content. Clear differences were observed with respect to Zn fractionation by sequential extraction: From Zn-HIM containing soils, most of the total Zn was recovered in the exchangeable and the most recalcitrant fractions. In contrast, from soils containing the highest percentage of Zn-precipitates, Zn was mainly extracted in intermediate extraction steps. The results of this study demonstrate that soil pH and Zn contamination level relative to available adsorption sites are the most important factors controlling the formation of pedogenic Zn-species in aerobic soils and, consequently, Zn fractionation by sequential extraction.  相似文献   

咸化水体中DIC的同位素组成及环境过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统采集了天津地区地表水样品,对其溶解无机碳的稳定碳同位素比值(δ13CDIC)及相关化学组成进行了全面测定,以期对咸化并且受到污染水体中的溶解无机碳的来源和迁移转化特征进行探讨.研究结果显示,天津地表水中溶解无机碳的δ13CDIC值主要分布于0.27‰~ -14.9‰之间,显示了相对较宽的分布范围.同时,天津地表水体...  相似文献   

张浩  折学森  鲁中举 《冰川冻土》2015,37(6):1571-1578
建立了粗、细粒土冻结模型, 分析了扰动三层体内部的析冰原理, 提出密闭水体的冻结-压力循环, 该循环是涎流冰发育的机理. 对饱水粗颗粒土与饱水细颗粒土的冻结模型比较表明, 饱水粗粒土在密闭体系中的冻结; 就其产生的水压力而言, 实质上就是密闭水体的冻结, 也就是水冻结成冰体积膨胀受限而产生力的问题. 这种体积膨胀产生的力导致约束结构(如薄弱层)的整体性破坏. 在公路边坡数值模拟分析的基础上, 提出边坡薄弱层破坏导致渗水是形成坡积冰的主要原因之一, 薄弱层破坏处是病害最严重的位置. 根据病害形成原理和成因分析, 并提出渗井与仰斜式排水管相结合的复合防治措施, 工后效果良好.  相似文献   

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