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1932—1937年间在周口店中国猿人产地及其他地点采得八十馀件节足动物化石,多破碎,完整者极少。颜色不一,由乳白而棕黄,兼有呈半透明玻璃状者。经初步观察,应属节足动物门,多足纲,倍脚目,马陆科,计一属两种: 一、山马陆(Julus of.terrestris)此种在第一,三,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。此与现生的山马陆无甚差异,仅肛板及由二肛板所成之肛门沟稍大。二、裴氏小马陆(Julus peii Chia & Liu(sp.nov.)此种於第一,四,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。由身体及头部形态,身体环节数目(三十个以上),知其与山马陆同属。但其决非幼小山马陆,因其体节数目多於长成之山马陆。但与现生於日本的一种 Nipponoiulus truncatus 近似,惟後者体节数较少,尾端钝圆。关於马陆属化石,据现在所知最早发现於始新统地层中,直到现在仍有生存,变异极小。以上所述二种若非与其他脊椎动物化石共生於周口店地点,则其年代颇难鉴定,因其有以後爬入岩隙死後石化之可能,不过上述之标本不但有共生脊椎动物为证,且有的已埋藏於固结的砾岩中,其属於更新统时期可无疑义。  相似文献   

贾兰坡  刘宪亭 《地质学报》1950,(Z1):23-27,94
1932—1937年间在周口店中国猿人产地及其他地点采得八十馀件节足动物化石,多破碎,完整者极少。颜色不一,由乳白而棕黄,兼有呈半透明玻璃状者。经初步观察,应属节足动物门,多足纲,倍脚目,马陆科,计一属两种: 一、山马陆(Julus of.terrestris)此种在第一,三,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。此与现生的山马陆无甚差异,仅肛板及由二肛板所成之肛门沟稍大。二、裴氏小马陆(Julus peii Chia & Liu(sp.nov.)此种於第一,四,十五地点及山顶洞均有发现。由身体及头部形态,身体环节数目(三十个以上),知其与山马陆同属。但其决非幼小山马陆,因其体节数目多於长成之山马陆。但与现生於日本的一种 Nipponoiulus truncatus 近似,惟後者体节数较少,尾端钝圆。关於马陆属化石,据现在所知最早发现於始新统地层中,直到现在仍有生存,变异极小。以上所述二种若非与其他脊椎动物化石共生於周口店地点,则其年代颇难鉴定,因其有以後爬入岩隙死後石化之可能,不过上述之标本不但有共生脊椎动物为证,且有的已埋藏於固结的砾岩中,其属於更新统时期可无疑义。  相似文献   

文章从考古学角度对遗址周围潜在原料产地进行调查,并以遗址出土文化遗物最为丰富的第4~5层为例对其原料采集策略进行初步分析.调查显示,遗址以北、周口河两岸的石炭-二叠系地层和花岗岩侵入体中多有石英脉出露,而遗址以南多为灰岩、白云岩山地,少见石英脉出露.遗址第4~5层石制品的原料分析显示,距今30万年左右的“北京人”既从河流砾石层也从岩脉露头或风化处采集脉石英进行石器生产;古人类可能对不同类型脉石英采取多种开发策略;对石英脉的利用具有一定的技术组织性,表现出一副多样的原料开发图景.  相似文献   

杨锺健 《地质论评》1948,13(Z2):199-202
十年以来,因人为及事实困难,关于脊椎动物化石之野外采集,久无惊人发见。去年(三十六年)五月,中国石油公司甘青分公司探勘处苗庆祥先生,在该处处长孙健初先生指导下工作,于甘肃永登县海石湾附近,发见脊椎动物化石。孙先生立认识其重要性,于秋间亲同苗先生再往该地采集,又得化石多块,此项化石由该处设法运到南  相似文献   

南京直立人地点与北京周口店第一地点时代与环境辨析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
北京周口店第一地点和南京直立人地点是我国重要的古人类化石地点。近年来,采用TIMS铀系测年等手段对这两个地点的年代重新进行了测定,将北京和南京直立人生存年代均前移了100ka以上。南京直立人的时代可能大于500ka,抑或580ka。北京直立人的时代介于距今400ka至650ka,抑或800ka。新的年代框架促进了两个地点地层与环境的研究。重点梳理两个地点的年代学、地层学等方面的研究进展与分歧,并对测年方法与结果、古生物与地层分析等方面的不确定性或多解性进行了讨论。尽管这两个地点在时代和环境研究方面仍存疑问,有些问题一时尚难澄清,但还是尝试提出了解决这些问题的部分途径和方法。  相似文献   

从脊椎动物化石角度论云南曲靖下、中泥盆统界线   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据早期脊椎动物化石证据及生物地层对比,云南曲靖穿洞组的时代为晚Emsian期。该地区下、中泥盆统界线应划在穿洞组与海口组之间,或从穿洞组顶部穿过。  相似文献   

鳞龙类化石研究在中国之进展及其改正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨锺健 《地质论评》1948,13(Z1):1-8
若有人问余最近十年来中国脊椎动物化石之研究,有何新而重要的发现,我将不假思索的,告以当以鳞龙类之若干发见为第一。  相似文献   

滇东罗平地区发现中三叠世安尼期鱼类化石   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
2007年10月,成都地凋中心云南1:5万区域地质凋查项目组在滇东罗平地区进行野外地质调查中,首次存中三叠世安尼期关岭组中发现丰富的脊椎、甲壳动物化石。经中国科学院古人类与古脊椎动物研究所初步鉴定,鱼类化石主要有裂齿鱼类、真颚鱼类、弓鳍鱼类、半椎鱼类、全骨鱼类、龙鱼类、叻鳞鱼类等(图版I),大部分龟类化石为新属种。  相似文献   

李永项 《第四纪研究》2023,43(3):704-711

在陕北黄土高原下部的红土堆积中新发现29个新近纪哺乳动物化石地点,自北向南包括神木、榆阳、佳县、横山、子洲、志丹、安塞、甘泉等地,基本覆盖整个陕北黄土高原,填补了中新世时期中国哺乳动物地理格局中东西分界线附近的大片空白。动物组合以新近纪中国北方常见的三趾马动物群成员为主,包含有三趾马(Hipparion)、大唇犀(Chilotherium)、萨摩麟(Samotherium)、巨鬣狗(Dinocrocuta)、弓颌猪(Chleuastochoerus)、羚羊(Gazella)等,其组合特点类似于府谷老高川中部动物群。新发现的、多地点的化石材料进一步表明,在陕西北部晚中新世约6.7 Ma左右,森林-草原混合型三趾马动物群的分布可能相当广泛,而约7.8 Ma和约5.7 Ma两期的哺乳动物群的分布可能相对局限。


内蒙古宁城一带出露的道虎沟化石层以产出保存精美的脊椎动物化石而闻名。该化石层的时代最初根据错误报道的热河生物群重要分子的出现而误认为属早白垩世。但是,精确可靠的区域生物地层学和同位素测年研究,结合古生物学证据,支持该化石层属于中侏罗世的时代推论。然而,新近有些文章提出道虎沟地层层序倒转的论点,从而再次引起关于道虎沟化石层时代问题的争论。本文研究通过回顾和评估各方面有关资料发现并无证据支持道虎沟地层层序倒转的论点。此外,作为道虎沟化石层时代晚于中侏罗世的理论基础的许多推想,逻辑上令人费解,或是自相矛盾,或…  相似文献   

The fossil fishes described in the present paper were first discoveredand excavated by Mr. W. C. Pei of the Cenozoic Laboratory, GeologicalSurvey of China, from Choukoutien in 1933. According to my deter-mination they, except one specimen, belong to the genus Barbus of thefamily Cyprinidae, being represented by Barbus szechuanensis Tchang  相似文献   

Fossil viruses     
Viruses are very much in the news these days, unfortunately, but what about their geological history? Are viruses preserved in the fossil record? If so, how does that happen, and how far back do they go? And what about the roles of viruses in the environment? Are they significant or were they just the nasty invisible parasites we regard them to be today, disrupting life as we know it and leading to the very sad and untimely death of 1000s of people? Or were they both—good and bad? This article explores some of these issues.  相似文献   

Fossil sharks     
Sharks were around as early as the Silurian and were most abundant during the Carboniferous. During the Eocene, some of them were even larger than today's Great White Shark.  相似文献   

Fossil wood     
Plants have been making wood (secondary xylem) for more than 370 million years. This familiar material is one of the keys to their massive success. Wood allows plants to attain breathtaking heights and maximize the capture of sunlight for growth. By creating complex, multi‐layered forests, the evolution of wood, has done more to shape life on land than almost any other innovation. Wood is one of the most common terrestrial fossils encountered in the geological record. Whether preserved as huge petrified logs or as minute chunks of charcoal, fossil wood is abundant in rocks of Late Devonian age and younger. It is of enormous scientific importance, shedding light on the identity and stature of ancient trees. As a record of growth over a sustained period, it also tells us much about the climates and environments in which those trees lived. In this article, I explain some aspects of the origin, evolution, preservation, and identification of fossil wood, and emphasise its great significance for geology.  相似文献   

Fossil vertebrate footprints occur in sediments of all ages, from the first venturings onto land early in the Devonian to the present. They are to be found in sediments from which bones are not recovered, thus adding to our knowledge of animal distribution in the past, and allowing stratigraphical correlation and the interpretation of ancient environments. Most importantly, however, footprints furnish a dynamic record of the way in which animals lived and moved, even telling us something of their social behaviour.  相似文献   

A new species of chimaeroid egg capsule, Rhinochimaera caucasica, from strata in the North Caucasus tentatively identified as of Lower Cretaceous age, is described. A summary review of the 31 known occurrences of these reproductive bodies from all parts of the earth is presented and the difficulty in treating them taxonomically is discussed. Justification is made for reference of the more complete, specifically named specimens regardless of geologic age to either one or the other of the living genera Harriotta, Rhinochimaera, and Callorhynchus. — D. H. Dunkle.  相似文献   

Sites yielding Pennsylvanian (late Carboniferous) coal floras are well known across Europe and North America, but they usually only yield drifted remains of the plants. To understand the ecology of these ancient tropical wetlands properly it is essential that we study in situ remains of the plants. During recent re‐development work of a disused steelworks in the Denbigh Coalfield (north Wales) the remains of a stand of mainly arborescent club mosses and horsetails have been discovered, which is providing new insights into how these unusual plants grew.  相似文献   

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