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贾国东  黄国伦 《地学前缘》2005,12(Z1):29-35
沿海地区海底地下水排放在北美和欧洲等发达地区受到了越来越多的重视,被认为是一个重要的海岸带陆海相互作用过程。但这一过程在我国尚未引起足够认识,有关研究极少见。海底地下水排放的研究历史不长,只是近十多年才有了快速的发展,有了越来越多的定量研究成果。其研究方法主要有水文计算法、现场实测法和地球化学示踪法,各种方法之间的对比实验是目前的热点问题。沿海地下水排放具有重要的环境意义,它可以是陆地营养物质和污染物质的一个重要排放通道,可以对海岸带环境产生一定影响。我国沿海地区应该加强有关的研究工作,为海岸带环境管理作出贡献。  相似文献   

Concentrations of mercury (Hg) in fish were compared between two Florida estuaries, the Indian River Lagoon and Florida Bay. The objective was to determine if differences in Hg concentration exist and to attempt to relate those differences to sources of Hg. Five hundred and thirteen estuarine fish were collected and analyzed for Hg concentration. Fish species collected were black drum, bluefish, bonnethead shark, common snook, crevalle jack, gafftopsail catfish, gray snapper, Mayan cichlid, pompano, red drum, sheepshead, southern flounder, spadefish, and spotted seatrout. Analysis of variance of species-specific Hg data among the three defined regions of eastern and western Florida Bay and the Indian River Lagoon substantiated regional differences. Proximity to known anthropogenic sources of Hg appeared to be a significant factor in the distribution of Hg concentration among the fish collected. Sufficient numbers of crevalle jack, gray snapper, and spotted seatrout were collected to permit statistical analysis among regions. Hg concentrations in all three of these species from eastern Florida Bay were higher than those collected in the other two areas. A major fraction of the estuarine fish collected in eastern Florida Bay exceeded one or more State of Florida or U.S. Food and Drug Administration fish consumption health advisory criteria. In general, fish from western Florida Bay contained less Hg than those from the Indian River Lagoon, and fish from the Indian River contained less Hg than those from eastern Florida Bay. Crevalle jack from all areas and spotted seatrout from Florida Bay were placed on a consumption advisory in Florida. Detailed study of Florida Bay food web dynamics and Hg biogeochemical cycling is recommended to better understand the processes underlying the elevated Hg levels in fish from eastern Florida Bay. This information may be vital in the formulation of appropriate strategies in the ongoing South Florida restoration process.  相似文献   

Seagrass protection and restoration in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon system (IRLS) is a mutual goal of state and federal programs. These programs require, the establishment of management targets indicative of seagrass recovery and health. We used three metrics related to seagrass distribution: areal coverage, depth limit, and light requirement. In order to account for the IRLS’s spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability, we developed coverage and depth limit targets for each of its 19 segments. Our method consisted of two steps: mapping the union of seagrass coverages from all availabe mapping years (1943, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, and 1999) to delineate wherever seagrass had been mapped and determining the distribution of depth limits based on 5,615 depth measurements collected on or very near the deep-edge boundary of the union coverage. The frequency distribution of depth limits derived from the union coverage, along with the median (50th percentile) and maximum (95th percentile) depth limits, serve as the seagrass depth targets for each segment. The median and maximum depth targets for the IRLS vary among segments from 0.8 to 1.8 and 1.2 to 2.8 m, respectively.Halodule wrightii is typically the dominant seagrass species at the deep-edge of IRLS grass beds. We set light requirement targets by using a 10-yr record of light data (1990–1999) and the union coverage depth limit distributions from the most temporally stable seagrass segments. The average annual light requirement, based on the medians of the depth limit distributions, is 33 ± 17% of the subsurface light. The minimum annual light requirement, based on of the 95th percentile of the depth distributions, is 20 ± 14%; the minimum growing season light requirement (March to mid September) is essentially the same (20 ± 13%). Variation in depth limits and light requirements, is probably due to factors other than light that influence the depth limit of seagrasses (e.g., competition, physical disturbance). The methods used in this study are robust when applied to large or long-term data sets and can be applied to other estuaries where grass beds are routinely monitored and mapped.  相似文献   

Both terrestrial and fresh or marine forces drive underground fluid flows in the coastal zone. Hydraulic gradients on land result in groundwater seepage near shore and may contribute to flows from confined aquifers further out on the shelf. The terrestrial and oceanic forces overlap spatially, so measured fluid advection through coastal sediments may be a result of composite forcing. “Subsurface/submarine groundwater discharge” (SGWD) can be defined as any and all flow of water on continental margins from the seabed to the coast, regardless of fluid composition or driving force. SGWD is typically characterized by low specific flow rates, making detection and quantification difficult. However, because such flows occur over very large areas, the total flux is significant. Discharging fluids, whether derived from land or composed of re-circulated seawater, will react with sediment components. These reactions may substantially increase the concentrations of nutrients, carbon, and metals in the fluids. These fluids are thus a source of biogeochemically important constituents to the coast. Terrestrially derived fluids represent a pathway for the flux of new material to the coast. This may result in diffuse pollution in areas where the discharge of contaminated groundwater occurs. This review presents an historical context of SGWD studies, defines the process in a form that is consistent with our current understanding of the driving forces as well as our assessment techniques, and reviews the estimated global fluxes and biogeochemical implications. This review concludes that, to fully characterize marine geochemical budgets, one must give due consideration to SGWD. New methodologies, technologies, and modeling approaches are required to discriminate among the various forces that drive SGWD, pollutants to evaluate these fluxes more precisely to Canadian coast.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of 10 years of water quality monitoring in the Indian River Lagoon Florida, with special emphasis on the relationships between trends in climatic conditions and the distribution, composition, and abundance of the phytoplankton community. The Indian River Lagoon, which spans 220 km of Florida’s east coast, is a region of particular concern because of the rapid rate of human development throughout the region and the hydrologically restricted character of the lagoon, which heightens the potential for algal bloom. Water sampling was carried out on a monthly to twice-monthly basis at six sites located in the northern and central lagoon. The 10-year study included both extended periods of below and above average rainfall. A number of ecologically distinct regions exist within the lagoon, which differ considerably in water exchange properties and watershed inputs. The northern lagoon is characterized by longer water residence times, lower phosphorus concentrations, higher nitrogen concentrations, and more stable salinity conditions than the central lagoon. Mean phytoplankton biovolumes were substantially higher at the sites in the northern lagoon than at the sites in the central lagoon, and algal blooms were more common and intense in the former region. Inter-annual patterns of phytoplankton biovolume were also different in the northern and central lagoon. In the northern lagoon, phytoplankton biovolumes were lowest during the drought period, from the autumn of 1998 to the spring of 2001. By contrast, algal bloom events in the central lagoon were not only less frequent but were not tied to periods of high rainfall. The most widespread and common bloom formers were the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. bahamense and two centric diatoms, Dactyliosolen fragilissimus and Cerataulina pelagica. Many of the biovolume peaks observed over the study period were attributable to these three species. The results of time series modeling of phytoplankton dynamics further highlighted the disparities between the two regions of the lagoon in terms of the suite of parameters that best predict the observed trends in the biomass of phytoplankton. Overall, the outcome of this initial modeling effort in the Indian River Lagoon suggests that time series approaches can help define the factors that influence phytoplankton dynamics.  相似文献   

Seagrass both disappeared and recovered within 4 yr in one region of northern Indian River Lagoon (IRL). For the specific area referred to as Turnbull Bay, a relatively pristine area of the IRL, over 100 ha of seagrass completely disappeared from 1996 to 1997 and then recovered by 2000. Based on lagoon-wide mapping from aerial photographs taken every 2–3 years since 1986, coverage of seagrass in Turnbull Bay declined from 124 ha in 1989 to 34 ha by 1999 and increased to 58 ha in 2003. Bi-annual monitoring of fixed seagrass transects tells a more detailed story. Species composition along the Turnbull transect shifted fromHalodule wrightii toRuppia maritima beginning in 1995, and macroalgal abundance increased. By the summer of 1997, seagrass completely disappeared along the transect, as well as in most of the surrounding areas in Turnbull Bay; macroalgae covered much of the sediment surface. No significant water quality changes were detected. Light attenuation and suspended solid values did increase after the seagrass disappeared. Porewater sulfide concentrations, taken after all the grass was gone in 1997, were high (2,000 μM), but did improve by 1998 (1,200 μM). Seagrass recovery was rapid and occurred in the reverse sequence of species loss. Seedlings ofR. maritima were the first colonizers, then patches ofH. wrightii appeared. In 2000,Halophila engelmannii returned in the deeper water (>0.6m). By the summer of 2000, the beds had completely recovered. We conclude that this demise was a natural event caused by a long-term buildup of seagrass biomass and a thick (10–15 cm) layer of organic detritus and ooze. We surmise that such a crash and subsequent recovery may be a natural cycle of decline and recovery within this semirestricted, poorly-flushed area. The frequency of this cycle remains uncertain.  相似文献   

The flushing of Florida’s Indian River Lagoon is investigated as a response to tidal and low-frequency lagoon-shelf exchanges in the presence of freshwater gains and losses. A one-dimensional computer model uses the continuity equation to convert water-level variations into both advective transport within the lagoon and lagoon-shelf exchanges. The model also incorporates transport by longitudinal diffusion. Flushing is quantified by calculating the 50% renewal time, R50, for each of 16 segments. R50 is calculated for tidal exchanges enhanced by 0–30 cm nontidal fluctuations in coastal sea level, then for a range of rainfall rates. In both series of simulations, results suggest that in the northern sub-basin, R50 increases dramatically with distance from the inlet due to relatively weak tidal and nontidal exchanges. A 50% renewal occurs in about one tidal cycle just inside Sebastian Inlet; at the northern end of the northern sub-basin, R50 is over 230 d, and only coastal sea-level variations on the order of 30 cm and/or dry season rainfall rates decrease R50 to less than 1 yr. R50 is 1 wk or less throughout the central and southern sub-basins, where lagoon-shelf exchanges occur through two inlets. Simulations involving seasonal variations in precipitation and evaporation indicate that maximum and minimum rates of freshwater input lead minimum and maximum salinities by time periods on the order of 2–3 wk for the lagoon as a whole and in the northern sub-basin. The central and southern sub-basins respond in 1–2 wk.  相似文献   

在沿海地区,以223Ra和224Ra为示踪剂建立的镭质量平衡模型已广泛应用于海底地下水排泄量(SGD)的研究中,然而目前国内外关于在人类活动复杂影响较大情况下的SGD研究却极为少见。本文对比研究了在有防渗墙(A区)和填海造陆(B区)两种不同人为因素影响下的龙口海岸带水体表现年龄、海底地下水排泄量及其携带的氮磷营养盐通量。结果表明,A区平均水体表现年龄为14.26 d,B区平均水体表现年龄为10.64 d。此外,B区沿岸地下水以及近岸海水中的Ra活度均普遍高于A区,而盐度低于A区。在SGD方面,A区的SGD速率为1.26~1.60 cm·d-1,B区为1.43~1.82 cm·d-1,考虑SGD在评估方法上存在一定的误差,因此两个区域的SGD速率相差不大。但与我国其他自然海域相比,这两个区域的SGD速率均处于较低水平。此外,B区的氮磷营养盐浓度普遍高于A区,而且由SGD驱动的氮磷营养盐通量不同,地下水输入的不平衡的营养盐极易改变龙口海域的营养盐结构,对海洋生态环境产生不利影响,这也进一步证实SGD在沿海生态环境以及水体污染治理中的重要地位。  相似文献   

During the summer of 2004, four hurricanes (Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne) affected Florida between August 13 and September 27. Two storms (Frances: category 2 and Jeanne: category 3) made landfall in the southern portion of the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) on the east-central coast of Florida. The presence of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's long-term fisheries monitoring program in the IRL provided a unique opportunity to examine the effects of large tropical events on estuarine fish communities. Increased sampling efforts to monitor the effects of tropical disturbances on the fish community within the IRL and one of its major tributaries (St. Sebastian River) were initiated within days after the passing of the last hurricane (Jeanne). The objectives of the study were to characterize changes to the composition of the fish community within the lagoon and river immediately after the passage of two hurricanes, and to examine the recovery of the fish communities. Analyses indicated that immediately after the last hurricane passed, community diversity within the estuary decreased following these storms due to the absence of many marine species, whereas the fish community within the St. Sebastian River shifted to one containing a greater percentage of freshwater species. Recovery of the community structure to pre-hurricane conditions was evident within several weeks following the last hurricane, and by mid December 2004 (ca. 3 mo after the last storm), there was little difference between the pre-hurricane and post-hurricane fish communities.  相似文献   

A numerical groundwater-flow model was used to characterize the source area and volume of Phillips Branch, a baseflow-dominated stream incising a highly permeable unconfined aquifer on the low relief Delmarva Peninsula, USA. Particle-tracking analyses indicate that the source area (5.51 km2) is ~20% smaller than the topographically defined watershed (6.85 km2), and recharge entering ~37% of the surface watershed does not discharge to Phillips Branch. Groundwater residence time within the source volume ranges from a few days to almost 100 years, with 95% of the volume “flushing” within 50 years. Artificial discharge from groundwater pumping alters the shape of the source area and reduces baseflow due to the interception of stream flow paths, but has limited impacts on the residence time of groundwater discharged as baseflow. In contrast, artificial recharge from land-based wastewater disposal substantially reduces the source area, lowers the range in residence time due to the elimination of older flow paths to the stream, and leads to increased discharge to adjacent surface-water bodies. This research suggests that, in this and similar hydrogeologic settings, the “watershed” approach to water-resource management may be limited, particularly where anthropogenic stresses alter the transport of soluble contaminants through highly permeable unconfined aquifers.  相似文献   

The fate of dissolved material delivered to the coastal ocean depends on its reactivity and the rate at which it is mixed offshore. To measure the rate of exchange of coastal waters, we employ two short-lived radium isotopes,223Ra and224Ra. Along the coast of South Carolina, shore-perpendicular profiles of223Ra and224Ra in surface waters show consistent gradients which may be modeled to yield eddy diffusion coefficients of 350–540 m2s−1. Coupling the exchange rate with offshore concentration gradients yields estimates of offshore fluxes of dissolved materials. For systems in steady state, the offshore fluxes must be balanced by new inputs from rivers, groundwater, sewers or other sources. Two tracers that show promise in evaluating groundwater input are barium and226Ra. These tracers have high relative concentrations in the fluids and low-reactivity in the coastal ocean. Applying the eddy diffusion coefficients to the offshore gradient of226Ra concentration provides an estimate of the offshore flux of226Ra. Measuring the concentrations of226Ra in subsurface fluids provides an estimate of the fluid flux necessary to provide the226Ra. These estimates indicate that the volume of groundwater required to support these fluxes is of the order of 40% of the surface water flow.  相似文献   

Between August 14 and September 26, 2004, four tropical weather systems (Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne) affected the central Indian River Lagoon (IRL). The central IRL received a prodigious amount of rainfall for the 2 mo, between 72 and 83 cm, which is a once-in-50-yr rainfall event. High stream discharges were generated that, combined with wind-suspended sediments, significantly reduced salinities and water transparency. In September, salinities among central IRL segments dropped from 30 psu or more to ≤15 psu, color increased from a low of 10 pcu to ≥100 pcu, and turbidity increased from ≤3 NTU up to 14 NTU. Evidence of the hurricanes' physical effects on seagrasses (burial, no scour) was limited to just one of the more than 25 sites inspected. Within 2 to 3 mo following the hurricane period, most parameters related to water transparency returned to or showed improvement over their prehurricane (February–July 2004) levels. Unseasonably low salinities (<20 psu) and moderately high color (>20 pcu) were observed through spring 2005, largely attributable to a relatively long residence time and a wetter-than-average spring season in 2005. By the end of the study period (July 2006), the central IRL generally showed a continuation of two opposite seagrass trends—an increase in depthlimit coverage but a decline in coverage density—that began before 2004. Also, within a limited reach of the central IRL, there was a temporary shift in species composition in summer 2005 (Ruppia maritima increased asHalodule wrightü decreased). It is likely that the persistently low salinities (not color) in 2004–2005 affected the species composition and coverage density. This study reveals that seagrasses are resilient to the acute effects of hurricanes and underscores the need to reduce chronic, an thropogenic effects on seagrasses.  相似文献   

Volusia Blue Spring (VBS) is the largest spring along the St. Johns River in Florida (USA) and the spring pool is refuge for hundreds of manatees during winter months. However, the water quality of the spring flow has been degraded due to urbanization in the past few decades. A three-dimensional contaminant fate and transport model, utilizing MODFLOW-2000 and MT3DMS, was developed to simulate boron transport in the Upper Florida Aquifer, which sustains the VBS spring discharge. The VBS model relied on information and data related to natural water features, rainfall, land use, water use, treated wastewater discharge, septic tank effluent flows, and fertilizers as inputs to simulate boron transport. The model was calibrated against field-observed water levels, spring discharge, and analysis of boron in water samples. The calibrated VBS model yielded a root-mean-square-error value of 1.8 m for the head and 17.7 μg/L for boron concentrations within the springshed. Model results show that anthropogenic boron from surrounding urbanized areas contributes to the boron found at Volusia Blue Spring.  相似文献   

A year-long analysis of the characteristics of the seagrassSyringodium filiforme and the associated dynamics of the nutrient pool in the sediment pore water was done to assess co-variation. Changes in seagrass growth rate and standing stock throughout the year were accompanied by seasonal changes in the nutrient pools. The link between plant production and morphometrics and the sediment nutrient pool was found to be predominantly physiological, with the plant balancing the ability to photosynthesize with the nutrients needed for maintaining production. Measurements of whole plant growth for this seagrass, rather than the more typical leaf growth measurements, show that the production of new shoots and rhizome elongation for these plants represents as substantial amount of growth that usually goes unmeasured. Further, these whole plant growth measures demonstrate the rapid lateral rhizome spread of this species, exceeding one meter per plant per year. The primary cause of seasonal variation in the yearly seagrass cycle was investigated. Correlation analysis supported the hypothesis that the major factor controlling seasonal variation in this seagrass was light. During the peak growing season, however, growth was not regulated by light but by nitrogen. Depletion of the sediment ammonium pool and reduction in pore water ammonium relative to adsorbed ammonium, as well as changes in N content of seagrass leaves, support our hypothesis of peak growing season nitrogen limitation. Our results forSyringodium filiforme in terrigenous sediments are in contrast to our recent findings of phosphorus limitation in this same species occurring in carbonate sediments.  相似文献   

Quantifying water exchange between a coastal wetland and the underlying groundwater is important for closing water, energy and chemical budgets. The coastal wetlands of the Florida Everglades (USA) are at the forefront of a large hydrologic restoration project, and understanding of groundwater/surface-water interactions is needed to comprehend the effects of the project. Four independent techniques were used to identify water exchange at varying spatial and temporal scales in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park. The techniques included a water-budget study and measurements of hydraulic head gradients, geochemical tracers, and temperature. During the 18-month study, the four methods converged as to the timing of groundwater discharge, typically between June and September, contemporaneous with the wet season and increasing surface-water levels. These results were unexpected, as groundwater discharge was predicted to be greatest when surface-water levels were low, typically during the dry season. Either a time lag of 1?C5?months in the response of groundwater discharge to low surface-water levels or precipitation-induced groundwater discharge may explain the results. Groundwater discharge was a significant contributor (27?%) to the surface water in Taylor Slough with greater rates of discharge observed towards the coastline in response to seawater intrusion.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have suggested that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) occurs in the Venice lagoon with discharge rates on the same order or larger than the surface runoff, as demonstrated previously in several other coastal zones around the world. Here, the first set of 222Rn data, along with new 226Ra data are reported, in order to investigate the occurrence and magnitude of SGD specifically in the southern basin of the lagoon. The independent connection with the Adriatic Sea (at the Chioggia inlet), in addition to the relative isolation of the water body from the main lagoon, make this area an interesting case study. There is probably only minimal fresh groundwater flux to the lagoon because the surrounding aquifer is subsiding and mainly has a lower hydraulic head than seawater.The data show that the Ra and Rn activities are in slight excess in the lagoon compared to the open sea, with values on the same order as those observed in the northern and central basins. Taking into account the water exchange rate between the lagoon and adjacent seawater provided by previous hydrodynamic numerical modelling, it is shown that this excess cannot be supported at steady state by only riverine input and by diffusive release from the sediment interstitial water. High activities observed in groundwater samples collected from 16 piezometers tapping into the shallow aquifer over the coastal lowland substantiate that the excess radioactivity in the lagoon may indeed be due to the advection of groundwater directly into the lagoon bottom water through the sediment interface. However, the data show that the groundwater composition is extremely heterogeneous, with high Ra activities concentrated within a narrow coastal strip where the contact between fresh and saline water takes place, while Rn strongly decreases when approaching the lagoon shore across the 20 km coastal plain. Assuming that the average groundwater activities measured in the coastal strip are representative of the SGD composition, a SGD flux of 7.7 ± 3.5 × 105 and 2.5 ± 2 × 106 m3/d is calculated using a 226Ra and 222Rn budget, respectively, (i.e. about 1-3 times the surface runoff), substantially lower than in previous studies. The influence of all assumptions on SGD estimates (groundwater heterogeneity, diffusive sediment flux, one-box versus multi-boxes model calculations) is discussed, and a sensitivity analysis of the influence of imperfect exchange and mixing at the lagoon outlets that affects the lagoon composition is provided. Finally, the results confirm that the SGD flux, calculated with these assumptions, is largely (∼80%) composed of saline lagoon water circulating through the sediment under the lagoon margin, and that the fresh water discharge associated with SGD is at most a minor term in the lagoon hydrologic balance.  相似文献   

陆徐荣  杨磊  陆华 《江苏地质》2014,38(2):293-297
从淮河江苏段与地下水含水层关系出发,认为淮河河床切割了地下水承压含水层。地下水的水动力特征表明地下水接受了淮河水的补给。从水质研究的角度印证了地表水与地下水的补排关系。将淮河水与潜水、微承压、承压水之间进行聚类分析,印证了微承压、承压水与淮河水同源。  相似文献   

 Karstic aquifers are highly susceptible to rapid infiltration of river water, particularly during periods of high flow. Following a period of sustained rainfall in the Suwannee River basin, Florida, USA, the stage of the Suwannee River rose from 3.0 to 5.88 m above mean sea level in April 1996 and discharge peaked at 360 m3/s. During these high-flow conditions, water from the Suwannee River migrated directly into the karstic Upper Floridan aquifer, the main source of water supply for the area. Changes in the chemical composition of groundwater were quantified using naturally occurring geochemical tracers and mass-balance modeling techniques. Mixing of river water with groundwater was indicated by a decrease in the concentrations of calcium, silica, and 222Rn; and by an increase in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), tannic acid, and chloride, compared to low-flow conditions in water from a nearby monitoring well, Wingate Sink, and Little River Springs. The proportion (fraction) of river water in groundwater ranged from 0.13 to 0.65 at Wingate Sink and from 0.5 to 0.99 at well W-17258, based on binary mixing models using various tracers. The effectiveness of a natural tracer in quantifying mixing of river water and groundwater was related to differences in tracer concentration of the two end members and how conservatively the tracer reacted in the mixed water. Solutes with similar concentrations in the two end-member waters (Na, Mg, K, Cl, SO4, SiO2) were not as effective tracers for quantifying mixing of river water and groundwater as those with larger differences in end-member concentrations (Ca, tannic acid, DOC, 222Rn, HCO3). Received, March 1999 / Revised, July 1999 / Accepted, July 1999  相似文献   

Seepage rate and chemical composition of groundwater discharge entering the Neuse River Estuary (NRE) were quantified over an annual cycle from July 2005 through June 2006. Lee type seepage meters were deployed at eight locations within the NRE to quantify the amount of submerged groundwater discharge (SGD) entering the system. Sediment porewater nitrate (NO3 ), ammonium (NH4 +), and phosphate (PO4 −3) were also quantified at each of these locations to determine groundwater chemical composition. Seepage rates for the system ranged from 0.004 to 0.035 m3 m−2 d−1. Both the average and median value for the system-wide SGD were 0.01 m3 m−2d−1. There were no significant differences between upstream and downstream seepage rates or between those at the north and south side of the estuary. Seepage rates varied greatly in time and space. Discharging groundwater was NO3 deplete but highly enriched in NH4 +. Porewater PO4 −3 levels varied but were usually present below Redfield values due to NH4 + enrichment. SGD nutrient loading represented a small part of watershed nitrogen and phosphorus loading, 0.8% and 1.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

A 120 km-long part of the southwestern coast of Turkey, with well-developed karst terrain in contact with the sea, has been investigated by systematic diving surveys to determine the submarine groundwater discharges (SGDs). The physical, chemical and isotopic data have been used to determine the rate of the fresh groundwater end member (FEM) and its temporal dynamics. About 150 SGDs have been detected by diving surveys employed mostly up to a depth of 30 m below sea level (bsl). Among those, 15 SGDs are in the form of coastal or submarine caves with entrances ranging between sea surface and 40 m bsl. The FEM contribution in SGDs ranges from a few percent to more than 80%. Stable isotope data suggest a range of mean recharge area elevations extending from the coast to more than 1,000 m inland. In many of the SGDs, the FEMs are characterized by tritium-based residence times ranging from recent to several decades. Hypothetical geochemical calculations of mixing between freshwater and seawater end members reveal that more than 45% of freshwater contribution is required for karst development in the SGDs. Models suggest a threshold pH of 7.6 or lower for the carbonate rock dissolution.  相似文献   

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