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An analysis of available observations of the April 7, 1968 occultation of BD ?17° 4388 by Neptune yields upper atmosphere temperatures of ~140°K near the 5 × 1014cm?3 level. The temperature structure of the atmosphere at these levels is complicated and nonisothermal. Diurnal temperature variations are certainly less than 10°K and may be absent. The average temperature decreases by less than 15°K between 0° and 55° latitude.  相似文献   

The occultation of a bright (K∼6) infrared star by Neptune revealed a central flash at two stations and provided accurate measurements of the limb position at these and several additional stations. We have fitted this data ensemble with a general model of an oblate atmosphere to deduce the oblateness e and equatorial radius a0 of Neptune at the 1-μbar pressure level, and the position angle pn of the projected spin axis. The results are e=0.0209±0.0014, a0=25269±10 km, pn=20.1°±1°. Parameters derived from fitting to the limb data alone are in excellent agreement with parameters derived from fitting to central flash data alone (E. Lellouch, W.B. Hubbard, B. Sicardy, F. Vilas, and P. Bouchet, 1986, Nature 324, 227–231), and the principal remaining source of uncertainty appears to be the Neptune-centered declination of the Earth at the time of occultation. As an alternative to the methane absorption model proposed by Lellouch et al., we explain an observed reduction in the central flash intensity by a decrease in temperature from 150 to 135°K as the pressure rises from 1 to 400 μbar. Implications of the oblateness results for Neptune interior models are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We report on the observation, in the 12 May 1983 type II radio burst, of the fundamental, the second, third, and, possibly, fourth harmonics. The emission on the first three harmonics starts almost simultaneously but ceases at different moments of time. The emission intensity of the third harmonic is much smaller than is that of the fundamental and second harmonics.It is suggested that the emission is observed on the first harmonics of the electron-cyclotron frequency and originates in regions satisfying the conditions for double plasma resonance. The magnetic field estimated in these regions exceeds the generally accepted value by one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

An analysis of the Mariner 10 dual frequency radio occultation recordings has yielded new information on the radius and atmosphere of Mercury. The ingress measurements which were conducted near 1.1° North latitude and 67.4° East longitude on the night side of the planet, gave a value for the radius of 2439.5 ± 1 km. Egress near 67.6° North latitide and 258.4° East longitude in the sunlit side yielded a radius of 2439.0 ± 1 km. The atmospheric measurements showed the electron density to be less than 103 cm?3 on both sides of the planet. From the latter result one may infer an upper limit to the dayside surface gas density of 106 molecules per cm3.  相似文献   

On September 8, 2001 around 2 h UT, the largest uranian moon, Titania, occulted Hipparcos star 106829 (alias SAO 164538, a V=7.2, K0 III star). This was the first-ever observed occultation by this satellite, a rare event as Titania subtends only 0.11 arcsec on the sky. The star's unusual brightness allowed many observers, both amateurs or professionals, to monitor this unique event, providing fifty-seven occultations chords over three continents, all reported here. Selecting the best 27 occultation chords, and assuming a circular limb, we derive Titania's radius: (1-σ error bar). This implies a density of using the value derived by Taylor [Taylor, D.B., 1998. Astron. Astrophys. 330, 362-374]. We do not detect any significant difference between equatorial and polar radii, in the limit , in agreement with Voyager limb image retrieval during the 1986 flyby. Titania's offset with respect to the DE405 + URA027 (based on GUST86 theory) ephemeris is derived: ΔαTcos(δT)=−108±13 mas and ΔδT=−62±7 mas (ICRF J2000.0 system). Most of this offset is attributable to a Uranus' barycentric offset with respect to DE405, that we estimate to be: and ΔδU=−85±25 mas at the moment of occultation. This offset is confirmed by another Titania stellar occultation observed on August 1st, 2003, which provides an offset of ΔαTcos(δT)=−127±20 mas and ΔδT=−97±13 mas for the satellite. The combined ingress and egress data do not show any significant hint for atmospheric refraction, allowing us to set surface pressure limits at the level of 10-20 nbar. More specifically, we find an upper limit of 13 nbar (1-σ level) at 70 K and 17 nbar at 80 K, for a putative isothermal CO2 atmosphere. We also provide an upper limit of 8 nbar for a possible CH4 atmosphere, and 22 nbar for pure N2, again at the 1-σ level. We finally constrain the stellar size using the time-resolved star disappearance and reappearance at ingress and egress. We find an angular diameter of 0.54±0.03 mas (corresponding to projected at Titania). With a distance of 170±25 parsecs, this corresponds to a radius of 9.8±0.2 solar radii for HIP 106829, typical of a K0 III giant.  相似文献   

The predictions and observations of the occultation of κ Gem by Eros on January 24, 1975, are described. At least eight positive and several critical negative observations were made in western New England. The paucity of observations on the western side of the track makes the analysis somewhat ambiguous, but a circular cross section of diameter up to 23 km gives a good fit to most of the available data. Consideration of a crucial, unconfirmed negative observation indicates that an elliptical solution 17 by 7 km (with the long axis in the direction of motion of the “shadow” of Eros) may be preferable, but this does not represent the positive observations so satisfactorily. The ellipse was therefore distorted into a more irregular shape about 20 km long and 7 km wide, rounded on one long side and flattened on the other. Both this irregular shape and the ellipse yield geometric albedos near 0.5, which is considerably higher than has been derived for most other planets or satellites lacking an atmosphere. The albedo that corresponds to the circular solution (0.1) is less than the polarimetric albedo of 0.21 for Eros. It is suggested either that the circle should be warped into an ellipse of dimensions 21 by 13 km, or, if some weight is given to the critical negative observation and the westernmost positive observation, that the profile is a kind of dumbbell.  相似文献   

We investigated the stable area for fictive Trojan asteroids around Neptune’s Lagrangean equilibrium points with respect to their semimajor axis and inclination. To get a first impression of the stability region we derived a symplectic mapping for the circular and the elliptic planar restricted three body problem. The dynamical model for the numerical integrations was the outer Solar system with the Sun and the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. To understand the dynamics of the region around L 4 and L 5 for the Neptune Trojans we also used eight different dynamical models (from the elliptic problem to the full outer Solar system model with all giant planets) and compared the results with respect to the largeness and shape of the stable region. Their dependence on the initial inclinations (0° < i < 70°) of the Trojans’ orbits could be established for all the eight models and showed the primary influence of Uranus. In addition we could show that an asymmetry of the regions around L 4 and L 5 is just an artifact of the different initial conditions.  相似文献   

Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and ground-based observations of Neptune from 1991 to 2000 show that Neptune's northern Great Dark Spots (NGDS) remained remarkably stable in latitude and longitudinal drift rate, in marked contrast to the 1989 southern Great Dark Spot (GDS), which moved continuously equatorward during 1989 and dissipated unseen during 1990. NGDS-32, discovered in October 1994 HST images, (H. B. Hammel et al., 1995, Science268, 1740-1742), stayed at ∼32°N from 1994 through at least 1996, and possibly through 2000. The second northern GDS (NGDS-15), discovered in August 1996 HST images, (L. A. Sromovsky et al. 2001, Icarus146, 459-488), appears to have existed as early as 8 March 1996 and remained near 15°N for the 16 months over which it was observed. NGDS-32 had a very uniform longitudinal drift rate averaging −36.28±0.04°/day from 10 October 1994 to 2 November 1995, and −35.84±0.02°/day from 1 September 1995 through 24 November 1995. A single circulation feature certainly exists during each of the first two periods, though it is not certain that it is the same feature. It is probable, but less certain, that only a single circulation feature was tracked during the 1996-1998 period, during which positions are consistent with a modulated drift rate averaging −35.401±0.001°/day, but with a peak-to-peak modulation of 1.5°/day with an ∼760-day period. If NDS-32 varied its drift rate in accord with the local latitudinal shear in the zonal wind, then all its drift-rate changes might be due to only ∼0.4° of latitudinal motion. The movement of NGDS-15 is also not consistent with a uniform longitudinal drift rate, but the nature of its variation cannot be estimated from the limited set of observations. The relatively stable latitudinal positions of both northern dark spots are not consistent with current numerical model calculations treating them as anticyclonic vortices in a region of uniform potential vorticity gradient (R. P. Lebeau and T. E. Dowling 1998, Icarus132, 239-265). Possible explanations include unresolved latitudinal structure in the zonal wind background or unaccounted-for variations in vertical stability structure.  相似文献   

Anthony Mallama 《Icarus》2007,187(2):620-622
Neptune will eclipse its satellite Nereid (Neptune II) on 2007 April 27 from 00 to 06 h UT and on 2008 April 21 from 12 to 17 h UT, with uncertainties of about 3 h; and a third eclipse may occur on 2009 April 17. These events offer unique opportunities for astrometric and geophysical measurement.  相似文献   

Observations of tilts of spectral lines in the spectrum of Uranus and Neptune yield the following rotational periods: “Uranus,” 24 ± 3 hr; “Neptune,” 22 ± 4 hr. Neptune is confirmed to rotate in a direct sense. The position angle of the pole of Uranus, projected onto the plane of the sky, is found to be 283 ± 4°. The value for Neptune is 32 ± 11°. These results agree with the direction of the pole of Uranus inferred from the common plane of its four brightest satellites and with the direction of the pole of Neptune as inferred from the precession of Triton's orbit. The rotational period of Uranus is found to be consistent with modern values of its optical and dynamical oblateness and the theory of solid-body rotation with hydrostatic equilibrium. This is barely the case for the period derived for Neptune and we suspect that future observations made under better seeing conditions may lead to a shorter rotation period between 15 and 18 hr. Because of a substantial difference between our results and those of earlier spectroscopic and photometric investigations we include an assessment of several previously published photometric studies and a new reduction of the original Lowell and Slipher spectroscopic plates of Uranus [Lowell Obs. Bull. 2, 17–18, 19–20 (1912)]. The early visual photometry of Campbell (Uranus) and Hall (Neptune) is found to be more satisfactorily accounted for by periods of 21.6 and 23.1 hr, respectively, than by the periods originally suggested by the observers. Our reduction of the Lowell and Slipher Uranus plates yields a period near 33 hr uncorrected for seeing. This value is consistent with the results based on the 4-m echelle date.  相似文献   

We have examined a wide range of physical, chemical, and thermal models of the atmosphere of Uranus. In that model, which we believe maximizes favorable conditions for the support of life [Weidenschilling and Lewis, Icarus20, 465–476 (1973)], we find the probability of growth of a contaminant terrestrial microorganisms to be nil. If, as is likely, conditions are even more extreme on Neptune, the probability of contamination of both of the outer planets Uranus and Neptune is nil. The Wiedenschilling and Lewis model guarantees the presence of water droplets through the temperature range 0 to 100°C; other published models add water liquid at higher temperatures or fail to provide liquid water at all within this temperature range. In this model the heavy elements (C, N, O, etc.) are enhanced in Uranus by a factor sufficient to form a deep massive cloud layer of aqueous ammonia solution droplets. We can estimate the probability of growth with respect to the following factors: the presence of stable liquid water, convection of parcels of atmosphere to lethally hot depths, solar energy sources reaching the water layer, organic molecular production by solar ultraviolet light, ammonia concentration at the water cloud level, ionic species distribution, and concentrations at the water cloud level. The evaluation of these factors suggests that most terrestrial life as we know it would be excluded on the basis of any one of them. We know of no organism that would be adapted to all the stringent Uranus conditions simultaneously. The discovery of even a single species of Earth organism that can survive or grow under allowable outer planetary conditions would establish new principles in biology.Titan, the methane-rich moon of Saturn, may be more hospitable for terrestrial organisms than any of the other objects of the outer solar system. Even there we see formidable barriers to the growth of an Earth organism in Titan's atmosphere. We recognize that revision of our views concerning Titan must occur as more is learned about this satellite.We advocate the abandonment, in principle, of the probabilistic approach to the estimation of growth of terrestrial organisms on spacecraft, planets, and satellites in the solar system. We do not support an approach which estimates probabilities of qualitatively unknown phenomena. We recommend a strategy which involves identification and intensive study of those organisms most likely to thrive under known conditions for each of the planets respectively. (Unknown environmental conditions may be allowed to vary optimally.) Some explicit areas for Earth-based experimentation are indicated.  相似文献   

The occultation of KME 17 by Uranus and its rings was observed with the 1.8-m telescope at SAAO through a K filter with an InSb detector on 25 March 1983. Immersion of the nine main rings and the emersion of rings, 5, 4, α, and β were recorded in the nonchopping mode. A diffracted square-well model was fitted to the data, and the midtime, width, and equivalent depth were determined for each profile. The profile model also includes the diameter of the occulted star as a free parameter, and an average of the narrow ring results yields 0.096 ± 0.005 milliarcsec for the angular diameter of KME 17, under the assumption of a fully darkened disk. The immersion and emersion atmospheric events give mean temperatures of 166 ± 15 and 149 ± 15°K within the pressure altitude range 1–10 μbar. Photometry in the JHKL bands for KME 17 and other stars previously occulted by the Uranian rings is presented.  相似文献   

S.K. Atreya  T.M. Donahue 《Icarus》1975,24(3):358-362
Model ionospheres are calculated for Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Protons are the major ions above 150 km altitude measured from a reference level where the hydrogen density is 1 × 1016 molecules cm?3, while below 150 km quick conversion of protons to H3+ ions by a three-body association mechanism leads to a rapid removal of ionization in dissociative recombination of H3+. Electron density maxima are found at about 260 km for Saturn and Uranus and 200 km for Neptune. Present knowledge of the physical and chemical processes in the atmospheres of these planets suggests that their ionospheres probably will not be Jupiter-like.  相似文献   

We present Strömgren b (472-nm) and y (551-nm) photometry of Neptune based on photoelectric measurements obtained at every apparition from 1972 to 2000. Neptune has brightened by 11% in b and 10% in y since 1980 with most of the increase occurring after 1990. By appending b data to published B magnitudes measured at Lowell from 1950 to 1966 and transformed to b, we show that Neptune is now brighter than at any time during the past half century. The nature of the year-to-year variations changed around 1990 when a steady rising trend overshadowed what appeared to be an inverse correlation with cyclic solar activity. By matching observations in b and y with near-infrared J (1.2-μm) and K (2.2-μm) photometry before, during, and after Neptune's 1976 infrared outburst, we show that the pattern of visible albedo variation parallels the infrared variation but with an amplitude 20-50 times smaller. A detailed comparison of photometry with ground-based and Voyager images at visible and red wavelengths during the 1989 Voyager encounter shows that small brightness variations occur when large discrete features rotate across Neptune's disk. This provides a rough association between visible features and photometric effects that we use to infer the state of Neptune's atmosphere for years when only photometry was available. A year-by-year analysis of variance of the photometry suggests that the 1976 and 1986-1989 infrared outbursts were isolated episodes of unusually vigorous atmospheric activity. Detrended magnitudes of Neptune are correlated with solar activity over the entire 29-year interval as well as 22-year subintervals, with solar UV now being favored as a causative mechanism rather than solar modulated galactic cosmic rays.  相似文献   

We analyzed a data cube of Neptune acquired with the Hubble STIS spectrograph on August 3, 2003. The data covered the full afternoon hemisphere at 0.1 arcsec spatial resolution between 300 and 1000 nm wavelength at 1 nm resolution. Navigation was accurate to 0.004 arcsec and 0.05 nm. We constrained the vertical aerosol structure with radiative transfer calculations. Ultraviolet data confirmed the presence of a stratospheric haze of optical depth 0.04 at 370 nm wavelength. Bright, discrete clouds, most abundant near latitudes −40° and 30°, had their top near the tropopause. They covered 1.7% of the observed disk if they were optically thick. The methane abundance above the cloud tops was 0.0026 and 0.0017 km-am for southern and northern clouds, respectively, identical to earlier observations by Sromovsky et al. (Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Dowling, T.E., Baines, K.H., Limaye, S.S., [2001b]. Icarus 149, 459-488). Aside from these clouds, the upper troposphere was essentially clear. Below the 1.4-bar layer, a vertically uniform haze extended at least down to 10 bars with optical depth of 0.10-0.16/bar, depending on the latitude. Haze particles were bright at wavelengths above 600 nm, but darkened toward the ultraviolet, at the equator more so than at mid and high latitudes. A dark band near −60° latitude was caused by a 0.01 decrease of the single scattering albedo in the visible, which was close to unity. A comparison of methane and hydrogen absorptions contradicted the current view that methane is uniformly mixed in latitude and altitude below the ∼1.5-bar layer. The 0.04 ± 0.01 methane mixing ratio is only uniform at low latitudes. At high southern latitudes, it is depressed roughly between the 1.2 and 3.3-bar layers compared to low-latitude values. The maximum depression factor is ∼2.7 at 1.8 bars. We present models with 2° latitude sampling across the full sunlit globe that fit the observed reflectivities to 2.8% rms.  相似文献   

The occultation of AG+29°398 by 93 Minerva on 22 November 1982 was successflly observed at 10 sites. The data are best fitted by a circular limb profile having a diameter of 170.8 ± 1.4 km, a value that agrees well with the published radiometric diameter for this asteriod. However, evidence of significant departure from a spherical shape is found in the occultation observations and in photometric measurements of Minerva made at Lowell Observatory over several months. Additional observations are needed to specify definitively the three-dimensional figure of Minerva.  相似文献   

Giant planet formation process is still not completely understood. The current most accepted paradigm, the core instability model, explains several observed properties of the Solar System’s giant planets but, to date, has faced difficulties to account for a formation time shorter than the observational estimates of protoplanetary disks’ lifetimes, especially for the cases of Uranus and Neptune. In the context of this model, and considering a recently proposed primordial Solar System orbital structure, we performed numerical calculations of giant planet formation. Our results show that if accreted planetesimals follow a size distribution in which most of the mass lies in 30-100 m sized bodies, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune may have formed according to the nucleated instability scenario. The formation of each planet occurs within the time constraints and they end up with core masses in good agreement with present estimations.  相似文献   

Pluto and the chaotic satellite system of Neptune may have originated from a single encounter of Neptune with a massive solar system body. A series of numerical experiments has been carried out to try to set limits on the circumstances of such an encounter. These experiments show that orbits very much like those of Pluto, Triton, and Nereid can result from a single close encounter of such a body with Neptune. The implied mass range and encounter velocities limit the source of the encountering body to a former trans-Neptunian planet in the 2- to 5-Earth-mass range.  相似文献   

Observations of the occultation of 28 Sgr by Titan are presented. Apparently being located close to the central line of the occultation track, a double peaked central flash was observed. Some characteristic times of the phenomenon are given.  相似文献   

Plausible models for the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune are reviewed. Current ideas favor the presence of massive atmospheres above solid cores. Observations of Uranus imply the presence of a visible cloud layer (probably composed of solid methane) beneath about 100 km amagats of hydrogen. A number of other cloud layers far below this upper layer are also possible. However, before any of these conclusions can be considered firm, a number of further crucial observations are required.  相似文献   

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