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Silicic volcanic deposits (>65 wt% SiO2), which occur as domes, lavas and pyroclastic deposits, are relatively abundant in the Macolod Corridor, SW Luzon, Philippines. At Makiling stratovolcano, silicic domes occur along the margins of the volcano and are chemically similar to the silicic lavas that comprise part of the volcano. Pyroclastic flows are associated with the Laguna de Bay Caldera and these are chemically distinct from the domes and lavas at Makiling stratovolcano. As a whole, samples from the Laguna de Bay Caldera contain lower concentrations of MgO and higher concentrations of Fe2O3(t) than the samples from domes and lavas. The Laguna de Bay samples are more enriched in incompatible trace elements. The silicic rocks from the domes, Makiling Volcano and Laguna de Bay Caldera all contain high alkalis and high K2O/Na2O ratios. Melting experiments of primitive basalts and andesites demonstrate that it is difficult to produce high K2O/Na2O silicic magmas by fractional crystallization or partial melting of a low K2O/Na2O source. However, recent melting experiments (Sisson et al., Contrib Mineral Petrol 148:635–661, 2005) demonstrate that extreme fractional crystallization or partial melting of K-rich basalts can produce these silicic magmas. Our model for the generation of the silicic magmas in the Macolod Corridor requires partial melting of mantle-derived, evolved, moderate to K-rich, crystallized calc-alkaline magmas that ponded and crystallized in the mid-crust. Major and trace element variations, along with oxygen isotopes and ages of the deposits, are consistent with this model. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Zoning patterns, U-Th disequilibria ages, and elemental compositions of zircon from eruptions of Askja (1875 AD), Hekla (1158 AD), ?r?faj?kull (1362 AD) and Torfaj?kull (1477 AD, 871 AD, 3100 BP, 7500 BP) provide insights into the complex, extended, histories of silicic magmatic systems in Iceland. Zircon compositions, which are correlated with proximity to the main axial rift, are distinct from those of mid-ocean ridge environments and fall at the low-Hf edge of the range of continental zircon. Morphology, zoning patterns, compositions, and U-Th ages all indicate growth and storage in subvolcanic silicic mushes or recently solidified rock at temperatures above the solidus but lower than that of the erupting magma. The eruptive products were likely ascending magmas that entrained a zircon ??cargo?? that formed thousands to tens of thousands of years prior to the eruptions.  相似文献   

The Newark Island layered intrusion, a composite intrusion displaying a similar fractionation sequence to the Skaergaard, has both dikes which preserved liquids fed into the intrusion and chilled pillows of liquids resident in the chamber. This study reports experimentally determined one atmosphere liquid lines of descent of these compositions as a function of oxygen fugacity which varies from QFM (quartz-fayalite-magnetite) to 0.5 log10 units above IW (iron-wustite). These experiments reveal a strong oxygen fugacity dependence on the order of appearance and relative abundances of the Fe–Ti oxide minerals. Titanomagnetite saturates prior to ilmenite at QFM, but the order is reversed at lower oxygen fugacities. In the layered series of the Newark Island intrusion, ilmenite arrives shortly before titanomagnetite and the titanomagnetite/ilmenite ratio decreases monotonically after the cumulus appearance of titanomagnetite. Comparison of the crystallization sequence in the intrusion with that of the experiments requires that the oxygen fugacity in the intrusion increased relative to QFM before titanomagnetite saturation and decreased afterward, but always remained between the QFM and IW buffers. Similar trends in the modes of the Fe–Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite) in the Skaergaard, Kiglapait, and Somerset Dam intrusions along with Fe2O3/FeO ratios in MORBs suggest that such a temperature-oxygen fugacity path may be typical of tholeiitic magma differentiation. Calculations of the temperature-density paths of the experimental liquids indicate that, at all possible oxygen fugacities, the density must have decreased abruptly after Fe–Ti oxide saturation. Accordingly, liquids replenishing the intrusion after Fe–Ti oxide saturation should pond at the bottom of the chamber, quenching against older cumulates. Field observation at the Newark Island intrusion confirm this prediction. The similarities in the fractionation paths of several other layered intrusions to that of the Newark Island intrusion suggest that the density of the liquids in these intrusions also decreased after Fe–Ti oxide saturation. Experiments on a suggested initial Skaergaard liquid are consistent with this model.  相似文献   

An extremely differentiated suite of unaltered volcanic rocks dredged from the Galapagos Spreading Center ranges in 18O from 5.7 to 7.1 At 95°W, low K-tholeiites, FeTi-basalts, andesites and rhyodacites were recovered. Their lithologic and major element geochemical variation can be accounted for by crystal fractionation of plagioclase, pyroxenes, olivine and titanomagnetite in the same proportions and amounts needed to model the 18O variation by simple Rayleigh fractionation. More complicated behaviour was observed in a FeTi-basalt suite from 85°W. This study shows that 90% fractionation only enriches the residual melt by about 1.2 in 18O. It also implies that the magma chambers along parts of the Galapagos Spreading Center were static and isolated such that extreme differentiation could occur.  相似文献   

Multiple eruptions of silicic magma (dacite and rhyolites) occurred over the last ~3 My in the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center (eastern Aegean sea). During this period, magmas have changed from hornblende-biotite-rich units with low eruption temperatures (≤750–800°C; Kefalos and Kos dacites and rhyolites) to hotter, pyroxene-bearing units (>800–850°C; Nisyros rhyodacites) and are transitioning back to cooler magmas (Yali rhyolites). New whole-rock compositions, mineral chemistry, and zircon Hf isotopes show that these three types of silicic magmas followed the same differentiation trend: they all evolved by crystal fractionation and minor crustal assimilation (AFC) from parents with intermediate compositions characterized by high Sr/Y and low Nb content, following a wet, high oxygen fugacity liquid line of descent typical of subduction zones. As the transition between the Kos-Kefalos and Nisyros-type magmas occurred immediately and abruptly after the major caldera collapse in the area (the 161 ka Kos Plateau Tuff; KPT), we suggest that the efficient emptying of the magma chamber during the KPT drew out most of the eruptible, volatile-charged magma and partly solidified the unerupted mush zone in the upper crust due to rapid unloading, decompression, and coincident crystallization. Subsequently, the system reestablished a shallow silicic production zone from more mafic parents, recharged from the mid to lower crust. The first silicic eruptions evolving from these parents after the caldera collapse (Nisyros units) were hotter (up to >100°C) than the caldera-forming event and erupted from reservoirs characterized by different mineral proportions (more plagioclase and less amphibole). We interpret such a change as a reflection of slightly drier conditions in the magmatic column after the caldera collapse due to the decompression event. With time, the upper crustal intermediate mush progressively transitioned into the cold-wet state that prevailed during the Kefalos-Kos stage. The recent eruptions of the high-SiO2 rhyolite on Yali Island, which are low temperature and hydrous phases (sanidine, quartz, biotite), suggest that another large, potentially explosive magma chamber is presently building under the Kos-Nisyros volcanic center.  相似文献   

Baking of host rocks by a hot dike leads to a decrease in the argon-potassium ratio in biotite and an increase in this ratio in plagioclase. The extent of such redistribution of radiogenic argon and the depths affected by thermal action of the dike accord indications of the temperature of the magma and the duration of its baking action, with a surmise as to the pressure at the time of its crystallization. —IGR Staff  相似文献   

Adopting a set of multioxide components and using published compositional data on olivineand plagioclase-liquid equilibria we have developed a 17 component regular solution model for met-aluminous silicate liquids. The partial molar excess free energies predicted from this model can be used together with phenocryst compositions as an effective geothermometer, with an approximate error of 20 °C (30 °C for olivine, 12 °C for plagioclase). The regular solution formulation is also successful in predicting liquid immiscibility at (1) high mole fractions of silica commonly observed in phase diagrams, and at (2) lower temperatures in lunar basalts and intermediate lavas. The model yields activities of silica which are consistent with those obtained from solid-liquid silica buffers in rocks which contain olivine and enstatite or quartz. From predicted activities of KAlSi3O8 in liquids coexisting with plagioclase a value is obtained for the limiting Henry's law activity coefficient of KAlSi3O8 in the solid. This coefficient agrees well with that inferred from plagioclase-sanidine equilibrium phenocryst assemblages in rhyolites. The activities of silica obtained from this model are used to place constraints on the pressure-temperature regions where various types of basic magmas are generated. In conjunction with plagioclase geothermometry an application is given where the pressure, temperature, and water content of an olivine andesite is predicted from the activity of silica.  相似文献   

Eruptive products of the Shirataka volcano (0.9–0.7 Ma) in NE Japan are calc-alkaline andesite–dacite, and are divisible into six petrologic groups (G1–G6). Shirataka rocks possess mafic inclusions—basalt–basaltic andesite, except for G3 and G4. All rocks show mixing and mingling of the mafic and silicic end-members, with trends defined by hosts and inclusions divided into high-Cr and low-Cr types; both types coexist in G1, G2, and G5. Estimated mafic end-members are high-Cr (1120–1170°C, 48–51% SiO2, olv ± cpx ± plg) and low-Cr type magmas (49–52% SiO2, cpx ± plg) except for the Sr isotopic composition. In contrast, the silicic end-members of both types have similar petrologic features (790–840°C, 64–70% SiO2, hbl ± qtz ± px + plg). High-Cr type mafic and corresponding silicic end-members have lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios than the low-Cr ones in each group. The trace element model calculations suggest that the low-Cr type mafic end-member magma is produced through ca. 20% fractional crystallization (olv ± cpx ± plg) from the high-Cr type one with assimilation of granitoids (= 0.02–0.05). The silicic magmas are producible through <30% partial remelting of previously emplaced basaltic magma with assimilation of crustal components. The compositional difference between the low-K and medium-K basalts in the Shirataka volcano is mainly attributed to the different degrees of the effect of subduction derived fluid by dehydration of phlogopite. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A symmetrical, strictly regular solution model is used to estimate H2O solubilities in silicate melts. The standard state chemical potential of dissolved H2O and the adjustable parameter in the activity coefficient are determined by least squares analyses of data on H2O solubility in silicate melts. The adjustable parameter in the expression for the activity coefficient (In) is a function only of the anhydrous melt composition and eleven values are provided for melts ranging in composition from picrite to rhyolite. At the 95% confidence level, the model should estimate H2O contents to within 4.8% of the amount present if the amount present is less than 10 wt.%. This compares to the reproducibility of 2.25% of the amount present for experimental determinations. To apply the model to rocks and magmas estimates ofT, P, and the fugacity of H2O are required.Variation of the H2O content of the melt changes the activity of other components. Knowledge of this variation removes the requirement that the fugacity of H2O be estimated. Application of the properties of exact differentials to the Gibbs function for the hydrous melt provides an expression relating the chemical potential of a feldspar component to the H2O content of the melt. This expression contains a second adjustable parameter which depends on the anhydrous melt composition. Using this second expression, the H2O content can be estimated ifT, P, and feldspar composition are known. Data are too meagre to evaluate the quantitative success of the second method.  相似文献   

Matrix glass and melt inclusions in phenocrysts from pantellerite lavas of the Boseti volcanic complex, Ethiopia, record extreme fractionation of peralkaline silicic magma, with Al2O3 contents as low as 2.3?wt.%, FeO* contents up to 17?wt.% and SiO2 contents ~65?wt.%. The new data, and published data for natural and experimental glasses, suggest that the effective minimum composition for peralkaline silicic magmas has ~5?wt.% Al2O3, 13?wt.% FeO* and 66?±?2?wt.% SiO2. The dominant fractionating assemblage is alkali feldspar?+?fayalite?+?hedenbergite?+?oxides?±?quartz. Feldspar – melt relationships indicate that the feldspar is close to the minimum on the albite-orthoclase solid solution loop through the entire crystallization history. There is petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical evidence that magma mixing may have been a common process in the Boseti rhyolites.  相似文献   

似斑状角闪辉长岩类是东天山镁铁-超镁铁杂岩的一部分,以含有嵌晶角闪石为特征,其中部分岩体的似斑状角闪辉长岩赋存铁钛氧化物矿床。为探讨东天山似斑状角闪辉长岩类和铁钛氧化物矿床形成的内在成因关系,本次研究对二红洼、牛毛泉和香山西似斑状角闪辉长岩类的斜长石、单斜辉石、斜方辉石以及嵌晶角闪石进行了系统的电子探针成分分析,并对其形成物理化学条件进行了探讨。结果表明,东天山似斑状角闪辉长岩类的母岩浆氧逸度变化范围为NNO-0.37~NNO+1.15,和攀西地区最大的红格岩体的氧逸度一致,侵入于中下地壳,深度介于8.9~15.7km,结晶温度大于914℃。东天山似斑状角闪辉长岩中铁钛氧化物矿床的富集得益于母岩浆的高氧逸度,但铁钛氧化物矿床的形成和规模则受控于各个岩体的岩浆演化程度。二红洼、牛毛泉和香山西的岩浆的演化程度系统增高,演化程度最低的二红洼岩体并未形成铁钛氧化物矿床,而分异演化程度逐渐增高的牛毛泉和香山西似斑状角闪辉长岩类则分别形成了本区一个小型的和一个大型的铁钛氧化物矿床。  相似文献   

The present research deals with the FEG-EPMA mapping and Fe-Ti oxide mineral chemistry of Brahmaputra River sediments in Bangladesh. Major heavy minerals in the sediments consist of garnet (8.5–21.3%), kyanite (5.35–11.9%), monazite (2.3–5.3%), sillimanite (1.8–4.7%), zircon (3.6–9.1%), and a considerable amount of opaques mainly Fe-Ti oxide minerals (23.1–35.4%). The detrital Fe-Ti oxide minerals carry significant clues to the parent rocks or sources. In these contexts, detrital opaques (Fe-Ti oxides) have been analyzed with an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). These opaques (Fe-Ti oxide) display six types of textural patterns, dominantly seriate with granular, emulsion, and acicular sandwich structures and trellis type of textural patterns. These textural patterns belong to five intergrowths of Fe-Ti oxide minerals such as (1) ilmenite-hematite, (2) magnetite-ilmenite, (3) hematite-rutile, (4) ilmenite-hematite-rutile, and (5) ilmenite-rutile, where ilmenite-hematite intergrowth is common. Alteration is seen in both exsolved and unexsolved ilmenites. Textural patterns and mineral chemistry of the studied ilmenite minerals provide lines of evidence of low-temperature magmatic inheritance, later modified by diffusional processes. The estimated temperature and oxygen fugacity from the magnetite-ilmenite exsolution range from 547.6 to 558.2 °C and from 10?21.4 to 10?21.7, respectively. The data are also consistent with hematite-ilmenite temperature (between 537 and 540 °C) and oxygen fugacity (10?21.7 to 10?21.9) measurements in Cox’s Bazar beach placers. These temperatures and oxygen fugacities specify Fe-Ti oxide assemblages equilibrated in a T-fO2 field very near to the FMQ buffer curve suggesting a crustal source (magmatic and/or metamorphic), which is modified significantly by metamorphic processes.  相似文献   

Northwestern Costa Rica is built upon an oceanic plateau that has developed chemical and geophysical characteristics of the upper continental crust. A major factor in converting the oceanic plateau to continental crust is the production, evolution, and emplacement of silicic magmas. In Costa Rica, the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP) forms the overriding plate in the subduction of the Cocos Plate—a process that has occurred for at least the last 25 my. Igneous rocks in Costa Rica older than about 8 Ma have chemical compositions typical of ocean island basalts and intra-oceanic arcs. In contrast, younger igneous deposits contain abundant silicic rocks, which are significantly enriched in SiO2, alkalis, and light rare-earth elements and are geochemically similar to the average upper continental crust. Geophysical evidence (high Vp seismic velocities) also indicates a relatively thick (~40 km), addition of evolved igneous rocks to the CLIP. The silicic deposits of NW Costa Rica occur in two major compositional groups: a high-Ti and a low-Ti group with no overlap between the two. The major and trace element characteristics of these groups are consistent with these magmas being derived from liquids that were extracted from crystal mushes—either produced by crystallization or by partial melting of plutons near their solidi. In relative terms, the high-Ti silicic liquids were extracted from a hot, dry crystal mush with low oxygen fugacity, where plagioclase and pyroxene were the dominant phases crystallizing, along with lesser amounts of hornblende. In contrast, the low-Ti silicic liquids were extracted from a cool, wet crystal mush with high oxygen fugacity, where plagioclase and amphibole were the dominant phases crystallizing. The hot-dry-reducing magmas dominate the older sequence, but the youngest sequence contains only magmas from the cold-wet-oxidized group. Silicic volcanic deposits from other oceanic arcs (e.g., Izu-Bonin, Marianas) have chemical characteristics distinctly different from continental crust, whereas the NW Costa Rican silicic deposits have chemical characteristics nearly identical to the upper continental crust. The transition in NW Costa Rica from mafic oceanic arc and intra-oceanic magma to felsic, upper continental crust-type magma is governed by a combination of several important factors that may be absent in other arc settings: (1) thermal maturation of the thick Caribbean plateau, (2) regional or local crustal extension, and (3) establishment of an upper crustal reservoir.  相似文献   

Amphibole-bearing mafic inclusions (low to medium-K high-alumina basalt to basaltic andesite) comprise 4.1 vol% of calc-alkaline rhyolite and rhyodacite lavas on Akrotiri Peninsula, Santorini, Greece. Physical features indicate a magmatic origin for the inclusions, involving mingling with the host silicic magma and quenching. Water contents of the mafic magmas are estimated to have been above 4% at water pressures of 1.8 kbars or more at temperatures of approximately 950–1,000 °C. Three evolutionary stages are inferred in their petrogenesis. In the first stage infiltration of slab fluids promotes partial melting in the mantle to generate primitive wet basaltic magmas enriched in LREE, LILE, Th and U in comparison to N-type MORB. In the second stage storage and crystal differentiation of primitive magmas occurred in the lithospheric mantle or deep crust, involving olivine, spinel and clinopyroxene followed by amphibole and plagioclase. In the third stage differentiated mafic magma intrudes into porphyritic silicic magma at shallower crustal levels (estimated at 7–10 km). Mingling and quenching of the mafic magmas within the silicic host causes chemical or physical interactions between the inclusions and the host prior to and during eruption. The silicic lavas have geochemical affinities with the mafic inclusions, but are relatively depleted in MREE, HREE and Y and enriched in Rb relative to Ba and K. These observations are consistent with involvement of amphibole in magma genesis due either to crystal differentiation from wet basalt or to partial melting of mafic rocks with residual amphibole. Crystallization of wet basalt in the deep crust is preferred on the basis of physical considerations.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.Editorial responsibility: I. Parsons  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the formation conditions of rhyolites and results of their interaction with later portions of basic magmas on the basis of the investigation of melt and fluid inclusions in minerals from a rhyolite xenolith and host neovolcanic basalts of the Cleft segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. In terms of bulk chemistry and the compositions of melt inclusions in pyroxene and olivine phenocrysts, the basic rocks of the southern part of this segment are typical MOR basalts. Their olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase crystallized at temperatures of 1160–1280°C and a pressure range between 20 and 100 MPa. The xenolith is a leucocratic rock with negligible amounts of mafic minerals, which clearly distinguishes it from the known occurrences of silicic rocks in the rift valleys of MOR. The rhyolite melt crystallized at temperatures of 900–880°C. The final stages of rhyolite melt crystallization at temperatures of 780–800°C were accompanied by the release of a saline aqueous fluid with high chloride contents. Based on the geochemical characteristics of melt inclusions and melting products, it can be suggested that the magmatic melt was produced by melting of metamorphosed oceanic crust within the Cleft segment under the influence sof saline aqueous fluid trapped in the pores and interstices of the rock. The rock represented by the xenolith is a late differentiation product of such melts. The ultimate products of silicic melt fractionation show high volatile contents: H2O > 3.0 wt %, Cl ~ 2.0 wt %, and F ~ 0.1 wt %. The interaction of the xenolith with the host basaltic melt occurred at temperatures equal or slightly higher than those of ferrobasalt melts (1190–1180°C). During ascent the xenolith occurred for a few tens of hours in high-temperature basic magma, and diffusion exchange between the basaltic and silicic melts was very minor.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic calculations, modified after Nicholls et al. (1971), which relate the activity of silica in a lava to the temperature and pressure conditions at which the lava could be in equilibrium with a mantle mineral assemblage, have been extended to H2O-bearing magmas by using published experimental data to derive the dependence of on the weight fraction of H2O dissolved in a magma. A petrogenetic grid has been calculated which gives the P-T conditions under which a magma with a given at its liquidus at 1 atm could equilibrate with a mantle mineral assemblage containing olivine (ol) and orthopyroxene (opx) for different amounts of H2O in the magma at its source. This grid is in good agreement with the results of experimental studies as summarized by Green (1971) and Brey and Green (1975). The results show that the pressure at which a given magma composition can equilibrate with ol + opx increases for increasing amounts of H2O dissolved in the magma at depth.In addition, experimental data have been used to calculate the effect of olivine crystallization and removal on the in the residual liquid to assess the effect of low-pressure differentiation on . The results show that if 20 % olivine is added to a basalt magma, its calculated pressure of equilibration with ol+opx increases by 4–5 kbar for a given temperature. The calculated effects of olivine removal and H2O addition on are reasonably consistent with the silicate mixing model of Burnham (1975).Thermodynamic calculations of this type may be useful for assessing the internal consistency of certain experimental data, and in extrapolating the results to other magma compositions. The application of these calculations to determining the possible depth of origin of natural lavas appears to be limited primarily by the difficulty in determining in a lava at its liquidus temperature.  相似文献   

The fate of pre-eruptive bubbles depends largely on their buoyancy, which can be strongly modified by the presence of crystals attached to the bubble–melt interface. We define the attachment energy and attachment force as those resulting from the attachment of a crystal to a bubble. The attachment energy is such that (1) attachment of crystals to bubbles is always favored energetically, and (2) oxide minerals attach to bubbles much more strongly than silicates, because the attachment energy is a strong function of the wetting angle. Attaching crystals to bubbles can cause bubble–crystal pairs to become neutrally buoyant. There is a critical bubble radius below which the attachment force will be strong enough to keep the pair together; we show that crystals as large as 1 mm in diameter can form neutrally buoyant pairs. For early erupted Bishop magma, if all magnetite forms neutrally buoyant pairs with gas bubbles, ca. 0.1–0.2 vol% gas can be stored in the magma; 2–3 vol% of gas can be accounted for if all minerals form neutrally buoyant aggregates. These values are an order of magnitude lower than what is inferred from melt inclusions. Hence, both magnetite-free and magnetite-rich bubbles might have existed, but only a very small fraction of them could have been neutrally buoyant. Importantly, an intrinsic association between magnetite crystals and bubbles is expected. However, most magnetite crystals in the early erupted Bishop are free of bubbles; the puzzling conclusion is that nucleation away from crystals is favored over heterogeneous nucleation on crystal substrates. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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