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传统人工测量方法进行地铁变形监测具有低效率、时间滞后性等缺点。为了实时掌握地铁隧道结构变形并对变形趋势进行分析预报、辅助决策,结合传感器式液体静力水准仪、测量机器人ATR功能、无线通讯技术、计算机技术和数据库技术等,针对地铁保护区监测项目,设计出比较智能的自动化变形监测系统。研究表明,该系统自动化监测精度较高,能准确反映隧道结构变形特征,大大提高了监测效率。系统实现了监测数据获取、传输、分析、预测、成果输出等一系列功能,是一个较为成功的自动化监测平台。  相似文献   

陈寿辙 《北京测绘》2017,(6):111-113
GNSS自动化监测系统具有数据实时采集、实时发送与实时分析等特点,节省了人力与物力,提高了对变形体监测和分析的效率,其在矿区开采沉陷监测中的应用弥补了传统方式受地形影响大、费力费时、不易自动化等缺点。本文针对GNSS自动化监测系统可全天候观测、易于实现全系统的自动化、精度可靠等优势,并结合生产实践,对基于GNSS技术的矿区开采沉陷自动化监测系统的应用情况进行了探讨。  相似文献   

针对远程化自动化变形监测的特点,研究开发了卫星一机多天线(GNSS multi-antenna)远程监测系统。研究和讨论了系统的设计和开发技术,以及监测数据最小二乘拟合处理与分析方法。在京承高速高边坡监测中的应用表明,本系统用于高边坡远程监测可行,监测数据处理方法可靠,可作为高速公路、铁路、大坝等远程监测的重要技术方法。  相似文献   

李卫海  陈丽佳 《测绘通报》2018,(6):135-138,152
城市电力隧道具有结构多样、截面尺寸小、设施多、电磁干扰大等特点,在运营期间,采用传统测量方法进行变形监测费时费力,难以保证监测精度,需要推进智能化监测。光纤传感技术的应用逐渐成为行业应用的新趋势,但采用光纤传感技术在小截面隧道变形监测中应用成果鲜见。本文结合实际,研发了基于光纤传感技术的电力隧道自动化变形监测系统,应用结果表明,该系统实现了无线传输、自动化、高精度、实时采集数据、分析和预警等功能,极大地提高了工作效率,降低了运营和维护成本,对于其他类似变形监测需求具有较高的应用和参考价值。  相似文献   

四川雅安滑坡自动化远程监测系统示范工程   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
主要介绍在中国四川雅安峡口滑坡示范区建设的滑坡监测自动化远程监测系统。系统通过各种野外传感设备采集监测数据并通过北斗一号卫星通信机传送到监测分析中心,实现24小时无人值守的自动化监测。重点阐述滑坡自动监测系统的结构组成和功能,以及利用北斗一号卫星通信技术在雅安滑坡自动化监测示范系统中的工程应用实例,对其他地质灾害监测的信息化工程具有典型示范意义。  相似文献   

静力水准自动化监测系统具有精度高、自动化性能好、可实时监测等特点,在自动化监测领域得到广泛的应用。本文结合港珠澳大桥拱北隧道静力水准自动化监测项目的应用实践,对静力水准自动化监测系统的测量原理、现场安装方法、系统调试、数据采集与分析及监测精度等方面进行了论述。从工程的完成情况及数据反映来看,静力水准自动化监测系统的应用取得了较好的成果,可以较稳定地替代人工进行施工期内的隧道监测。  相似文献   

论述了地铁保护区自动化监测的原理和方法。结合某地铁保护区自动化监测实例,介绍了运营期地铁隧道结构多方位、实时化的信息获取技术,并将自动化静力水准测控系统获取的沉降数据与自动化全站仪测控系统获取的水平位移数据结合人工监测数据进行对比。结果表明,自动化静力水准测控系统获得的沉降数据与自动化全站仪测控系统获得的数据均有较高精度,满足地铁保护区自动化监测的要求,具有良好应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

社会的进一步发展,促使现阶段的建筑工程数量、类型不断增加,深基坑监测作为一种较为常见的施工内容,为了保证监测质量,自动化监测系统应用越来越多。本文介绍了自动化监测系统在深基坑监测中的应用,分析了全站仪自动化监测系统的精度,验证了自动化监测系统在深基坑监测中的可靠性,并结合项目实际,应用全站仪实现了多方位变形检测,检测数据精准可靠,可以满足大城市中的深基坑监测任务,并且抗干扰能力以及适应性较为突出,可为相关监测项目提供理论和实践参考。  相似文献   

针对地下工程变形监测特点,在物联网三层架构技术和测量机器人技术的基础上,以C#编程语言和SQL sever数据库为开发平台,借助GeoCOM开发包,通过远程控制测量机器人对地下工程进行自动化变形监测工作。在物联网三层技术架构自动化变形监测系统应用服务层中,介绍了提高数据处理精度的实时差分技术原理和围岩净空收敛分析方法。成功地将物联网技术应用在变形监测领域,保证了地下工程的安全服务;而这一系统设计思想更可为同类工程安全监测提供参考。  相似文献   

正传统的人工监测已经无法满足社会对安全越来越高的要求。而具有自动目标照准功能的全站仪的出现及各种不同类型的岩土传感器的发展,为实现变形监测自动化提供了有利条件,基于自动化的变形监测系统的研究和开发也相继展开。一、自动化监测系统的构成自动化变形监测系统主要由硬件部分(全站仪、棱镜组、各类型传感器、控制电脑、微型控制单元MCU、信号传输单元等)和软件部分(自动化数据采  相似文献   

基于GPS卫星测量的远距离滑坡监测应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用GPS进行远距监控滑坡区并做适用性的评估研究,整合系统中含供电系统(室内及室外电源设置)、无线传输(利用GSM传输)、GPS资料后处理软件及监控软件等。所组合的系统将应用在某滑坡区,进行长时间持续监测。试验方式包含现场模拟试验、滑坡模拟测试,同时以远近两不同距离的主控站来评估此监测系统因基线长短不同所造成的精度影响,以期能通过此研究提出GPS监测系统设置的经验。根据研究成果指出,GPS监测系统应用在滑坡监测上可行,利用无线传输(GSM)可成功将现场的资料传给远程的操作者。试验结果显示,利用近基站观测可提高观测的精度及解算的成功率,但不论在远基线或近基线的试验,GPS监测系统的精度均可达到公分等级。  相似文献   

对农产品物流的监控可以及时发现农产品在流通环节的问题。结合无线传感网(WSN)技术、GIS技术、GPS技术、RFID技术,集成成熟的无线通信和数据库技术,构建可视化、智能化、通用的农产品物流监控系统,为物流链管理者提供便捷、全面的监控体系。本文介绍了系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

北斗导航系统正在为亚太地区提供服务,并将逐步实现全球覆盖,未来将在测绘、交通、监测等众多领域发挥重要作用。本文主要探讨BD/GPS双模高精度定位,并以广东省清远市飞来峡大坝为例,设计形变监测网,集成Zigbee无线传感网,形成自动化形变监测系统,对比分析BD/GPS双模和GPS单模两种定位模式下监测网的可发现最小形变位移的能力,结果表明:BD/GPS双模定位更有利于提高监测网的监测能力。  相似文献   

针对复杂区域探测困难、成本较高的问题,设计了一款基于全球卫星导航系统的具有自主巡航功能的环境探测四足爬行机器人及远程监测系统,该机器人以嵌入式STM32F429IGT6芯片作为主控CPU,搭载GPS/北斗定位模块及无线通讯模块,使机器人可以实现自主巡航和自动调节路线.该机器人配备的多种传感器模块可以实现对环境温湿度、风速等参数的采集,同时将收集到的数据进行分析、处理和发送.基于该功能开发的监测系统可以实现对机器人的实时监测,包括运动轨迹和位置信息,并通过无线网络对机器人发送控制指令,实现远程遥控功能.实验结果表明,该自主巡航机器人及其监测系统能够实现精确定位和路线实时调整,提高了机器人探测工作的精准性.   相似文献   

The location requirements for emergency callers outside urban areas can hardly be fulfilled without global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Consequently, interest in positioning techniques based on use of a GNSS such as GPS or on the cellular network infrastructure itself is growing rapidly in the mobile-telephone community. Moreover, the increasing demand for commercial location-based services (LBS) has driven cellular-phone and network manufacturers to focus on positioning solutions which are even more accurate than the regulatory mandates for positioning of emergency callers. One example of these upcoming LBS is our PARAMOUNT project, which aims at improving user-friendly info-mobility services for hikers and mountaineers by combining wireless communications (GMTS), satellite navigation (GNSS) and geographic information systems (GIS), based on a mobile client/server architecture. The availability of mobile phones or PDAs with combined GNSS and cellular network-based wireless communication on a high integration level is one primary demand of such LBS applications. Based on this, we will give some initial answers to the question of whether mobile handset architecture synergies exist for the combination of GNSS with wireless location in CDMA cellular wireless networks. In order to identify synergies, we will outline similarities and differences between wireless communication and satellite navigation. In this respect, we pay particular attention to the so-called RAKE receiver architecture employed in mobile CDMA cellular handsets. Our initial investigations will show that the RAKE receiver architecture, on which mobile CDMA cellular handsets are based, will most likely be the one most suitable for achieving synergies between the two positioning techniques within the same mobile handset architecture. Consequently, several receiver components could be used to handle both types of signals (navigation and communications), resulting in a reduction of manufacturing costs and in a decrease in energy consumption. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

基于“北斗一号”导航卫星通讯的滑坡实时监测系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了基于中国北斗一号导航通信卫星技术建立的滑坡实时监测系统。该系统由“野外信息采集监测站”、“数字化滑坡自动监测点”、“北斗导航卫星通信系统”和“地质灾害监测分析中心”四大组成部分。在我国有线和GPRS等通讯设施不发达地区,采用基于北斗卫星通讯技术进行滑坡等野外监测数据传输是一种有效的方式。  相似文献   

随着社会科技和信息化测绘的发展,大型工程安全监测的方法和手段也在飞速地发展,体现在了测量机器人、电子水准仪、GPS、网络通讯、传感器等测量技术的综合应用。国内基于物联网技术的工程监测预警系统也是随着安全监测与信息技术发展起来的。本文提出了在以大地测量仪器和物理学传感器为感知层,以GPRS/CDMA和互联网为网络层,以集成化的数据中心软件和网络数据库为应用层的基础上,设计开发了网络化自动监测预警系统。该系统集数据采集、数据处理、数据管理、数据分析和数据发布等功能于一体,是物联网和网络通讯完美结合下的物联网监测信息系统。  相似文献   

High-altitude platforms (HAPs) are a flexible and attractive technology for providing innovative wireless services. These aerial platforms can be successfully employed for mobile or broadband communications and for disaster monitoring or response. However, one of the open issues is whether HAP stations can provide reliable services without temporal outages owing to stratospheric winds that can cause positional and attitude instabilities thus affecting the communication system operation. To counteract this issue, one possible solution is to use reconfigurable antennas whose pointing direction can be adjusted depending on the platform spatial orientation. However, this would require real-time three-axial attitude data. As a possible solution, this paper will review the potential of GNSS-based attitude determination systems with reference to HAP stations. In particular, it will be shown how the use of a particular class of low multipath and lightweight antennas can provide a high degree of accuracy without altering the avionic ballast.  相似文献   

With the progress of mobile GIS technology there is a great potential for adopting wireless communications and Internet mapping services for regional environmental management programs and natural habitat conservation. This paper provides an overview of a NASA-funded research project that focuses on the development of mobile GIS tools and wireless Internet Map Server (IMS) services to facilitate environmental monitoring and management tasks. By developing and testing wireless web-based map/image servers, mobile GIS applications, and global positional systems (GPS), this research created an integrated software/hardware infrastructure for a prototype mobile GIS application. The mobile GIS prototype allows multiple resource managers and park rangers to access large-size, remotely sensed images and GIS layers from a portable web server mounted in a vehicle. Users can conduct real-time spatial data updates and/or submit changes back to the web server over the wireless local area network (WLAN). This paper discusses in general the major components of mobile GIS, their current technological limitations, and potential problems during implementation. Key research agenda for mobile GIS are identified with suggestions for future research and development.  相似文献   

Effects of rapidly changing ionospheric weather are critical in high accuracy positioning, navigation, and communication applications. A system used to construct the global total electron content (TEC) distribution for monitoring the ionospheric weather in near-real time is needed in the modern society. Here we build the TEC map named Taiwan Ionosphere Group for Education and Research (TIGER) Global Ionospheric Map (GIM) from observations of ground-based GNSS receivers and space-based FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F3/C) GPS radio occultation observations using the spherical harmonic expansion and Kalman filter update formula. The TIGER GIM (TGIM) will be published in near-real time of 4-h delay with a spatial resolution of 2.5° in latitude and 5° in longitude and a high temporal resolution of every 5 min. The F3/C TEC results in an improvement on the GIM of about 15.5%, especially over the ocean areas. The TGIM highly correlates with the GIMs published by other international organizations. Therefore, the routinely published TGIM in near-real time is not only for communication, positioning, and navigation applications but also for monitoring and scientific study of ionospheric weathers, such as magnetic storms and seismo-ionospheric anomalies.  相似文献   

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