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Isotopic-geochemical study revealed the presence of mantle He (3He/4He up to 223 × 10?8) in gases from mud volcanoes of eastern Georgia. This fact confirms that the Middle Kura basin fill encloses an intrusive body previously distinguished from geophysical data. Wide variations in the carbon isotopic composition δ13C of CH4 and CO2 and the chemical composition of gas and water at a temporally constant 3He/4He ratio indicate their relation with crustal processes. Unusual direct correlations of the 3He/4He ratio with the contents of He and CH4 and the 40Ar/36Ar ratio can be explained by the generation of gas in the Cenozoic sequence of the Middle Kura basin.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved barium on biogeochemical processes at cold seeps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A numerical model was applied to investigate and quantify the biogeochemical processes fueled by the expulsion of barium and methane-rich fluids in the sediments of a giant cold-seep area in the Derugin Basin (Sea of Okhotsk). Geochemical profiles of dissolved Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, SO42−, HS, DIC, I and of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) were fitted numerically to constrain the transport processes and the kinetics of biogeochemical reactions. The model results indicate that the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is the major process proceeding at a depth-integrated rate of 4.9 μmol cm−2 a−1, followed by calcium carbonate and strontian barite precipitation/dissolution processes having a total depth-integrated rate of 2.1 μmol cm−2 a−1. At the low seepage rate prevailing at our study site (0.14 cm a−1) all of the rising barium is consumed by precipitation of barite in the sedimentary column and no benthic barium flux is produced. Numerical experiments were run to investigate the response of this diagenetic environment to variations of hydrological and biogeochemical conditions. Our results show that relatively low rates of fluid flow (<∼5 cm a−1) promote the dispersed precipitation of up to 26 wt% of barite and calcium carbonate throughout the uppermost few meters of the sedimentary column. Distinct and persistent events (several hundreds of years long) of more vigorous fluid flow (from 20-110 cm a−1), instead, result in the formation of barite-carbonate crusts near the sediment surface. Competition between barium and methane for sulfate controls the mineralogy of these sediment precipitates such that at low dissolved methane/barium ratios (<4-11) barite precipitation dominates, while at higher methane/barium ratios sulfate availability is limited by AOM and calcium carbonate prevails. When seepage rates exceed 110 cm a−1, barite precipitation occurs at the seafloor and is so rapid that barite chimneys form in the water column. In the Derugin Basin, spectacular barite constructions up to 20 m high, which cover an area of roughly 22 km2 and contain in excess of 5 million tons of barite, are built through this process. In these conditions, our model calculates a flux of barium to the water column of at least 20 μmol cm−2 a−1. We estimate that a minimum of 0.44 × 106 mol a−1 are added to the bottom waters of the Derugin Basin by cold seep processes, likely affecting the barium cycle in the Sea of Okhotsk.  相似文献   

Land-locked seas were polluted mainly by land-based pollutants. The Black Sea is the largest enclosed sea in the world and widely perceived to be heavily polluted. In order to determine the impact of marine activities on heavy metal pollution, shore (500 m distance from edge)–offshore (5,555 m distance from edge) samples of various stations through the Sinop, Samsun and Ordu cities located in the Middle Black Sea region between May 2000 and October 2001 were taken. In addition, samples were taken between April–May 2000 in order to designate the heavy metal pollution of certain rivers, streams, harbor and shores in Samsun’s boundary and 32 sampling stations for the routine pollution monitoring studies are selected including rivers, streams, industrial and domestic discharge points along the Black Sea coast of Turkey in the year 1996. Heavy metal concentrations of whole samples were measured and compared with “Quality Criteria of General Marine and Continental Inside Water Sources” currently effective in Turkey so as to bring up the levels of pollution in marine, rivers and streams.  相似文献   

The anaerobic oxidation of methane in aquatic environments is a globally significant sink for a potent greenhouse gas. Significant gaps remain in our understanding of the anaerobic oxidation of methane because data describing the distribution and abundance of putative anaerobic methanotrophs in relation to rates and patterns of anaerobic oxidation of methane activity are rare. An integrated biogeochemical, molecular ecological and organic geochemical approach was used to elucidate interactions between the anaerobic oxidation of methane, methanogenesis, and sulfate reduction in sediments from two cold seep habitats (one brine site, the other a gas hydrate site) along the continental slope in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. The results indicate decoupling of sulfate reduction from anaerobic oxidation of methane and the contemporaneous occurrence of methane production and consumption at both sites. Phylogenetic and organic geochemical evidence indicate that microbial groups previously suggested to be involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to sulfate reduction were present and active. The distribution and isotopic composition of lipid biomarkers correlated with microbial distributions, although concrete assignment of microbial function based on biomarker profiles was complicated given the observed overlap of competing microbial processes. Contemporaneous activity of anaerobic oxidation of methane and bicarbonate-based methanogenesis, the distribution of methane-oxidizing microorganisms, and lipid biomarker data suggest that the same microorganisms may be involved in both processes.  相似文献   

This study investigates the conditions of occurrence and petrographic characteristics of low‐Mg calcite (LMC) from cold seeps of the Gulf of Mexico at a water depth of 2340 m. Such LMC mineral phases should precipitate in calcite seas rather than today's aragonite sea. The 13C‐depleted carbonates formed as a consequence of anaerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons in shallow subsurface cold seep environments. The occurrence of LMC may result from brine fluid flows. Brines are relatively Ca2+‐enriched and Mg2+‐depleted (Mg/Ca mole ratio <0.7) relative to seawater, where the Mg/Ca mole ratio is ~5, which drives high‐Mg calcite and aragonite precipitation. The dissolution of aragonitic mollusk shells, grains and cements was observed. Aerobic oxidation of hydrocarbons and H2S is the most likely mechanism to explain carbonate dissolution. These findings have important implications for understanding the occurrence of LMC in deep water marine settings and consequently their counterparts in the geological record.  相似文献   

Understanding the hydrology of cold seep environments is crucial to perform accurate estimates of fluid and chemical fluxes at sedimentary wedges. Shallow convection processes may affect fluid flux estimates and could favor the destabilization of gas hydrate accumulations, increasing the sediment-ocean methane flux. Evidence for the occurrence of convection at cold seeps, however, is still limited. We use the concentration of 14C (D14C) in carbonate crusts formed at cold seeps of the eastern Mediterranean Sea as a tracer for convective recirculation of seawater-derived fluids. A numerical model is applied to investigate the controls on 14C incorporation in cold seep carbonates. Our simulations show that increased amounts of CH4 in the expelled fluids result in elevated crust D14C, while high Ca2+ and HCO3 concentrations produce the opposite effect. Convection is the only transport process that can significantly increase crust D14C. Advection, bioirrigation, eddy diffusion and bioturbation instead, have little effect on, or produce a decrease of, crust D14C. In addition, the presence of old or modern carbon (MC) in host sediments prior to cementation and the 14C-decay associated to the time needed to form the crust contribute in defining the D14C of carbonate crusts. We then use the model to reproduce the 14C content of the eastern Mediterranean Sea crusts to constrain the chemical and hydrological conditions that led to their formation. Some crusts contain relatively low amounts of 14C (−945.0<D14C ‰<−930.2) which, assuming no ageing after crust formation, can be reproduced without considering convection. Other crusts from two sites (the Amsterdam and Napoli mud volcanoes), instead, have a very high 14C-content (−899.0<D14C ‰<−838.4) which can only be reproduced by the model if convection mixes deep fluids with seawater. Order-of-magnitude calculations using the Rayleigh criterion for convection suggest that the slow seepage (about 10 cm year−1) of low salinity (20‰) fluids at the Amsterdam sites could trigger haline convection there. On the Napoli mud volcano, where high-density brines are expelled, density-driven convection cannot take place and other processes, possibly involving the rapid movement of free gas in the sediment, could be important.  相似文献   

The study area covers two geologically different regions which have intensively been carpeted by tea plants in the eastern Black Sea. The rocks exposed in the region contain considerable amount of trace metals due to Upper Cretaceous massive sulfide formations and tertiary epithermal mineralizations. Tea plants that grow in soils derived from such mineralized rocks contain different concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Cd, P, Al, Na, K, and S. The content ratios of most of the analyzed elements except Al are higher in basaltic and sedimentary rocks. To describe the transfer of metals from soil to tea leaf, the Freundlich-type model (log c plant = ac soil + log b) is used. The metal concentrations in leaves of tea plant in the studied soils are ranked as Zn > Cu > Pb > Al > Cd > Fe. The capacity of the plant to affect the metal accumulation decreased as follows: Fe > Cd > Pb > Cu > Zn > Al. Negative correlations were found between pH and availability of Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, and Al elements by the tea plant. Experimental applications indicated that tea plant leaves growing on soils with high metal contents show some signs of toxicity. In soils where, particularly, ammonium sulfate fertilizer is used, metal uptake by the tea plant was found to be significantly higher as a result of extremely acidic character of the soil.  相似文献   

Active mud volcanoes on- and offshore eastern Makran, Pakistan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To study the activity, source and driving force of the venting of fluidized mud in the coastal Makran, we carried out reconnaissance surveys of two active onshore mud volcano fields (Chandragup and Jebel-u-Ghurab) and of a newly born (March 1999) offshore mud volcano (Malan Island). All studied on- and offshore mud volcanoes line up along one southwest/northeast-trending structural lineament, the axis of the Dhak Anticline. Isotopic data point to a bacterial origin of the gas (mainly methane). Mixed benthic foraminiferal faunas and calcareous nannofloras suggest that the source level of the extruded mud is at a sub-surface depth of 2-3 km. Observed mud discharge varied between 0 and 1.4 m3 h-1 and gas discharge rates between negligible amounts to 1 m3 s-1. Mud temperatures in the crater lake of Chandragup I are near-ambient temperatures. They rise slightly (Б.5°C) during episodes of modest mud outflow. An area of 160,000 m3 of soft mud was vigorously extruded from the sea floor at a water depth of 10 m within days after 15 March 1999, forming Malan Island. The island was destroyed within a few months after its birth by deep-reaching wave action during the SW monsoon. This was possibly aided by local subsidence of the mud volcano structure due to the volume loss following rapid degassing and mud extrusion.  相似文献   

Characteristics of cold seeps at different geologic settings are the subject of this review primarily based on results of the Research Consortium SFB 574. Criteria are drawn from examples on the erosive convergent margin off Costa Rica, the accretionary margin off Chile supplemented by examples from the transform margin of the Golf of Cadiz and the convergent Hikurangi margin off New Zealand. Others are from well-studied passive margins of the Black Sea, the Golf of Mexico, the eastern Mediterranean Sea and the South China Sea. Seeps at all settings transport water and dissolved compounds to the ocean through the seafloor by different forcing mechanism and from different depths of the submerged geosphere (10s of meters to 10s of km). The compounds sustain oasis-type ecosystems by providing bioactive reductants sulfide, methane and hydrogen. Hereby, the interaction between fluid composition, flux rates and biota results in a diagnostic hydrocarbon–metazoan–microbe–carbonate association; currently, well over 100 active sites are known. The single most important reaction is microbially mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane with secondary reactions involving S-biogeochemistry and carbonate mineral precipitation. Seep fluids and their seafloor manifestations provide clues as to source depth, fluid–sediment/rock interaction during ascent, lifetime and cyclicity of seepage events but less so on the magnitude of return flow. At erosive margins, Cl-depleted and B-enriched fluids from clay dehydration provide criteria for source depth and temperature. The upward material flow generates mud volcanoes at the seafloor above the projected location of dehydration at depth. At accretionary margins, fluids are derived from more shallow depths by compaction of sediments as they ride on the incoming oceanic plate; they are emitted through thrust faults. At highly sedimented margins, organic-rich and evaporite-containing strata (when present) determine the final fluid composition, by emitting characteristically gas hydrate-derived methane, brine-associated non-methane hydrocarbons or leached elements and their isotopes (Li, δ7Li, B, Ba) from host sediments. Smectite–illite transformation and associated Cl-depletion from release of interlayer water is a pervasive process at these margins. Rare earth element pattern in conjunction with redox-sensitive metals retained in seep carbonates indicate whether or not they precipitated in contact with oxic bottom water or suboxic fluids; clear environmental characterization, though, currently remains inconclusive. More deeply sourced fluids as in transform margins may be characterized by their 87Sr/86Sr ratios from interaction with oceanic crustal rocks below. Quantification of flow and reliable estimates of total volatile output from fore-arcs remain a challenge to seep research, as does understanding the role of geologically derived methane in the global methane cycle.  相似文献   

The Ledong gas field, consisting of three gas pools in a shale diapir structure zone, is the largest gas discovery in the Yinggehai Basin. The gases produced from the Pliocene and Quaternary marine sandstone reservoirs show a considerable variation in chemical composition, with 5.4–88% CH4, 0–93% CO2, and 1–23.7% N2. The CO2-enriched gases often display heavier methane δ13C values than those with low CO2 contents. The δ15N values of the gases range from −8 to −2‰, and the N2 content correlates negatively with the CO2 content. The high geothermal gradient associated with a relatively great burial depth in this area has led to the generation of hydrocarbon and nitrogen gases from the Lower–Middle Miocene source rocks and the formation of abundant CO2 from the Tertiary calcareous-shales and pre-Tertiary carbonates. The compositional heterogeneities and stable carbon isotope data of the produced gases indicate that the formation of the LD221 gas field is attributed to three phases of gas migration: initially biogenic gas, followed by thermogenic hydrocarbon gas, and then CO2-rich gas. The filling processes occurred within a short period approximately from 1.2 to 0.1 Ma based on the results of the kinetics modeling. Geophysical and geochemical data show that the diapiric faults that cut through Miocene sediments act as the main pathways for upward gas migration from the deep overpressured system into the shallow normal pressure reservoirs, and that the deep overpressure is the main driving force for vertical and lateral migration of the gases. This gas migration pattern implies that the transitional pressure zone around the shale diapir structures was on the pathway of upward migrating gases, and is also a favorable place for gas accumulation. The proposed multiple sources and multiple phases of gas migration and accumulation model for the Ledong gas field potentially provide useful information for the future exploration efforts in this area.  相似文献   

本次研究对南海冷泉活动区福尔摩沙脊(F站位)、海马冷泉环境中与甲烷有氧氧化菌共生的贻贝(分别为Bathymodiolus platifrons和Gigantidas haimaensis),以及与硫氧化菌共生的蛤(Archivesica marissinica)腮组织中的单不饱和脂肪酸进行了结构鉴定。结果发现,贻贝鳃组织中存在C16∶1ω9、C16∶1ω8和C18∶1ω8脂肪酸,同时C16∶1ω8的含量远远高于C18∶1ω8,这说明与贻贝共生的为Ⅰ型甲烷有氧氧化菌。在蛤腮组织中,单不饱和脂肪酸C16∶1ω7、C18∶1ω7和C20∶1ω7含量极高,表明ω7脂肪酸来源于硫氧化菌。同时,贻贝和蛤鳃中含有大量多不饱和脂肪酸,如C20∶2和C22∶2。在同一样品中来源于共生菌的单不饱和脂肪酸和来源于宿主的多不饱和脂肪酸具有相近的δ13C值,表明宿主从共生菌或共生菌代谢产物中获得碳源和营养。Ⅰ型甲烷有氧氧化菌在贻贝腮组织中广泛存在,指示F站位和海马冷泉活动区冷泉流体渗漏强度较弱。确定单不饱和脂肪酸的类型是判断双壳共生菌种类的基础。双壳类共生菌类型的识别,可以帮助理解共生体与...  相似文献   

The ability to identify a formation mechanism for natural gas in a particular environment requires consideration of several geochemical factors when there are multiple sources present. Four primary sources of methane have been identified in Mono Lake. Two of these sources were associated with numerous natural gas seeps which occur at various locations in the lake and extend beyond its present boundary; the two other gas sources result from current microbiological processes. In the natural gas seeps, we observed flow rates as high as 160 moles CH4 day−1, and estimate total lakewide annual seep flux to be 2.1 × 106 moles CH4. Geochemical parameters (δ13CH4,δDCH4,CH4/[C2H6+ C3H8]) andδ14CH4measurements revealed that most of the seeps originate from a paleo-biogenic (δ13CH4 = about −70%.). natural gas deposit of Pleistocene age which underlies the current and former lakebed. Gas seeps in the vicinity of hot springs had, in combination with the biogenic gas, a prominent thermogenic gas component resulting from hydrothermal alteration of buried organic matter.Current microbiological processes responsible for sources of natural gas in the lake included pelagic meth- anogenesis and decomposition of terrestrial grasses in the littoral zone. Methanogenesis in the pelagic sediments resulted in methane saturation (2–3 mM at 50 cm; δ13CH4 = about −85%.). Interstitial sulfate decreased from 133 mM at the surface to 35 mM by 110 cm depth, indicating that sulfate-reduction and methanogenesis operated concurrently. Methane diffused out of the sediments resulting in concentrations of about 50 μM in the anoxic bottom waters. Methane oxidation in the oxic/anoxic boundry lowered the concentration by >98%, but values in surface waters (0.1–1.3μM) were supersaturated with respect to the atmosphere. The δ13CH4 (range = −21.8 to −71.8%.) of this unoxidized residual methane was enriched in 13C relative to methane in the bottom water and sediments. Average outward flux of this methane was 2.77 × 107 moles yr−1. A fourth, but minor source of methane (δ13CH4 = −55.2%.) was associated with the decomposition of terrestrial grasses taking place in the lake's recently expanded littoral zone.  相似文献   

A bottom-mounted Recording Doppler Current Profiler was placed at an offshore location (depth of 34 m) in the southeast Chukchi Sea, Alaska, from July through December 2007 (UTC) with the objective of linking observed wave activity—wind-sea and swells—to their synoptic drivers. A total of 47 intervals of elevated wave state were recorded: 29 exceeding 1 m significant wave height (SWH), 16 exceeding 2 m SWH, and 3 m exceeded on two occasions; during one of those, a SWH of 4 m was observed. Detailed analysis of the two large events, including comparison with high-resolution reanalysis wind data (North America Regional Reanalysis), showed wave direction from the east, varied about 15° to the north (counterclockwise) from the wind direction, and current flow in the opposite direction (from the west). This is thought to be the influence of a strong “wind-sea” presence. Regarding classic wave limitations, although the SE Chukchi Sea is a large embayment bordered by land to the east, fetch limitations from the northeast and southeast did not appear to be a constraint for the wind speeds indicated by reanalysis. These two events appeared to be driven by winds associated with cyclonic systems that moved into the eastern Bering Sea and stalled. Examination of smaller waves associated with these events suggested that waves of 1.5 m SWH or less are likely part of another regime and can either be swell or wind-sea, moving in from the open Chukchi Sea to the northwest or through the Bering Strait to the south.  相似文献   

Extended along the Crimea–Caucasus coast of the Black Sea, the Crimean Seismic Zone (CSZ) is an evidence of active tectonic processes at the junction of the Scythian Plate and Black Sea Microplate. A relocation procedure applied to weak earthquakes (mb ≤ 3) recorded by ten local stations during 1970–2013 helped to determine more accurately the parameters of hypocenters in the CSZ. The Kerch–Taman, Sudak, Yuzhnoberezhnaya (South Coast), and Sevastopol subzones have also been recognized. Generalization of the focal mechanisms of 31 strong earthquakes during 1927–2013 has demonstrated the predominance of reverse and reverse–normal-faulting deformation regimes. This ongoing tectonic process occurs under the settings of compression and transpression. The earthquake foci with strike-slip component mechanisms concentrate in the west of the CSZ. Comparison of deformation modes in the western and eastern Crimean Mountains according to tectonophysical data has demonstrated that the western part is dominated by strike-slip and normal- faulting, while in the eastern part, reverse-fault and strike-slip deformation regimes prevail. Comparison of the seismicity and gravity field and modes of deformation suggests underthusting of the East Black Sea Microplate with thin suboceanic crust under the Scythian Plate. In the Yuzhnoberezhnaya Subzone, this process is complicated by the East Black Sea Microplate frontal part wedging into the marginal part of the Scythian Plate crust. The indentation mechanism explains the strong gravity anomaly in the Crimean Mountains and their uplift.  相似文献   

The marine magnetic data acquired from offshore Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin, eastern continental margin of India (ECMI), brought out a prominent NE-SW trending feature, which could be explained by a buried structural high formed by volcanic activity. The magnetic anomaly feature is also associated with a distinct negative gravity anomaly similar to the one associated with 85°E Ridge. The gravity low could be attributed to a flexure at the Moho boundary, which could in turn be filled with the volcanic material. Inversion of the magnetic and gravity anomalies was also carried out to establish the similarity of anomalies of the two geological features (structural high on the margin and the 85°E Ridge) and their interpretations. In both cases, the magnetic anomalies were caused dominantly by the magnetization contrast between the volcanic material and the surrounding oceanic crust, whereas the low gravity anomalies are by the flexures of the order of 3–4 km at Moho boundary beneath them. The analysis suggests that both structural high present in offshore Krishna-Godavari basin and the 85°E Ridge have been emplaced on relatively older oceanic crust by a common volcanic process, but at discrete times, and that several of the gravity lows in the Bay of Bengal can be attributed to flexures on the Moho, each created due to the load of volcanic material.  相似文献   

Currently, the species list of the macroalgae (excluding Charales) inhabiting the southern seas of Russia includes 388 species, specifically, 362 species in the Black Sea, 46 species in the Sea of Azov, and 70 species in the Caspian Sea. The species list has been increased by approximately 30% (96 species, most of them are registered in the Black Sea), compared to the data obtained 30 years ago. The green and red macroalgae of warm-water Mediterranean and tropical origin (Ceramium, Polysiphonia, Laurencia, Ulva, and Chaetomorpha) and brown algae (Sargassum and Cytoseira) were the key invaders. Nowadays the maximal species diversity is found on the Crimean coast and the Turkish coast of the Black Sea; and the species list of the Turkish coast differs significantly from all the other studied sites of the Black Sea. The number of the algae of the warm-water complex increased the most in 1990s–2000s in the Black Sea; species of boreal-tropical and subtropical origin dominate. However, such a tendency was not observed in the Sea of Azov and in the Caspian Sea, but expansion of the habitats of the brackish green algae has been registered.  相似文献   

川东宣汉地区天然气地球化学特征及成因   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
依据10余口探井60多个气样的化学成份和碳同位素组成数据,结合烃源岩和储层沥青分析资料,系统剖析了四川盆地东部宣汉地区普光、毛坝场等构造带天然气地球化学特征,并探讨了其成因及来源。研究结果表明:这些构造带中飞仙关组—长兴组天然气为高含硫化氢的干气,天然气化学成份表现出古油藏原油裂解气的特点。其烃类气体中以甲烷为主(高于99.5%);富含非烃气体,CO2和H2S平均含量分别达5.32%和11.95%。甲烷碳同位素较重(-33‰~-29‰),表征高热演化性质;乙烷δ13C值主要分布在-33‰至-28‰范围,属油型气。这些天然气与川东邻近气田的同层位天然气具有同源性,而与石炭系气藏天然气在化学成份、碳同位素组成上有所不同,意味着有不同的气源。硫化物硫同位素和沥青元素组成证实高含量的H2S是气藏发生TSR作用所致。δ34S值表征层状沉积成因的硬石膏是TSR作用的反应物,而脉状硬石膏则是其残余物。储层的孔隙类型可能与TSR作用强度和H2S含量高低有联系,裂缝型气层中H2S少,孔洞型储层中H2S丰富。乙烷、沥青和各层系烃源岩干酪根碳同位素对比表明研究区飞仙关组—长兴组气藏天然气主要来自二叠系烃源层。  相似文献   

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