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The sea ice community plays an important role in the Arctic marine ecosystem. Because of the predicted environmental changes in the Arctic environment and specifically related to sea ice, the Arctic pack ice biota has received more attention in recent years using modem ice-breaking research vessels. Studies show that the Arctic pack ice contains a diverse biota and besides ice algae, the bacterial and protozoan biomasses can be high. Surprisingly high primary production values were observed in the pack ice of the central Arctic Ocean. Occasionally biomass maximum were discovered in the interior of the ice floes, a habitat that had been ignored in most Arctic studies. Many scientific questions, which deserve special attention, remained unsolved due to logistic limitations and the sea ice characteristics. Little is know about the pack ice community in the central Arctic Ocean. Almost no data exists from the pack ice zone for the winter season. Concerning the abundance of bacteria and protozoa, more studies are needed to understand the microbial network within the ice and its role in material and energy flows. The response of the sea ice biota to global change will impact the entire Arctic marine ecosystem and a long-term monitoring program is needed. The techniques, that are applied to study the sea ice biota and the sea ice ecology, should be improved.  相似文献   

One of sea ice core samples was taken from Arctic by the First Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition Team in 1999. 20 vertical and 2 horizontal ice sections were cut out of the ice core sample 2.22 m in length, which covered the ice sheet from surface to bottom except losses for during sampling and section cutting. From the observation and analysis of the fabrics and crystals along the depth of the ice core sample, followings were found. Whole ice sheet consists of columnar, refrozen clastic pieces, granular, columnar, refrozen clastic pieces, granular, columnar and refrozen clastic pieces. This indicates that the ice core sample was 3-year old, and the ice sheet surface thawed and the melt water flowed into ice sheet during summer. Hence, the annual energy balance in Arctic can be determined by the ice sheet surface thawing in summer, and bottom growth in winter. The thickness of the ice sheet is kept constantly at a certain position based on the corresponding climate and ocean conditions; A new  相似文献   

Arctic sea ice in the polar region provides a cold habitat for microbial community. Arctic sea ice microorganisms are revealed to be of considerable importance in basic research and potential in biotechnological application. This paper investigated the culture condition and extraceIlular hydrolase of 14 strains of different Arctic sea ice bacteria. The results showed that optimal growth temperature of strains is 15 ℃ or 20 ℃. The optimal pH is about 8.0. They hardly grow at acid condition. 3 % NaCl is necessary for better growth. These strains have different abilities in producing amylase, protease, eellulase and lipase. Pseudoalteronomas sp. Bsi429 and Pseudoalteronomas sp. Bsi539 produced both cellulose, protease and lipase. These results provide a basis for further developing and exploiting the cold adapted marine enzyme resources.  相似文献   

We analyze sea ice changes from eight different earth system models that have conducted experiment abrupt4xCO2 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5). In response to abrupt quadrupling of CO2 from preindustrial levels, Arctic temperatures dramatically rise by about 10°C—16°C in winter and the seasonal sea ice cycle and sea ice concentration are significantly changed compared with the pre-industrial control simulations(pi Control). Changes of Arctic sea ice concentration are spatially correlated with temperature patterns in all seasons and highest in autumn. Changes in sea ice are associated with changes in atmospheric circulation patterns at heights up to the jet stream. While the pattern of sea level pressure changes is generally similar to the surface air temperature change pattern, the wintertime 500 h Pa circulation displays a positive Pacific North America(PNA) anomaly under abrupt4xCO2-pi Control. This large scale teleconnection may contribute to, or feedback on, the simulated sea ice cover change and is associated with an intensification of the jet stream over East Asia and the north Pacific in winter.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSeaice ,asanimportantcomponentoftheArcticclimatesystem ,hasdrawnsignifi cantscientificinterest.Seaicethicknessanditsmorphologyhavedramaticimpactsono cean atmosphere iceinteractions(Wadhams 1 994;Barryetal.1 993 ;Dickson 1 999;PadhamsandNorman 2 0 0 0 ) ,whichdirectlyaffecttheexchangeprocessandspeedofheatandmassbetweentheoceanandtheatmosphere ,dominatethephysicalmechanicsfea turesofseaice ,andaffecttheseaicemovement&deformationaswellasicefreezing&meltingprocess(Hollandetal.1 99…  相似文献   

A fine-resolution model is developed for ocean circulation simulation in the National Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is applied to simulate surface current and sea ice variations in the Arctic Mediterranean Seas. A dynamic sea ice model in elastic-viscous-plastic rheology and a thermodynamic sea ice model are employed. A 200-year simulation is performed and a dimatological average of a 10-year period (141st-150th) is presented with focus on sea ice concentration and surface current variations in the Arctic Mediterranean Seas. The model is able to simulate well the East Greenland Current, Beaufort Gyre and the Transpolar Drift, but the simulated West Spitsbergen Current is small and weak. In the March climatology, the sea ice coverage can be simulated well except for a bit more ice in east of Spitsbergen Island. The result is also good for the September scenario except for less ice concentration east of Greenland and greater ice concentration near the ice margin. The extra ice east of Spitsbergen Island is caused by sea ice current convergence forced by atmospheric wind stress.  相似文献   

Flat thin ice (<30 cm thick) is a common ice type in the Bohai Sea, China. Ice thickness detection is important to offshore exploration and marine transport in winter. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can be used to acquire sea ice data in all weather conditions, and it is a useful tool for monitoring sea ice conditions. In this paper, we combine a multi-layered sea ice electromagnetic (EM) scattering model with a sea ice thermodynamic model to assess the determination of the thickness of flat thin ice in the Bohai Sea using SAR at different frequencies, polarization, and incidence angles. Our modeling studies suggest that co-polarization backscattering coefficients and the co-polarized ratio can be used to retrieve the thickness of flat thin ice from C- and X-band SAR, while the co-polarized correlation coefficient can be used to retrieve flat thin ice thickness from L-, C-, and X-band SAR. Importantly, small or moderate incidence angles should be chosen to avoid the effect of speckle noise.  相似文献   

1 Introduction TheArcticOceanisoneoftheimportantcoldregionsontheearth,whichcanaffect globalclimateandoceancirculationseriously.Itsinteractionwiththeglobalclimatesystem isrepresentedbyseaice,whichisthemainfeatureonthesurfaceoftheArcticOcean(Aa gaardandCarmack1989).First,seaiceplaysapivotalroleintheheatandmassbalance onthesurfaceoftheArcticOcean.Seaicenotonlyobstructstheheatexchangebetweenat mosphereandocean,butalsoreflectsmostsolarradiationbacktotheatmospherebecause ofitshighalbedo(Gre…  相似文献   

Evolution of the Arctic sea ice and its snow cover during the SHEBA year were simulated by applying a high-resolution thermodynamic snow/ice model (HIGHTSI). Attention was paid to the impact of albedo on snow and sea ice mass balance, effect of snow on total ice mass balance, and the model vertical resolution. The SHEBA annual simulation was made applying the best possible external forcing data set created by the Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project. The HIGHTSI control run reasonably reproduced the observed snow and ice thickness. A number of albedo schemes were incorporated into HIGHTSI to study the feedback processes between the albedo and snow and ice thickness. The snow thickness turned out to be an essential variable in the albedo parameterization. Albedo schemes dependent on the surface temperature were liable to excessive positive feedback effects generated by errors in the modelled surface temperature. The superimposed ice formation should be taken into account for the annual Arctic sea ice mass balance.  相似文献   

The influence of spring Arctic sea ice variability on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO) like sea surface temperature(SST) variability is established and investigated using an Atmosphere Ocean General Circulation Model(AOGCM) of the Bergen Climate Model version 2(BCM2). The spring Arctic sea ice variability affects the mid-latitudes and tropics through the propagation of the anomalous Eliassen-Palm(E-P) flux from the polar region to mid- and low-latitudes during boreal spring. The pathway includes anomalous upward wave activity, which propagates to the high troposphere from near the surface of the polar region, turns southward between 500 h Pa and 200 h Pa and extends downward between 50°N and 70°N, influencing the near surface atmospheric circulation. The alteration of the near surface atmospheric circulation then causes anomalous surface ocean circulation. These circulation changes consequently leads to the SST anomalies in the North Pacific which may persist until the following summer, named seasonal "foot printing" mechanism(SFPM).  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in sea ice brine samples which collected from four stations located at the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean was analyzed by PCR-DGGE. Twenty-three 16S rDNA sequences of bacteria obtained from DGGE bands were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis clustered these sequences within γ-proteobacteria, Cytophaga-Flexlbacter-Bacteroides (CFB) group, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. The phylotype of Pseudoalteromonas in the γ-proteobacteria was predominant and members of the CFB group and γ-proteobacteria were highly abundant in studied sea ice brine samples.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Itiswellknownthatseaiceinthepolarregionplaysanimportantroleintheglobal climatechangesasapartofclimatesystem(Carleton1989;YuanandMartinson2000, 2001;ChengandBian2002;LiuandMartinson2002;LiuandZhang2004;Gigorand Wallace2002etal).Infact,numerousmodelingstudiessuggestanimportantinfluence throughtheseaicefieldsalone(Grumbine1994,Meehl1990,Rindetal.1995).Inor dertounderstandthevariabilityofArcticandAntarcticseaicealongwiththepossiblecon nectionswithclimaticanomaliesindetail…  相似文献   

During years 1980/1981–2012/2013, inter-annual variations in sea ice and snow thickness in Kemi, in the northern coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea, depended on the air temperature, snow fall, and rain. Inter-annual variations in the November—April mean air temperature, accumulated total precipitation, snow fall, and rain, as well as ice and snow thickness in Kemi and ice concentration in the Gulf of Bothnia correlated with inter-annual variations of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO), Arctic Oscillation(AO), North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO), Scandinavian Pattern(SCA), and Polar / Eurasian Pattern(PEU). The strong role of PDO is a new finding. In general, the relationships with PDO were approximately equally strong as those with AO, but rain and sea ice concentration were better correlated with PDO. The correlations with PDO were, however, not persistent; for a study period since 1950 the correlations were much lower. During 1980/1981—2012/2013, also the Pacific / North American Pattern(PNA) and El Nino–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) had statistical connections with the conditions in the Gulf of Bothnia, revealed by analyzing their effects combined with those of PDO and AO. A reduced autumn sea ice area in the Arctic was related to increased rain and total precipitation in the following winter in Kemi. This correlation was significant for the Pan-Arctic sea ice area in September, October, and November, and for the November sea ice area in the Barents / Kara seas.  相似文献   

A model study is conducted to examine the role of Pacific water in the dramatic retreat of arctic sea ice during summer 2007. The model generally agrees with the observations in showing considerable seasonal and interannual variability of the Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait in response to changes in atmospheric circulation. During summer 2007 anomalously strong southerly winds over the PaCific sector of the Arctic Ocean strengthen the ocean circulation and bring more Pacific water into the Arctic than the recent (2000-2006) average. The simulated summer (3 months ) 2007 mean Pacific water inflow at Bering Strait is 1.2 Sv, which is the highest in the past three decades of the simulation and is 20% higher than the recent average. Particularly, the Pacific water inflow in September 2007 is about 0.5 Sv or 50% above the 2000-2006 average. The strengthened warm Pacific water inflow carries an additional 1.0 x 1020 Joules of heat into the Arctic, enough to melt an additional 0.5 m of ice over the whole Chukchi Sea. In the model the extra summer oceanic heat brought in by the Pacific water mainly stays in the Chukchi and Beaufort region, contributing to the warming of surface waters in that region. The heat is in constant contact with the ice cover in the region in July through September. Thus the Pacific water plays a role in ice melting in the Chukchi and Beaufort region all summer long in 2007, likely contributing to up to O. 5 m per month additional ice melting in some area of that region.  相似文献   

In recent decades, significant changes of Arctic sea ice have taken place. These changes are expected to influence the surface energy balance of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. To quantify this energy ba...  相似文献   

Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis monthly 500 hPa height data on a 2.5 latitude-longitude grid and 1°×1° sea ice data,the polar vortex area,intensity index and arctic sea ice area index are calculated respectively,and the meridional distribution,period variation and the abrupts in the long range trend are analyzed to study their relationship.The results show that the meridional distribution of sea ice and polar vortex h-ave distinctive difference,the relative positions of them are different in the eastern and western hemispheres,and exept they have periods of 4 months,quasi half year,quasi year,4-5 years and 10 years commonly,and each of them has its own respective variation as well.The sea ice area is decreasing apparently since 1980's,so is the polar vortex area,but their abrupt changge time are different totally.The area of sea ice and polar vortex has prominent positive correlation,but the relationship of sea ice intensity,polar vortex intensity,polar vortex area is complicated.  相似文献   

Remote sensing data from passive microwave and satellite-based altimeters, associated with the data measured underway, were used to characterize seasonal and spatial changes in sea ice conditions along...  相似文献   

Solar radiation penetrating through sea ice under very low solar altitude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the optical data for transmitted radiation through sea ice in the Arctic during the late autumn and early winter of 2007,the authors studied the arriving solar radiation,reflected radiation and transmitted radiation under very low solar altitude.Through the atmosphere,the light of the arriving solar radiation at short wavelength was weakened,with the spectral distribution of double peaks centered at 490 nm and 683 nm.The magnitude of the peak at 683 nm even exceeded that at 490 nm under the very low solar radiation condition.The reflection was lower than that in summertime because of the thin thicknesses of ice and snow,allowing higher ratio of heat to enter the sea ice and snow.When higher ratio of solar radiation entered sea ice in late autumn,the new ice freezing would be affected.The spectral reflectivity from snow surface was almost a constant,but the reflection without snow decreased at longer wavelengths.In the transmission spectrum,the light of 490nm was dominant.It indicates that the radiation at longer wavelength was weakened by sea ice.Therefore,under the condition of low solar altitude,the radiation at shorter wavelength was weakened by the atmosphere while the radiation at longer wavelength was weakened by the sea ice.The combined effect of atmosphere and sea ice made the solar radiation under sea ice much weaker.The absorption of sea ice for the longer-wavelength radiation allowed the sea ice to gain more heat to slow down the freezing process.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Nowadaysglobalclimatechangehasbeenanimportantissueintheworld.Antarctic areaisjustthekeyandsensitiveregion,fromwhichscientistsaretryingtheirbesttofind theomenofglobalclimatechange.Andfortherevolvingglobalatmosphere,PolarRegions arecoldsource.TheoceanicandatmosphericconditionofPolarRegionsisimportantto globalatmosphericcirculationandclimatechange.Antarcticareaisoneofthecoldsources ofglobalearth atmospheresystem,whileequatorialareaisitsmainheatsource(seeZhou andLuetal.1996).…  相似文献   

Dominant statistical patterns of winter Arctic surface wind(WASW) variability and their impacts on Arctic sea ice motion are investigated using the complex vector empirical orthogonal function(CVEOF) method. The results indicate that the leading CVEOF of Arctic surface wind variability, which accounts for 33% of the covariance, is characterized by two different and alternating spatial patterns(WASWP1 and WASWP2). Both WASWP1 and WASWP2 show strong interannual and decadal variations, superposed on their declining trends over past decades. Atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with WASWP1 and WASWP2 exhibit, respectively, equivalent barotropic and some baroclinic characteristics, differing from the Arctic dipole anomaly and the seesaw structure anomaly between the Barents Sea and the Beaufort Sea. On decadal time scales, the decline trend of WASWP2 can be attributed to persistent warming of sea surface temperature in the Greenland—Barents—Kara seas from autumn to winter, reflecting the effect of the Arctic warming. The second CVEOF, which accounts for 18% of the covariance, also contains two different spatial patterns(WASWP3 and WASWP4). Their time evolutions are significantly correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) index and the central Arctic Pattern, respectively, measured by the leading EOF of winter sea level pressure(SLP) north of 70°N. Thus, winter anomalous surface wind pattern associated with the NAO is not the most important surface wind pattern. WASWP3 and WASWP4 primarily reflect natural variability of winter surface wind and neither exhibits an apparent trend that differs from WASWP1 or WASWP2. These dominant surface wind patterns strongly influence Arctic sea ice motion and sea ice exchange between the western and eastern Arctic. Furthermore, the Fram Strait sea ice volume flux is only significantly correlated with WASWP3. The results demonstrate that surface and geostrophic winds are not interchangeable in terms of describing wind field variability over the Arctic Ocean. The results have important implications for understanding and investigating Arctic sea ice variations: Dominant patterns of Arctic surface wind variability, rather than simply whether there are the Arctic dipole anomaly and the Arctic Oscillation(or NAO), effectively affect the spatial distribution of Arctic sea ice anomalies.  相似文献   

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