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The southern Peruvian coastal desert around Palpa, southern Peru (14.5°S) is currently characterized by hyper-arid conditions. However, the presence of two species of molluscs (Scutalus, Pupoides) and desert-loess deposits indicates the past development of semi-desert and grassland ecosystems caused by a displacement of the eastern desert margin due to hydrological changes. Radiocarbon dating shows that the transition to a semi-arid climate in the southern Peruvian coastal desert took place during the Greenland interstadial 1, ∼ 13.5 cal ka BP. At the beginning of the Holocene, the mollusc fauna vanished due to increasing humidity and the development of grasslands. Dust particles were fixed by the grasses, as indicated by abundant Poaceae phytoliths, and desert loess was formed. The humid period we observe here is out of phase with the palaeoenvironmental records from the Titicaca region, which indicates dry conditions at that time. This paper offers a new idea for this contradiction: an orbitally driven meridional shift of the Bolivian high might have altered the moisture supply across the Andes.  相似文献   

The Quaternary Andahua volcanic group is located within the Central Volcanic Zone in Southern Peru. The author presents new data on major and trace elements and 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios for Andahua rocks from all regions with volcanic centres. The TAS data identify the Andahua lavas as trachyandesites, basaltic trachyandesites and dacites. The phenocrysts are represented mainly by plagioclase, but olivine, clinopyroxene and hornblende are also present. In some cases the trachyandesites show Ca enrichment and their plagioclases have an andesine–bytownite composition. The plagioclase phenocrysts show a slight normal and occasionally reverse zonation. Their basaltic parental magmas were enriched in fluids derived from dehydration of the subducted oceanic crust. The chemical content of the Andahua volcanic rocks shows some similarity to both the slightly older and the contemporaneous and widespread Barroso Group rocks in this region.  相似文献   

本文通过考察目前对浅层地基土的强度和变形研究现状及应用方法,提出了既能够利用浅部低强度地基土作为高层建筑基础的持力层,又能够反映土和工程结构之间相互作用,同时具备简单、方便、经济、安全等特点的土层围压应用.通过试验测试、工程实践效果证明了这种应用的合理性及有效性.  相似文献   

Lipid extracts from a 61.7-cm-long subtropical stalagmite in southern China, spanning the period of ca. 10,000–21,000 yr ago as constrained by U–Th dating, were analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The higher plants and microorganisms in the overlying soils contribute a proportion of n-alkanes identified in the stalagmite. The occurrence of LMW (lower molecular weight) n-alkanols and n-alkan-2-ones in the stalagmite was mainly related to the soil microorganisms. We suggest that HMW (higher molecular weight) n-alkanols and n-alkan-2-ones identified in the stalagmite originate from soil organics and reflect input from contemporary vegetation. Shifts in the ratio of LMW to HMW n-alkanols or n-alkan-2-ones indicative of the variation of soil ecosystems (e.g., microbial degradation of organic matter and/or the relative abundance of soil microorganisms to higher plants) are comparable with the subtropical alkenone-SST (sea surface temperature) record of the same period. The similar trends seen in the δ13C data and the lipid parameters in this stalagmite imply that the overlying soil ecosystem response to climate might be responsible for the variation of δ13C values.  相似文献   

A critical reappraisal of great historical interplate earthquakes in the occidental margin of South America, including southern Peru and northern Chile, is carried out.A spacetime distribution of the earthquakes associated to the seismotectonics regions defined by the rupture zones of the greatest events (1868, Mw = 8.8 and 1877, Mw = 8.8) is obtained. Both regions are seismic gaps that are in the maturity state of their respective earthquake cycles. The region associated to the 1868 earthquake presents a notable seismic quiescence in the present century.  相似文献   

We revise the conceptual model of calcite varves and present, for the first time, a dual lake monitoring study in two alkaline lakes providing new insights into the seasonal sedimentation processes forming these varves. The study lakes, Tiefer See in NE Germany and Czechowskie in N Poland, have distinct morphology and bathymetry, and therefore, they are ideal to decipher local effects on seasonal deposition. The monitoring setup in both lakes is largely identical and includes instrumental observation of (i) meteorological parameters, (ii) chemical profiling of the lake water column including water sampling, and (iii) sediment trapping at both bi-weekly and monthly intervals. We then compare our monitoring data with varve micro-facies in the sediment record. One main finding is that calcite varves form complex laminae triplets rather than simple couplets as commonly thought. Sedimentation of varve sub-layers in both lakes is largely dependent on the lake mixing dynamics and results from the same seasonality, commencing with diatom blooms in spring turning into a pulse of calcite precipitation in summer and terminating with a re-suspension layer in autumn and winter, composed of calcite patches, plant fragments and benthic diatoms. Despite the common seasonal cycle, the share of each of these depositional phases in the total annual sediment yield is different between the lakes. In Lake Tiefer See calcite sedimentation has the highest yields, whereas in Lake Czechowskie, the so far underestimated re-suspension sub-layer dominates the sediment accumulation. Even in undisturbed varved sediments, re-suspended material becomes integrated in the sediment fabric and makes up an important share of calcite varves. Thus, while the biogeochemical lake cycle defines the varves’ autochthonous components and micro-facies, the physical setting plays an important role in determining the varve sub-layers’ proportion.  相似文献   

Effects of biological soil crusts (BSCs) on soil evaporation is quite controversial in literature, being either facilitative or inhibitive, and therein few studies have actually conducted direct evaporation measurements. Continuous field measurements of soil water evaporation were conducted on two microlysimeters, i.e., one with sand soil collected from bare sand dune area and the other with moss-crusted soil collected from an area that was revegetated in 1956, from field capacity to dry, at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert. We mainly aimed to quantify the diurnal variations of evaporation rate from two soils, and further comparatively discuss the effects of BSCs on soil evaporation after revegetation. Results showed that in clear days with high soil water content (Day 1 and 2), the diurnal variation of soil evaporation rate followed the typical convex upward parabolic curve, reaching its peak around mid-day. Diurnal evaporation rate and the accumulated evaporation amount of moss-crusted soil were lower (an average of 0.90 times) than that of sand soil in this stage. However, as soil water content decreased to a moderately low level (Day 3 and 4), the diurnal evaporation rate from moss-crusted soil was pronouncedly higher (an average of 3.91 times) than that of sand soil, prolonging the duration of this higher evaporation rate stage; it was slightly higher in the final stage (Day 5 and 6) when soil moisture was very low. We conclude that the effects of moss crusts on soil evaporation vary with different evaporation stages, which is closely related to soil water content, and the variation and transition of evaporation rate between bare soil and moss-crusted soil are expected to be predicted by soil water content.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of concentrations of radon gas in the soil is important for defining high risk areas because geogenic radon is the major potential source of indoor radon concentrations regardless of the construction features of buildings. An area of southern Italy (Catanzaro-Lamezia plain) was surveyed to study the relationship between radon gas concentrations in the soil, geology and structural patterns. Moreover, the uncertainty associated with the mapping of geogenic radon in soil gas was assessed. Multi-Gaussian kriging was used to map the geogenic soil gas radon concentration, while conditional sequential Gaussian simulation was used to yield a series of stochastic images representing equally probable spatial distributions of soil radon across the study area. The stochastic images generated by the sequential Gaussian simulation were used to assess the uncertainty associated with the mapping of geogenic radon in the soil and they were combined to calculate the probability of exceeding a specified critical threshold that might cause concern for human health. The study showed that emanation of radon gas radon was also dependent on geological structure and lithology. The results have provided insight into the influence of basement geochemistry on the spatial distribution of radon levels at the soil/atmosphere interface and suggested that knowledge of the geology of the area may be helpful in understanding the distribution pattern of radon near the earth’s surface.  相似文献   

The study of the geology of southern Egypt, in-between the Red Sea and the Libyan borders, south of latitude 24°30′N reveals a succession of the Precambrian Arabo–Nubian Shield along the Red Sea coast overlain by Paleozoic–Mesozoic sediments. The Paleozoic section in the study area is well developed in three sub-basins, namely, Uweinat–Gilf, South Nile, and Etbai. Paleozoic sediments are well developed in the three sub-basins mostly sandstones of Cambrian overlain by glaciogene sediment conglomerates at base namely Gabgaba Formation and by the Naqus Sandstone at top. The tectonic events during the Early Paleozoic Caledonian Orogeny are marked by several unconformities and tectonic uplift and down faulting expressed in the many faults in the Uweinat–Gilf and South Nile sub-basins. The Carboniferous is well-developed sandstones in the three studied sub-basins. The glaciation at the Permian is reflected in sea-level fall, hence continental sediments are well developed in many parts of Egypt—a phase of the Hercynian Orogeny. Volcanics are very well common in the study areas ranging in age from 48 to 34 Ma at Uweinat and Gebel El-Asr. Vulcanicity continued during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic at the Triassic of Nasab El-Balgum and in the south Western Desert, the south Eastern Desert, and Etbai area. The highly seismic conditions in southern Egypt continued up to very recent times where tremors were noticed in the 80s and 90s of the last century pointing to very unstable area.  相似文献   

The Mantiqueira Province represents a series of supracrustal segments of the South-American counterpart formed during the Gondwana Supercontinent agglutination. In this crustal domain, the process of escape tectonics played a conspicuous role, generating important NE?CN?CS-trending lineaments. The oblique component of the motions of the colliding tectonic blocks defined the transpressional character of the main suture zones: Lancinha-Itariri, Cubat?o-Arcádia-Areal, Serrinha-Rio Palmital in the Ribeira Belt and Sierra Ballena-Major Gercino in the Dom Feliciano Belt. The process as a whole lasted for ca. 60?Ma, since the initial collision phase until the lateral escape phase predominantly marked by dextral and subordinate sinistral transpressional shear zones. In the Dom Feliciano Belt, southern Brazil and Uruguay, transpressional event at 630?C600?Ma is recognized and in the Ribeira Belt, despite less coevally, the transpressional event occurred between 590 and 560?Ma in its northern-central portion and between ca. 625 and 595?Ma in its central-southern portion. The kinematics of several shear zones with simultaneous movement in opposite directions at their terminations is explained by the sinuosity of these lineaments in relation to a predominantly continuous westward compression.  相似文献   

污泥和粉煤灰的循环利用及其对石漠化土壤质量的改善   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过在石漠化土壤中添加不同配比的城市污泥—粉煤灰混合物,研究其对石漠化区域土壤理化性质、持水性能,及在该石漠化土壤上所种植的高羊茅生长和重金属积累的影响。结果表明:施用粉煤灰能显著降低污泥Cu、Mn、Zn和Cd等重金属的含量并使土壤的pH得到提高,明显改善土壤的理化性质;土壤饱和含水率比对照提高1.95倍,持水时间提高7d左右,能增加土壤的N、P养分,并显著提高高羊茅的生物量,不失为促进石漠化地区生态恢复治理的一种有效方法。但由于重金属在环境中半衰期长、彻底清除难和生态毒害大等特点,不宜长期反复施用富含重金属的城市污泥。   相似文献   

青藏高原北麓河地区荒漠草原土壤细菌对热融滑塌的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
多年冻土区地下冰融化造成的热融滑塌会对土壤理化性质产生一系列影响,进而影响微生物群落结构,但目前热融滑塌对荒漠草原区土壤微生物的影响还不清楚。利用Illumina测序方法,以青藏高原北麓河多年冻土区发生热融滑塌的荒漠草原为研究对象,对3种微地貌(对照区、滑塌区、沉降区)下的土壤细菌展开研究,分析了细菌群落结构及其与环境因子间的关系。结果显示滑塌区和沉降区有机碳含量显著低于对照区,滑塌区土壤含水量最高;放线菌门、变形菌门、绿弯菌门和酸杆菌门是3种微地貌下的优势菌群,对照区细菌群落丰富度显著低于滑塌区。Mantel检验表明,细菌群落结构与土壤理化性质间无显著相关性;非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS)表明,微生物群落结构在3种微地貌下显著不同。研究结果表明,在荒漠草原区,热融滑塌会改变土壤理化性质,影响细菌特定门的微生物相对丰度,但对门水平的整体群落结构影响不显著。  相似文献   

Airborne hexavalent chromium is a known human respiratory carcinogen and allergen. Many workers are exposed to hexavalent chromium in various processes which chromium electroplating plants are the most common. In this study, the feasibility of a new control approach to remove this pollutant using chitosan beads as a biosorbent was investigated. Hexavalent chromium sorption was studied relative to pH, pollution concentration, sorbent concentration, temperature, and air velocity using one factor at a time approach and Taguchi experimental design. Polluted air with different chromium mist concentrations (10–5000 μg/m3) was contacted to chitosan beads (3.3–20 g/L), floating in distilled water with adjusted pH (3–7), using an impinger at different temperatures (20 and 35 °C), and various velocities (1.12 and 2.24 m/s). The ANOVA test result showed that, there were statistical significant differences between factor levels except optimized pH levels. The higher ions removal efficiencies were achieved at lower levels of air velocities, pollution concentrations, and higher levels of solution pH values, temperatures, and sorbent concentrations.  相似文献   

Soil moisture and its variations are key factors for understanding hydrological processes, which are characterized by a high temporal variability at different scales. The study was conducted at three field stations in the desert regions of northwestern China, where soil moisture measurements with gravimetric method were used to characterize the temporal stability of soil moisture using various statistical parameters and an index of temporal stability (ITS). The soils are a gray–brown desert soil at the Linze station, an aeolian sandy soil at the Fukang station, and a brown desert soil at the Cele station. Soil textures are accordingly sandy loam at Linze and Cele, and loamy sand at Fukang. The dynamic variation in soil moisture depends strongly on the rainfall pattern (amount and frequency) in these desert ecosystems. Soil moisture content is low and significantly different among the three desert ecosystems, with the maximum at the Linze station (6.61 ± 2.08 %), followed by the Cele (4.83 ± 0.81 %) and Fukang (3.46 ± 0.47 %) stations. The temporal pattern exhibits high variability because soil moisture is characterized by low temporal stability and a high coefficient of variation (CV). The standard deviation, CV, and ITS increase significantly with increasing soil moisture. Soil moisture displays a skewed frequency distribution that follows a logarithmic function at lower soil moisture but a log-normal distribution at higher values.  相似文献   

An explanation is given of the fundamental processes of soil salinization and degradation induced by irrigation of poorly-drained river valleys in arid regions, and of why these processes were practically uncontrollable under the circumstances of ancient Southern Mesopotamia.  相似文献   

Heavy aeolian deposition is one of the most threatening natural hazards to oases in arid areas. How an oasis affects aeolian deposition is tightly related to the local ecological environments. To examine the effects of oasis on aeolian deposition under different weather conditions, monthly aeolian deposition from April 2008 to March 2009 and additional samples during dust storms in April and May 2008 were collected at four sites along the Qira oasis. The monthly ADRs (aeolian deposition rates) varied greatly with seasons and sites, ranging from 19.4 to 421.2 g/m2/month and averaging 198.8 g/m2/month. Aeolian deposition in the oasis was composed dominantly of sand and silt. Based on the variations of ADRs from the four sites, it can be found that the oasis exhibits two different effects on aeolian deposition under different weather conditions. During dust storms, the oasis demonstrates a significantly shielding effect due to the obstruction of the oasis-protection systems, resulting in most aeolian particles being deposited at the windward side of the oasis. While during non-dust storm periods with weak winds, the oasis exhibits an “attracting” effect on aeolian deposition, leading to a higher ADR inside the oasis. Owing to the annual ADR is dominated by the non-dust storm ADR in Qira, the oasis seems to become an important aeolian deposition area caused by the “attracting” effect of the oasis.  相似文献   


Mineral dust emissions from arid regions are influenced by the surface features encountered in the source regions. These surface features control both the erosion threshold and the intensity of the dust flux. Recently, a soil-derived dust emission scheme has been designed in order to provide an explicit representation of the mineral dust accounting for the influence of the surface features on the dust emissions. This physical scheme has been validated with micro-scale field measurements. Its large scale application has required the development of additional relations to estimate the input parameters from more accessible data: the mean height and the covering rate of the roughness elements and the min-eralogical soil type. The determination of these surface data has been based on a geomorphologic approach which describes the surface features of arid areas in a 1 × l° grid. Inside each square degree, up to five different areas characterised by different surface features have been distinguished. However, these areas have not been located inside the square degree. Each area can be constituted by several combined surface features, including roughness, vegetation, granulometry. Five main types of landscapes and eight main types of surface features have been distinguished. This approach is based on the combination of various data, mainly topographical, geological maps and climatological analysis. In addition to the problem of scale transfer, the main constraints to obtain a quantitative assessment are the confidence level of the existing data and the number of parameters to document. On the opposite, with this method, the fine scale required by the dust modelling can be separated from the scale accessible by the mapping approach, of the order of the square degree. This method can also be easily improved by aggregating new data and can be extended to other deserts. An example of application is given for the north-west of the Algerian Sahara where the method has been elaborated. The data provided by the modelling of the surface have been used to simulate dust emissions for 1990, 1991 and 1992 over the central and western Sahara. Over these three years, the mean annual dust emission is about 760 Mt-year?1 Although a significant interannual variability exists (mainly due to changes in the wind pattern), the most intensive emissions remain quite constant in terms of location. The percentage of agreement with satellite observations higher than 0.7 is 74 %, but only 32 % when using a model having a single threshold function for dust emission (i.e. the same surface feature for the whole Sahara) (cf. later Marticorena et al., 1997). © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

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